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normanblogs · 2 years ago
Binibining Pilipinas 2023: My Final Predictions
With only two (2) titles at stake (unless a surprise crown is announced at the last-crowning-minute), it leaves me with a sad heart accepting the fact that the casualty rate for Binibining Pilipinas 2023 is higher than all editions of previous years. But instead of dwelling on the feeling of discontent, I opt to look at the silver lining of future possibilities and anticipate new pageant…
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onedaytripin · 8 months ago
Mirjan Fort, Gokarna: Best Historic Marvel Amidst Coastal Beauty
Mirjan Fort, located near Gokarna in Karnataka, stands as a testament to the region’s rich history and architectural prowess. This detailed guide provides an overview of Mirjan Fort, covering its location, timings, entry details, transportation options, activities, nearby attractions, significance, history, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and a conclusion. One Day Gokarna Sightseeing Trip –…
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conandaily2022 · 2 years ago
Bb. Pilipinas 2023 predictions: Angelica Lopez, Sofia Lopez Galve, Trisha Martinez, Anna Lakrini, Mirjan Hipolito
The Binibining Pilipinas 2023 coronation night will be held at the Smart Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines on May 28, 2023. It is the 59th edition of the national beauty pageant that selects the Philippines’ Miss International and The Miss Globe candidates.
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shy-girl04 · 10 months ago
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Photographer - Mirjan on Flickr https://flic.kr/p/cFPFGo
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lovingdreameryouth · 19 days ago
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It is the time of rain and snow I spend sleepless nights And watch the frost Frail as your love Gathers in the dawn.
It is the time of rain and snow by Izumi Shikibu
From Written on the Sky: Poems from the Japanese, translated by Kenneth Rexroth.
photo: by mirjan 
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appareance · 1 year ago
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by mirjan
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enkeliseepra · 9 months ago
Näin edellisenä yönä unta jossa olin kukkaniityllä ja mietin kuinka lyhykäinen ihmiselämä on universumissa. Nousin aamulla sängystä, otin aamulääkkeeni, nautin aamiaista, harjasin hampaani, hoidin joka- aamuisen kauneudenhoitorutiinin, ja rasvasin ihoni. Pukeuduin. Lähdimme Elisen kanssa Kohtaukseen, kävimme ensin Mäkkärissä josta minä ostin kinuski- sundaen. Perillä Kohtauksessa oli myös Marjut, Anton, ja Mirette. Elisen lähdettyä minä ja muut kehvelit menimme Elisalle. Jani, Mixu, Johanna, ja Teemu tulivat myös sinne. Tänäänhän oli Elisan ja Caritan virallinen syntymäpäivä, Elisa täytti 36 ja Carita 33. Tänään on myös minun nimipäiväni, samaten kuin Mireten ja isänäitini Mirjan. Lähdin ajoissa, ja matkustin junalla kotiini. Perillä Elise tuli avaamaan, menimme yhdessä käymään kaupassa. Ostin käsidesiä, käsisaippuaa, nenäliinoja, ja vessanpöntön puhdistusainetta. Ostin samalla yhdelle kaverilleni onnittelukortin. Palasimme kotiini. Laitoin tavarat paikoilleen, ja otin iltalääkkeeni. Harjasin hammasvälini ja hampaani ja hoidin jokailtaisen kauneudenhoitorutiinin, enää pitää rasvata iho ja sitten menen hakemaan pyykit alakerran kuivaushuoneesta. Huomenna siivoan kotini; vien roskat kierrätykseen, puleeraan vessanpöntön, ja vaihdan minipyyhkeet. Menen Elisen kanssa käymään luontopolulla, sitten saatan hänet junaan. Illalla Riikka tulee käymään luonani maksaakseen velkansa minulle. Torstaina menen suihkuun. Pesen pyykkiä. Käyn toisessa Kohtauksessa. Perjantaina saan rahaa. Anton tulee minulle yöksi. Menemme muiden kehveleiden kanssa Jussille illanistujaisiin. Lauantaina siivoan kotini. Menen katsomaan näytelmää. Sunnuntaina menen elokuviin katsomaan "Immaculate - Tahraton". Mirette tulee luokseni yöksi.
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zagrebjavniprostor · 2 years ago
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Siromaštvo zagrebačkih parkova
Saša Šimpraga, 2023.
