kodaiki · 8 months
thank you for the double update!! really enjoyed reading it 💞 have a wonderful day!! 🌸
thank you so so much for reading !!! i hope you have a great day/night too bby!! 🤍🤍
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dira333 · 10 months
hi dira (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
can i request multiple sweets? if not just answer whatever you're comfortable with ^^
strawberry shortcake, tiramisu, crème caramel, peach parfait, taiyaki
have a great morning when you wake up 🩷
strawberry shortcake - I already answered as vaguely as possible (I don't celebrate my birthday or do anything with star signs) but I'll give you a hint because you're my friend... it's very close to Valentine's Day, like, one day apart.
tiramisu: my favorite warm drink is tea (currently bitter tea) but I'll give you a recipe from my childhood: when I'm sick it takes me back to my father's native country.... you make strong black tea, put so much lemon juice in that it turns a caramel kind of brown and then drop loads of sugar in (honey if you want to be healthy). It should taste very sweet and sour at the same time. When we got to visit my father's home country, I loved to drink that and it always takes me back there.
my favorite cold drink is water or juice... if I'd have to pick a soda, I'd pick Malt Beer... it's just loads of Malt and it tastes sweet and almost like coca cola (at least for me, who's not allowed to drink coca cola)
creme caramel: my favorite breakfast is my brazilian egg sandwhich that I already described but since I love breakfast, there's so much more to eat... Scrambled eggs, fried eggs with bacon, soft boiled egg (yeah, I miss eating egg) - oh, and "Riebel" - this will immediately give away where I live to any german speaking follower, but we have a very traditional breakfast food here, that's basically Wheat or Corn Semolina cooked in Milk or a mix of Cream and Water and then, after it thickened, you put it in a pan and burn it down until it's a little gritty. We eat it with Milk and Sugar, or applesauce or Coffee. I love that and learning how to make it is very important where I grew up - if you don't know how to make it properly, you're not supposed to get married.
peach parfait:
A song album that I associate with a time period in my life?
Okay, don't judge me for this, but I'll pick Midnight Memories from One Direction.
When I was about fourteen or fifteen, I had to move in with foster parents. They were so much less strict and abusive than the people I had to live with before (they're not perfect, but we still manage) and the sudden freedom allowed me to get into fandoms and stuff. I discovered One Direction in that time and even though I only bought the album years later, their music is still connected with growing up in a safer place, being able to create fanfiction, stuff like that
Okay, I'll pick a different Anime for you... and I'll pick...
Komori from The Ice Guy and his Cool Female Colleague. She's so bubbly like me, and a bit messy too. Also her ears are the cutest thing in the world. And I too don't get it when people *cough* Saejima *cough* flirt with me
Hope you're already having a wonderful day bby, Honeypoo! Thank you for asking!
I'd make all those sweets for you too but me cooking/making food is always a gamble. You either get something tasty, or food poisoning (funnily enough, I just did that last thing to myself yesterday... ugh)
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seiwas · 8 months
gasps!!! your new theme is pretty 🥹💗
aaah thank you!!! you are so sweet 🥺🫶🏻
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noosayog · 1 year
hi, noos!! hope you're having a good day/you had a good sleep!! 🫶
i rediscovered one of my fave artists as a teen and one of her songs reminded me of part 5 of your amazing atsumu fic:
like after reader slammed the door on atsumu's face, and she was removing her makeup?? yeah that scene with this song 🤌
also!! it's only now that i noticed that we're already moots?!?!! like you're one of the most amazing writers here on tumblr and my mind couldn't grasp why why you're following me SHJSHJSHSJ but this really made my day!! i hope i don't annoy you as i scream on my tl on a regular basis bc tbh that's all i ever do here jsksjksjsk
lots of love!! mwah!! 💕
omg hi yes!! this song is exactly how i imagine my mc felt in that moment :( also the makeup removing scene is one of my favorites it makes me so happy that scene reminded you of a song and you shared it w me :')))
also thank u for always reading and interacting w my silly little fics i always read and love your tags they don't annoy me at all!! have a wonderful weekend xoxo
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justauthoring · 8 months
Remind You of Why [3]
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a series of snapshots of your life with geto and gojo -> this part: sometimes geto and gojo need to remind you
pairing: satosugu x f!reader, platonic!megumi/tsumiki/nanako/mimiko x f!reader
read the other parts here; one - two - three - four
Moments like this reminded you of why.
It felt like you were watching from a front row seat, eyes mesmerized by the sight before you, a small grin on your face, unable to look away. Your whole world; every small bit of it that made getting up worth it, that made the fight to survive just a bit more tolerable, that made all the bad seem like nothing compared to all the good .
Your whole world; no matter how chaotic it is. 
Others would look in and find it strange, but you didn’t care. It was strange. All of you, together, like this; it was weird and it was strange and nothing about it was normal but you wouldn’t trade it for a single thing in this whole world. What was the point of normal if you lost all that you loved so dearly?
Because even as Gojo and Megumi are fighting, like they always are, Megumi’s face pinched up into an expression of frustration as Gojo purposefully eggs him on. And  Tsumiki stands on the sidelines trying to calm her brother down, a nervous smile on her face. But still, on each of their faces, you can see the twinkle of warmth, of love in their eyes. They’re fighting, sure, and Tsumiki looks like she might pass out from the stress of it all, but there’s no mirth in any of their actions
Geto stands on the sides with the twins, kneeled down to their height, ruffling their hair as they excitedly tell him about their day at school yesterday. Geto was better with the kids in the way he listened, in the way he was patient and never rushed them, but Gojo was better at bringing their energy up, about getting them to still try even when they’d given up. These two men had given these kids the life they never would’ve had otherwise, and in turn, had invited you to be a part of it.
You could sit and watch them forever. 
Watch with that big grin that’s curling onto your lips as Tsumiki eventually turns to Geto for help, and the man obliges with ease as he kicks Gojo in the shin, scolding him for riling up Megumi as the young boy nods up at him in agreement. The twins flank around Megumi, even as he shies from their excitement, you know he tries as he nods as them, and Tsumiki ruffles his hair in the way only she’s ever allowed to. 
Gojo’s pouting at Geto but he’s laughing as he does, and the two are speaking to each other with such warmth and love that it fills you with a comfort that only they can achieve in you.
So, yeah, they were your whole world. This misfit group of people that had all been brought together through unfortunate circumstances, but that in turn had only made all of you closer; bonded in a way no one else would ever understand.
Because Gojo was your sun, and Geto was your moon, and the kids were the stars in your life, and even if sometimes you felt you maybe didn’t fit in, you were content with at least watching. With at least being able to be a part of it, anyway you could. From the sides, watching in, stepping in when they needed, even if that felt rare. 
After all, they were your whole world.
“Whatcha thinking about, pretty?”
You blink and there’s a shadow leaning over you, your head pulling back to meet Gojo’s gaze through the black of his blindfold. There’s a soft grin on his face as he glances down at you, hands shoved into his pockets, and Geto is standing just slightly behind him, smiling at you as well, but with a hint of concern, as if the both of you could sense your thoughts. They'd always been good at that, sensing when things were wrong or even just a little off–sometimes it felt like they were able to tell before you even knew yourself. Always so consciously aware of you and what's going on inside your head, their eyes on you when you weren't aware. Watching, caring, being there for when you needed them to be.
In ways it felt like you could never quite measure up to.
But your smile doesn’t fade, and as you let your eyes quickly flicker to the kids, smile brightening as you watch the four of them chat amongst themselves, before turning back to Geto and Gojo, you just shrug. “Mmm,” you hum lightly, swinging your feet from the bench you’d been sitting on, “nothing much.”
“Uh huh,” Gojo nods in the way that tells you he doesn’t believe you one bit. He’s taking the empty seat next to you in the next second, pressing himself against your side as Geto steps closer, reaching to brush a stray piece of hair behind your ears. “You’ve got your thinking face on, babe.”
“Tell us,” Geto offers softly, following Gojo's stride with ease, meeting your eyes with care. “You can trust us.”
You shake your head; “I know.” And at their unconvinced looks, you roll your eyes, chuckling softly. “I do. Of course I do. I... I was just thinking about the kids and you two.”
“Oh?” Gojo quirks a brow, resting his arm around your shoulders, pulling you against him with a smirk. 
Geto shuffles on his feet. “What about?” He asks.
You brush them off; “it’s silly.”
Geto shakes his head, kneeling so he’s at your eye level, arms stretched out on his knees as his fingers reach for the hem of your skirt, touching you in such a mindless, simply way but it brings about a flood of reassurance through you still. He shares a look with Gojo, before focusing on you once again; “no, it isn’t,” he denies with ease. “Not when it comes to you.”
“Nothing is silly when it comes to you,” Gojo adds, smirk faltering, and the way he says it leaves no room for argument.
Biting your lip, you glance to your lap, moving your hands there to clasp them as you inhale sharply. “I love you all so much,” you find yourself whispering, trying to express the emotions swirling through your mind in a way that makes sense. You were often overwhelmed with the way you felt towards Geto, Gojo and the kids, even through the bad moments, there was such love for them in your heart. It just wasn’t always easy to express that. It was easy to express this weight that came with that love, a weight that weighed down on you with such heavy worry that you weren't doing as much for them as they were for you.
“And you both are so good with the kids,” you express, turning to meet each of their gazes. “Even when Satoru teases Megumi, or Suguru’s too easy on the girls… you saved them in ways no one else could’ve and I know all of them adore you so much.” Reaching forward, you take each of their hands in your own, squeezing tightly, ignoring the shocked look on their faces as you pour your heart out.
“You’re all my whole world.”
There’s a pause. Geto and Gojo look at each other, trying to find the words to say. They don't fail to notice the lack of you in your words, how you seem to specifically single yourself out as if you're not as much of an integral part of these family... and of course it’s Geto who speaks first because he’s always been better at saying the right thing in the ways that Gojo means but can't always express well. But Gojo doesn't mind letting Geto do the talking for him if it'll mean you'll understand just how much you truly are loved.
Shifting, Geto moves, grasping your chin gently to pull your gaze on him as he smiles at you. “We love you too.” Then, the smile falters slightly as he frowns; “you know that, right?”
Your lips part, but no words leave your mouth. You want to say yes, because realistically, you know they do–but the words hesitate, get choked in the back of your throat and you find yourself wondering. Geto and Gojo have done nothing to ever convince you otherwise, and you feel guilty that you can't express that; because there's this sinking feeling in your chest that purely stems from your own anxiety.
Geto frowns, and then Gojo is suddenly in front of you, face so oddly serious in a way you rarely see from him. Geto's better with words, but Gojo can express them when he wants, and when it comes to you, he wants to make absolutely sure you understand. “We do,” he assures, not an ounce of doubt as the two surround you, not allowing you to pull away or focus on anything but them. “ You’re our whole world. The kids too.”
“We never would’ve managed any of this without you,” Geto tells you, flipping his hand so he’s now grasping yours. Holding tightly, he threads his fingers through yours, squeezing. “Who knows what would’ve happened if Satoru and I didn’t have you.”
Lips parting, you stare at him, then Gojo, thoroughly shocked by the sincerity of their words. It wasn’t like you doubted their feelings for you–you knew they loved you. You just questioned how much, sometimes… or rather, if anything would be different if you weren’t there. Without Geto, those girls never would’ve been saved, and without Gojo, Megumi would’ve been sold off to the Zen’in clan and who knows what would’ve happened to Tsumiki. Without each other, Geto and Gojo might've gone down very different paths then the one they were on now... but without you, would anything have changed?
“Who knows what I would’ve done if you hadn’t answered my call that night.”
Gasping, you turn to Geto, wide eyes falling on you as he frowns at you. 
That night–the night he found the girls and nearly lost it all. He'd been in a dark place for so long before that you'd constantly been worried about him. When he'd called you that night, you'd feared the worst; but the relief that had flooded you when you realized he thought to call you first... it had been unpalatable. 
You… you never knew he thought that the same when it came to that night–
“And God knows I’m not responsible enough to raise two kids by myself.”
It’s such a stark difference from Geto’s profession that it pulls a startled laugh from you, eyes falling on Gojo who’s staring blankly back at you, before the startled laughter turns into a giggle and you can’t control yourself anymore. The tears that had been welling in your eyes start to fall, but because of joy as your stomach starts to hurt from laughter, shaking your head at Gojo. Your face lights up with his words, a hand falling to your stomach as you bite your lip to try and stifle your own laughter.
Both boys smile adoringly at you.
“There’s our girl,” Gojo grins down at you, hand brushing across your waist as he bumps into your side lightly.
“Missed your smile,” Geto hums lightly, nodding along with Gojo. “I don't like seeing you sad.”
