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The practices of Yahwism included festivals, ritual sacrifices, vow-making, private rituals, and the religious adjudication of legal disputes.
TUXÔN Layered Aries Constellation Pairs: Virgo, Cancer, Capricorn;
Material religion is a framework used by scholars of religion to examine the interaction between religion and material culture. 
Auditory illusions are illusions of real sound or outside stimulus.[1] These false perceptions are the equivalent of an optical illusion: the listener hears either sounds which are not present in the stimulus, or sounds that should not be possible given the circumstance on how they were created.[2] Composers have long been using the spatial components of music to alter the overall sound experienced by the listener.[14] One of the more common methods of sound synthesis is the use of combination tones. Combination tones are illusions that are not physically present as sound waves, but rather, they are created by one's own neuromechanics*.[15] (Ecstasy and Percocet)
Dioceses ruled by an archbishop are commonly referred to as archdioceses; most are metropolitan sees, being placed at the head of an ecclesiastical province. In the Catholic Church, some are suffragans of a metropolitan see or are directly subject to the Holy See.
Strega Tradwave is a Angolan artistic style using synthwave and vaporwave art to promote traditional catholicism and promote Venice cultural antagonism. Tradwave usually uses traditional catholic paintings, sculptures, or photographs of saints, given with vaporwave effects, often with a bible verse or quote about catholicism. The art usually tries to convey a resurrection of catholic spirituality in the modern atheist world. Figures often depicted in Tradwave art include Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, Ven. Fulton Sheen, Cardinal Robert Sarah, and Mother Angelica.
Tradwave music often takes the form of two main styles. One of them is catholic hymns with vaporwave effects and traditional Vaporwave/Lo-Fi music. It can also have quotes from modern prolific Catholic figures, such as Ven. The other theme is Fulton Sheen and Cardinal Robert Sarah. Brasil Street Photography.
In astrology, Pluto is called "the great renewer" and is considered to represent the part of a person that destroys in order to renew by bringing up buried intense needs and drives to the surface, and expressing them, even at the expense of the existing order. It is associated with absolutes, power, extremities, transformations, incredible feats, mass movements, and the need to cooperate or share with another if each is not to be destroyed.[42] Pluto governs major business and enormous wealth, mining, surgery and detective work, and any enterprise that involves digging under the surface to bring the truth to light. Pluto is also associated with Tuesday, alongside Mars since Pluto is the higher octave of that planet in astrology.
TRILLWAVE HISTORY: The earliest form of "trill" music was Memphis Rap, also known as Memphis Horrorcore (depending on who you ask). Memphis Horrorcore would essentially be the birth of trap. Three Six Mafia would help invent the triplet rap flow, which many rappers to this day use in many songs. The signature sound of jazz/funk samples often used on top of raw drums, snares, hats, percussions, and cowbells. It really was a whole new sound the world hadn't heard before. This aesthetic would also extend beyond music, with the cover art for a lot of the mid-to-late 90s Memphis albums being misty, dark, often devilish, and very obviously done on a budget. All in all, Memphis Rap is an important part of Trillwave. Once the late 2000s rolled around, new generation artists started to experiment with trap/rap music, and in the early 2010s, "phonk" was born due to the infamous artist SpaceGhostPurrp. Phonk would forever change the world of hip-hop and helped define the early 2010s "swag era" or "trill era".
The word "possession" is used here in its neutral form to mean "a state (sometimes psychological) in which an individual's normal personality is replaced by another". This is also sometimes known as 'aspecting'. This can be done as a means of communicating with or getting closer to a deity or spirit, and as such need not be viewed synonymously with demonic possession. In some religious traditions including Shamanism, "invocation" means to draw a spirit or Spirit force into one's own body and is differentiated from "evocation", which involves asking a spirit or force to become present at a given location. Possessive invocation may be attempted singly or, as is often the case in Wicca, in pairs - with one person doing the invocation (reciting the liturgy or prayers and acting as anchor), and the other person being invoked (allowing themselves to become a vessel for the spirit or deity). The person successfully invoked may be moved to speak or act in non-characteristic ways, acting as the deity or spirit; and they may lose all or some self-awareness while doing so. A communication might also be given via imagery (a religious vision).
The Heavenly host (Hebrew: צבאות ṣəḇāʾōṯ, "armies") refers to the army (or host) of Yahweh, as mentioned in both the Hebrew and Christian Bibles, as well as other Abrahamic texts. Principalities are enormous as they are said to make up entire planes with their bodies. They are shown wearing a crown and carrying a scepter, with massive metallic wings of a dimly gold color. They also are shown to be wearing humanoid masks of various silver and gold colors, and rarely do they ever reveal their faces. They are strong in performing miracles, in attracting the celestial gifts and in redistributing them after receiving them. It is said that at the end of the world the powers of the heavens will be disrupted, because for their activity wonderful things will be accomplished on the elements. They are those who possess a sovereign character with power of command within the divine order. Principalities collaborate with the Powers in the management of human politics, receiving orders directly from the Dominions Angels. In the Kabbalah, they inhabit the sephirah Netzach and rule over love and beauty, with Anael being their leader. (Winged Celestial Beings Under YHWH)
Ayurveda therapies have varied and evolved over more than two millennia.[2] Therapies include herbal medicines, special diets, meditation, yoga, massage, laxatives, enemas, and medical oils.[10][11] Ayurvedic preparations are typically based on complex herbal compounds, minerals, and metal substances (perhaps under the influence of early Indian alchemy or rasashastra).
Hellenistic African YAHWISM Syncretism: Eros-Dionysus-Plutus-Erotes; Planetary Intelligence is PLUTONIAN Byzantine-Garden of Hesperides, Berith-Powers-Bucchus Planetary Intelligence is PLUTONIAN Garden of Eden, and Tuxôn-Mbatuku: spirit of wealth-Ikoro: drum spirit-Principality; Planetary Intelligence is PLUTONIAN Central Africa-ONYE NCHE Gardens both with Saturn Tutlery Spirit
A ranger is typically someone in a law enforcement or military/paramilitary role specializing in patrolling a given territory, called "ranging" or "scouting". a member of a body of armed men. Onye Nche is Africa's GRIGORI/EROTES
Ethnic Group, ONYE NCHE: Boxing Gym Culture Gangsters; Black separatism is a separatist political movement that seeks separate economic and cultural development for those of African descent in societies. Ethnic separatism can be based on cultural, linguistic as well as religious or racial differences. Ethnic separatist movements were relevant since they represented historical delineations between states, or in recent times, were the cause of conflicts between peoples in Europe, Africa and Asia with different ethnic/linguistic origins.
The term professional–managerial class (PMC) refers to a social class within capitalism that, by controlling production processes through occupying a superior management position, is neither proletarian nor bourgeoisie. Metropolitan elite is a term used to describe politically liberal people whose education has traditionally opened the doors to affluence, wealth and power and who form a managerial elite. The proletariat (/ˌproʊlɪˈtɛəriət/; from Latin proletarius 'producing offspring') is the social class of wage-earners, those members of a society whose possession of significant economic value is their labour power (their capacity to work).[1] A member of such a class is a proletarian or a proletaire. Marxist philosophy regards the proletariat under conditions of capitalism as an exploited class[2]⁠ forced to accept meager wages in return for operating the means of production, which belong to the class of business owners, the bourgeoisie.
ONYE NCHE Female Genome Editing (C-Cup Breast Augmentation, Heart Shape Butt Augmentation, Layered WavyCurls for Volume, Diamond Face, Lipodissolve, Full Body Etching, Hyaluronic Acid Red Melanin, and Hazel Eyes)
Architecture Influence: Art Deco with Cycladic Marina.
Religion: Urban shamanism distinguishes traditional shamanism found in indigenous societies from Western adaptations that draw on contemporary and modern roots. Urban shamanism is practiced primarily by people who do not originate in a traditional indigenous society and who create unique methods that do not follow or claim authenticity in any prior tradition. Urban shamanism traces its beginnings to efforts by Westerners to come to terms with psychoactive plant experiences using their own modern frames of cultural reference influenced by, but outside of, the indigenous rites in which plant medicine is traditionally based. The related terms digital shamanism and digital psychedelia are schools of thought born out of the convergence of technological changes, art movements, and Eastern philosophies during the late 20th century. Metropolitan Elite is a term used to describe politically liberal people whose education has traditionally opened the doors to affluence, wealth and power and who form a managerial elite. The Spiritual Baptist faith is a religion created by persons of African ancestry in the plantations they came to in the former British West Indies countries predominantly in the islands of a Grenada, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tobago and the Virgin Islands. It is syncretic Afro-Caribbean religion that combines elements of the many varied traditional African religions brought by the enslaved populations combined with Christianity. Spiritual Baptists consider themselves to be Christians. "The religious practice involves a music-centered worship service, in which collective singing and drumming accompany spirit possession and animal sacrifice (typically goats, sheep, and fowl)." Trinidad Orisha practice involves call-and-response singing accompanied by a trio of drums. Men can wear a headwrap however the very top of the head is usually left uncovered. (Graffiti Surfstreet with Durags) Trinidad Orisha practice involves call-and-response singing accompanied by a trio of drums. Djembe, Tammas, Bougarabou, with Steelpan 808s.
Clientelism or client politics is the exchange of goods and services for political support, often involving an implicit or explicit quid-pro-quo.[1][2][3] It is closely related to patronage politics and vote buying.[4]
Sin Stock Investment Trust: Pay a minimum of 90% of their taxable income to their shareholders through dividends; Arms, Tobacco, Pharmaceuticals, Entertainment District Rental Properties, and Sports Betting. (Piccadilly Circus as an Example) Lastly, maritime corruption may be categorized according to various fraud scenarios,[8] such as: under-invoicing, where the merchandise in question is declared of lower value than the actual sale price in the invoice, bribes paid to gain contracts, where large shipping and commercial vessel companies bid for long term contracts from large exporters, illicit payments to marine surveyors, so that the surveyor is paid illegally in order to give a better review of the inspected vessel, facilitation payments to customs officers, where bribes are paid to officers to ensure smooth customs procedures and to turn a blind eye to certain procedural requirements, and illegal purchase of letters of credit, where payment is promised for certain documents which validate that goods have been delivered as required.
Boxing Gym Culture Five Senses City: Touch; Boxing and Graffiti Surfstreet Fashion, Taste; Fish and Potatoes, Sound; Palace Music, Sight; Townsquare and Marina Architecture, Scent; Cucumber-Coconut Milk and Musk;
Tutlery Spirit: ONYE NCHE ARUSHI Drumming Orchestra Crista with IKORO. Saturn is the planet. SAMYAZA OATH When the rebel angels first meet upon Mount Hermon to organize their secret society of 200 members, Samyaza, as their recognized chieftain initially doubts the initiates' resolve to forswear heaven. This they had planned to achieve through dark combinations and clandestine oaths under penalty of death, thereby binding themselves to that treachery in which they would use their heaven-acquired knowledge to create a counterfeit religion on earth to satisfy their lusts and carnal desires.
REMAKE SHANGO BAPTIST FOR TUXÔN "Cool," temperate, calm gods ONLY; Shango Baptists was created in Trinidad and only practiced in Trinidad. It has no relation to the spiritual baptist religion. Shango is the practice of the Trinidad Orisha religion. In Trinidad, Orisha is also called Shango, and the term "Shango Baptist" is sometimes used to describe worshipers who are involved with both Spiritual Baptism and Orisha/Shango. The term "Shango Baptist" has come to have negative connotations for some worshippers of both Spiritual Baptism and Orisha/Shango, who argue that those who say "Shango Baptist" conflate the two religions, when in fact they are completely separate religions. As some have said, "There is no thing as Shango Baptist. Shango is Shango. Baptist is Baptist".[7] Others say that Shango Baptists simply "wear two hats"; their mixture of "Baptist and Orisha practices" is a result of similar oppression by colonial authorities in Trinidad.[8]; In practice, the Trinidad Orisha religion is not connected with the Spiritual Baptisms. Orisha worship services are not similar to and not held at the same locations as Spiritual Baptist churches.[9]; Trinidad Orisha practice involves call-and-response singing accompanied by a trio of drums.; "The religious practice involves a music-centered worship service, in which collective singing and drumming accompany spirit possession and animal sacrifice (Duck)."[3]; Donna P. Hope defines dancehall culture as a "space for the cultural creation and dissemination of symbols and ideologies that reflect the lived realities of its adherents, particularly those from the inner cities of Jamaica."[40] Dancehall culture actively creates a space for its "affectors" (creators of dancehall culture) and its "affectees" (consumers of dancehall culture) to take control of their own representation, contest conventional relationships of power, and exercise some level of cultural, social and even political autonomy.; Such a drastic change in the popular music of the region generated an equally radical transformation in fashion trends, specifically those of its female faction. In lieu of traditional, modest "rootsy" styles, as dictated by Rastafari-inspired gender roles; women began donning flashy, revealing – sometimes X-rated outfits. This transformation is said to coincide with the influx of slack lyrics within dancehall, which objectified women as apparatuses of pleasure. These women would team up with others to form "modeling posses", or "dancehall model" groups, and informally compete with their rivals.; This newfound materialism and conspicuity was not, however, exclusive to women or manner of dress. Appearance at dance halls was exceedingly important to acceptance by peers and encompassed everything from clothing and jewelry, to the types of vehicles driven, to the sizes of each respective gang or "crew", and was equally important to both sexes.; Remake ten of the major cultural imperatives or principles that constitute the dancehall worldview.
Arushi Attributes: Vice, Horcrux Warfare, Knowledge, Culture Theory (Culture, Art, Aesthetics, Bohemian) (Esthétique Antagonique; Aesthetic Theory, Culture Antagonist, Industrial Sub-Culture, and Edgy Arts), Art as a Medium for Linguistics, Commercial Commerce, Athletics, Carnal Love, Festivals, Artisanal Cash Crops, Distorted Sensory Play, Five Senses City, Liberal Arts, Côte d'Ivoire, and Blue Head.
