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suzukiblu · 5 months ago
clark wakes you alive
Clark wonders a lot of things, actually. Like if he’s inadvertently trapped Conner at this age by interfering now, which would be even worse than being only “sixteen” his entire life was. But also, Clark isn’t putting him back into a pod and forcing him through an aging process like that if he doesn’t absolutely have to. Not if there’s any chance he might not have to. 
And it’s not like he’d trust Desmond to run that process anyway, considering.
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mandareeboo · 14 days ago
Sending an ask for the sake of ease. My biggest piece of advice is to suss out your strongest niche skill, see how it connects to your other, more mainstream strong skills, and then find what that can tie to and you would enjoy. By niche skill, I mean the rarest thing you can do that most other people can't.
In my case, this is what I did. I'm a strong writer and a good speaker, which both have a great many career options. A step further than that, I'm politically adept. Opens more options, closes some, still doesn't give any solid answers. Moving in a little tighter, I'm adaptable, adventurous, and love trying new things. Admittedly, those kinda sound like filler words that you plop on a resume... but they also combine to make me /very/ adept at traveling, including to countries with a language barrier. I haven't lived anywhere for more than a year since I was eighteen. I don't have any relationships or investments that tie me to one specific place. That then lands on my most niche skill; I am able to drop everything and go to the other side of the planet at the drop of a dime.
When I call that niche, I'm referring to the difference between "I'd love a job that will let me travel" and "I can get on a flight to the other side of the country with less than 24 hours notice" and "I can handle getting stranded in an unfamiliar city in a foreign country for multiple days with minimal stress". I'm the latter two. I've done the latter two. That opens up opportunities for me that realistically aren't feasible to most people.
I love travel, so I leaned into that, went on study abroad multiple times over the course of grad school, and got accepted into one of asia's top international communications programs to pursue my master's degree. I'm admittedly still not sure if I plan on leaning more into travel/culture or international politics, but I'll probably figure it out over the next few years.
I hope that helps!
Forgot to mention! I obviously don't know your biggest strengths personally, but for what it's worth, I'd consider adding ghostwriting to the list of things to consider, even if only for a financial stopgap. (My intended stopgap is travel articles and photography. I thrive on being predictable in this way.) It's effectively the same skillset as taking fic commissions; being able to write characters other people created for a story determined by someone else. It's a genuine skill that a lot of people can't manage. (me. it's me. i can't do it)
Honestly, I'm not even sure what my biggest strengths are! I can write, obviously, I've been doing it for over a decade, but beyond that? It's a lil sketchy chief.
I actually like working customer service? Like at grocery stores- lane or stocking. I know there's real assholes out there, I've had quite a few, but most of the time it's just people trying to go about their lives. I've had some awesome convos in the lane. The problem is that I lost my ability to stand for that long- I can only stand for like an hour, tops- and while I'm trying to get into physical therapy to strengthen my muscles, I'll never be able to do what I used to. I also don't qualify as diabled, so I can't force a business to give me a chair. It sucks. I'm still trying to grasp where to go from there lol. I prided myself on being someone who could work the extra time and lift the heavy things for people. I knew I'd eventually lose my ability to do so, but in my twenties? Yeesh.
I didn't do a lot of extracurriculars in school. I had really bad anxiety, and couldn't function well at that age. The only thing I did that stuck is volleyball, which I quit in high school. I can play basic flute? I love music, but I couldn't give you, like, the technical terms of all of it.
I'm a big fan of dusty old books, though! I've always liked reading old english. I learn new things every page! And being in an unfamiliar dialect doesn't mean they don't have some legitimately great bangers. I also like theology- I think discussions of religion, when technical, are fascinating. Maybe I could get a career outta something to do with that?
Thank you so much for the advice! I'll have to do some serious pondering about it all.
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branded-rose · 2 months ago
Angels Make Mistakes - Chapter 26
“Lieutenant?!” Wren’s high pitched voice pierced her ears like a needle, causing her to wince.
Lute… was home?
Adam had sent her home…
Lute lifted her eyes to stare at the group of girls gathered near the entrance. No one was from any particular division. Which was odd.
It wasn’t typical for the girls to assemble outside of their divisions, their units. 
Anastasia and Silk Panties were stood next to the others seated on the couch. Wren was sat with Azzy on the couch. Lyre was next to Mandi and Layla in the chairs.
Four different division leaders gathered on their own time didn’t seem right.
This was a meeting.
And she was practically naked in front of them…
Special thanks to @deadgirlwalking91, @a-dose-of-comatose, and @mistystarshine for collaborating on this chapter and letting me include their exorcist OCs.
