#mitsuhiko fujisawa
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despair-to-future-arcs · 7 months ago
Damn now i'm a little worried on what Kanade's planning..
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*As then the 7 went up on stage...*
Women: So what about the music, any luck there?
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We will but anyway, thank you all for attending this meeting now today, we are going to talk about in regards the source of the music.
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Good news is that we were able to find the location of where the music is coming from!
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It's coming from Tokyo Radio Tower, pretty much where we use to work at but the problem is that we can't get through due to the violent mob around it.
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We had discuss of what to do but it's become difficult, but we did come up with a solution...
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We decided to ask Yoshi for help here, he suggested the idea of knock-out gas.
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Yeah it's gotta be really big in the area then we can start getting in there and shutting it down.
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Exactly and of course we need to make sure the helmets are remove too and then head to the tower to make sure the music is remove and destroy.
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However, the problem comes with those effected by the music, we still aren't sure what to do about that.
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And trust us, we did try to find a solution but Hibiki and Kanade came up with something.
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Indeed so will let the 2 talk... *they step aside as Hibiki and Kanade got on the mic*
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Heeey everyone, happy to hear from us, eh? Well it's time we introduce our idea or well, Kanade's idea!
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Which I'm sure you all will agree, anyway sis your up!
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Thank you everyone, now that we have your attention; I figure a solution to the problem regarding the music.
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Now I'm sure you all are aware that the music that the despair had use was created to control people also thanks to the food, broadcasting and various other effects and us along with Tornado are trying to find a solution.
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So I came up with an idea, that since the Tokyo Radio Tower is the source of the music, we could just...replace it with something else or in this cause Melody Rhythm and Tornado.