Najstariji zagrebački spomenik, Haulikov obelisk u Maksimirskom perivoju, podignut je povodom uređenja najstarijeg zagrebačkog parka. U posveti koja na spomeniku stoji, između ostaloga, navodi se da je park posvećen „(...) dušama umornim od javnih poslova i zbilje života, da se osvježe nedužnim nasladama prirode (...)“.  A da bi sve to dobili od nekog parka, nije svejedno kakav je. Bivši park Maksima Gorkog, današnji Vjekoslava Majera, uređen je s izgradnjom Zapruđa 1960-ih, po projektu Mirjane Popović. Prostorno raskošan, parku nedostaje cjelovita projektna dovršenost za koju je zakinut kad je jedne godine, na zahtjev mjesne samouprave, lišen svih grmašica. U taj park grmlje svakako treba vratiti i to bitno više i raznolikije nego je bilo ranije. Važnost grmlja za bioraznolikost, a osobito ptice je izuzetna. U tome smislu ni obližnji Bundek nije sretno rješenje budući da je i taj važni i veliki park gotovo u potpunosti bez grmova. Takva nazadna praksa proizlazi iz kapaciteta i očekivanja gradskih stručnjaka i činjenice da se mogućnosti krajobrazne struke uglavnom - ignoriraju. Opća ocjena većine zagrebačkih srednjih i malih kvartovskih parkova je da su izuzetno siromašni ambijentima, atmosferama, a time i doživljajima. Osim biljkama i mogućnostima koje zagrebački parkovi (ne)nude, mnogi često sadržavaju i dječja igrališta koja su gotovo u pravilu generička. I tu bi iskorak prema autorskim rješenjima trebao biti barem povremen, ako već ne i pravilo za makar veće parkove. Primjera nečega drugačijeg jedva da i ima, no problem je ponegdje i tamo gdje su krajobrazne zamisli odabrane na natječajima, kao što je slučaj s dječjim igralištem u parku Kate Šoljić protiv čijeg rješenja koje ugrožava sigurnost bilježimo i pobunu korisnika. Slučaj ukazuje da se ne zna ni birati. Proizlazi da Zagreb više ne zna stvarati dobre parkove, ali grmlje može pomoći. I treba ga vratiti i poticati. Grmove i niže bilje ne trebaju samo mnogi parkovi, već i različite druge zelene površine. Zeleni pojasevi uz drvorede mogli bi imati bitno više zelenila, a time i povećati klimatsku otpornost samih stabala u uvjetima suša, općenito bioraznolikost, ali i atraktivnost i ugodu ulica. Manje košnje trave je također poželjno, no javnost bi valjalo senzibilizirati. Vlaška od Vončinine do Petretićevog trga ili Matićeva sa svojim zelenim otocima između parkiranih automobila mogle bi biti prave adrese za takve male (i vidljive), ali bitne iskorake, pa i eksperimente gdje se briga za pojedine otoke prepušta zainteresiranim građanima, uz jasni set pravila. Ništa ne treba izmišljati, samo treba kopirati. Problem u gradu postoji i na razini izbora vrsta, pa tako onda kad grmlje nađe svoje mjesto u nekom parku ili zelenoj površini, vrste često budu ograničene ili neadekvatne, poput lovor-višnje koja predstavlja svojevrsnu kraljicu zagrebačkih dometa. Zanemarivo nije i da se često potpuno neprimjereno tretira, reže i radikalno ograničava u rastu, budući da u optimalnim uvjetima izraste bitno veća nego se dopušta pa bi i u tome smislu vrste trebale biti prilagođene mjestima na koja se sade. Možda je baš ta vrsta određeni simbol krajobraznog pristupa uređenju grada koje ne valja, iako je biljka nedužna, dok bi trebalo insistirati na povećanju (bio)raznolikosti i unaprijeđenju ekosustava, izbjegavanju monokultura, unošenju više autohtonih i otpornijih vrsta, i općenito višim kvalitetama i to i kod najmanjih poboljšanja kao što je jedan grm tamo gdje nedostaje. Takve su nadogradnje potrebne i jednostavne, a iziskiju i određeni senzibilitet za grad. Siromaštvo zagrebačkih parkova nije uvijek bilo praksa, a nabolji primjer je Trg (zapravo park) Petra Krešimira IV. s jednim od najznačajnijih modernističkih parkova u Zagrebu i Hrvatskoj uopće. Nekad bitno bogatiji za sezonsko bilje i nisko raslinje, sada je puno skromniji budući da se ne održava adekvatno i sukladno