Flushing, you bite your lip, feeling flutters flood through your stomach as your laughter fades and you hide your blush. Gojo just pulls you into his side in response and Geto is clasping your chin in his hands once more, pulling your face up and not allowing you to hide.
“We meant it, okay?” He reminds.
Gojo squeezes you for emphasis; “every word.”
You smile, bright, genuine, happiness flooding through your entire being as your lips part to say something before you’re suddenly flanked by a body.
“Why does Y/N/N look sad!”
It’s Nanako who asks the question, throwing her arms around your waist as Mimiko follows suit, both girls stunning you as Gojo is forced to pull back in response. Your hands hover by your sides as you glance down at them, before your gaze falls on Tsumiki who stands next to Geto with a worried expression and Megumi in front of you with a concerned expression of his own, brows pinched together as he silently asks you what’s wrong.
“Are you alright, Y/N-san?” Tsumiki asks, head tilting.
The girls arms around your waist squeeze tighter and they’re glancing up at you through their lashes, waiting for your response.
“Was Gojo mean to you?” Megumi asks flatly, sending the white-haired man a nasty glare.
“Wha–?” Gojo gasps, thoroughly offended as he turns to face the boy. Geto cackles loudly in response.
“I’ll beat him up if he was,” Megumi adds, and you turn to him with a barely concealed smile as you see that despite his words, he genuinely is troubled for you.
Just as Gojo looks ready to strangle the boy (though, we know he’d never actually ), you speak up; “no, Satoru wasn’t mean to me.” Then, leaning back, you set your hands on the girls' backs, soothing them. “And I’m sorry for worrying you kids. I was just feeling… sad for a moment. But I feel better now.”
“And that's because of us,” Gojo cuts in, sticking his tongue out at Megumi as he gestures to Geto and him.
“Satoru,” Geto sighs, “do try and act your age.”
“ Suguru !”
You just roll your eyes, focusing on the kids; “how about we get some ice cream, huh? A little treat.”
The girls practically squeal in excitement, the twins pulling away from you to grasp onto Tsumiki tightly as they all nod eagerly. You laugh at their excitement, turning to Megumi who, in turn, offers a small nod and smile of his eyes, eyes flickering to yours once more, a little more perceptive than the rest–just like he’s always been–and then when he’s sure you really are okay, he eases, stepping back with his sister and step-sisters.
“Perfect,” you clap your hands together, moving to stand. “It’ll be Satoru’s treat!”
“Hey!” Gojo calls, standing up next to you as Geto moves to a stand as well on the other side of you. “It’s always my treat.”
“That’s because you’re rich,” you remind, and he really doesn’t have an argument against that.
The kids run off ahead, and you move to follow, before you’re pulled back by a set of arms, spinning you as Geto and Gojo each place a respective kiss against your cheeks. Your face turns tomato red in response, thrown off by the innocent affection, but as they pull back, they’re grinning widely with the softest eyes you’ve ever seen on them and you can’t deny, in that moment, just how loved you feel.
Because you were their world just as much as they were yours.
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Made some art for my jjk AU!!!
I call it.. ✨️devil town au✨️
Itadori moves to a small town with his brother Choso after his grandfather dies. He obviously has to go to school there where he meets his new friends Megumi, the misfit goth quiet boy, and Nobara, school's cheerleader and almost a queen bee
Itadori didn't expect to make friends so fast, but his good personality just pulled two rivals to him
They hated everyone except each other and some second years
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lxdymoon0357 · 9 months
I need to comfort Minho…and give him a hug…and and and…and I need to tell him he’s sosososososososo loved and he needs a huggggggh
(Same...mentions of reader being richer than wookyung, also yes inspired by Glacier in March! also drabble, so short... T^T and so shitty...I hate myself, anyways enjoy!!!)
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Someone to love me...
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Sighing...Minho sadly stood outside your house with you by his side, you huffing in annoyance from the heavy rain and storm which ruined your date night....
"...I'm so sorry darling....How can I make it up to you?" you say apologizing to him, you knew he often didn't get this free or if he did he didn't really like going out a lot, so he did a lot for this as it was a year anniversary as well...
"..No-no...you don't-don't need to make up to me, this is my fault.." he mumbled, his voice cracking in between as you sighed, you cupped his face and softly kissed his cheeks and wiped his glassy eyes threatening to leak tears "..I just...I planned a lot..and it's ruined...god...I'm sorry for crying..." he mumbled as she only cupped his cheeks and nuzzled your face into his neck,
"it's fine....It's not our fault, rain came today! We can still make it special!!" you say, trying to cheer him up which worked slightly as he smiled and nodded and you got your butler to prepare a car for you. You decided to go without a driver today, driving on your own as you didn't wanted to call up someone the next morning or something and drive anywhere ...
you both entered the house only to find Eunhoo ruined the house with Megumi cooing with him...Minho stared in horror while you were only fighting Eunhoo to get Megumi in your arms...you won!
"..MEGUMI NO!" Minho almost lost his soul as he picked up the kitty from the stove...Megumi apparently had no self preservation skills and was about to burn his paws on the stove because he just made TEA!
Almost dying as he pet the kitty softly, he walked out to the hall to join you and Eunhoo as you two gossiped and talked about everything. the moment you see Megumi, you get up and immediately coddle the kitten to death, being it's literal mother...
it seemed as though you loved Megumi than your own self, which you probably did cause you felt that the kitten could never do anything even when it peed on Minho in front of your eyes...and Megumi apparently knew you could never be mad at it so it dared to cause as much misfit as it could get away with...
as you started the movies and opened the many snacks and INSANELY expensive drinks you bought for Minho and Eunhoo saying "Oh, it was nothing, my sister was being a bitch so I guess this will give her a lesson, haha!!!" (the drinks are above 1000$....) the two were appalled and you forced them to drink it and finally they did...sighing, you cuddled between the two with Megumi somewhere nearby doing something...as you finished the movie and started another one, and another one and yet another...
Laying your head on Minho's lap while Eunhoo was already passed out from drinking too much and eating too much with Megumi also sleeping a top of him, it's butt on Eunhoo's face...
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strvlveera · 1 year
𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥.
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pairing: royalty!oikawa x afab!reader
genre: royal au, angst w/happy ending, fluff
w/c: 10.7k (help me)
warnings: swearing (lmk if there should be more !)
synopsis: sick and tired of the looming castle walls, tooru decides to adventure outwards. somewhere he wasn't allowed to go. dressed as a young 'peasant' boy tooru comes across the delicious smell of fresh baked bread. considering he was starving he marched right in demanding a loaf of bread, forgetting he wasn't in normal attire. you, the daughter of the baker, found him a headache but also amusing. I mean what source of entertainment can you get when you're so poor?
"I am your prince!"
"...then why are you dressed like that?"
(lowercase intended)
slightly based on 'ceilings' by lizzy mcalpine
a/n: this isn't proofread so there may be careless mistakes! the synopsis doesn't comprehend how much angst there will be... I made this fic as an excuse to not sleep...got this idea at 2 am so T_T honestly since hq is coming back(?) soon I just want my home boy back...
I also apologise for not getting this done sooner i don't know why it took me so long.. anyways enjoy!
btw can you spot a manwha reference too?
taglist: @tooruchiiscribs @qualitygiantshoepsychic @sillykawa @rukia-uchiha-98 @softcd @misfit-megumi @suzizanne
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"sit here and reminisce about your actions. I have a lot of things to do today," the king calmly demanded tooru as he whined and grumbled, dragging him by the arm to his room.
"I just wanted to play, you're always so busy and nee-san is always holding tea parties with her friends!" tooru exclaimed, crossing arms.
"you'll understand in the future. when you’re king, you'll always be busy."
"what if I don't want to be king? I want to be a knight! I want to be free and keep my friends safe, as well as you and nee-san," tooru proudly said to his father, as if convincing him that taking the throne was what he wasn't destined for.
the king mockingly laughed, not taking tooru's words seriously.
"keep an eye on him, don't let him leave this room until I come back," stated the king to the guard outside who gave a quick nod.
"of course, your highness."
"i'll be off then tooru, behave."
with the creak of the closing door tooru sprawled his arms across the bed as he flumped down, a sour look on his face staring into the ceiling.
"behave tooru! oh, look at me being too busy being a king that I don't even have time for my son!" mocks tooru, reminiscing about his father's stern words rather than his own actions.
i mean, it wasn't his fault that he 'accidentally' hit his great-grandfather's statue. it wasn’t as if he was trying to catch anyone's attention. it wasn't his fault he was alone most of the day, except when the royal tutor came. it wasn’t his fault that the dreams of becoming a knight got disregarded as soon as he even said the word 'knight', as if it wasn’t an option.
tooru had to practically beg his father for swordsmanship lessons, even though he was so young, desperately clinging to his dream of becoming a knight. why? to be free from his fate, his destiny and yet his father still said no.
"king this, king that, why not knight this, knight that?" questioned tooru, still huffing from his father's words.
he doesn't even want to be king anyway. the responsibility of it seemed trapping as if he'd be a bird in a cage with everyone watching his every move.
silently staring at the ceiling with a blank face, tooru decides on an escape plan. except this time he'll escape to the city. the place where his father told him to never go.
"you'll catch a deadly disease! how will you train to be a knight?"
the memory passed through his mind.
"how am I supposed to be a knight anyway whenever I'm always confined in this boring palace?" tooru thought out loud.
knights are daring and dashing and most importantly loved by all. if tooru wanted to be a knight, he'd have to be a little adventurous and brave.
"if mother was here she'd let me go," says tooru, quietly reassuring himself that his decision was beneficial and ethical.
finding old clothes from the back of his wardrobe, he tried his best to make himself an unroyal attire. with a bit of tearing in certain parts tooru proudly stood in front of his mirror with his disguise, ready for operation: escape to town.
"soo original tooru.."
..·:*¨༺ ♚ ༻¨*:·.
tooru's ears perked up to the sound of the bustling streets of the city, his eyes lighting up with excitement as crowds of people strolled up and down the street. some frantically buying groceries from the local market, some sitting outside having a beverage of choice whilst talking with the person opposite, laughing at each other's comments.
this is way more fun than the palace thought tooru, as he gazed around.
alas, with the growl of his stomach, tooru then realised how he barely had any food that day as he was having too much fun causing chaos at the palace.
"i should've brought money for food, why am i so dumb?!," tooru whines, whilst ruffling his hair out of frustration.
the feeling of his empty stomach made tooru more impatient until he smelt a whiff of something delicious. following the scent like a delirious zombie, tooru came to a halt when he came across a bakery. as he opened the door a ding came from a bell and his eyes landed upon a girl, which he assumed to be his age, putting some sort of pastry in an oven until she realised the presence of tooru and quickly wiped her floury hands, rushing towards him.
"hello, sir, welcome to shokupan. unfortunately, you're visiting during our closing hours, would you like to leave in an order for tomorrow?" she asks with a click of a pen, smiling at tooru as he processes what she just asked.
"i need that loaf of bread," demanded tooru pointing to the freshly baked milk bread on the counter, ignoring the girl’s question.
following tooru's finger, the girl realised what he was asking for and nervously chuckled.
"o-oh! i'm sorry but that isn't to be bought by anyone except the man that ordered it earlier. may i ask again if you want to order anything for tomorrow?" she asks again.
by now tooru's patience was wearing thin. with an awful combination of an empty stomach and tired legs, he started to grow irritated but so were you. yes, you. the baker's daughter.
with your father off for deliveries, you had to look after the bakery; taking orders everyday, making the dough and baking most of the bread yourself. with a job like this, it can get very tiring easily. especially with ignorant customers but that was rare. until today, where you had the 'fortunate' opportunity to stumble across a hungry and grumpy tooru.
"i don't want or need anything for tomorrow. what i need is that bread - so would you just give it to me?" demanded tooru once again.
you sighed, putting a hand to your forehead being physically and mentally exhausted from the hard work and now him.
"as i've said before, sir, i can't just give you a loaf of bread. if you don't want to order anything i'll have to ask you to leave so that i can close up the bakery," and with that you began to head back to the kitchen.
"you don't understand, i need that bread now! i'm dying of hunger, don't you pity me?" pleaded tooru with furrowed eyebrows, desperate for a bite of that delicious looking bread.
"look, there are many people who wander in and out of the bakery looking for pastries but unfortunately i can't give you it without permission from my boss. it's just how business runs around here," you shrugged, used to the situation.
normally, you'd give him a loaf of free bread, however word got out that you gave out free bread to those who couldn't afford it and an upburst happened causing the bakery to be shut down for a whole week. your father was certainly not happy about what happened but was glad that you were charitable and sympathetic to the people.
of course tooru had no idea this happened, he never read the newspapers anyway as they were too boring to him. he'd rather run around the palace causing chaos.
with tooru in desperate need of food he decided to play his trump card.
he cleared his throat and proudly stated, "although i may not look like it, i am actually prince tooru of the oikawa family, ruler of this city and province. as of now i may not look like the part, because i am on a very special mission, but i can reassure you that this is your dear prince."
with a small hair flip and a smug smile tooru awaited an apology but instead found you laughing hysterically like a hyena.
offended, tooru immediately questions, "w-what's wrong? you should be cowering before me and asking for my forgiveness, why are you laughing like a maniac?"
obviously you couldn't reply, still holding your stomach as you try to catch your breath from laughing too much.