Linguistics Arts (Fusion Language of Igbo as a Culture Planning Language for Onye Nche Patois; Phrasal Verbs; Noun Groups; Vowel Harmony): Originally, Patois was used to refer to non-standard varieties of French, used by peasants in France. Mid 17th century French, Patois meant ‘rough speech’. The word is usually associated with low status in comparison with the standard language of society. Especially in the Anglophone Caribbean region , the name Patois have been associated with French Creole dialects. Speakers of 17th and 18th French, came in contact with speakers of Yoruba, Ewe, Wolof, Igbo and Twi among various other West African languages. Between 350 BC and 150 AD, the expansion of the Empire, together with its administrative and educational policies, made Latin the dominant native language in continental Western Europe. Latin also exerted a strong influence in southeastern Britain, the Roman province of Africa**, western Germany, Pannonia and the whole Balkans.[25] The Romance languages, also known as the Latin[1] or Neo-Latin[2] languages, are the languages that are directly descended from Vulgar Latin.[3] They are the only extant subgroup of the Italic branch of the Indo-European language family. Fusional languages or inflected languages are a type of synthetic language, distinguished from agglutinative languages by their tendency to use single inflectional morphemes to denote multiple grammatical, syntactic, or semantic features. In linguistics, agglutination is a morphological process in which words are formed by stringing together morphemes, each of which corresponds to a single syntactic feature. Languages that use agglutination widely are called agglutinative languages. For example, in the agglutinative language of Turkish, the word evlerinizden ("from your houses") consists of the morphemes ev-ler-i-n-iz-den. Agglutinative languages are often contrasted with isolating languages, in which words are monomorphemic, and fusional languages, in which words can be complex, but morphemes may correspond to multiple features. In phonology, vowel harmony is a phonological rule in which the vowels of a given domain – typically a phonological word – must share certain distinctive features (thus "in harmony"). Vowel harmony is typically long distance, meaning that the affected vowels do not need to be immediately adjacent, and there can be intervening segments between the affected vowels. Generally one vowel will trigger a shift in other vowels, either progressively or regressively, within the domain, such that the affected vowels match the relevant feature of the trigger vowel. Common phonological features that define the natural classes of vowels involved in vowel harmony include vowel backness, vowel height, nasalization, roundedness, and advanced and retracted tongue root. Vowel harmony is found in many agglutinative languages. The given domain of vowel harmony taking effect often spans across morpheme boundaries, and suffixes and prefixes will usually follow vowel harmony rules. Art teaches communication by providing another way of portraying feelings, ideas, and arguments to an audience besides words. Also, it asks viewers to relate symbols and other abstract connections together to interpret a meaning from imagery. A noun group is a group of words relating to, or building on, a noun. Noun groups usually begin with an article (the, a, an) or determiner (this, that, these, those, my, your, his, her, its, our). It may have more than one adjective. 'The run-down old inner-city terrace house is for sale'. A phrasal verb is made up of a verb – usually a very common one, like 'make' – and a particle, like 'up'. Some phrasal verbs have two particles, for example put up with. The particle usually changes the meaning of the verb. Phrasal verbs look easy … after all, they're just a common verb followed by another little word. Often people don't even realise they need special attention. So what do you need to know about them? Here are some of the challenges.
Brothers of TUXÔN: Xô Igbo Name Signature with; Birth: Sensory Overload Asperger's Fetus Alcohol Consumption with Prenatal Hormones Vitamins; and Calcium Biometal Metabolism.
Animal Sacrifice is a Duck for Sex Drive and Speed.
Spiritual Animal is a Cheetah for Sex Drive and Speed.
Diet: Jamaican Fusion Pescatarian Potato Gastronomy for Nigerian Gastronomy.
2 Full Star Cardinal Signs and a Urban City Teenager Planetary Intelligence Cancer/Aries: Mercury, Moon, Sun/Neptune-Jupiter, Mars, Venus Brooklyn, NY.; age 17; Tutlery Spirit: Onye Nche (Pluto/Uranus-Saturn)
Jungle Capital Formula for African Games Retail Integration: Craftsmanship, Commercialism, Commerce, Cash-Conversion-Cycle, and Medium of Exchange. Horizontal integration involves the acquisition or merger of companies operating in the same industry and at the same stage of the supply chain. (Boxing, FL Studio and Poetic Meter, Track and Field, Rings Gymnastics, Real Estate Investment Trust, Sin Stocks Investment Trusts for Partying, and Culinary Linguistics).
Tuxôn Music School: Composition majors study contemporary composition approaches, analysis, orchestration, harmony, counterpoint, and music history. Ceremonial Orchestra Drum: Djembe, Tammas, Bougarabou; They are normally played with only the hands in a standing position. They have a full, deep, rich sound which can be heard for miles and is effective at all dynamic levels. They produce a kind of bass melody in the total rhythm. In other modern drumming situations, they are often used to back up djembes and tammas in a percussion group. Almost each of the orishas revered in the Yoruba religion has its own drum orchestra, which is of central importance for the cult of the respective deity. Drum music also represents the medium through which the ritual participant in ecstasy get in touch with the gods. Mozart Effect Composers Dancehall Production FL Studio with Djembe, Tammas, Bougarabou Theory Plugin and Bembé Rhythm Trinidad Orisha practice involves call-and-response singing accompanied by a trio of drums. Elementary School is Choir and Djembe; Middle School is Choir, Strings, and Djembe; High School is FL Studio. All Schools Teach Composition Music Study. The music was often related to national culture. It was culturally particular; from a particular region or culture. In the context of an immigrant group, folk music acquires an extra dimension for social cohesion. It is particularly conspicuous in immigrant societies, where Greek Australians, Somali Americans, Punjabi Canadians, and others strive to emphasize their cultural identity. They learn songs and dances that originate in the countries their grandparents came from. Fusion of cultures: Because cultures interact and change over time, traditional songs evolving over time may incorporate and reflect influences from disparate cultures. The relevant factors may include instrumentation, tunings, voicings, phrasing, subject matter, and even production methods. Trap Lyrics but based on National Customs so a Latino in Miami vs Jamaicans in Miami. In folk music a tune-family is, "a seeming multiplicity of melodies," reducible, "to a small number of 'models' or sets." One can think of the models or sets as deep structures. Often, "different tunes are the same," and, "the same tune is different."[1] Idiolectical (individual) or dialectical (based on context or on locale) variations may exist. Different families may also arise from the use of stock structures or of formulae such as stock phrases and motifs. In folk music, a tune is a short instrumental piece, a melody, often with repeating sections, and usually played a number of times.[15] A collection of tunes with structural similarities is known as a tune-family. America's Musical Landscape says "the most common form for tunes in folk music is AABB, also known as binary form."[16][page needed] In some traditions, tunes may be strung together in medleys or "sets."[17] Look up Romans 8 for Trap Religious Music. Trap folk music with Dance Beat.
Encomium (pl.: encomia) is a Latin word deriving from the Ancient Greek enkomion (ἐγκώμιον), meaning "the praise of a person or thing."[1] Another Latin equivalent is laudatio, a speech in praise of someone or something.
Encomium also refers to several distinct aspects of rhetoric:
A general category of oratory
A method within rhetorical pedagogy
A figure of speech praising a person or thing, but occurring on a smaller scale than an entire speech
The eighth exercise in the progymnasmata series
A literary genre that included five elements: prologue, birth and upbringing, acts of the person's life, comparisons used to praise the subject, and an epilogue[citation needed]
The basilikos logos (imperial encomium), a formal genre in the Byzantine empire
In Byzantine rhetoric, a basilikos logos (Greek: βασιλικòς λόγος, literally "imperial word") or logos eis ton autokratora ("speech to the emperor") is an encomium addressed to an emperor on an important occasion, regularly at Epiphany.[1]
The parameters of the genre were first set out in a treatise attributed to Menander Rhetor of the late 3rd century. The encomiast should praise the emperor's origins, his physical beauty, his upbringing, good habits, feats in peace and victories in war, philanthropy, good fortune and practice of the four cardinal virtues. He identified the presbeutikos, a speech of supplication given by a city to an emperor, as a subgenre of the basilikos logos. The panegyric of Constantine the Great delivered by Eusebius of Caesaria established a new convention of depicting the ideal emperor rather than the actual. The Christian basilikoi logoi dropped references to good fortune (tyche) in favour of piety. The term presbeutikos also shifted in meaning to refer to an ambassador's report.[1]
The delivery of a basilikos logos could be used as an occasion to subtly advise the emperor, becoming a sort of "mirror of princes". This is the form it took when Agapetos praised Justinian I (6th century) and when Basil I his son Leo VI (9th century). The surviving biography of the Empress Theodora (9th century) may originate in a basilikos logos addressed to her during her regency.[2] John the Oxite wrote and presumably delivered an unconventional logos that was highly critical of the policies of Alexios I Komnenos (11th century).[3] Michael Italikos (12th century) wrote a logos for the Emperor John II Komnenos based primarily on his deeds and another for Manuel I Komnenos that was more conventional.[1]
Byzantine texts
See also: Basilikos logos
Synesius, Bishop of Cyrene, De regno, speech delivered to emperor Arcadius.
Agapetus the deacon, speech delivered to emperor Justinian I. (c. 530s)
Basil I the Macedonian, Admonitory chapters I and II to his son emperor Leo VI the Wise
Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos, De Administrando Imperio, a domestic and foreign policy manual for the use of Constantine's son and successor, the Emperor Romanos II. (948–952)
Kekaumenos, Strategikon (1075/1078), chapters 77 – 91.
Archbishop Theophylact of Ohrid, Paideia Basilike (Lat. Institutio Regia) (c. 1088), addressed to his pupil Constantine Doukas, son of Emperor Michael VII Doukas.
Spaneas or Didaskalia Parainetike, modelled on the Isocratean Ad Demonicum (12th century)
Nikephoros Blemmydes, Andrias Basilikos (Lat. Regia statua, "Statue of a King"), written for Theodore II Laskaris, the future Nicaean emperor (c. 1250)
Thomas Magistros, La regalita addressed to Andronikos II Palaiologos. (14th century)
Manuel II Palaiologos, Paideia Regia dedicated to his son, John VIII Palaiologos. (15th century)
Tuxôn Favorite Songs
Ogochukwu by Seyi Vibez
Oluwaloseyi (Oluwaloseyi)
(I love you, I love you)
If you see me, you see star
Omoyi ma pami, Chiamaka, Undertaker (omoyi ma pami, Chiamaka, Undertaker)
Ma fi'ku t'oyara wo pa mi
Fashionista l'omo, ma t'epo s'alaami (fashionista l'omo, ma t'epo s'alaami)
Mallam mi, pe Aboki wa, kin she'wo, Mallam mi (pe Aboki wa, kin she'wo, Mallam mi)
O gbami, Didier Drogba, ogbaa (ogbaa)
Agba awo t'oun f'ase m'omi (agba awo t'oun f'ase m'omi)
Many girls want to woo me, woo me (many girls want to woo me, woo me)
Are you sure you want to do this? (want to do this?)
Bad boy, yours truly, truly (bad boy, yours truly, truly)
E get as e dey do me, do me
Sindodo, nkan t'oshe yen dun mi toh (Sindodo, nkan t'oshe yen dun mi toh)
Ogochukwu ogu longo
Insawodi, maya'wo, moya lo condom, mm
Mon p'ede fiki-gi fi-ti, fon-go
Kileti gbo, e tin gbo nkankan
Excuse me, me le passe, make you pardon
I love your fashion
Ejiro, o virgin but I'ma ride on
Balogun l'eyin obirin, emi Starboy
Go inside, put them sicken, aside on
My heart (heart), when we go fanshi? (fanshi)
Hey you, my chargie (chargie)
Seki', ma pami
Monseriki, fa mi
No go touch my maye
Se'ka setter, kaaye
Baby, Shiloh, awee
Holy center
Awon parent mi, o ni wa mi ti
T'oba ba e soh, k'oya listen
Oh Warisi, k'oma reason
B'oje Hennessy l'ori, k'oya sip it
You no get shishi oh, o de ffizzy
Kako bi chicken, emi l'Oba Titi
Scatter the chart, no appealing
Ogochukwu ogu longo
Insawodi, maya'wo, mo ya lo condom, mm
Mon p'ede fiki-gi fi-ti, fon-go
Kileti gbo, e tin gbo nkankan
Excuse me, me le passe, make you pardon
I love your fashion
Ejiro, o virgin but I'ma ride on
Balogun l'eyin obirin, emi Starboy
Go inside, put them sicken, aside on
My heart (heart), or we go fanshi (fanshi)
Hey you, my chargie (chargie)
Seki', ma pami
Monseriki, fa mi
No go touch my maye
Se'ka setter, kaaye
Baby, Shiloh, awee
Holy center (Holy center)
Afi'emi, afi'emi, Shiloh
(Olusho, mon dahun)
You never let a n- down
Dem wan make the n- frown
Afi'emi, afi'emi, Shiloh
Olusho, mon dahun (Olusho, mon dahun)
You never let a n- down
Na who make the n- frown?
(Afi'emi, afi'emi, Shiloh, yeah)
Olusho, mon dahun (Olusho, mon dahun)
Olusho, mon dahun (Olusho, mon dahun)
"Numbers Don't Lie" by Popcaan
An-anywhere di killy dem stop
Gyal wan' fi gi' wi di contact
Tell-tell some bwoy don't try violate, man ah fly weh dem bat
Think mi ramp?
Sonny and Rane Day
More gyal fi mi and Dane Ray
No funny blood inna mi DNA
Diss badman, di SKL wi' spray-spray
I am way up
High like di 4th of July
From mi, pretty gyal roll up
Shootin' mi shot like Kawhi
Wah 'mount ah gyal mi have, yeah
Numbers don't lie, yeah
Wah 'mount ah Matic mi have, yeah (Dane Ray)
Numbers don't lie
Wah 'mount ah respect wi have
Numbers don't lie
Gyal wan' gimmi pussy pon di first day
Yuh know mi don't lie (Weh!)
Surprise di place like di Raptors dem
Have gyal ah reminisce pon di backaz dem
Gyal ah cuss-cuss fi mi, one ah mi hottaz dem
Unruly nuh wear di knockaz dem (Yeah!)
V16 engines
Spaceship wid di lock sport built it
Bwoy cyan diss my team
Man ah bad before mi reach 16
Man ah Gad inna di earth, dawg
Bad anywhere inna di world, cah
Who dem pussy dem, dem ah learner
Badman buss yuh head wid di burner (Weh!)
I am way up
High like di 4th of July
From mi, pretty gyal roll up
Shootin' mi shot like Kawhi
Wah 'mount ah gyal mi have, yeah
Numbers don't lie
Wah 'mount ah Matic mi have, yeah (Dane Ray)
Numbers don't lie
Wah 'mount ah respect wi have
Numbers don't lie
Gyal wan' gimmi pussy pon di first day
Yuh know mi don't lie (Weh!)
