#mistaken for strangers the national
porchbirds · 1 year
You wouldn’t want an angel watching over/ Surprise, surprise, they wouldn’t wanna watch.
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nat1volition · 1 year
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yes Mistaken for Strangers by the national is a disco song *bursts into tears*
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juliens-bakery · 2 years
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it works like a magic trick
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heavensickness · 2 years
Living in the same city throughout your high school, university & working years is like. Girl help I am getting mistaken for strangers by my own friends when I pass them at night, under the silvery, silver Citibank lights; arm in arm in arm and eyes and eyes glazing under
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ergotsm · 2 years
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The National - "Mistaken for Strangers" (2007)
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alfairb · 2 years
It's a terrible love and I'm walking with spiders It's a terrible love and I'm walking in It takes an ocean not to break It takes an ocean not to break
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indiestar · 7 months
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musicandoldmovies · 1 year
The National - Mistaken for Strangers
From the album Boxer
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miserygenerator · 2 years
You get mistaken for strangers by your own friends
When you pass them at night
Under the silvery, silvery Citibank lights
Arm in arm in arm and eyes and eyes, glazing under
Oh, you wouldn't want an angel watching over you
Surprise, surprise, they wouldn't wanna watch
Another un-innocent, elegant fall
Into the un-magnificent lives of adults
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edenesth · 8 months
The Way to His Heart [12]
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Pairing: general!Seonghwa x wife!reader
AU: arranged marriage au (Joseon era)
Word Count: 3.1k
Summary: Life has been hell ever since your mother's passing many years ago. Despite being from a prominent family, you've never received the privileges associated with it. It only got worse with the arrival of your stepmother and her daughters. When the intimidating General Park was in search of a wife, your father seized the opportunity to dispose of you, simultaneously securing a connection with the powerful general—killing two birds with one stone.
Part 11 | Fic Masterlist | Part 13
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Prince Yeosang.
The fourth son born to the King and Queen of Joseon, was among the most widely recognised princes in the nation, though not for reasons one might consider positive. Unlike his numerous brothers and sisters, he adamantly resisted marriage despite reaching a suitable age.
But of course, his singledom was not the main reason for the constant chatter about him. The real cause for the heightened attention was the prominent birthmark beside his left eye.
In Joseon, beauty held immense significance, particularly for members of the royal family, who were deemed superior and held to higher standards than the commoners. Consequently, the prince's distinctive mark marked him as an anomaly within the royal lineage.
Throughout his life, Yeosang had been accustomed to the constant scrutiny that came with being perceived as a defect. From what he understood, even his own parents had reacted with alarm upon witnessing the sizable red birthmark on the side of his face when he was born. In reality, the mark didn't diminish his attractiveness, but societal taboos surrounding such markings led people to overlook his overall appeal and fixate solely on the spot.
As a result, he rejected all marriage proposals, having observed the disdainful glances directed at him by potential candidates. The thought of being wedded to someone who did not genuinely appreciate him was unappealing. Besides, he loathed the constant parade of pampered girls presented to him annually.
He would prefer to remain alone for the rest of his life than be tied down to any of those brats. Having always believed that no one could ever empathise with the pain of having such a mark on their face, he was more than astonished to discover you proudly displaying your scar. What's more, you stood in stark contrast to any of the snobbish noblewomen he had met.
It was when he was evading his many princely obligations meant to prepare him for the throne, despite being fourth in line, that he unexpectedly came across you, the beautiful stranger, while seeking a brief escape in the garden. For the first time in a long while, his heart quickened as he approached you, fearing he might lose sight of your enchanting presence.
"Allow me to express our deepest respect, Your Highness. This is Lady Park, the esteemed wife of General Park. Mistress, may I present to you Prince Yeosang." As if sensing his intentions, the servant standing beside you quickly clarified your identity.
However, if she thought this revelation would dissuade the fourth prince, she was sorely mistaken as Yeosang only smiled wider. So, you were the famous Miss Jang, currently the talk of the town. Knowing that you were here only to discuss wedding arrangements, he deduced that you and the general were not yet properly wedded.
That meant not all hope was lost for him.
Your eyes widened at Eunsook's words, the realisation sinking in that you were in the presence of a prince. Without wasting another second, you performed the formal bow you had practised countless times with the head maid before visiting the palace. Greeting the prince respectfully, you maintained the poise and grace befitting your status as the general's wife, "It is my greatest honour to be in your presence, Your Highness. Forgive this humble subject for failing to recognise you."
Up close, Yeosang's admiration for you only intensified. The genuine respect you demonstrated meant more to him than you would ever know. The prince had rarely been shown sincerity, and he knew then that he was right about your purity. Unlike any other noblewoman, you didn't eye him with even the slightest hint of disgust.
She's the one.
"Please rise, Miss Jang. It is quite alright; no harm is done. If anything, it feels very refreshing not to be recognised in an instant." He extended a hand to assist you, gently lifting you from your bow. Your eyes widened in wonder, and you offered him a grateful smile, not recalling Eunsook mentioning this part of the greeting.
Meanwhile, the head maid was in a state of panic, realising that the prince seemed interested in you. He had disregarded your title as Lady Park and had taken the opportunity to be close to you. Seonghwa would not be pleased if he found out.
