jermer10 · 7 months
(I'm new here so if you have done this already, MB) could you write heavy x reader when reader finds heavys clothes and wears them and heavy catches them?? I would like reader to be gender neutral or female and it can lead to NSFW if you want it too 🥴 thank you (ignore if needed) 💛💛💛
TF2 sweater weather | heavy x reader
18+ only, afab reader | i fucking LOVE heavy
drabbles under the cut :P
Every merc had a designated job in order to keep the barracks clean, and yours happened to be the bathrooms. You absolutely hated this job. Ten mercs living under one roof where 90% of you were men? Yeah, those bathrooms were feral, and after having to scrub them clean 2 times a week for months, you were beginning to grow exhausted. So when Medic offered to swap the laundry job with you for a week, you took full advantage of his generosity. You had no idea how much laundry 10 mercs produced in the span of a week. The first night is when you saw Misha's sweater in the dryer. It was massive, the biggest piece of clothing you had ever seen, red and adorned with black stripes and diamonds across the chest. It smelt of washing detergent, the musk of old clothing, and a hint of the lemongrass cologne he had been wearing that hadn't been washed out in the machine.
This wasn't the first time you had seen the sweater, in fact he wore it often during the colder months, but it was the first time you had it in your hands, the first time you were able to smell it up close, the first time you were able to feel the plush fabric scrunched up in your fists. You felt dizzy, face flushing in both embarrassment and lust. Your crush on the older man had not gone unnoticed by him, and his small advances had done nothing to aid the sticky wetness which gathered in your underwear whenever he had gotten too close. You closed your eyes, breathing in the scent of him, hands inching to the waistband of your shorts.
"YO! MEDIC! I NEED SOME UNDERWEAR!" A voice boomed from the entrance to the laundry. You snapped out of your trance, and threw the sweater back into the laundry basket. Scout came swiftly around the corner, towel wrapped around his lanky hips. "Oh! Uhh, hey y/n." He grinned, blush dusting his cheeks. "Hey man, underwear is in the basket. I'm not finished sorting through them yet so you'll have to search for 'em." He nodded, scavenging through the clothes. 'I need to get my shit together, that was so gross..' you thought, the blood rushing to your face once more as you began to toss the dirty clothes into the washing machine.
Night three you had seen the sweater again, and this time it was in the dirty basket. You couldn't help the perverse thoughts, gingerly picking the piece of clothing and setting it aside. You figured you could get a couple of loads on before washing it with the last of the clothing, then you would have adequate time to...do what you needed. It was dirty, the way you continued to glance over at it even after you had resigned yourself to doing your job. You needed to smell it, the blood entrenched in the fibers of the fabric, the lemongrass stench that you could pick up from across the spacious room, the smell of Heavy, his natural odor alone set you off.
"Fuck," You breathed out, feeing your fingers slide into your pants as you held the sweater to your face. You could cum there and then, imagining him as the person touching you. It wasn't enough, you needed to wear the sweater. You needed to feel him wrapped around you. It slid over your head with ease, the sleeves far too large, the bottom hem of the sweater reaching well below your knees. You came hard, muffled noises of moans as you shoved your face into the bunched up fabric. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" You clasped your face in your hands.
It was Sunday, the final day of washing clothes before you would have to go back to the bathrooms. The week had been slow, and you were certain Misha had picked up the change in your behavior. You were skittish, face red whenever you saw him, and whenever you saw him swearing that god forsaken sweater you couldn't even bare to stay in the same room as him for longer than a minute. That fucking sweater. Sitting clean, in the dryer, waiting, no, begging, for you to put it on. You obliged, slipping into the cloth eagerly. You stood there for a moment, smelling the fabric, taking it in. This was the last time you would get to do this. The last- "What are you doing?" You heard the thick Russian accent of the man behind you before you even heard what he had said.
You couldn't even look at him. You didn't have to, you could hear his menacing footsteps walk up to you, and then you felt his large hands grasp your hips. You couldn't help but gasp at the sensation. "Heavy has been waiting for opportunity like this. This is why you have been so scared of Heavy hmm?" His tone was hot, heavy, and laced with false concern. "Uhh, yeah I guess." You mumbled awkwardly. He laughed, a deep, hearty laugh that made your knees weak and your eyes squeeze close. "Come, little голубь." You felt yourself being lifted into the air and placed on the folding bench in front of the machines.
Heavy stripped your shorts from you, leaving no time for you to process his actions before your bottom half was completely naked. "Heavy came here to talk, but fucking you will get point across much quicker." He grinned, a lovestruck, sadistic grin. If you had been wet before, you were soaked now. He knelt down face lined up with your sobbing pussy, his tongue prodding at your entrance before his mouth absorbed your sex. "Ohhhhh fuuuuuuckkkkk" The moan drawls from your throat, its raw and guttural. Your body writhes and shakes under his gentle touch.
His tongue snakes it's way onto your clit, gently sucking and prodding at it with his lips. You're getting close, your fingers gripped onto his face, pulling him in closer, begging for release. He pulls away, and before you can produce a whine of protest, he pushes his index finger into you. It's enough to stretch you, to fill you up completely. He thrusts his finger in twice, placing his mouth back onto your pussy, and you cum hard. He pulls away licking his fingers clean, you're a heaving whining mess. "Wear Heavy's clothes more often." He states simply, standing up and smacking your ass before kissing you passionately and walking out. You should swap jobs with Medic more often.
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lorata · 7 months
I reread your fic where Misha and Devon mess with Claudius with the whole respect your victor sibling thing, and I ended up on a runaway thought train over what jokes they'd play on Other victors. Somehow this led to the idea of them having Alec on about it being a village thing that you wear your mentor's clothes as a sign of respect! It's a tradition! They take time to point out that Devon Is wearing Brutus' sweater at the time.
Of course, this is in the injured Creed au and Callista's outfits are. Those.
oh don't worry i had an INSTANT response to this
“Bonding,” Alec says, instead of the word that immediately comes to mind, which is: Bullshit.
Artemisia and Devon aren’t bad liars, is the thing. Both of them won their Games through manipulation as much as martial prowess, and they’ve turned their skills up to full power for this little prank. They’re holding back the glee, they’re not overselling or going overboard with the sincerity, the delivery really is impeccable.
And, of course, as any trainer would tell you, all good lies contain a hint of truth. Alec has seen half the Village traipsing around in shirts too large for them. Most likely Victors do borrow their mentors’ clothing all the time as unconscious comfort objects, creating the kind of bonding element that the two in front of him are attempting to convince him is part of a formalized ritual.
It’s not their fault Alec was essentially raised in a nonstop bullshit-detection bootcamp since the day Selene learned to speak in sentences.
He could tell them, of course, say Ha ha, nice try and send them off, but then again … what’s the fun in that? They did go to all this trouble. “So what’s the best way to show respect?” Alec says.
“You have to steal it,” Devon says. “That’s part of the ritual. Then when they see you in it they know you went to the trouble to get it.”
That’s probably not the lie, Alec decides once they’re gone. Brutus grouses about Devon nicking his sweaters all the time in a way that’s clearly performative, if he hasn’t asked him to knock it off after over a decade he can’t actually hate it. Village rituals are complex and arcane, and the newbies have to be initiated somehow but they’re definitely hazing him, so the trick is figuring out what part of this is real and what’s meant to be the joke.
Years of dealing with Selene have made Alec eminently practical. He could spend hours trying to puzzle it out, or —
He lets himself into Callista’s and sits on the rug, cross-legged so that the cats can pool into his lap. “Why are Artemisia and Devon trying to trick me into stealing your clothes?”
Callista’s sharp bark of laughter startles Bartleby, who leaps off her shoulders with a disgruntled backwards glance.
“Ohhh,” Alec says, staring at the mind-searing array of outfits in Callista’s walk-in. The organizational arrangement defies description but appears to fall along a vague theme continuum of ‘dancing animals’ to ‘hardcore BDSM’. “I get it now.”
