#mistaking difference for simplicity/less-than-ness
flimsy-roost · 2 years
In light of its recent Oscar snubs...
Did anyone else see an extremely Autistic/Neurodivergent/Neuroqueer reading in Nope?
Like I'm not even counting OJ's autistic coding, I'm talking about everything else.
As someone with an (at the time) extremely recent AuDHD confirmation, plus a lot of knowledge/experience in primatology and animal behavior, I acknowledge that it could mostly be confirmation bias. I also doubt it was 100% intentional on the parts of everyone who worked on the movie.
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options trading how to South Carolina The other reason is trading credit spreads or naked option writing without using stop loss.
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options trading how to South Carolina As long as you do not have to physically execute the stop loss. Physically executed stop losses are stop losses that rarely gets executed. Remember that. Buying options with your whole account and trading unlimited loss potential options positions without stop loss points are the two main reasons most options beginners lose their shirt. Take heed of my advice here and you would go through your initial options trading years in much more safety. How to Learn Options TradingMost people think they can learn options trading the very same way they learnt stock trading, which is just buying an options on stocks they think will do well. It's just that simple isn't it? Well, the simplicity ends when they discover that there are not one kind of option but two and each kind of option has countless strike prices and expiration dates! That's right! They suddenly realize that there is much much more to options trading than stock trading. Yes, stock options are a totally different ball game from stock trading even through they are used for the very same purpose of profiting from moves that stocks make. Yes, the fact that you are presented with so many different strike prices and expiration dates instantly tells you that there is no way to just pick on and profit. Much less trying to learn by trial and error. Yes, trial and error is very expensive in options trading as you cannot hold on to a mistake like in stock trading forever hoping for a come back.
Which brings us to the next important thing to learn about options; Options Moneyness. Depending on the strike price in relation to the prevailing stock price, an option can be either In The Money, At The Money or Out Of The Money. Options of different moneyness caters to different outlooks. You would buy out of the money options when you think a stock is going to make a big move and you would buy in the money options when you expect only a relatively small move. So, unlike stock trading where you simply buy the stock when you think it will go up, options trading make you think one more step deeper into the possible degree of move in order to maximize profits. Complete understanding of options moneyness and the implications of options of different moneyness is impossible without an understanding of how options are priced in terms of their intrinsic value and extrinsic value. Only by understanding the difference between intrinsic value and extrinsic value and how to calculate how much of each value is in the price of an option, you cannot intelligently choose the right option for your specific outlook. Once you have a good understanding of what call and put options are, how they are priced and the implications of different moneyness, it is time you learn how to place options orders through your options broker. Placing options orders is another complex issue as there are 4 main order types for options trading unlike the two simple order type for stock trading. Buy to open allows you to open a new options position by buying it, sell to open allows you to open a new options position by creating a new options contract and selling it, buy to close allows you to buy back and close options you previously created and sold and sell to close allows you to sell options that you previously bought. Knowing exactly what these orders do is extremely important for knowing how to execute extremely complex options strategies. best options trading advisory service South Carolina While it is certainly a wise thing to look towards the trading methods of a successful trader, duplicating the steps of the trader alone may not prove to be the best strategy.
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Follow the above steps, do your due diligence and you will be all set for your first options trade.
options trading books pdf South Carolina If I intend to lose no more than 10% of my account on any one trade, I do not use more than 10% of my account in a single trade. That's right, you NEVER buy a single options position or options contract with all the money you have! Although that would have made sense in stock trading, it is pure suicide and gamble in options trading. The other reason is trading credit spreads or naked option writing without using stop loss. Many options beginners were taken in by the apparent "free money" phenomena of writing naked options positions unaware that most of these credit strategies have unlimited loss potential. For instance, if you wrote call options (shorting call options), you would make a fixed premium in profit if the stock went downwards or sideways. Some "gurus" call this "playing bookmaker". Well, they are right that you are playing bookmaker to gamblers by selling options to them but they forgot to mention the fact that sometimes, gamblers win big too. When you write call options, your position will make an incrementally bigger loss as the stock price rises! It will continue to make bigger and bigger loss as long as the stock continues to rise. This is what is known as an unlimited loss position. This loss is often, or always, much bigger than the premium you received from selling the options. Before you know it, your entire account is wiped out on this one trade because the stock refused to go down as you expected it to. Does that mean we should not trade credit spreads or naked writes ever again? Not really. These are excellent options strategies but only if you trade them using a specific and definite stop loss point. Yes, most options trading beginners trade such unlimited loss potential credit spreads with stop loss points but most of them give in to emotion when it's time to stop loss and hold their positions beyond their stop loss points in hope that things will turn around, which most often, they never do. Professional options traders always trade unlimited loss potential positions with an AUTOMATED stop loss point. That's right, automated stop loss that works without human involvement. This can be in the form of a stop limit, contingent order or trailing stop loss order. As long as you do not have to physically execute the stop loss. Physically executed stop losses are stop losses that rarely gets executed. Remember that. Buying options with your whole account and trading unlimited loss potential options positions without stop loss points are the two main reasons most options beginners lose their shirt. Take heed of my advice here and you would go through your initial options trading years in much more safety. How to Learn Options TradingMost people think they can learn options trading the very same way they learnt stock trading, which is just buying an options on stocks they think will do well. It's just that simple isn't it? Well, the simplicity ends when they discover that there are not one kind of option but two and each kind of option has countless strike prices and expiration dates! That's right! They suddenly realize that there is much much more to options trading than stock trading. Yes, stock options are a totally different ball game from stock trading even through they are used for the very same purpose of profiting from moves that stocks make. Yes, the fact that you are presented with so many different strike prices and expiration dates instantly tells you that there is no way to just pick on and profit.
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slv options trading advice South Carolina Those that are conservative in their investment strategies might wish to limit options trading to a smaller part of their overall portfolio.
etf options trading South Carolina You also need to assess the risks and potentials associated with the success or failure of the business. This same ideology needs to be put towards options trading. If you can honestly assess yourself as someone with the self discipline to follow through with a reliable options trading strategy, then you may very well be extremely successful with options trading. Also, how well can you handle losing trades? Are you able to handle losses and pick things up and start the process over again? If you are then you may very well embody the proper psychological makeup for succeeding with options trading. Those that cannot handle the pressure of the occasional loss would be better served looking towards another investing strategy. It has been said success starts with the right mental makeup. If you can adapt your mindset to your psychological approach to trading, you may find success is not as elusive as you think. How People Lose Their Shirts in Options TradingYou must have heard horror stories surrounding options trading before. Stories such as how some people lose their whole account within a few days and even stories of options traders going bankrupt in express time. These stories have no doubt cast a shadow over options trading and there are even people who now tout that options trading is as risky as futures trading. Well, strange thing is, after more than 15 years of trading options, I have never experienced losing all my money within a few days nor going bankrupt.
There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of options strategies and some are so complex that a single position consists of 4 to 8 different trades utilizing a complex combination of the different order types you learnt above.
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