shxdowsofombra · 2 years
Hope stepped away from the table and called Zach. “Hi baby…um…I…I think I might have fucked up. Just…just a little.” She said softly.
He answered his phone when he saw Hope was calling him. “What do you mean? You didn’t mess with your parents or brother again did you?” He asks while raising a brow. 
“No…I went to talk to my mom about the babies and she was like ‘hey your birthday is coming up’ and then we started talking about that and then she saw my tattoo and you know how much she fucking hates it. Then she asked me who did it, so I told her and then…well…”
“Don’t tell me your mother is getting a tattoo…that is just…no.” He shakes his head. 
“When you say it like that, it sounds awful…it’s not even somewhere anyone would notice.” She said as she rested against the wall. “You know just her rib cage…by her boob. Not a big deal…”
“You let another person look at your mothers boob to put a tattoo there. You know your dad is going to ask about that and then murder the tattoo artist for seeing a part of Misty only he is allowed to see. You know how your dad is.” He sighed as he rubbed his temples. 
“I am her daughter. I can’t control her. I was there the whole time. And it’s not like the guy touched more than he was supposed to.” She said. “Zach you are not giving me the positivity I need right now.”
“I told you not to mess with it, Hope. And yeah try having your father believe no one touched your mother inappropriately for a tattoo on her tits. I still don’t get why she got on if she hates it so much.”
“I wanted to talk about the babies you put in me not the drama at home. And she hates my tattoo, not tattoos in general. I kind of actually like where she got hers. I might get one.” She said as she looked in the mirror and lifted her shirt slightly. “My dad is the one that blew up for no reason.”
“Okay well that’s just normal for your father, the whole overreacting thing. You gonna get another tattoo baby girl?” He smirked. “Where are you thinking about getting it?” 
“Yeah but he knows that when he blows up it makes my mom shut down, then he shuts down and then it lasts for a stupid long time.” She said before rolling her eyes. “Hm now if I told you, where would be the fun in that? I know where you would be fine with it being.”
“Doesn’t he have that explosive disorder thing? If not, I think he should get tested for it. It might help solve a lot of things.” He tells her. “Where would that be hm?” 
“I don’t know, my dad acts like nothing can hurt him. But his one weakness is my mother.” She said before smirking at his question. “Hm…baby I can’t really have this conversation with my mom so close to me.” 
“Yeah I think everyone knows that already. It’s always been very obvious she is his weakness.” He tells her. “Well then why not leave the room and talk to me there about it? Maybe turn on the camera so I can see.” He teases. 
Hope bit her lip before looking at her mom. “I’ll be back.” She said before standing up and leaving the room. She closed the door behind her before turning on her camera. “I can’t leave my mom too long. My dad might kill me for that.” She teased. 
He noticed her turning on her camera after she left the room to show him where she wanted to get the tattoo. “Oh, that would be a very good spot.” He smiles. “Mhm well let’s not get you killed please.”
“You won’t be mad if someone touches my boob?” She asked teasingly. Before pushing her hair out of her face. “My dad will get over it, my mom looks hot.”
“I will be there to make sure they don’t touch your boob baby girl.” He smirked. “And ew let’s not talk about your mother being hot that just killed my boner thanks.” Zach groaned. 
“You know my parents had to be hot for me to be hot. And it’s interesting who you do find hot and who you don’t.” She says as she lowered her shirt. “I was thinking of getting it now. I’m already here.” She told him as she put her hair in a ponytail. 
“The only one I find hot is you babygirl. Everyone else is irrelevant.” He tells her. “Mhm if you get it now I will be on my way then. Have to make sure the tattoo artist doesn’t get too carried away.” He teases before getting up and flying to where she was. 
“Wait what? Zach wait…” She stopped as he hung up. She sighed as she moved back out the room and then saw Zach. “Fuck that was fast.” She said before grabbing his hand and taking him to the side. “Baby what are you doing here?”
“You said you were getting a tattoo so I wanted to see you get one. I haven’t seen you get one before.” He tells her with a smile. “Besides branding hurts like a mother fucker so I don’t want your body to feel too stressed right now after all that happened.”
