pensomaniac · 6 years
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For the next prompt of #letterloveparty we are supposed to letter a pun and I was going through Pinterest for that because I am not a very funny person and I saw this...my sister said it is an amazing pun, so I was sure about it even more. Menstrual problems are not acknowledged in India the way they should be.. menstruation is not a disease a woman goes thorough, it is an essential phase in a woman's life. In India menstruation = taboo, impurity, difficult phase and what not. Amidst this bullshit the real problem remains undiscussed and unsolved. Women go through a lot of hormonal changes when they are menstruating/ starting to menstruate/or at menopause, which subjects them to mood swings,ill temper, fatigue and a lot of other problems and sometimes even premenstrual syndrome can develop which is abnormal behavioural and bodily symptoms before the onset of menses. It is important for women to be aware of the changes taking place in their bodies and report to a doctor if things don't seem well. I hope people reading this will get aware of these facts and help in spreading it too.. #letterloveparty #letteringgram #menstruation #menstrualawareness #letterslove #letteringblr #letteringchallengepractice #letteringchallenge #letteringco #letteringcommunity #letteringindia #calligraphybeginner #indianart #indianlettering #handlettering #moderncalligraphy #mixingfonts #letteringjournal #letteringquotesoftheday #letteringpuns #menses #womenhealth #healthywomen #womenhealthawareness
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drivenoutside · 6 years
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All my type is set. I need to go back and fix some flipped letters and correct my awesome spelling, but closer to making a few broadsides! #letterpress #typesetting #mixingfonts
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