#misao bare feet for free
mo-ok · 2 months
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🖤 cool guys and cowboys 🖤
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italicwatches · 6 years
Animal Sentai Zyuohger - Episode 19
And my setup had to get tweaked. Again. I am very firmly in the realm of haaating an app right now. Anyways, it’s Animal Sentai Zyuohger, episode 19! Here we GO!
-PREVIOUSLY ON Animal Sentai Zyuohger, The World wrecked shit, got outsmarted, and then had his power backlash into him...Leaving him screaming in agony, his human will ever so briefly manifesting...
-So Naria just knocks him out and steals him away, before Yamato can stop her! And by the time the others get there, Naria’s already gone...
-Episode 19! Who To Believe In
-So the unsuited man is chained back up in his cell, where Genis starts to pour more tokens into him...And tries, once again, to break the man’s will. To make him believe in Genis as his sole savior...
-While back in the main room, Azald and Kubar are chatting about the situation, with Azald getting mad about this whole thing...
-While down in the cabin...Yamato tells them what he saw. The World...There’s an innocent man in there. A man tortured and turned into a weapon! But the others...Their empathy doesn’t stretch as far as his. They’re seeing a big threat.
-Aaand then out comes the MotW, who uses his mighty bowling power to turn people into pins and then bowl them over, casting them into the sky!
-The Zyuohgers arrive, and they are not in a good mood. The fight is on!
-While up in the Big Bow, Genis has finished his work on The World, and decides to send him out fresh to see the results. Much to Azald’s frustration.
-Down on the ground, they’ve got the MotW all on his own...When The World leaps in, slamming through them in a flash, and he even casts off the MotW to get to have his fun all on his own.
-Instincts Awakened. THE WORLD! WOLF! Just you five and him. And he’s in faster than any of them can move, kicking them around and just playing...
-Eagle tries to force himself to his feet...And releasing his armor, Yamato throws himself between The World and the others! They don’t need to fight!
-He gets smacked aside for his efforts, as Naria’s here to insist that there’s none of that man left in The World...But Yamato’s not listening. Even as he nearly gets killed, with Tiger having to yank him out of there and Elephant having to stomp up enough dust to cover an escape!
-That night, Yamato’s bandaged up and sleeping off his injuries...Which leaves Mario to ask the others what happened. What really happened.
-Amu claims that he got injured taking a feral animal in for treatment...And Mario talks about how Yamato got pretty beat up once doing the same thing with an injured horse. All you can do is back the guy up, and make sure he gets through the other side of things like this.
-He heads off...And Amu starts really thinking. Yamato brought Larri around. And brought Tusk back. And gave them all a home. ...If he says he can save The World, they’ve got to back his play. Or the damn fool idiot will die trying on his own.
-The next morning, Yamato awakes in one piece, and they’re all waiting for him...And of course they know what he’s thinking. It might not be possible to save him. It’s almost definitely not possible to undo the forced infusion. But if they can save the man’s will...
-Also the MotW is out bowling again. Tragically, this time he doesn’t get a strike, but maybe a spare—
-And the crew arrives! They’ve got to finish this fast! Instincts Awakened! Animal Sentai, ZYUOHGER!
-So the fight is on, at full speed...And up in the Big Bow, Azald starts throwing his weight around. You guys showed off The World, but now this is his team’s game, and he doesn’t want the guy down there yet.
-Back on the ground, that decision means the Zyuohgers are chewing through mooks like penny candy...Until the MotW gets a chance to line all of them, and even his own mooks, up for a fresh set! A set that turns into a strike!
-But Eagle gets free, and Unleashes his wings, striking again and again as the others recover! Now, finish it! ZYUOH SHOOT! A massive barrage of cuboid gunfire rages out, cutting through the remaining mooks and the MotW as one...
-And Azald, rather than choosing to send in The World, chooses to go for a Continue. Fiiine. Animal Kingdom Combination! FOUR! THREE! TWO! FIVE! ONE! SIX! WILD ZYUOH KING!
-And out comes the Bear Axe, just slamming into the MotW again and again...Until finally Genis decides, The World, get in there and at least give their man a sporting chance.
