#mithrun especially escalates things.
guideaus · 2 months
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i was looking at kabru chapters in dunmeshi and i was thinking abt how he and mithrun speedrun the dungeon thru mithrun's dungeon lord knowledge, and i guess canary skills on monsters, but mithrun's noticeably rough through his way of taking the shortest route.
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i know kabru's comic is a non canon au, but with all 3 characters tackling the same problem, mithrun is the only one who doesn't engage at all, despite having the most knowledge, and even endangers kabru, trying to use him as a tool obviously w/o his consent. mithrun doesnt know anything abt kabru and has no interest in him, so he wouldnt know he hates monsters, but he still completely skips trying to inform him of anything beforehand
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i think the canaries/elves in general are too dominating in kabru's eyes, and the rest of the world does fear them, but mithrun seems to take it a bit further than just silencing the opposition. kabru is repeatedly upset he's not the one trying to deescalate situations, but mithrun completely skips past conversation, which the other elves at least do, and the elves also think mithrun goes too far in certain moments, even when they all get upset against defiance. i'm assuming mithrun has no desire to be nice, i guess opposite to kabru taking care of everyone (even so significantly that mithrun experiences a nice night for once, which no one apparently tried with him), but i think its kind of interesting how blunt he is considering he was a dungeon lord before.
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kabru agonizes on the sidelines while he's repeatedly tied up by the canaries, and mithrun goes in for the kill as much as possible. i will admit mithrun has two moments where he kinda sympathizes with marcille, but every time was after he already tried to assault her, and he gives an ultimatum after pleading (let me arrest you and your friends or die), which she doesnt want to agree to. laios might struggle to communicate with people, but mithrun does not attempt until after the person he's hunting is freaking out bc of his advances. the lion manipulates the dungeon lords, but him pointing out mithrun wants to kill them isnt even a lie. the canaries and elves in general are a direct and oppressive force, but mithrun really represents it and his one track mind focused on revenge doesnt help the situation, either.
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tanoraqui · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: Reason with the Mad Mage & Diplomacy with Elves
Note: everything from here on is retroactive/reread, because I stayed up until about 6am on Wednesday night reading until the end because that was the only way to ensure that the characters would be okay.
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Hey look, now our protagonists are the food, instead of running around holding cooking implements! I'm sure that's fine!! (Look at that lion's eyes!!!)
I really like how...everyone? In the pasty gets at least 1 fight where they're totally on their own, for whatever reason: Laios with the living armor and again now with all the dragons, Chilchuck with the mimic, Izutsumi with the succubi, Marcille with the rabbits... I note that the reasons for it are escalating:
Laios fought the armor-captain alone as a strategic choice, while the rest of the party distracted the rest of the armor in the other room
Chilchuck fought the mimic alone because the rest of the party was asleep down the hall
Izutsumi fought the succubi alone because the rest of the party was already down, though not yet dead
Marcille fought the rabbits alone because most of the party was dead and Izutsumi had fled
Laios fights the dragons AND the Mad Mage directing them alone because the entire rest of the party is dead
Solid writing, that. And Senshi...has a monster that is His To Fight, that is where we got some special Senshi character exploration, but the whole point of it was that Senshi, who had been alone for so long, now had people reaching out to hold him, and to make food for him.
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I just like when they say things outright. "Meals are an act of optimism." "Only the dead don't eat." Fuck yeah!
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EYES EYES EYES EYES EYES. Thinking a lot here about that post about how Thistle is a great example of an antagonist who is really truly too far gone to "talk it out" with. His intentions ARE good, and Laios sees that so Laios tries... and Thistle is also trying, it's just...the demon has been playing on him for too long with too much skill.
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He's so! Earnest! And young! It's implied that he dies in the end, and I do think that's a narratively solid and restful ending for him, but man I want this kid to live and maybe covertly tag along with Mithrun on exploring the risen kingdom and defending it from random monsters, and re-learning how to have healthy desires. I think it'd be good for both of them, and also, potentially very funny.
me, 2 posts ago:
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me, now: Ah, yes, that makes sense... Not our heroes but Someone sure is.
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Fucking love multiple consecutive dungeon lords going, "my last wish is to fuck that guy up."
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They're just...happy...
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Love love love Chilchuck taking charge when Laios isn't there, especially in the context of "imminent tense 'diplomatic' meeting." He formed a union! He's good at this shit, and he'd be even better at it if he didn't have the handicap of being disrespected as a halffoot, and it's wonderful to see him with a team that has learned to respect him beyond that prejudice!
Also, Senshi's tiny eye wrinkle of determination <3
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Never mind my previous comment. Chilchuck is never allowed to do diplomatic relations with the elves ever again.
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Kabru, internally: oh my god we're all going to die
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I'm just noting Ms. fresh-faced aristocratic scion and the handful of extremely competent, notch-eared criminals she's in charge of... The structure of this lead group of Canaries is very interesting, because Mithtrun is nominally in charge, and he genuinely does command in combat and other matters focused on immediate dungeon lord-hunting. But he's ONLY focussed on that, so Pattindol is clearly accustomed to taking the lead in situations with more social nuance... And the criminal members make decisions on their own such as to take advantage of Mithrun's typical disappearance to go snoop around this house... But they are accustomed, and I'm sure required, to have permission/orders from a guard to use their black magic specialties, see: the enchantment of Laios, Chilchuck & Senshi here, or in their opening mushroom fight when everyone was shouting out how they could kill the mega-mushroom.
...I'm gonna pay attention to how Pattindol and Flamela [I hope I'm getting these names right] interact later. The Canaries are such an interesting paramilitary unit.
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This is just a screencap of Kabru's life for the rest of his life. Good luck, Mr. Future Royal Advisor!
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Every good adventure story, and arguably every good story, period, reaches a point where to explain it makes you sound COMPLETELY insane - sometimes even with the context of the rest of the story up to that point. This...is very much that point.
I love that point so much.
It's unreasonably stressful that Kabru's hands are obviously magically, invisibly handcuffed this entire scene. It's a metaphor for how he's handcuffed by the general threat the Canaries represent, of course, making him unable to warn Laios of the dangers of both the Canaries and of the demon. Being able to weird a sword would do nothing to help if it's going well or if it all goes wrong. But it's still stressful! And Laios doesn't know about the dangers just like he doesn't put together that Kabru is invisibly handcuffed!
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God I love Marcille. And her problem-solving methods.
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So! A court magician's daughter clearly outranks an aristocratic scion sent into the Canaries to prove her family's loyalty to the crown. That makes sense.
Unfortunately, Mithrun's single brain cell, while focussed entirely on destroying the demon, is still capable of Insight checks, and the criminals are basically unfazed by the court hierarchy games that Marchille is trying to play.
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Why does EVERY elf assume that Marcille's great wish would be to be a full elf! I want to drop Elrond on these people and watch him verbally eviscerate them.
Joke's on you, motherfucker! Her greatest wish would (she thinks) serve all people, and has secondary effects that she could still enjoy!
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Marcille: [hears Izutsumi lurking, ready to kick Mithrun in the face]
Marcille: Alright, time to tell a bishie to step the fuck off.
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