#mitch ⚽
modstarfell · 30 days
DRA in SDRA2's overworld pixel sprites... [Some special ones under the cut]
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modstarfell · 4 months
The whole Higa family focus on all sorts of sports. Mitsuhiro focused on soccer, his oldest brother focused on lacrosse and the middle child focuses on basketball. There's a lot of trophies all through their house because of it to the point their parents have a extra room specifically dedicated to holding them all to show off achievements of their children.
He holds a strong rivalry with his siblings. Despite being the youngest, he always felt like their parents was focused more and more on them because of their trophies and praise they had gotten. Even with becoming an ultimate, he still feels like he's battling with them internally. He tends to cover this up outwardly with his prominent ego and attitude with others from time to time.
Despite the prestige and status that came with going to HPA, and being known for what he was good at; it took Hiro a bit to actually agree to go through with going to the academy. He'd have to leave his friends behind and those who helped him get started on his career after all. In the long run while he went he still sent letters over the time back to his friends. Most think he entirely ditched them with how he treated fans but to him they were much more then standard fans….theywerefamily.
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modstarfell · 2 years
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Victims of someone else’s death attempt.
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modstarfell · 1 year
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i shouldnt be allowed to edit when sick.
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modstarfell · 2 years
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two girlbosses and mitch...
mitch looks so goofy but these were me doing random things really
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modstarfell · 1 year
looks at yall with bug eyes.
want to hear the most randomest of thoughts involving mitch?
tbh im gonna say it anyways...
so yall know how sometimes football(american style) players will be told to do ballet to help with their range of motion? i know plenty of soccer players who have also done ballet.
the idea of mitch doing ballet has flooded my mind.
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modstarfell · 2 years
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modstarfell · 2 years
i like to think mikako would the one to suggest class-orchestrated group events like it they participate in certain festivals as a whole class ect... she would also get yamato to hold a ballot vote for what they would do (although more often then not they end up going with mikakos ideas anyways since theyre relatively easy)
also class 79 sports festival stuff... mitch, ayame, kizuna doing the baton pass having ayame be at the end since shes ltierally the ult sprinter she’d have a big lead
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modstarfell · 2 years
mitch would be so confused by the difference that exists between soccer nd football between english n french
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modstarfell · 7 months
Mitch's tattoo is a tribute to one of his family members, has likely forgotten about which one of them it is at this point but he doesn't regret getting it. The ladies seem to love it too so that's another bonus. Only downside is people tend to try and aim directly for it since it's a clear giveaway where he is if he's playing soccer with his shirt off.
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