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a little jihyo centric misahyo post i've had floating around since i watched jihyo in i live alone! sorry if it seems a little disjointed, the angst wrote itself into this without my consent 🙄🙄 lots to come from this au soon!
Park Jihyo was not the type to ignore her alarm clock.
It just wasn’t in her nature. She kept a strict schedule, and to accomplish her goals, she couldn’t start her day late. Even on the weekends or when she wasn't feeling great or went to bed late, Jihyo tried to wake up at the same time everyday. There was always something she had to do, and that thought alone kept her more than motivated.
The biggest disruption to Jihyo’s routine comes in the form of one Minatozaki Sana.
Sana loved lazy mornings. Even if Jihyo would move to get out of bed, Sana would immediately pull her back down into a hug and complain that it was too early, no matter what time it was. As adorable as it was, there were times it was annoying to have to negotiate her freedom.
Mina, on the other hand, left her alone most mornings. Mina hated waking up in the mornings, and dealing with Mina’s later schedule had been an adjustment at the beginning of their relationship. Thankfully, after many negotiations, Jihyo had been able to talk Mina into getting out of bed at ten at the very latest. Sana usually wasn’t picky what time they got out of bed, just that they had filled her “daily morning hug quota” as she called it.
But two wives who hated getting out of bed in the morning were nothing compared to a child who refused to wake up on time.
Nico’s birth threw an entire new layer of complications into Jihyo’s mornings. Nico had taken after Mina, and hated waking up in the morning about as much as she hated bedtime. However, every parenting book Jihyo read stressed the importance of routine with children, and Mina’s inconsistent sleep schedule was not the ideal role model for Nico. Mina herself even admitted it, and would even go as far as to drag herself out of bed early just to show Nico that waking up early was good. It took some time, but Jihyo was eventually able to establish daily and weekly routines for all of them, Nico included. Jihyo had to adjust to the fact Nico insisted on having ten minutes of cuddle time with at least one of them every morning, but it just meant her day had to start ten minutes earlier.
Mina’s depressive episodes usually would throw everything to shit. Mina would refuse to get out of bed, and Jihyo would respect her space, but Sana would get all concerned and try to stay with Mina. Nico would see that only Jihyo was waking her up, and she would get pouty. She wasn’t getting her morning kisses from Sana and wouldn’t get to do her morning routines with each of her moms. Jihyo would sigh, offer to give Nico kisses, and just pray they weren’t going to be late for Nico’s preschool. Eventually, she would get Nico dressed and fed, and then Nico would insist on saying goodbye to Mina and Sana, which would then upset Mina because she hated when Nico saw her like that, and then things would spiral again until someone cried.
Jihyo knew it was a sticky situation all around. She loved and respected Mina, and she did feel bad Nico was so adamant about seeing her every morning, but she also knew that Nico was just trying to get her daily time with all three of her parents in. Nico was a shy kid, and didn’t have many friends at preschool. Her moms were her favorite people, and she just wanted to see them and spend time with them. Plus, given her age, she couldn’t understand why Mina didn’t want to see her.
As Mina’s depressive episodes get longer, Nico stops insisting to see Mina. She even stops asking for Sana’s kisses, just getting ready quietly with Jihyo. Jihyo finds it very unsettling.
“Sorry.” Was the first thing Jihyo found herself muttering that particular morning. She had meant to turn the volume on her alarm down, it had been a late night last night, and while they had an amazing productive talk about their feelings, Jihyo had intended to let Snaa and Mina sleep in. They deserved it after crying their hearts out the night before.
“Jihyo-ya turn it off.” Sana whined, curling into a little ball by Jihyo’s side.
“I am.” Jihyo reached for her phone, quickly swiping the alarm away and checking the time. Jihyo gently moved Sana’s arm off of her, Sana whining as she moved to get up.
“Where are you going?” Sana whined.
“Nico will be up soon, I need to make breakfast.” Jihyo smiled as Sana rolled into her previous space. “I’ll leave you and Mina something.”
“Where are you going? It’s Sunday.”
“I’m going to do some errands. I’ll take Nico with me.” Jihyo muttered, already planning out everything that needed to be done. They were running low on groceries, and the light bulb in the hallway needed replacing, so she would need to stop by the grocery store. Plus, with the cooler weather coming in, Nico would need some new jackets. Given her age, she was growing too rapidly to fit into her clothes from the winter before. So that meant they would need to swing by the department store. Finally, there were a couple loads of laundry that needed to get done, so she aimed to be home before lunch to start on all of it. “Is there anything you want from the grocery store?”
“Mmm… Maybe some yogurt?”
“Of course. Text me if you think of anything else, or if Mina needs anything.” Jihyo kissed Sana’s forehead before moving to the bathroom. Once she brushed her teeth and went through her skin care, she moved to make breakfast. Nico loved eggs, and they had some extra toast lying around from when Tzuyu had come over and made garlic bread, so she decided on a more western style breakfast.
“Mama?” Jihyo was surprised when she turned to see Nico, still in her pajamas. Her hair was messy as she held her favorite stuffed polar bear by its paw.
“Oh Nico.” Jihyo smiled at her daughter. “Good morning. I didn’t expect to see you awake so early.”
“I wanted to see mama.” Nico pouted. She looked adorable, standing in the kitchen half awake. Jihyo didn't allow herself to get distracted though, keeping her attention on the task at hand while her daughter yawned.
“Well hello, why don't you go get your toothbrush and toothpaste and mama can help you while she cooks breakfast?” Nico nodded, running off while Jihyo cracked a couple eggs in the pan. She quickly went through everything they would need from the grocery store again in her head, deciding to get Nico a treat if she was in a cooperative mood today. When Nico returned Jihyo helped her up to the kitchen cabinet and supervised Nico’s teeth brushing, getting her a glass of water to rinse her mouth out with when she was done. Once Nico was settled, she served their breakfast, the two of them eating in realities silence.
“Can we go to the park today?” Nico looked so hopeful, her little eyes shining as she looked at Jihyo.
“Let me check the weather,” Jihyo knew she had a lot to get done, but she could move some things around for a quick park trip. “Sorry kiddo, rain all day.” Nico’s face fell at Jihyo’s report, her hand instinctively fidgeting with her polar bear.
“Oh.” Nico stared at the half finished toast in front of her. “Okay.” Jihyo could feel the tension in her daughter. Nico really wasn't having the easiest time, and Jihyo felt guilt tug at her heart as her daughter played with her food.
Ideas ran through Jihyo’s head, playing out any scenario that could possibly improve Nico’s mood. Mina and Sana were out of the question, and obviously anything outside would be out with the weather. Momo and Nayeon were busy, and she was pretty sure Dahyun mentioned them having to do something today. Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were probably out too, considering the fact Tzuyu worked on Sundays and Chaeyoung likely scheduled some clients to fill her free time. Jihyo smiled when an idea came to her, quickly sending a text. She waited until she had a response to turn her attention back to the glum looking toddler in front of her.
“Hey kiddo, why don't you go grab your rain jacket?” Jihyo checked the weather one more time, an idea forming in her mind. “I have a surprise for you.”