“You cannot convince me these are comfortable,” Alec grumbles as Callista adjusts the last buckle.
“My clothing does not promise comfort, it promises impact,” Callista says, beatific. “Although it should never hurt, darling, let me know right away if anything pinches.”
Alec will cherish several moments in his life — Aunt Julia’s hands patching up his wounds, that night on the roof before Creed entered Residential, seeing his name on the Volunteer list, the clear ring of the victory trumpets — but the absolute dead hush of conversation like an entire plate of cutlery falling to the floor at his entrance to the monthly signing party might top the list, at least right now.
“Hello,” he calls out cheerfully. He saunters over and drops next to Devon and Artemisia, Claudius scrambling away from him as though he’s on fire. “Did I miss anything?”
Petra has a face like she swallowed something sour, her eyes darting back and away from him like she can’t stop staring even though she’d really rather not. “What the fuck are you wearing. Did you lose a bet?”
Alec only smiles wider. “A bet? No. I’m bonding with my mentor just like everyone else. A normal part of Village life. Isn’t that right, mentor?”
Callista, settling down like a gentle cloud next to a delicately and professionally aggrieved Adessa, says, “But of course. I, for one, have never felt closer.”
“You knew,” Artemisia manages finally, accusing.
“Did I?” Alec reaches out and snags a chocolate from the box in front of her. “Did you want me to do something else?”
(Claudius, in a frantic whisper: “What the fuck is happening?”
Brutus: “Don’t encourage them.”)
Artemisia narrows her eyes, but finally points a finger at his face. “You know what? Well played, rookie. But I’ll get you.”
He gives her a Selene smile, sharp with challenge. “Go ahead and try.”
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tf2-oneshots · 1 year
I love your works with Heavy and Medic! Could we have a fluffy one where they're having a tickle fight, and maybe cuddle afterwards? :3
Tickling is so cute🥺
Warnings: none!
Rating: General
It all started with a brush to the side. Heavy had reached around Medic for a sweater when he accidentally touched right along his ribs. The doctor jolted, back straightened with a yelp. That’s all it took for Heavy to realize that his beloved boyfriend was ticklish. Such information couldn’t be left alone. He needed to indulge in the newly discovered aspect of Medic.
Nightfall came, and the team bid their goodnights. The German lifted his bedsheets, slipping in next to Heavy. Right as he situated himself in bed, a massive hand grazed fingers along his side. Medic jolts once more, legs raising to his chest in defense.
“Misha! Stop!” A cackle. The giant leaned in with both hands now combing the man’s body. Legs kick away the sheets before Medic reaches out to return fire. He aims for every bit of Misha he can reach, tickling him despite his predicament. Heavy emits a booming laughter that joins his cackle.
“Doctor—Doctor is ticklish!” Says the Russian who is struggling to keep himself protected. Medic climbs out of bed to make distance between them, hands raised in defense. The pair look one another in the eyes, daring each other to engage. As the seconds pass, they lower their guard ever so slightly.
“Misha, no more tickling. Can I trust you?” Is that even a question? Heavy wants to play coy, but Medic won’t stop until every inch of him is tickled. Hell, he might even try tickling his insides! Reluctantly, Heavy’s hands lower to the bed.
“I give. Doctor may rest.” With a smile, Medic returns to his spot and places a kiss upon Heavy’s cheek. The two wrap each other in their arms, bodies pressed for warm as Medic turns off the lamp on their nightstand. However, despite their truce, Medic feels a finger ghost over his side.
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wh0lemilk0vich · 8 months
tag game! Tagged by @creepkinginc thx nosho
rules: go to pinterest, search "[your name] core aesthetic" and create a moodboard from the results.
I had to fudge it a bit or else I only got pictures of Misha Collins
Tumblr media
Lots of get to know you stuff under the cut
you name: Misha (any spelling or variation of Michael except "Mike")
age: 29
starsign: Taurus Sun, Scorpio Moon, Cancer Rising
your first language: English
second language: German/Russian
(third language: Polish)*
(fourth language: Irish)*
favourite lip product: I let God decide what happens to my lips.
the best food dish you can make without a recipe: I can make a pasta sauce out of basically any vegetables and some meat. I also cook pretty decent Korean food.
if you drink tea, what kind?: herbatki "Malwa" z suszu owocowego, either czarna porzeczka or owocowa.
if you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get?: I don't drink coffee, and haven't had caffeine in 2 years.
favourite thing to watch on youtube right now: God, these days Minecraft or other video game let's plays, game streams, comparative mythology, or world building videos?
favourite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: I absolutely could not tell you. What did annoying theatre kids watch in 2012?
favourite item of clothing right now: I have a couple dresses and sweaters I love.
favourite item of clothing in 2012: lololol probably the American Eagle button down shirts I insisted on wearing with a vest and blazer, but then for some reason boot cut jeans.
* I had to rep for USAmericans who are multilingual
three movies you recommend: Morozko/Ivan Vasilievich Back to the Future, Stardust, The Lord of the Rings.
your favourite concert: i really don't like concerts haha.
have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?: not really.
have you ever left a fandom because of the fans?: not really, I still feel like I'm trying to enter them tbh.
the best tv show you watched last year: honestly probably Shadow and Bone or House of Dragons (it's probably been longer than a year but I mean writers strikes and stuff, I don't remember seeing a good show) or Gilded age! Nothing happens in Gilded Age and I love every minute of it.
do you have a fancasting you just can't let go of?: I don't think I picture actors or types in my head when I watch or read things.
a ship you've abandoned: none they're always bouncing around there and can always be reactivated. Especially if you can give me a juicy crossover, make it supernatural/fantasy, or make one of them chubby.
on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history?: oh lol, I was about to say pretty open but then I remember some of the stuff I read so hard 0.
do you have a fandom tattoo? (do you want one?): no and don't think I want one, but I have tattoo ideas
what fandom do you wish was bigger?: I'm honestly not sure maybe Magicians, I get intimidated by big fandoms haha.
has a finale ever ruined a show for you?: the last season of game of thrones was abysmal.
have you …
... swam in an ocean?: yes, as it happens.
... ever been vegan/vegetarian?: nö.
... gone skinny dipping?: no, but I would with the right people.
... gone skiing?: never and no desire.
... been to a convention?: a couple academic conventions.
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wigglebox · 2 years
Jensen avoided being on Gotham Knights and made sure Misha wasn’t on The Winchesters. Only you delusional fans could turn that into Jensen wanting to work with Misha.
okay i wasn't gonna answer bc you're a copypasta and i'm sure you dumped this message all throughout my friends' inboxes too
you did give us a bit of a laugh with the wild paths you must have taken in your head to confirm this idea that Jackles would ever turn down playing Batman in any capacity.
[as for The Winchesters thing, they had a conversation, and nonny i'm actually someone who didn't want Cas there, at least not yet, so idk who you're trying to get with that one]
As for the wider reach of copypastas — do you want me to teach you a craft? Something you can use as a hobby? Where instead of seeing someone poke a lil fun at the fact that Jackles turned down Walker three times and sending copypastas you instead go crochet a sweater?
Anyway, lmk, because I got some cool knitting and crochet patterns you may like to try!
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bloodheartz · 2 years
Misc. Medic TF2 Headcanon Post
Because I have so many opinions on this silly silly man.
Just heads up I’m not going to be sharing any of my more serious headcanons in this post ^^
Narcissist who experiences mild psychotic delusions and before you say anything I have NPD and experience delusions, this isn’t me stereotyping him because he’s a mad scientist it’s me projecting onto a middle aged man.
Now for an actual explanation I think we can all agree there’s more than enough evidence that Medic has a strong god complex. That doesn’t inherently make him a Narcissist but that as well as his personality and how he interacts with the other mercs is what swayed me.
His internal thought process, especially during battle greatly reflects this. His role in the fight is not to serve and tend to your needs, your role is to protect and serve his current goals. And yes he is very vocal about what he believes your priorities are and how bad of a job he thinks you’re doing. Gets himself in a twist whenever anyone disagrees with his vision on what the team should be tactically be doing.