"I'll be honest, I have yet to meet anyone who adores flowers as much as I do. It's almost as if fate brought us together." Yeosang said, chuckling as he took in your eyes sparkling with sincere enthusiasm. You seemed innocently happy just to make a new friend.
How precious.
"Would you care to take a stroll with me, my lady? I know of a perfect spot with a view that surpasses even this one."
Eunsook's stomach sank as you agreed to his invitation. It wasn't that she blamed you for being unfaithful to her master; she knew you were simply too clueless to see through the prince's intentions. Her concern was for the potential aftermath of the situation – what would happen if the general were to learn about Yeosang's interest in you and your willingness to spend time with him.
In another part of the palace at the War and Strategy Department building, the atmosphere was the furthest thing from peaceful as the words spoken by His Majesty weighed heavily on your husband's heart, "I'm so sorry, my boy. It seems your wedding will have to wait. Relations with the neighbouring nation, Ruhon, have not been very good lately. I fear war is inevitable this time, and... we need you."
Seonghwa sank into one of the chairs, his eyes blinking rapidly as he absorbed the weight of the words just spoken, "War...? H-how serious is the situation? And why haven't I been informed about the strained relations with Ruhon?"
San, taking a seat beside him, sighed and responded, "We've been attempting peace negotiations with them for months, but an agreement seems elusive. They've been making unreasonable demands. We didn't want to burden you with any of this at first, we wanted you to focus on your new marriage. But the situation has escalated, and it appears we're left with no choice but to prepare for the worst."
The King continued with a heavy heart, "Unfortunately, despite our efforts, we haven't been able to reach an agreement with Ruhon regarding their latest demands. They are now threatening to settle matters through force. We must start preparing and strategising immediately; their attack could come at any time."
The implications of the impending conflict raced through your husband's mind, the weight of responsibility pressing down on him. The realisation that he would have to lead the army into battle overshadowed the joy of his recent marriage. Just when he thought things were finally looking up for the two of you, the looming threat of war cast a dark shadow over your lives.
He pressed a hand against his head, eyes shut tight, muttering, "I could be gone for months or even years..."
"I'm sorry, Seonghwa-yah. I know this is not what you expected, especially right after your marriage. I wish we didn't have to ruin your plans like this." The King apologised with a solemn expression.
With a shake of his head, the general replied, "No, Your Majesty, I understand the gravity of the situation. My duty lies in protecting this nation. I promise I won't let anything jeopardise its safety, even if it means altering my personal plans."
Nodding, the ruler pursed his lips appreciatively, "We thank you for your dedication, General Park. We'll need you to lead our forces and devise a strategy to repel the impending threat from Ruhon."
"I'll do everything in my power to safeguard our country, my King. You have my word." Seonghwa knew that safeguarding his nation also meant keeping his own wife safe. As much as he hated it, there was no time to dwell on the disappointment of the changed plans; he needed to get to work immediately.
Transitioning into his professional demeanour, he interlocked his hands as he met the gaze of the ruler of Joseon, "When is my deployment to the war zone scheduled?"
His Majesty sighed deeply before answering him, "You have a few days to spend with your wife; the troops are still establishing the base as we speak. You can head over when it's ready. General Officer Song has also been notified and will be there to start strategising in detail with you by then."
Following the finalisation of the main details, the meeting came to a close. As the general prepared to leave, the King stopped him once more. Before he could offer yet another apology, Seonghwa intervened, "You don't owe me any apology, Your Majesty. None of this is your fault; you've done your best to protect your people. Now it's my turn to perform my duty. I... I only have one thing to ask of you while I'm gone..."
The ruler nodded, aware of the request that would follow, "I ask that you watch over my wife for me and make sure she's well protected until my return," His Majesty agreed, a hand squeezing your husband's shoulder, "Of course, my boy. You don't even have to ask."
As your husband headed towards the cherry blossom garden to find you, the unexpected sight of you with the fourth prince caught him off guard. Suppressing a sigh, he shook his head, preventing another wave of irrational jealousy from taking over. He reminded himself that, as San had assured him, you were his. Perhaps, he reasoned, you were simply making new friends.
Moreover, he recalled Prince Yeosang's firm stance on not settling down. Seonghwa reassured himself that there should be nothing more to this than platonic bonding.
Catching sight of her master approaching, Eunsook's panic began to seize her. Mentally preparing herself for the incoming wrath, she knew he wouldn't be pleased to see you spending time with another man. Turning back to you, she hoped to catch your attention, intending to warn you of his presence. However, you were too engrossed in your conversation with the prince, discussing your favourite flowers.
"I think my favourite might be the lotus flower, but that's probably because my husband has dedicated an entire pond full of it to me." The general's heart swelled with affection at your words, confirming that his trust in you was well-placed.
That's my girl.
Before the prince could respond and tell you that he could give you so much more, Seonghwa had finally arrived behind you.
"You're here, master," The head maid greeted, but he waved her off and bowed at Yeosang, "Yes, I'm here now. Thank you for keeping my wife company while I was busy, Your Highness. If there is nothing else, we will be taking our leave now."