"b-because…." you began but immediately started laughing again.
tooru scoffed, flabbergasted at your behaviour and disrespect to him as a royal. you were just a commoner and he was royalty, how dare you mock him like this?
"i don't know why you think this is hilarious but i am not lying. i am your prince!" proclaimed tooru, tired of your actions.
calming yourself down with a shaky breath out, you look at (a very annoyed) tooru up and down.
"if you really are the prince, which is very unlikely considering that this is the west side of the city, then why are you dressed like that?" you questioned, suspicious of his manner and clothes.
confused, tooru stops glaring at you and begins to analyse his outfit and quickly realises what you meant.
you chuckle in disbelief and maybe even pity, thinking he's gone mad already as a teenager.
"yeah, oh."
embarrassingly, tooru took off the smug look off his face and cleared his throat.
"you're not doing a very good job at convincing me prince tooru," you mocked, cheekily smiling at him.
"maybe i need more time to enhance my skills," tooru replies with an eye roll.
what a pity you thought, he was really entertaining. you wondered if he did acting as a job.
“well, i guess this is the part where i go,” tooru awkwardly began as he slowly turned to walk out the door, mostly out of embarrassment and the need to get home. his father would be furious if he found him dressed like this.
"wait just a second," you frantically said, trying to catch up with him, after grabbing something from the counter.
he anxiously turns, not wanting to be humiliated even more. however, to his delight you handed him a paper bag filled with a loaf of milk bread. you could immediately see how his demeanour changed and how his eyes lit up, almost as if there were stars in them.
"c-can i really have this?" asked tooru, with saliva already threatening to drip from his mouth.
"of course, i'm not that cruel. plus, i saw you eyeing up the milk bread from earlier. you looked like you really couldn't live without it. i’ll just make another batch for the old man," you replied with a small smile, mentally reminding yourself to not tell your father about this. who knows what would happen.
relief spread across tooru's face.
"thank you…?"
"ah - i'm y/n."
"thank you y/n," tooru replies with a wide smile, grateful for the milk bread.
with a bright smile, you waved goodbye to tooru as the bell of the door rang once again, indicating he was leaving to your dismay.
"come back soon!" you called out to tooru, secretly wishing to see him again tomorrow.
happily chewing on the milk bread, tooru smiled to himself filled with content, glad of the encounter and his courage to adventure off.
his father certainly wouldn't be pleased if he found out.
..·:*¨༺ ♚ ༻¨*:·.
it was the following day and you couldn't help but secretly wait for a certain someone to come through the door. most of your customers were regulars so it was usually the same people saying the same things that you already knew about even when you'd make conversation asking,"anything new happen?" and with them replying with,"it's always the same old y/n."
it was pretty boring in the west end, except for all the crime that's been lurking around. the ring of the bell came and you turned around, only to be met by the same boy from yesterday. you were ecstatic to see the brown haired boy again. swiftly walking over to him you greet him with another milk bread you made just for him.
"well if it isn't the prince tooru, gracing me with his presence again," you sarcastically say, with a little courtesy.
it wasn't until you got a proper look at him that you realised how he was panting, trying to catch his breath and the plum bruise on his face.
tooru saw how fast your reaction to the bruise was, as your eyes started to fill with worry and concern. with furrowed eyebrows you hesitantly touched his face and he backed away.
"i'm so sorry tooru I didn't mean to-"
"no-no it's fine y/n don't worry, I don't know why I backed up in the first place," he reassuringly said.
although, in reality he backed away because he got nervous when you touched him. it felt comforting, which was a foreign emotion to tooru ever since his mother passed away.
"are you okay? how'd you get the bruise? did something happen?" you asked, bombarding him with questions, wondering how he ended up like this.
tooru found it really heart-warming how you only knew him for less than twenty-four hours and yet you showed so much concern for him. most of the maids in the palace only cared about his safety so that they wouldn't get fired by the king. to have someone genuinely worry about him made him feel as if he was valued as a human being, instead of "the king's son" or "the heir to the throne".
he actually got the bruise by accidently bumping into a gang that didn't look very pleased with him. he ran as fast as he could, screaming his lungs out.
"not very knightly of you tooru," he thought.
he made sure to not tell you about this.
he softly smiled at you as he said, "nothing, don't worry about it,"
not wanting to pry anymore, you let it go although you were still sceptical about the ordeal.
"well, if you say so. how about we enjoy the milk bread i prepared for you? it's a slow day today so we can sit down and have a chat outside," you insisted, leading tooru outside.
..·:*¨༺ ♚ ༻¨*:·.
throughout the next few months you both continued to meet each other. with tooru sneaking out the palace more often and you already having freshly baked milk bread just for him. your father would get suspicious, catching you smiling to yourself at random times of the day whenever he was at the bakery but brushed it off as he was glad to see you happy rather than tired from all the work he gave you.
with your father starting to help more at the bakery than doing deliveries, you decided to pick a new meetup spot with tooru so that you two could talk with as much freedom as possible. without your father glaring at tooru as he did with his first encounter with him.
you showed him your hidden gem, a place where you would run to when the world would overwhelm you. your safe haven. urging tooru to go in first, his eyes were blessed with a charming peaceful meadow, secluded from society which was a good thing, as its beauty was preserved for you to see and now tooru. surprisingly you haven't even shown your father this heaven but you willingly led tooru here.
there was something about this milk bread obsessed boy that made you feel as if you could trust him. you've had male friends before but they would always tease you that you were a one trick pony as you could only bake but barely cook to save your life.
“ugh! I keep burning the bacon….” you grumbled, looking over to the pile of burnt bacon on the counter.
"just stick to baking y/n, it's the only thing you're good at," matsukawa slyly said, with the classic smirk of his which resulted in a loud smack to his head. he deserved it.
they never took you seriously. until tooru came along and changed your perspective. yes, he would be very arrogant at some points but alas that was just how he was and without it he wouldn't be as charming. it also brought out a new side of you, where you would make snarky remarks to him which would end in the both of you hugging your stomachs from laughing or tooru pouting.
relaxing down on a light patch of grass, you began talking about the future, a common topic in your conversations to tooru's dismay but it ended up helping him release his bottled up problems.
"i feel bad," you began, in a soft tone.
"why? you've done nothing except give me happiness," he questioned, confused by your sudden statement.
flustered by the choice of words that he used, you averted your eyes. clearing your throat you continued,”i always complain about my life and talk about my problems and yet you never get the chance to talk sometimes, when we talk about the future or anything serious in general.”
realising how insensitive you sound, your eyes widen and turn to tooru to apologise.
“i didn’t mean that-i mean I did but not in that context. of course you don’t have to talk about touchy subjects in your life if you don’t want to,” you paused for a second, trying not to panic and calmly collect your thoughts.
“I guess what i'm trying to say is, you can talk to me. you can talk about anything, other than your love for the milk bread i give you,” that earned a chuckle from tooru.
You grin, pleased that you received a positive reaction from him.
“i know we’ve only been friends for quite a while and i whole-heartedly understand if you feel a bit uncomfortable with all of this. just know I’ll always be here tooru,” you concluded, slightly embarrassed by what you said.
"aww….y/n, you care so much about me huh?" teased tooru, although he secretly soaked up all your words.
you sulked, embarrassed at your actions and mostly how tooru reacted to what you said but also not very surprised by his antics. tooru was busy laughing at your demeanour.
"sorry y/n, i didn't want to ruin the moment by laughing but i am really touched I swear!" tooru explained.
"i poured my heart and soul into that and you're here making fun of me!" you grumbled, purposely exaggerating your words so that he'd apologise soon.
tooru's laugh rang in your ears and he quickly apologised for teasing you.
"don't worry y/n, i listened very carefully. you have no idea how much I appreciate you."
just as you were about to say "thank you", tooru continued.
"mostly because of the milk bread you bake for me but don't worry i also appreciate the company just not as much as the bread," he cheekily said, earning a smack in the back of his head from you.
"ouch! what was that for?" he whined.
"i’m not give you milk bread anymore," you replied with a stone face.
tooru gasped and started pleading for your mercy, trying to flatter you with compliments as you got up from the dented grass and started walking away from him.
"y/n you're an angel, you know that right?"
"yes tooru i know i am. now stop clinging onto my cardigan or else I'll feed you raw dough instead."
you only gave into his pleas when he started bowing down to you in the middle of the street when you were trying to ignore him.
"almighty y/n, i am a sinful man begging for your forgiveness. please give me a loaf of milk bread."
"tooru people are starting to look, please get up," you hurryingly pleaded.
he gave you one last glance and in return you gave him a dirty look, already fed up with his act.
"almighty y/n, please listen to my prayer-"
"fine, fine! i'll give you free milk bread again…"
"oh thank you! almighty-"
"i'm seriously going to punch you."
--- ⁠✧
the day ended with tooru beaming with happiness as he ate his milk bread, and you sat across from him once again with your hand resting against your chin gazing upon his figure. you never understood why your milk bread was so special to him but you were glad that you could make him happy in some sort of way.
"maybe I should start charging you, we might just go bankrupt from all the free bread we've given you," you teased, already knowing what he'd say.
"well it isn't my fault that they taste so good!" tooru whined.
you giggled and went back to staring at him, appreciating his beauty. the way his smooth skin glistened against the withering glows of the sun, the way his lips parted to take a bite of the bread, the way his brown eyes would melt into golden rays as the sunlight hit his face. how on earth could this boy in front of you be a commoner when his looks alone could help him get a job easily?
"you know you're really pretty tooru, even when you have a lot of crumbs on your face," you randomly said as you focused on specific parts of his face.
tooru almost choked on the milk bread, surprised at your sudden statement.
"of course i'm pretty. i am a prince after all," he nervously chuckled trying to cover up his flustered expression.
"are you still acting as if you're a prince?" you questioned, amused that he’s still keeping up the act.
with a smug face, tooru replied,"when the time comes and you see that i am a prince, you will be so shocked and i'd laugh right in your face."
you rolled your eyes as you thought,"yeah right. as if a prince would be sitting right in front me, stuffing his face with the milk bread that i baked. tooru is seriously unbelievable."
it wasn't until a year later that it became believable. specifically, on his eighteenth birthday.
..·:*¨༺ ♚ ༻¨*:·.
"be careful with those plates!"
"which colour would you like your highness? celeste or baby blue?"
"would you like chocolate or vanilla frosting on the cake, your highness?"
the palace was clearly bustling with noise and excitement. why? because it’s tooru’s special eighteenth birthday tomorrow.
tooru hadn't realised it until a while ago but his heart started to soften more and more at every encounter you two had.
maybe it was because of the countless amounts of milk bread you would prepare for him which made tooru question if you were making it with the intent of seeing him (probably not). sure, all the chefs and maids in the palace prepared the most luxurious food for him but it just felt the same with every meal but it was somehow different with you.
maybe it was because of the uplifting conversations you would have, where you both could voice your thoughts and opinions on a variety of subjects with no worries of being judged. tooru swore at himself, wondering what he'd gotten himself into and yet he still consciously ventured further, wanting to learn more about you, other than you being a baker's daughter. you didn't know his true identity and yet you were so thoughtful towards him.
although, it felt selfish as he couldn't truthfully tell you his identity, he continued to pursue a growing friendship whilst walking home with a guilty heart each time he saw you. he was addicted. now that he was turning eighteen, tooru couldn’t hide it any longer. he had to tell you, one way or another. before it was too late and before he’d have to go back to the life he had without you. a boring, uneventful life.
--- ⁠✧
“why didn't i sleep early last night?” you questioned yourself, yawning for what felt like the hundredth time.
honestly, you stayed up last night because you knew it was tooru's birthday tomorrow and you were crocheting a scarf for the first time, even though it was the middle of summer. you couldn’t just bring him to the meadow and eat ice cream and milk bread all day like all the other years you spent celebrating his birthday. no, it had to be something different, something that no one else could give him and something that you've never done before especially since he was now getting to the age of marriage.
you were in the middle of putting the classic milk bread that you’d make for tooru in the oven when you heard the ring of the doorbell as it opened. you didn’t recognise the person making his way towards you but he looked oddly familiar.
with another yawn you groggily said,”hello welcome to shokupan, what can i get for you?”
