nibsthebravelostboy · 4 years
Visiting Level E Camp [nisty]
@itslostgirlmisty @thezacharywinters
Misty watched Nibs walk away and waited until he was gone before she rushed into the bathroom and vomited violently. Her eyes turned bright blue as the guilt of her lie hit her like a truck. She sat on the bathroom floor crying as she didn’t know what to do at that point. She heard Waddles come in and even though she was so mad at him, she let him comfort her as she pulled herself together. 
Waddles didn’t leave her alone as she headed back to the cove. She noticed Hope sleeping on the couch and went into the room to back her things before seeing the note on the dresser. She read it and picked up the number as she looked over it. She set the note down and the number before grabbing her phone and texting Nibs.
I’m sorry Nibs, I know what you did to make this baby possible and it is everything I want and more. But I am tired of losing baby after baby. Ombra is right...and I refuse to let it put me through that pain anymore. I can’t go to them...I don’t want it done right. I never want to get pregnant again. I never want to watch our baby die in our arms again or see your face when blood is covering my legs...I can’t do that. 
She sent it to him and left her phone in the room before she told Waddles to stay with Hope as she went to the level E camp.
Seeing the message from Misty, Nibs was quick to text her back.
You can’t lose the baby. I would have to go to Pan and have everything undone again. The deal I made with him...it prevents anything from harming you in a way that could prohibit you from getting pregnant again. I know what Ombra and Jack did and I made sure that our child would be untouchable for both of them. Ombra doesn’t know what it is talking about. The only way that you could lose the baby is naturally, it can’t forcefully take them from you. The baby was enchanted the moment you got pregnant. Any children we have from this point forward are safe from the monster. So if that was the reason you wanted to go through with it, you don’t have to. I know you are scared but you know that I wouldn’t lie to you about something as serious as this. The monster was saying it to get under your skin, it’s not after us, not anymore. 
He typed out before shifting and heading to where she was going just by following her scent. 
Misty went to the camp and tried to find the person that gave her the number and when she did they were quick to tell her they wouldn’t give it to her again. “Please come on, he will never know. I won’t tell him you told me...or if you don’t want to tell me just take me there.” She begged before they told her no. She looked at what she had and took off one of her gold rings one of the royals gave to her, “Here. That’s all I have. Will you please just take me?” She asked before they finally agreed and she followed them into the darker side of the level E camp.
Misty didn’t really care about the other jewelry she had on her besides her wedding ring and the necklace from her sisters so she held her hand closely to her before walking into the house. The person left her alone as she walked the dark house and came upon a room. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight of the dirty utensils and the red lit room. “Um...” Her eyes turned purple as she headed into the room and the door was closed and locked.
Nibs arrived at the camp and saw the gold ring on one of their fingers. “Where is she?” He growled before they were quick to lead him to her. The male broke down the rusty door before walking through the hallways. “Misty...did you read my messages? If you are scared of the monster taking our children away, it can’t anymore. The deal I made...it protects you and any children we have ever since the deal was made. You would be going through a lot of pain for no reason, I know you are scared but I promise you that everything will be okay.” He says before seeing a door that was locked. “Misty…?” 
Misty was told to sit in the chair and did as she was told before her legs were opened. She gripped the side of the chair tightly as she looked down. “Wait...just...I need Nibs.” She said before hearing his voice in the hallway. “I’m going crazy.” She said to herself before the voice got louder. “Nibs?” She asked before her eyes turned blue when he said everything would be okay. He never knew that. He was making a promise he wouldn’t know if he could keep, but Misty loved how much he wanted to take care of her. She loved that he was so willing to make that promise for her. 
When he called her name she opened her mouth to say something but felt a needle going through her arm causing her to look over and see her blood being drawn. “Fuck...” She said softly before feeling lightheaded.
He could sense something was happening and when he saw the door was locked he shifted and smashed through it. Venom dripped from his teeth when he saw the siren drawing blood from her arm and he ran over and tackled them, causing them to drop the vile of blood. Take your hands off my wife. He snapped before taking out the needle and licking over the wound so it would heal. When the doctor made another effort to save the blood, he knew what this was about. 
He snarled making the doctor take another step back. Nibs licked up the blood from the floor until there was nothing left. Feeling something hitting his back, he growled before turning around and snapping at the nearest siren trying to sneak around Misty. 
“Nibs...” She said softly as she watched someone hitting his back. She was still really lightheaded but moved to sit up and grab one of the items on the table and stabbed the siren behind her in the eye before watching them drop on the ground. She got off the table and stumbled over to Nibs, “I’m so sorry Nibs. I didn’t...I shouldn’t have lied...I...I’m so sorry.” She said before seeing someone behind him and reaching around as she shoved her hand into their chest and pulled their heart out.
Nibs stood protectively over Misty before seeing her reaching into someone’s chest and pulling out their heart. When the doctor lunged for Misty, Nibs moved her so that it hit himself instead. He yelped before growling as he bit and ripped the doctors head off with his teeth. I know princess, we need to get out of here though, I know there will be more coming. He tells her before getting down so that she could get on his back. Get on. He tells her. 
Misty felt Nibs moving her out of the way before seeing him get hit. “No you’re hurt you can’t carry me Nibs. Just go okay, get the guards and come back. I can handle it.” She told him as she quickly wrapped his wound. “You have to go.”
I can heal. I will be fine. Push the button on your necklace. It will alert the guards of our location. He tells her before seeing more people filing into the room but that didn’t stop him from standing in front of her and protecting her. 
“You put something in the necklace from my sisters? When did you do that? How do you get jewelry off of me without me noticing?” She asked before seeing more people filling the room. She decided to just ask him about it later as she stayed behind him as she pressed the button on her necklace.