Brightening up at your husband's presence, you stepped over to him, and he instinctively circled an arm around your back. Despite the enjoyable time with your new friend, the instant comfort of being with Seonghwa made you feel at home again. The fourth prince's eye twitched at the interaction, but he did his best to maintain a smile on his handsome face.
The elderly woman was genuinely surprised; she blinked as she tried to comprehend her master's calm demeanour. It was unexpected, especially considering how unhappy he had been when you were around Yunho and San. But she found relief in not witnessing him explode or resort to his usual passive-aggressive self.
"Ahh yes, General Park, off to make arrangements for your upcoming wedding ceremony, I presume?" The prince's tone carried a hint of smugness, almost as if he were privy to some knowledge.
Your husband's expression dimmed at the reminder; there would be no wedding plans for some time. Mustering a cordial smile, he bowed lightly, "Something along those lines, Your Highness." He had no intention of breaking the news to you in this manner, and he certainly didn't feel obligated to provide Yeosang with any explanations, so a little fabrication wouldn't hurt.
As if on cue, a few palace servants finally caught up to the prince, out of breath, "There you are, Your Highness! Please don't make our jobs any more difficult than they already are. Will you return to the library with us? The royal tutor is still waiting for you." Yeosang sighed and reluctantly turned to bid you goodbye.
"Very well then. It was nice talking to you, Miss Jang. I hope to see you again. And you, General Park." You and Seonghwa bowed politely as he left the garden with the poor servants trailing miserably behind.
The general did his best to brush aside the prince's borderline irritating behaviour, particularly the way he insisted on addressing you as Miss Jang despite your change in marital status. In the grand scheme of things, such trivialities held no importance now. Chances were slim that you would ever meet Prince Yeosang again, given the impending war and the duties that awaited your husband.
With a deep breath, he focused on the immediate task at hand – spending precious moments with you before he had to leave for the war. Gently tucking a strand of stray hair behind your ear, he offered a warm smile, "Come, my love. Let's make our way home."
Furrowing your brows in confusion, you questioned, "We're heading home already? Aren't we supposed to meet His and Her Majesty?" The head maid shared your astonishment; she was equally puzzled.
Seonghwa let out a small sigh and nodded, "Yes, there's been a change of plans. I'll explain on our way home."
As you walked back to the waiting carriage, your husband's mind raced with thoughts of how to break the news to you. You had only just overcome a traumatising ordeal and were finally getting your happily ever after. The daunting task of telling you that he would have to leave for war for an indefinite amount of time loomed over him. He wondered about your possible reactions and couldn't shake the uncertainty of whether he would return.
Despite being the great General Park, he couldn't escape the reality that, at the end of the day, he was still human.
Settling down into the vehicle, you noticed your husband staring anxiously out the window, lost in thought. Placing a hand over his, you softly called out, "Seonghwa," When he turned to meet your concerned gaze, you inquired, "What is it? What was the emergency meeting about?" He grasped your hands, squeezing them, as he prepared himself to share the news with you.
"I... I'm so sorry, my love, but our wedding ceremony will have to be postponed... indefinitely," As disappointing as that was, you wanted to know the actual reason, so you nodded and waited for him to continue, "That's because... there is an incoming war."
He didn't need to elaborate for you to grasp the situation immediately. Naturally, it meant he would have to go and fight. As the most promising general in all of Joseon, the King's most trusted warrior, if it wasn't him going off to fight, then who else? Your heart clenched uncomfortably at the revelation, but you understood it was only part of his job, so you smiled reassuringly at him, "Oh... I-I understand, Seonghwa. Wh-when are you leaving then?"
Raising his brows in surprise, it took him a minute to react, "W-wait, are you not upset with any of this? I will be leaving you, and it could be for months or even years... and you're okay with it?"
You sighed shakily, the smile now dropping.
"Of course, I'm not okay with it... If only it were possible, I would like to keep you all to myself, but it's your job to defend the nation. You're General Park, and I'm so proud of you for that. You've won so many battles; I'm certain this will be another easy victory for you. As your wife, I will do my duty to safeguard our home until your return."
Just as he believed his love for you couldn't deepen further, your words proved him wrong. He felt incredibly fortunate to have such an understanding wife. He should have known better; he didn't know why he expected you to throw a tantrum. Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close and pushing your head into the crook of his neck, "You're right; I'm an idiot. I hope you know you're not making it any easier for me to leave you."
Despite the tears welling up in your eyes, you chuckled, trying to maintain a positive outlook amid the looming dread. Inside, you were trembling, and letting him go was the last thing you wanted. Yet, you had to face your reality, "You haven't answered me, Seonghwa. When are you leaving?"
He squeezed his eyes shut, tightening his hold around you before whispering, "In a few days, my love. A few days."
« Preview of Part 13 »
"Your Majesty, the fourth prince requests an audience with you." The Queen arched an eyebrow, surprised that her most rebellious son would willingly seek to meet her. She had anticipated him doing everything in his power to avoid her due to her constant nagging for him to settle down.
"Hm, does he now? Allow him to enter."
With a deep bow, the eunuch complied, "Yes, Your Majesty, as you wish," before exiting the Queen's chambers to fetch her son.