“uh- y/n?” he spoke, as if he was confused.
you lazily smiled and looked up to the man, “yup that’s me, what can i-,” it was only then that you realised that this stranger knew your name and only then you realised who exactly it was.
your tired eyes quickly shot open, as if you got electrocuted. it was tooru, but he was dressed so magnificently. a bright, shining suit adorned his figure; gold shoulder pads showing off his broad shoulders; perfectly combed hair that would usually be messy and unkempt.
"t-tooru?" you whispered, wondering if you were still dreaming. was this really your tooru?
he chuckled,"yes n/n, it's really me," whilst sarcastically posing for you. however, you couldn't respond. you were speechless.
"y/n? are you okay?" tooru asked, concerned but also amused at your unresponsive state.
as tooru's words went in one ear and out the other you got out of your tranced state and started firing questions at tooru, "why are you dressed like that? where'd you get the money? did you loan the money? tooru you can't use all your savings on a suit, what about food?"
tooru couldn't contain his laughter any longer and bursted out laughing.
"what's so funny about spending all your money on something you don't even need?!" you exclaimed, eyebrows furrowed as you tried to make sense of tooru's actions.
as tooru's laugh died down, he gazed at you with a smug smile.
"i told you before that one day i'd show you that i'm a prince and that you'd never believe me. so here i am y/n, prince tooru of the oikawa family, inviting you to attend a ball tomorrow to celebrate my birthday," he gracefully bowed down whilst holding out an envelope towards you which you hesitantly took from him.
carefully, you observed the envelope, wondering if tooru was actually a prince or if he was just playing one of his silly games on you again. you knew your answer as soon as you flipt the envelope to shockingly fix your eyes on the royal seal, a four leaf clover crest. anybody could recognise as the city was adorned with the symbol. in disbelief, you lifted your head to tooru with wide eyes.
“you…” you started, trying to comprehend everything with your already jumbled mind.
“i’m?” tooru replied, anxious to see your reaction.
“you’re a prince,” you whispered, not believing your own words.
slowly, the cogs were starting to work in your brain, the pieces of the puzzle were connecting. why haven't you noticed? tooru always implied it even in your first encounter. there were many other reasons too on why he’d be a prince; he always had to leave early or he was late; the amount of times you’ve patched him up without you knowing that it was because of his swordsmanship lessons last year; the way he was able to read sophisticated words and write with very neat handwriting, which commoners couldn't do simply because they didn't have the money for the education; the way he never showed you where he lived or where he was from; the way he never talked about himself during your conversations. it all made sense and yet you were too dense to even realise it. you were angry and disappointed with yourself.
“why didn’t you tell me sooner?” you questioned, wondering if he thought of you as a person who couldn't be trusted.
“well, i guess i just…” he paused and took a breath in.
“i was scared, y/n. maybe even terrified, that you wouldn't want to talk to me anymore or that you’d hate me, and i completely understand if you do now because i just basically lied to you throughout our whole friendship which is so stupid and idiotic of me and i’m so, so sorry y/n. i cherish you so much and i don't want to lose you, so please don't ever think that i never trusted you because i do, wholeheartedly.”
tooru finished and waited for you to talk or say anything, but you just stared at him in disbelief.
"y/n, please say something," tooru pleaded, his fist tightening against his chest as he grew more anxious.
"does your father know?" you asked.
"what? of course not he'd go crazy if he did-"
"oh my god tooru, you're unbelievable," you muttered, with your fingers pressing on your temple.
"what? y/n i just told you why i didn't want to reveal my identity, you know my father would go crazy if he found out i was sneaking away," tooru reasoned, trying to calm down the situation by reaching out for your hand but you slapped it away, still not comprehending the situation.
"yes tooru, and i understand that, if you weren't a prince. this completely changes everything, you know that right? what if someone saw us and reported it to your father? you'd be in great trouble and don't even get me started on how i'd probably be the talk of the city. a laughing stock. i mean, a commoner being friends with a prince? ha! how ridiculous," you rambled, looking away and staring down at your feet.
"y/n, look at me," tooru softly asked, gently lifting your chin up so you could meet his eyes. your breath hitched as he stared right at you, as if he could read your every thought.
"it doesn't matter if i'm a prince or if you're a commoner. even if my father finds out, I won't let any harm come to you. i'll do everything in my power to make sure you're safe."
"i'm not done. just because you're a 'commoner' doesn't mean you aren’t worth anything less. you're y/n, my y/n and that's all that matters. i don't care about titles. fuck being a prince, it doesn't matter as long as i'm with you. as long as you're here."
you both became silent as tooru awaited a response and you were still processing what he just confessed to you. tooru sighed and let go of you, turning away and hiding his face from you, embarrassed at himself.
"tooru," you started, still finding the right words to say to him.
"if i have to be honest, i'm disappointed not only in you but for myself. it feels as if you just used me as a way to escape from your own life. i really, really enjoy your company tooru and you made my life so much more exciting and enjoyable, and even thinking about what we’d have in plan to do helped me get out of bed in the morning but now, i do not know what to think anymore. not only that, but the fact that you’ve hinted at it all this time and yet i was too dumb to even realise it. was this all a joke to you?" you questioned, your chest tightening at your own words, hoping he’d contradict with you.
“y/n…none of this was ever a joke and i can’t even truly express my gratitude to your very own existence with just simple minded words. from our first encounter to even now, the only person i’ve wanted to see was you. you’ve never once left my mind,” his eyes softened before his mouth came to a fine line, you could physically see his lips quiver as he awaited your response.
you finally let go of the breath you’ve unconsciously been holding and came face to face with the boy who made you feel an array of emotions that you couldn’t comprehend and simply gave him a gentle hug, with your head resting on his chest hearing his quickened heartbeat drumming in your ear.
with an awkward smile you looked up to him,”you really are scared huh?”
“god y/n, you have no idea how many times i was planning on telling you, but i would just end up getting lost in the moment and keep putting it off, until now, i really thought i screwed things up,” tooru frantically explained, letting out a sigh of relief.
although, to his horror you pierced his ears, saying, "you kind of did."
the atmosphere shifted to a chilling silence, with tooru’s bug eyed expression processing the words that you just announced and you fidgeting nervously with your hands.
“what?” tooru meekly asked, needing affirmation.
”look tooru, even if we remain as friends and keep meeting up, we’ll never go back to normal. you have to understand that. even if titles don't matter to you, they matter to everyone else. in their eyes, i’ll always be a ‘lowly’ commoner and you will always be a prince, hell maybe even king!”
“don’t you dare say that about me, i will never be king nor will i ever want to,” tooru defended, slightly raising his voice over the sensitive subject but that didn’t stop you from continuing.
“come to terms with reality tooru, this isn’t some fairy tale where i randomly get gifted a fairy godmother for christ sake. sure, it was okay when you were younger but now, really? you’re turning eighteen tomorrow, you can’t just keep skipping out on your duties as a prince,” you continued, pleading with him to see your point of view.
tooru scoffed, ”what do you know about being a prince? you’d never understand how shit i felt every time i get told off for every little mistake i made and how i know everyone secretly wished my mother survived instead of me.”
you stood still with a withering expression, your mouth parted and heart clenched with tears pricking your eyes. he never talked about this before.
“tooru, i didn’t know-”
“i was suffocating in there y/n, and you were the only one that made me feel like i wasn’t drowning with responsibilities and yet now i’m getting reminded of it again by the only person i could rely on,” he painfully expressed, solemnly looking at you, catching your watered eyes.
alas you stood your ground,
“well, as the person that you can rely on, i'm only telling you this for your own sake tooru, and yes i’m not a prince and i’m sure as hell not educated enough to understand what a prince does. however, i do know that you’ll have to get married soon now that you’re turning eighteen and i can’t keep distracting you tooru and you can’t keep running away. you’re going to have many people wanting to speak with you and important meetings to attend and you won’t have time to see me. we both know that,” your heart breaks at your own words.
tooru stood still with a pained expression. he couldn't argue with you, knowing that everything you said was true.
“wake up tooru. we aren’t fifteen anymore.”
silently, tooru sets down a wrapped box on an empty table and walks to the door without a word. all you could do was watch his doleful figure. before he stepped out into the street he stared at you without his warm brown eyes with a disappointed smile and said, ”you’re still invited you know? i already booked a carriage for you, so please come.”
The ring of the doorbell came at last, indicating his presence was gone and with that you burst out in tears with you crouching down against the counter recalling the argument between you two. were you too harsh? did you even consider tooru’s side? were you being insensitive? all these questions left your mind swirling like a spinning wheel to the point where you just laid lifeless with stinging eyes from all the salty tears.
finally finding the strength to get up, you dust yourself off the floor and spotted the clean and elegant box tooru left for you. carefully, you raised the lid upwards and you gasped surprised. sitting in the box before you was the most luxurious dress you’ve ever laid your eyes upon. sophisticated patterns adorned the purple gown with numerous delicate jewels stitched on, where if one was sold you’d no longer be a baker but instead living more comfortably.
“i’ve never seen a gown this shade before,” you astonishingly admitted, surveying the gown in your hand gently touching the rich fabric. unbeknownst to you the shade was specifically tyrian purple, a shade only the royal family wore.
peering inside you see a little rectangle note. you delicately placed the gown down on the table and opened the note.
“you’re royalty too.”
slightly grinning at the sentence you let out a light hearted sigh, letting it convince your tender heart.
“i guess i’ll be going to a ball tomorrow.”
..·:*¨༺ ♚ ༻¨*:·.
it was the day that everyone anticipated for and yet tooru wasn’t excited at all. he lost sight of all hope as of yesterday, after the argument he had with you. even his best friend iwaizumi hajime tried comforting him, in his own unique way.
“oi, it’s your own birthday try to lighten up. you look like a rotting zombie,” he pointed out.
tooru gave iwaizumi a sour look at him and miserably said, ”she isn't coming so what’s the point?”
“she? oh, you mean y/n?” iwaizumi asked, tooru gave a small nod.
“she’ll have to come, you prepared a gown and a carriage for her. how could she refuse? won’t most girls like that?”
“maybe the fact that i screwed everything over plays a major part,” tooru explained.
iwaizumi gave a puzzled look to tooru, clearly not informed of the events that happened yesterday morning. with a heavy sigh, tooru began to catch up with iwa on the unfortunate argument that occurred.
“oh i see now.”
“yeah, you’d think she’d still come?”
“after what you did? no way. i reckon it’ll take a miracle for her to attend,” iwaizumi blatantly replied, making tooru hopeless as he let out another heavy sigh with a blank stare at the floor.
“but, you’ll never know tooru. miracles can happen,” with that iwaizumi stood up from the cold cobblestone step and gave tooru a pat in the back, his steps echoing behind tooru as he continued to remain alone with his thoughts.
don’t lose hope, he thought.
it was definitely easier said than done.
--- ⁠✧
thankfully, you weren’t alone while you were getting dolled up. your trusted friend yachi was here to help. you were fortunate enough for her to stumble upon your bakery as a middle class girl visiting the city and you both instantly connected, although you both barely saw each other as she lived outside the city but you both kept in contact with letters. as of now you both were struggling on putting on the corset.
“y/n you have to breathe in just a little bit more so i can tighten the corset fully!” yachi exclaimed, while tugging the strings to the best of her ability.
“i know yachi i’m trying my hardest!” you cried out, in pain from holding your breath in for so long.
“and…done!” yachi cheered, clapping her hands.
“how can girls wear these things everyday? i’m about to pass out,” you said, exhausted already trying to reach for a chair.
“wait y/n we aren’t done yet, you have to put the petticoat on and then the actual gown,” yachi explained, encouraging you to keep standing.
with a groan you got up and yachi assembled the gown with a blink of an eye.
“oh my god y/n you look so pretty!” yachi praised, admiring you with stars in her eyes.
you bashfully smiled at her and asked,”you really think so?”
“you’ve always been pretty y/n, oh i’ve got something for you,” she said, going into her purse to fetch an object of some sort.
“what is it?” you aksed, curious of what she prepared.
yachi hid the object with both her hands behind her back sneakily and began by saying,”well, in the letter you said that you had been given a purple gown…”
“so..?” you questioned, urging her to continue.
“so i thought i’d glamour you even more,” she explained before showing you a white sapphire necklace with a wide smile. you stared at it, mesmerised by the sheer shine it gave.
“what do you think?” yachi asked, lifting up the necklace.
“i-it’s gorgeous yachi. are you sure i’m allowed to wear it? where did you get it in the first place?” you said in disbelief while yachi laughed at you with your gaze transfixed on the necklace.
“of course you can wear it, that’s the whole reason why i brought it anyway and don’t worry about where i got it from, just be excited to wear it,” she said with a mischievous giggle that worried you, and before you could even reject her offer she was already putting it on you.
thinking you were finished you went to sit down but to your dismay yachi was in front of you holding hair pins and a comb with an ecstatic expression.