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replace it...? (I don't like the sound of this...)
Man: What... are you suggesting, are you saying we should use the same method the Despairs are using and reverse it?
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Well of course, my idea was that we use the helmets that the Despairs are using, use our music to help reverse the effects and make them stop killing and spreading despair, how does that sound?
Everyone: ...
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Yeah and it could make it easier for things to return to normal, besides I think given what the Despairs did, it does make sense, right?
Everyone: ......
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... (So she plans to reverse the effects of the music with more music towards hope, which is pretty extreme but a logical conclusion, still morally wrong...)
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deadscanlations · 6 years ago
The Wooden-Mortared Kingdom - Garo 20th Anniversary Memorial Issue  - VARIOUS
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Here’s a proper post for it. For Garo’s 20th anniversary, a massive anthology was put out collecting all of the authors that had been featured in the magazine up until then (at least it looks that way), haven’t verified). 1200 pages.
DDL Torrent (600dpi scans) Mangaupdates
Abe Shinichi AKASEGAWA Genpei AKI Ryuuzan AKIYAMA Shigenobu ANZAI Mizumaru ARAKI Nobuyoshi ARASHIYAMA Kouzaburou EBISU Yoshikazu FUJISAWA Mitsuo FURUKAWA Masuzou HAGA Yuka HANAWA Kazuichi HAYASHI Seiichi HIGO Tomiko HINO Hideshi HIRAKUCHI Hiromi HIRATA Hiroshi HISAUCHI Michio Hoshikawa Teppu IIKO Junzou IKEGAMI Ryoichi ISHII Hisaichi ITOI Shigesato IWAMOTO Kyuusoku KAMOSAWA Yuuji KANNO Osamu KATSUMATA Susumu KAWASAKI Yukio KIMURA Tsunehisa KOBAYASHI Norikazu KOJIMA Goseki KONDOU Youko Kou Shintaro KUSONOKI Shouhei MASUMURA Hiroshi MATSUMOTO Michiyo MATSUO Hiroshi MINAMI Shinbo MINEGISHI Toru MITSUHASHI Otoya MIURA Jun MIZUKI Shigeru MOMOTAROU Kotarou MORISHITA Hiromi MURANO Moribi NAGASHIMA Shinji NAKA Keiko NEMOTO Takashi OKUDAIRA Ira OSAWA Masaaki SAKURAI Shoichi SASAKI Maki Shimizu Satoshi SHIRATO Sanpei SUGIURA Hinako SUZUKI Oji SUZUKI Seijun SUZUKI Shigeru TAKAGI Jun TAKAYAMA Kazuo TAKITA Yuu TAMURA Shigeru TANI Hiroji Tashiro Tamekan TATSUMI Yoshihiro TERUHIKO Yumura TSUGE Tadao TSUGE Yoshiharu TSURITA Kuniko UESUGI Seibun WATANABE Kazuhiro WATARI Futoshi YAGUCHI Takao YAKUWA Masako YAMADA Murasaki YODOGAWA Sanpo YOSHIDA Mitsuhiko YOSHIDA Shouichi 
