rosykims · 2 years
i just had the stupidest most aggravating dream of my life are u kidding.. i dreamt i went to go see the new smile movie bc it looked goofy and scary right. and when i finally sat down in theatres to watch it i discovered that it was actually just the very poorly marketed filmè conclusion of succession ?????? like it wasnt even a horror movie starring caitlin stasey it was just worst timeline succession where kendall ends up having a mental breakdown and logan convinces the rest of the kids hes dead weight and has him institutionalized??????? and the rest of the movie was from kendalls pov in a hospital Forever so u never actually find out what happens bc ig his family members just moved on???????? and then i left the theatre and checked tumblr and quite literally all of u bitches were making mental illness webweaves and girlboss slayqueen gifsets abt it bc u all loved it w zero criticisms and it was super well recieved and and i was the ONLY person who hated the movie and when i ranted abt it my post got 0 notes. then i logged off. and woke up. morning.
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More Mechs mythology references that might not be totally obvious:
The Dolorous Guard was a castle that Lancelot captured (and un-cursed it, I believe?) made his home, renaming it the Joyous Guard (as it is referenced in 'The Lovers').
"And as the weary hound, once more at its master’s feet after so long, lays down with the sunlight warning its fur, breathing its last – even so did the eyes of Ulysses close forever." = Argos the hound in Book 17 of the Odyssey, dying once he sees his master returned safely.
Galahad's "siege seat" = the Siege Perilous
In the background of 'The Hierophant' and Hellfire, TS's mad whisper chanting is (much more audible in the debut live recording than the album) a stanza from Alfred Lord Tennyson's "Idylls of the King":
'Then came a year of miracle: O brother,
In our great hall there stood a vacant chair,
Fashioned by Merlin ere he past away,
And carven with strange figures; and in and out
The figures, like a serpent, ran a scroll
Of letters in a tongue no man could read.
And Merlin called it "The Siege perilous,"
Perilous for good and ill; "for there," he said,
"No man could sit but he should lose himself:"
And once by misadvertence Merlin sat
In his own chair, and so was lost; but he,
Galahad, when he heard of Merlin's doom,
Cried, "If I lose myself, I save myself!"
Inspector 2nd class Lyfrassir Edda takes their last name from the Prose Edda and the Poetic Edda, the two collections from which we get a lot of modern Norse mythology. First name? No idea, someone let me know if you know.
Capt Joseph Robert Mathea > Joseph R Mathea > Joseph of Arimathea, who in medieval Arthurian legend originally brought the holy grail to Britain.
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carrion-art · 2 years
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text under the cut lol
The hierophant:
Then came a year of miracle: O brother, In our great hall there stood a vacant chair, Fashioned by Merlin ere he past away, And carven with strange figures; and in and out The figures, like a serpent, ran a scroll Of letters in a tongue no man could read. And Merlin called it "The Siege perilous," Perilous for good and ill; "for there," he said,
Hellfire: "No man could sit but he should lose himself:" And once by misadvertence Merlin sat In his own chair, and so was lost; but he, Galahad, when he heard of Merlin's doom, Cried, "If I lose myself, I save myself!
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Then came a year of miracle: O brother,
In our great hall there stood a vacant chair,
Fashioned by Merlin ere he past away,
And carven with strange figures; and in and out
The figures, like a serpent, ran a scroll
Of letters in a tongue no man could read.
And Merlin called it ‘The Siege perilous,’
Perilous for good and ill; ‘for there’" he said,
‘No man could sit but he should lose himself:’
And once by misadvertence Merlin sat
In his own chair, and so was lost; but he,
Galahad, when he heard of Merlin's doom,
Cried, ‘If I lose myself, I save myself!’
The Holy Grail by Alfred Tennyson
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granulesofsand · 1 year
We feel a bit of a draw to RAMCOA topics for unknown reasons, but as far as we know, there's been absolutely no RAMCOA in our past. Is it disrespectful for us to learn about RAMCOA topics anyway? Should we be careful?
Outside Looking In
Learning is not disrespectful in itself, but you& do have to mind the gap of learned vs lived experience. I’ll talk more about making your learning safe for yourself and others.
Your& Safety
Reading about RAMCOA is hard. You are required to practice cognitive empathy as you go, regardless of whether this comes easily to you. Starting out floods you with new information, some of which will contradict preexisting worldviews. There will be triggers, confusion, and exhaustion.
Some resources are inclusive towards onlookers, others are intended for survivors or their supports. Oftentimes, both extreme* and regular** abuse will be mentioned. Not every graphic description will be marked, and this can be more pronounced in cases of household abuse. Substance use and violence come up frequently.
