#mitsumi also keeps being a precious little thing so nice to see her growing and making friends
haasegawa · 1 year
What is it with skip to loafer ALWAYS managing to make me feel inexplicable things with all the cuteness???
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haasegawa · 1 year
Until someone stops me with my weekly skip to loafer thoughts dump I'm gonna keep doing it ok?
And yeah I'm feeling like a broken record already but while last week's ep was really nice 'cause I was having a hectic day and it centred me, today it's just a hard day. My GAD is peaking, I'm PMSing real bad, so I was on the verge of tears for no apparent reason when suddenly I realized that oh it's skip to loafer tuesday I'm gonna be happy from now on and watch it rn while I have my lunch, finally peace (then I proceed to spill sauce all over myself, but that's not the point).
The point is that ok I was already sensitized from the start but I haven't actually come close to crying with this anime until now, it was a really emotional ep for me and here are some of the reasons:
Remember when I said I find Egashira a bit annoying and that I didn't really get her? 'Course you don't, but I did say it and now I actually understand why I had those impressions of her: I am Egashira. And while I'm not getting into those details, Mika is probably the most relatable character 'till this point in the sense that she's the most openly flawed one. She judges people, she's very worried about her image and she expects a lot from herself so that affects all of her relationships and I finally understood this in ep 5. The way they gave us more bits of information on her childhood and previous school experiences, I was tearing up bad.
And not getting too further away from the first point, it was really nice seeing Egashira and Mitsumi interact in the new ep. It was definitely a breakthrough for their friendship in my point of view 'cause now they actually understand each other better (with emphasis on Egashira understanding Mitsumi better in a way that now she not only understands Mitsumi and Shima's friendship better but she also accepts Mitsumi and why Shima seems to always gravitate towards her).
Now to Shima: I've made it pretty clear since the start he is a precious being that has my whole heart, but it's amazing how they're slowing building his character through the eps and through other people's POVs. I just wanna know every little detail about him. Yeah Shima's pretty and he seems like a genuinely good person, but why is he genuinely worried about other people's feelings? What goes on with his family? Why did he wanna make his mother happy by acting? What's his problem with girls? Why is he so elusive? I. Need. To. Know. Everything.
And why do I need to know everything? Why is Shima so important? Because I wasn't popular, I wasn't the prettiest and I am definitely not as kind as Shima, but he's kinda lonely and, like I said, elusive. And those are things I know. Ep 5 just seemed to scream this and it did it specially by Egashira's POV.
With those ramblings, I can safely say that I am now part of Mika defense squad and I'd love to see more of her friendship with Shima because this ep, for me, was proof of how they can help each other grow.
On more happy thoughts, Mitsumi continues to be a little bean and every little YuzuMako appearance made me feel all warm and giddy, the braid scene was asghfajgsfdashdj I'm on the floor
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