“Really?!” Nico immediately looked up from her food, a smile on her face.
“Yeah, let me get a few things and then we can go.”
Jihyo usually wasn't very impulsive.
She really shouldn't be doing what she had planned, there were so many chores that needed to get done at home. Sundays were really the only days she could get chores done, and while Mina and Sana had been doing their best, they had all fallen behind on a few things. However, she would do anything to make Nico smile. And if she had to stay up a bit later that night to finish her to do list, that was okay as long as Nico was happy.
“Mama!” Nico had the biggest grin on her face when Jihyo finally parked. The whole car ride, Nico had been pestering her, asking where they were going and why it was taking so long. When they finally got there however, Nico immediately realized where they were.
“One sec kiddo.” Jihyo laughed, watching how Nico was eagerly unbuckling herself from her car seat. Jihyo moved to help her out, happy to feel the sun on her skin. The rain really had been relentless, but now that they were out of Seoul, the sun was shining brightly.
“Grandpa!” Nico immediately ran to her grandfather when Jihyo opened her door, and Jihyo barely had time to turn around before her daughter was practically mauling her father.
“Dad, be careful!” Jihyo panicked as her father spun Nico in a circle. “Your back…”
“Jihyo, I’m fine, you worry too much.” The older man laughed. “I've missed you Nico! You’ve gotten so much bigger.”
“Mama said I grew three centimeters!”
“I believe it. You're growing so well.” Jihyo’s father set Nico down. “Why don't you go say hi to Bbuyo? Last I saw, he was near the garden.” Nico nodded, eagerly setting off toward the garden.
“Hi dad, thanks for letting us come out here so last minute” Jihyo smiled when her dad gave her a hug.
“Of course, you are always welcome here.” Her dad looked at her with loving eyes and Jihyo felt like a child under her dad’s gaze. “You look tired.”
“I’m okay.” Jihyo nodded, watching as her daughter looked around for the cat.
“Are Sana and Mina doing okay?” Jihyo took a deep breath, that was a more loaded question than her father probably realized.
“They are doing better.” Jihyo forced herself to smile. She could tell from the look on her father’s face he didn't believe her.
“Well that's good. Tell them I miss them.” Her father smiled. “I was just about to start making some lunch, why don't you help me?”
“Yeah.” Jihyo watched as her daughter finally found her father’s cat, a huge smile on her face as she addressed the animal. “I would love that.”
Jihyo had originally intended the trip to be for her daughter. Nico needed to get out of the house, and she deserved to do something fun. But the longer Jihyo stayed, the more she realized the trip was just as much of a selfish gesture as it was a selfless one.
Her father wasn't super talkative as they made Kimbap together. Just small comments about the task at hand and how adorable Nico looked playing with the cat, who barely seemed interested in her.
“He’s good with her.” Her father smiled as Nico attempted to play fetch with the cat, who was looking at her with his signature annoyed expression.
“He looks annoyed.” Jihyo laughed. “But he isn't trying to scratch her, so that's something.”
“You know he doesn't scratch.”
“He scratched Sana,” Jihyo laughed at the memory. To be fair to the cat, Sana had tried to hug him.
“He would never scratch Nico.” Jihyo’s father nodded. They fell into silence after that. Jihyo made a couple extra rolls of kimbap, wrapping them up to take home with her. Her father always had the best vegetables, and Sana and Mina would be jealous if she didn't share. “Hey Hyo?”
“Your mom would be really proud of you.” Jihyo feels her entire being freeze at the mention of her mother.
“Dad…” Tears rushed to Jihyo’s eyes at the thought. She didn't normally cry very easily, at least compared to Sana and Mina (who cried at everything), but this topic had that effect on her.
“I'm proud of you too.” Her father grabbed her hand, giving her a gentle squeeze. “You have a good head on your shoulders, and I can tell you love that girl with your whole heart, just like you love Sana and Mina. Just, don't take on too much, okay?” Tears poured down Jihyo’s cheeks as her father looked at her.
“Okay.” Jihyo took a deep breath, trying to stop her tears.
“It's okay to cry Jihyo.” Her father squeezed her hand one more time. “It doesn't make you any less strong. You never want to ask for help, or let people take care of you. But, you can't do everything alone. Let your dad take care of you for a bit, okay?” Jihyo nodded, squeezing her father’s hand back as more tears gathered in her eyes.
“I-I” Jihyo felt choked up as all of the pent up stress and emotions from the past few months rushed to the surface.
“You don't need to tell me, unless you want to.” Jihyo took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts as best she could. She couldn't remember the last time she let herself fall apart.
It felt nice to let someone take care of her.
“Are you sure you can't stay the night?” Jihyo smiled as her father looked at the two of them. Nico had fallen asleep hours ago, it was well past her bedtime and Jihyo knew they were already going to get back super late. But she had a class to teach tomorrow, and Nico had day care.
“We’ll come stay for longer next time.” Jihyo had meant to leave after lunch, but she had been swept up into a nap with her daughter when Nico insisted Jihyo lay with her.
“Bring Satang and Mitang with you next time.” Jihyo smiled as she buckled Nico into her car seat.
“I will.” Jihyo nodded. “Speaking of them, Sana says hi.” Sana had texted her when she didn't come home before dinner, concerned something had happened to them. A quick call reassured Sana they were fine, and they would be home later.
“Tell her she needs to come visit soon.” Jihyo’s father answered. “Oh! I almost forgot, take this with you!” Jihyo’s father handed her a large grocery bag. One glance inside showed a bagful of fresh produce and packaged food.
“Dad, you don't have to-”
“You know I have too much. I made some food for you two as well. Take care of yourself okay?” Jihyo’s father opened his arms for a hug, Jihyo easily falling into the hug.
“You too dad.”
“I will.” Jihyo felt like she could cry again in her father’s arms.
“Say hi to mom for me.”
“I will. Be safe driving home okay? Text me when you get there.”
“Okay.” Jihyo sniffled, taking one last look at her father before finally waving, climbing into the car.
Her heart felt so much lighter than when she had woken up that morning.
“Mama.” Jihyo was momentarily surprised when she heard her daughter’s sleepy voice. She didn't allow it to distract her though, keeping her attention on the road in front of her.
“Morning Nico.” Jihyo giggled. “We still have another hour until we are home, you should go back to sleep.”
“I had fun today.” Nico muttered. “Grandpa is always really fun.”
“While I’m glad you think so.” Jihyo giggled. “It would make him really happy to hear that.”
“Was grandma fun too?” Nico had never asked about her grandmother before. They had taken her to visit her grave, but Nico had never really asked about her.
“Yes.” Jihyo muttered. “She would have spoiled you rotten.”
“Do you miss her?”
“Yeah…” Jihyo felt herself grip the steering wheel tighter at her daughter’s question. “I miss her a lot.”
“I miss ka-san.” It was so tiny, Jihyo didn't almost hear it. But Jihyo felt like her heart was breaking at Nico’s admission. “Will she be better soon?”