-So of course, he goes right in and Animal Combination. NINE! SEVEN! EIGHT! TOUSAI ZYUOH! And Tousai Zyuoh stares them down, stepping into the field...It’s a ferocious mech, able to overpower Wild Zyuoh King with ease, and since so much of its power comes from the Rhino, it can even send out Wolf and Crocodile to harass them...
-But when The World does that, the Bear Axe reacts...Its kin and comrades! It transforms, going from Cube Bear to CUBE PANDA, and wreathed in gold, it strikes at the core mech again and again to try and snap them out of this!
-It’s not enough...They’re forced to fight again with the Panda Axe, and even with it, can barely get Tousai Zyuoh into a grappling struggle...But that’s the chance! Eagle, go!
-And go he does, managing to leap into the cockpit and rip The World out! You, are, not, going back there!
-The World kicks straight to full power with All Beasts Unleashed...But this time, Eagle’s not trying to take him down. He’s trying to hold the man down, to get into his head! Genis fucked with you! He brainwashed you! The only reason you follow him is because he MAKES YOU!
-And The World starts to have a freakout, trying to tear Eagle apart to make it end...Even managing to rip Yamato entirely out of his armor...
-As Yamato still holds strong. Genis doesn’t know you. He doesn’t understand you. No one who understood you, would force you to kill an unarmed man...!
-The World can’t give a proper response to that. He realizes, in a flash, that something about this isn’t right, that he’s being pushed past a line...But Naria’s there, demanding he stop hesitating...
-And he throws himself into the others, trying to find himself...Until at last he has Yamato in his grasp, but he can’t, throw, the punch! Something about him, just...
-Naria tries to get him to act...Yamato tries to get him to trust them...To believe in him...And The World, The World remembers that damn room.
-He’s caught, ensnared between the two forces upon him...The faith in Genis put into him, and the faith that these five hold for him...
-And it is their belief that overcomes what was done to him! With an ungodly HOWL, he manages to push out the tokens, the control, and he has his own god damned body again...!
-Naria of course tries to snatch him up and get him back to Genis. But The World kicks her halfway across the field, forces her to one knee. He. Is. Not. Yours. Not anymore!
-And Genis chooses to call her back, to cut his losses for today...Which leaves the crew to introduce themselves, and to finally get to meet the man behind the mask. Mondo Misao.
God damn, I love that melodrama. That was some tasty tasty stuff there, and Misao seems like an interesting fellow. I do wonder how thoroughly they’ll be exploring his pain...I guess we’ll find out next time, in episode TWENTY of Animal Sentai Zyuohger. Wait for it!
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mamoro2202 · 8 years
Stolen Heritage 6
Have you ever taken a long trip with a small child? Heaven spare us all… Also, I think that Kaoru deserved a better shake than she got in the Manga.
The next morning, Kenshin purchased tickets and sent a telegraph ahead to Okina: Kamiya family coming. Arrival March 28th. Will take 1st train.
Kenshin stared the enormous trunk that Kaoru had packed. It looked heavy. He mentally calculated the distance he would have to carry it and his posture slumped. When he'd been a rurouni, he'd traveled with perhaps a tenth as many things.
Kaoru called out from a bedroom, "Kenshin? Have you seen Kenji's blue yukata?"
"This one believes that you have already packed it, Kaoru-dono, that I do."
She poked her head out of the room. "What about his top? Did we remember to pack his top?"
Kenshin's lips twitched. "Yes, Kaoru-dono, Kenji's top is in the trunk."
"Oh. Okay." She took a deep breath. "We're ready to go, then," she said, but then she darted off into another bedroom. Kenshin picked up the trunk and sighed at its awkward weight. He caught Kenji's sticky little fingers in his free hand.
"Kaoru-dono?" he called.
Her voice was muffled. "Coming! I'm just-" thump, grunt, "Getting some things-" a lid closed, "To keep us warm and busy." She reemerged with another armload of clothes and toys, with two books balanced on top of the pile. "Are you ready?"
"Yes, Kaoru-dono."
"Look! Look! Pretty!" A very overstimulated Kenji pressed his face to the train window, watching as the city flew by. "Wow." He scrambled across the seat and threw himself into his father's lap. "Pretty, Daddy, pretty." He pointed to the window, and Kenshin gave him a small, indulgent smile.