“we’re only getting started y/n!”
you nervously gulped, getting ready for the amount of pain you were about to go through.
--- ⁠✧
chatter filled the ballroom as it continued to fill up with hundreds of guests from around the nation. tooru was trying his best to answer all the questions from all of the women surrounding him in a polite manner. although, they all were obviously there for two main reasons: status and power, as they wave their fans at him with a leering expression. however, he was solely looking for a certain someone to walk through the grand doors and for a certain someone to apologise to.
“do you have someone already in mind prince tooru?” one of the ladies asked which made the rest of them quiet, anticipating tooru’s answer.
he knew he couldn’t say yes without upsetting them all and causing a scene so he chuckled and declared, ”no, i don’t. not yet,” which caused them to erupt in ‘oohs’ and giggles, clearly glad with tooru’s response and the chance they all had to court him. although he knew in his mind that he definitely had someone he wanted to court himself.
unfortunately, that certain someone was running late. the carriage was already patiently waiting outside the bakery when you were trying to find the invitation tooru gave you yesterday but you somehow lost it. if it wasn’t for yachi’s help you probably wouldn’t have made it out the front door.
“have fun y/n! don’t forget to say yes when the prince asks for your hand in marriage!” yachi shouted to you in a cheery tone.
“oh be quiet yachi,” you jokingly said, your face heating up at her joke, embarrassed.
“i’m so sorry i’m late, i just couldn’t seem to find the invitation,” you explained to the coachman who gave you a small nod whilst helping you into the carriage.
you’ve never been in a carriage before but you’ve seen many travel back and forth from the palace at the city centre. you’ve always been in awe of them and dreamt of being in one someday and here you are now, admiring it in all its beauty. in contrast to the outside it was much smaller than you’d imagine but the seats were very comfortable for your already sore feet as they weren’t used to high-heeled shoes you were wearing.
i wonder what tooru would think.
--- ⁠✧
it was getting further into the night and there was still no sight of you. tooru looked over to iwaizumi who was trying to communicate to tooru.
“is she here yet?” mouthed iwaizumi, as he stared at tooru still being bombarded with women.
tooru gave him a frown and shook his head. were you ever going to show up?
it was time for the first dance as the string orchestra began playing a waltz for the guests and tooru to dance to. he immediately had a line of ladies encouraging him to dance with them until one troublesome women decided to ‘accidentally’ trip into tooru’s arm into a dramatic pose that wasn’t impressive, but before he could ask if she was alright the orchestra suddenly stopped playing at the sound of the grand doors abruptly opening and everyone’s attention was averted.
“y/n, from the l/n family!” declared the attendee.
as you slowly emerged and came into everyone’s view. they all gasped and started murmuring to each other at the site of the colour of your gown.
“does this girl not have any idea what crime she’s committing?”
“she’s clearly mocking the royal family, how disrespectful!”
“who does she think she is?”
“i’ve never seen her before.”
fortunately, you couldn’t hear them as you were trying your best not to trip as you descended down the flight of steps, holding onto the railing for dear life, but you could feel all the judgemental stares they were giving you in the corner of your eye.
tooru’s heart began pounding in his chest as he saw your descending figure. muttering a quick,”i’m sorry,” to the woman he caught and helped her onto her feet and swiftly began to approach you with haste. he couldn’t let this chance slip from his fingers. not when he has a million things on his mind to say to you.
finally, you stepped down onto the polished marble floor and let out a sigh of relief and glanced up to find a pair of familiar brown eyes with a million hues, belonging to the man of the night, growing larger until they were right in front of you. not once did your eyes break contact with his.
“you made it,” he gawked, astonished at your arivial.
“i wouldn’t miss it for the world,” you beamed at him, forgetting how much you’ve wanted to see him again.
he bowed down. “would you grant me the greatest honour of joining me for my first dance of the night? only if you can handle it,” he teases, thrilled to be in the presence of you.
“you may, only if you can handle having your toes stepped on,” you tease back whilst curtseying, causing the both of you to erupt in laughter.
as tooru led you to the dance floor, all eyes were on you both as the orchestra began to play a waltz again. realising how nervous you must be, tooru gently placed his hand on your waist and held your hard reassuringly.
“just focus on me y/n. let me lead you.” you nodded, trusting in tooru to guide your inexperienced self.
tooru was true to his word as you both glided gracefully around the dance floor. he led you effortlessly, not even flinching when you would accidentally step on his foot for a brief moment. he just kept smiling at you with his gaze transfixed on your face. you couldn’t help but feel bashful.
“you look breathtaking,” tooru began, causing your face to heat up from his compliment.
“oh stop it tooru, you don’t have to say things you don’t mean,” you said, smiling down, still grateful for the compliment.
“it’s true y/n,” tooru affirmed, looking at you with a caring gaze that sent your stomach into a whirlwind.
“well, thank you. you don’t look bad yourself,” you admitted, wanting to compliment him too.
“of course, i am a prince after all,” he jokingly said, making you chuckle.
“did you plan this? us wearing matching colours,” you asked, realising the way he had the exact same shade of purple on his suit as your gown.
“and what if i did? it’s all part of my master plan,” he replied.
“your master plan of what?” you wondered, curious on what he was planning.
“you’ll see~” he retorted, causing you to sarcastically roll your eyes.
you both continued to dance in a comfortable silence until tooru abruptly broke it when he cleared his throat, getting ready to speak.
“i’m sorry y/n, for everything. i’m sorry for the lies i’ve told you about why i was always late to our meetups and why i was always getting bruises and cuts. i’m sorry for not opening up about my life sooner like you did, that wasn’t fair for you and i’m truly sorry for being the reason you cried,” he apologised.
“you saw me?” you asked, surprised that he knew.
he smiled and gazed at you,”how could i leave without taking one last glance at you,”
his words had a way of lifting an invisible weight off your chest. it felt surreal. the way he was able to enchant you with a few meek words that anyone could say, but he had his own unique charm that made you euphoric.
with a pause, tooru closed his eyes for a second, getting ready to say something.
a sudden rough, deep voice caused both of you to stop dancing and turn to see what you assumed to be tooru’s father. his demeanour sent chills down your spine as he looked at you with a stone cold expression. tooru looked irritated and turned around to face the king with a serious face as if he just switched personalities.
“father,” tooru said, in an expectant tone.
“come with me,” he demanded, turning around with his royal cloak following as it fluttered in the air.
tooru gave his father a small nod, his palms starting to become mildly sweaty. before he followed his father, he promptly turned around and held both of your shoulders and whispered,”there’s a side door near the back of the hall, exit from there and you’ll see a small stone shelter. go there and wait for me. i’ll try to be quick.”
the smell of a faint rosemary scent grew stronger as he leaned closer, his breath tickling your skin and an unexpected warmth resided on your cheek. with that he left, with you looking at his figure slowly fading away. you placed a hand to your left cheek where he laid his soft lips and rigidly exhaled. you’re full of surprises tooru, you thought.
you made haste, trying to ignore all the eyes that were on you. to your demise the same girl that tooru caught stood in your way, not moving an inch.
“excuse me ma’am, i have to get through,” you politely asked, starting to become impatient.
"you're not royalty," she accused, looking at you up and down.
"what?" you asked confused, just wanting to get out of the hall.
"you're clearly not royalty. your manners are ridiculous and you certainly don't know when to be on time, you attention seeker," she taunted, causing the crowd around you to gasp and snicker at her accusation.
to say you were peeved was an understatement. she irked you in a way no one has before. her voice was like a nagging child throwing a tantrum. it made your ears bleed. you wanted to grab her fake hair and strangle it around her neck. you would’ve if you had the chance. alas you sadly had to remain calm and collected.
“you’re just being hypocritical, miss. i’m sure everyone here saw the way you desperately threw yourself at the prince,” you retorted with a smile. the woman’s cocky expression quickly dropped to a glare.
“you lowly bitc-”
“i think that’s enough lady ayame,” iwaizumi cut in, his words silencing the crowd as he stepped out into the open.
you turned around to see the owner of the unfamiliar voice walking towards the two of you. he stopped and looked down upon the ayame with cold eyes.
“l-lieutenant iwaizumi,” she cowardly said in fear, curtseying while avoiding his gaze.
he then turned to you. you slightly jumped, scared that he’d glare at you too for causing a commotion. you were frozen in place.
“see lieutenant, she isn’t even showing her manners towards you!” ayame pointed out, trying to justify her actions.
iwaizumi didn’t bother wasting his time by talking to her. instead he raised his hand in a way to silence her in which she immediately stopped talking as he kept his eyes on you. at this point you were sweating bricks, trying to not move an inch. this isn’t what i was signing up for.
“go,” he sternly said, nudging his head to the direction of the door.
all you could reply with was a nod then you grabbed a handful of your gown and ran out, not daring to look back. i’ll have to thank him later, i almost got into a cat fight.
you were amazed at the scenery in front of you when you frantically left the hall. you suspected it to be the royal garden. you stepped down onto the footpath, hearing the therapeutic sound of flowing water from the fountain surrounded by an abundance of radiant flowers. from the dim street lights illuminating the garden, to the warm summer breeze brushing against your skin you felt ethereal and nostalgic at the same time. finally, you entered the stone shelter, still admiring the scenery in front of you as you patiently waited for tooru to arrive.
--- ⁠✧
it must've been more than five minutes now and slowly the rain droplets began pattering against the cobblestone paths and yet it wasn’t cold at all. the summer night prevented it. you hated the humid air as it clung onto your skin, feeling sticky.
you speculated on what kept tooru so back. did his father need to talk to him about an important matter that they had to speak about in private? a thousand questions began to swirl in your mind as you started to worry.
in deep thought, you saw a tall figure approaching through the heavy rain. you stood up, squinting to make out who it was. it was tooru. you immediately started shouting his name whilst waving your hand, encouraging him to run faster. you couldn’t help but beam at his presence, excited to what he was going to tell you. he stood in front of you panting, his hair covering half his face as water dripped from his hair and clothes. he shook his hair like a dog, trying to dry himself. you screamed as you tried to backed away from the water droplets attacking you while tooru evilly laughed trying to get closer to you.
“ugh, tooru get away from me!” you shouted with a light hearted laugh, running around in circles from the small space of the shelter.
tooru laughed in response, catching you from behind with a hug. immediately, your gown started getting wet. you tried hitting his arms so he would let go but he didn’t budge.
“come on tooru, let go of me!” you whined, attempting to pry his arms open.
“hmm, i don’t think i will,” he teased, resting his head on your shoulder.
you huffed and roughly turned yourself around so you could see him, and lifted his damp hair up trying to clearly see his face until you saw a harsh red mark on his cheek. your lips parted at the realisation of why he took so long and cupped his face. this time he didn't flinch or back away.
“tooru…” you painfully started. how could he just stand there and smile at you?
“yes y/n?” he asked, gazing at you with a warm smile, not bothering to hide what you saw.
not finding any words to reply with, you just gave him a warm embrace to which he accepted. you cried deeply inside. why did you always have to see him bruised and battered?
“you don’t deserve this tooru,” you sighed.
“don’t worry about it y/n,” tooru reassuringly replied, stroking your hair.
“ it’s all my fault,” you began.
“if i hadn’t showed up none of this would’ve happened. you would still be in the hall celebrating your birthday, having the time of your life with everyone. but instead you’re stuck with me and now your reputation is most likely ruined. i mean, did you see everyone ogling us? they definitely didn’t enjoy seeing me dance with you,” you concluded with a heavy heart.
“if the world were to suddenly end in the next minute, i wouldn’t regret being stuck with you,” he professed. you couldn’t help but let out a breath of unbelief, marvelled at his statement.
“well tooru, as the next heir wouldn’t you think that you should be spending your time wisely?” you sarcastically asked, eyebrows dramatically raised trying to make him laugh.
“well y/n, i’d be glad to tell you that i’m not the heir to the throne anymore,” he retorted, mocking the same face you made to him.
“yeah sure tooru, nice joke,” you rolled your eyes at him smirking but he kept a straight face.
“that wasn’t a joke y/n,” he claimed, causing you to furrow your eyebrows.
“you’re pulling my leg,” you said dumbfounded.
tooru hysterically laughed at your expression while you stood there wide eyed.
“tooru, please tell me i heard that correctly,” you asked, wanting affirmation on the words you processed.
“what do you think i said?” he teased smirking at you.
“i think you’re lying,” you retorted.
“and why would i ever lie about that?” he asked, enjoying your flabbergasted state.
“y-you’re really not lying?” you questioned, not wanting to fall for another joke. tooru gave you an honest smile. you knew he wasn’t lying anymore.