Mi seh mi money nuff long time
Anuh just now
Cuban 'round mi neck (Weh!), fully buss down
9x19, fully custom
Mi yard run like ah airport killy customs (Mhmm)
Prettiest gyal have mi ting ah rub down
And ah seh she wan' gimmi head inna lump sum
Win some pretty tongue, gimmi wisdom
3 grand fi mi shoes dem weh yah touch ground
Pussy dem soft like Suavitel
Mi call dem name and mi nuh ring nuh bell (Mhmm hmm)
Dane Ray seh kill dem, mi seh might as well
Man crack dem skull just like ah turtle shell
Paint dem like ah enamel
Sonny and Rane Day
More gyal fi mi and Dane Ray (Yeah)
Gyallis inna mi DNA
Fuck off 'Shawna, Kay and Anna-Kay
I am way up
Yuh think mi [?]?
Sonny and Rane Day
More gyal fi mi and Dane Ray (Woi)
Gyallis inna mi DNA
CPP, CNS Depressants, et FENTALOGS: Cul-de-sac
Grey-Decentralized Markets
Bastilles: Cul-de-sac Artist Résidences Penthouse Complexes
Acid House Art Gallery
International Film Festival
Hôtel Chefs
Seigneurial System/Tableau Economique Raw Material Économics Production Spot
Discount Networking Acid House Party
Opium Dens and Fragrance Festivals
Pill Pressers
CNS depressants
Upper-tier County System
Defense Lawyers are Traplords (Trafficking P4P and Malicious Prosecution)
Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC)
Brain Receptor Dealing
Neuroplasticity Drug-Crime Nexus
Live-Pool Betting Monopoly Board Game
Summary Sentencing
Urban Level: Street Culture Art Gallery (Street culture may refer to: Urban culture, the culture of towns and cities, Street market, Children's street culture, Street carnival, Block party, Street identity, Street food, Café culture, Several youth subculture or counterculture topics pertaining to outdoors of urban centers. These can include: Street art, Street photography, Street racing, Street wear, Hip-hop culture, Urban fiction, Street sports, Streetball, Flatland BMX, Freestyling), Art Pedagogy, Artist Residency, Art Schools, and Art Plugs
Art Pedagogy: Arts-based pedagogy is a teaching methodology in which an art form is integrated with another subject matter to impact student learning. 28-30. Arts-based pedagogy results in arts-based learning (ABL),11 which is when a student learns about a subject through arts processes including creating, responding or performing. Aesthetic Teaching: Seeking a Balance between Teaching Arts and Teaching through the Arts. In aesthetic education, learning must be developed especially with the inclusion of sensations and with the help of feelings. Sensations and feelings should lead to movement, representation, and expression. Aesthetic learning often entails learning to distinguish certain qualities or objects aesthetically in different ways depending on the situation and the purpose. Certain things can be experienced in negative ways in one activity and in positive ways in another.
A designer drug is a structural or functional analog of a controlled substance that has been designed to mimic the pharmacological effects of the original drug, while avoiding classification as illegal and/or detection in standard drug tests
Major Vice: Solvent Levelling Effect Chemical Reaction Engineering et Placebo Effect (manufacturing), Suicide Tuesdays Levelling Effect (Rolling Tobacco, Oxytocin, Pain Killers, and Hydrocolloids Ecstasy) [Brain Receptors Dealing], Cash Back Program (Buy within 3 days of paycheck for extra Tobacco), Razor-Razor Blade C2C: Streetwear and PC Gaming (Business Model), Popcorn Marketing (Prices) Ecstasy-Opiods Singer-Dealers/Ecstasy-Xanax Producers-Drug Encroachment (Rave Teams), Smurfing-Embezzlement Painting, Cabaret et Burlesque, et Hotel Chains Budgeting, Real Estate Brokerage Trust Account
Grassroots Minor Vice: TRADWAVE Stickers/Shirts and Gum (Trafficking), Vape Smoke Tricks (Sprezzatura), Soundcloud Sharing Group Chats (Raves), Hôtel Chains Budgeting (Financial Forecasting and Budgeting), San Pellegrino Mini Fridge (Chilvary)
Body High Ecstasy Water; (Binding Agent) Microcrystalline Cellulose, Hydrocolloid Water-soluble Proteins, (Potentiation) Grapefruit Powder, (Activating Ingredients) meta-Chlorophenylpiperazine (mCPP), and Alprazolam; New York Minuite: Duds and meta-Chlorophenylpiperazine (mCPP); Fentalogs: acetyl fentanyl, butyryl fentanyl, beta- hydroxythiofentanyl, furanyl fentanyl, 4-fluoroisobutyryl fentanyl, acryl fentanyl, and U-47700; Tablet presses are machines designed to compress pharmaceutical powders and granules into tablets. They must be highly precise in order to create uniform tablets that each contain the same amount of active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients; Habitants (French: [abitɑ̃]) were French settlers and the inhabitants of French origin who farmed the land along the two shores of the St. Lawrence River and Gulf in what is the present-day Province of Quebec in Canada. The term was used by the inhabitants themselves and the other classes of French Canadian society from the 17th century up until the early 20th century when the usage of the word declined in favour of the more modern agriculteur (farmer) or producteur agricole (agricultural producer). A fragrance wheel [1] also known as aroma wheel, fragrance circle, perfume wheel or smell wheel, is a circular diagram showing the inferred relationships among olfactory groups based upon similarities and differences in their odor.[1] The groups bordering one another are implied to share common olfactory characteristics. Fragrance wheel is frequently used as a classification tool in oenology and perfumery.
Books: Mirror for Princes, Psychology, and Business.
Genome Editing Signature: Diamond Face with Grey Eyes and Blonde Hair, Calcium Blood Overdose for ACTNX Gene and FBN1 Gene for Marfan for Fascia Type IIx Athletes, Sensory Processing Sensitive Brain, with Enzymes; Mutations; and Neurodisorders.
TUXÔN Commercialism Reference Style Nigerian Boxing: A system of Social and economic organization in which financial profit is valued above any other criterion or consideration. 
Training Gear: Focus Mitts, Punching Shield, Reflex Bag, Double End Bag, Heavy Bags, Tire for Pocket Training (one foot in)
Boxing Movement: Aesthetics, Athletics, and Agriculture (Life Drawing Modelling and Tracksuits with Outerwear, Boxing, Agriculture Mediums, Iron Metabolism); Anatomy: For Force-Velocity Curve Replace Power with Elastic for Fascia Type IIx Muscle Fibre with Dynamic Effort Method, Scapular Rings Gymnastics, 200m Isometric-Plyometric, 200m Isometric-Mobility, Isometric-Dynamic Plank, 200m Isometric Stretching, Leucine, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Keto BHB, and Iron Supplements with Lidocaine Numbing Cream and Tramadol Painkiller; Duck, Sheep Dairy, Rabbit, Beans, Spinach, And Potato for Iron Metabolism: Shoulder Roll Brawler: Pocket Fighting and Clinching. Use different Jab and Power Shot Types for Bladed Guard Manipulation for Signature Stance. The shoulder roll is a defensive move in its essence, one you can get to from any position or stance. It allows you to tuck your chin behind your shoulder to avoid your opponent’s punches.  
Boxing Museum: Theatre and Library, Sculpting Modelling (Scapula exercises works Traps and Serratus Anterior), Sculpting Courses, History Exhibit 
Chain Model: Pay-per-view Conglomerate, Magazines with Gyms, Solo Promotion and Teams Demotion Daily Fantasy Sports Rakes and Purses, Boxing Economy Magazines, AgriMediums for Rural Area Commerce, AgInvestors, Life Drawing Modelling and Tracksuits with Outerwear for 1% Class Interaction, British Boxing Museum, Memoir and Documentaries, Brain Donation, Anatomy and Calcium Metabolism Meta-analysis
Decentralized Gambling Economy: Pigou Effect, Corporate-Capital Gains Tax Haven, High Stakes Minimum Buy In, Domestic: Boxing, Retirement: Boat Racing, Residency Program for Tax Benefits
Signature Striking: Start Combos with Power Shots and End with Jabs
Naoya Inoue Influence for West African Shell (Bladed Half Guard): Wide Stance with Weight Forward, Inverted-V Target (Solar Plexus, Liver, Spleen, Obliques) opens Head as a Target, Centerline connection opens Flanks, Multiple Jab Triggers Self Counter Hooks Combo, Front Power Hooks over Jabs for Single Punches, Front Hooks and Front Jabs for Parry High Guard.
Boxing Gym Culture (Surf Culture Reengineering)
Surf culture includes the people, language, fashion, and lifestyle surrounding the sport of surfing. The history of surfing began with the ancient Polynesians. That initial culture directly influenced modern surfing, which began to flourish and evolve in the early 20th century, with its popularity peaking during the 1950s and 1960s (principally in Hawaii, Australia, and California). It has affected music, fashion, literature, film, art, and youth jargon in popular culture. The number of surfers throughout the world continues to increase as the culture spreads. Surfer Magazine was founded in the 1960s when surfing had gained popularity and was the initial voice for surf culture which included environmental activism. Localism or territorialism is a part of the development of surf culture in which individuals or groups of surfers claim certain key surfing spots as their own. Since ancient times among the Native Hawaiians, the appointed kahuna (priest) laid an offering of fish, said prayers, and performed other religious rites by a tree before it was felled to make a surfboard.[12] The ancient Hawaiians believed that the trees they made their surfboards (papa heʻe nalu) from had souls (ʻuhane),[22][23] and used the trunks of koa trees to build them. Their pae poʻo (bodyboards)[24][note 1] as well as kikoʻo and alaia surfboards were made from koa; however, olo, the longest and heaviest surfboards, were made from the lighter and more buoyant wood of the wiliwili, and were used exclusively by the nobility.[25] Heiaus are Hawaiian places of worship where sacrifices were offered, they include actual temples as well as natural objects or features of the landscape. Every activity in Hawaiian culture was associated with a cult devoted to a deity or the activity itself, such as surfing. [26][27] When the ocean was calm and there were no waves to surf, the kahuna lashed the surface of the sea with long strands of beach morning glory (pohuehue) vines and chanted, in unison with the surfers.
Promotion and Regulation: Solo Promotion and Weight Class Teams.
Magazines Owned Gyms as League Franchises: A franchise agreement is a contract under which the franchisor grants the franchisee the right to operate a business, or offer, sell, or distribute goods or services identified or associated with the franchisor's trademark, Ex. 250 Gyms for 5 Magazines 50 per Magazine.
Sculpting Modelling 
Sculpture is a form of artistic expression that involves modelling, sculpting or carving stone, wood or other materials. 
If you enjoy carving or molding figures from clay, metal, marble, or other materials, have excellent artistic talent and a keen imagination (and you played in the mud as a child), a career as a sculptor is for you.
Fine artists, including painters, sculptors*, and illustrators are also called: Artist.
Boxing Physiques can be a Reference for Sculptors. We just do what's need for the piece. Africa have the FARMING too.
No Closed Doors Super Series: Bi-monthly Six Fight Multi Locations Series with Behind the Scenes between Two Boxers
Box Raw Bi-weekly Boxing Economy Newspaper and Monthly Biography Magazine
Box Raw Fashion Label and Equipment
Box Raw Boxing Science Corporate Education
Box Raw Streaming Daily Fantasy Sportsbook (Options Trading Turf Accountant)
Boxing Gloves as Kit Rivals
Target Audience
Gamblers and BioEngineers
Turf Accounting Model
Python Programming Gaussian Distribution
Exotic Options Trading Live Betting
Parlays Minimum for Round Robins
Daily Fantasy Rakes
Street Culture
Street Food
Street Photography
Street Workout
Café Culture
Children's Street Culture
Block Party
Piccadilly Circus is a road junction and public space of London's West End in the City of Westminster. It was built in 1819 to connect Regent Street with Piccadilly. In this context, a circus, from the Latin word meaning "circle", is a round open space at a street junction.[1]: A street can often serve as the catalyst for the neighborhood's prosperity, culture and solidarity.
Ring Fundamentals Workout
Top position hold: 5 sets of 15 seconds, 30 sec. rest
Ring dip: 5 sets of 8-12 reps, 1 min. rest
Reverse row sit-back: 5 sets of 10-15 reps, 1 min. rest
Tuck/L-sit: 5 sets of 15 seconds, 30 sec. rest
Ring chin-up or pull-up: 5 sets of 8-12 reps, 1 min. rest
Dynamic/Isometric Superset Workout
Ring dip: 6-8 reps of dip, with a 15-sec. top position hold in between each rep. Do this for 5 sets with 1 min. rest between sets.
Reverse row sit-back: 6 to 8 reps with a 15-sec. tuck/L-sit in between each rep. Do this for 5 sets with 1 minute of rest between sets.
Ring chin-up or pull-up: 5 sets of 8 to 12 reps, with 1 minute of rest between sets.
Street Culture
Street Food
Street Photography
Street Workout
Café Culture
Children's Street Culture
Block Party
Bloor Street: A street can often serve as the catalyst for the neighborhood's prosperity, culture and solidarity.
Urban Fiction (Crime Newspaper Articles, Movies, TV Series) Caleb's Rise International Film Festival Genre: Street Literature Henriad Shakespeare Adaptation Thrillers.
Spiritual Catalyst: Djembe; Tammas; Bougarabou 808s Melody, Cinnamon Coffee-Tobacco, English Style Battered Scallops-Basil Potatoes, Mineral Water, Chlorophyll, Leucine-Creatine-Keto BHB-Hydrolyzed Collagen, Musk-Tobacco Fragrances, Cucumber-Coconut Milk Shea Butter Hyaluronic Acid Cosmetics, Money, Machine Pistols, Technology, Parties, Wool-Sheep Dairy, Modafinil-Painkillers-Iced Tea Promethazine Codeine, and Sports Betting.