As for the delusions it’s like 90% me projecting sorry bout that I don’t really have an explanations.
Also autistic king, look at that man and tell me he’s allistic. You can’t. First thing he did after bringing a man back to life was infodump to him about his great achievements. Autistic Narcissist Icon.
Okay now onto completely random headcanons that bounce around in my brain live a DVD player logo
Despite being a muscular 6ft tall man and fall and winter being his favorite time of the year, he cannot stand the cold at all. It gets a little chilly outside and he’s bundled up like he’s gone mountain climbing.
Also generally runs cold, and that (along with just wanting to dress professionally) is why he wears so many layers regularly
Casually I one hundred percent believe he’s a button ups and sweaters/sweater vests guy. He has a bunch of fun collar clips to go with his outfits though, like a wing design, maybe a few with human organ designs.
Also think he enjoys some leather clothing, specifically jackets, boots, and maybe certain types of hats (specifically Scally Caps and Searchers). I could go more into depth on this but that’s for another post ;)
Enjoys drinking, especially beer. That being said he cannot hold his drinks easily. He’ll be one pint in and as drunk as Demo. When the team goes out for drinks they have to deal with him being a giggly mess over half the time.
Spends a lot of his free time with Heavy. Usually quietly reading together in the common area sharing thoughts on their book of choice, playing chess, or even just having gentle conversation, even if sometimes the gentle conversation is in the middle of some ludicrous invasive procedure.
Also cooking and baking for the team together, though that’s less often.
He loves his doves so so so so much you guys. He lets them free roam around the infirmary, and sometimes takes some of them to the common areas on base. He could tell stories about them, rant about proper caring techniques, and just share general information on doves and pigeons for hours, wether asked or not.
Archimedes is his favorite though he’d never admit that out loud.
Oops now I have archimedes on the brain alright bonus archimedes headcanon tangent
He is a horrible horrible little bird (affectionate)
Very territorial and just a very “attitudy” bird. The kind of pet that acts like the world is ending the moment you stop showering them with attention and affection.
Very curious about whatever procedure Medic is doing. “Oh you’re looking inside this person? I better hop in there too!”
Ludwig is of course his favorite person, but I think he would like Misha a lot as well. Flying over the land on his head or shoulder whenever he comes into the infirmary.
He pecks though. The only way he greets people he likes is by a strong strike from his beak.
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hallibahar · 1 year
Bunch of incorrect quotes because it's friday and I'm currently releasing an incredible amount of serotonin.
Brutus: You killed him.
Petra: *shrugs* He died of natural causes.
Emory: *looks at the corpse* Knife to the neck.
Brutus: I thought you said he died of natural causes.
Petra: There's nothing more natural than dying from a knife to the neck.
Devon: *nods* Yeah, what would be unnatural is if he survived.
Callista: Never forget; being 'overdressed' is a concept made up by the people who don't want you to look better than them.
Nero: You're literally wearing an expensive wedding gown covered with blood right now.
Nero: Calli, we are at Lina's funeral.
Callista: And??? It's great metaphor.
Lyme: What's that?
Claudius: The government wants to know what kind of weapons we have in the house. I'm letting them know it's privte information through a letter.
Lyme, looking over Claudius' shoulder" This just says 'fuck around and find out' in calligraphy.
Adessa, at 3 am, in the village group chat: Apparently a blue whale's anus can stretch to approximately three and a half feet, making it the second largest asshole on the planet--just behind the Victors who stepped on my rose bushes yet again.
Misha: Morning to you too :)
Lyme: Excuse you, I'm an excellent driver.
Nero: You almost ran over Enobaria by accident.
Lyme: Oh.
Lyme: I didn't get her? Damn it!
*at a zoo*
Misha: What are they in for?
Emory: This isn't a prison.
Misha: So they can leave whenever they want to.
Emory: Well no, but-
Devon, pointing at a meerkt: I bet that one killed half a dozen.
Misha, trying to jump the fence: I'M JUST LIKE YOU LITTLE GUY!!! I'LL SET YOU FREE.
*people staring*
Emory: ...and this is why we can't have nice Victor-outings.
Nero: Is that my sweater?
Enobaria: It used to be.
Hera, looking at a broken window: I hope you have an explation for this.
Callista: I have three.
Callista: Pick your favourite.
Lyme: *choking*
Claudius: Help! I need to call 911 but the 9 button is not working.
Misha: Just turn it upside down and use the 6!
Claudius: Genius!
Lyme, stops choking momentarily: wHAT THE HELL!?
Ronan: I thought of you today.
Snow: How very nice of you.
Ronan: It reminded me to throw out the garbage.
And now my old time favourites...
Callista: I'm tired.
Nero: Well, you can do the S-word.
Callista: *gasps* You're a genius.
Nero: *realizes his mistake* Calli, no-
Nero: The S-word is sleep.
Luna: What's that?
Odin: Adessa just gave me a get well soon card.
Luna: Ah, that's sweet of her.
Odin: I'm not sick, she just thinks I can do better when it comes to politics.
Misha: On halloween we dress up as our skeletons, but every other day of the year, out skeletons dresses up like us.
Misha: Why do people who use baby changing stations always come back with the same baby?
Emory: Remind me to never let you babysit for anyone ever.
Callista: Do you care if I take the skin off this Furby?
Callista: I want to make him an outlier tribute. Once he is free of his fluffy, innocent and ignorant flesh, he may be long time lovers with insanity. He won't dare to leave me like others did.
Hera: I literally could not care less but never say anything as frightening as that ever again.
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kikizoshi · 2 years
A short dialogue between Fyodor's younger siblings, Andrey and Vera. I won't post fanfiction with them for a long time, yet I find them more fun and easier than Fyodor and Nikolai lately, and I'd like to post this now, since they'll likely change between now and when they appear in a story.
“I’m going to kill him.”
  “Enough, Andryushka. He’ll arrive when he’ll arrive.”
  “And then what? What possible reason could he have this time? Fr Zossima kept him late? His studies were just oh so strenuous last night? Misha, sure, fine, he has plenty reason. But Fedya? At this point, I don’t give a damn if his entire apartment building collapsed! There’s no excuse to be this late.”
  Vera sighed. There was no point in arguing with Andrey; on this matter they would simply never agree, and that was that. It was better to let him air his grievances, she knew, and wished to let him, yet she found herself constantly lacking the strength to endure them, and often berated herself heavily later for this weakness in character. And yet it was as it was, and always turned out the same.
  “What time did you say the play starts?” Vera asked.
  “Twenty-one, so about a half hour. We should go in at least fifteen before to get settled, though.”
  Vera grimaced.
  “Are you able to stand much longer?”
  Vera nodded. “I’m not so weak today. It’s only the chill.” She huffed bemusedly. “I feel as though every mild breeze is blasting the North wind right through me.”
  Andrey frowned and went to remove his sweater, but Vera stopped him adamantly. “No, no, you musn’t,” she said. “I’m already wearing a shawl. If I take yours, you could catch cold.”
  “I won’t.”
  “But you could,” she insisted. “And I won’t; I’m wearing enough. Come, pull it back on.”
  Andrey stared at her with a concerned expression as he pointedly continued to remove his sweater. He handed it to her in the same manner. “It’s barely below sixteen,” he said. “Even you don’t get cold in this weather. If you need to go home--”
  “No, no,” Vera waved her hand negatively and took the sweater. “I’m alright. I wish very much to see Nikolai Bezfamilny in this role; it’s well worth fifteen minutes of discomfort.”
  Andrey still looked at her uneasily, evidently no more settled. It was clear in his face that he was thinking something along the lines of, ‘Fifteen more minutes, and all because a certain bastard couldn’t deign to show up on time,’ but he held off voicing these thoughts. He instead helped her pull her arms through the stretchy fabric. She shivered, rubbed her rouged cheeks vigorously against the soft sleeves, rocked and soaked up the warmth of the garment, and finally stilled.