“Nico…” Jihyo couldn't think of anything to say. Her brain was turning over any possible explanations or reassurances, but anything she tried to say died on her tongue.
Nico falls quiet after that, and when Jihyo glances back at Nico in the rear view mirror, she sees her daughter is fast asleep.
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okay so i’ve had three very loose ideas for fics and i really want to get started on writing one of them! so i’m going to write out three really rough synopsis of them and if anyone has any preference, comments, questions, ideas to make something better or anything at all please let me know ! i also want to note side ships/characters are very very underdeveloped so if you have any suggestions for them i’d love to hear them !
option 1 - twice band au (insp. daisy jones & the six) - in 1996 the all female pop-rock band ‘fatal flaw’ took the world by storm. their edgy style, seductive lyrics, and catchy sound made them impossible to ignore. critics thought they’d be a flash in the pan, after all they were just a group of friends who started a band in a garage. but the critics severely underestimated how much appeal a group of six beautiful women with captivating chemistry would have to the masses. their debut album ‘feels so good’ helped them get their name out there. however, their sophomore album ‘insatiable’ is what skyrocketed them to levels of fame they could have never prepared for. the group had the potential to go all the way, become a band that would inspire generations to come. but during their infamous world tour for their third album ‘glory days’ things came to a shocking end. halfway through the tour the band announced their last performance - and what a performance it was. their legacy has long surpassed their actual career. for years fans have wondered what caused the band to break up. and for years the members have wondered if any of it was worth it.
members: jihyo (vocals) jeongyeon (vocals + lead guitar) nayeon (vocals + bass) momo (drums) sana (keyboard) mina (vocals + rhythm guitar) content warnings for the story: drug/alcohol use, smut, profanity, addiction, cheating. (more may be added)
option 2 - misana!vampire x slayer!jihyo au (insp. buffy the vampire slayer x vampire diaries universe) - in every generation there is one human destined to protect the world from vampires, this human is known as they slayer. this generation’s slayer is park jihyo. at the age of fifteen jihyo killed her first vampire and since then her world has never been the same. forced to grow up at a young age, jihyo can hardly remember life before defeating the supernatural and keeping balance in the world. with training and guidance from her mentor, jihyo takes the duties of her role as slayer very seriously. one day she will rid this world of vampires, she just has to figure it out first.
mina is one of the world’s original vampires. in the early years of civilization, there was a small village in what is now modern day japan that is known to be the origin of the vampires. in a last ditch effort before an invasion, a group of powerful women gathered to sacrifice themselves to the gods to protect their village. mina doesn’t know what made her the way she is now, if it was truly the gods answering their prayers, some sort of witch craft, or some greater evil cursing them. all mina knows is that after the sacrifice she and a three other women had been reborn as creatures the world had never seen before. they gifted (cursed) with powers no being should possess. they were faster and stronger than any human could ever become. their bodies were regenerative, every wound would mend itself in just moments. they were the perfect soldiers and when the time came they defended their village with ease. but their new forms were unpredictable and the blood lust and eternal life were a surprise that cost the villagers their lives. the girls were insatiable and ripped through not only the attackers but their own people. over the years as they honed in their abilities and realized death would not come the original vampires drifted apart. as far as mina knows they’re all still alive-or whatever this state of life was called- and have since created several lineages of vampires that now infest the world. for centuries mina has isolated herself from the world after creating her biggest mistake: sana. now, desperate to find a way to end her life mina seeks out the slayer. mina wants to end her suffering, she’s tired of being alone, unchanging, and reminded of all the atrocities she’s committed. however, no matter how many times she tries to kill herself, nothing will work. on the other side of the world sana gets wind of mina’s plan and is dead set on stopping her. sana was the first person mina ever turned, their love so strong they wanted to spend an eternity in each other’s arms. however, when sana turned her humanity was switched off and she became someting unrecognizable. she has since built one of the strongest vampire clans in the world and can’t lose this empire she’s made. no original has ever died and she fears what may happen if one does... especially when it’s her creator.
jihyo is skeptical of mina’s intentions since she’s never had a vampire willingly hand themselves over to her. but she quickly realizes mina’s sincerity and agrees to help her with this crazy task. mina would be the first original vampire to ever die.
content warnings: smut, blood, death/murder, violence, profanity, probably alcohol, more tba.
option 3 - 3mix soulmate au (insp. soulmate countdown) - everyone is born with timers on their wrists counting down to 0 until they meet their soulmate. jeongyeon’s went off when she was performing at her first trainee showcase and she heard “finally now i have a same age friend” from the audience. her heart felt like it had stopped for a moment when she met a pair of big sparkly eyes and a bright smile a few rows down. jeongyeon and jihyo have been soulmates for ten years now. with the huge market that kpop is growing into, a sense of closeness and attainability is one of the biggest marketing tactics of the industry. no idol is to disclose their timer to give off the illusion that they could be anyone’s soulmate (though companies say it’s to protect their idol’s privacy). fans flock to fansigns and concerts with dreams of locking eyes with their idol and their timer stopping. others like to fantasize about members of groups having their souls intertwined and ship members as ‘soulmates hidden in plain sight.’ most shippers resent anyone close to their idol in fear they might be connected by fate. as one of the most famous kpop groups, ICON is closely monitored to make sure there is never any slip ups with their timers.
unfortunately all hell breaks loose when dispatch releases a photo showing jeongyeon’s timer: “00:00:00:00″. fans react as expected: shock, anger, resentment, support but most of all fans react with curiosity. in a frenzy fans try to determine who jeongyeon’s soulmate is. it doesn’t take long for several theories to pop up, but one theory seems to have much more traction than the rest: jeongyeon’s soulmate is nayeon. the ship had always been popular among fans as the duo had been close since their trainee days. plus, the had a certain allure with their push-pull dynamic that made fans go crazy. for years fans had theorized about their relationship, only now they were sure they had been right all along. ICON’s company realized the marketing potential of the pair and quickly pulled nayeon and jeongyeon into a meeting. the two would come forward as a couple and they would be able to push the soulmates angle, 10 years of friendship, they’d been through everything together and been in love through it all. despite jeongyeon’s protests and advocating for the truth because jihyo was still a member of the group and after all, it was THEIR story the company was trying to market - the company wasn't going to have it. before the meeting even ended the company already confirmed 2yeon’s relationship to the world despite it being completely fabricated.
members of ICON: jihyo (main vocalist, lead dancer, leader) nayeon (lead vocalist, center, face of the group) jeongyeon (lead vocalist) sana (vocalist, lead dancer, rapper, visual) momo (main rapper, main dancer) content warnings: tba.
*i almost made this a social media au several years ago so if this seems familiar that’s why!