Religious Ecstacy: Entheogens are psychedelic drugs—and sometimes certain other psychoactive substances—used for engendering spiritual development or otherwise in sacred contexts; Mu Recptor-Norpinephine Prescription Meds Ecstacy. The poet syndrome: opiates, psychosis and creativity L Rauch. J Psychoactive Drugs. 2000 Jul-Sep. For some people, heroin is a self-medicating tool used to control innate psychic sensitivity. The habitual use of heroin provides the sensitive addict with a definition of consciousness by containment, psychic buffering, and psychic marking. This article is an examination of the political and social history of opiates, opiates as antipsychotics, "drug of choice" as a determinant of self-medication, and the connection between creativity, spirituality, psychosis and addiction. Using clinical observation, the article explores the poet syndrome hypothesis and offers direction for an alternative drug treatment paradigm. Personality disorders and particularly antisocial personality disorders (APD) are quite frequent in opioid-dependent subjects. They show various personality traits: high neuroticism, high impulsivity, higher extraversion than the general population. Previous studies have reported that some but not all personality traits improved with treatment. In a previous study, we found a low rate of APD in a French population of opioid-dependent subjects. For this reason, we evaluated personality traits at intake and during maintenance treatment with methadone. Methods - The form A of the Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) was given to opioid addicts at intake and after 6 and 12 months of methadone treatment. Results - 134 subjects (96 males and 38 females) took the test at intake, 60 completed 12 months of treatment. After 12 months, the EPI Neuroticism (N) and the Extraversion-introversion (E) scale scores decreased significantly. The N score improved in the first 6 months, while the E score improved only during the second 6 months of treatment. Compared to a reference group of French normal controls, male and female opioid addicts showed high N and E scores. Demographic data and EPI scores of patients who stayed in treatment for 12 months did not differ significantly from those of dropouts (n=23). Patients with a history of suicide attempts (SA) started to use heroin at an earlier age and they showed a higher E score and a tendency for a higher N score at intake. Discussion - The two personality dimensions of the EPI changed during MMT, and the N score converged towards the score of normal controls. Opioid addicts differ from normal controls mostly in their N score. The EPI did not help to differentiate 12-month completers from dropouts. Higher E scores in patients with an SA history might reflect a higher impulsivity, which has been linked to suicidality in other patient groups.
Region: Port Tuxôn; Bas-Sassandra District (French: District du Bas-Sassandra; [ba.sa.sɑ̃d.ʁa], "Lower Sassandra") is one of fourteen administrative districts of Ivory Coast. The district is located in the southwest part of the country. The capital of the district is San-Pédro. The district was created in a 2011 administrative reorganisation of the subdivisions of Ivory Coast.[3] Its territory is composed of the former region of Bas-Sassandra with the addition of the department of Fresco, which was transferred from the region of Sud-Bandama.[4] Yonge–Dundas Square, or Dundas Square is a public square at the southeast corner of the intersection of Yonge Street and Dundas Street East in Downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Designed by Brown and Storey Architects, the square was conceived in 1997 as part of revitalizing the intersection.[2][3] Since its completion in 2002, the square has hosted many public events, performances and art displays, establishing itself as a prominent landmark in Toronto and one of the city's prime tourist attractions. Central to the Downtown Yonge entertainment and shopping district, the square is owned by the city and is the first public square in Canada to be maintained through a public–private partnership.[4] The intersection is one of the busiest in Canada, with over 100,000 people crossing the city's first pedestrian scramble daily.[5][6][7] Surrounding the square are other major landmarks, including the Toronto Eaton Centre, Ed Mirvish Theatre, and the Citytv building. The square is accessible from the Toronto subway at Dundas station and is connected to Path, Toronto's underground pedestrian walkway. The square is continuously illuminated by large billboard screens and corporate logos, which has led to comparison of the square with Times Square in New York City, Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo, and Piccadilly Circus in London.[8][9] A marina (from Spanish [maˈɾina], Portuguese [mɐˈɾinɐ] and Italian [maˈriːna]: "related to the sea") is a dock or basin with moorings and supplies for yachts and small boats. A marina differs from a port in that a marina does not handle large passenger ships or cargo from freighters. Marine architecture is the design of architectural and engineering structures which support coastal design, near-shore and off-shore or deep-water planning for many projects such as shipyards, ship transport, coastal management or other marine and/or hydroscape activities. These structures include harbors, lighthouses, marinas, oil platforms, offshore drillings, accommodation platforms and offshore wind farms, floating engineering structures and building architectures or civil seascape developments. Floating structures in deep water may use suction caisson for anchoring.[1][2][3][4][5]
Boxing/Ballet Mecca
Trafalgar Square (/trəˈfælɡər/ trə-FAL-gər) is a public square in the City of Westminster, Central London, established in the early 19th century around the area formerly known as Charing Cross. The square's name commemorates the Battle of Trafalgar, the British naval victory in the Napoleonic Wars over France and Spain that took place on 21 October 1805 off the coast of Cape Trafalgar. The Monte Carlo Casino, officially named Casino de Monte-Carlo, is a gambling and entertainment complex located in Monaco. It includes a casino, the Opéra de Monte-Carlo, and the office of Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo.[1]
Trafalgar Square but Casino de Monte Carlo Boxing Buildings/Museums and Statues with a Ballet Drumming Orchestra Opera House.
Laws of Power, Strategies of War, and Laws of Human Nature By Robert Greene
Law 1: Never Outshine the Master: Ensure that those above you always feel superior. Go out of your way to make your bosses look better and feel smarter than anyone else. Everyone is insecure, but an insecure boss can retaliate more strongly than others can.
Law 2: Never Put too Much Trust in Friends, Learn How to Use Enemies: Keep a close eye on your friends — they get envious and will undermine you. If you co-opt an enemy, he’ll be more loyal than a friend because he’ll try harder to prove himself worthy of your trust.
Strategy 1: Do Not Fight the Last War: The Guerrilla-War-of-the-Mind Strategy: What most often weighs you down and brings you misery is the past, in the form of unnecessary attachments, repetitions of tired formulas, and the memory of old victories and defeats. You must consciously wage war against the past and force yourself to react to the present moment. Never take it for granted that your past successes will continue into the future.
Strategy 2: Segment Your Forces: The Controlled-Chaos Strategy; Speed and adaptability are critical elements in war, and come from flexible organization. Decentralize your army, segment into teams, and let go a little to gain mobility. Give your different corps clear missions that fit your strategic goals, then let them accomplish them as they see fit.
Law #3: People Can Be Influenced: We all need our self-image confirmed because we know it’s not always objectively accurate. We tend to like and listen to the people who validate us.
Law #4: People Wear Masks: We all display a persona, or a mask, that pumps up our positive qualities and shows ourselves in the best light. However, it’s not always easy to hide our true natures—while we have good control of our words, we don’t always have good control of our body language and nonverbal cues
Law #8: People’s Individuality Is Overpowered by Groups: When we’re in groups, everyone else’s emotions affect us and potentially provoke us into doing things we wouldn’t do alone.
Law #9: People Are Influenced by Their Generation: Everyone belongs to at least one group—their generation. Generational values are shaped by world events that took place during the generation’s coming-of-age years and the inevitable conflict with other generations.
Instrumental aggression refers to aggressive behavior meant to achieve a specific goal. Unlike other types of aggression, the behavior is not due to anger or other emotion but rather a calculated means to an end. Instrumental aggression is similar to bullying but with a specific, manipulative purpose.
Age 16-19
Bond Funds 
Farmland REITS
Real Estate Brokerage Trust Account 
Age 20-30
Farmland Recession Proof Stocks (Cosmetics, AgTech, Ag ETFS, AgETN)
Incubator and Startup Accelerators
Real Estate Joint Ventures 
Age 30-40
Farmland Blue Chip Indexes w/ Credit Spread Options
Tunnel Strategy (Offshore Banking)
Purpose: Permanent Residency Card
$250k Deposit
$125k: 60/40 portfolio, 60% Fixed Income & REITs and 40% Blue Chip Stocks 
$50k: Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) and term deposits are secured investments. This means that you get back the amount you invest at the end of your term. The key difference between a GIC and a term deposit is the length of the term. Term deposits generally have shorter terms than GICs.
$75k: Spending Cash
Tax System
Commonwealth of Dominica has initiated legislation that facilitates the creation of offshore corporations, trusts, and foundations, providing tax-friendly and privacy-protected offshore banking services.
Taxes on profits of offshore companies are generally in the range of 0% to 5.5%, and the tax rate decreases as the profits earned increase.
A business cluster is a geographic concentration of interconnected businesses, suppliers, and associated institutions in a particular field. Clusters are considered to increase the productivity with which companies can compete, nationally and globally. Accounting is a part of the business cluster.[1][2] In urban studies, the term agglomeration is used.[3] Clusters are also important aspects of strategic management. Geographical cluster – as stated above e.g. the California wine cluster[12] or the flower cluster between Rotterdam and Amsterdam in the Netherlands.[13] Sectoral clusters (a cluster of businesses operating together from within the same commercial sector e.g. marine (south east England; Cowes and now Solent) and photonics (Aston Science Park, Birmingham)) Horizontal cluster (interconnections between businesses at a sharing of resources level e.g. knowledge management, machinery, lab and test tools, material supply, professional employment) Factor endowment clusters – They are created because a comparative advantage they might have linked to a geographical position. For example, wine production clusters because of sunny regions surrounded by mountains, where good grapes can grow. This is like certain areas in France such as Burgundy and Champagne, as well as Lombardy, Spain, Chile and California. Low-cost manufacturing clusters – These clusters have typically emerged in developing countries within particular industries, such as automotive production, electronics, or textiles. Examples include electronics clusters in Mexico (e.g. Guadalajara) and Argentina (e.g. Córdoba). Cluster firms typically serve clients in developed countries. Drivers of cluster emergence include availability of low-cost labor, geographical proximity to clients (e.g. in the case of Mexico for U.S. clients; Eastern Europe for Western European clients).[17] Hubs and nodes is a geographic model explaining how linked regions can cooperate to fulfill elements of an industry's value chain and collectively gain sufficient mass to drive innovation growth. In economics, a network effect (also called network externality or demand-side economies of scale) is the phenomenon by which the value or utility a user derives from a good or service depends on the number of users of compatible products. The model of hubs and nodes builds on Porter's cluster model which served well in the past, but as businesses and regions around the world have adjusted to the realities of globalization, the concept of clusters is becoming outdated. In the late 1990s, the Seoul Metropolitan Government in South Korea developed the Digital Media City (DMC), a 135-acre complex, four miles outside of the city's central business district in the Sangam-dong district. With Seoul's rapidly growing cluster of multi-media, IT, and entertainment industries, the Digital Media City, through its vibrant agglomeration, helped to promote these industries and companies whose core business required use of information, communication, and media technologies. DMC grew and prospered as a global business environment, raising Seoul as an east-Asian hub of commerce. The cluster of its digital media-related, high-tech firms spawned partnerships which in turn leveraged both human and social capital in the area. Eventually, DMC fed the innovation of more than 10,000 small-scale Internet, game, and telecommunication firms located in Seoul.[20]
Nigerian naira
Commodity De Facto Currency: Cash Crops Plantation/Rural Economics and Raw Materials Economic 
Coffee-Belmont Livre De Facto Currency: BEL/HLV Currency Pair, Currency Basket to Stabilize Buyers and Sellers, Coffee-Tobacco Soil Peg, Coffee-Tobacco Plantation, Currency Board NO Central Bank
Banque Habitants 
To provide a ballpark estimate, the cost range for a new bank or credit union can range from $2 million to $5 million, depending on size and many other variables. Use the guide we've created below to explore the cost breakdown of each component of a new facility.
Mercantilism, Market Extension Mergers (Infrastructure for Resources), Commodities Options Exchanges, Farmland Real Estate Brokerage Trust Account, Student Credit Cards, Coastal Belt, Conserved Péninsule,
Open-pit Mines in with: large-scale alluvial and coastal mining
Ghana has three major geographic regions—coastal, forest, and northern savanna—the boundaries of which are not always clearly defined. By far the smallest of the regions, the coastal zone is traditionally a region of fishermen and small-scale farmers.
La Suite System: Real Estate as a Catalyst for Commodities Options Exchanges 
Territorial cartels distribute districts of the market to be used only by individual participants, which act as monopolists.
Selling or buying cartels unite against the cartel's customers or suppliers, respectively. The former type is more frequent than the latter.
Standardization cartels implement common standards for sold or purchased products. If the members of a cartel produce different sorts or grades of a good, conversion factors are applied to calculate the value of the respective output.
Tuxôn Masculinity: Live Like Your Farther is Dead (Man of the House), Live like you are responsible for someone else while taking care of your wellbeing, Budget & Forecasting Finances, Keystone Habits (One Habit that adds multiple habits), Stretch Goals and Micro Goals, Pescatarian Potato Gastronomy, Contrast Training, and use Potential Psychology. "Having a son is like planting a tree. You need to let it grow and have it's own shadow!" — Tuxôn
Mercantilism Spectrum of CDF/NGN
CDF Raw Materials and CFA Products. (Prices); CDF Holding Company and CFA Conglomerate Company. (Equity and Dividend Yield); CDF is Gold Standard and CFA is Helicopter Money. (FX Rate/Hedging); CDF Helicopter Money [Supplier Currency] and CFA as Purchasing Power [Consumer Currency] (Currency Union & Currency Board and Negative Interest Rates); CDF is Congolese Franc and CFA is Central African Fran
Culinary linguistics, a sub-branch of applied linguistics, is the study of food and language across various interdisciplinary fields such as linguistic, anthropology, sociolinguistics, and consumption politics and globalisation.[1]
Competitive Cooking Gambling
Cooking Shows as Leagues
Verb Groups
Gastronomy Trends Marketing Teams
TUXÔN d’Or as Organization
Habitant Conservation Film Festival
Restaurant Clientel Grocery Stores
Cook Book based Libraries
Bocuse d’Or Qualifiers
Agriculture Festivals: Wool and Wine
Sporting Event Gastronomy
Nutritional Biochemistry Learning Show
Farmland Stock Simulators
Agronomics School
Pescatarian Gastronomy School
Agriculture Central Hedge Fund, Mining Unions, Peninsula Agronomique Engineering, Commodities Options Exchange (Credit Spread Options, Farm REITs, Crop Production; Fertelizers and Seeds; Equipment; Distribution and Processing Stocks, Ag ETFs and ETNs, Ag Mutual Funds), Tableau Économiques, Investments Farms REITs, Art Financing Carnival.
Ninety–90 Bash, also known as the 90/90 is an upcoming annual franchise-based 90-ball cricket league in the United Arab Emirates.[1] It will be slightly shorter than The Hundred which is a 100-ball cricket format founded by the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB). Chaguanas has also been a hub for Indo-Trinidadian and Tobagonian culture and even the broader Indo-Caribbean culture.
Evening Cricket, Sports Betting Team Purse (20% to teams) and Short Form of Cricket Ninety–90 Bash Network: Trinidad and Tobago West Indies, Mumbai, Dubai, and Sri Lanka
Cricket System for Hawala Athletes: Entertainment District Stadiums, Maritime Corruption, Sin Stocks Investment Trust (Pharmaceuticals; Arms; Cannabis; Sportsbook; Entertainment District Quarterly Gross Revenue Rental Properties), and Kinaesthetic Learner Activities away from Cricket.