  After a moment of peace, Vera sighed again. “How about this: if I don’t feel well, we can leave at intermission. But I want to experience this with you, and with Fedya, and I don’t want my accursed health to ruin yet another good thing in my life. I’m so sick of it!” Her eyes grew moist, and she cut off.
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j2memories · 8 months
Entertainment Weekly article (October 13th 2016)
Supernatural extended cover story
We asked you to pick your favorite fall show, and you voted — again, and again, and again. In their 12th season, the Winchester brothers have added yet another victory to their list of achievements. (This one comes right after stopping the apocalypse.)
By Samantha Highfill
Published on October 13, 2016
The coroner’s van just pulled into the driveway. It’s the middle of August, and Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles are filming a scene at a farmhouse in the Vancouver countryside, which at the moment is passing for Iowa. Working a case-of-the-week, Sam and Dean Winchester have ditched their typical flannel and jeans for sweaters and slacks in order to pose as social workers. Currently, they’re doing what the brothers do best: Lying about their jobs in order to solve mysteries and kill monsters — in other words, saving people, hunting things.
Heading into its 12th season, the longest run of any CW or WB show, Supernatural tells the story of the Winchester brothers, who fell into the family business of hunting creatures after their mother was killed by a demon. What began as their father’s journey to find revenge has evolved into countless monster slayings, near-death experiences, a few actual deaths, and even more overnight stays in questionable motel rooms.
By this point, the Winchesters have been to hell and back, killed Death himself, come face-to-face with God, and prevented the apocalypse. But perhaps more impressively, the show has survived three network presidents, four showrunners, a writers’ strike, and four different time slots. Turns out the only thing harder to kill than the Winchesters is the show itself. “It’s one of those shows that has moved a lot and yet each time, it has found that core audience and built on it,” Warner Bros. Television president Peter Roth says. “It’s been an unsung hero.”
If anyone knows about being an unsung hero, it’s Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles), who’ve dedicated their lives to saving others and asked for nothing in return. Seriously, how many nights have they spent sleeping in their car? And yet, that on-the-road lifestyle has paved the way for a number of the show’s riskier episodes, which play a crucial role in keeping the audience engaged. Just last year, “Baby,” was told entirely from the perspective of their beloved 1967 Impala, and that’s not even close to the craziest thing the show’s tried.
Aside from the rules the show creates within its canon — yes, they have a historian in the writers’ room to keep them honest — not even the sky is the limit when it comes to story pitches. “[Show creator] Eric [Kripke] used to say, ‘Smoke em if you’ve got em,’ which meant: Anything crazy, don’t be afraid to run it by us,” executive producer Robert Singer says.
That motto has led to the creation of an episode that applied cartoon logic to the universe, an episode that placed the Winchesters into a number of different TV shows, including its version of Grey’s Anatomy, and most famously, season 6’s “The French Mistake,” when Sam and Dean Winchester found themselves in an alternate universe where everyone mistook them for Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, the stars of a show called Supernatural. “Our show’s not bound by reality,” Ackles says. “We’re rooted in reality but we’re not bound by it. I think that gives us a fifth wall almost.”
No matter how meta or abstract the ideas get — God has a sister! — one thing remains unchanged. This is a show about two brothers. “We tackle really huge mythology story lines while grounding it in this very relatable family dynamic between two brothers,” says Misha Collins, who joined the show in season 4 as Castiel, the angel who gripped Dean tight and raised him from perdition (and is now as close as one can get to being a third Winchester brother).
Aside from Ackles and Padalecki, Collins and Mark Sheppard, who joined in season 5 as Crowley, King of Hell, are the only other series regulars. “I met the boys and the crew and I got what it was that makes this a special place to go to work,” Sheppard says. “The people that work on this, in every aspect of the show, really love [it], and it shows.”
At the center of it all are Ackles and Padalecki, whose Sam and Dean are the beating heart of the show (whether theirs are beating or not). Sitting down to dinner in Vancouver, the real-life brotherhood between the two—who both live in Austin when they’re not filming—is on full display as they finish each other’s sentences and argue about how Padalecki ate the last piece of tuna. At any given moment, you expect Ackles to throw in a “bitch” so that Padalecki can follow with “jerk.”
Fans won’t be surprised by the chemistry, but what might be surprising is that 11 years later, the stars are still eager to talk about what they love about their show, even pulling up their favorite scenes on their phones to watch at the table.
Padalecki, 34, can easily name the scripts that made him cry — “Heart,” “Sacrifice,” and “Baby” all make the list. The common thread is a heartfelt moment between the brothers where they get to talk about their crazy life as if, say, having visions of Lucifer is normal. “The weird juxtaposition of what the boys are going through right next to reality is what makes the show what is it,” Padalecki says. “I feel like those situations where we treat the abstract and the fantastical as just part of life is where the show thrives.”
Ackles, 38, adds: “I think the show is at its best when it finds a way to blend scenes like that with horror and also comedy. I honestly think that it truly is at its best when it doesn’t take itself too seriously, then it does take itself seriously, then it gets scary as shit.”
Coming off a season that checked all of those boxes, new showrunner Andrew Dabb has big shoes to fill. His plan: Get back to basics. “Every time we do a big world-spanning story, we feel like we’re really stretching our show,” Dabb says. “What our show was designed to be and I think functions best as is smaller personal stories with a genre twist.”
And it’s hard not to tell a personal story when season 11 ended with the resurrection of Mary Winchester (Samantha Smith), Sam and Dean’s mother, who died in the pilot. “You’re going to see two brothers be sons,” Ackles says. “We saw that [with their dad, John], but when you’re a son to your father, it’s a different son than you are to your mother.”
With God and Amara fading to the background this year, Mary will find herself both in the bunker and on the road hunting with her sons. “[This season is] more Sam and Dean on the road. Mary is there. Cas is there. Crowley is there,” Dabb says. As Crowley is less concerned with Moose and Squirrel than with regaining control of hell, Castiel is the one encouraging the brothers to bond with Mom. “He has a shared experience of feeling like an outsider with the brothers yet feeling connected to them,” says Collins. “He is pushing them to confront the emotional bomb that is their mother showing up.”
For Sam, it’s his first real chance to meet his mom, who died when he was six months old. “I think [Sam’s] glorified mom so much in his head,” Padalecki says. “It’s almost like a blind date that Sam’s already in love with the person he hasn’t met yet. It’s been fun for me, after 240-something episodes, to have a brand new facet of Sam’s personality to play.”
Two hundred forty-one episodes to be exact, and they’re not done yet. The CW president Mark Pedowitz has made it clear that as long at the guys are happy and the ratings are relatively stable, Supernatural has a long life ahead.
For Ackles and Padalecki, their focus is on the next milestone: hitting 300 episodes (something that would take them 13 episodes in season 14). “In a marathon, I keep my sights on that next mile, wherever that might be, and 300’s a good number to work for,” Ackles says.
However, if Sam and Dean have taught them anything, it’s that Death can be lurking around every corner (and he’s usually eating pizza). “We don’t just assume it’s going to happen,” Padalecki says. “If we don’t make it to 300, I think Ackles and I will both be truly bummed. When we get to 300, I think Ackles and I will think it might be time to say bye. There’s a chance that changes, but we certainly do not take it for granted that we’re going to make it to 300.”
Ackles adds: “They’re paying us to bring that little bit of magic to what they wrote, and I still feel that magic today. The day that I don’t feel that magic will be a very sad day, and I hope that day never comes. I’d like to get to 300 before that day comes.” (The only thing that’s certain about Supernatural’s end is Baby’s fate. “He gets Baby,” Padalecki says of Ackles. “I get Baby Two.” Ackles makes one correction: “No, you’ll get Three. Two is stunt. It’s beat to s—.”)