svom statusu trajno zaštićenog kulturnog dobra. Pohvalni pokušaj vraćanja bilja u mali tzv. Vrt za odrasle povodom obnove te izdvojene cjeline unutar parka, nažalost nije održao kontinuitet, a ne pomaže ni ponašanje vlasnika pasa koji, umjesto u parku za pse doslovno preko puta ulice, pse često puštaju u mali ograđeni park. Rješenje nije u zabrani ulaska pasa, već povocu i sprečavanju da se sezonsko bilje izgazi. U tamošnju fontanu valjalo bi vratiti i vodeno bilje koje je nekad bilo atrakcija samo po sebi, a u bazenu iste fontane za ljetnih mjeseci bile su i ribice, dok je park imao i svog čuvara. Bolje za Zagreb, dakle, nije nemoguće. Umjesto zadovoljavati se sterilnim i konfekcijskim rješenjima, od zagrebačkih parkova i zelenih površina treba početi očekivati više. No, da bi se to uopće dogodilo, prvo to treba i zahtjevati. 
Objavljeno na portalu H-Alter, 26. svibnja 2023.
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aktualitet-al · 5 days ago
Zbardhet vrasja e Irakli Davellës në Athinë: Autorë shqiptarë dhe përdorimi i katër automjeteve për atentatin
Pas një hetimi intensiv që ka zgjatur mbi një muaj, policia greke ka zbardhur detajet e vrasjes së Irakli Davellës, një shqiptar 47-vjeçar i ekzekutuar më 15 dhjetor 2024 në Athinë. Autoritetet greke njoftuan se atentati u krye nga dy shtetas shqiptarë, Jenis Tulja dhe Mirjan Guveli, të cilët tashmë janë arrestuar. Detajet e krimit Ngjarja ndodhi në një zonë të Athinës ku dy atentatorët i…
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murudeswar · 6 days ago
Top-Rated Things to Do in Murudeshwar: Make the Most of a Day in This Coastal Paradise
Murudeshwar, a serene town located on the western coast of India, is known for its stunning beaches, breathtaking landscapes, and iconic landmarks. Whether you're an adventure seeker, a spiritual traveler, or simply looking to unwind in nature, Murudeshwar has something special for everyone. With so many things to do in Murudeshwar, it's the perfect destination for a one-day trip, and the best way to make the most of it is by starting your day early and exploring the highlights. Here’s a guide to the top-rated things to do in Murudeshwar.
1. Visit the Murudeshwar Temple
Your day in Murudeshwar should start with a visit to the famous Murudeshwar Temple. This ancient temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is one of the largest and most revered temples in India. The temple's towering statue of Lord Shiva is the second-largest in the world and stands at an impressive 123 feet tall. The temple complex offers stunning views of the Arabian Sea, and the peaceful atmosphere adds to the spiritual experience. Don't forget to take a few moments to soak in the beauty of the temple’s surroundings and enjoy a peaceful walk around the premises.
2. Admire the Murudeshwar Shiva Statue
Just a short walk from the Murudeshwar Temple, you’ll find the massive Murudeshwar Shiva Statue. Standing at 123 feet tall, this statue is a sight to behold. It's an architectural marvel and a must-visit for anyone traveling to Murudeshwar. Take your time to explore the area and click some photos to capture the grandeur of this magnificent sculpture. Visitors can also take an elevator to the top of a nearby tower for a panoramic view of the statue, temple, and the surrounding coastline.
3. Relax at Murudeshwar Beach
After visiting the temple, it's time to unwind at Murudeshwar Beach. Located near the temple, the beach is known for its clean, golden sands and clear waters. It’s an ideal spot for a leisurely walk, a peaceful swim, or simply to relax under the shade of a tree. The beach offers a calm and quiet atmosphere, making it a great place to spend a few hours enjoying the natural beauty of the coast. Whether you’re lounging on the beach or enjoying a refreshing dip in the Arabian Sea, it’s the perfect way to rejuvenate.