#twice au#twice fanfic#twice headcanons#jeonghyo#2yeon#mihyo#misana#3mix#misahyo#band au#vampire au#soulmate au
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fic recs pls
thank you for indulging me <33
ao3 fic recs!!!
you are my beginning, you know? -- itotoro (datzu fluff // reincarnation au // 6.9k)
out of all these things ive done (i think i love you better now) -- firelordnayeon (sahyo fluff // college au // 5.3k)
more than diamonds, more than gold -- xylomylo (natzu fluff // model+influencer au // 18k)
from the authors i mentioned before!!!
jamais vu -- judjira (datzu fluff+angst // amnesia au // 19k)
stray birds -- sawah (sanayeon angst, happy-ish ending // rapture au // 4.7k)
pick your poison, love -- cryingforhyo (misahyo fluff+smut // sex-hotline au // 216k)
a burglar's guide to gotham -- sorrymom (sanayeon fluff+angst // batman au // 22k)
is this enough? -- trashfortwice (satzu fluff+smut+angst // prostitution au // 60k)
i think it'll get a bit long if i add tumblr recs too (and this isn't even all my ao3 recs).. i'll organise all my reblogs one day <3
#asks#anon#fic recs#i love a good long fic!!! if you have any fic recs please share them!!!!!!#preferably happy endings please 🥹
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Hi just curious about your tied together au. Is anyone gp and is it going to have all the girls at some point? I really liked this story btw so thank you!!
Thank you for liking it! The answers to that are yes and no in that order. Its mainly the older girls and not the youngest 3/smc, but tzuyu will make an appearance briefly with what i have planned out. As for the gp answer, yes. Misahyo are!
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went to a Twice concert last night and i definitely have PCD.
was crying when I arrived home.
They are really beautiful.
I went there as a Mina and Sana Stan,
now I bias MiSaHyo ><
dang Jihyo never disappoints.
really REALLY PRETTY. everytime she appears on the screen, I LITERALLY SCREAM MY LUNGS OUT.
She's really wonderful,
I mean they all are.
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Hi Lumi!! Would it be alright if I request a continuation based on this (https://at.tumblr.com/jihyocentric/hi-if-its-alright-with-you-can-i-request-for/l7iszj01nb8t) g!p misahyo where like misana spoils jihyo with cuddly soft sex by the fireplace or like sex as their idea to “warm up” during winter?? This thought suddenly popped into my head and I’ve been brainrotting over it ever since hahaha. Thank you!!
from this
when jihyo asked for cuddles earlier, reasoning that she was cold and the fireplace was inviting, she didn't think it would end up with sana and mina giving her a head. but she wasn't complaining.
what started with her being squished in the arms of the two, getting scalp rubs and feather-like kisses on her cheeks, became a make out session where jihyo struggled to give attention to the both of them, her mouth always busy with either sana's or mina's lips and cock only hardening in her boxers. and then mina and sana decided that jihyo wasn't warmed up enough, and decided to use other ways to make her heated.
jihyo whimpered at the sight when she looked down and saw mina's mouth almost all the way down on her cock, leaving a couple of inches away from the base to give sana enough space to lick her balls, making jihyo whine and squirm under them. mina had fun hearing her soft moans and the way jihyo called out their name, it was always too easy to get jihyo worked up and both her and sana used that for their own profit.
"she's going to come." mina tells sana, inching away from jihyo's cock just so she could warn her. "give it to us, baby." she asks jihyo, using her hand to jerk her off while licking the tip.
what it takes is a rougher flick of tongue around her tip and jihyo trembles, shooting her load in mina's mouth. mina gathers it all in her mouth, her slightly wet hand mixed with cum and her own spit moving up and down on jihyo's sensitive length to make her orgasm last longer, only stopping when she feels that jihyo is softening.
sana opens her mouth and mina shares jihyo's load with her, a sight that makes jihyo start to get hard again. "oh god." jihyo says it as low as a whisper, fazed by the dirtiest thing she'd ever seen.
"you look so shocked," mina laughs after swallowing everything up. "how cute."
she straddles jihyo's lap, her own cock hard and leaking. sana knows what comes next and sits besides them, waiting for her turn with jihyo. mina's hand finds jihyo's shaft and she spends a couple of minutes getting it up again, pumping her own cock while she teases jihyo's. soon enough jihyo is hard and ready, moaning softly at the stimulation.
mina gives her something better, letting jihyo's cock prod at her tight ring of muscle and then sink inside. mina lowers herself until jihyo is completely inside of her, moaning when jihyo reaches deep, starting to ride her firmly. jihyo holds mina's waist and with a free hand she strokes mina's thick cock, the tip leaking more each time she feels jihyo poking at her prostate, making her twitch in jihyo's hand.
"fuck, fuck," mina curses, riding jihyo faster, uncaring of jihyo's whines. at that pace she reaches the edge, holding jihyo's hand around her length tightly and humping it as she spills all over her stomach.
"my turn." sana says. she'd been painfully hard as she watched them.
jihyo is still hard and mina is disappointed that she didn't get a load inside of her but she knows there's more later, so she hops off and lets sana take her place.
as sana is already halfway worked, it doesn't take long for her to come. mina pinching her nipples and jerking her off as she uses jihyo are enough to lead her to an orgasm, and it's even more intense when jihyo holds her hips and fucks up into her, breathing heavily and gasping at the tightness of sana's ass. the both of them come together, with jihyo burying herself to the root when she comes, loving to fill her girls up.
sana pulls away from jihyo's lap and falls on the carpet, laying beside jihyo, mina on the other side.
"what a nice way to get warmed up." mina comments with a bit of humor.
"even better than the heater." jihyo replies, the three of them laughing.
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G!p Mina cumming untouched from Sana or Jihyo
Sana has been whispering pure filth into Mina's ear since they got home from their date, and Jihyo keeps mentioning that she bought new underwear she wanted to show off.
Poor Mina just got too excited, that the second she was pulled into a deep, she just feel apart, shivering against Sana's lips. It wasn't until Mina tried to hide her face that she realized what happened.
"Did you..." She trails off, and Mina whines from behind her hands. She can hear Sana explaining to Jihyo what happened, and light laughter. But when her hands are pulled away she's met with warm looks. "I'm surprised and a bit amused. Do you want us to stop?"
Mina shook her head. All she wanted was to get out of her ruined boxers at this point. As if reading her mind, Jihyo made for her pants and began tugging them off her frame, eyes hooded and a look of determination on her face.
"Such a waste." She sighs, as she tugs both Mina's bottoms off, completely exposing her to girlfriends. "But I bet you'll be hard and ready for me by the time I'm done cleaning you up, right, Mina?"
It didn't really sound like a question, and it seems shivers down her spine.
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mina at the end of the mv had me like @_@ it's a good thing i gave up pretending i have a singular solid bias a long time ago
Everyone looked so good but MiSaHyo… they really said “my era bitches” and I love that for them
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misahyo update time! if you haven't caught up on this au, i updated the masterlist for this one (here) so please try to read it in the order it was posted in (at least the misahyo stuff)
tw: anxiety, bullying, anxiety in children
Jihyo sighed as she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket again. While she normally tried to be on top of answering her phone, now was absolutely not the time.