"The fourth prince, Your Majesty," Yeosang made a grand entrance with a half-hearted bow and greeting, "It's been a while, Mother."
Her Majesty snorted in disbelief, but it no longer surprised her. He had always been the most disobedient among all of her children. She tried to be understanding, acknowledging that his life hadn't been as easy as his other siblings due to the birthmark on his face. This understanding explained her leniency with his attitude.
"What a surprise, Yeosang. To what do I owe the pleasure, my son? If this is regarding more funds or approval for another one of your expeditions out of the palace, you can forget it. I don't want to hear it unless you're telling me you wish to get married—"
With a smirk, the prince crossed his arms over his chest, "That's exactly what I am here for, Mother. I came to tell you I have changed my mind and would agree to get married, on one condition."
The Queen immediately straightened in her seat, wondering if she had heard him wrong, "Y-you're willing to get married?" He nodded, and she widened her eyes, "Name it; what is your condition?"
"It has to be the eldest Miss Jang promised to General Park Seonghwa. It's her or nothing, Mother."
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Y'all, my new and final semester of uni starts next week. Here's a heads-up; updates are probably not going to be as frequent, but I will do my best! Also, I apologise if this part felt like a filler chapter HAHA gotta let the drama build up slowly.
As always, thank you for reading and let me know your thoughts! <3
Tag list (1/7): @huachengsbestie01 @evidive @weedforthoughtz @ssrnghwa @yunnieo @sunnyhokyu @lynnsqueendom @frobin4ever @chwesuh-imnida @thunderous-wolf @itstheghostofmypast @professormingisglasses @deltamoon666 @avantalem @famishalll @yungilia @soobiverse @joongified @scuzmunkie @http-gyu @mentoslol @atinyreads @angel-hyuckie @anxiousskylar @onedumbho3 @narashii @ddaeing @sanstreasure0305 @sohnfile @scarfac3 @dreamingofyeo @puppyminnnie @tinyteezer @vantediary @satsuri3su @mismatchfluffysocks @aliona124754 @bts-army380 @lilactangerine @atinyniki @pay13 @1117promises @xoxkii @st4rcig4r @hikarii02 @nescaffei @xdolls-crownx @ashrocker123 @skzline @minkiflwr @starssongs98 @baeksofty @skz1-4-3 @kawaiikels @madnpan @maoyueze @en-happiness @cheolliehugs @persnyako @startinystay @chngbnwf @fatspecimen @christinerose380 @stfu-rina @kyukyustar @taytayy178 @appleschre @brielle-in-the-galaxy @kamabokogonpachro @laurenwidjaja
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Fic Titles: Song Edition
Part II
I can't steal you (like you stole me) - You, The Pretty Reckless
Spinning all these stories - Skinny Bitch, Lena Meyer-Landrut
It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon - Lemon Tree, Fool's Garden
When I watch the world burn (all I think about is you) - Doom Days, Bastille
Let's compare scars (I′ll tell you whose is worse) - Swing Life Away, Rise Against
Sunsets and silhouette dreams - You be the anchor [...], Mayday Parade
Who could deny these butterflies? - Remembering Sunday, All Time Low
As we say our long goodbyes - Run, Snow Patrol
Naked bodies look like porcelain - Love, Daughter
I wish you were a stranger - Over my head (Cable Car), The Fray
Send my regards to hell - Blame, Bastille
We do fall before we rise - Blood & Glitter, Lord of the Lost
Our hearts beat (control them) - In spirit golden, I Blame Coco
Admiring from afar - we fell in love in october, girl in red
The safest place to hide - MakeDamnSure, Taking Back Sunday
I am my own worst enemy - The Consequence, You Me At Six
My lover and my best friend - Rehab, Rihanna
It's a sign that someone loves you - Don't swallow the cap, The National
There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin - Take me to church, Hozier
The wonderful mess that we made - Flaws, Bastille
Drink the poison lightly - I'm not the one, 3OH!3
Saving life in the dark - Believe, Yellowcard
To warm the cold side of the pillow - Hunger of the Pine, alt-J
I'd probably still adore you - 505, Arctic Monkeys
You killed me with your smile - Tonight, Reamonn
Mistaken for strangers by your own friends - Mistaken for strangers, The National
Three whole words and eight letters late - Fireworks, You Me At Six
You say you love me and you roll your eyes - Everyway that I can, Sertab Erener
I'm so surprised you want to dance with me now - Pink Rabbits, The National
To distract our hearts from ever missing them - Youth, Daughter
More titles!
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gingerteawrites · 6 days
A/N: Hey everyone! Welcome to another installment of BTH! I have been thinking a lot about the progression of this plot, and some decisions are making it hard to write lol (please remind me to sufficiently plan series in advance). Anyway, I hope you enjoy this part, and I hope to update again sooner rather than later. Hugs <3. Previous part here.
Content: Royalty!AU, Nanami x female reader, king Nanami, Princess Y/N, Widower Nanami, Toddler Yuuji, hurt, angst. Not beta read
Word count: ~1.8k
Banner by: @cafekitsune
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Oh no, Oh no, Oh no, Oh no…
All the alarms were blaring in your head. Bright red, loud and clear. If the look on the face of the man standing in front of you was any indication to go by, you having the boy in your arms was terribly wrong.