For those looking to stay close to the beach, consider booking a stay at Murudeshwar Beach Resort. With its proximity to the beach and spectacular views, the resort offers a comfortable and relaxing retreat after a day of exploration.
4. Explore the Mirjan Fort
If you’re interested in history, a visit to Mirjan Fort is a must. Located about 20 kilometers from Murudeshwar, this fort offers a glimpse into the past. Built by the Vijayanagara Empire, the fort was strategically placed near the coast to defend against invaders. While the fort is in ruins now, it still retains its historical charm and offers great views of the surrounding area. It’s a quiet, off-the-beaten-path attraction that’s perfect for those looking to explore something unique.
5. Enjoy Water Sports at Netrani Island
If you're an adventure enthusiast, you can take a boat ride to Netrani Island, also known as the "Pigeon Island." Located around 10 kilometers off the coast of Murudeshwar, Netrani is famous for its crystal-clear waters and vibrant coral reefs, making it a top spot for snorkeling and scuba diving. The underwater ecosystem here is rich with marine life, and it’s a great way to explore the beauty of the Arabian Sea. If you’re not into diving, the boat ride itself is a fun experience, offering fantastic views of the coastline.
6. Take a Sunset Boat Ride
For a more relaxed yet scenic experience, take a sunset boat ride along the Arabian Sea. The view of the setting sun against the backdrop of the Murudeshwar Temple and the towering Shiva statue is absolutely mesmerizing. You can find various boat services offering sunset tours, and this is the perfect way to end your day. The gentle breeze, the sounds of the sea, and the beautiful sunset create an unforgettable experience.
7. Visit the Kodachadri Hill
For nature lovers and hiking enthusiasts, a visit to Kodachadri Hill is a great way to explore the lush green landscape around Murudeshwar. Located around 40 kilometers from the town, Kodachadri is a popular spot for trekking. The hill offers panoramic views of the Western Ghats and the Arabian Sea. The trek is relatively easy, making it a great option for those looking for a bit of adventure and nature’s beauty in one place.
8. Explore Local Markets and Taste Coastal Delights
No trip is complete without exploring the local culture, and Murudeshwar is no exception. The town’s markets are filled with vibrant colors, local crafts, and fresh seafood. Don’t miss out on trying some local coastal delicacies like fish curry, neer dosa, and fresh seafood. There are also many shops selling souvenirs such as handicrafts, coconut products, and jewelry. It’s a great way to immerse yourself in the local culture and take home a memento from your trip.
9. Stay at Murudeshwar Beach Resort
After a day of exploration, unwind at the Murudeshwar Beach Resort. Whether you’re looking for a cozy stay with beautiful views or want to relax with excellent facilities, the resort provides the perfect base for your trip. Situated near the beach, the resort offers a serene ambiance, and its excellent hospitality will make you feel right at home. It’s the ideal place to relax after a day filled with sightseeing.
Murudeshwar is a hidden gem on the western coast of India, offering a mix of spiritual experiences, natural beauty, and adventure. From visiting the Murudeshwar Temple and the towering Shiva statue to relaxing at the pristine beaches or enjoying water sports at Netrani Island, there’s no shortage of things to do in Murudeshwar. Whether you’re visiting for a day or staying longer, make sure to explore the town’s unique charm and stay at the beautiful Murudeshwar Beach Resort for a perfect coastal retreat. Book now
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gurutrends · 22 days ago
Cayetano Martínez de Irujo's current partner: Who is he, his age and how many children do they have?
Find out who Cayetano Martínez de Irujo’s current partner is, his age, and how many children they have together. Learn all the details about their relationship. In recent days, Bárbara Mirjan Aliende has become a recurring name in conversations about Spanish high society. The young woman, who is in a relationship with Cayetano Martínez de Irujo, has aroused the curiosity of many due to her…
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captureatrip25 · 23 days ago
Hyderabad to Gokarna: Ultimate Travel Packages for a Serene Beach Retreat
If you're looking for a peaceful getaway with sandy beaches, clear blue waters, and a laid-back atmosphere, then Gokarna is the place for you. Located in the coastal state of Karnataka, Gokarna is known for its serene beaches, beautiful landscapes, and spiritual significance.
It’s the perfect destination for those who want to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. For travelers Gokarna Tour Package from Hyderabad, there are several travel packages that make the trip to Gokarna easy and hassle-free.