“These are our main components of aspects and form when considering sustainable designs, now as you may remember from the assigned reading last night, we have many other considerations in architectural design…” Jihyo willed the persistent buzzing in her pocket. She never really considered herself an overly anxious person, but she could feel her impatience and irritation slowly raising while she lectured. What if her father was hurt? What if Nico had an asthma attack at school? What if Mina was having a bad day? What if Sana was having an anxiety attack? All these thoughts swirled around Jihyo’s mind as she scribbled on the board. Truthfully, lecturing to a class of thirty completely checked out students was about the last place she wanted to be. But, this was her job. And she had to stay on track with her lesson plans.
She just wished the time would go by faster.
Eventually, the buzzing stopped. At first Jihyo was relieved, but that quickly turned to stress as her thoughts got increasingly darker. What if Nico was in the hospital? Her asthma could be quite severe, especially when she was sick. What if her dad was in the hospital? He had no one else to look out for him, and being more than an hour drive away meant that Jihyo wasn’t able to check in on him as much as she would like. What if Mina was pushed to a breaking point? What if Sana was?
Jihyo just wished the words would come out faster, and wished the time would tick by faster. She just wished to be out in the hallway, lecture done for the day, and checking her caller id for whoever was blowing up her phone with calls.
She holds it together through the rest of her lecture, answering questions as best, and as quickly, as she could. The minute Jihyo answers the last question, she starts gathering her stuff. She immediately grabs her phone out of her pocket, and her heart sinks when she notices the calls have all been from Nico’s school. The thought of Nico getting sick, or hurt, or worse just made her feel even worse. Thankfully, she didn’t have any panicked texts from Mina or Sana, but considering they also had classes at the moment, she expected they also hadn’t had the chance to check their phones.
As she’s processing her call history, another call comes through. She immediately answers it, her anxiety peaking as the line connects.
“Hi, is this Mrs. Park Jihyo?”
“Hi, I’m Lee Seungmin from Sunshine preschool, and I’m calling about an incident your daughter Nico was involved in today.” Nico wasn’t normally the type to act out, so Jihyo was confused at the call. “We would like for you or another parent or guardian to come by as soon as possible to come speak about her behavior and to come pick her up.”
“I can come now, but it should take me about twenty minutes to get there.” Jihyo checked her watch. It was almost one in the afternoon, which meant she had another two hours before her next class. She could cancel it, but she did worry about keeping to the course schedule.
“Okay, perfect. Could you also possibly bring Nico a change of clothes?” Jihyo became even more confused with the question, but given Nico’s age, she chalked it up to a simple spill or mess. Thankfully, she kept a spare outfit for Nico in her car. It had come in handy more than once, and keeping extra clothes around was one of those parenting tips she refused to thank Nayeon for.
“Sure. Talk to you later.” After a pleasant greeting from the other end, Jihyo settled her stuff and set out. It was a bit of a hike to get back to her car, and her mind spent the entire time coming up with possible reasons Nico would be in trouble. While normally a little angel, Nico could get quite grumpy when she was woken up too early in the morning or from a nap. She could also get a little grumpy when she wasn’t allowed to play outside. She could also be a bit antisocial if Jihyo was honest. Her teacher had expressed concern over Nico multiple times, saying she was struggling to form friendships in her class, and that she was quite shy for her age. But, Jihyo’s dad told her that her teachers said the same thing about her at Nico’s age, so she tried not to worry about it too much.
The entire drive to Nico’s school, Jihyo thinks about all the scenarios Nico could have gotten herself into. Nico seemed normal that morning, so that ruled out the sick possibility. Nico had never gotten into any fights before, but Jihyo supposed there was a first time for everything. It could be another child's fault, and Nico could have just gotten caught in the crossfire. Jihyo really hoped that was the case.
When she got there, Jihyo's finds anxiety weighing heavier on her than usual. She always tried to be the calm one in these kinds of situations, tried to be the one Mina and Sana could rely on. But truthfully, she was just happy they weren't here to see her at the moment. She was barely holding herself together, and that was a terrifying feeling.
Jihyo gets quickly ushered into Nico’s classroom the minute she gets there. Nico’s teacher is there, but her daughter, and all the other kids for that matter, are suspiciously absent.
“Hello Mrs. Park, please take a seat.” Jihyo nodded at the instruction, sitting at the only other adult sized chair in the room. “I’m sorry to have to call you like this, but unfortunately, there was a bit of an, incident, today.”
“An incident?”
“Well… It all started when Minji took Nico’s stuffed polar bear she brings from home during playtime.” Jihyo immediately knows this story is not going to have a good ending. “And well, Nico did not take kindly to that. So she asked for it back, and when Minji said no, she tried to take it back. I was dealing with another student at the time, so I didn't notice it until it had already escalated a bit, but they got into a bit of a physical altercation. I could tell Nico wasn't the aggressor, well at least she was being less violent than Minji, but she was trying to fight back and she did push Minji to the ground. This led to Minji retaliating and she got a pretty good scratch before I could separate the two of them. After, I had a talk with both girls to see what happened and while I was talking to the office about calling their parents, Nico somehow ended up in the little pool of water we set out for the demo one of the teachers was going to do for the kids today.” Well, at least that explained the extra clothes. “Anyway, I wasn't personally there to witness what happened, and Minji said she didn't do it. Nico didn't say anything either, but she’s been quiet since the incident earlier.”
“Thank you for letting me know. I’m sorry she acted that way, she’s never done anything like that before.”
“I tried to explain to her that pushing people wasn't nice, and if someone was doing something she didn't like it was best to ask an adult for help, but I think in this particular case, Nico just felt cornered.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well Minji has always been a bit… Mean to Nico.” Oh no, Jihyo thinks, did her three and a half year old already have a bully? “It's never been physical before, and I’ve tried to step in when I see it happening, but I’m not watching every single child all the time, so there could be incidents that happen behind my back.”
“Wow okay, she's never mentioned anything about it at home.” Jihyo sighed.
“It's been a somewhat recent shift. Minji is fairly new to the school.” The teacher explained. “I have talked with her one on one about being mean to Nico, but she had never done anything. to warrant parent involvement until today. Even then, the school's policy states that any child that hurts another must be disciplined. And since Nico pushed Minji…”
“Yeah, I understand.” Jihyo sighed. “So I need to take her home?”
“Yes, that's the policy. She can return tomorrow, but please bring her in a little early so I can have a discussion with her and Minji about today.”
“Sure.” Jihyo nodded.
“I would like to talk to her with your present a little bit before you leave. I had her wait in the hallway, all the other kids are at recess at the current moment. Let me go get her.”
“Of course.”
Jihyo was not prepared for how absolutely wrecked Nico appeared when the teacher brought her in. Her clothes were soaked, and she had a little towel wrapped around herself to keep her from dripping all over the ground. Her arm had a large bandage around it, and she refused to even look at Jihyo. Once the teacher sat her down next to Jihyo, Nico buried her face in her towel, absolutely refusing to look up at either adult.
“Nico, can you please tell your mama what you did today?”
“Was bad.” Nico muttered it so quietly, Jihyo was surprised she was able to hear it. Her teacher certainly didn't.