"Yes, Kenji-chan, it's very pretty, that it is." Then the little boy planted a small foot against Kenshin's groin, startling a whoosh of air from his father, before levering all of his body weight to launch himself back to the window.
"Ororo…" Kenshin fell sideways onto the seat and groaned piteously. Kenji ignored him, and Kaoru, disloyal wife, giggled behind her hand. Kenshin gave her a look as near to baleful as he could manage in his current position.
"Kenji-chan, come sit with Mama for a while. I think Daddy needs to rest."Kenji obediently moved to Kaoru's bench, opposite his father, before pressing his face against the window again.
It took a good twenty minutes for Kenji to become bored with watching the scenery, which was a blessedly long time for such a small child. For the rest of the train trip, Kenshin played an endless series of games involving Kenji's toy horse, Kaoru read him parts of no less than five stories, and Kenji ate every bite of his breakfast, then begged for snacks.
Kenshin felt frustrated; he wanted to be doing something. It was faster this way, though, and was the only way to get to Kyoto with a child Kenji's age. They'd been planning this trip since last spring, after Kenshin had taken the last trip alone to visit Tomoe's grave. This year, they had decided that Kenji would be old enough to endure the trip without harm, and so they planned to make the annual visit to the Aoiya as a family. They'd been saving money for the trains and the boat, and at that time it had seemed like it might be pleasant experience. Confronted now with the reality of an extended amount of time trapped in an enclosed room with a bored and fretful child, on the way to confront the unknown... Kenshin ruefully acknowledged that he would have rather have walked to Kyoto backwards and barefoot. He sincerely hoped that Kenji would not get seasick.
Kenshin kept a careful eye on Kaoru as she disembarked the ship, a squirming Kenji cradled in her arms. If Kaoru should stumble on that uneven ramp, Kenshin was fully prepared to heave the trunk towards the dock and hope the for the best while he steadied his wife. At the bottom of the ramp, a member of the ship's crew noticed the small woman with a sleepy child, and offered a respectful hand to her elbow. Kenshin gave the man a nod and a grateful smile as he passed.
"It's pretty late," Kaoru said. The ship had not made good time, and they were a full two hours behind their estimated arrival. "Where do you think we should stay?"
"There will likely be several inns near the train station, this one believes."
Kaoru smiled for him despite the dark circles under her eyes, the crabby toddler whining into her collar, and the remnants of her mild sea-sick nausea. "Then let's go!" She turned and walked away, leaving Kenshin to adjust the wretched trunk and follow. It was cheaper not to hire a carriage or hand cart, but by the time they found a likely looking place to stop for the night, Kenshin had decided that next time he would cheerfully fritter away that fee. Or maybe simply burn the monstrosity that was masquerading as luggage.
Kenji was too tired to resist a quick and sketchy scrubbing, for which Kenshin was quite grateful. Mostly clean and dressed for bed, the entire family collapsed as one onto a not-too-musty futon and knew no more.
Kenshin started awake to weak sunshine. He wearily scrubbed a hand over his eyes – rarely had he felt so tired after doing nothing. Once again he decided that he did not care for traveling by ship. He rolled onto his back and stared at the unfamiliar ceiling.
Tea, he decided. Tea will make the world seem better. He got to his feet, tucking the covers around a still-sleeping Kaoru, and blearily dressed himself.
The tea was cheap but strong, and Kenshin returned with a tray containing more of it, along with rice and pickles. He smiled down at them, still abed, one dark head and one bright. He reached out and gently shook Kaoru's shoulder. She cracked open an eye and gave him a half-hearted glare.
He smiled. "Tea?" She sat up and thrust out a hand, saying nothing, and Kenshin sat down cross-legged and helped himself to breakfast.
Able to form words at last, her morning surliness gone, Kaoru asked, "How long until the morning train to Kyoto leaves?"
"This one is uncertain; perhaps this one could go check while you and Kenji-chan eat?"
"...Why didn't you just go do that already?"
"This one did not wish for you to wake and find me already gone." Kenshin put down his empty bowl and leaned over to press a kiss to her mouth. "This one will be back shortly, that I will." His last sight before closing the shoji was Kaoru's charmingly shy smile.