Why Choose Gokarna for a Beach Retreat?
Peaceful Beaches Away from Crowds
Unlike its more famous counterpart, Goa, Gokarna offers quieter beaches that are perfect for relaxation. The beaches are less commercialized, making them ideal for a peaceful retreat. Whether you want to enjoy the sunset, indulge in water sports, or simply relax by the beach, Gokarna offers it all.
Spiritual and Scenic Appeal
Gokarna is also a religious destination, famous for the Om Beach, Kudle Beach, and the Mirjan Fort. The town is home to the Gokarna Temple, which attracts thousands of pilgrims each year. Apart from the spiritual appeal, Gokarna is surrounded by lush greenery and rugged hills, offering spectacular views for nature lovers.
Ideal for All Types of Travelers
Whether you’re traveling solo, as a couple, or with family and friends, Gokarna offers a variety of experiences. The laid-back beaches are great for solo travelers looking for peace, while the lively beach cafes and water activities make it fun for groups and families.
Best Time to Visit Gokarna
The Pleasant Winter Season (October to February)
The best time to visit Gokarna is during the winter months from October to February. During this period, the weather is pleasant, with cool temperatures and a gentle sea breeze, making it perfect for beach activities and sightseeing.
The Summer Heat (March to June)
The summer months can get quite hot in Gokarna, with temperatures often soaring above 35°C. However, the beaches are less crowded during this time, which might be appealing to some travelers who prefer a quieter experience.
The Monsoon (July to September)
While the monsoon season brings lush greenery, it also makes the beaches more difficult to enjoy due to heavy rains. If you love the monsoon atmosphere, you can still visit, but it’s important to be prepared for the weather.
Travel Packages from Hyderabad to Gokarna
Why Opt for a Travel Package?
Travel packages offer an easy and stress-free way to enjoy your trip. They typically include transportation, accommodation, and sometimes even meals and activities, so all you need to do is relax and enjoy your vacation. For those traveling from Hyderabad, several travel agencies offer packages specifically designed for Gokarna.
Types of Travel Packages to Gokarna
Weekend Getaway Packages
These packages are perfect for a short, relaxing trip to Gokarna over the weekend. They usually cover 2-3 days and include transportation (either by bus, train, or flight), accommodation at a beachside resort or hotel, and some leisure activities like beach visits and local sightseeing.
Family and Group Packages
Traveling with family or friends? These packages are designed to cater to groups and families, with special deals for group bookings. The package often includes activities suitable for everyone, from water sports to guided tours to nearby temples and forts.
Luxury Packages
For those seeking a more lavish experience, luxury packages offer stays in luxury resorts, private beaches, and premium services like spa treatments and fine dining. These packages also often include private tours, making your visit even more special and exclusive.
Budget-Friendly Packages
If you're looking for an affordable beach holiday, many budget-friendly packages offer basic accommodation options like guesthouses or hostels, along with transportation. These packages are ideal for solo travelers or anyone looking to experience Gokarna without splurging.
Popular Beach Spots to Visit in Gokarna
Om Beach
Om Beach is one of the most famous beaches in Gokarna. Its shape resembles the sacred Om symbol, which is why it holds spiritual significance. The beach is known for its peaceful atmosphere, making it a great place to unwind and take in the natural beauty. You can also enjoy activities like boating, kayaking, and yoga here.
Kudle Beach
Located just a short walk from Om Beach, Kudle Beach is a quieter, more relaxed beach. It’s perfect for those who want to escape the crowds and enjoy a calm day by the water. The beach is also home to several beachside cafes, making it a great place to spend the day sipping coconut water and watching the sunset.
Half Moon Beach
Accessible by boat or a small trek, Half Moon Beach is a hidden gem that’s perfect for those who want to explore a less crowded spot. The beach is surrounded by palm trees and offers stunning views of the Arabian Sea.
Paradise Beach
Another off-the-beaten-path destination in Gokarna is Paradise Beach. This secluded beach is only accessible by boat or a challenging trek, making it a great choice for adventurers. The calm and quiet atmosphere here is perfect for those looking for solitude and tranquility.
Activities to Enjoy in Gokarna
Water Sports and Adventure
Gokarna offers plenty of opportunities for water sports. Kayaking, parasailing, and jet-skiing are popular activities for those looking to add some adventure to their beach holiday. Some travel packages also include these activities as part of the itinerary.