You opened your mouth and closed it again, not sure of what to say. The king took a few strides to close the distance between the two of you, bending down to pick Yuuji up in a swift motion that made your heart feel like it was going to beat out of its cage.
Nanami stood back up, adjusting the boy in his arms, who whined in his sleep and nuzzled in the crook of his father’s neck as he mumbled something incoherent.
You shook yourself and stood up in a hurry.
"I apologize, your majesty, I was terribly mistaken." The words come out in a rush, wanting to appease him.
The king sighed and closed his eyes. His features seemed especially sharp when they held hostility like this, almost making you want to cower. He turned away so that his back was to you.
"I will send for someone to escort you back to your quarters." He announced, his hand resting on Yuuji's back. Not waiting for your response, he walked away, disappearing in the maze of bookshelves.
A beat passed and you plopped back down onto the seat, sighing in defeat. Your first proper opportunity to exchange words with your husband was officially a disaster. You had thought the boy belonged to some sort of nobility, but how could you possibly guess that he was the king’s son?
Before your departure from your nation, you had heard rumors of a dead queen. They were rushed things, incoherent snippets of what you thought was meaningless gossip. But now the fragments seemed to hold significance. There had to be some woman before you; Yuuji’s mother.
Your tapped your fingers against the lush fabric of your dress in deep contemplation.
If there is a heir to the throne already, why on earth would I be brought in?
From what you had observed, the king was not at all interested in you. A taste for women was not what drove him to remarry, and he certainly did not seem like someone who would decide to bring in a stranger on a whim.
By the time Alma and the rest of the servants you had ditched back at the garden found you, you were sitting in the same spot, trying to connect the dots of the situation you had found yourself in.
Am I in some sort of political ploy? I do not like the sound of it at all.
The older woman scurried over to you with a wary look on her face, and you blinked out of your daze, the worry that she had been reprimanded on your account coming to the forefront of your thoughts.
"Your majesty, there you are.” She rushed out, hand on her chest. “I apologize for my oversight."
You stood up, meeting her with your hands pressed together.
"I am the one who has to apologize." You stepped closer "I did not mean to leave you all behind. I just met the sweetest boy." Something akin to worry flashed behind her eyes.
"The young prince," Alma mumbled, stepping even closer. "What happened?" she asked hastily, eyes widening in anticipation.
And that was when the lightbulb turned on in your thoughts.
Alma must know a great deal in lieu of her position as what seemed to be head maid. Now that the possibility of you being a mere pawn in a game struck you, you wanted to know what exactly was going on in this palace. The notion of being used was repulsive.
At least not unknowingly. You reflected, given your current predicament was a result of your kingdom trading you. But at least that was a transaction you had consented to.
Regardless, the older woman could provide invaluable context. But she seemed unlikely to just spill what would be royal family business to someone who was essentially still an outsider. Getting information out of her would be a slow venture, but you decided to focus on the present moment.
"He took me around the garden and then to this small nook." You explained, wanting to feed her interest. "I read to him and he fell asleep here. I was going to try finding his guardian. But then His majesty walked in..." You look up into her eyes, not hiding your unease "I promise I did not know Yuuji was the prince. The king looked quite upset."
Taking in your explanation, Alma sighed before putting on a smile. You could tell she was trying to reassure you, her features softening.
"It is alright, your majesty. It seems you had a good encounter with the prince, I am glad.” She closed her eyes, a a sad smile gracing her lips.
Before you could question her sudden melancholy, the woman turned to the rest of the servants that had come in tow, standing a few paces back. Their expressions showed surprise and a certain defensiveness at you mentioning Yuuji, piquing your interest even more.
"It is time for lunch. Let us return." Alma announced, extending a hand to lead you away, which you grabbed with a grateful smile.
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It had been three weeks now since your encounter with the young prince, and you had started to get a bearing of how things work in the palace. Trying your best to maintain a kind disposition and initiate conversations had allowed you to confirm some of your theories via small bits of idle chat.
There was indeed a queen before you. Kaori, you knew was her name. Yuuji’s mother and Nanami’s wife, who had tragically died about two years ago (everyone shied away from mentioning anything about the circumstances of her death, which you found peculiar), after which her husband had spent an extensive amount of time mourning.
He must have loved her dearly, you thought, feeling the pang of something akin to envy.
Anyway, the information you had collected made your presence in this castle make even less sense. The kingdom was prosperous enough that it had no need for political alliances with the small nation you came from. There was something else at play. Something you could not quite place, but were determined to find out.
Over the weeks the weather had grown warmer, the afternoon spring air bringing along its lightness. This meant that being cooped up in the your quarters all day was becoming a mental torture, and your walks became more frequent. While most servants were still wary of you, you noticed some had grown warmer to your presence, especially a younger servant which was a new addition to the castle staff.
You were trudging along the edge of the inner castle walls, looking at the rose bushes that sprawled the area when you saw her emerge from the corridor, her black hair neatly tied in a bun. You called out a greeting when she turned, her eyes catching yours.