(*extreme: Big Bads that are commonly acknowledged as horrific, sometimes even too bad to believe— think trafficking, torture, community involvement)
(**regular: traumas that may or may not be acknowledged, often shoved away as without evidence or as a cultural norm— SA, hitting, religious but not ritual abuse)
Books aimed towards survivors may boost up RAMCOA as so much worse than other abuse. This is usually because RAMCOA is known to be creative, cruel, calculated. Not every RAMCOA survivor has it worse than other survivors, but the assumption is that they do.
Others’ Safety
Resources are often created by either support teams or survivors, and there is a difference in tone and intensity. While professionals are often cold or disbelieving, survivors may not have processed everything before writing. (There are non-book resources, but they’re not as common outside of peer support groups.)
It’s important not to make judgments about survivor stories, even with strange themes. This is because our community is frequently shunned, and calling attention to us will only bring harm. It’s akin to calling the police for psychosis; they don’t know how to help, they don’t want to know, and they will assume the worst of us.
That said, you should be exercising critical thought when you engage with any media. Survivor accounts may feature worldwide cults and conspiracies, among others. Some rumors are spread by high control groups, others by survivors who are brought into other high control groups under the guise of healing.
Common problems with these rumors include racism, ableism, and colonization. Some have seeds of truth, others are wildly far fetched, and it’s not typically clear which is which. A good frame of reference is to remember that healing is different for everyone, and that causing harm is not acceptable without careful consideration.
Sometimes this looks like world domination plots with truth in group organization and control methods. It may be a claim that RA can only be stopped by turning to God, or by causing a genocide to eliminate an “offending” group (socioeconomic or racial/ethnic minority).
If you run into something you disbelieve, try talking to a support friend, a therapist, a survivor you feel comfortable with. Not all resources are safe, and going over it with someone who won’t assume one way or another can be helpful.
Lastly, don’t assume you know more than a survivor. Some folks really have no background besides childhood memories, but others have put in exorbitant amounts of research and effort. Both still have lived experience, and no one besides their chosen professional should be interpreting their own story.
Last Thoughts
It is okay to step away, including forever, if it becomes too much. Survivors here and on other platforms have accumulated information to share if you know where to look. You can have a place with the community so long as you don’t misadvertize. I hope I answered your question, please come back with anything else.
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goose-books · 4 years
so what’s the deal with valentine van velt?
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great question. their parents and teachers ask this also. anyway this post is to explain why i have a project that i never made a fancy intro post for. also to make you look at my art
what is it?
it’s a book! well, a book in progress. by yours truly max gooseboy.
there’s a little blurb over here, but in short: it’s about four days in the life of a very annoying, very unhappy teenager named valentine. (that’s the little bastard you see above.) the story’s told in a mixture of first and second person - it’s narrated by a self-admittedly unreliable patient in an OCD program, talking to a “you” that is valentine themself.
...i will admit in my head i’ve taken to calling it “holden caulfield goes to exposure therapy”
why are you so vague about it all the time?
primarily because the target audience is, and always has been, me.
my other projects are much easier to talk about, because they have fun taglines and they are fundamentally what they claim to be on the tin. plus i do genuinely think other people will like them! i am excited to share them with the world! so VVVID is my weird baby in that it’s rather unorthodox and written for an ideal audience of Me.
i hate to call it slice-of-life, because that term tends to have a peaceful fluffy connotation and this is… definitely not that. but it is a winding and strange little story. the unreliability of the narrator is a plot point. i have held off on making some kind of Flashy Cool Please-Reblog-This Intro Post™ for this project because i don’t want to promise something i am not going to deliver on! i don’t want people thinking i’m going to offer a stunning murder mystery (did valentine even get murdered? god knows) or a tearjerking found family story when what am i really offering is… a twisty little thing about mental health, mostly.
plus there are substantial bits that are… very overtly based off of my experiences with mental health. and i do not want people seeing a post about it and thinking that i have come to write Groundbreaking Ownvoices Fiction About Mental Illness when i am writing about me and my experience specifically, if that makes sense. and like... i dunno man i genuinely don’t know if other people on the planet will enjoy this thing! i don’t know if it is going to be objectively “good”! but i sure am going to create it anyway! it is a gift to myself!
but if you don’t want people to see it, why are you posting about it?
i don’t not want people to see it! i’m not saying, “too bad if you want to see it someday, you can’t, it is locked in a box at the bottom of a trench and only i have the key.” i just don’t want to misadvertize :> but i do like to talk about the things i am working on and i definitely want to be able to open the text post creator and complain about / dunk on valentine for being incredibly annoying and difficult to write. so. here we are
what is your plan for it, if not to lock it in a box and throw it down a trench?
this is a great question! i do not know! i’m in the home stretch here (if i actually sit down and Do It i’ll have it finished in a week, knock on wood) and after i finish the first draft i’m switching focus to nanowrimo prep lmao. and after that... perhaps i will write a second valentine draft. perhaps i will stick it back into the files to come back to in the distant future. perhaps i will polish it up and put it on the internet for the, like, two people who have expressed interest. who’s to say. who’s to say.