 タイトル : 木造モルタルの王国 : ガロ二〇年史 出版社 : 青林堂 初版発行日 : (昭和59年)1984年12月1日 ISBN : 4792601320 サイズ(函) : 縦23㎝ 横18㎝ サイズ(本) : 縦22㎝ 横16㎝ ページ数 : 1200ページ 備考 : 各作品の欄外に作者の経歴・コメント記載 収録作品  『ざしきわらし』 - 白土三平  『ねこ忍』 - 水木しげる  『海原の剣(武蔵の巻)』 - 諏訪栄(小島剛夕)  『顔の曲がった男の物語』 - 星川てっぷ  『真昼』 - 渡二十四  『愛 : 新釈武士道物語』 - 加治一生  『チーコ』 - つげ義春  『若草漫歩』 - 藤沢光男  『宇宙の出来事』 - 田代為寛  『夏』 - 池上遼一  『かかしにきいたかえるの話 : シリーズ・黄色い涙』 - 永島慎二  『六の宮姫子の悲劇』 - つりた・くにこ  『巨大な魚』 - 林静一  『どろ人形』 - 日野日出志  『海ほおずき』 - 仲圭子  『花あらしの頃 : 寺島町奇譚』 - 滝田ゆう  『長持唄考』 - 矢口高雄  『雨季(2)』 - つげ忠男  『わかれみち』 - 辰巳ヨシヒロ  『たこになった少年』 - 淀川さんぽ  『かんたろ月』 - 勝又進  『うらぶれ夜風』 - 川崎ゆきお  『雨の色』 - 鈴木翁二  『マツコおじちゃんの嘆き』 - 秋竜山  『ぼくのデブインコちゃん』 - 佐々木マキ  『無頼の面影』 - 安部慎一  『幻の少女・和小路伯爵邸のトラブル』 - 谷弘兒  『肉屋敷』 - 花輪和一  『北への旅人』 - 吉田昌一  『彩雪に舞う・・・・・・』 - 楠勝平  『おざ式』 - 赤瀬川源平  『「ガロ」第一期 : ガロの時代をひらく』 - 上野昂志  『再会』 - 増村博  『紫の伝説(イメージSTATION)』 - 古川益三  『��対休日』 - 秋山しげのぶ  『荒れた海辺』 - 安西水丸  『クシー君の発明』 - 鴨沢祐仁  『毆者(ボクサー)』 - 吉田光彦  『昇り凧』 - 村野守美  『ペンギンごはん』 - 湯村輝彦.糸井重里  『愛の嵐』 - 蛭子能収  『ぼくの弟』 - 糸井重里  『?』 - 南伸坊  『それからの岩本武蔵・怪談』 - 岩本久則  『ハリー氏のこと』 - 松尾ひろし  『愛妻記』 - ひさうち・みさお  『ギョーザ定食の昼』 - 平口広美  『お父さんのネジ』 - 渡辺和博  『長靴をはいた猫』 - 清水聰  『ものろおぐ』 - 近藤ようこ  『モダン・ラヴァーズ』 - 奥平衣良(奥平イラ)  『性悪猫』 - やまだ紫  『青春の汗は苦いぜ』 - 小林のりかず(小林のり一)  『夜行』 - 高山和雄  『ぷいさん村放送局』 - 八鍬真佐子  『五人だまし・道糞武士道 : 幻想の明治』 - 高信太郎  『怠屈な日』 - 泉昌之(和泉晴紀[作画].久住昌之[原作])  『K』 - 大澤正明  『海のお話』 - 滸太郎  『二つ枕(初音)』 - 杉浦日向子  『PHANTASMAGORIA』 - たむら・しげる  『野辺は無く』 - 三橋乙椰(シバ)  『少年』 - 森下裕美  『糸口』 - 松本充代  『ママと呼ばれて三ヶ月』 - 根本敬.高木順  『ローカル線の午後』 - 菅野修  『ホトホトなんぎなパパとママ』 - みうら・じゅん  『扁桃腺の夏』 - 峰岸達  『戻ってきた日』 - 肥後十三子  『スラップスキップ』 - いしい・ひさいち  『はぴー・ばーす・でい』 - 芳賀由香  『どうなってんの : イソップ式漫画講座』 - 水木しげる  『浪漫写真 : 私のアリス達』 - 荒木経惟  『図象の学習塾 : 肖像 イメージ選挙』 - 木村恒久  『目安箱 : 「書けないということについて』 - 上野昂志  『嵐山の人生相談』 - 嵐山光三郎  『重坊のスーパーマーケット : 悪評嘖々』 - 糸井重里  『劇画風雲録 : 嗚呼、貸本の灯は輝やいて』 - 桜井昌一  『連載随筆 : 夏と暴力』 - 鈴木清順  『白土三平論 : 英雄論』 - 石子順造  『清文入道のウンチク寄席』 - 上杉清文  『読者サロン』  『「ガロ」第二期 : 多様化・拡散の時代』 - 呉智英  『木造モルタルの王國の貴賓室』 ��木造モルタルの王国」によせて(※寄稿文.小冊子)  『「ガロ」有罪��』 - あがた森魚  『ガロはきっと大丈夫』 - 秋野等.井上章子  『二十年のランナーへ』 - 有川優  『(タイトルなし)』 - 岩家緑郎  『ガロには貧乏がよく似合う』 - いしかわじゅん  『(タイトルなし)』 - 糸川燿史  『「ガロ」は忘れない』 - 小野耕世  『とにもかくにも、エライ!!』 - 川崎徹  『すてきな可能性を持ったマンガの世界』 - 金子勝昭   『長井さんと苦労のこと』 - 川本コオ  『(タイトルなし)』 - 桑原甲子雄  『(タイトルなし)』 - 小島剛夕  『「ガロ」われらの聖森』 - 佐々木守  『大プロデューサー・プランナー 長井勝一さんへの手紙』 - 佐々木昭一郎  『(タイトルなし)』 - 末井昭  『(タイトルなし)』 - 杉本博道  『(タイトルなし)』 - 谷川晃一  『高校時代、文学、エロチシズム、思想の香りを味わっていた』 - 高取英  『(タイトルなし)』 - 高橋章子  『祝・開店20周年』 - 長新太  『(タイトルなし)』 - 竹宮恵子  『 『ガロ』に 』 - 鶴見俊輔  『きみよ』 - 堤任  『(タイトルなし)』 - 栃谷隆  『(タイトルなし)』 - 内記稔夫  『(タイトルなし)』 - 野本三吉  『(タイトルなし)』 - 萩尾望都  『(タイトルなし)』 - 原田三郎  『安倍慎一』 - 松岡博治  『(タイトルなし)』 - 松田哲夫  『(タイトルなし)』 - 村上知彦  『「ガロ」創刊20周年、本当にバンザイ!』 - 森田芳光  『青林堂はえらい』 - やなせ・たかし  『(タイトルなし)』 - 吉弘幸介  『(タイトルなし)』 - 四方田犬彦  『(タイトルなし)』 - 渡辺一衛
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despair-to-future-arcs · 13 days ago
Something fishy's going on I'll say that
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Your right, this is very strange; Private Inspector Chiebukuro mention she was going to stay an additional day in Hokkaido but yet I saw her leaving Headquarters...