“Good morning, Riko.” You smiled.
She beamed towards you, rushing over with a smile before bowing hastily “Your majesty! The weather is lovely today, isn’t it?” She said, turning to greet the two maids who were chaperoning you from a few feet behind.
“It is indeed. I love the spring air.” You smiled at her. A group of especially jittery maids rush along the corridor, making you grow curious at the effervescence in this usually quiet place.
“Pray tell, I noticed the castle has a certain buzz today…” You said, running your fingers on the rose’s delicate petals.
Before you could even finish your sentence, she rushed in to explain, eliciting a soft chuckle, equal parts amused and endeared.
“The royal knights are set to return today! The king is throwing a banquet in honor of their returning from an expedition in the South.” She explained.
You hummed in thought, eyes roaming the thorny stems.
Royal knights? For a large banquet to be thrown, they must be quite the force to be reckoned with. You mused, trying to ignore the sting you felt at not being made aware of the banquet beforehand. He clearly had no intention of having you attend.
You proceeded to inquire about her maid training, and she enthusiastically recounted the tasks of the day, before announcing that she needed to run off, remembering she was in the middle of an errand. You bid her an amused farewell and watched the girl rush back into the halls. You turned back to the servants behind you, having grown out of the mood of being outside.
“Shall we return to my chambers?” You phrased, smiling, to which they replied with a bow, waiting for you to lead the way back.
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Back in your room, they served you the afternoon tea and biscuits which seemed to be costumery in this nation and exited, leaving you to your thoughts again. Loneliness was an ailment that had started to take siege, causing you to spend your evenings sometimes staring outside your large window that offered peerage into a corner of the main courtyard within the inner castle walls.
The spectacle of nobles occasionally walking in with their upturned noses, and now servants rushing up and down was somewhat entertaining. A backdrop to your thoughts running wild with theories. One of them was the curious absence of the rest of the aristocracy from the castle. Whether this observation was a result of your relative isolation or other circumstances was still up for contemplation.
You were absent-mindedly sipping your hibiscus tea when the sight of a very elegantly styled tuft of blonde hair caught your eye from below, causing you to lean in closer. The king, seemingly unaware of your gaze turned, and you saw the flash of a smile on his features.
You pressed in closer to the glass, compelled to get a better glimpse. A new look at the man you had only experienced sourness from. Your heart melted in your chest when you saw Yuuji run and jump into his arms, having come from another side of the yard with what looked like a tutor.
The tender moment honestly moved you. The loving embrace and gleeful smiles causing another pang of envy to ring through you. You willed yourself to back away from where you were almost glued to the glass, feeling like a voyeur peering in uninvited. You pulled the curtain close and walked back towards your bed, missing Kento, whose eyes had turned to your window high up.
I know not much happened this chapter, but get ready for the pace to pick up very soon *wink wink*
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worldsbiggestnerd101 · 7 months
intro post!!
hi there! my name’s emmy, welcome to my blog! i’ve been here for a good while now but since i’ve started to gain more attention, i figured it was time to make an intro post!
basic info:
name(s): em/emmy/emeline, angie/angel (no preference)
birthday: january 4 :D
orientation/sexuality: bisexual (femme/wlw leaning)
gender: cis girl
pronouns: she/her (they/them is ok but not preferred)
nationality: born and raised in the US of A (new york babyyyyyyy), but my parents are guyanese, so i’d say guyanese american
race: mixed, my mom has light skin (she gets mistaken as hispanic a lot) and my dad has medium brown skin so i’m somewhere in the middle (i too get mistaken for hispanic a lot)
other info: i’m neurodivergent, possibly autism or adhd (or both) but i was a “gifted” kid if that counts for anything, oh and i have anxiety
this a multifandom blog, so while i do have my phases/eras/hyperfixations, i will be posting about multiple fandoms at once, even if one’s taking up more posts than the others combined.
here are some of my mains!
hazbin hotel/helluva boss/the general hellaverse
roblox piggy
gravity falls
ride the cyclone
welcome home
carmen sandiego (2019)
it’s easiest to tell what my current main hyperfixation is by just looking at my pfp/blog theme, as i’ll usually set it to something related to my current biggest hyperfix. i’ll update this list as needed, but i’m also active in the percy jackson, american girl, and stranger things fandoms. i’m also into a lot of cartoons, like she-ra and the princesses of power, steven universe, the owl house, mlp gen 4, etc. so feel free to ask about those! i’m also a major theater kid, some of my favorite shows are hamilton, dear evan hansen, wicked, mean girls, beetlejuice, and six, so you can ask about any of those too! (i’ve only seen wicked and hamilton 😭)
ok so all my links to other posts or blogs or accounts or anything really are here!!
ao3: here!!
youtube: here!!
angel dust rp blog: @xx-angie-fluffy-bootz-xx
alt acc for when i hit the post limit: @emmysbackupblog
hazbin hotel high school au masterpost: here!!
discord server bullshittery masterpost: here >:3
#em rambles - original post tag
#asks - any and all asks i get!!
#mutuals - any asks from/posts about my mutuals will be tagged with this, and it's like a guarantee that you'll get your own name tag too!!