“Baby your whole dragon form is branded on my back. I am used to the pain.” She said before smiling. “You just want to see my boob.” She teased. 
“I know but that was your back at the time and the skin of your back isn’t as sensitive as the skin under your boob babygirl. Plus it’s rather close to where the babies are so I would want to be safe instead of sorry.” He tells her. 
“Okay I understand.” She said before pulling him closer to her. “What should my tattoo say?” She asked, purring in his ear.
“Mhm that is up to you baby girl. Is there anything in particular that you would want there?” Zach smirked. “Unless you want it to say baby girl.” He teases.
“Hm I like that a lot.” She smiled as she let her hand slip in between them. “That is very sexy.” She purred as she undid his belt.
“Mhm I thought you were getting your tattoo now baby.” He smirked as he felt her starting to undo his belt. 
“Do you want me to stop?” She asked as she kissed down his neck. “I missed you.” She said as her tongue ran across his neck before she bit down into it.
“Well I mean we are in the shop and the tattoo artist is giving you the eyes so maybe not here.” He smirked before groaning as he felt the bite on his neck. “I missed you too baby girl.” 
“That never bothered you before. And I’m so horny.” She pouted before pulling away. “Fine.” Hope says before moving away from him and back to her mom. “Zach is here.” She said as she sat down. 
Misty looked up to see Hope and nodded, “Okay. I had the castle deliver you some vitamins. The doctor didn’t say it was twins, she said maybe. You should go back in for another visit to confirm.”
“So wait what, we might not be having twins?” He asks when Misty spoke. “What on earth were you two talking about?”
“The thought alone is scary, going to confirm that will just make me homicidal.” She said before looking at Zach. “Nothing.” 
Misty smiled, “You can’t kill the doctor because you had twins. They run in your family. It’s technically your father’s fault really.” She teased. “Hope, he is your husband, you should talk to him.”
“Talk to me about what…” He asks still not knowing what was going on. 
Hope looked at her mother. “Dad is your husband and you don’t talk to him. Pretty sure he doesn’t know about your tattoo.” She said. “There’s nothing to talk about.”
“Fair enough.” She couldn’t help but let out a light laugh as she felt the gel sliding on her body. “I assume you are headed back home with Zach so I will just walk. I want to check on something anyway.”
“What did they put her on?” He asks, noticing her laughing. “She never does that…it’s unnerving.” He states. 
“She never what? Laughs? God Zach, you make my mom sound like a monster. Why did you even come?” She said as she stood up and walked outside in annoyance. 
Misty giggled, “I asked Hope for some really strong drugs because Nibs would know if I was in a lot of pain. Now I don’t feel anything.” She said before seeing Hope leave. “You pissed her off.” She giggled.
“No, I mean she never seems to be this out of it. She seems completely out of it. And you know your father will know something is wrong if she feels literally nothing because he can sense that and just…never mind.” He sighed as Hope walked off. 
“Yeah I don’t think you should be in this state. I am calling him to take you home. Lord knows he would have my head if he knew you went home alone like this. You do realize drugs can jeopardize your baby right?” He shook his head. 
“No, don't do that.” She whined. “You are no fun.” She says before feeling the boy's hand touching her underboob. “You know I don’t want to see Nibs. Don’t call him. I’m not even going home and I have been high before thank you, I can take care of myself.”
“I am not supposed to be fun.” He says. “You are going home.” Zach called Nibs and Nibs said he was on his way. “Yeah if you aren’t even going home he won’t be happy about that either.” He tells her. When Nibs shows up he lets the other take it from there and goes to find Hope. 
Nibs ran to where Misty was before storming through the doors. “The fuck do you think you are doing? We have a kid on the way?” He says as he walks over to her. 
Misty rolled her eyes as Zach called Nibs. “You suck.” She said before pulling her top down and trying to stand up. She giggled as she pushed her hair out of her face before seeing Nibs. “No.” She said pushing past him and walking out of the shop.
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