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That is really weird, hey maybe you should call her and see what happen?
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*grabs her phone as she dials a number* Your right, I'll call her right now; this isn't making any sense at all...
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despair-to-future-arcs · 13 days ago
Ok, now let's go
*After Emma got onto the Elevator, she made it to the top floor*
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EMMA: Whew, good... we made it. Now to out of here!
*Emma walk out of the building and rush over to Hajime*
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So you got everything? Good, seems the guy just left and didn't seem to notice; nice work you 2.
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EMMA: Thanks Hajime, I swear I nearly had a heart attack; I thought he would of discover me but looks like he didn't.
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EMMA: Now that we are done here, we sure return back, right Mikado?
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Yes yes, good - we now got the documents for the participants and we can take our leave, we are done here!
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Yeah and good thing we got it, now we can decide who to take base on these documents...
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EMMA: Indeed and I can finally change out of this, I swear this wig has been hard to keep on but at least we're done, we can leave - we better get back...
*Emma and Hajime leave, meanwhile as Mitsuhiko walk down the street...*
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Oh hey Fuji, looks like your here. I suppose your here to check on something?
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Well... I was ask by Mr. Kagarin to check on some files since he was going to meet with other members and seeing as Mr. Kasai isn't good with computers so I figure I do it instead so I'm heading there right now.
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Also while I was walking here I did notice Private Inspector Chiebukuro leave headquarters a bit later when I came here... strange, I thought she was going to be in Hokkaido for the next few days...
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Huh...? No, I didn't see her was she in there...?
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Wait, you didn't...? That's...
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Strange... if she was going to come back, she would of told us but instead she say she was going to be there for an additional day... What's going on...?
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despair-to-future-arcs · 13 days ago
Well, he said that he spent par of his life in Austria. Maybe he ended up liking the Austrian food too much to go back to ramen.
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Oh right right, yeah he did mention that!
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Well, I guess when you live in another country you tend to eat different food and since he mention he was living there for nearly a decade, I can get why he can't go back.
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Eating ramen in the morning might not be good but I don't think it's that bad. Still, anyway uh... now where's that wallet...?
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Oh there it is! Damnit, I really should keep a hold of this thing, it's got a lot of IDs and stuff...
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Well, since I got it; I better get going, the guys are waiting for me...
*Mitsuhiko walk out of the room as heading to the elevator, Emma came out of hiding*
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EMMA: Well... that was close, at least we got what we came for...
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EMMA: So, did you get everything?
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Mhm, seems so - thanks to that, I was able to get all information for those that will be joining our lovely reenactment!
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But I think we should take our leave, we already wasted enough time here and I think our part is done.
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EMMA: Right right... at least he didn't notice I took one of the containers for knock-out gas but we should get going then...
*Emma walks over to the stairs as she quickly heads for the Elevator...*
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despair-to-future-arcs · 13 days ago
He’s a cutie!
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Huh? Oh uh, are you referring to me; uh... thanks sorry but I need to find my wallet, I remember leaving it here and want to get it back right now since we are going out for ramen...
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But Toshiro seems to not like the idea and think it's too early for it, not sure why he dislikes it since he did grow up in Japan.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 13 days ago
Emma, just grab Shinji's family info and we'll think something from there.
You need to run, now.
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EMMA: Wh-What?! Someone is coming here, Oh no no! This is bad, Mikado - hurry up, we need to get out before they come back here!
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Ho-Hold on, I... I need a moment to download this...!
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Okay okay, I got it I got it! Let's close the door and hide somewhere, they are going to show up any moment!
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*Emma grabs the USB which then she rushes for the door, closes it* EMMA: Now to get outta here and-!
MITSUHIKO: Okay, now let's see where I left my wallet!
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(Oh god no, they are back already! I...I need to hide!)
*Emma quickly notices the stage which has a set of stairs that lead to the stages which she rushes over and ducks*
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EMMA: *whispers* Okay... as long as they don't look around here then I should be fine...