As the sun sets on the Vancouver countryside, Sam and Dean ditch their slacks for jeans and send the coroner’s van on its way. It won’t be needed — this show has a lot of life left in it. Not that death has ever stopped it before.
A version of this story originally appeared in Entertainment Weekly issue #1431/1432.
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creationfathers · 9 months
The stalker is so dumb and obvious. She just copies whatever Misha does then tries to retroactively convince herself (and him and anyone following her nonsense) it means they're the same person. Last year Misha went on a new years meditation retreat, this year Amber is pretending to have gone on a new years retreat! Misha posts a pic of himself with a greying beard and jokes about how much he has aged recently.. hours later.. ta da! Amber posts pictures of herself without make-up and filters and talks about how the "twin flame journey" has aged her! Misha wrote a book of poems! Now Amber is writing a book of poems! Misha has hip surgery! Amber starts mentioning how bad her hips hurt! It's so fucking dumb. If only she'd use his example as inspiration to do something worthwhile. Like i actually might respect her a little bit if she applied to study sociology at the University of Chicago (like Misha) or started running ultramarathons for charity (like Misha) or became a progressive political volunteer (like Misha) or raised shit tons of money for Ukraine (like Misha) or started making beautiful things with her own hands (knitting sweaters, making jam, woodworking furniture, anything!) But she's a lazy moron so she just re-posts "inspirational" pics on instagram and watches idiotic woo videos on Youtube. That ain't it, Amber. That isn't Misha. You're not him. At all. If you and he were "twins".. sorry, but you'd be the Danny DeVito in this (imaginary) scenario and Misha the Arnold Schwarzenegger. You'd be the accidental unwanted "twin" made out of whatever shit was left over from creating the awesome one. He's the tall gorgeous genius everybody loves and you're the short fat criminal nobody likes. Except, Danny DeVito-wise, Misha also got the good sense of humor and all you got was a narcissistic personality disorder. (People of a certain age will understand this reference.)
I remember that movie! (Dude, I'm old!!)
Btw, AMBER, girl, we can all see through your lies and games
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lorata · 2 years
OKAY, this is a long one but I've been mentally playing around with another absolutely ridiculous AU that would ruin the timeline and makes no sense! BUT! I think it's also a fun way to play with the characters so I thought you might like it. Let me know where any of my thoughts here go wrong but here it is:
This all started on two things I remember:
At some point way back, you said tribute!Joseph would be an Adessa boy (your mind, I love it)
 In the injured Creed AU, I noticed when Alec was in full Callista-tribute mode, all vicious and predatory, both Creed and Joseph thought he reminded them of Adora which made me think as a trainee Adora must have been at least a little bit feral
So a few notes of what I imagined this might look like:
Joseph and Adora are back-to-back victors (I aged Adora up a year because I didn’t think it would affect too much)
Adora wins a year earlier so when Joseph wins she sees him as The Village Baby ™ at first even though he thinks she’s ~pretty~. This is simply because I enjoy laughing at Joseph.
Adora, I think, is mentored either by Hera (if you’re willing to also push her age up) or Caius otherwise. This is purely vibes-based.
As I already wrote, Joseph is mentored by Adessa
TBH I think as a mentor-victor pair, Joseph+Adessa  would have a lot fewer problems than Nero+Adessa
Adora mentors Callista, which is deeply funny to me lol good luck
For Victor!Joseph, I grapple with what to do with him. Does he get a victor? Who?
It would be fun to have Adessa pull Nero later but leave Joseph as one of the first to never bring one home. Joseph grappling with that sense of ~faliure~ would be fun to play with + seeing him as Nero’s older victor brother would be deeply funny. Have fun getting buried under a very large, sweater-wearing, cuddle puddle!
Alternatively, Joseph mentors Nero. Both because this plays off Adora and Calli but also, it makes things so interesting to me
Weirdly,  I feel like Joseph is probably better with Nero’s touchiness than Adessa? He’s not cuddly by any means but to me, he’s also never seemed touch-averse? Anyways maybe here Nero gets A Hug more often once it becomes clear he needs one. It does make me a bit sad because I love Adessa + Nero mentor moments.
The big thing that makes this so interesting for me is to see Joseph grapple with his sense of Loyalty and Duty when Nero’s deal gets struck. Like Adessa, he’d be devastated but now you've got the added issue of having his entire worldview/purpose getting thrown in his face
Maybe we don’t get an…entirely loyal Joseph here, at least not to the president.  I imagine that much like Adessa he fantasizes about the things he could do to Snow’s kidneys if he got the chance but alas, district and country before self
Also on a lighter note, it’s 10/10 funny to have Joseph accidentally being the baffled start of the absolutely feral Nero line
All of this may culminate in a crack fic when poor grandpa mentor Joseph gets saddled watching a fresh-out Misha because again, I like bullying him.
Entirely unimportant note, in any Frigga AU I get intense vibes that she could be a Joseph tribute for zero reasons.  This would also probably go better for everyone because say what you will about him (and there are many, many things), when Frigga makes the same offer as she did with Odin the only reaction I can get from Joseph is “Oh Dear™ N O  thank you”
One more thing, I could be entirely wrong here but I wonder:
I feel like both Joseph and Adora are more adjusted in this universe. They would have arena trauma like the other victors but nothing like Joseph’s residential thing + all those years in the force. Here they also have mentors + support + therapy and I imagine they’re better off for it?
Maybe (?) they’d have a chance to be decent parents here? Could be wrong but I feel like a big majority of their Issues, at least in THG universe, stem from a combination of intense trauma with no therapy or support + all the things they witnessed in the peace force of a totalitarian murder government. I don’t think they’d ever be… amazing parents but maybe also not bad ones either? IDK I’d at least like a universe where Alec and Creed get a slightly healthy time.
this is incredible and I want it to exist so bad
i'm only vaguely coherent today so here are some point-form thoughts:
every time I think I have made a decision on Joseph as Nero's mentor or mentor sibling I change my mind AGAIN because they're both so fun thematically and provide different opportunities so I really will have to think about it
Joseph as Frigga's mentor MUST happen because honestly "oh dear. no thank you" has made me laugh for two days
I agree that any universe with Victor Joseph & Adora automatically creates a better parenting environment (sad but true) and I do think a double universe would do the same
everything about Joseph's loyalty is fascinating (I've played with it a bit in a Victor Joseph AU where the powers that be demand Creed as a volunteer after everything he tries to do to keep him out) and I love it, I want to see more of this
the one thing I've been rolling around in my brain is that I don't ... think ... Adora would mentor? I think she'd go back to the Centre (like Frigga in the AU) and work with the Residential kids, help prepare them as much as possible
also re: bb Adora, I think her thing was less out-of-control wild and more ........ ruthless? she saw what she wanted and she went for it, which is what Alec managed to unlock in the Injured Creed AU and Callista highly encouraged before the Arena
so Arena-Adora would have been the same, she's got that sort of wicked charm at first but the longer the Games went on the more the smooth edges start filing away to get to the feral underneath
Joseph would definitely think she's out of his league which I find VERY funny (I also like to bully him)
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tuefort-teamfort · 2 years
Heyo! Got any general headcanons for the tf2 mercs?? :D
Yes, yes I do :D These are all varying lengths.
Ok, this boy has adhd. Basically canon. But! He didn't know he had it till an informative check-up with Medic who happened to be looking into disorders at the time.
But to be honest he's not really worried about it. It's not like it's that noticeable anyway.
...On behalf of the rest of the mercs I am here to say it is very noticeable. And they have taken to throwing a bunch of random hobbies at him to see what sticks so he'll maybe use up some of his energy.
He's a quick learner, able to pick up new skills pretty quickly.
When he first joined the mercs, he wasn't...the best cook.
He knew the basics because his momma did not raise an idiot.
But it wasn't till Misha and Dell started to tutor him did he really start to learn.
He's pretty close to Heavy, but his actually really good friends with Sniper and Engie too.