#anon - if you send me an anon ask, just look here to find it :D
#emmy’s edits - all my original edits!! they’re up on my youtube too but you can find them here under that tag
#hazbin high school au - my own au!! i made this by myself with a few ideas from friends but this is like my own creation that i'm working on!!
edit: as of 07/16/2024 i have a girlfriend!! her name is hannie, aka the wonderful amazing absolutely adorable @furryrainbowscreature i love her so much <333
homophobes, transphobes
supporters of israel
queer exclusionists (anti "conflicting" labels, terfs, etc)
blogs with heavy amounts of nsfw content (i’m a teenager so. please.)
so yeah i think that’s about it!! thanks for reading y'all <3
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worriedvision · 2 years
Are you open? Got a request.
Okay so, Irminsul is a big stuff to Teyvat. So what if reader who had a relationship with some character... The reader came back from work and the character was just shock and alerted to the point they would fight the reader because to them, reader was a stranger. Reader on the other hand, confused that why they're agitated or getting mad when they got home, they didn't missed any dates or missing something that would upset.
Then they started to push reader away and Reader called them, then they asked "Who are you? Who are you to step in?" That's where reader realized something was wrong with this world. And also, reader left without their things.
So basically like, no one remembered Reader, even their family or their friends, coworkers and neighbors, even their God who they lived under the designated nation no one... Reader was homeless and loveless.
So then reader was just wandering and lost that they had to lived with everyone never remembered their existence even though reader was important to them.
I was thinking if I added if the character's memory of the reader got altered that they thought that they're dating with someone else and it's not reader. So reader actually saw that, heartbroken that they saw it (because reader had the real memories).
Gender neutral reader, doing this with Cyno as the character in question. At the end they meet a certain someone, quest spoilers obviously. Wanderer is here, I'm using the name Loki because that's what I named him in game.
You were looking for your boyfriend that morning, plans to hang out with him in your mind as you skip out the door. Getting to the planned meeting spot, you see him there waiting for you. Unlike his usual actions with you, however, he doesn't seem excited to see you at all. As you get closer, he still doesn't respond. Unable to recall the idea of making someone mad, you stretch your arms out to hug him...
Only for him to pull out his polearm, pinning you to the ground by the neck of your shirt. The look of disgust in his eyes, the way you could tell he was thinking of how to deal with you trying to hug him, only to soften when someone else comes along.
"Honey, they must have mistaken you for someone else." His partner coos, Cyno putting his polearm away before holding the person's hand, you looking on in utter confusion.
After a minute of sitting there, you decide you wanted to catch up with Tighnari. It had been a while since you talked to him, and you figured it would give you an idea as to what happened. Tighnari doesn't talk to you as a friend at all, giving you a second copy of the book he gave to everyone who he thought could get lost in the forest. When you ask him if he wanted to hang out, he brushes you off and calls you a stranger. When you show visible confusion, Tighnari merely stares through you before walking away.
Walking back to your home, you can't figure out what exactly had happened. Rushing to check your calendar, you don't see any missed dates to explain why everyone seemed to be mad at you.
The next day, you turn up to work only to be escorted out by security for going to someone's desk and preparing as if it was yours. As you were being escorted out, the same person who had been with Cyno flashes you a look, accompanied by a set of eyes that momentarily changes colours. You look back to see what happened with them, only for everyone around you to force you out.
Unemployed, of course leading to losing your house as you could nno longer afford rent. Of course, you found out the hard way that you were being accused of staying in a house the tenant had not given you permission to stay in.
Homeless. And now you had absolutely nobody to confide in, suddenly realising that you had nobody in your life. Your family became someone elses, your friends became their friends, and you were stripped of everything.
Applying for jobs, you always failed to get the work. The occasions when you got an interview, the topic of your previous employment came up and you couldn't explain your situation. Not a single place wanted you, and you knew how everyone looked at you when they found out about how much of a stranger you were to everyone.
But then, one night, the traveler came along by themselves. You look at them, wondering why they were bothering. Now that you thought of it, why wasn't Paimon with the traveler?
"_, is it?" They ask. Your eyes widen, surprised that they seemed to know who you were. People never mentioned your name when they talked about you, referring to you by your features without using your name. "I understand something drastic has changed in your life."
"I...I don't know." You scratch your head. "Everything I thought was real, isn't."
"I have someone I want you to meet. He's in a somewhat similar situation to yours." The traveler explains, holding out a hand to help you up.
"How do you know about this? Usually people just call me crazy when I bring up my past." You ask, to no response. Deciding you had nothing going on in your life, you follow them.
"So you're the infamous _..." You hear someone raise a brow, walking towards you.
"Don't try to intimidate them, Loki." The traveler tuts, starting the conversation. "In your memories, work or personal, is there anyone that striked you as a 'threat' in any way?"
"Not really...Well there was one person that had an unhealthy crush on my then boyfriend." You trail off. "They weren't happy to find out I started dating them. Not that it matters. I went to see Cyno one morning and he just...didn't know me."
"Who was this person?" The traveler asks, receiving a response from you and nodding as if they connected the dots. Truth be told, Nahida had asked Loki to keep a close eye on you (from a distance), and when she got enough evidence to confirm a suspicion on your strange actions she asked for the traveler's help.