*As then Mitsuhiko walk into the room...*
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Okay... let's see, now where's my wallet...? It's gotta be here somewhere, I remember leaving it around where the knock-out gas is...
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despair-to-future-arcs · 13 days ago
I hope nobody finds you...
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EMMA: I'm sure will figure that out later but seems we were able to find Yoruko's, Yuri's, Hibiki and Kanade's but Shinji is proving to be difficult...
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Seems his whole family is working as members of the Next Generation of Hope as well... this might take a while...
*Meanwhile outside*
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Any luck finding anything...?
EMMA: We got nearly everyone except for Shinji, but don't worry Mikado is getting to it...
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Okay... I'm just gonna wait and-.
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!!! *As then Hajime spotted someone coming back...*
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Darnit, I knew I forgot my wallet; I think it might be on my table, I need to hurry back...!
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Shiiiit! soimeone is coming back!!!! Emma and Mikado you better hurry up, someone's coming...!
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despair-to-future-arcs · 3 months ago
Yoshi needs to be kept as far away from Hibiki as possible. For his sake more then anything.
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Huh? What makes you say that, I mean if anything Yoshi can handle himself just fine; I mean hell, he is training us from his time in military school so he can protect Hibiki just fine.
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Actually, speaking of training; Yoshi was doing some jogging with us just recently and he did talk about the results with me and Mitsuhiko and Mitsuhiko found something weird...
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Weird, what do you mean?
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Well when we were doing a jog and Yoshi was checking over the results; he notice that Kanade was dead last, even Hibiki was able to be faster then her which I didn't think anything of it but Mitsuhiko thought it was weird...
*In the training room, Yoshi approach Hibiki and Kanade as Tetsuya and Mitsuhiko were leaving*
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Ah...ah... that... that was quite the jog, I'm so tired...
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Well if anything I think you did fine sis, so it's okay...
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I...I guess your right, Hibiki.
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Hey you 2, figure I come and talk with you about the results of your training and uh; Kanade? I did notice that while running you were much slower then Hibiki, you might want to work out a bit more.
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Huh? Slower...? But I can't be, can I?
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Well sorry but the results of the jog show you were dead last and you seem really tired, so I figure I come ask you about that.
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And what of it? Look that doesn't concern you; sis was just having an off day, that's it.
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Really? I mean all we did was a simple jog which shouldn't be that hard for someone like her to do I mean your even faster then her; I figure I bring this up from what I notice.
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Then it must be off, Kanade is perfect and always does thing better then me so that means your math must be mega off!
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Okay...? Well if you say so, but Kanade you might need to do more training.
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I'm not sure 'perfect' would fit given she did get dead last, I mean the jog was like a mile so it shouldn't be that hard.
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Yeah... especially for someone like Kanade, it's weird...
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Oh right, you went to the same elementary school as them, right?
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Yeah and I remember being in their class too; I remember that Kanade was better then Hibiki in a lot of areas that Hibiki became really insecure about; better at sports, better at school, better at talents - Kanade was better then Hibiki at everything so it's really odd that Kanade score really low.
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Well she is taking care of Hibiki so maybe she got sloppy? I know that if she got into a fight with Yoshi, she would lose for sure or even lose to you.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 7 months ago
Anything about NWP?
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Now that we got that settle down, I suppose I'll start the meeting.
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Now that we realize these issues and problems; the music, the food, the broadcast and radio waves - it seems that we fail to consider those that are effected.
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Indeed, given what we just learn and seen; I think it's easy to say those that were wearing those helmets might be drugged and could suffer a drug withdrawal.
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And for that, we have a solution which Future Foundation has allow us to present this project they have been working on!
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A project that Future Foundation created, well now I'm curious. What's it call?
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Well first let me show you the data...
*Yoruko takes out a pad and presses a button*
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Everyone at the meeting, may I present you with the Neo World Program; a device that Future Foundation is creating that is going to be release publicly and help those that had suffer from the tragedy.