Yoga and Wellness
Gokarna is known for its peaceful environment, making it the perfect place for yoga and meditation. Many resorts and wellness centers offer yoga retreats and classes. It’s a great way to relax, recharge, and connect with nature.
Exploring the Local Temples
For those interested in spirituality, Gokarna has several temples that are worth visiting. The Gokarna Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, is the most famous and attracts thousands of pilgrims every year. The town is also home to smaller temples, such as the Mirjan Fort and Koti Tirtha.
Trekking and Nature Walks
The surrounding hills and forests of Gokarna offer numerous trekking routes. A trek up to the Mirjan Fort provides fantastic views of the Arabian Sea and the surrounding landscape. Nature lovers will also enjoy walking through the dense forests or hiking along the coastline.
How to Reach Gokarna from Hyderabad
By Train
The nearest railway station to Gokarna is Gokarna Road station, located around 8 kilometers from the town. From Hyderabad, you can take a direct train to Gokarna or travel via Mangalore and then take a local train to Gokarna.
By Bus
There are several buses that run from Hyderabad to Gokarna. The journey takes about 14-16 hours by bus, depending on the route and traffic conditions. Several tour operators offer bus services, and this is often included in travel packages.
By Flight
The nearest airport to Gokarna is Goa’s Dabolim Airport, located about 140 kilometers away. From there, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to Gokarna. You can easily find flights from Hyderabad to Goa.
Where to Stay in Gokarna
Beach Resorts
Gokarna is home to many beautiful beachside resorts, offering great views and a relaxing atmosphere. Some resorts even have private beaches and luxury amenities, making them perfect for a serene retreat.
Guesthouses and Homestays
For those on a budget, there are several guesthouses and homestays in Gokarna that offer affordable accommodations with a cozy and homely feel.
Budget Hotels
If you’re looking for basic but comfortable accommodations, Gokarna has plenty of budget hotels with good facilities and easy access to the beaches.
Whether you're seeking a peaceful retreat, an adventurous getaway, or a mix of both, Gokarna offers something for everyone. With various travel packages available from Hyderabad, it’s easier than ever to plan your perfect beach vacation. So, pack your bags, book a travel package, and get ready to experience the magic of Gokarna’s serene beaches, spiritual charm, and natural beauty
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onedaytripin · 1 year ago
One Day Gokarna Sightseeing Trip - Visit Best Beaches
Gokarna is a major city on the coast of Karnataka, India. Which is known for pristine beaches, ancient temples and vibrant culture on the Arabian Sea. Gokarna is a perfect destination for those who want to experience the beauty and spirituality of India in a relaxed and peaceful manner. One Day Gokarna Sightseeing Trip by Private cab is a great option to explore the rich history and nature of…
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trojerucica-blr · 6 months ago
This is a protected private data which GOOGLE SPIES THROUGH RCS COMMERCIAL PURPOSES ONLY IN ENTERTAINMENT USE .DO NOT ATTEMPT TO COPY AND ANY MISUSE IS PUNISHABLE BY LAW. #JusticeDepartment #UNGeneva #EUnews European Women’s Network against Sexual Violence #reactagainstsexualviolence #sexualabuse #sexualmobbing #hrvatsponosom #hrvatskihelsinskiodbor #iskljucinasilje #srpskanaprednastranka #tuzilastvo I do it this way, and I don't know how you do it-⚠️
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od tada dosada je propao jako!!!Da se iz prilozenog zamjetiti.
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444names · 7 months ago
Names generated from Spanish forenames, all 6 letters long
Aacian Abardo Abarto Ablana Ablodo Abraca Abrito Abundo Adamia Adampa Adelas Adelea Aderiz Adeste Adonia Adrica Afines Afrena Agrana Agusta Agusto Aidada Aidali Aimela Ainteo Albela Albero Aldela Alenes Alento Aleope Aliaso Alicio Alinel Alisla Alodee Aloria Aloteo Altrau Altria Alucia Alvica Alvida Alviro Ancion Andada Andida Andona Aniara Anidio Anoema Aracia Arcina Arcion Arinho Arinia Asiano Asidio Audeya Augeli Aulico Aulita Aurito Azucel Azuces Azucio...