"I don't understand what's so important about it. It's not like I can explain I have incorrect memories." You sigh.
"You can trust the traveler, they can't lie to save themselves." Loki teases. "You're probably going to by my new roommate based on how they're looking at me, as long as you don't annoy me you'll be fine."
When you were getting to know your roommate better, the traveler took it upon themselves to look into this person you named. It didn't take long for them to realise that, actually, this person had their own life that was now completely blank. The family they were connected to, the friends they had, the job they worked - all of it was wrong compared to what they knew before. The new job they were in, they were also underperforming in comparison to how you did when he knew of your position.
The traveler concludes that this person, out of jealousy, must have attempted to put themselves into your shoes to fulfil their desire of dating Cyno. Unfortunately, they couldn't risk telling anyone about these findings without telling them what they know about Irmunsul.
All they could do was support you into a new life, where they could.
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joyouzz · 1 year
LU/ATLA: Hyrule
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Nation: Earth Kingdom
Bender: Water Bender
Sub-Bending Skills:
• Healing
• Plant Bending
• Blood Bending(???)
Hyrule grew up in the swamps of the Earth Kingdom. Growing up, Hyrule began to travel outside of his swamp home.
When traveling, he adapted to the dangers of the world, a feature that can be seen through his clothing. Keeping details of his swamp cultures yet also gathering more Earth Kingdom clothing.
I refused to draw a shirtless Hyrule and threw his pants and a proper shirt. Hyrule keeps some elements of his culture’s clothing, like the arm bands, wood board, and leaf hat, but adds more to it to blend in.
Wild absolutely has a traditional swamp clothing set.
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Here are some other details about LU/ATLA Hyrule:
• Hyrule grew up in the humid swamps, therefore never encountering ice
• No ice = No ice bending
• Instead, swamp benders bend plants such as the vines around them
• Debating if Hyrule should learn blood bending, on one hand it be flipping cool for him to learn a powerful ability to use only in the most desperate situations
• But on the other hand, would it fit Hyrule?
• When Hyrule was six, he discovered he had healing after he fell from the trees and scrapped his knees pretty badly
• Ever since then, Hyrule offered to heal the people of tribe whenever someone gets hurt
• No matter how big or little the wound is, he would heal it
• This led him to passing out when he was ten after a group of tribal warriors came back injured, exhausting himself too much
• When Hyrule was thirteen, he joined his tribe in warding off spirits and unwelcome visitors
• To keep the swamp and their people safe, the tribe creates a swamp creature using plant bending
• Much like what happens in Avatar: The Last Airbender
• This keeps the tribe safe however it also spreads a rumors that creatures that live in the swamps are cruel spirits wearing Hylian skins to blend in
• At the age of fifteen, Hyrule left the swamp for the first time when he was wandering the swamp
• This creates a desire to explore the world and see what wonders are outside of the swamp
• Try has they might, his tribe tries to discourage Hyrule by saying it’s too dangerous
• When the tribe realizes their words will not stop Hyrule, at age sixteen, Hyrule leaves the swamps and sets off
• Least to say the first weeks were terrifying
• Between being mistaken for an ‘forsaken swamp spirit’ and running into hostile earth benders, Hyrule was thrown into prison for ‘stealing’
• In his cell, Hyrule met an old kind man who too was wrongly accused
• There, Hyrule learned of war torn countries and how many people nowadays were too wary of any strangers in fear of bandits, Yiga in disguise, or angry spirits
• It is also there, where he learned the dangers of being an water bender outside of the tribes after he bender in front of his elderly friend
• Learning of how water benders were kidnapped from their homes, sold off to the Yiga Clan, other cruel governments, wealthy men for protection, and as war prisoners was horrifying
• Hearing the ruins and dangers of this world, Hyrule saw no choice but to break both him and his new friend out of prison
• If someone told Hyrule he would be leading a prison break years before, he would just throw a wave of water in their face
• Yet there he was, following his friend to his home in a cave after successfully leading a prison break
• In his way of showing how gratitude he was for being rescued, the old man gifted Hyrule a sword
• At first, Hyrule declined the gift, only accepting it after the old man explained how not only could it help defend Hyrule but also to help disguise his water bending abilities
• Continuing his journey once more, Hyrule had a new mission
• While yes, his prison time showed him the horrors and cruelty of the world, it also showed him that good people like his friend are in the world, suffering due to cruel greedy people
• It only fueled Hyrule into exploring more of the world, meet the good people who are out there
• It fueled him to help those who are suffering, no one deserves to be falsely accused or be captured from their homes and forced into a fight against their Will
• Even at the mere thought of anyone from his tribe being captured and traded around simply because they are a water bender makes Hyrule shiver
• His entire life, Hyrule grew up hearing about how the Avatar was suppose to bring peace and balance to the world
• He is no Avatar, but that does not mean he is just going to sit aside and watch as people suffer knowing he could do something
• Taking his new sword and waving his friend goodbye, Hyrule took off
• But first, he must commit a crime
• One pair of pants, shirt, and a good pair of shoes later and Hyrule is off
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