#ml truth spoilers
theluckiestlb · 1 year
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girl...WHEN??? WHERE????
what are you talking about???? when you kept him isolated for 14 years??? when you robbed him of bodily autonomy???? when you exposed him to his mother's corpse to akumatize him, TWICE????
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wait, wait—OH you mean when he was terrified for his life, literally begging you to stop after you beat him up. my bad.
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no? OH, you mean when you forced him to leave the country and the love of his life.
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buggachat · 1 year
show!adrien would NEVER call a woman a "bitch". movie!adrien on the other hand....
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gale-gentlepenguin · 10 months
Movie!Gabriel saw Adrien as his son.
Show!Gabriel saw Adrien as a keepsake of Emilie.
This isn’t speculation, this is not a headcanon.
It is 100% fact.
The show writers may say otherwise, but that means nothing because it’s not what is conveyed.
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is-nino-actually-luka · 11 months
don't know if it's been pointed out but in the paris special, when we look at marinette's computer, only luka and nino are online... coincidence? I THINK NOT
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Looks like Marinette wasn't the only one messaging themself that night.
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katalist · 1 year
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I had some thoughts on the finale.
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australet789 · 2 days
Can't believe the London Special is going to be
"Yeah, Marinette had to lie to Adrien about his dad being a terrorist because the kid is still not mentally stable enough to handle the truth and he fucked destroyed the world once again"
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thecapturedafrique · 11 months
When you’re reading the latest chapter of @coffeebanana’s awesome fic everything i know (brings me back to us) and suddenly realize that Marinette lying about Gabe to Adrien at the end of S5 is just a repeat of the scarf incident in S1:
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ninadove · 1 year
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This is how their conversation went, right?
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lunar-fey · 11 months
sorry in advance for the person i will become when missing link comes out. btw
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If the person in the end of the episode turns out to be Amelie instead of Emilie, can I just say how much more messed up that would make the ending?!?!
Gabriel at the end, talks a big game about how much he regrets his past actions, about how he lost himself. But then after all this, he still makes the wish, a wish that we aren’t made privy to the exact nature of.
Gabriel, practically during the entire show, has spoken of how he misses Emilie, of how he wants her to return. However, the way he behaves right before he makes the wish seems to imply that he wish would be made for Adrien’s benefit.
The show purposely makes it ambiguous as to whether or not Gabriel wished for him to replace Emilie or for him to join Emilie, with Nathalie taking his place.
The very fact that Nathalie does come back would seem to implicate the latter, as her life would have needed to be exchanged for something as well.
If it is Amelie at the pool party and Gabriel did indeed make a wish to join Emilie, that would only prove further just how selfish and negligent of a father he really was. All Gabriel was looking out for was his own interests. He didn’t care if Adrien still had someone around to care for him, he couldn’t even bother to try to fill the role himself.
If Gabriel didn’t bring back Emilie, all the ending showed was that he learned nothing, he’s still an awful and abusive parent, and he received a redemption from Paris that he didn’t actually deserve.
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asukiess · 2 years
okay but it’s CLEAR Marinette’s hang ups about dating stem from:
From S4, believing she cannot date because her partner could never know why she has to randomly dart off at times. the toll of being a guardian and superhero (i.e never being able to go home and vent to the person you love). it puts them in direct danger (Monarch, akumas).
Re: above, she believes from Chat Blanc that Adrien simply knew she was Ladybug and “blabbed” and it somehow caused her beloved partner in crime, Chat Noir, to become Blanc and destroy the world.
So now, the guy she’s been in love with, Adrien, is finally into her. But so much is at stake now, and she’s got these confusing feelings for Chat Noir, including, if we speculate if those dream sequences are from Jubilation, that kiss - wedding scene.
And she’s got to put being Ladybug, the Guardian, in the forefront of all of that. She can’t risk losing Adrien or Chat Noir like that. So, this is my theory as to why Marinette says “No, I do not” to Adrien regarding his love. This shit is tearing her up.
Honestly, tangentially, it reminds me of the Sailor Moon movie Black Dream Hole. Usagi wants literally nothing else to be with Mamoru, just her and him, without chibimoon. She’s captured in a dream, and Dream Mamoru is hugging her, being intimate, telling her to stop fighting and to be with him, it’s okay if Chibimoon sleeps (IIRC, dies lmao). Basically, telling her everything she ever wants to be told: she’s the most important person to him. But Usagi puts being a senshi first, and says to him sadly, “you’re just as gorgeous in my dreams.” And tears herself away.
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geekgirles · 2 years
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aliciedraws · 1 year
Ml Recreation spoilers
I know there’s a ton of ambiguity and unanswered questions, but I will believe it will all be addressed in the new season. I refuse to jump on the hate right now about people calling the season finale terrible 😭. Yea the show is definitely flawed and the storytelling could use serious improvement, but I never had high expectations in the first place so I’m just happy with what crumbs were given lmao
Bug Noir is 👏🏻
Tikki and Plaggs true form was 👏🏻
Bug noir did not hesitate to whoop his ass for good 👏🏻
Please more adrien/CN in season 6 please please please pleassseeeee
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Alright I’m gonna say it.
I know people defending the finale of season 5 reason for Adrien not being there have the main defense of “Chat Blanc and Ephemeral” as why story wise Adrien shouldn’t have been involved in the final confrontation.
Not only do I think those are weak arguments, Season 5 has so many different conditions from the other two seasons, including the growth of Marinette and Adrien. Plus with Gabriel dying that’s a whole new variable to be considered. The situational variables don’t line up as a proper explanation. It’s a shoddy reasoning at best.
But the nail in the coffin of the arguments are the fact that Gabriel got the wish.
In both ephemeral and Re-creation he got his wish.
And y’all are telling me that Adrien being involved would have made things worse?
Nah, sorry. I don’t buy it.
(But Adrien could be controlled)
Yes, and it would make it BETTER!
Imagine the final fight, Adrien being forced to fight bug noire.
Oh the angst! The suspense.
So many things for this finale that could have been done. But weren’t.
The only reason I can THINK that has any merit to having Adrien not be involved is for drama later, but it’s not really set up for that and until season 6 is out and shows potential of it… it’s straight up Copium.
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Oh so when Lila reveals that she has a double life, no one bats an eye! But when I, innocent tumblr user is-nino-actually-luka, say something-
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xhanisai · 2 years
You know what I really like about Adrien distracting himself from horrible events and trauma by always focusing on his future wife Maribug and trying to woo her?
It's that once Gabriel gets caught and revealed as Monarque, Adrien isn't going to run away to idk London because he can't cope with the pain.
He'll be persistent to finally wed his Lady immediately because why face all the bad shit when you can vibe with your badass, unhinged and thirsty wifebug?
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