If you enjoy my fic I do imagine you will like theirs too! They have a lot of amazing and fun fics between the three of them and I highly recommend all of their stuff. ;D
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branded-rose · 6 months ago
I LOVE this fic! Go give it some love!
Live Again - Always You
In his arms, Lute barely even shifts. She looks up at him with dull black and gold eyes, a frown heavy on her lips.
“I love you,” Adam says.
Again, it barely garners a reaction. This is very obviously a bad day for her, and Adam knows by now not to expect much on bad days. But she leans against his chest and murmurs, “I love you too,” and that’s enough.
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mugmegan · 9 months ago
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qdkdraws · 8 months ago
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Something like a prequel, where Lute, being a knight, met Adam while still alive. Before her death, he was her guardian angel, but after his fall, it was her turn to protect him. One day @mistystarshine will write fanfiction about this, and you will know the details. One day...
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kuzoowl · 1 year ago
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CSM Tokyo Ghoul AU! Chapter 5 read it HERE :DD!
commission for @mistystarshine✨
it gets better with each chapter it was so fun to draw this idnaedaf
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longcastshadow · 8 months ago
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Fan art of @mistystarshine 's absolutely wonderful fic Live Again. Probably my favorite guitarspear fic yet, and I highly recommend you read it if you haven't.
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faunspots · 6 months ago
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Fanart of @mistystarshine fanfic Live Again. Inspired in the last part of chapter 11. We need some fluff after chapter 13 it was soo intense.
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keekeeblade · 2 months ago
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It's that time of the year again. Based on this inspiring post by @mistystarshine
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whimsimarion · 5 months ago
Can anyone recommend some good Chaggie fics that focus on the development of Charlie and Vaggie's relationship (and they aren't just background pairing)? Only one I have read this far is "Burning feathers" by @mistystarshine and I would love to have diversity.
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suzukiblu · 10 months ago
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[ image description: Digital fanart of Aki Hayakawa from Chainsaw Man as a Pochita-esque version of the Gun Devil. He is dark blue and has a little fluffy tuft of fur on his head and a gun protruding from his forehead, as well as a tail made out of an ammo belt. He is expressionless, but has tears on his face. ]
hey so @mistystarshine wrote a real fun and messed-up fic concept over here and anyway here's gun fiend Aki in his travel-sized most adorably traumatic form. 💙
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deadgirlwalking91 · 1 month ago
Thanks for the tag @devastatedloyallute! <3
So, I posted a new WIP earlier BUT then I got this tag, so you get another one 😊 here's something from the next chapter of Thank You for the Venom. For those who read last week's update, I'm sure you know what's coming next but if you're not up to speed just yet, I've popped it under a cut.
Tagging: @mistystarshine
“Your form in training has been off lately,” she started, fighting the natural instinct to raise her voice. “You’ve been slow in drills. There’s been a noticeable lapse in concentration and reaction times. Don’t think it hasn’t been noticed.”
“I’m surprised you’ve been perceptive enough to take note. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re the one who’s been distractedly lately, Lieutenant.”
Lute’s top lip curled in disgust. “Out of line, soldier. Apart from a brief injury, I’ve been nothing but dedicated to my duties. I can’t say the same for yourself.”
Vaggie laughed. It wasn’t the warm, comforting chuckle that Lute had grown to know and love over their years as comrades and friends. No, this was cold and sardonic. Foreign. It sent an unpleasant chill throughout Lute’s body; starting from her scalp and spreading all the way down to the very tips of her toes.
“You’ve got to be kidding me. You’ve got some nerve sitting there, telling me that I’m not myself, when for the past few months you’ve been distracted as hell.”
“If you’ve got something you’d like to say to me, Vaggie,” Lute snarled, “I suggest you spit it out right fucking now.”
“Alright.” Vaggie rose to her feet and folded her arms across her chest. “How long have you been fucking Adam, and when were you planning on telling me?”
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cherrysickle-wastaken · 4 months ago
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I'm obsessed with this AU and couldn't resist making a little art inspired by it!!
ghoul!Angel and dove!Aki from Devour You Whole by @mistystarshine. the quinque was inspired by @kuzoowl 's design
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suzukiblu · 1 year ago
. . . full disclosure I don't fully understand what I'm reblogging here but I was asked to by a buddy and I've done weirder things for way less reason lol. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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mugmegan · 1 year ago
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Dyeing Power's hair so they look like siblings to hide her identity.
This is for the latest chapter of the Devour You Whole series by @mistystarshine
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