“holy shit,” you swore out of disbelief. tooru laughed at your reaction.
“is that how you got that?” you pointing to his cheek, looking at him with empathy.
“maybe,” he teased.
“I’m being serious tooru,” you sternly said, having enough with his antics.
he sighed,”well, father called me out to talk about you first and foremost. he scolded me about inviting you and giving you that gown but i didn’t care. that wasn’t the reason why he did this though. i said that i didn’t want to be king and that i was going to leave the palace to join the army like iwaizumi and was the result,” he bashfully said scratching the back of his head.
“does this mean you’re no longer a prince?” you wondered.
“i still am by blood. i'm just not going to be king. i never intended to stay anyway,” he explained.
"then who's going to step up in your place?"
"that's where my sister came in and explained how she's already prepared to be a queen since she's older than me and smarter too. father just never shown her favour because of mother. he wanted her to live a calm and peaceful life. it's quite a twist of events that all came out to my fortune," he smiled to himself, thankful his sister stepped in for him.
"i wish i met your sister," you said, thinking of her as a role model already.
"you really wouldn't. she gets mad at me all the time for the littlest things," he grumbled, remembering all the times he got scolded by her.
"i can understand why, you are like an annoying little pest," you teased with a giggl, to which tooru pouted and whined.
as the two of you died down, a comfortable silence took over as you two listened to the pitter patters of the ongoing rain. i've missed this. what a coincidence that you both thought it at the same time. tooru looked over to your calm figure as you gazed out onto the garden.
"y/n?" tooru called, seeking your attention.
"mhm?" you responded, turning around to face him. he was closer than before.
"remember before i left, I wanted to say something to you?" he asked nervously.
"hmm, oh yeah, you were about to say something to me. what was it?" you recalled, curious onto what he was going to say.
"well, the sole reason i wanted to be a knight was because i couldn't protect my mum. of course no one was able to save her, but the burden and guilt that was left held me accountable from my perspective. it has always been my goal to protect everyone i love," he stopped, catching his breath. you gave him a nod, motioning him to continue.
"y/n, my heart aches everytime we depart. every goodbye you say to me makes me want to come running back to you. every lingering touch made me yearn more from you. i only experience the goodness of life through every second i get with you. truth be told when i say i live now to serve you," he expressed, pouring his heart and soul into every word he said.
"w-what are you getting at tooru?" you hesitantly ask, your heart racing for an answer.
"i love you, y/n. i'm not trying to force you to love me. i just…" he momentarily paused gathering his thoughts before continuing, "i won't ask you to love me, so please just give me permission to love you."
you had the utmost authority right now. he was pleading to you. he loves you. with all these realisations, you stood there, opposite a lovesick tooth, filled to the max with mixed emotions. good ones, where one of which swayed you to leaped into tooru's arms as you held him tightly close.
"is this a yes?" tooru asked with a grin as he gazed at you longingly.
what followed, your weren't entirely too sure. your brain fogged as the proximity between the two of you came to a close. tooru's soft, puckered lips collided gently against yours. you both could exhaled at the contact, releasing all your tensions as the world came to a stop for both of you. sparks of joy leaped from tooru's chest as he cherished the moment. this was his reward for waiting so patiently for you. the strong scent of rosemary intoxicated your lungs as you breathed him in. your hands found its way to his hair, your fingers carding through his locks. you were each others addiction, craving for more, not letting go until you were both satisfied. pulling away, you both took deep breaths whilst gazing at each other fondly. tooru still holding you close.
"that was…" tooru began between small breaths.
"amazing," you finished, a wide smile forming on your heated face.
"of course it was, aren't i a great kisser?" tooru praised, returning back to his charming self.
"oh stop it," you rolled your eyes as you tried to turn away from him.
"look at you becoming shy because of me," he teased, grabbing you by the hand and pulling you towards the rain. you decided to just let him take you, knowing you wouldn't have enough strength to defy him.
"i've always wanted to do this with you," he shouted through the booming sound of rain.
"do what?" you shouted back, trying to block the rain from your view with your hand.
he took your hand and placed it on his shoulder, intertwining his remaining hand with yours. a familiar scene playing out again. instead, this time you both looked ridiculous. clothes soaking wet that whenever tooru would twirl you around your gown would project droplets of water like an umbrella. but you both didn't care. laughing carefree, acting childish, knowing you'd be sick the next day and yet you both had no regrets. the rain began to disperse and you both came to stop, finally tired from all the dancing.
smiling up at him you greeted, "happy birthday tooru," before pulling on his collar and giving him one final peck on his soft pillowy lips, as the summer breeze flowed by and the cicadas buzzed in the trees.
it didn't feel real. it felt heavenly.
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deaththcekid · 5 months
A/N: hey babees so sorry I haven't been posting so much ive been lazy and if had a lot of things to do but I wanted to write this for a while so here we go!! :3
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Yes, and? -Ariana Grande
Paparazzi -Lady Gaga
Kiss me more -Doja Cat
The Lovecats -The Cure
Oh! Darling -The Beatles
Sofia -Clario
Francis Forever -Mitski
The Boy with the Thorn In His Side- The Smiths
Electric Love -BØRNS
Cupid de Locke -The Smashing Pumpkins
(This emo fuck♡)
Demolition Lovers -My Chemical Romance
How Soon is Now? -The Smiths
Lullaby -The Cure
Wonderless -Pierce the Veil
Burn It Down -Avenged Sevenfold
November -Silverstein
Giving Up -Silverstein
This Side of Brightness -Thursday
Build God, Then We'll Talk -Panic! At The Disco
A Trophy Father's Trophy Son- Sleeping with Sirins
Judas -Lady Gaga
National Anthem -Lana Del Rey
Teenage Dream -Katy Perry
Loveeeeeee song -Rihanna
Moonlight -Kali Uchis
Still Into You -Paramore
Kiss Me More -Doja Cat
Song About Me -Tv Girl
Grow a Pear -Ke$ha
Just a Girl -No Doubt
... Baby One More Time -Brittany Spears
Certified players, Pt. 2 -MC BXB
Hey Baby -Pitbull
Blah Blah Blah -Ke$ha
Nobody Gets Me -SZA
Corazón Sin Cara -Prince Royce
Good Old-fashioned Lover Boy -Queen
Lovefool -The Cardigans
Daddy's Home -Usher (I'm sorry💀)
Cyber Sex -Doja Cat
Girl -The Beatles
Wonderful Woman -The Smiths
This Charming Man -The Smiths
California Dreamin' -The Mamas & Papa's
Bohemian Rhapsody -Queen
Changes -David Bowie
Army Dreamers -Kate Bush
This Night Has Opened My Eyes -The Smiths
Eyes Without a Face -Billy Idol
Somthin' Stupid -Frank Sinatra
Du Hast -Rammstein
V8 Nightmare -The Koffen Kats
Last Caress -The Misfits
Hammer Smashed Face -Cannibal Corpse
Sonne -Rammstein
Symphony of Destruction -Megadeath
For Whom the Bell Tolls -Metallica
Voodoo -Godsmack
Rabid -Mortician
Freezing Moon -Mayhem
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I hope you enjoyed this Headcannon and my music taste and ill try and make a part 2, comment on what character you’ll want me to add in part 2‼️ thats all my lovelys♡✰☥☠︎✮⠒̫⃝
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Hey. If you could add more characters to the Fanfic from the same universes as the 40, who would you choose?
For me, it would be...
Zuko: Iroh
Mako: Ryuko and Mataro
Fujiwara: The rest of the student council at that time
Torhu: Yuki Sohma, Kyo Sohma and Shigure Sohma
That's all I got for now. Who would you choose?
If I had gone with more characters, I would be swimming in too many characters! (Ironic, isn’t it?)
But if I had to chose:
Italy: Germany and Japan
Heine Wittgenstein: Viktor, Kai, Bruno, Leonhard, Licht, and Adele von Glanzreich
Levi Ackerman: Hange, Erwin, The Levi Squad, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Marco, Connie, Sasha, Historia, Ymir
Satoru Fujinuma: (Since he an adult during this time) His mom and Airi
Satoru Gojo: Nanami, Maki, Megumi, Nobara, Panda, Toge, Itadori (without Sukana for the time being), Yuta
Spike Spiegel: The Bebop Crew
Kobayashi: Makoto, Tohru, Kanna, Elma, Fafnir, Shouta, Quetzalcoatl, Ilulu
Saitama: Genos
L Lawliet: The Kira Task force, Watari, Near, Mello, Matt, Naomi, Misa Misa (with or without Rem is optional.)
Yuuri Katsuki: Victor, Yurio, Phichit
U-1146: Red Blood Cell, Killer T Cell, Macrophage, Natural Killer Cell, Backwards cap Platelet
Naegi Makoto: Class 78 (without the Despair Sisters)
Haruka Nanase: Iwatobi High School Swim Club and Rin
Kae Serinuma: Asuma, Igarashi, Nanashima, Nishina, Shinomiya
Korra: Mako, Bolin, Asami
Langa Hasegawa: Reki, Miya, Shadow, Joe, and Cherry 
Legoshi: Louis, Haru, Jake, and Juno
Mako Mankanshoku: Ryuko and Mataro
Chika Fujiwara: Kaguya, Shirogane, Ishigami
Kusuo Saiki: Kaidou, Nendou, Aren, Mera, Teruhashi, Saiko, Aiura, Hairo, Satou, Reita
Mafuyu Sato: Uenoyama, Akihiko, Haruki
Rin Okumura: (Admittedly I want to only pick Shiro, but this list is only if I had to pick an actually group), Yukio, Izumo, Konekomaru, Renzo, Ryuji, Shiemi
Ryota Suzui: Yumeko and Mary
Tetsuya Kuroko: Seirin Basketball Team
Tohru Honda: Kyo and Yuki Sohma
Zuko: Iroh
Edward Elric: Alphonse, Winry, Roy, Hawkeye, Armstrong, Hughes, Scar, Ling
Haruhi Fujioka: The Host Club
Izuku Midoriya: Class 1A, Aizawa
Senku Ishigami: Taiju, Yuzuriha, Kohaku, Chrome, Kinro, Ginro, Suika, Gen Asagiri, Kaseki
Shoyo Hinata: Karasuno, Coach Ukai, and Takeda
Soma Yukihira: The Rebels
Tanjiro Kamado: Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Aoi, Genya, the Hashira (inculding Kagaya Ubuyashiki)
Iruma Suzuki: The Misfit Class, Kalego, Balam, Opera 
Nagisa Shiota: All of class E3, Koro-sensei, Karasuma, Jelavic
Shigeo Kageyama: Reigen
Hanako-kun: Nene and Kou
Ciel Phantomhive: Sebastian, Finnian, Baldroy, Mey-Rin, Snake, and Tanaka.
Killua Zoldyck: Gon, Kurapika, Lerio, and Alluka
Emma: Norman and Ray
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kodaiki · 2 months
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highlights! ⇢ suguru attitude check when ⇢ maki and shoko bouncing off the walls excited to continue w their plan
author’s note! ⇢ satoru pining for y/n in another country, what could go wrong...
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꒰ 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 ꒱ ↳ as a rising star in the tumultuous world of hollywood, you’re handed a golden opportunity to boost your career – a fake relationship. what your manager forgot to mention? your leading man is none other than satoru gojo, hollywood’s notorious fuckboy. easy? well, not exactly.
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ʚĭɞ rbs and interaction always appreciated! ʚĭɞ
to join the taglist: currently 50/50. CLOSED!
@dummyf @vivi-loves-penguins @sadmonke @scaraslover @pleorexicz @k0z3me @reagan707 @xiaoquanquans @enjisthings @sophluvspurple @fandomtrash5092 @tiredjuniper @satoruslipbalm @v3nusplanetoflove @semra4 @sorcerersseestars @thisisnotashley @sad-darksoul @itzjuliana @yanelis-world @spicana @sexeyess @sousblogga @swissy23 @emlient @nijirosz @shotovhs @m00nglad3-mp3 @hellomeow12 @saatorubby @44ina @sassy-cat-in-town @oneofthesevensins @chuyasthighs0 @tetsusangel @roselleviennesstuff @lilactaro @blvckxb3vutii @gojoreads @amnmich @misfit-megumi @mizzfizz @iluv-ace @gojostit @qv4nx11 @tobaccosunbxrst @muoshui @kyufiber @startaee @moonmalice
those highlighted in pink were unable to be tagged! please solve this issue within a week or your spot will be given to someone else! 🤍
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dira333 · 27 days
Tag Game - What's your type?