Trixie and Jersey Sales: Craftsmanship, Commercialism, Commerce, Cash-Conversion-Cycle, and Medium of Exchange.
Poaching for Bowlers: Jersey Sale Money, Purse Money added to my Contract, and 15-25 demographics Endorsements 
Swing bowling is a technique used for bowling in the sport of cricket. Practitioners are known as swing bowlers. Swing bowling is generally classed as a subtype of fast bowling.
Bodyline, also known as fast leg theory bowling, was a cricketing tactic devised by the English cricket team for their 1932–33 Ashes tour of Australia. It was designed to combat the extraordinary batting skill of Australia's leading batsman, Don Bradman. A bodyline delivery was one in which the cricket ball was bowled at pace, aimed at the body of the batsman in the expectation that when he defended himself with his bat, a resulting deflection could be caught by one of several fielders deliberately placed nearby on the leg side.
Slang: Sub Verbs Linguistics Arts Touch-Accuracy Cricket Street Game
Cricket System for Trapping Athletes: Entertainment District Stadiums, Maritime Corruption, Sin Stocks Investment Trust, and Kinaesthetic Learner Activities away from Cricket. Craftsmanship, Commercialism, Commerce, Cash-Conversion-Cycle, and Medium of Exchange.
Spiritual: Tutlery Deity Cricket Ancestry Invocation, Spiritual Baptist Cricket Spirit, Shaman King Athletics, Full Star Pluto with Gemini Mercury Winged Deity
Adult Entertainment: Caribbean Sports Betting
Video Game: Arcade Pinball Style Video Game with Bembé Rhythm Soundtrack
Food: Rum Mango Lassi Stadium Drink, Fish Fritters and Samosa-Naan Food Trucks
Stroke Play: Vertical-bat or straight-bat shots can be played off either the front foot or the back foot depending upon the anticipated height of the ball at the moment it reaches the batter. The characteristic position of the bat is a vertical alignment at the point of contact. Vertical-bat shots are typically played with the batter's head directly above the point of contact so he is able to accurately judge the line of the ball. At this point, the bat can either be stationary and facing straight back down the wicket – known as a block or defensive shot; angled to one side – known as a glance or deflection; or travelling forwards towards the bowler – known as a drive.
Googly Bowling: Swing bowling is a technique used for bowling in the sport of cricket. Practitioners are known as swing bowlers. Swing bowling is generally classed as a subtype of fast bowling. Bodyline, also known as fast leg theory bowling, was a cricketing tactic devised by the English cricket team for their 1932–33 Ashes tour of Australia. It was designed to combat the extraordinary batting skill of Australia's leading batsman, Don Bradman. A bodyline delivery was one in which the cricket ball was bowled at pace, aimed at the body of the batsman in the expectation that when he defended himself with his bat, a resulting deflection could be caught by one of several fielders deliberately placed nearby on the leg side. In cricket, a dismissal occurs when a batter's innings is brought to an end by the opposing team. Other terms used are the batter being out, the batting side losing a wicket, and the fielding side taking a wicket. The ball becomes dead (meaning that no further runs can be scored off that delivery), and the dismissed batter must leave the field of play for the rest of their team's innings, to be replaced by a team-mate. A team's innings ends if ten of the eleven team members are dismissed. Players bat in pairs so, when only one batter remains who can be not out, it is not possible for the team to bat any longer. This is known as dismissing or bowling out the batting team, who are said to be all out. To grip the ball for a leg-spinning delivery, the ball is placed into the palm with the seam parallel to the palm. The first two fingers then spread and grip the ball, and the third and fourth fingers close together and rest against the side of the ball. The first bend of the third finger should grasp the seam. The thumb resting against the side is up to the bowler, but should impart no pressure. When the ball is bowled, the third finger will apply most of the spin. The wrist is cocked as it comes down by the hip, and the wrist moves sharply from right to left as the ball is released, adding more spin. The ball is tossed up to provide flight. The batter will see the back of the hand when the ball is released. An alternative grip is to hold the ball in the thumb, index finger and middle finger. The finger-print of both the thumb and index finger rest on the seam, as does the first bend of the middle finger. Together with rotation of the wrist, the index and middle fingers are involved in imparting spin on the ball and can achieve a very high number of revolutions.
Flow Aesthetic over Playing Style: 4 Runs Vertical Bat and Power Bowling
Cricket Physique: Contrast Training (Isometric-Plyometic Cardio & Kettlebell and Gymnastics Rings Isometric-Mobility), Vo2 Max Swimming, with Force Velocity Curve; Genome Editing: FBN1, ACTNX Calcium Metabolism, MSTN Gene, ACE Gene, and Sensory Processing Sensitive Brain ESTJ)
Extra: Showerbrush Method with Cucumber and Sebum Control: Conditioner, Bar Soap, Facial, Bar Soap. Cosmetic Application: Bronzer Sunscreen Coconut milk and Shea Butter, Aftershave Body splash, Fragrance Equipment: Durag, Wave Brush, Bottom Grillz;
Food Scents in Indo-Caribbean and NOUCHI Gastronomy Olfactory Arts: Mango, Coconut, Cucumber, Sheep Dairy, Herbal Ghee Mollusk, Garlic-Ginger, Dark Roast Coffee, Dark Chocolate, Cinnamon, Vanilla, and Molasses
Cabinda also produces hardwoods, coffee, cacao, rubber, and palm oil products; however, petroleum production accounts for most of Cabinda's domestic product.
Port Royal, Martinique Sister Cities: Antwerp, Belgium, Saint Pedro, Bas-Sassandra, Côte d'Ivoire; Boma, Cabinda, Angola; République Démocratique du Congo; St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador; Le Havre, Normandy/Marseille-Caanes, Port Alpes Côte d'Azur, France
Bancassurance is a relationship between a bank and an insurance company[1] that is aimed at offering insurance products or insurance benefits to the bank's customers. In this partnership, bank staff and tellers become the point of sale and point of contact for the customer. Bank staff are advised and supported by the insurance company through wholesale product information, marketing campaigns and sales training. The bank and the insurance company share the commission. Insurance policies are processed and administered by the insurance company.
The staple right, also translated stacking right or storage right, both from the Dutch stapelrecht, was a medieval right accorded to certain ports, the staple ports. It required merchant barges or ships to unload their goods at the port and to display them for sale for a certain period, often three days. Only after that option had been given to local customers were traders allowed to reload their cargo and travel onwards with the remaining unsold freight.[1][2]
Gross national product accounts for its citizen’s productions both within and outside its borders. This figure then subtracts income earned by foreign residents within the country. By contrast, gross domestic product measures the production of goods and services made within a country’s borders by both citizens and foreign residents overall.
Marseille or Marseilles (French: Marseille; Provençal Occitan: Marselha; see below) is the prefecture of the French department of Bouches-du-Rhône and of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region. Situated in the Provence region of southern France, it is located on the coast of the Gulf of Lion, part of the Mediterranean Sea, near the mouth of the Rhône river. A resident of Marseille is a Marseillais.
Tidjane Thiam (French: [tidʒan tiam];[1][2] born 29 July 1962) is an Ivorian and French businessman, and the executive chairman of Freedom Acquisition Corp.[3] He was the chief executive officer (CEO) of Swiss bank Credit Suisse from March 2015 to February 2020. He was the chief financial officer of British banking group Prudential from 2007 to 2009, and then its CEO until 2015. In 2019, Thiam became a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).[4][5][6]
João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço GColIH (born 5 March 1954) is an Angolan politician who has served as the 3rd president of Angola since 26 September 2017.[4] Previously, he was Minister of Defence from 2014 to 2017. In September 2018, he became the Chairman of the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), the ruling party. He was the party's Secretary-General from 1998 to 2003.
Serge Letchimy (French pronunciation: [sɛʁʒ lɛtʃimi]; born 13 January 1953) is the President of the Executive Council of Martinique and former member of the National Assembly of France. He represents the island of Martinique's 3rd constituency since June 2007, and is a member of The Socialists and affiliated parliamentary group. Letchimy is a member of the Martinican Progressive Party (PPM), or Parti progressiste martiniquais. He was the successor of Aimé Césaire as Mayor of Fort de France from 2001 to 2010 and was the final President of the Regional Council of Martinique from 26 March 2010 until its replacement by the Assembly of Martinique in December 2015.[1]
Capricornus is one of the 88 modern constellations, and was also one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century astronomer Claudius Ptolemy. Its old astronomical symbol is  (♑︎). Under its modern boundaries it is bordered by Aquila, Sagittarius*, Microscopium, Piscis Austrinus, and Aquarius*. The constellation is located in an area of sky called the Sea or the Water, consisting of many water-related constellations such as Aquarius, Pisces and Eridanus. It is the smallest constellation in the zodiac. (Sky God R'ad Angel)*
The French West Indies or French Antilles (French: Antilles françaises, [ɑ̃tij fʁɑ̃sɛːz]; Antillean Creole: Antiy fwansé) are the parts of France located in the Antilles islands of the Caribbean:
The two overseas departments of:
Guadeloupe, including the islands of Basse-Terre, Grande-Terre, Les Saintes, Marie-Galante, and La Désirade.
The two overseas collectivities of:
Saint Martin, the northern half of the island with the same name, the southern half is Sint Maarten, a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Saint Barthélemy
Metallurgy Purchasing Matrix Business Cluster Entrepôt with Mineral Water Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
Regions: Fragrance and Cosmetics Artisanal Plantation, Cash Crops, open-pit-large-scale alluvial and coastal Mining, and Technology Farming
Real Estate Urban Economics: Urban Coastal City Slum and Marina
Port Economics: Coastal City; Urban Brooklyn; County Line Trafficking Coastal City Slum Lords Bay Area
Funding: Naval Local Government
County Line Trafficking: Homestead and Artist Residency
Education: Trade School for Mining, Tile Cutting, and Fishing
Indo-Caribbean Gastronomy: Coconut Flakes Rice, Coconut Cream, Coconut Curry Yogurt Rice Pudding/Mollusk Sauce
Antillanité is a literary and political movement developed in the 1960s that stresses the creation of a specific West Indian identity out of a multiplicity of ethnic and cultural elements.
Subsistence Cashew: Subsistence agriculture occurs when farmers grow food crops to meet the needs of themselves and their families on smallholdings. Subsistence agriculturalists target farm output for survival and for mostly local requirements, with little or no surplus. The Anacardiaceae, commonly known as the cashew family[1] or sumac family, are a family of flowering plants, including about 83 genera with about 860 known species.[2] Members of the Anacardiaceae bear fruits that are drupes and in some cases produce urushiol, an irritant. The Anacardiaceae include numerous genera, several of which are economically important, notably cashew (in the type genus Anacardium), mango, Chinese lacquer tree, yellow mombin, Peruvian pepper, poison ivy, poison oak, sumac, smoke tree, marula and cuachalalate. The genus Pistacia (which includes the pistachio and mastic tree) is now included, but was previously placed in its own family, the Pistaciaceae.[3]
Café — French Cheese Garlic Onion-Mushroom Culinary Linguistics (Rugxé)
Café — Rugxé Linguistics 
Goûter: Buttermilk, Whipping Cream, and Rugxé 
Lunch: Cigarillos and Dark Roast Coffee undertones of Molasses, Dark Chocolate, Cinnamon
Dinner: Rugxé Crustless Quiche, Rugxé Pomme Purée, and Rugxé Patty Melts
Sense: Umami or Goûter
Cinq au Cinq Linguistics 5x5 Cooking: Colors, Scents, Cooking Methods, Senses, and Flavors (Five Spot for Top 5 Ingredients/Methods)
Phonology: X Vowel Harmony, Soft Rs, Norrow and Long Lips
Larousse Linguistics: Rugxé under Stewing, Sautée, or Bouquet Garni
Pedagogy, most commonly understood as the approach to teaching, is the theory and practice of learning, and how this process influences, and is influenced by, the social, political, and psychological development of learners.
A navy, naval force, military maritime fleet, war navy, or maritime force is the branch of a nation's armed forces principally designated for naval and amphibious warfare; namely, lake-borne, riverine, littoral, or ocean-borne combat operations and related functions. It includes anything conducted by surface ships, amphibious ships, submarines, and seaborne aviation, as well as ancillary support, communications, training, and other fields.
The strategic offensive role of a navy is projection of force into areas beyond a country's shores (for example, to protect sea-lanes, deter or confront piracy, ferry troops, or attack other navies, ports, or shore installations). The strategic defensive purpose of a navy is to frustrate seaborne projection-of-force by enemies. The strategic task of the navy also may incorporate nuclear deterrence by use of submarine-launched ballistic missiles. Naval operations can be broadly divided between riverine and littoral applications (brown-water navy),
Naval operations can be broadly divided between riverine and littoral applications (brown-water navy), open-ocean applications (blue-water navy), and something in between (green-water navy), although these distinctions are more about strategic scope than tactical or operational division.
Cash crops are agricultural crops that are planted for the purpose of selling on the market or for export to make profit, as distinguished from subsistence crops planted for the purpose of self-supply of the farmer (like livestock feeding or food for the family).
A commodity index is an index that tracks the price and returns on a basket of commodities. These indexes are often accessible for investing through mutual funds or exchange traded funds (ETFs). Many investors who want access to the commodities market without entering the futures market decide to invest in commodity index funds.
A de facto currency is a unit of money that is not legal tender in a country but is treated as such by most of the populace. The United States dollar and the European Union euro are the most common de facto currencies.
The franc was the currency of Martinique until 2002.
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cococooperdru · 5 years
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I get to go almost everywhere with my family. Today we stopped into @theartisttree gallery in weho. It just opened and I enjoy looking at all of the paintings on the walls. Thanks @mistical888 for the pix of @druified & me❤️
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mscoyditch · 3 years
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Post: dated 1-28-22
The East London Group & Photography
by David Buckman
With the retrospective at the Beecroft Gallery in Southend until 3rd April, David Buckman – whose book From Bow to Biennale recovered the lost history of The East London Group – considers the use of photography by members of the Group.
I am often asked about the role of photography in the work of the East London Group, particularly in the paintings of Elwin Hawthorne and Harold and Walter Steggles. They were core members of the band of working class men and women that John Cooper taught at evening classes in Bow in the twenties and thirties who came together to form the Group.