The train was leaving in less than an hour, so he rushed back to the hotel. He and Kaoru together managed to get Kenji into his clothes and through his meal, arriving at the station with time to spare. Then it was another train ride, but this time Kenji was too tired and fussy to be interested in the scenery, instead switching from lap and lap and generally being quietly sad about his confinement. Kenshin stroked the boy's back comfortingly.
"Not long now, Kenji-chan. Look! You can already see some buildings over there, that you can. Your Aunt Misao will be waiting for us, and won't that be nice?" Kenji whined and cuddled against Kenshin's chest. After dragging their things and their child onto one more platform, Kenshin heard Kaoru sigh in relief. Kenshin led them to a likely looking bench where he helped seat his wife and child, all the while keeping a lookout for a certain perky young woman.
Seated comfortably on a nice, fat cushion, Kenshin almost sucked tea into his lungs, an uncomfortably hot blush crawling down his neck as he wheezed. Kaoru quickly put her hands over Kenji's ears, glaring. "Okina-san! You can't tell a joke like that; there's a child here!"
Okon placed a tray of sweets in the center of their little circle."Okina, eat some one of these, they're fresh!" She leaned towards Kaoru, placed a hand in front of her mouth, and stage whispered, "He can't be vile if he's chewing!" Kaoru lowered her hands but kept glaring.
"Don't look like that, Kaoru-san! Have a drink!" Okina waved a bottle of sake and smiled widely. Kaoru jsut sighed and sipped at her tea, radiating disapproval. Kenshin lowered his head to hide his smile behind his bangs and snagged several tea cakes. He can't really expect us to start drinking this early! But the cakes were delicious and the tea was good; Kenshin could feel his mood improving immensely.
"Okina-dono, thank you for your hospitality-" Kenshin began, but Okina threw an arm across Kenshin's neck, pulling the startled man into an acutely uncomfortable one-armed hug. "Oro!"
"Of course! Only the finest for friends and allies!"
"Too… tight…" Kenshin wheezed, attempting to untangle himself from the older man.
"Jiya! You're choking him!" Misao punched Okina in the shoulder, and the old man released his hold. Kenshin sat up, cleared his throat, and tried again.
"Okina-dono, thank you for your hospitality, but as you may have guessed our visit is early this year for a specific reason." Okina's eyes sharpened, his mood instantly shifting from frivolous to serious. Aoshi set down his teacup. "It has come to our attention that there are a few villages north of Otsu being plagued by an organized group of bandits. Have you heard of such a thing?"
"North of Otsu…? That's a bit outside of my normal network, Kamiya."
Kenshin nodded. "Yes, this one thought as much. It was only a question, so it was."
Misao leaned forward. "Why? Are you going up there?" Her eyes lit up. "Do you need backup? It's been so boring here lately."
"Yes! We could use some action!" Okina was practically crowing.
"I've been looking for a reason to put on my training gear again!"
"Misao, you'll need provisions!" They were practically manic with enthusiasm.
Okon and Omasu were giggling behind their hands.
"I'm his backup!" Kaoru's voice barely cut through the noise.
Misao and Okina froze, while Okon squealed, "Does that mean we get to watch Kenji-chan?"
"Kaoru, you can't go up there with only a wooden sword!" Misao interjected, frowning. "Look what happened against Kamatari!"
Kenshin smiled gently. "Yes, Okon-dono, we hoped that we might impose on you, that we did."
"Wonderful! He's so cute! We'll have so much fun!"
"Well, it's not very likely they'll have a fighter as skilled as Kamatari, is it?" Kaoru said testily.
Okina was serious. "Kaoru-san, it would be quite dangerous to use a bokken against opponents with steel and the intent to kill."
Misao's mouth firmed. "Well, we'll just need to get you outfitted properly! It's a challenge!" She pumped her fist.
"Hey! What do you mean "a challenge?" What are you implying!?"
"Here, Kaoru, try this one! It was Omasu's when she was younger, so it should fit you." Misao tossed a vest at Kaoru. Kaoru caught it and blinked at it in surprise. It was a plain black vest with open sides and ties, but it was heavy.
"What is this? Kusari?" Kaoru rubbed it between a finger and thumb, feeling the little circles of linked steel.
"Yeah," Misao buried her upper body back into a trunk. "It's nice because it's sewn between the fabric layers; it's quieter and and doesn't reflect light." She sat back on her heels. "Try these arm guards, too." She handed them over. "Let me know it they're too heavy."