“Nico, can you please look at adults when they are talking to you?” Nico nodded, burying herself further into her towel. Jihyo wasn't sure if it was her mom senses, or just a general understanding of how people act when they are upset, but she was immediately alarmed with Nico’s behavior. Nico had never acted like that, even when she was mad or upset, she never refused to look at them. “Nico…”
“Hey buddy.” Jihyo rested one hand on Nico’s back, whispering to her daughter. Nico was trembling under her hand. Jihyo felt the alarm bells get even louder. “Nico, sweetie, it's okay. We just want to talk.” Nico’s shaking got worse, and Jihyo could hear barely contained sobs from her daughter. “I think it's best if I take her home right now.” Jihyo addressed Nico’s teacher, who seemed to have noticed Nico’s distress.
“Yes, I… Do think that's a good idea.” The teacher nodded. “Nico, we can talk tomorrow.” Nico stayed in her little cocoon while Jihyo went to collect her stuff. Once she had Nico’s belongings, she addressed her daughter.
“Nico, it's time to go home.”
“Don't wanna.” Nico mumbled.
“You don't want to?”
“M’ gonna be in trouble.”
“Well maybe a little bit, but not until you are feeling a little bit better.” Jihyo knew she could just pick Nico up and carry her home, but she was scared that would cause Nico to get even worse. “Right now, I promise you won't be in trouble.” Nico didn't say anything, but opened herself up enough to take Jihyo's hand. Jihyo led her first to the bathroom, changing Nico out of her wet clothes as quickly as possible. She left the towel with the other dirty ones, and when she turned back to Nico she had pulled her sweater over her face. Jihyo didn't say anything more, taking Nico’s hand again and guiding her out of the school. Once they are in the car, Nico curls into her car seat, her sweater still on her face as Jihyo starts off home.
Truthfully, she has no idea how to handle this. Nico being unresponsive was new, and she seemed genuinely terrified of something. Whether that was punishment, or her parents, or Minji, Jihyo wasn't sure.
What she was sure of was that something was very very wrong.
When she gets home, Sana and Mina’s cars are both there. She's surprised to say the least, but she guessed they had also gotten calls from Nico’s school.
“Alright buddy, we're home.” Jihyo unbuckled Nico as best she could, gently picking her up to carry her inside. Nico didn't seem angry about it, but she didn't say anything to Jihyo as she carried her inside.
Mina and Sana are both on the couch, worry spelled across their faces. It only intensifies when they see Jihyo.
“Nico?” Sana ran up to them the minute she spotted them. Jihyo could tell she also sensed something was wrong. Mina was right behind her, her beautiful face marred with worry and dark circles. “What happened? Is she hurt? Why is there a bandage on her arm?”
Nico started shaking again as Sana talked. Jihyo’s heart sinks when she realizes they are at least a partial cause in Nico’s distress.
“She’s going to be okay. There was a little incident at school today.” Jihyo made a mental note to explain the situation more later, when Nico wasn't shaking in her arms. “Nico, you aren't in trouble. You can come out now.”
“No!” Nico buried herself further in her sweater.
“Sweetie, are you scared we are going to be mad at you? Cause we’re not, I promise.” Sana gently rubbed Nico’s arm.
“Nico, we just want to help you feel better.” Jihyo added to Sana’s comment.
“I was a bad girl.” Nico muttered. “I was bad and now mommy mama and ka-san and going to get rid of me.”
“What?” Jihyo feels her heart shatter at Nico’s statement. She absolutely never wanted Nico to feel unwanted, and the fact it was coming from them made it even worse. She watched Sana’s face fall, and she could feel Mina tense next to her. “Nico, we are never going to get rid of you.”
“Yes you are.” Nico muttered. “Mommy, mama, and ka-san have a lot, Auntie Momo told me that you guys are busy and I have to be good, and I wasn’t good. I was bad. So I have to go away.” Nico cried. Jihyo heard her breathing get shallower, and immediately handed Nico’s backpack hanging on her arm to Mina. Mina immediately understood, digging into Nico’s backpack for her inhaler.
“Nico, please take a deep breath. We are not going to get rid of you.” Jihyo gently pulled on Nico’s sweater, trying to get her to pop her head out so she could get more air, but Nico resisted.
“Nico please, just look at us.” Sana rested one hand on Nico’s arm, just trying to comfort her. “We would never get rid of you.” Sana’s tone was extremely serious. Jihyo rarely heard her wife that serious, and she was sure Nico wasn't used to it either.
“Even when I’m bad.”
“Yes Nico, even when you are bad.” Jihyo responded.
“We’ve never even thought about it.” Mina added, holding Nico’s inhaler in one hand, tensing when Nico started coughing. When Jihyo tried to pull Nico’s sweater down a second time, she didn't resist. Her face was a mess of tears, and her breathing was shallow, but Jihyo, and she suspected her wives as well, poured all of their love towards Nico.
“We will never ever in one million years get rid of you.” Sana whispered, gently kissing Nico’s forehead. “We love you so much, we will always, always be here for you.”
“Take some deep breaths okay?” Jihyo whispered as Mina moved closer, Nico’s inhaler in one hand. Nico struggled with her breath, tears trickling down her cheeks. Mina moved Nico’s inhaler closer, and the little girl immediately opened her mouth.
“In.” Mina whispered. Nico did as instructed as Mina used her inhaler. None of them could speak as Nico slowly got a better grip on her breathing. Jihyo didn’t know what to say, what to do. All she really felt like was a failure. As a parent, her main job was making sure Nico was safe, healthy, and knew how loved she was. Jihyo felt like she had failed at that. Here her daughter was, panicking that they were going to get rid of her over some minor dispute.
They were all silent as Nico slowly became even again. Jihyo moved them all over to the couch, rubbing a hand on Nico’s back as she slowly calmed down. Once Nico was calm, she laid against Jihyo, utter exhaustion written all over her face.
“Baby, I know your tired, but we just want to know so we can tell them how wrong they were, who told you we would get rid of you?” Sana whispered as she gently drew circles on Nico’s back.
“Minji was telling us that her brother was bad, so her parents had to get rid of him. And she told me that if I was bad, mommy, mama, and ka-san would want to get rid of me too.” Nico explained. “And since mommy, mama, and ka-san are busy, they don't have time to punish me so they are gonna get rid of me if I’m bad.”
“Oh baby.” Sana had a heartbroken look on her face as she tried to comfort Nico. Jihyo felt just about the same. “We are never ever going to be too busy for you. And we would never want to get rid of you.”
“Never ever?”
“Never ever.” Sana confirmed. Nico nodded, seemingly comforted by the reassurance and she settled into Jihyo’s arm. “Why don't you take a little nap, and we can have katsu curry when you wake up.” Nico nodded, her head resting against Jihyo’s shoulder as her eyes closed. It wasn't long until she was asleep, and Jihyo carefully carried her to her bed. Once Nico was settled into bed, Jihyo gave her a kiss to the forehead before leaving to go talk to her wives.
“That was rough.” Sana was the first one to speak up, her head curled into Jihyo’s side as Jihyo wrapped one of her arms around Sana and the other around Mina.