Heavy's endless patience keeps him distracted and out of the others' business for awhile, Sniper's a damn good sounding board for all of his ramblings, and Engie is just a sweetheart who looks after everyone.
Jane 1000% learned to play the trumpet because he wanted to be a bugler at some point
Not allowed within 50 miles of any military base. No one is entirely certain why.
The raccoons all have little helmets with tiny flags on them. And there is a matching tiny flag inside of Jane's own helmet.
In his free time, he decorates helmets for the other mercs. They're of...varying quality and all have some American iconography somewhere in the designs. But the sentiment is there.
Always, always, pesters Medic about whether or not his medicine is American.
So those helmets Jane decorates? Pyro has a shelf dedicated to every one Jane has given them.
They are such a sweetheart it's almost heartbreaking. They make portraits of their teammates all the time. It always shows them hanging out with whoever they drew in a field of flowers.
Loves finger painting
And arts and crafts in general.
Super protective of their teammates - to them, the others are the closest thing they have to family
Frequently has nightmares, can often be found in Dell's workshop late at night because of these - teddy bear and fluffy blanket in hand.
Dell is their favorite person, hands down
The Texan is always so genuine with them
Has a little unicorn nightlight made by said Texan
Look me in the eye and tell me you don't think this man knows how to knit, crochet, and sew.
You can't, because he does in fact know how to do all of that.
Finger-knits a lot of the time when he's bored
knits sweaters for Sasha
Is very protective of his team mates, especially Medic, Engie, and Scout.
Has a soft spot for Pyro too, sees them like a little sibling.
Carries a small picture of his family in his wallet. It's a family portrait from when Zhanna was still a baby.
Knows how to sew and thus can do pretty basic repairs and hems. His mother quilts and he'd like to learn how to as well.
No one on the team expected him and Sniper to get along as well as they do but Misha thinks it's because they are both quiet and more introspective which allows them to just exist in each other's spaces pretty comfortably.
His room is full of books, mostly classics, but he's always taking recommendations from Medic, Engie, and Spy.
Has read the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings...may or may not be working on translating the books into Russian
Loves card games - poker, blackjack, rummey, nickels, mao
Is also near unbeatable. The only person to ever beat him in any of those? Sniper
Doesn't really like to read but he doesn't mind settling in with a book of Scottish myths and folklore every now and again
He has some hidden distilleries around the base. Drink the product at your own risk.
Collects vintage bottles...refills them
Frequently works with Dell to make his explosives all the more impressive.
Also works with Ludwig to make them do more damage
Him and Heavy try different vodkas together. It's more fun for him than it is Misha but the Russian humors him.
This man...this sweetheart
Chronically sleep-deprived (why do you think he never takes his goggles off? you could carry the team's groceries in the bags under his eyes)
Is so smart yet so dumb sometimes, has lost his helmet on his head before.
Is always fixing something. It could be his own machines but more likely he's fixing random appliances.
Shit breaks around the base all the time and he likes to be helpful
If he's not working [and not passed out in his room] he can be found in Medic's lab or hanging out with Pyro
Doesn't really play his guitar around the others but is just waiting for someone to ask him
On that note, he found out by chance that Tavish plays the piano and has played a simple duet with him
I don't know why but I'm convinced he can speak...or well...understand some Spanish. He's not fluent by any stretch of the word but he can read and even understand some spoken Spanish. Would like to actually learn the language
He's not insecure about his hand but he doesn't like to show the gunslinger off. It's one of those things where if you're observant you'll learn about it but if he likes you he'll tell you about it.
As a man of science and experimentation, he is always learning new things about the human body
And that is showcased in his random experiment of the week.
Prior to actually resurrecting Sniper, he would often just focus on keeping things that should be dead alive. Case in point, Spy's head and his teammates.
Is actively trying to create his own Frankenstein's monster, resurrecting a man was just step one - making his own from scratch and spare parts would be a crowning achievement
Is fluent in multiple languages: German, English, French, and Swedish
Is learning Russian from Misha and similar to Dell can understand, read, and write in Spanish. Difference being he can also hold a conversation.
Frequently experiments on Soldier to figure out why the man is so deranged.
Don't fall asleep around him, you'll miraculously gain five organs.
Doesn't have many hobbies because he's so focused on his work
Misha has tried to teach him to knit but Ludwig just doesn't have the patience for it. Likes to be up and moving and knitting, while stimulating, doesn't scratch the itch in his brain
All of his birds are named after famous philosophers, doctors, and mathematicians
So, something I'd like to get straight with the fandom - the Bushman is quiet but not shy.
He's a lot like an old cat that likes to sit in the windowsill - don't touch him, let him watch the world, but feel free to talk at him. Just don't expect him to talk back.
He's also not as awkward as you'd think. Sure he's not great with people but he can hold down a conversation when he has to and is plenty observant, meaning he knows the right kind of questions to ask to keep the other person talking.
Speaking of, he's only particularly close to Misha. And Spy to an extent.
The gentle giant respects his stoicism and Spy does agree that Mick is a very capable professional. They also get along considering both of their work requires a certain level of discretion.
Vulture culture. He takes walks about the base looking for bones a lot of the time. Sometimes makes jewelry and ornaments out of them.
Also a man that can't stand stationary hobbies. He's already resident for work, let him get out and stretch his legs.
Hiking is a big hobby of his. And hunting although that's more out of necessity given his fondness for going off the grid.
Listen, he's a momma's boy. Through and through. If he's near civilization for an extended period of time guess what, he’s calling his mom.
Often talks to his dad too but he’s just not as close to him.
He does know how to play the sax and if he’s really feeling it, he’ll practice in the camper for hours. He thinks this is how spy found out he could play
Wine aficionado and unfortunately the pretentious kind.
Despite constantly wearing a balaclava he is incredibly well-groomed. He shaves the second he feels the prick of even one hair. His eyebrows are plucked, teeth whitened. He also gets his nails done pretty regularly.
Charcuterie boards are his passion.
Like Medic, he also speaks several languages: English, Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Russian, Greek, Nahuatl, you name it he can probably speak it. Or read it at least.
Is another man fond of the classics when he has time to sit and read, soft music playing in the background.
His knife collection? Vast and not just for show. He has all sorts of fine weaponry from all around the world and from different time periods too. And he knows how to use all of them.
He’ll never admit it but he does have a soft spot for his son
Here ya go @iamobsessedwithtf2 and I’ll get to work on the romantic version shortly!
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bijoharvelle · 4 years
doing these prompts! today is “shoveling snow and working up a sweat” because jackles Did That and it’s dedicated to @thatisahotsoup because they drew this, my new fave thing
There are certain things that Dean never learned how to do. He remembers, faintly, mowing the lawn for his mother inside the djinn’s nightmare. And then there was the year he spent with Lisa, faking his way through suburban living and pretending he knew the firs thing about lawn maintenance. And now, he’s standing out on the front deck, looking out at the expanse of clear white snow that’s spread across their front lawn.
When Cas shuffles up behind him (wrapped up in a hat and several sweaters, and a blanket), he leans sleepily into his back. “It’s very beautiful,” he says, “the snow here.”
Dean smiles a little at that and takes the moment to register that, yeah, it is beautiful. It’s not just a chore to be done. The morning sky is still hazy, having only just stopped the snow showers. Their little Japanese maple has snow gathered on all the low, stretching branches. A little down the street, some kids have already suited up and gotten outside, building some approximation of a snowman.
“Thought you didn’t like the snow,” Dean teases.
“I don’t like the cold,” Cas corrects. “The snow is a singular exception to that.”
“Well, you better bundle up. We got work to do.”
Cas pulls back just enough to set him with an incredulous stare. “What would that be?”
“Shoveling. Gotta clear the front path and the stairs.” Sam and Eileen were due to come over that evening for dinner. If it weren’t for that, Dean would just say forget it, but Eileen is very pregnant and he’s not making his sister-in-law schlep through a foot of snow. 
“It’ll be fun,” he promises as he tugs Cas back inside.