Kaoru frowned a bit but began strapping on the armor.
"Well?! How's it feel?"
Kaoru stretched through some slow movements. "... It's different than kendo armor, that's for sure… But it's good."
"Great!" She tugged Kaoru's hand, leading her out of the room. "Now let's do something about that wooden sword!"
"But- Misao-chan, wait!"
"Don't worry, Kaoru, I'd never give you something edged." Misao threw open a shoji that Kaoru had never noticed before. "We've got lots to choose from!" Misao rested her fists on her hips. Kaoru peered around her, into the room… and felt slightly lightheaded.
"M- Misao-chan!" The walls were lined with weapons of every shape and variety that Kaoru had ever seen, and several that she hadn't. There also appeared to be the components for bombs and Kaoru didn't even want to know what was in those little glass vials…
"I know! Pretty impressive, huh? This collection is property of the Oniwabanshu, so you'll have to return anything you borrow!" She winked and bounced towards the far wall. "Now, have you been practicing with suburito or only your bokken?"
"I- I…" Kaoru blinked rapidly and pulled herself together. "I use a suburito for personal practice, and a bokken or shinai for teaching."
"Hmm, that's good. What about two handed fighting? You have any moves for two weapons?"
"No," Kaoru shook her head. "Most of Kamiya Kasshin Ryu's stances use two hands on the hilt."
"Well, that's not as good. Without an edge it'll take longer to disable an opponent. I'd like to give you a weapon designed to disarm... But at least I can give you something heavier than a stick!"
"Hey! I like my bokken!"
"Well, too bad!" Misao looked into Kaoru's eyes, her expression grim and a little angry. "You didn't see Kenshin when we all thought you were dead. You'll carry something more durable than a bokken or I'll go along, too; I don't care about whatever it is you want to keep private."
Kaoru looked into Misao's eyes. "...What did you have in mind?"
Misao gave her a fierce smile and picked a weapon from the wall. It was nearly identical in appearance to her suburito at home, but longer, and made of unsharpened steel. "This may be too heavy, but try it out."
Kaoru stood in the center of the room and gave it a few experimental swings and shook her head. "Too long, and too heavy." She offered it back to Misao.
Misao nodded and hummed as she put it back into place. "Something like this?" She offered another metal item, shorter this time, and with a hook near the base designed for disarming an entangled opponent.
Kaoru frowned at it and shook her head. "I've never used anything like that. I'm afraid it will throw off my swings."
Misao simply nodded and put it back. "Ooh, try this one!" She handed over yet another blunt weapon, this time similar to a wakizashi in every way, as though the care and love of sharpened steel had been poured into a practice blade. Kaoru took it from her hand, swinging it slowly and testing its length and balance.
"Have you worked with shorter swords before?"
Kaoru nodded. "Sort of. I use this length of bokken sometimes."
"Would it throw you off, you think?"
"I don't think so."
Misao grinned, fiercely. "Wanna go test it out?"
Kaoru's smile was just as sharp. "Definitely."
Kenshin sat with the men and watched from the corner of his eye as Omasu and Okon doted on Kenji, who seemed to be blossoming back to life under their attention. Looking back to his companions, he smiled his rurouni smile and subtly moved his cup slightly further away from Okina and his relentless offers of alcohol. He really is quite persistent…
He looked up as he felt the Kaoru and Misao approach, frowning at the fighting quality of their ki. What are they- Then women burst into the room, both in rather snug fitting training gear and- and light armor and was that a blade at Kaoru's waist?!
Kaoru looked at him with a fierce smile. "We're going to practice. Come watch, Kenshin, and tell me if you think the weight is throwing off my stance."
"Yeah!" Misao cheered. "And keep score, too, okay?"
Kenshin put his cup down with shaking hands. "But, Kaoru-dono, is that steel?"
Her eyes softened for a moment. "It's not edged, Kenshin. Never." He let out the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.
"This one would be honored to assist, that I would."
On reviewer appreciation: I think that writers as a group are very insecure; I decide that my writing is complete garbage about three times a day. Feedback is so very important to our entire community, and I truly appreciate every one of you that take the time to review. Thank you!
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