“Your telling me.” Jihyo muttered.
“I-I had no idea she felt like that.” Mina muttered. “Did we do something wrong to make her feel that way.” Jihyo knew Mina well enough to know the unspoken follow up question to that. Did I do something wrong?
“No, I think this Minji girl was the one who got the idea into her head.” Jihyo reassured.
“It does expose some greater issues though…” Sana trailed off. “Well, first, I think we need to take Nico to a therapist. Her reaction was, rough to say the least. It was like she was terrified of us. And while she's always been a sweet girl, I think she has a fear of punishment in general, like worse than most kids. The second is, we need to spend more time with her. Maybe she would have told us about Minji before if we had been around her more often.” That is easier said than done Jihyo internally added to Sana’s statement. She had spent plenty of time with Nico, and she had never mentioned Minji. But, then spending more time with their child was always going to be a good thing. She just hoped Mina and Sana don't start forcing themselves to spend time with Nico when they aren't emotionally ready.
“I do agree about the therapy.” Jihyo left her thought about spending time with Nico out for the time being. Her feelings were too complicated to talk about that at the current moment. “I can ask Nayeon Unnie who they sent the twins and Zumi to. I know they had a lot of success, especially with Jae. I know they were all around Nico’s age when they started.”
“Sounds good.” Sana cuddled closer to Nico. “And Mitang?” Mina looked at Sana at the question. “You did absolutely nothing wrong. Do not blame yourself for this.” Sana spoke before Jihyo could, and all she did was gently squeeze Mina to show her agreement. Tears came to Mina’s eyes as she cuddled closer to Jihyo. “Thank you…” Mina muttered.
“We love you Mitang.” Sana kissed Mina’s hand, holding it across Jihyo’s stomach.
“I love you too Satang, Hyo.” Jihyo smiled, kissing Mina’s head before Sana whined. Jihyo tried to give her the same, but Sana jerked her head up for a kiss on the lips, though it landed more on her cheek. Sana giggled, before moving for a proper kiss. Jihyo pulled away before she could get her tongue in.
“Hornball.” Jihyo teased. “Nico could wake up at any minute and here you are, trying to slip some tongue into an innocent kiss.”
“Guilty as charged.” Sana had a devilish grin on her face. “You know I can't help myself when you are all dressed up for work.”
“Well, save your horiness for later.” Jihyo gently pinched Sana’s nose, causing Mina to erupt into laughs beside her at the interaction. “We have a special dinner to make for a special girl.”
“Boo, you know I’m banned from the kitchen.” Sana poured. “Mitang you want to come upstairs to help me grab… Something?”
“Nope. Not falling for that one.” Mina grinned at Sana, giggling even more as Sana’s kisses started trailing up her arm. “Hey, come on. I’ll temporarily lift your kitchen ban.”
“Really?” Sana asked excitedly. “I get to help Mitang and HyoHyo cook?”
“As long as you don't call me HyoHyo.” Jihyo muttered. “Come on, we have to hurry if we want to be done by the time she gets up.”
After a nice dinner, and a long night of reassuring Nico how loved she was, Jihyo finds herself alone on the balcony. For all Sana’s bravado earlier, she fell asleep quite quickly after Nico is asleep. Mina wasn't far behind her, and while Jihyo had laid with them as they fell asleep, she found herself unable to join them. It was already late, almost midnight as she sat on the freezing cold balcony bundled in her parka, but looking at the night sky was calming her mind, at least a little bit. She was also calmed by the single can of beer she had brought with. She wasn't one for drinking her sorrows away, but she did enjoy a nice drink from time to time.
Jihyo knew the alcohol was the only chance she had at getting to sleep.
She honestly wasn't sure what possessed her to pick up her phone, but she finds herself holding her phone to her ear while the other line rings. She can feel her nerves building, and half of her is tempted to hang up before the other had a chance to answer, but instead she found herself stuck listening to the ringing sound.
Just as she was about to give up, the line connected.
“Jihyo?” Nayeon's voice was quiet, Jihyo’s guessing she was in bed already. “What could possibly need right now?”
“Hey Unnie, could we possibly meet up tomorrow, to… Talk?” Jihyo tried to convey the seriousness of her tone. Nayeon would understand her. She knew she would.
“Is something wrong?” Nayeon’s voice took on a concerned tone. “Do you need me to come over now?”
“No.” Jihyo sighed. “No, we can do this tomorrow with Jeongyeon Unnie.”
“Okay.” Nayeon seemed reassuring. “Yeah, how about lunch tomorrow? I’ll get Jeongyeon to come.”
“Sounds great.” Jihyo nodded. “I’ll see you then?”
“See you.” As the line disconnected, Jihyo stared at the night sky. She had no idea how much longer they could all last like this, but it seemed like the cracks were already starting to show.
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Did you see the GQ interview where they said Mina should star in a horror movie, with Nayeon saying that the twist is that Mina is the killer? I think Twice would be all for your ghostface au, too!
Your Twice band au reminds me of Fleetwood Mac and all the behind the scenes drama they went through making the masterpiece that is Rumours. As a Fleetwood Mac fan, I'm all for this idea!
But...I'm an even bigger Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan, so option 2 is it for me. So...would Jihyo and Mina go down the Buffy and Angel path of falling in love? Is Sana solely interested in stopping Jihyo from killing Mina to save her empire and herself, or is there some love still there for Mina (you said her love took a backseat, not that it went away entirely)? Could there be a juicy love triangle? Haha. All I know is that Sana sounds scary as hell. Would Jihyo have a Scooby Gang to support her? I hope so, I don't like the idea of her only having a Watcher and having no other support system. :( I could definitely see Nayeon and Jeongyeon as Cordelia and Xander. Bickering all the time but that sexual tension is lingering under the surface.
You have so many great story ideas that I don't think you could go wrong with any of your options.
omg i literally saw that the other day! i love that twice are accidentally pushing my ghostface!minayeon agenda. nayeon was actually just trying to spoil the fact i’m directing the next scream movie where i hire mina to be ghostface.
daisy jones & the six was actually based off of fleetwood mac so technically so is the band au! since you’re a fleetwood mac fan i 1000% recommend you check out daisy jones & the six. the show is pretty good if you haven’t read the book. but i would suggest you listen to the audiobook, it’s relatively short but god it’s soooooo good. it’s about a band from the 70′s who becomes super successful and then splits up after their tour and for 40 years they don’t speak about the group until someone makes a documentary. there’s a lot of drama, sexual tension, and drugs. it’s super fun! plus the characters are *chefs kiss*. like i really can’t recommend this story enough!
i love buffy too! it’s such a phenomenal show, i just re-watched it not too long ago and thought it would be cool to make a crossover with the vampire diaries universe. hence, this fic idea! you might be onto a few things *cough* love triangle *cough* i’m really considering writing this since people seem to be on board with the idea! i’m not sure how much i should give away right now. in case some people want the direction of the story and the characters motivations and stuff to be a surprise! so what i will say is humanity is unpredictable and love can make people do a lot of things :) i was contemplating adding a little slayer gang to the mix! since she started her journey as the slayer so young, she didn’t really have too much time to make friends or get to be a normal teen. plus, with her always being thrown into dangerous situations it would be hard to have friends. knowing that your presence will attract danger to them no matter how hard you try to protect them from it. but it really would be cruel to make her go through the motions (get it?? i made myself giggle) of being a slayer by herself. so maybe the watcher recruits some novice vampire hunters (aka 2yeon) to help them out.
and thank you so much!! i appreciate that you think so 😭 these are like several ideas i’ve come up with over the years but i’ve never actually gotten around to writing since i’m not a very strong writer. but i’m trying to develop my writing skills so hopefully this will help and these stories turn out decent!
