#miyabi ouka
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berserkerbarbie · 2 years ago
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🛒| All non stage photos of Kacha in ザ・タカラヅカ IV 宙組特集 
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jetsoday · 1 year ago
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dream-dragon · 6 years ago
Okay, this is a good time to read TakaWiki and to learn interesting things from the profiles of the 105th class.
Hoshikaze Nana, a Hoshigumi musumeyaku, would like to play Omitsu from “Kawagiri Bridge” - that’s Kodama Ai’s role! I find it interesting when they have favorites from really old shows. She also plays violin and collects cosmetic tools.
Hitomi Kirari, another Hoshigumi musumeyaku, wants to play Christine from Phantom which is admirable but less surprising. But I still like that she has definite ideas, not just “would like to play various roles”
Hanato Hikari, a Hanagumi otokoyaku, plays cello - I have a celloist in the family so I am partial to that. SHe also does Awa dance - a multitalented woman.
Hanagumi musumeyaku Hoshizora Misaki has reading for a hobby - my kind of person! And her special talent is unicycle.
The special talents of Tsukigumi musumeyaku Kanaha Mio are grabbing snacks and using eyedrops. That’s... surprisingly useful. Clearly a person you’d want as a partner in crime. ;)
Hoshigumi otokoyaku Kishou Kazuto collects Hawaiian items and is nicknamed Maui. In a surprising twist of events, Yukigumi otokoyaku Kishiro Yuriya also collects Hawaiian items. Do they exchange repeat samples in their collections? Do they compete for interesting stuff? I shall probably never know.
The special ability of Kisui Naoto, another Yukigumi otokoyaku, is her ability to sleep anywhere. Did they check that at her entrance exam? “You, go to sleep now! *poke* Okay, you can wake up, you’re accepted - you’ll fit in very well!”
The special talent of Kohana Uta, a Hanagumi musumeyaku, is high jumps, but mostly I just like her name, because it sounds like the word “beloved” in Ukrainian and Polish.
Kotomine Saara, a Yukigumi musumeyaku, has watching Takarazuka as her hobby. She wants to play Juliette from RomiJuri and one of her nicknames is Koala. It’s a good combination *imagines a koala Juliette hanging from the balcony* She has a competitor, though - Neiro Yui, another Yukigumi musumeyaku, also wants to play Juliette, and she’s top of her class (and has reading and reciting English as her special talent)
Hanagumi musumeyaku Marena Yui has core body training as her hobby, high kicks as her special talent and collects little things with ballerinas. This all fits together somehow.
Hanagumi otokoyaku Misora Maru collects comfortable loungewear, can move her eyebrows and play ukulele, loves to laugh with her friends and wants to play everything in MeMy. This also fits together somehow.
Tsukigumi otokoyaku Nanashiro Miyabi collects button-up shirts and loves to gaze at the Mukogawa river. Now I keep imagining her in a SkyStage video, walking romantically along the river in her button-up shirt.
The special talent of Ouka Rurina, a Hoshigumi musumeyaku, is imitating vegetables. I want to see that!
The special talent of Tsukigumi musumeyaku Shizune Hotaru is obstacle courses.
And I thought no one would have anything interesting to say about their names, and then I found Taiki Hayate, a Hoshigumi otokoyaku, whose name apparently is suggesting us the image of “a pegasus filled with hope flying around like a swift wind over the great plains“. Good idea, I approve. As for roles, she especially wants to sing “Ai Areba Koso”, otherwise anything’s good.
All in all, an excellent class, as usual!
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