“It will be nothing of the sort.”
An hour hour later and they’ve made steady work clearing a path. Dean is scooping snow out from the driveway while Cas finishes the walkway itself. A light flurry has started, barely a dusting, but Dean keeps getting distracted by the snowflakes caught in Cas’s eyelashes and the muss of his dark hair.
Maybe twenty minutes into the work and they were both peeling off their hats and unzipping their jackets. It may be frigid out, but shoveling was hard work. More than enough to work up a sweat. Cas kept grumbling about bouncing between too hot with his jacket on and too cold with it off.
Dean blinks and realizes that he’s been standing still, leaning on the handle of his shovel and staring at Cas, for a minute or so. “Yeah. Just. Daydreaming.”
Cas rolls his eyes. “You better be doing your share.” He takes step forward, joking at intimidation, but his footing doesn’t catch. There must be an icy patch on the bricks because his heel flies up and Cas goes down, straight into the bank of snow that he’s shoveled up.
Dean loses it.
Through his laughter, he does shuffled over and help Cas to stand, but he doesn’t stop laughing to do it. “Oh man,” he wheezes, dusting the snow off a less-than-pleased looking former angel of the Lord. “I’m sorry, buddy, that was just... The way you just hit the deck...” He trails off into more laughter, leaning over his knees as he does.
Without a moment of hesitation, Cas reaches over and shoves him directly into the snow himself.
As Dean shouts about the indignity and tries to right himself, Cas just gives a haughty shrug. “You should show me some respect,” he says before finally putting an end to Dean’s floundering and helping him up.
“Dirty tricks,” Dean comments. He’s frowning but it’s mostly in play because Cas has a wide grin on his face, appling his red, red cheeks. “You need your hat back on, babe.” He reaches over to the steps, where the yellow-and-black knit beanie lays. Sweeping the snow still clinging to Cas’s hair first, he tugs the hat on for him. He’s sure to cover his ears that have gone red and bitterly cold at the tops.
“Thank you,” Cas says and it’s sweet and warm, his breath misting between them.
“C’mon.” Leaning in, he presses their noses together and can’t help but grin when Cas wrinkles his. “Faster we finish this, faster I can make you some hot chocolate for a reward.”
“I would like two marshmallows,” Cas declares as he picks up his shovel again.
“You get as many marshmallows as you want.” And Dean thinks of that as they power through the last bit of work. He thinks of hot chocolate and marshmallows. He thinks of how Cas’s kisses go slow and explorative when they sit in front of the fireplace. He thinks of this domestic work and this domestic life they’ve built together and how happy he is to have it.
@prayedtoyou • @antifacas • @valleydean • @good-things-do-happen-dean • @dean-you-assbutt-cas-loves-you • @leftistdean • @bianca29753 • @spaceshipkat • @madronasky • @dizzypinwheel • @kayrosebee • @feraladoration • @destielangst • @destielle • @heller-jensen • @multifandommagic • @fluffiestlou • @geo-val • @top13zepptraxx • @lanaserra • @dreamnovak • @jazzbabythatsme • @lyndalynn • @organicpurplepants • @cursed-or-not • @can-i-just-stay-in-the-corner • @galaxymysteryelephant • @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover • @one-more-offbeat-anthem • @keata-kaylee • @redsconfusion • @bennedict • @festivemish • @smushedmuffins • @galaxycastiel • @itsinjustbeing • @winchester-novak • @queen-rowenas
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bourbonboatsandbows · 3 years
The Pile
To @lorata and her universe. Thanks for letting me play in your sandbox. Also to my grandmother-in-law, who made me bury a chicken wing and the first slice from the first loaf of bread I made for the first meal in my new house, all while wearing my nicest clothes. In the beginning, The Pile had no name, and only remembered that it came from a pair of socks. The Creator had worn The Pile's foundational form on an excursion and then thrown them onto a platform of sorts, where The Pile stayed until the next piece came along-- a pair of shorts. The Pile grew and grew, by bits and bobs, sometimes the Creator's pieces, sometimes pieces from other Creators, sometimes clean and most of the time not, throughout its life because what was time to a pile of laundry? In truth, The Pile did not know what socks or laundry was until it heard the Creator say these words, while burrowing within The Pile. "Where are my socks?" says the Creator, furiously digging, "I have weeks of laundry here, I should have some somewhere." There are many of these things within The Pile by this point, so The Pile gently adjusts itself so that two of its pieces emerge at the top. This is how life goes for The Pile-- it learns words from the Creator, words like "fuck" and "shirt" and "Devon" and "Lyme" then it learns phrases like "where is my fucking shirt" and "Is this Devon's or Lyme's?" Devon is another Creator and there are some of Devon's items within The Pile, but Devon is more aware than Creator when it comes to The Pile. Devon, while helping the Creator look within The Pile, notices The Pile's helpfulness first. "Misha, have you noticed that when you mention specific things out loud, like 'socks' or 'that blue sweater of Lyme's that smells like smoke,' it shows up at the top of the pile faster? And when you say thanks, it shows up even faster the next time you look for stuff?" And thus, The Pile learned that the Creator is also a Misha. Another Creator comes forward with creatures that are not Creators nor are they part of The Pile. The other Creator, who wears not many items, refers to the new creatures as Octavius, Bartleby and Eustace, and they are relatively charming company. The four of them commiserate about how slow the Creators are in acknowledging mutual sentience, except for Eustace, who is barely sentient, to be honest, and has managed, through no fault of The Pile, to slowly start suffocating himself with The Creator Misha's sweater. It is an ordeal to free him because The Pile does not have arms, but it is resolved and Eustace lives. The Creatures and The Pile come to an agreement to never leave Eustace unsupervised near Beings Without Arms. Life is not all negotiations with Creatures and unearthing items for the Creator Misha-- every so often The Creator Misha leaves for a period of time, and thus other Creators appear to attend to the location. One of them is very large, easily as big as The Pile with less hair than The Creator Misha and the Creator Devon and The Creator Lyme, but oddly also has articles within The Pile. This Creator stares at The Pile, only to say, "What the fuck?" The Pile knows this phrase-- The Creator Misha uses it frequently for many things, and so does the Creator Lyme whenever the Creator Lyme sees how large The Pile has gotten. It is a phrase of pride and joy, The Pile knows. "These are some of my shirts," The Large Hairless Creator says. But how can these be Hairless Creator's shirts when The Creator Misha has helped The Pile grow with them? This is a complexity rivaling Eustace's attempted self-strangulation, and The Pile does not notice until the Hairless Creator reaches towards it. This cannot be tolerated without Creator Misha's support, and so The Pile moves its items very slowly and very menacingly, wrapping sweaters, shorts, and pants around the limbs of The Hairless Intruder. The Hairless Intruder is large, but the Pile is made of multitudes and can move them independently. It is not long before Creator Devon's sweatpants are slowly wrapped around The Hairless Intruder's neck. "What the fuck!" The Hairless Intruder says again, this time with no joy. The shirts remain within The Pile, and the Hairless Intruder backs away, slowly. Soon after, the Creator Lyme appears with the Hairless Intruder and The Pile learns new phrases- "Living Creature," and "Tried strangling me!" and "DID IT COME FROM THE GAMES?" The Creator Misha comes back, and they are not the same. They burrow into The Pile and stay for a long time. The Pile readjusts and brings The Creator Misha's favorite items-- the Creator Lyme's blue sweatshirt that smells of smoke, the Creator Devon's softest t-shirts, these are the items that The Pile knows The Creator Misha needs. They stay this way, with The Pile readjusting to provide a soft, warm place for The Creator Misha. Creator Lyme appears, and sits within The Pile as well. They are silent and still, and The Pile in its generosity, unearths a soft sweatshirt that The Creator Lyme has also worn. The Creator Lyme watches the movement carefully, with lines appearing between their eyes similar to lines in fabric. They do not speak of "The Games," whatever they may be. They are silent until The Creator Lyme says, "You know, a few of us think your pile of laundry is sentient." The Creator Misha burrows deeper within The Pile and mumbles, "oh you mean Jeremy? Yeah, they're great." 