“max i would like to hear more about this”
my askbox is open!
“max i think literally all of your other projects sound more interesting never talk about this again”
my askbox is open for you to say this to me also!
“max i want that twink (valentine) obliterated”
[revving my car engine] don’t worry it’s happening
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eenefangirlanalysis · 6 years
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“Is that a hot air balloon?” Jonny asks. apparently he has been observing the Eds from the side. 
Last month we all came to the conclusion that although Jonny self proclaims himself to be a loner he still yearns for companionship. He wants others to understand him, especially the Eds who he was once friends with. He could have been a fourth Ed.
He hands around and pesters the Eds a lot. He just wants to be noticed.
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Eddy gives Jonny a cold shoulder.
What’s-it-to-Yah Fish from Spongebob: What’s it to yah?!
It’s interesting how Eddy briefly forgets about the scam life. He likes whenever he has the chance to be a kid and play around with his friends.
Eddy takes full advantage of cartoon physics to rescue Ed. You won’t always be able to. Eddy denies that he will ever grow up fearing the adult world. He wants to stay a kid.
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Side Note: It should have been a running gag where Eddy’s lightbulb burns out and he has to tap it to get it to work again. 
As much as Eddy always copied off from Bro this is Eddy’s own sly face.
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“Why of course it is, Jonny my boy. One seat left for the trip of a lifetime."
Eddy would make a great game show host.
I love everyone’s facial expression in this screenshot. Jonny like, ’uh oh, now what?’ And Ed... just being Ed who has a lot of souvenirs in his pocket.
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“You’re so full of it, Eddy.”
Oh wow, Jonny. Harsh. Does Jonny like Eddy? Eddy tossed him aside like he was nothing. He is sickened by Eddy’s scams and is the only person to ever stand up to him. Jonny must have a different perspective of each kid in the cul-de-sac. There is a much different Jonny that he is not showcasing to the audience.
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As Eddy makes his price he misadvertently lets go of Ed who flies away.
Aw, look at Ed! He looks so worried.
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Edd is adorable.
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“Hey! Cough up you freeloader!”
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Ed takes hold of Eddy’s arms taking him along for the ride.
And here folks is the real Eddy. He tends to shy away from danger or the unexpected. Eddy also dislikes when his personal bubble is intruded. The way Ed grabs Eddy and by Eddy’s reaction it’s likely that a bad memory has been triggered from his life with Bro. 
The only information we’ll ever know about Bro is during his five minutes of screentime. We can gather up little pieces of information that Eddy has mentioned over time, but he admitted that everything was a lie. Did Bro ever hurt Eddy to the point where he broke a bone?
Everyone knows Eddy’s happy leg, right? My theory is that this is the leg Bro violently twisted. To hide that he a has a limp Eddy has that ‘cool walk’ where he sways from side to side. And then he balances on one leg lifting the other in the air.
Eddy is hiding from his past.
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Ed’s intention is only to bring Eddy along for the ride. He sticks up right into the bubblegum.
Eddy looks uncomfortable. Eddy is also somewhat of a neat freak, but not as much as Edd. He likes things to be orderly. There was an analysis that came up asking the question on why Eddy would take a shower when he got up in A Twist of Ed. He wants to have good hygiene. 
He is easily turned off by Ed’s body odor and even the moldy cheese he carried around Thick as an Ed. I’m always intrigued from when Eddy wipes his hand on his clothes and then sniffs it to make sure his hands doesn’t smell bad. He cares about his person. 
That also says a lot seeing how Eddy doesn’t like himself. He cares more about his outer appearance then inner who he’s fighting a constant battle with. He didn’t mind transforming into Carl, although he changed different parts of his face, such as his beak. Eddy is such a great character to analyze as there is never one answer. He cares about himself to some extent.
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Edd calls out to stay calm. He even orders for the three not to make any sudden movements. Edd says this line quite often, but mostly it’s memorable in the quicksand scene of Big Picture Show.
He also briefly chastises himself for his inventive ways. Edd’s parents have negatively affected him along with the dodgeball incident. He never received proper mental help. We are to assume that his parents must have forced the pedal steel guitar on him. Edd is amazing at this instrument, but it never made him happy or gave him the peace he needed after the incident. His parents won’t talk to him. Edd doesn’t know how to talk about the situation fearing it will drive people away from him. So he bottles it up letting it mess up his mind.
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Jonny challenges Plank to a race.
The episode is linked to Once Upon an Ed. Jonny also raced Plank to bed.
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“How bout giving me a break once in while, speedy?" 
Jonny can’t win at these races. 
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