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I had my doubts at first but hearing how it works and seeing the results, it seems to have the ability to replace memories of the tragedy with those in the simulation and if asking, yes they are still working on it but they are testing it for bugs.
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Yep and it was say that by the start of January or December, will have this project up and running!
???: So this project could help others return back to normal, is it being tested on?
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Yes it is, in fact they tested it for 50 days and the subjects had return to normal.
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However there were some bugs and glitches in the simulation but they are ironing it out.
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I suppose it would make sense, wouldn't it? After all bringing it out now while it's still buggy could lead to issues...
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Indeed and it could help many others that suffer from the tragedy as well, so we should work with this and-.
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Are you kidding me, this is what your suggesting? Some device that we have no idea about or if it even worse, are you really that stupid?
*Everyone turns towards Kanade and mutters*
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Kanade... don't interrupt...
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Why not? After all given you rejected my idea, and even then the idea you came up with isn't any better, isn't that also brainwashing?
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I'm not saying that, all I'm saying is that your idea is very unethical and we aren't even sure it would work, Future Foundation is working on this which they are testing it right now to help the population recover, that's all.
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Or maybe your only agreeing because your just being a lazy ass, not doing your job and just want to find an alternative issue then my idea.
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Yet here you are, wanting to rely on the damn foundation that only judges people for their talent, places them in a box which you were stuck as a shitty intern because you were working at a job while you were a minor - maybe instead of relying on those entitled pricks, you do your damn job since all you do is talk to a bunch of weak-willed people that can't deal with the hardships of the tragedy, pathetic.
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N-No no, of course! All I was suggesting this solution; that's it!
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Or you just admitting that your lazy and want to rely on some dumb machine that we don't know if it doesn't work or not.
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Yeah your totally lazy, Dr. Kabuya - a failure of a guidance councilor!
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Oh boy... here we go again...
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despair-to-future-arcs · 8 months ago
The blueberry knows the twins?
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Oh, me well... yeah I did, we went to the same elementary school...
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To be honestly, I... do get why Yoshi would be confused about it...
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Really, what makes you say that?
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Well the thing is that I went to the same elementary school as them and trust me; I know Hibiki would be interested in a guy like Yoshi.
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Like when she was a kid she wish to marry someone that was like her dad and it seem she was actually interested in Yoshi from the sounds of it so the hostility doesn't make much sense.
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Well maybe the tragedy changes people, not everyone acts the same as kids, right?
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Maybe? I mean, I use to be interested in Kanade but after seeing how aggressive she can get I kind of lost interest...
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You were?
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Well yeah, I thought she was cute but then after how she acts, I just lost interest, y'know...
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In fact, knowing her she probably see you as he type too.
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Hm... okay... (Well... the tragedy can change people for better or worse but will wait and see...)
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despair-to-future-arcs · 8 months ago
Look apocalypses have a habit of changing people and as you know her parents perished during the Tragedy so maybe that rattled her?
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I know, I'm not expecting her to jump into my arms or anything, but still I don't think she be this... hostile towards me, especially given I did text quite a bit when traveling outside of Japan before the tragedy and she was still friendly with me; just that I think doing a complete 180 like this is really weird.
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Well the tragedy can change people, maybe she wants to make sure her sister is okay?
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But Yoshi, maybe just leave her be; after all, you don't want to make things worse then already is but maybe after things settle, you can talk with her.
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Yeah... I guess your right, I better leave her be if she's that bother.
*Yoshi walks away back to his own table*
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While he maybe persistent but probably this is for the best...
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... (Seems that Mitsuhiko guy seems bother, I guess he must know something...)
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despair-to-future-arcs · 8 months ago
Anymore gossip before you know who shows up?
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Yeah man, maybe it's best to give up; your being a bit of a creep...
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Am I? I mean, I don't think I was given she was coming onto me in the past...
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Yeah, in fact I remember a few years back we were at this party I was hosting which the twins were there which after Kanade left, Hibiki and I were alone and we started chatting...