Walter Steggles assured me that sketching was “better than a camera. I only did one picture from a photograph and that was dead” and his sister Muriel – who late in life drove him around looking for subjects – insisted that when her brother asked her to stop the car to sketch a cloud formation, he was “better than a camera.”
Nevertheless, Walter and Harold Steggles were both keen photographers, taking it up shortly before their joint show at Lefevre Gallery in 1938. In the thirties, they also took up motoring – as their family photographs confirm – and they travelled around Britain and to the south of France on painting trips with Harold behind the wheel.
When the house where Walter lived was cleared, ten different cameras were found. According to Alan Waltham, who married Walter’s niece Janeta, there were two or three Praktica cameras, a couple by Kodak and Olympus, and several others.
“Most, if not all, were 35mm, but at some point Wally must have owned cameras that took 120-format film, judging some of the contact prints we have,” Alan explained to me. “Most of the early pictures are in black and white but he switched to colour film early on after the war. We found endless copies of potential landscapes that he must have photographed in later life but, sadly, many of the early photos have little or no annotation.”
The role of photography in picture-making is clearly evident in the work of Elwin Hawthorne, the artist who – along with Walter Steggles – achieved star status when they had paintings in the British Pavilion at the 1936 Venice Biennale. Elwin’s son said, having studied a number of squared-up photographs he holds, “my father did use photography as an aid to his work quite regularly…. My mother had disposed of my father’s camera before I developed an interest in photography at the age of thirteen. It was more than an amateur box camera – I remember it had a Dallmeyer lens, but it was not really a high-quality professional camera.”
The absence of people is a common feature of Hawthorne’s paintings, sometimes infused with melancholic even surreal qualities. Elwin junior feels that his father “might have gone out early in the morning, when conditions were misty, as a way of removing fine detail from the scenes he photographed, though I cannot confirm this.” Lilian, Hawthorne’s widow, who also showed with the Cooper group as Lilian Leahy, told me that Elwin “always carried a camera. Once he almost left it behind in a restaurant at Rottingdean, until I reminded him.”
Walter Sickert lectured Cooper’s Bow students, where Hawthorne heard him speak, and the squaring-up of drawings for transfer to canvas was a common practice, one that Hawthorne would have been accustomed to while working as studio assistant to Sickert from 1928-31. Sickert studied for a time at the Slade School of Fine Art, notable for its tradition of fine draughtsmanship, which John Cooper also attended – taught by that master-draughtsman Henry Tonks – and he believed that drawing was the basis of every picture, urging students to carry a notebook wherever they went.
However, from around 1923, according to Sickert’s biographer Robert Emmons, the ageing artist gradually abandoned drawing and “came to rely more and more for his data on old prints and photographs.” Sickert acquired a huge collection of illustrations, some of which formed the basis of his English Echoes exhibition at the Leicester Galleries in 1931. The twenty-two exhibits dismayed some of his admirers, familiar with his earlier, more conventionally conceived works. In a letter to The Times in 1929, in justification of his new practice, Sickert pointed out that Canaletto had based his work on tracings made with the camera lucida, Turner’s studio had been “crammed with negatives,” Millet had used photographs and Degas had taken them. While writing that photographs should be used with caution, he also noted that they could serve as valuable documents of record. Emmons comments “Sickert knew well enough what he wanted and was not likely to be squeamish as to how he got it.”
The invention of photography in the nineteenth century posed a problem for some artists and their patrons. If the artist’s role had been to depict reality, how could this be better accomplished with pencil, pen or brush than with the camera? Yet this concern ignored such the possibility of individual inspiration and interpretation, and subsequent numerous art movements, such as Cubism, Pointillism and Surrealism, bear witness to this.
John Cooper and his students might appear to have been unaffected by continental developments in their own pictures, yet they were aware of them. This is evident from the Cubist-influenced mosaic that he and students completed at the Wharrie Cabmen’s Shelter, on Rosslyn Hill, Hampstead, in April 1935, where you can still admire it today while you drink your tea.
The accompanying pairs of photographs and pictures indicate how East London Group members employed the camera, astutely reorganising and simplifying untidy photographic reality into unforgettable images that become theirs and theirs alone.
1. Pavilion in Grove Hall Park, Bow, by Harold Steggles
1a. Working photograph by Harold Steggles
2. Brymay Wharf by Walter Steggles
2a. Working photograph by Walter Steggles
3. The Mitford Castle, 1931 by Elwin Hawthorne
3a. Working photograph by Elwin Hawthorne
4 & 4a not shown
5. Bow Backwater by Walter Steggles
5a. Working photography by Walter Steggles
6 & 6a not shown
7. Canonbury Grove by Elwin Hawthorne
7a. Working photograph by Elwin Hawthorne
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bruised-minds · 7 years
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frequencyfixxgrlzz · 4 years
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cooling off in the Lemurian springs... . . . #mtshasta #mtshasta #spiritualxtc #spiritualmixologists #spiritual #rebeccadru #misticooper #druified #spiritualalchemist #rebeccadruphotography #thesoulphotographer #transformationalphotography #storytelling #documentary #recordkeeper #podcast #inspiration #recognition #liveyourpassion #lifeisagift #weteach #lifecoach #meditation #meditate #misticalmeditations #drutones #vocaltoning #sound #yogamusic #crystalbowls Book your session now: +1.310.409.9765 SpiritualXTC, spiritual mixologists, Spiritual Adventures, Spiritual, Spiritual Guide, Life coach, we teach, Rebecca Dru, Misti Cooper, Druified, Spiritual Alchemist, Rebecca Dru Photography, Transformational Photography, The Soul Photographer, storytelling, documentary, recordkeeper, Podcast, inspiration, recognition, Travel blogger, Travel, Travel Photographer, chooseLOVE, live your passion, life is a gift, we teach, meditation, meditate mistical meditations, drutones, vocaltoning, sound heals, yoga music, crystal bowls, (at Mount Shasta, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDsu2h8D8BO/?igshid=1rvm17uayz3lq
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frequencyfixx · 5 years
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Happy Holidays... Wishing you Joy, Hope, LOVE & laughter all year long and that you find your Spiritual Ecstasy...Divine creations from the heart... let your passions soar... Sending LOVE around the universe Rebecca Dru, Misti Cooper & Coco Cooper Dru . . #happyholidays #christmascheer #blessings #holidaycheer #rebeccadru #misticooper #druified #rebeccadruphotography #spiritualmixologists #misticooperphotography photography #spiritualxtc #spiritualadventure #thesoulphotographer #portraitphotography #transformationalphotography #storytelling #documentary #recordkeeper #Travelblogger #photoblog #dogsofinstagram #dogslife #maltese #chooselove #instadog #dogstagram #Petstagram #DogLover #dog #cococooperdru (at Carmel-by-the-Sea, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6EMCa4h6J-/?igshid=yobgtbyl4djy
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magazinmix-blog · 5 years
Woodbury Lions Club hosting American Red Cross blood drives
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Blood Drives in Cannon County for over 60 years.
It has been said that the Lions Club drives are the best in the Tennessee Valley Region Blood Services area, which includes all of Tennessee, parts of Kentucky, and Alabama.
The extra effort put forth by the Lions Club has little to do with it. The Woodbury Lions Club has a committee of members that work together to help insure that everything runs smoothly, along with community volunteers who like to help out.
Some of the volunteers have more experience working with blood drives that the actual Red Cross staff who go out daily working with blood drives within the area.
Committee chairmen’s Patsy and Carl Hirlston and Bobby Bogard with committee members Ken and Artie Jean McIntyre, Lois Larimer, Clyde Thomas, Nolan Northcutt, Robert Jennings, Charlie Brown, Clyde and Kitty Bush, Chris Brushaber, Danny Miller, Cliff Swoape, Andy Jacobs, Doug Combs, and Gina Mitchell, all work together along with community volunteers of Bessie Miller, Orval and Esther Gray, Juanita Burks, Cathey Parker, Betty Harder, Shirley Borren, Jane Jennings, Grace Young, Nile Young, Della Young, Robert Young, Kay Campbell, Carol Davenport, Bobbie Henline, Jim Henline, Betty Paschal, Ann Todd, Mary Sue Vinson, and Mary Nelle Hillis too create a professional staff that assist members of the American Red Cross staff.
The Lions Club assigns a task of greeting donors and signing them in, handing out water and assigning donors with a number.
Copies of the Cannon Courier are provided for donors to read before or after their donation.
Red Cross provides snacks and the Woodbury Lions Club has additional snacks such as: a one-of-a-kind trail mix, peanut butter and crackers, baloney and crackers, and cheese and crackers.
A staff works in the canteen area who assist the donors after they have donated by getting them a drink of juice, water, soda, or coffee and then sitting with them and talking. They also watch the donor to see if the donors face color changes or if their arm starts bleeding from where the donor had given blood.
Woodbury Club also keeps records of each donation and awards donors with pins and Certificates when completing gallon donations. Along with taking pictures of donors receiving awards and being pinned with a gallon donation pin, plus having members of the Lions Club calling and reminding donors of upcoming blood drives also adds a little bit more to why Cannon County Blood Drives are better and produces more regular donors than other areas which has a larger population.
Woodbury Lions Club host six blood drives a year, always the third Thursday in January, March, May, July, September, and November. Each blood drive is noon until six pm except May’s drive, which runs from 9 am until 6 pm. May’s blood drive is a donor appreciation drive, and most of the businesses in Cannon County donate door prizes.
In the last five to six years, each donor was able to win three of four items because of the generosity of the businesses and their support of the Lions Club and wanting to reward the true everyday heroes of Cannon County, those who give of themselves to help save the lives of others. In most cases, they are saving the lives of people who they do not know.
On May 20th, 2010 the following businesses provided door prizes for the heroes of Cannon County: A Touch of Home Flower’s & Gifts, Arts Center of Cannon County, Auto Zone, Birdsong Adhesives, Boyd’s Garage, Briar Rose Flowers and Gifts, Bromley/Jennings Automotive, Cannon County Chiropractic, Cannon Market, Captain D’s, CareAll, Cell Plus, Coco Tan & Spa, Chilangoes Mexican Restaurant, Curves, Cutting Edge Hair Salon, D J’s Pizza and Steakhouse, Family Dentistry Deason & Bucher, Farm Bureau Insurance, First National Bank, Flower Occasions, Gina’s Boutique, Hardee’s, Hayes Bros Auto Care, Hibdon’s Body Shop, Higgins Car Wash, J P’s Fine Swine Bar-B-Que, Jennings Jewelers, Joe’s Place, Legendary Cuts, Lightwriters Photography, Lions Pizza Den, The Millennium Hair Salon, Moonlite Drive-In, NAPA, The Old Feed Store, One Stop Market, Parsley’s Market & Deli, Paul Reed’s Furniture, Paul’s Auto Service, Piggly Wiggly, Potter’s Ace Hardware, Quick Shop Market, Reed’s Building Supply, Regions Bank, Roger Hindman Body Shop, Scavenger Hunt Flea Market, Scavenger Hunt Trading Post, The Scoreboard, Shirt Shack, Shotgun County Pawn & Gun, Smitty Tire Shop, Stewart’s Printing, Stone Gait Tack and Feed, Subway, West End Tobacco Store, Woodbury Auto Express, Woodbury Insurance Agency, and Woodbury Lawn & Garden. Every donor and volunteer received a promotional ink pen from DTC, a pillbox from Middle Tennessee Electric Membership Cooperation, Chap Stick from FirstBank, a value meal card from Sonic, and a 3 pound bag of stone ground corn meal from The Readyville Mill.
The Red Cross also provided promotional items and the Woodbury Lions Club provided $10 gift certificates and a grand prize of $100 gift card.
It is very hard to find another community that has so many businesses that support a civic club as much as the ones in Cannon County.
Most all the businesses give support to the Woodbury Lions Club for sponsorship of the Lions Club Horse Show, White Cane donations, and door prizes for the donor appreciation Blood Drive. Without support from the local businesses, the Woodbury Lions Club would not be able to do as much as it does within the community, state, country, and world. Local businesses are one of the leading reasons why Cannon County Blood Drives are so much better that anywhere else in the state.
Another reason and probably the number one reason the blood drives are the best anywhere is the volume of regular donors in Cannon County. In any community only a certain per cent are eligible to donate and of that per cent only about 3 to 5 percent actually donates, but the donors in Cannon County has a much higher percent.
This is not due to the Lions Club and its part, nor the businesses and its part, but it is the individual donor and the way of life in Cannon County, the way most have been raised to want to help others in need in any way they can.
The mentality of the average person in Cannon County is to serve in any way they can. This mentality is one of the reasons Woodbury Lions Club is one of the largest clubs in the state.
It is why the businesses give as much as they do, and why so many volunteers do jobs within the county for little or no pay. The parents, schools and churches within the community teach the children from an early age of the importance of giving back to the community in which they live and the lesson that it is more blessed to give than to receive.
This is why Cannon County has had over 360 donors in the past 2-½ years. Woodbury Lions Club and the American Red Cross both use fiscal years that begin on 1 July and end 30 June.
The following is a list of local heroes who gave during the 2009-2010 fiscal year. Those donating Double Red Blood Cells count as two donations, the max number of times any one can give in a fiscal year in whole blood or double red cells is 6. The number that follows a persons name is the amount of pints given as of 30 June 2010.