I like redheads
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but jokes on you, I like all the other colors too... (Kudos to whoever can name my four picks of the day)
Tagging: @alienaiver @shoulmate @6okuto @revasserium @satorisoup @misfit-megumi @reverie-starlight @writingsofanomnivore @fuzztacular @arisaturn and whoever wants to join
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hanmaitani · 5 months
Taglist News
hi!! if you've been tagged then you're here because i've moved blogs and you were on the taglist of my previous blog!
since i have moved blogs, i have decided to wipe my taglist clean and start it over. if you would like to reapply to it then no problem !! - to be part of general taglists click this link here! - to be part of the taglists for any series please send an ask!! - current series include: You Will Find Your Wings (Kita Shinsuke) Hate You Hate Me (Tsukishima Kei) Side Effects (Tendou Satori) Protect You With My Life (Matsukawa Issei) Liberosis (Miya Twins) Desiderium (Oikawa Tooru)
PLZ NOTE ! i will be rewriting these series, meaning that old parts from my previous blog will be rewritten/posted before new ones.
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General Taglists: @pearl-blue-musings @ryomance @qichun @soranihimawari @twismare
@kennedy-brooke @msbyomimi @coyloves @awkwardaardvarkforever @katboops
@appalost @iluv-ace @nicerthanu @omgurmybae @cl-0-vr
You Will Find Your Wings (Faerie AU) Taglist: @rukia-uchiha-98 @karasunoya @all-in-the-fandoms @wolffmaiden @justsomeonewhoyoudontknow
@thisbicc @kamikokii @misfit-megumi @ryomance @pearl-blue-musings@
lauraagrace @qichun @lithielana @oyayablog @awkwardaardvarkforever
Protect You With My Life (Bodyguard AU) Taglist: @thisbicc @awkwardaardvarkforever @theperksofsimplybeingme @ayeputita @hxdruss
@misfit-megumi @ryomance @pearl-blue-musings @antique-remains @mayoforthewin
@milkteeboba @voids-universe @serostapesweat @ebiharachan @qichun
@bomjug @noosayog @kennedy-brooke
Side Effects Taglist: @tsukiran @the-last-shiv @faumpje
Liberosis: @the-last-shiv @iluvace
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creepercraftguy · 11 months
D4DJ Voice Actor's and Headcanon Voice Actors.
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This will be a little different than my usual VA headcanon posts because this will actually feature both canon AND headcanon VA's from this series.
The only instance where D4DJ has been dubbed in English is the first season of the anime, which primarily featured Happy Around, Peaky P-Key and Photon Maiden, and while the other units made cameos and had voiced scenes, they didn't really get the spotlight. I wanted to include all the characters in the post though, because I very quickly fell in love with this series and the storylines, and characters sing to me, pun not intended.
So this is kind of a roundup of the voice actors of the characters in English, as well as who I think would voice the characters who DON'T appear in English. The rules are the same as ever.
The most important thing to remember is that the unnoficial VA's are NOT CANON. They are HEADCANONS ONLY. It’s just a hypothetical situation. If the characters were voiced, this is who I imagine would voice them.
Characters who are NOT official will be marked with an asterisk (*) to distinguish them from the official ones.
So here we go again:
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Rinku Aimoto - EMI LO
Also Voiced:
Lucy (Cyberpunk Edgerunners)
Rena Ryuuga (Higurashi: When They Cry)
Suma (Demon Slayer)
Mirai Shishio (Dr Stone)
Destiny (takt op. Destiny)
Maho Akashi - KARIN KAGAMI
Also Voiced:
Urara Haneyama (Cardfight!! Vanguard will+Dress)
Timar (The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak)
Akane (Cardfight!! Vanguard will+Dress)
NOTE: Karin Kagami voices Maho in both the English AND Japanese dubs of D4DJ First Mix. Currently she is the only voice actress of any Bushiroad property to accomplish this.
Muni Ohnaruto - LILYPICHU (LILY KI)
Also Voiced:
Sayu (Genshin Impact)
Yoshi (Don't Toy With Me, Ms Nagatoro)
Onion Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom)
Juno (Omega Strikers)
Megumi Okura (Cardfight!! Vanguard will+Dress)
Also Voiced:
Mirko (My Hero Academia)
Echidna (Re:ZERO)
Nessa (Pokemon: Twilight Wings)
Yoruichi Shihoin (Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War)
Tama (AI The Somnium Files: NirvanA Initiative)
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Kyoko Yamate - CHRISTIE CATE
Also Voiced:
Qiqi (Genshin Impact)
Mars (Pokemon Masters)
Several Bots (Vacation Simulator)
Eri Yamanaka (PuraOre! Pride of Orange)
Saturn (Relayer)
Shinobu Inuyose - DIVI MUSE
Also Voiced:
Succubus (Disgaea 6)
Relatively unknown
Also Voiced:
Rem (ReZERO)
Sakura (Fire Emblem Fates)
Hu Tao (Genshin Impact)
Elaine (Seven Deadly Sins)
Rin (Catherine: Full Body)
Esora Shimizu - KAYLI MILLS
Also Voiced:
Keqing (Genshin Impact)
Emilia (ReZERO)
Yunyun (Konosuba)
Alice Synthesis Thirty (Sword Art Online)
Sasha Necron (The Misfit of Demon King Academy)
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Also Voiced:
Anzu Hoshino (Romantic Killer)
Ronie Arabel (Sword Art Online)
May (Pokemon Masters)
Mari Illustrious Makinami (Evangelion)
Sandrone (Genshin Impact)
Also Voiced:
Yukari Takeba (Persona 3 ReLoad)
Mineru (Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom)
Elincia (Fire Emblem)
Gloria Costello (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean)
Cocolia Rand (Honkai: Star Rail)
Towa Hanamaki - BRITTANY LAUDA
Also Voiced:
Kyoko Ootomo (Kaguya-sama: Love is War)
Yuzuriha Ogawa (Doctor Stone)
Saki Saki (Girlfriend, Girlfriend)
Foo Fighters (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean)
Ichigo (Darling in the FranXX)
Noa Fukushima - MICHELLE MARIE
Also Voiced:
Nana Hiiragi (Talentless Nana)
Millium Orion (Trails of Cold Steel)
Fizel Synthesis Twenty-Nine (Sword Art Online)
Jet (Lethal League Blaze)
Leaf (Pokemon Masters)
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Tsubaki Aoyagi - MADELINE DORROH
Also Voiced:
Yu Takasaki (Love Live)
Mafuyu Kogarashi (Maesetsu! Opening Act)
Young Miranjo (Ranking of Kings)
Chiemi (Wonder Egg Priority)
Lyra (Pokemon Masters)
Also Voiced:
Sheyta Synthesis Twelve (Sword Art Online)
Wattson (Apex Legends)
Kris Kuroda (Beyblade)
Shoelace McCutty (Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts)
Nanaka Tokiwa (Magia Record)
Also Voiced:
Sonia Nevermind (Danganronpa 2)
Ash (Paladins)
Yolko (Sword Art Online)
Tiara (Hyperdevotion Noire)
Sugar (One Piece)
Nagisa Tsukimiyama - LIZZIE FREEMAN
Also Voiced:
Trish Una (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind)
Yanfei (Genshin Impact)
Chizuru Mizuhara (Rent a Girlfriend)
Chisato Nishikigi (Lycoris Recoil)
Pomni (The Amazing Digital Circus)
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Also Voiced:
Hiyoko Saionji (Danganronpa 2)
Jolyne Cujo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean)
2B (Nier:Automata)
Kuroyukihime (Accel World)
Honoka (Dead or Alive)
Saori Hidaka - JACKIE LASTRA
Also Voiced:
Xiangling (Genshin Impact)
Komekko (Konosuba)
Iris Sagan (AI The Somnium Files)
Melty Q. Melromarc (Rising of the Shield Hero)
Io (Granblue Fantasy)
*Dalia Matsuyama - ALLEGRA CLARK
Also Voiced:
Beidou (Genshin Impact)
Mitsuru Kirijo (Persona 4 ReLoad)
Shamir (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Maki Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Iori Fuyusaka (13 Sentinals: Aegis Rim)
NOTE: In the original dub of first mix, Dalia is voiced by Lauren Landa. However, Lauren also voices Shano, and I didn't want there to be overlap with the VA's, so I gave her someone new.
*Marika Mizushima - DORATHY FAHN
Also Voiced:
Tsumugi Shirogane (Danganronpa V3)
Kaoru Kamiya (Rurouni Kenshin)
Konan (Naruto)
Mercedes von Martritz (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Shuko Komi (Komi Can't Communicate)
NOTE: Marika is the same case as Dalia. In the original dub, she is voiced by Kelly Baskin, who also does Airi, and I didn't want overlap here either.
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*Miyu Sakurada - XANTHE HUYNH
Also Voiced:
Haru Okumura (Persona 5)
Marrianne von Edmund (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Fubuki Clockford (Rain Code)
Alluka Zoldyck (HunterxHunter)
Ui Hirasawa (K-On)
*Haruna Kasuga - ERIKA HARLACHER
Also Voiced:
Ann Takamaki (Persona 5)
Kaede Akamatsu (Danganronpa V3)
Kurapika (HunterxHunter)
Aiba (AI the Somnium Files)
Shinobu Kocho (Demon Slayer)
*Kurumi Shiratori - LISA REIMOLD
Also Voiced:
Kurumi Wendy (Rain Code)
Framme (Fire Emblem Engage)
Ceefore (Disgaea 7)
Kurumi (Lycoris Recoil)
Perla Pucci (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean)
Also Voiced:
Hayase Nagatoro (Don't Toy With Me, Ms Nagatoro)
Nahida (Genshin Impact)
Typhon (ReZERO)
Dawn (Pokemon Masters)
Jemima (The Promised Neverland)
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Also Voiced:
Amber (Genshin Impact)
Lyre (Fire Emblem Heroes)
Chihiro Fushimi (Persona 3 ReLoad)
Melodia (Disgaea 6)
Kirin (Gunvolt Chronicles)
Shano Himegami - LAUREN LANDA
Annie Leonhart (Attack on Titan)
Kyoko Sakura (Madoka Magica)
Female Robin (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Melami Goldmine (Rain Code)
Juno (Beastars)
*Mana Kase - LAURA POST
Also Voiced:
Kasumi Yoshizawa (Persona 5 Royal)
Ragyo Kiryuin (Kill La Kill)
Nozomi Tojo (Love Live)
Yunaka (Fire Emblem Engage)
Mai Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Also Voiced:
Mahiru Koizumi (Danganronpa 2)
Caroline and Justine (Persona 5)
Satsuki Kiryuin (Kill La Kill)
Casca (Berserk)
Mami Tomoe (Madoka Magica)
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*Michiru Kaibara - BRYN APPRILL
Also Voiced:
Krista Lenz (Attack on Titan)
Hiyori Iki (Noragami)
Ibara Shiozaki (My Hero Academia)
Ritsu (Assassination Classroom)
Tsugumi Harudori (Soul Eater Not!)
*Lumina Ichihoshi - CASSANDRA LEE MORRIS
Also Voiced:
Taiga Aisaka (Toradora)
Sothis (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Morgana (Persona 5)
Leafa/Suguha Kirigaya (Sword Art Online)
Aoi Asahina (Danganronpa)
*Kokoa Shinomiya - RYAN BARTLEY
Also Voiced:
Sage (Sonic Frontiers)
Ram (ReZERO)
Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Makomo (Demon Slayer)
Ann (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders)
*Hayate Tendo - JANICE KAWAYE
Also Voiced:
XJ-9/Jenny (My Life as a Teenage Robot)
Lysithea Von Ordelia (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Ayumi Yoshida (Case Closed)
Yuzu Korosaki (Bleach)
Peko Pekoyama (Danganronpa 2)
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Also Voiced:
Yuta Okkotsu (Jujutsu Kaisen 0)
Scarab (Adventure Time: Fiona and Cake)
Pina (Beastars)
Testament (Guilty Gear Strive)
Okiku (One Piece)
Also Voiced:
Mikan Tsumiki (Danganronpa 2)
Hinata Hyuga (Naruto)
Orihime Inoue (Bleach)
Tharja (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Yui (Sword Art Online)
Also Voiced:
Nonon Jakuzare (Kill La Kill)
Lisbeth/Rika Shinozaki (Sword Art Online)
Sayaka Miki (Madoka Magica)
Susamaru (Demon Slayer)
Chihaya Mifune (Persona 5)
*Weronika - ERICA MENDEZ
Also Voiced:
Ryuko Matoi (Kill La Kill)
Gon Freecss (HunterxHunter)
Yuuki Konno (Sword Art Online)
Sailor Uranus/Haruka Tenoh (Sailor Moon)
Nico Yazawa (Love Live)
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medea10 · 6 months
My Review of Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
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Ooh yeah, I’ve heard about this one. Prior to the announcement of this anime, I heard Gigguk (from Youtube) mention this manga. And here’s me thinking, this is the same guy that praised Oshi no Ko and Frieren before they got anime adaptations. As for when this got the anime adaptation, Viz Media was excited to release this one that there was even an exclusive screening at Anime Expo.
