#mj and i ... could write an essay on theater pet peeves
solestarlet · 7 years
mj has never claimed to be the most ... stable human being. she certainly is volatile and feisty, and that has a lot to do with her home environment -- one, because her family could never stay in one place for long and two, because her home was never a safe space to begin with. mj very much feels that she has to fight for herself, fight for everything that she has. she's strong, and perfectly capable of taking care of herself -- she can take care of herself. that's what she's done all her life, right ? 
' if no one is going to stand up for you, you have to be your own best advocate. ' 
but, the truth is, mj can't take care of herself -- at least, not all on her own. she needs to have other people around her, because when she's just on her own, that's when she self destructs. it's the people in her life -- aunt anna, peter, harry, felicia, gwen -- who have shaped her into becoming a better person, a better version of herself. they keep her on track, they allow her to see that there is still good left inside of her. mj now sees a future and has dreams that were never possible to her before -- and that gives her so much hope to keep moving forward. 
ϡ ;; a MENTAL STATE headcanon !
oh, my gosh. honestly, all her pet peeves come into play at theater ? this video by tyler mount sums it up ( highly recommended because ... it's so true ) but what really ticks mj off is when people use cell phones in the theater ! it's incredibly disrespectful, and she could go on a full day rant about how people should ! not ! use ! their ! cell ! phones ! in the theater ! is it really that hard to put your phone down when you've got a show playing out in front of you ? bright screens distract everybody ! other rude behaviors, like people waltzing into the theater forty - five minutes late and chatting during the show, also make mj want to scream. 
on a non - theater note, mj also hates it when people leave their gum in disgusting spots ... like on subway seats, or on the bottoms of desks, or god forbid, just dropping it on the street for someone to step on. is it that hard to, i don't know, throw your gum away like a normal human being ? 
✄ ;; a PET PEEVE headcanon ! 
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