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this makes me sob like someone hold me back...
the way jihyo is always portrayed as the strong one (i mean, dont get me wrong, I get why she is always portrayed like that, she is the leader and everything)
but I have the feeling people shoud talk more about the way she is emotional too, not a robot who comforts the other twice members without crying
this kinda reminds me of a draft i wrote ages ago where jihyo was more emotional and everything
im yapping again sorry pookie but lmk your thoughts!!!
omg daddy issues by the neighbourhood used to make me emo so bad and now it's doing it again 😭😭😭
also yes!!! gentle sensitive emotional hyo 😞 this is one of the reasons I love sahyo so much! a lot of sahyo fics write hyo through a softer lense and it's very endearing to see leaders (in any group rlly!) get babied :(
though I also love when fics involve the process of slowly chipping away at her hard exterior </3 but I'm happy to say that I think the old days of hyo being the designated "straight + single friend" in every fic is over omg 🫂🫂🫂
if you want a soft misahyo fic where hyo gets babied a lot... here's pick your poison, love on ao3 🫠
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That anon has some point for bringing up misahyo, endless babying to mina
And she would rightfully deserve it
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can't see clearly when you're gone
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3iIjGWE
by nightraid
"Are you okay, Sana?"
There are tears on her cheeks that Jihyo wipes at.
"I don't think so." Sana replies. It's more like a question.
As a response, Jihyo kisses her forehead, smiles, then she's gone.
Words: 1062, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: TWICE (Band), Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F
Characters: Minatozaki Sana, Park Jisoo | Jihyo, Myoui Mina, Kim Taehyung | V, Park Jimin (BTS), Kang Seulgi, Kim Chungha, Bae Joohyun | Irene, Monokuma (Dangan Ronpa)
Relationships: Minatozaki Sana/Park Jisoo | Jihyo
Additional Tags: Danganronpa AU, sahyo, slight misana, Character Death, Mention of Murders, brief scene where someone gets a knife stabbed on them, only misahyo speak here, the others are just mentioned, angst i think, The Tragedy of Hope's Peak Academy, sana centric, so dont expect lots of sahyo
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3iIjGWE
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get to know me 2023
it seems like there are a lot of newer people to my blog and it has been a while since i have done anything like this so i thought i might be good to kind of re-introduce myself a little bit!! also if you guys want to send in anything i love getting to know you guys too 💕
name: mia
age: i'm 21
pronouns: she/her
favorite color: pink 🩰🌸🎀💕
twice bias: sana 💟
bias wrecker: nayeon/mina (lately though i've been really into jihyo)
favorite twice song: talk that talk
favorite b side: crazy stupid love
favorite twice ship: i like too many 😭😭 i'll just list each of my favorite from each person
nayeon: sanayeon
jeongyeon: either sajeong or 2yeon
momo: namo or dahmo
sana: misana or sahyo
jihyo: sahyo
mina: misana
dahyun: dahmo or dubchaeng
chaeyoung: chaetzu
tzuyu: chaetzu
favorite genre to write: either angst or hurt/comfort
favorite work i've written: to love.
favorite fic: my thoughts on you by minirainbow
favorite au atm: picking a favorite au is like picking a favorite child and i definitely do not have one (its misahyo)
goal of mine: fix the navigation on my blog + update my aus
favorite twice memory: seeing them in la this june!
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sorry i've been gone for a bit, it's been a crazy semester 😵💫😵💫😵💫 i have a break this week though (finally i swearrrr) so hopefully i can finish up some posts! here's what to expect in the next two weeks (hopefully)
baby sai + misatzu little picnic (mina centric) (here)
misahyo update
completed angst fic!
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this is very short but this is just to set up some future stuff for the misahyo au and to keep the timeline from completely dying off :( . hope you guys are okay with this au like taking over, it's the first au that pops into my mind tbh anyway enjoy!
“Hey.” Sana barely even looked up when she heard Momo’s voice. She really should be more concerned about how she has no memory of Momo coming over, but she was so used to Momo in her life she didn’t bother pulling her attention away from the drawer she was intently staring at. “What are you doing?” “Huh?” Sana broke out of her trance to look at Momo.
“Oh nothing.” Sana nodded quickly, another wave of nausea hitting her as she thought about what she had just shoved in the drawer. “What are you doing here?” “A friend can’t have a friendly visit?” Momo joked. “No, I just… Wanted to see how you were doing.” “You know Mina is making dinner don’t you?” “No!” Momo protested, her face relaxing when Sana glared at her. “Fine. Nico told me Mina was making Katsu Curry and the kids and Nayeon are all out, so I’m going a bit crazy.” “Nico told you?” “When I picked her up from school?” Momo filled in. “Did you forget about that?” “Oh right, right.” Sana nodded quickly, trying desperately to calm her heart rate. “Anyway, Mina isn’t even home yet.” “I know. I texted her to let her know I would be here, to make sure there was enough food you know? Anyway, that somehow turned into her convincing me to do ingredient prep for her.” Momo sighed. “Wasn’t expecting to see you waging a war with one of your drawers.” “I told you, it’s nothing. It’s just a drawer.” Sana rolled her eyes. “If you say so.” Momo giggled, moving to the kitchen and quickly tying her hair back. Sana moved to sit down at the breakfast bar attached to the kitchen, her brain still somewhat focused on the content of their “mail” drawer. It wasn’t officially a mailbox, far from it. But anytime they had mail, it had a way of ending up there. “What are you thinking about kiddo?” “You are one month older than me.” Sana rolled her eyes. “And what’s your point?” Momo joked, taking out some vegetables from the fridge.
“Nothing.” Sana sighed. “I know you called me that when we were little and I was smaller than you, but I’m taller now.”
“A fact I refuse to accept.” Momo moved to get out a cutting board as well as some bowls and all Sana could do was stare in awe, the fact Momo might know her kitchen better than her was honestly terrifying. “Seriously, did anything happen?”
“No.” Sana could almost see how much Momo refused to take her lie. “It’s really fine.”
“Well then, why don’t you make yourself useful?”
“I’m banned from the kitchen.”
“I’ll supervise.” Momo giggled. “Come on, we are making your family dinner.”
“Fine, fine.” Sana rolled her eyes, but still moved to help her longest friend. Truthfully, she just hoped it helped keep her mind off of the drawer.
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