Balila Bancio Banfra Baraya Bechoa Begoro Behipe Beleia Belica Belico Belita Benana Benila Bersus Bertin Bertor Bliono Branco Braque Bribas Brigna Cacisa Caelia Camono Canaki Cancio Canito Cantia Carana Carcel Carcia Cardes Cardon Cariel Carina Carlao Carloy Carodo Carote Celila Celita Cestia Cetano Chedga Cherto Cloren Colena Cricon Crines Crubel Crunda Dadado Dadola Dadria Daldor Dalena Dandra Dardad Dayeta Delian Didiso Dioloy Edelia Edelio Ederna Edesta Edolda Edrena Edualo Egilda Elagre Elanga Emagda Emarto Ematia Erquel Ertura Esamea Estora Eufemi Eufera Eugela Eugena Eugora Euguel Eulena Evalda Ezeque Fabano Fabaro Fablao Fabria Fabrut Facuna Fadela Faelas Fedade Fedros Feduan Felano Felavo Feldad Felian Felias Felica Felida Femila Femina Fercia Ferteo Filvia Flagor Flonzo Flopel Florge Flosca Floseo Flotia Framia Franda Frenza Fricio Frocia Frotan Fulban Fulcas Fulina Fuline Fulisa Fulria Fulrio Garcio Garona Gelian Gelina Gelita Geniga Gilana Ginaki Gramel Granan Grenka Grodia Groila Guanda Guedia Guelia Guisla Hances Hantia Hayeta Hernes Hoaqui Humbel Igusto Ildela Ilvica Imanta Imedga Imenso Imudio Imundo Iniola Iracia Iredra Irenzo Irgina Isalon Iserto Isesta Isimon Istalo Istena Jacial Jacina Jacion Jacito Jacqui Jacuan Jamira Jandro Jaside Javita Jesana Jimela Joaque Joncio Joscon Jualea Juando Julano Julara Julriz Justal Justeo Justhi Kebena Lacino Lancio Ledalo Ledido Lerena Letado Letine Lielia Lintin Lipela Lixton Lodoro Lorgel Lorgin Lorgio Loroxa Lucela Luceta Luceto Lucian Lucida Lucina Luciso Lucita Luiede Luilau Luilda Luinma Luinto Lundre Macara Macios Macuan Maimon Maitza Mandia Mandon Marbas Marcel Marcia Mardol Margin Marian Marias Marifa Marite Marona Marosa Marote Martia Matria Mayana Migona Milloy Minaki Mirana Mirena Mirjan Moilia Moilla Moista Monito Mundal Muriel Neodro Nerena Nestia Nianca Nidria Nietia Nisaba Noelio Nuelia Nuetia Orgela Orinti Osanga Osento Pabion Pabria Pabruy Parcio Parcon Parito Partor Pastea Patina Paugel Paurey Paurio Pauriz Pazula Pedore Pitena Pureda Purila Puriso Racias Rafina Raimea Rancos Ranuro Raquin Raxiro Reanda Regona Ricios Riella Rieloy Rioldo Risteo Robuna Rodado Roilda Rolfra Rorina Rosuel Runcia Rundad Rundro Ruther Saacio Saardo Samina Sanisa Sanoel Saraya Sarbas Saulia Sefira Segoro Seofia Seofin Sercio Sermas Sermin Sildad Silope Silvad Simote Sodriz Sofela Sofido Sonila Sorana Sundro Sustin Talens Tertia Therna Thisio Tinata Tinate Tintxa Torota Tratin Tricel Triego Trilla Trysto Ulasto Undano Valbas Valben Valion Vanita Varcel Vardes Varlor Varodo Varote Vicana Vidida Vidria Viermi Vireya Vitlao Yetado Yetavo Zucion Zulcar
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lookerweekly · 9 months ago
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Od 8. maja u Galeriji ULUS Mirjana Boba Stojadinović se kroz izložbu „MESTOPRIČA” osvrće na prvih 25 godina umetničkog rada. Devet predstavljanih radova (fotografija, predmet, zvuk, video…) mogu da se sagledaju kroz prizmu kovanice koju je izmislila: mestopriča, koja obuhvata slojevit narativ koji ona gradi u odnosu na različite gradove u kojima je živela ili radila, otvarajući mogućnost za prostorno-iskustveni eksperiment.
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