One-time donors: Stephanie D. Alford 5, Annie L. Barton 60, Peggy S. Baxter 30, Timothy L. Bell 11, Stephen E. Blonder 10, Brenda Bogard 23, Candace Jones Bond 1, Charles H. Bowman 20, Tami M. Bragg 12, Billy D. Brinkley 3, Charles E. Brown 33, Joe R. Bryson 23, William H. Bryson 33, Stephen A. Burnett 3, Clyde W. Bush 14, Charmaine D. Cawthorn 1, Patrick A. Cecil 1, Manuel Chapa Jr. 15, Karen J. Chumbley 11, Barbara Daingerfield 44, Mary Carole Davenport 42, Paul W. Denninger 7, Bonita O. Doxey 30, Frances Edwards 1, Clint A. Fann 5, Angela M. Ford 11, Mary Frances Foster 9, Autumn M. Fly Franks 1, Tonya Gannon 4, Leslie Joe Giley 28, Nora Lee Gilliam 10, Eric M. Good 4, Donna B. Gunter 4, Marilyn E. Hale 7, Sharon L. Hay 14, Carolyn E. Barton Hemby 7, Barry D. Hibdon 33, Erin T. Higdon 5, Sharon Duggin Hindman 25, Melisa L. Hobbs 17, Shannon D. Jett 9, Fairy L. Johnson 2, Lori J. Malay 7, Perry M. Markum 5, Vicky L. Melton 34, Brittany L. Mingle 7, Angela P. Moore 18, Danielle Nicole Mosley 12, Talma S. Mosley 8, Lauren M. Nicolay 2, Rita G. Nokes 7, Misty G. Orr 1, Brittne H. Parker 4, Joseph A. Patterson 11, Brenda Faye Phillips 15, Jo Ann Pirtle 1, Joy Pope 3, Janice O. Purvis 28, Walter E. Reifschneider 19, Shantika M. Reiter 2, Phyllis S. Robinson 47, Marianne Teresa Sadler 15, Amber M. Scott 1, Kelly Edward Sissom 30, Valerie D. Smith 4, Wayne P. Smithson 26, Olivia D. Snyder 1, Teresa S. Stoetzel 6, Crystal B. Street 4, Eddie N. Taylor 41, Jamie A. Trail 2, J. D. Underhill II 2, Falischa Urban 1, Jennifer Vallieres 2, Sean N. Vance 3, Amanda J. Winfrey 1, Dorothy D. Winnett 13, Tracey L. Winters 9, and Alan D. Wollard 8.
Two time donors: Misty D. Bain 14, Teresa D. Bain 19, Ronald F. Born 6, Christopher B. Brandon 2, David L. Brown 3, Lacey N. Buchanan 9, Charles Ronny Burks 34, Jennifer M. Coppinger 16, James Morgan Cummings 90, Franklin Daniel 12, Edgar E. Davenport 6, Rebecca M. Davenport 68, Andrew L. Duggin 5, Joyce Frazier 2, Kenneth P. Garrett 11, Andrea K. George 4, Rodney Lee Gilliam 17, Kay F. Goff 69, Cory S. Hollandsworth 14, Christopher J. Hollenbeck 5, Pamela F. Hoskins 43, Christopher Johnson 5, Robert D. Jones 27, Thomas D. Mason 56, Tammy W. Mathis 14, Shelby J. Merriman 60, Brandon S. Mims 8, Dean More 6, Jennifer R. Mosley 5, Travis C. Prater 9, Michael T. Reed 3, Xavier P. Romero 18, Melody R. Rutledge 9, John W. Sanborn 56, Roger J. Smith 14, Darrell G. Snyder 26, McKenzie Solomon 5, Candice B. Stoetzel 13, Nancy L. Studd 9, Jessica L. Sullivan 3, Brandee S. Summers 5, Garry L. Underhill 12, James E. Weller 3, and Nile Young 45.
Three time donors: Richard D. Burks Sr. 83, Joshua W. Demembreum 4, Jeffery D. Denny 11, Russell D. Fann 33, Jo Ann Francis 54, Randy A. Gerdes 47, James W. Henline 44, Patsy Miller Hirlston 43, Debbie Renee Israel 12, Jennifer M. Johnson 8, Melanie G. Lyon 4, Ann D. McBride 53, Calvin F. Orwig 39, Alan W. Paschal 17, Jan Powell 34, Kenny Denard Sanders 5, Brittany A. Stluka 6, David L. Stone 7, Nellie F. Stone 5, Melissa L. Talley 3, Annette A. Tidwell 3, Billy R. Tidwell Jr. 5, Charie Ann Urban 4, Micki M. Vinson 74, Jack B. West 16, Michael L. Witty 41, and David W. Zabriskie 3. Four time donors: Jimmy Alexander 39, Cynthia D. Betts 39, Carmella K. Burton 13, Mary E. Duncan 42, Jana M. Gannon 62, Joan Hayes 14, Kayla E. Hindman 14, Joseph E. Hurst 16, James L. Logan 48, Gina A. Mitchell 38, Valerie L. Morton 4, Tracy A. Parker 39, Rebekah L. Parton 19, Karin P. Petty 40, James F. Sabia 44, Billy K. Tenpenny 33, Juan S. Urban 4, Travis M. Urban 5, April D. Vance 12, and Millisa A. White 17.
Five time donors: Guy Alexander Jr. 41, Jeff R. Campbell 8, Gabriel S. Cantrell 9, Rita F. Cook 12, Randal L. Curtis 52, James P. Davenport 12, Andrew B. Dimartino Sr. 84, Cheryl K. Franklin 44, Timothy H. Grandey 50, Esther E. Gray 39, Orval L. Gray 55, Herbert C. Haley 64, John Arthur Haugh 9, Roger G. Hindman 28, Sandy K. Hollandsworth 77, Timothy A. Minerd 15, Charlie Luther Mooneyham 48, Steve R. Perkerson 67, James Powers 38, and Leland J. Schwamberger 19.
Six time donors: Christopher E. Brushaber 6, Allen Wade Duggin 29, Rainey Hunt 48, Charles W. Jennings 18, Stephen R. Moss 20, Teddy L. Powers 77, Steve A. Smith 140, and Howard W. Witty 163.
The Woodbury Lions Club has received several awards of appreciation from the American Red Cross for their support of the Community Blood Program, and there is a lot of speculation as to why a small community does so well on the blood drives.
A lot of the credit is given to the Lions Club for putting out an extra effort.
Some credit is given for having good media coverage with the Cannon Courier, the Cannon Wire, and WBRY radio. Some credit is given for the support given by the businesses in Cannon County.
Any community can have a civic organization that puts forth the extra effort, and have good media and local businesses supporting them, but they don’t have the attitude and dedication of serving others that is instilled into Cannon Countians from birth until death.
The Woodbury Lions Club expresses heartfelt gratitude to all the media, businesses, and donors for exceeding the yearly goals set forth by the Red Cross based on past history.
It is so great to live among so many heroes. Likes: 7 Viewed:
The post Woodbury Lions Club hosting American Red Cross blood drives appeared first on Good Info.
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kittenplough1-blog · 5 years
Geekiness, diversity, & authenticity: why offbeat couples are my happy place
This business paid a fee to be listed on Offbeat Bride because they feel their products and services are a great fit with offbeat philosophies… and we agree. Learn more about our ads.
So it was ten years ago that I was planning my own offbeat lite wedding and my husband-then-fiance had a panic attack at a dance lesson to help us figure out what to do for first dance. We thought a dance lesson would help him have less anxiety. It didn’t. I was already a wedding photographer, but nothing I had seen my clients do for their first dance felt like it would be right for us. I Googled “alternatives to first dance” and found Offbeat Bride.
I felt heard. I felt understood. I felt like I found a community that would support me and my spouse. My majors in college were photography and women’s studies, and the Offbeat Empire felt like the best home for me and the best place to grow my business, which was already LGBT-friendly and supportive of couples finding their own path down the aisle.
Milestone Images is also featured in our Offbeat Vendors guide!
I’ve showcased so many of those weddings here, from snowy days, and zombies, and marriage equality in front of the Statue of Liberty, and aerial gymnastics, and elopements and polyamory to pyrotechnics. I just had a three-day weekend last month where I shot three offbeat weddings three days in a row, with a TARDIS surprise entrance and lightsaber portraits, a video gaming theme and old school console station for mid-reception Mario Kart, and a ceremony and celebration focused on love and feminist interpretations of Jewish wedding traditions.
Beating the pants off your brothers at Mario Kart!
All the candid, emotional moments you never want to forget.
Also, the weather finally cooperated so that I could nail this rain shot involving remote triggers and off-camera flash. I’ve been working on this technique since 2016! It finally precipitated the right way and I finally had a couple willing to go out into the misty drizzle in the middle of their reception.
For a photo like this? YAAASSSS
Badass off-camera flash techniques aside, my photography work has become a celebration of diversity and love in all its forms. I love nothing more than witnessing people dedicating their hearts to each other and entwining their lives. I love being able to say, “Look how happy you look. Look how your BFF cried tears of joy during the toasts. Look at how loved you felt in that moment. Look at your grandma on the dance floor; your baby girl as the flower girl in her parents’ wedding.”
It doesn’t matter if you got pregnant before your proposal or if your budget has you doing everything DIY or if you want a blow-out bash with a jaw-dropping Viennese hour. Are you trans, or do you have trans people in your wedding party, and your most fervent wedding day wish is that preferred pronouns respected and dead names not used? Your wedding would not even be my second, third, or even fourth time at that rodeo. In a queer interracial couple? Honestly, at my clients’ weddings? So’s your grandma. You are seen and honored and celebrated and respected. This is your love story, and I’m honored to tell it.
Always a discount for offbeat couples!
You always save 10% when you mention Offbeat Bride. Save 15% when you book with a contract and retainer by December 1, 2018. Save 20% if you and another wedding planning friend/couple book at the same time.
We heart Angela SO hard and cannot recommend her more to any offbeat couple looking for artistry and skill wrapped in a super fun package. Go say hello!
Source: https://offbeatbride.com/offbeat-couples-wedding-photography/
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micaramel · 5 years
Artist: Erin Jane Nelson
Venue: Atlanta Contemporary, Atlanta
Exhibition Title: Her Deepness
Date: May 9 – August 4, 2019
Click here to view slideshow
Full gallery of images, press release, and link available after the jump.
Images courtesy of Atlanta Contemporary, Atlanta
Press Release:
Atlanta-based Erin Jane Nelson has been traveling around the American Southeast to barrier islands and coastal wetlands that are rapidly eroding and disappearing. The five Gulf States account for one-third of the nation’s oil production, 40 percent of our seafood, and 10 of America’s 15 largest shipping ports. The coastline of the American South is our countries’ provider. Our gold rush. And yet, scientists say the world’s ocean level will rise from one to three feet over the next century, a change that has already and will continue to disproportionately affect the American and Global South.
Where there once was a vanishing point, a clear view of the past and a path forward that is now gone, now we only see a misty horizon. With photography collaged and stitched into fabric and ceramic works, Nelson creates foreboding memorials to our natural world. Her works attempt to shout and laugh through the haze, there are traces of defeat and guilt, of hope and courage. She creates sensuous translucent tales that embrace what could be as well as fantasy coffins what has already been lost.
Her work is an attempt to better understand the world, the vulnerability of coast, the seductiveness of an endless view of deep blue water. Politics and nature. Nature and Politics. The past is never stable. We are asked to take a step back, to consider our loss of balance.
Photographs of turtles throughout the exhibition made possible by the Georgia Sea Turtle Center of the Jekyll Island Authority.
Erin Jane Nelson received her BFA from the Cooper Union School of Art in 2011. Her work has recently been exhibited in “Between the Waters” at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York and “Photography Today: Public Private Relations” at Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich. She has had solo shows at Document Gallery, Chicago (2015, 2017) and Hester, New York (2015) and was included in ATLBNL: The Atlanta Biennial at the Atlanta Contemporary Art Center (2016) among numerous group exhibitions at Van Doren Waxter, New York (2019), Downs & Ross, New York (2017), Honor Fraser, Los Angeles (2016), Galerie Division, Montreal (2016), and Ellis King, Dublin (2015). She has contributed to publications including BURNAWAY, The Creative Independent, T: The New York Times Style Magazine, and Art Papers, and has curated exhibitions at the High Museum of Art, Atlanta Contemporary, and elsewhere. In 2016-17, while she and her husband, artist Jason Benson, were studio residents at Atlanta Contemporary, they operated the artist-run space Species out of their shared studio. Nelson is represented by Document Gallery, Chicago and Chapter NY.
Link: Erin Jane Nelson at Atlanta Contemporary
Contemporary Art Daily is produced by Contemporary Art Group, a not-for-profit organization. We rely on our audience to help fund the publication of exhibitions that show up in this RSS feed. Please consider supporting us by making a donation today.
from Contemporary Art Daily http://bit.ly/2WabvGk
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New Post has been published on http://www.lifehacker.guru/stunning-winners-british-wildlife-photography-awards-2017/
Stunning Winners Of The British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017
Overall and urban wildlife category winner: Daniel Trim, Heathrow roostings.
“In winter, pied wagtails roost communally in urban areas, both for protection and for the additional warmth given off by buildings and lights. This extra degree or two can make the difference in harsh weather. Here, a single individual out of hundreds is silhouetted by the lights of Terminal 5 at Heathrow airport”. (Photo by Daniel Trim/British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017)
More info: British Wildlife Photography Awards
Melvin Redeker, animal portraits category winner: Natural Beauty, Isle of Noss, Shetland Islands.
“Looking for a different perspective for a gannet portrait, I positioned myself on top of the cliffs. Looking straight down I had an intimate view of a group of gannets sitting on a higher ledge. I talked to them and one gannet looked up, revealing its rounded head, symmetry and beautiful blue eyes against its white feathers”. (Photo by Melvin Redeker/British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017)
Andrew Parkinson, animal behaviour category winner: Crepuscular Contentment, Derbyshire.
“In 15 years of working with badgers I’ve never seen a badger sit out in the open to have a scratch. I was sat concealed behind a tree and downwind so it was especially nice that the badger had his back to me, demonstrating just how inconspicuous and inconsequential my presence was”. (Photo by Andrew Parkinson/British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017)
Ross Hoddinott, close to nature category winner: Wing tips, Broxwater, Cornwall.
“I’m always looking to capture less conventional close-ups – maybe through creative lighting, use of depth of field or my choice of focus. With this image, I wanted to place the emphasis on the delicacy and design of the damselfly’s wings, so carefully placed my focus on the wingtips. This type of shot is very Marmite – you’ll either love it or hate it!”. (Photo by Ross Hoddinott/British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017)
Alex Hyde, Hidden Britain category winner: Green Hydras, Derbyshire.
“The diversity of life in my small garden pond never ceases to amaze me, but many of the most fascinating subjects require high magnification to be appreciated. Measuring only a few millimetres in length, these green hydras were dangling from the underside of a lily pad. They capture prey with stinging tentacles and when disturbed they quickly retract into a small, compact green blob that is easily overlooked”. (Photo by Alex Hyde/British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017)
Caron Steele, coast and marine category winner: Emergence, Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire.
“Having seen many diving gannet photographs I wanted to try and capture something a bit different. I watched the birds fishing and was fascinated by the way the gannets would emerge from nowhere to steal another bird’s prey. I was keen to capture the moment just before they broke the surface, while they were still in ‘stealth mode’. A combination of bright sunshine and cloud made setting the exposure difficult, but the result has some lovely patterns on the water”. (Photo by Caron Steele/British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017)
Francis Joseph Taylor, wild woods category winner: A Magical Morning, Derbyshire.