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princessfanonanona · 3 years
CollegeAu - Fiara finds some weirdo rummaging through her trash (spoiler it’s Levi)
ajlkdjadlsfkj okay here have this: (Levi belongs to @13thcat, Quizz @kawaiijohn, Misha @glorious-typo, and Fiara is my OC)
Fiara ties the bag of garbage with a little more force than necessary. A plume of glittery dust puffs out of the small opening of the bag.
She is going to murder Misha.
She glares at the heat shrink tube dust that is now all over her new sweater.
Maybe add that semi permanent dye to their conditioner. Cherry red would be a good color. Maybe add some actual glitter to their towel.
Fiara grabs the small hand vac to free herself of the plastic. She has spent the last 3 hours vacuuming the damn apartment 6(six) times.
They've had this discussion already.
With a grunt, she grabs the bags of trash and heads down to the street level.
It takes a few tries to get all the garbage down; between the crappy elevator, that one constantly jamming door, and the sheer ridiculous number of bags that she's dealing with, but she manages.
Misha is absolutely going to regret leaving all this shit around their apartment.
They probably are already hiding, now that Fiara thinks about it.
She has the last bag in hand when she steps out and freezes at the sound of metal banging and something getting shoved around.
Turning slowly, she spots two legs sticking out of their garbage bin. All of the bags she had just brought down are no longer in the bit but open and littering the curb.
"What the fuck," she says, dropping the bag down.
The trash person jerks, head popping out.
Fiara registers the white hair before anything else.
"Misha, what the actual fuck are you doing?!" she demands, storming over.
They clear their throat. "What's a Misha?" he asks.
Fiara freezes because oh. That was definitely a man's voice. Not her roommate's.
"Uh," she says with as much elegance that Misha exudes.
The guy blinks a green eye at her. Half his face covered by his hair.
"Your garbage is all shiny," he says.
"Wh-yeah?" She answers, noting the scar on his face. He doesn't look much older than her but she can't really tell with how dark it is.
“I’ve never seen such sparkly stuff,” he continues. “What do you do that you make so much sparkle?”
“It’s shrink tube, my roommate uses it for their engineering stuff.”
“Really?” His head tilts and a pale white eye with a large scar is exposed from under his hair.
Fiara shifts her weight, “Yeah.”
He blinks at her and then looks down and around him.
“I made a bit of a mess, oops.”
“Oops?” she repeats feeling something snap at the back of her mind. “This is more than just a bit of a mess.”
“You will be cleaning this up or so help me you will never be able to go through another garbage can in your life.”
The guy squeaks, head bobbing in a jerky nod as he starts gathering all the trash.
It’s a few days later, while chatting with Quizz that she finds out the guys name. It’s a good thing she loves Quizz and his morosexual tendencies.
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irenespring · 3 years
District Two Victor Sims
@lorata​ I made some sims of your Victors! I don’t have a ton of CC clothes so there were limited options but I think they’re pretty good. I’m going to put them in order of most recent to oldest. I hope you like them!
Outfits order: everyday, formal, sports, sleep, party, swimsuit, hot weather, cold weather
Traits: Hot-headed, active, perfectionist
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack
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Notes: She doesn’t dress overly feminine but she thinks Lyme is overdoing a little (*cough* a lot *cough*). She hates that pink dress but what the Capitol wants, the Capitol gets. She’s not hot-headed, she just doesn’t take shit. What’s so difficult to understand about that? Whatever.
Traits: Gloomy, creative, music lover
Aspiration: Musical genius
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Lyme gave him one of her suits (after she had it tailored to fit him). It was kind of the best day of his life. Misha is a liar, he did not cry for 12 hours straight... more like .5 hours. And that’s just fine, and if you want to say otherwise just give him a moment to go grab his sword.
Traits: Mean, erratic, self-absorbed
Aspiration: Public enemy
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When she’s at home, she wants to wear as close to a blanket nest as she’s allowed. When she’s not... well, she’s got abs and likes to inspire envy. Also the more Capitol guys ask her out, the more fun it is to shoot them down and/or threaten to kill them.
Traits: Outgoing, romantic, goofball
Aspiration: Friend of the world
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One of his favorite things about being a Victor that he didn’t expect was getting to experiment with different styles. But the swimsuit is pure strategy for when he doesn’t feel like talking but still wants to get laid.
Traits: Mean, romantic, goofball
Aspiration: Chief of mischief
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Only idiots rely on one style (except for Lyme, like is scary and masculine and awesome), because honestly it’s just *so* boring. She can do ball gowns, she can do bikinis, she can do casual “I will never leave this couch” sweaters. It’s not hard, but maybe she’s just special (she’s definitely special).
Traits: Good, self-assured, hates children
Aspiration: Neighborhood confidante
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Dresses are ick and bright colors give her headaches. Besides, if someone is judging her for her style she doesn’t want to know them anyway. Shallow assholes. 
“Brutus stole my sponsor party outfit. It was mine, and he was so jealous of the pure masculine energy that he decided to steal it and lie about it like a little baby coward. The only thing stopping me from covering the village with fliers is that Ronan would be annoyed and Misha never cares about context.”
Traits: Unflirty, good, loves the outdoors
Aspiration: Master chef
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If something tears and it can’t be mended, it has to be replaced. And if you spill something on your shirt you can’t just show up to a nice event like a Twelve. Also, apparently you can’t wear tennis shoes to everything. Therefore, multiple outfits.
Traits: Self-assured, outgoing, loves the outdoors.
Aspiration: Bodybuilder (sorry for the copout I was stumped)
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Fancy clothes are for Capitolites so he only wears them when he’s in the Capitol. Everything else just needs to suitable for sudden pushup competitions with Lyme whenever she gets any ideas.
Speaking of:
“I did not steal Lyme’s outfit. I bought it in the Capitol. Devon was there. Yes, you were, Devon. I don’t know if it’s the one with the ‘cute cashier’ because I was too busy buying MY outfit. Listen, Lyme, if you burn yours I’ll burn mine because we’ll never live it down if the paparazzi... or Snow forbid, Misha, finds out about this. No that is not an admission of guilt. One of us has to be an adult, and it’s obviously not going to be you.”
Traits: Non-committal, animal enthusiast, romantic
Aspiration: Serial romantic
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If it doesn’t make half the Capitol scared and the other half turned on, it’s not worth the money.
Traits: Insider, maker, good
Aspiration: Neighborhood confidante
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He’s just going to wear the first thing he sees that looks comfortable unless Snow orders him not to, and if you say anything Adessa and Callista will use your remains as rose fertilizer and cat food respectively.
Traits: Self-assured, bookworm, perfectionist
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
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He could still be intimidating and terrifying if he wanted to, it’s just that these days he mostly wants to garden instead.
Traits: Outgoing, creative, loves the outdoors
Aspiration: The curator (chosen by near random selection)
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She let her hair go gray because none of your business. And she wears nicer clothes because she loves her Victor, she does, but dear Snow, Calli, some of us have to wear actual fabric on our bodies.
Traits: Loner, snob, perfectionist
Aspiration: Academic
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“No, these suits are not all the same, some of them are clearly blue.”
Caius (pure guesswork 1)
Traits: Outgoing, goofball, cheerful
Aspiration: Angling ace (?)
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He likes to be refined every now and then, but he hardly ever goes to the Capitol and it’s not like he’s going to be in a magazine if he wears the wrong glasses, so who cares?
Luna (pure guesswork 2)
Traits: Art lover, gloomy, creative
Aspiration: Painter extraordinaire
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What is life without a little quirkiness and color? Just because you’re a Victor doesn’t mean you have to be self-righteous and drab.
Traits: Insider, outgoing, loves the outdoors
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
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Notes: He’s retired. He’ll wear what is comfortable and what he can get dog hair out of.
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