yvvvvvn · 5 years
“No harm to you Yvan right because you know how much I love you and Abigail together but you know all things said was true about how she felt about you and yes she was waiting for you and you know how hard it is for her to show her feelings to people and you’re one of the very few people she did to. And no harm again but in my eyes it seems as you’ve led her on. I know right and well abigails been waiting to finally get things right with you and then yous get close again anoll Same routine but this time you tell me you’re unhappy ? And Then you say that you lost feelings for wanting to talk and be near her and saying you’ve tried. But it just never seemed like you did try your best for her. And I’m not saying and forcing you to go off and start liking her again anoll but I’m js you’ve fucked up that girls head and feelings big time and that’s a dick move. She could’ve been the one to make you happy and get you out of that stage because I can tell you right now that girls helped me through a lot even whenever she was going through shit aswell and I’m not saying all this cuz she’s my bestie. But she’s the most genuine person ever. She could be a complete stranger to me but I wouldn’t think of her in any different way. Not shoving it in your face but you have lost the best thing ever. And I do respect your desicion made but you never asked her how she felt about it ? But now since you’ve told me this I now agree with you. Yous both need time from each other. And I wouldn’t have liked for you to lead on my best friend any further so I agree with your desicion but see if there’s even a possibility of a next time between yous two which probably there will be because it’s hard for her to get over people like fk she never got over you in that year and so and don’t think it’ll be going away any time sure but make sure your feelings are proper for her this time because it’s really unfair to her Yvan. Expected better tbh”
- K.H
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