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Akira Tendou was a bright-eyed optimist going into his new job fresh out of college. Everyone seemed nice. He had great benefits. There was a chance at meeting famous people in this line of work. And there might have been an opening with a love interest at the office. This enjoyment lasted…8 hours, give or take?!
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In reality, this job was hell. Sometimes, you can’t go home for days and work at your desk. The benefits you get…you probably will never use them. The only people you’re in contact with are screaming bosses. And as for that love interest, she’s having an affair with the boss…right in his office. Akira Tendou is so numb to everything now. It’s been three years of this endless hell. Then suddenly…and I do mean really suddenly…
A zombie apocalypse!
Yep, we’re officially in Highschool of the Dead territory. Only difference is that this is with adults, the blood is replaced with vibrant colors, no Matrix boobies, and the author to Zom 100 is still alive here.
Too soon, Medea.
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Tendou watched a zombie movie literally the night before this all happened and thought that if he was living through a zombie apocalypse, he wouldn’t have to go to work anymore. And that’s his first thought here. No more work! He gets a day off! First thing he does, he goes to his crush’s home to reveal that he loves her. There, he sees his boss (now zombie-fied). Tendou gives his resignation followed by shoving him out the window. Then he sees his crush (also zombie-fied) and tells her that he loves her. Then bolts the fuck out of there! Now that Tendou is living in a zombie apocalypse, he’s wondering what he should do with his free time. That’s when he goes to a corner store and gets a notebook to make a bucket list. 100 things to do before becoming a zombie. Hence the title of this anime!
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Tendou is not alone in this. Along the way, he meets up with his old college friend (Ryuuzaki) who is also trying to live his life for the best during the zombie apocalypse. He meets a girl named Mikazuki who has a bucket list of her own. Only hers is the best way to survive. And near episode 8, we are introduced to Beatrix. She’s a German who has had a fascination with Japanese culture. She’s also the token big-breasted girl that slices up the zombies with a blade. It’s an anime involving zombies, OF COURSE THIS GIRL IS GOING TO LOOK LIKE THAT!
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Viz Media wasted no time assembling together an English dub for this. And several streaming sites got dibs on playing it on a weekly basis including Crunchyroll, Hulu, and even Netflix. And if there weren’t so many damn hiatuses, this anime would have had a spot on Toonami. It will eventually. March 2024 is still better than nothing. I will discuss the several hiatuses that persisted throughout this anime’s run down this review. I’m enjoying hearing both of Tendou’s voice actors getting more roles in the last couple of years. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Tendou is played by Shuuichirou Umeda (known for Izumi on Shikimori Isn’t Just a Cutie)
*Mikazuki is played by Tomori Kusunoki (known for Makima on Chainsaw Man, Neiru on Wonder Egg Priority, LLENN on SAO: GGO, Setsuna on Love Live Nijigasaki, and Misha on Misfit of Demon Academy)
*Ryuuzaki is played by Makoto Furukawa (known for Saitama on One Punch Man, Haru on Fruits Basket 2019, Miyuki on Kaguya-sama, Shorter on Banana Fish, and Shourei on 86)
*Bea is played by Minami Takahashi (known for Lucoa on Miss Kobayashi, Megumi on Food Wars, Grey on Black Clover, and Yamada on Eromanga Sensei)
ENGLISH CAST: *Tendou is played by Zeno Robinson (known for Goh on Pokemon Journeys, Hawks on My Hero Academia, Genya on Demon Slayer, Shuuji on Tokyo Revengers, Tooru on Horimiya, and Garfiel on Re:Zero)
*Mikazuki is played by Abby Trott (known for Nezuko on Demon Slayer, Machi on Hunter x Hunter, and Eleanor on Misfit of Demon Academy)
*Ryuuzaki is played by Xander Mobus (known for Motoyasu on Shield Hero, Ren on Persona 5, Juuzou on Blue Exorcist, Benno on Ascendance of a Bookworm, and Momoshiki on Boruto)
*Bea is played by Laura Post (known for Ragyo on Kill la Kill, Nozomi on Love Live, Isabella on The Promised Neverland, Akari on March Comes in…, Diana on Little Witch Academia, and Macrophage on Cells at Work)
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SHIPPING: Am I sensing something between Tendou and Mikazuki?
No. Focus on surviving the zombie apocalypse first. Once the zombies are eradicated, then I’ll let my mind swirl around in the shipping category.
DELAY, DELAY, DELAY: Is this the new normal? I’m not going to sit here and pretend I know a thing about getting an anime to air because we all know I don’t. But I still raise my eyebrow when currently airing animes take several weeks off at a time. Normally, when an anime is postponed, it is usually because of a sporting event, a giant news story hits, and the subject matter might be difficult if something tragic just occurred. That was something we went along with and accepted. After the Fukushima disaster in 2011, many animes were postponed. Madoka Magica’s final episodes were supposed to air around that time. But due to the sensitive subject matter, it was postponed for three months. Meanwhile, Pokemon was scheduled to air a two-parter, Team Rocket/Team Plasma special around that time as well. It was postponed. And we never heard from it again. Once again, there were special circumstances.
Moving forward to the 2020’s, Covid affected many animes and their airdates. All through the year 2020, nearly every anime was delayed by one week, several weeks, or would just stop airing for the entire season and start over the following anime season. A Certain Scientific Railgun T had to take several weeks off every now and then during the run. Black Clover and Pokemon took a several-week hiatus. And the fifth season of Food Wars aired a couple of episodes, stopped, and aired again three months later. AGAIN, there were special circumstances.
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What the hell happened with Zom 100? I don’t see Covid as a reason and nothing upsetting the Japanese audience. Is this a case where they didn’t finish production on time and the staff was overworked to the point of breaking? Because that’s what it looks to me. I’m not complaining at all. I’m concerned that this is a new normal for staff members for anime. And it’s a shame that this had to happen to the studio and the good people behind it. This is a fairly new studio where this is the only anime to their credit. And suddenly I’m hit with a giant sense of irony with this situation and the first episode.
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ANIME CAMEO: Did you catch the voice actors from Zombieland Saga in episode 6? It wasn’t the characters. It was just their voice actors grunting as zombies. Well, it happened. Rewind and listen closely.
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ENDING: Just like the end of Highschool of the Dead, this crew goes to familiar territory by stopping in on Tendou’s family. My guess is that there’s going to be a big zombie showdown featuring Tendou, his friends and family, and the townspeople versus the zombies. Will that be the end of the season? Moving right along, they make it to Tendou’s home village. The good news is that his parents are safe as well as some of the villagers. There are even some city folks that escaped the hell going on in bigger cities. The bad news is there are some disgustos in that city folk crowd that have their own ideas for surviving the zombie apocalypse. If Tendou’s list was full of childish dreams and Mikazuki’s list is full of realistic goals, these guys…um…well, there are dark forces that work inside them.
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And while the zombies are trapped inside a tunnel away from the surviving humans, one person here doesn’t have that much time left. That person is Tendou’s father. Tendou and his father have never seen eye-to-eye. Will they be able to say their peace before the worst happens? Let’s wait another couple of weeks and months to find out this answer.
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CHRISTMAS DAY 2023: Okay, I watched my annual anime movie this year. This year it was Suzume. Ate cookies. Opened presents. Jammed out to some tunes. And crashed. Am I missing anything? Oh wow, Zom 100 came back for a three-episode finale!
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Tendou and the gang were getting along with many in the village. Tendou got to know some of the city girls who traveled to the village for safety. Mikazuki got along with the elders of the village as she helped them with some of their ailments. Bea learned a lot about the area. And Ryuuzaki got a little girl traumatized by the recent pandemic to smile for the first time in a while. I’ll be honest, when I saw this little girl with her dog I kept thinking if she was going to go with Tendou and the rest and be that gang’s Alice and Zeke like in Highschool of the Dead. Again, I will keep mentioning that. All of this peace is about to be shattered by those disgustos I mentioned prior to the three-month hiatus. There are four of them; one divorcee, one anal-retentive chick, one forever fat bastard virgin, and the obviously voiced by Nobuhiko Okamoto psychopath. The final guy I mentioned (named Higurashi) actually knew Tendou and Ryuuzaki as they all went to the same college.
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Higurashi and the others have their chaos book. They removed the barriers blocking the zombies from entering the village and set everything around it on fire. The four main characters were dealing with each of the chaos agents on their own. Ryuuzaki, Bea, and Mikazuki were able to get past the chaos people. Unfortunately, two of those people wound up dying. One by the zombies and the other got electrocuted. The forever fat bastard virgin was still around by episode 12’s end. As for Higurashi, he brought the zombies to Tendou and told him he yearns to watch him become a zombie. This guy was so amped on wanting to fuck things up that he threatened to have Tendou’s ailing father eaten by the zombies.
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Tendou does another impulsive thing. You’ve seen him do crazy shit the last 11 episodes, why stop now?! Tendou turned into a zombie courtesy of one of the hideaways who was a make-up stylist and tricked Higurashi. Unfortunately, things do not end well for Higurashi as he is bitten. Before time was up, Tendou was able to get through to him when learning what he really wanted to do. To be fair, any one of us could have wound up like this guy. Introverts have such the hardest times adapting to “normal” society. And I guess Higurashi envied Tendou and Ryuuzaki during college because they had friends and he was alone. Surprisingly, back then Tendou did make an effort to reach out to Higurashi, but dude ran away from them. Tendou and Higurashi do have this sweet moment before he’s turned into a zombie. Higurashi though ends up drowning in the river as he was turning into a zombie.
Tendou, his friends, and the survivors of the village survived just barely. They went to a suspension bridge that was unfortunately missing. But then, this old guy the group met prior to making it to the village made a collapsible bridge for everyone to get across and prevent the zombies from trailing them. In the aftermath, everyone was able to rebuild the village after that night from hell. Now as for Tendou’s father. I thought for months that this guy got bitten by a zombie. And as I’m watching the final 3 episodes I’m thinking, if he got bitten, it’s taking him a long time to turn into a zombie. But then it sounded like he might have a terminal illness.
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Turns out dude has hemorrhoids.
Look, I know hemorrhoids are painful but…yeah, I have nothing to follow up on that. But if it gets so bad that it could be life-threatening, it might be difficult for a doctor to do anything when you’re in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. But, it did spark some ideas for what else to write in Tendou’s bucket list. Next stop for the crew…I guess northern Japan or Hokkaido.
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Oh shit, I forgot to mention the shit. Ryuuzaki jumped in the cesspool of shit. He was covered in shit for an entire episode.
Despite the long waits in between episodes, this was a very good story. I’m just really concerned if a season two comes will the audience be subjected to long waits and will the crew be subjected to horrible working conditions? Again, seeing the irony! I think it was that first episode that seemed to strike a chord with a lot of viewers. I think at one point or another, we all find ourselves in a situation much like Tendou. I know it doesn’t have to be a job, but let’s face it, we’ve all had those jobs that tried to break us to the point of no return and you really do wish that some sort of apocalypse hits so you don’t have to go into work the next day. I really hope the anime studios kinda take a hint from this. Looking at you OLM, MAPPA, and BUG FILMS!
While I’m still on the topic of the first episode, I’m not going to lie, I honestly thought the whole zombie apocalypse was going to be a dream of Tendou’s. I can’t be the only person who thought this. He falls asleep watching a zombie movie, wakes up in total chaos, we’re treated to a splish-splash of every color on the spectrum, and Tendou is doing stunts like knock his boss out a several-story window and climbing drain-pipes. I will get a lot of push-back from manga readers for my out-loud comments here, but that’s what I originally thought. With that said, I really hope that this isn’t the intended ending for this story.
Now then, would I happily welcome a second season? Yes. Believe it or not, the several-month hiatus didn’t impact how I felt about this anime. Sometimes it does, but not here. When it returned on Christmas, it almost felt like not much time has passed since the last installment. And just because of this sloppy roll out, it doesn’t necessarily mean that any future seasons will be affected the same way the first season did. It will if the studio doesn’t take a freakin’ lesson from the anime they just put out. It seems like a couple of new characters are introduced after where this season leaves off. So, I’m looking forward to a second season. Thankfully, the manga is still in publication and the creator is alive and well. Sorry, after what happened to the creator of Highschool of the Dead, I am not taking any chances.
Enough from me! Zombie-show fans, you know who you are and we know your fandom isn’t dying off any time soon. Probably check this one out. It’s on Netflix, Hulu, and Crunchyroll, so you have your pick of sites to watch it on. Starting March 30th, 2024, the show will also air on Toonami. And if live-action is more of your thing, Netflix has got that adaptation too.
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kuroosdarling · 1 year
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