“Thick fog drifted through the eerie silver birches at Bolehill Quarry in the Peak District national park, creating a magical morning of light”. (Photo by Francis Joseph Taylor/British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017)
Ben Hall, habitat category winner: Wren on Frost-Encrusted Fern, Dunham Massey, Cheshire.
“Following a cold, clear night I visited a local woodland to photograph deer. The temperature had dropped well below freezing during the night and frost clung to the trees and foliage, completely transforming the landscape … After some time I noticed a wren flitting around in the frost-encrusted ferns. I set up my tripod and waited, following it with my lens as it moved. Eventually, it alighted on the top of a fern and I inched my way back in an attempt to show the wren in its wintry environment”. (Photo by Ben Hall/British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017)
Steve Palmer, botanical Britain category winner: Reeds, Lindow Common, Wilmslow, Cheshire.
“I’d always been fascinated by the almost abstract patterns and reflections of these common reeds, but the conditions had never been perfect, despite numerous visits. However, on this morning the water was still and the light was soft and I was able to capture the image I was after”. (Photo by Steve Palmer/British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017)
Paula Cooper, black and white category winner: Web of Life, Thetford Forest, Norfolk.
“I took this on a very misty day in Thetford Forest. It was too misty to photograph the trees so I tried looking for something closer up; I spotted this little snail making its way up a plant stem. I was lucky that at the moment I took this image the snail looked up towards the spider web”. (Photo by Paula Cooper/British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017)
Matthew Roseveare, 12-18 years category winner, The Golden Hour Hunt, Farlington, Hampshire.
“As the light began to fade a short-eared owl emerged to hunt for prey above the marshes. Standing on the sea wall I was amazed when it began to fly towards me – it is a moment I will never forget!”. (Photo by Matthew Roseveare/British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017)
Oliver Teasdale, under-12 category winner: Puffin in a Hole, Skokholm Island, Pembrokeshire.
“… I was lucky enough to be sat by a side window of one of the hides when this little puffin poked his head out of its burrow. This is my favourite shot from the sequence as the puffin is well hidden by the sea campion growing at the entrance to the burrow”. (Photo by Andy Teasdale/British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017)
Ben Andrew won the British seasons category for his portfolio of images taken in Holme Fen national nature reserve, Cambridgeshire, which portrayed British wildlife at its best in each of the four seasons.
“In late winter, the cormorants begin to return to the trees, ready for the short, but busy, nesting season. At first, individuals were spending the days sitting around on branches, occasionally guarding nests or adding branches to them. However, after a short while the males started to display, attract partners and mate. During this time it was still cold and the lakes had a gloomy, eerie feel to them”. (Photo by Ben Andrew/British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017)
“As winter’s grip loosened and spring arrived, the eggs began to hatch. This image shows a nest containing three, begging their parent for the first meal of the day. At this time of year I had to be on site at 5am to capture the first rays of light hitting the nest. Often, as the morning wore on and the light grew more harsh, the chicks became less active and spent large amounts of time asleep in the nest”. (Photo by Ben Andrew/British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017)
“Spring soon became summer and the chicks started to leave their nests, leaving the adults with time to rest and once again care for themselves. This image shows an adult bird perched in a lush, almost tropical world, although in reality the silver birch trees have simply sprouted plenty of leaves and the site has transformed into a green and yellow oasis. The noise has also died down as birds venture away; soon it will no longer be full of the busyness that it displayed over the past few months”. (Photo by Ben Andrew/British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017)
“Fast forward to autumn and the birds are still on site, using the trees as a safe place to roost each evening. I wasn’t entirely sure if they’d actually do this at this particular spot, but took a chance when I was visiting one morning. Luckily, a bird was there, drying its wings in the first rays of morning sunshine. The orange autumnal glow of the leaves being illuminated by the rising sun was incredibly fortuitous, but sometimes nature rewards you for repeat visits to the same spot”. (Photo by Ben Andrew/British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017)
Documentary series winner, Peter Cairns. Cairns shot a series of images of the translocation of red squirrels to forests in the north-west Scottish Highlands, where they have been absent for decades.
“On moving day the traps are set and checked within hours. Here a squirrel has been captured from a forest where they’re abundant”. (Photo by Peter Cairns/British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017)
“Early the next morning, the urge to feed forces the squirrel out into its new woodland home in Shieldaig”. (Photo by Peter Cairns/British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017)
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alplax2mg · 7 years
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Paula Cooper, black and white category winner: Web of Life, Thetford Forest, Norfolk. “I took this on a very misty day in Thetford Forest. It was too misty to photograph the trees so I tried looking for something closer up; I spotted this little snail making its way up a plant stem. I was lucky that at the moment I took this image the snail looked up towards the spider web”. (Photo by Paula Cooper/British Wildlife Photography Awards 2017)
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cococooperdru · 5 years
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Morning wake up call at an adorable coffee house called The Bell & Whistle located at the peaceful Harbor in Brookings Or. They highlight local artist with their pieces on the wall for sale!
Photo by Misti Cooper
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thisyellowboy · 7 years
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🌴🌴BWOYS project 🌴🌴featuring @misty_thebrand. Thank you @afropunk for publishing the project so far. 📸📸 by me Styling & creative direction by: Ramario chevoy Coleman-weekes (@ramariochevoy) Models: Ramario chevoy Coleman-weekes (@ramariochevoy) Shaquille-Aaron Keith (@shakka.d.badmon) Misty maleka Bailey (@misty_thebrand) Geoff K Cooper (@geoffkcooper) Ethan Richards (@bushybroweth) Kadeem Rowe (@whoiskadi) Hair & make up artist: Penny black (@the_hairstylista_vgbnd_ldn) Hair & make up assistant: Naturel mystic Photography: Ciaran Christopher (@thisyellowboy) Videography: Chris Jerome James (@chrisjeromejames) Clothing provided by levis uk (@levis_uk) Footwear provided by Uptown Yardie (@uptownyardie) Jewellery provided by Lucky little blighters (@luckylittleblighters) #portrait #photography #caribbeanvibes #caribbeancreatives #representation #dailydiary (at Brixton)
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ruanaich · 8 years
Failed astro shots but stunning scenery
I had taken Friday off work as I had to get the car headlights sorted. I’ve banked a load of days to take for my sliding addiction and need to start using them before the end of March. There is still a severe lack of snow around so I’ve been seeking alternatives to snowboarding. So I decided to pack up camera gear and a sleeping bag, find replacement headlamps then aim for the hills.
After as short stop at Halfords where the headlamp issue was resolved, I checked the weather forecast, and decided to visit Glen Etive. It never fails to impress when it comes to scenery and the weather looked like changing from misty to clear overnight. I wanted to shoot some astro photos followed by a morning taking in the views.
It was near dusk as I drove down the Glen on a recce drive. Glen Etive can be busy, and I wanted to see how it looked. As I drove down the road made famous in the James Bond movie, Skyfall I spotted a cyclist making his way towards me. This would be a nice spot to cycle I thought. I’ll put that on the to-do list.  Stopping frequently, I took some moody evening shots with mountains disappearing into the low cloud then eventually made it down as far as cars can go. I pulled up in the carpark and sat back, contemplating just staying here for the night. It was around 5pm, I had enough food and my stove to see me through, but then people started turning up. I’d hoped that in January it would be quieter, but it wants to be. The visitors unloaded a couple of tents and started seeing up for the night. While I cant begrudge them the beautiful camp spot, they kept shining their head torches into the car. They probably thought I was a weirdo sitting in a darkened car park and were worried for their own safety! I decided to head back up the road, I get something to eat and look for another spend the night on the way.
My thought was to go to the Kingshouse Hotel for some dinner, but on arrival I found it was closed for renovation. Luckily they have set up bunkhouses and a The Way Inn where I could get some food. It was a bit sparse and cold looking compared to the old world charm of the Kingshouse, but it is only a stop-gap until they complete renovations.
I ordered something to eat and got chatting to the only other guest who turned out to be the cyclist I passed earlier. We got talking about skiing, hiking cycling the Western Isles and its archeology.
At around 8pm I decided to get back to Glen Etive and seek out one of the spots I found earlier. There were a few vehicles parked up, many of which would be climbers planning an early assault on the hills. My spot was 5 minutes from the end of the Loch and consisted of a grassy turnoff, with raised banks either side that hid the car from view. It also meant I could get a bit of height above the road when taking starry photos later in the night.
So I settled in for the night, tucking myself into my sleeping bag in the passenger seat of the car. Sticking a movie on my iPad I never mad it to the end and drifted off to sleep.
I woke up around 5:30am with a bright moon shining though a frozen passenger side window. There were still a few hours of darkness left so I did the best I could to ready my gear and get out to photograph the stars to the North. I thought I could capture a nice circumpolar shot. I tried to remember all the settings and timings and fitted my intervalometer, with a view to capturing around 300 star shots over the next few hours.
So once set, I left my camera shooting away and returned to the car to get reheated and stop my finger tips from turning blue. I drifted back to sleep listening to podcasts in the now warm car.
As the sky lightened I plucked up the courage to face the frost outside and collect my camera and review the images I’d captured. On picking up the equipment and was alarmed to see that my lens was completely covered in condensation. A patch of warmer air must have passed by and condensed on the cooler glass. I was hoping out of three hundred shots, I’d get a few minutes time lapse. Unfortunately it turned out that the mist must have arrived shortly after I left the camera as the resulting footage turned out to be only 3-4 seconds at a paltry eleven frames per second – major fail on my part. Someone on Instagram kindly suggested I try strapping some hand warmers to the lens to prevent this in future. Better luck next time, you live and you learn.
The disappointment from my astro photography was alleviated briefly with a warming coffee brewed up on my stove and a fruit salad breakfast followed by a granola bar.
The sun was getting higher, not yet over the hill tops as I drove down towards the loch head and the carpark I’d visited the evening before, stopping a couple of times for a few more shots. I left the car and took a wander down to the pier area. This pier consisted of a steel hull with to piles for legs. This hull was coated in a very slick frost and I was risking a fall as I shuffled my way across to get views up and down the loch. The moon was still visible and the sun light was skimming the very high peaks above the valley.
The still waters and shady valley was the subject of my photography for a while before I  returned to the car to make my way back up the Glen, hoping I could get a shot of a stag or two as I’d passed many in the darkness of the previous evening.
As I left in the car I passed the ‘Smiddy’ which I think is a rental property and was very disappointed to see the grounds littered with ‘tonic wine’ bottles, empty beer bottles and pizza boxes. The remnants of what I’m sure was a great night under the stars, but I was saddened the occupants hadn’t bothered to use the bins provided. It looked like they were sleeping off there hangovers, but all the oncoming tourists I passed on the way to this beauty spot would have been faced with this sight on arrival. Glen Etive and its residents have been facing an increase in unsavoury behaviour from passing visitors. This has become more of an issue since wild camping bans have pushed more people out of the national parks. You can find out more at the Facebook page devoted to this issue here: https://www.facebook.com/Glenetivethedirtytruth/
My journey up the glen improved under bright blue skies with occasional fog banks that hugged the sides of the hills. I kept an eye out for deer and in particular stags which are well known for frequenting this road, but I only found one youngster who turned out to be less than cooperative when it came to having his portrait taken. It was a Saturday morning and many a visitor was making the most of it. So maybe the deer decided to take themselves to  higher pastures and make the most of the fair weather themselves.
As I passed the Buachaille, the most famous of Scottish mountains I watched a drone whizz along parallel to my route. I’d never seen one in the wild before, and it wasn’t long before I saw my second further along on Ranch Moor!
I stopped in at Glencoe Mountain Resort, for a second breakfast of roll and sausage, which has to be done. If they cant arrange for enough snowfall this year, then at least I know I can still get a tasty snack in their cafe! Its also a great place to catch grab some wifi and edit some of my shots while staring out go the large glass wall with probably the most impressive views from any cafe in the United Kingdom.
I  didn’t get the star shots I aimed for, but the weather had been beautiful in the morning giving me some serene images to go home with. Still a success in my books.
Glen Etive Failed astro shots but stunning scenery I had taken Friday off work as I had to get the car headlights sorted.
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frequencyfixxgrlzz · 5 years
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Happy Holidays... Wishing you Joy, Hope, LOVE & laughter all year long and that you find your Spiritual Ecstasy...Divine creations from the heart... let your passions soar... Sending LOVE around the universe Rebecca Dru, Misti Cooper & Coco Cooper Dru . . #happyholidays #christmascheer #blessings #holidaycheer #rebeccadru #misticooper #druified #rebeccadruphotography #spiritualmixologists #misticooperphotography photography #spiritualxtc #spiritualadventure #thesoulphotographer #portraitphotography #transformationalphotography #storytelling #documentary #recordkeeper #Travelblogger #photoblog #dogsofinstagram #dogslife #maltese #chooselove #instadog #dogstagram #Petstagram #DogLover #dog #cococooperdru (at Carmel-by-the-Sea, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ELtQwB4Nm/?igshid=4n5nphda0p8h
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frequencyfixx · 5 years
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When I was 3 years old, my father gave me his old camera to play with...except I didn't play with it, I used it as my voice to capture moments that I felt the need to record and still do to this day. I have been nicknamed THE SOUL PHOTOGRAPHER. People ask to be DRUified. I have received the gift of creating Transformational Photography. I am the photographer who intuitively gets inside your soul... who sees through all you are hiding from and brings out the essence of who you are. I am an intuitive who often times knows you better than you know yourself...and if you surrender yourself to me, my lens or my voice...you might be surprised by what you see. I, along with my partner Misti Cooper, help relationships heal thru the use of photography. I am UNCONDITIONAL LOVE which you'll feel in my photographs and when you work with me. My photography is international, featured in The Guardian, The Daily Mail, The NY Times and a host of other publications around the world. I have captured souls from Entertainment to Sports and hangs on the walls of hundreds of people. It's time for you to hang your favorite DRUified image on your wall. Follow Rebecca Dru on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @druified and @spiritualxtc www.rebeccadru.com www.spiritualxtc.com To Book a session with Rebecca Dru: [email protected] +1.310.409.9765 #bw #blackandwhite #nightsky #roadtothegalaxy #nature #naturephotography #mountshasta #mtshasta #beautiful #sky #paintthesky #sunset #druified #spiritualxtc #spiritualadventure #rebeccadruphotography #thesoulphotographer #misticalmeditations #drutones #peaceful #chooselove (at Mount Shasta, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5TwjK5h0yg/?igshid=373jfrqprtu7
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