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So we started to talk and stuff, in fact I even remember she took a picture of us and posted it on her twitter which she usually updates.
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Well can you show me the tweet?
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Sure thing dude...
*Yoshi was on his phone and typed on Twitter and shows the tweet*
Date: August 9th, 2007
'At a party with me and Kanade that's being hosted by this DJ, sis had to leave to use the bathroom but didn't come back - got to spend the night with this cute DJ, man Yoshi is really damn cute! I wonder if he's single, he seems like my type? I should totally ask for his number after we leave. ;D'
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Seems she was into...
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Well maybe things have change? She and her sister did lose their parents and only had each other, right?
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I mean yeah I get that, still kind of weird to do a complete 180...it's weird...
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I have to agree, it's rather weird how those 2 have change...
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despair-to-future-arcs · 8 months ago
S-so *Clears throat and slaps back to get the OBVIOUS NERVES out* We heard the idol groups are looking into the music that the Monokuma helmets have in them which brainwash their victims. I dunno about Tornado but I know for a fact Melody Rhythm were looking into it.
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Oh right, yeah I nearly forgot about that!
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Wait... did you guys figure out something?
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Yeah or well, Kanade did - seems she was able to find a solution to the helmet thing! In fact she was going to-!
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Hibiki, look let's sit down and discuss it later, I mean it would be hard to explain unless we show it!
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Oh right yeah, we better get to our seats then, huh?
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Well it was nice meeting you 2, I can't wait to talk with you guys more!
*the 2 twins walk away*
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...Those 2 really did change, huh?
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Mitsu... you know the tragedy does change people, not everyone is gonna be the same as they were in elementary school.
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I know, I just... find it odd how they change...
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Yeah...I guess, still a bit weird...
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Yeah... (looks like those 2 were staring at the twins, what's going on with them.)
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despair-to-future-arcs · 8 months ago
Good Naoyuki. Keep it that way. Then you won’t disappear and cause a six hour long argument on how it happened.
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Hm? Hey... Naoyuki, right? Why aren't you saying anything...?
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Sorry but I'm not too interested in idol music but I'm sure the next generation of hope pick some pretty good options.
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Wait are you serious?! How can you not know about Melody Rhythm? That's like the biggest band on the charts!
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Yeah seems Naoyuki knows anything about idol music, looks like the dude has been living under the rock.
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Well we better change that, I swear if you listen to our music; you'll certainly change your mind!
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I'll certainly consider it, thanks but I better get going...
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despair-to-future-arcs · 8 months ago
Doesn't surprise me that this is where the band boys are at
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Heya boys, I see you all are here and it looks like Chloe is getting along with them!
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Well of course, Guido and Toshiro are friends of mine, we all came from the same airport and travel together!
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Still, I'm rather surprise the famous Tornado is here as well!
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Uh yeah, Tornado...? The famous idol boy band, you never heard of it?
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Dude were you like... living under a rock or something?
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Was I suppose to...? I'm... not much for idol music.
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Whaaaat?! How can you not know about our band, seriously we work our asses off!
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Hey Mitsu; I mean our band is for usually female so I get why he doesn't know us.
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Sorry about that but yeah, we are Tornado - you probably saw our poster during the killing game that had blood on it.
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Oooh, okay yeah I remember that; yeah sorry that's the only thing I remember! So mind introducing yourselves?
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Well my name is Ikki Saki, the light blue hair one is mitsuhiko fujisawa, tetsuya hamada is the brown hair one, the blonde is Kaiji Hoshikawa and the red hair one is Junichi Katagiri - we form Tornado and helping fix the tragedy to.
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Yep and it's a lot of work but hey, happy to have you on board!
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Now we have to wait for those 3 to show up...
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Those 3...?
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The Otonokoji Twins and Yoshi Oku, they are from our table as well; usually it takes them a while to get up.
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Wouldn't surprise me if Yoshi is trying to hit on that Hibiki...again, he should just give up already since it seems she's not interested at all.
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