He snarled at the people as they came into the room and if they tried to attack he was able to rip into them and throw them into the others. His ears perked up when he heard the thud on the ground outside. Just in time. 
Zach was alerted that the queen and king were in danger and he told the kids that daddy was going to be right back. He went to the level E camp after shifting and he landed with a loud thud in front of the house. He shifted back before commanding the guards to stay outside and take care of the E's that had snapped that were guarding the building. 
He made his way inside and started wiping out person after person without so much of a second thought until he found his way to the room where Misty and Nibs were. Once he wiped out the sirens that were in the room that left only Misty and Nibs remaining Zach felt a cold chill come over his body. 
His eyes voided as it smirked, "Look who I see...I thought you weren't afraid of me Misty?" It smiled before shooting Nibs with something that would temporarily blind him and paralyze him. It then approached Misty with an unsettling smile. "If you wanted to gift your child to me, you didn't have to go through all this trouble, I could have just simply ripped it out of your stomach, like so." The monster smiled before trying to push its hand into her abdomen to rip out her child but finding that it was protected by some type of green shield. "Are you shitting me? What the fuck..." It tried again but was stopped again from doing so. 
Misty watched Zach walk in the room and saw his eyes turn black before watching it walk closer to her. She moved back until she was pressed against the wall. Her head was throbbing as she grabbed it’s arm, “Would you fucking stop doing that?” She asked before looking at it. “I am really sorry Zach I will heal you later.” She said before crushing it’s hand.
Nibs could instantly feel something was wrong with Zach when he noticed the male's eyes voiding over. But Nibs was confident with his deal with Pan that his wife and child would be safe. When he felt his vision being taken and his body being unable to move, he was worried but when he heard Ombra's words, Nibs couldn't help but to laugh. The magic is protecting you and the child. That monster can’t hurt you. He tells Misty. 
It was confused when it was unable to get through the shield. It could touch everything except anything that Pan protected with it’s magic while Ombra was absent. It was a risk that Ombra severely over calculated. It felt nothing as she crushed it’s hand. It growled, “Fine, I will admit it, you got me this time. But don’t let this one win get to your head princess.” It snarled before disappearing. 
Zach could feel his consciousness coming back as he was confused how he ended up in front of Misty. “Misty?” He asks before feeling a slight pain in his hand. “Oh...well that's unfortunate.” Zach sighed before letting his eyes glow bright red as he healed and snapped his arm back into the proper place with a grunt. “There much better. Are you two okay?” He asks before looking over at Nibs who was walking over to Misty already. 
Misty watched Zach pop his arm back into place and let her hand rest on her head as she just nodded. “I feel fantastic.” She smiled before she looked at Nibs. “It’s over right? Because I’m...I’m going to pass out and I need to know it’s over.” She said to him before fainting.
Nibs went over to Misty the moment the monster left. He caught her in his arms before she could faint and he sat them both down. Nibs bit his wrist before holding it to her mouth hoping the smell would wake her up enough for her to eat. “Yeah we are fine. Help the guards outside and then tell me when it is clear.” He told the other and watched as Zach left the room.
She felt Nibs’ arms around her and felt his blood dripping onto her lips as she let her tongue run over his wrist before she bit down onto it. When she finished she licked the wound clean before looking up at him. “Are you mad at me?”
When she looked at him, he just kissed her. “I wish you would answer my text messages sometimes.” He teases lightly. “I know you were scared princess, I can’t be mad at you for being scared. You and our baby are protected, you saw it for yourself just now, it can’t hurt you. Not anymore.” He nuzzled against her before giving her another kiss. “I am just glad that you are safe.” 
She kissed him back before smiling softly, “I left my phone at the cove, I knew you would keep texting me.” She smiled before kissing him again. “I am glad you are safe. I don’t know what I would do if I lost you. I love you so much.”
“I know you did. Sometimes I do have good things to say you know.” He teases before nodding his head, “I am not going anywhere princess you know that. I love you so much too.” Nibs smiles before kissing her deeply for a few seconds. “How about we go home now?” 
Misty smiled as she kissed him back just as deeply. “I would like that a lot.” She smiled. “Actually...no, I don’t want to go home. I want to go to your tent and just lie in your arms...can we do that?” 
Nibs nodded his head, “Of course we can.” He says before hearing Zach say that the coast is all clear. He picked up Misty in his arms and carried her out of the house and took them to his tent. “You sure you don’t want us to get cleaned up?” Nibs teases. 
She didn’t even try to convince him to let her walk and just stayed in his arms until they arrived at the tent. “I guess we should. That place was really dirty.” She teased back. “Do we still have clothes here?”
“Of course we still have clothes here, but I can always snap ourselves clean so we can hop right into bed if you rather we do that instead of showering.” He offers up with a smile. 
“Mhm no we can shower. I think that might be the only time you will let me walk.” She smiled up at him before kissing him. “And we don’t use magic for things we can do ourselves. That is the rule, remember.”
“That is very true, that is one of the rules I made a while ago but I think we can have an exception to this rule just this once don’t you think?” He teases, “I will let you walk you know, I just like to carry you around.” He smiles. 
“I know.” She smiled. “Okay just this once, but don’t get used to it mister.” She teased him. “But please make sure it’s your shirt you put on me.”
The male lets out a small laugh before nodding his head, “Of course princess.” He smiles before snapping them clean and so that Misty could have one of his shirts on. “There we go.” Nibs brings her to the bed before setting her down so that they could get comfortable in the bed. 
“Thank you.” She smiled as he set her down on the bed. She moved over to take his phone and text Hope, not knowing if Zach had told her what happened. She set his phone back down before cuddling up to Nibs. “Everything will be okay?”
“Everything will be okay.” He reassures her as he pulls her closer and lets his fingers run through her hair soothingly as he holds her in his arms.
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