Secret meetings with the notebook?
I witnessed Joshua and Baxter talking during class today. Baxter was showing him that notebook. I hope Joshua isn’t asking Baxter to help with the script. I have a reputation to uphold. I must get my hands on it!
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This is fabulous! Captures the back of my head better than I've ever seen it!
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Study my children! Study!
The children today seemed on edge. The test tomorrow shouldn’t be a problem for any of them.
I even gave them a study day!
I provided cranberry juice (always a good study aid) and played the lush sounds of Mahler. I’m so generous to have even given them extra homework to prepare, they probably didn’t even appreciate it at all.
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The Newest Promo video!
I'm so excited to watch the new teaser for Mister Stapleton! I hope you children enjoy watching your favorite teacher depicted in a film!
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Too many passwords!
Finally remembered my password for this strange Tumblr. Hope my student haven't missed me too much.
Feel free students to write about your holiday experiences! There will be no extra credit, but writing every day increases your skill! The paper will be extra credit for your minds! 
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Pea Soup
I’ve heard of all the new things you can accomplish with the microwave. Hot chocolate, making tea, and even frozen meals will still taste good when you put them into the microwave. Not as good, but decent. On those cold evenings when Mrs. Stapleton is playing bridge, it’s nice to know I have a way of defrosting pea soup in a timely manner...
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“To err is human, to forgive divine” -Alexander Pope.
This will be on next week’s quiz. Remember who said it!
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I witnessed Joshua and Baxter talking during class today. Baxter was showing him that notebook. I hope Joshua isn’t asking Baxter to help with the script. I have a reputation to uphold. I must get my hands on it!
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The most terrifying thing happened today...under one of my students desks I found the blueprint of my own home! How on earth did these mongrels get a hold of it?
I must add another deadbolt.
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I heard strange noises last night, as if someone was trying to pick the lock on my window. I am thinking of getting better security installed.
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I am here to support my favorite student Joshua as he does the fitting for my character in Mister Stapleton. Richmond Arquette is in my pajamas! He better not ruin my favorite shirt Mrs. Stapleton got it for me when the last one ripped.
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Baseball Lessons
I was trying to teach Baxter about the wonderful sport of baseball and he was completely ignoring me! He pretended to snore, repeated how he didn't want to listen while simultaneously speaking in a monotonous voice to exaggerate his stupor. If any student would like to learn of the importance of baseball feel free to talk to me after class.
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Cast meeting
Goodness I need my morning coffee. This morning Joshua has set up this wonderful meeting to discuss the upcoming shooting of this magnificent endeavor. Baxter is here inevitably trying to mess things up I’m sure. I'm still catching him doodling strange things in his notebook. This movie, when completed, will be a wonderful representation of my splendor.
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Muttering during class
I have been listening to you children mutter during class and yes, I am aware that there is a spot on my head that appears to be thinning. This rumor is false. My hair will not be leaving me as I take exceptional care of it.
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Academic Decathlon! Sign up soon!
Academic Decathlon team is going to be chosen soon so drop off your applications and a copy of your grades so you can be considered. A recommendation from a teacher will be optional and I am the mentor if you’d like to ask me to recommend you. I know you’re all itching to be part of the adventure!
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Magnificent Hair
Remember students, if you wish to have a stately mane like I do for the rest of your days, apply two parts avocado and one part ground horseradish to your hair every other Tuesday and leave for three hours.
Be sure to spend your time reading Infinite Jest! A wonderful book indeed!
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