#mira lockwoodui
unfocused-ink · 5 years
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Mira Lockwood
the scone murdering, iced-coffee chugging artist
WIP: Murder at Rocky Falls
Female- she/her
Mira is a daydreaming artist who has lived in Rocky Falls since moving away from her parents at the age of nineteen. She spends her days sketching and painting, or wandering throughout town looking for things to draw. Often her mind is caught up with ideas and she’ll pay no attention to her surroundings, which can sometimes frustrate people.
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Em found her gaze drawn to the girl sitting in the corner table by the window. Red hair, brown eyes, freckles across the face. Em would put her at mid-twenties. The girl was lost in thought, chewing on a pen with a dreamy look on her face as she stared out the window.
"Coffee and muffin for Mira!" The barista called across the coffee shop, though his eyes were on the day-dreaming girl. She didn't respond to the call and neither did anyone else.
The barista sighed, opened his mouth as though to try again, and then shook his head. Em took another sip of her coffee- hot and black, just how she liked it- and watched as he grabbed a pebble from a plant display and cast one more look at the day-dreamer before chucking the pebble at her.
The pebble hit its mark and the girl jumped, jerked abruptly from her thoughts. She glanced around sheepishly and noticed the barista, who pointedly shoved the coffee and muffin closer to her.
"Oh, Henry, sorry. You know how I am." Day-dreamer blushed and stood up to grab her order, returning to her table and turning her attention back outside. Apparently whatever idea she'd been looking for had finally shown up, as she began sketching in a notebook instead of chewing on her pen.
Em made a mental file for day-dreamer as she always did- appeared to be an artist, doesn't pay attention to surroundings, rainbow pin on her bag.
Rainbow pin? Em did a double take as she realized what the pin meant. That was interesting- Em had yet to meet anyone in the town who was lgbt. Even though she usually made a point not to become too friendly with locals, Em figured it wouldn't hurt to find out more about the artist.
She felt a grin flit across her face as she saw day-dreamer, thoroughly invested in her sketch now, bring her coffee up to her mouth and attempt to take a bite from it. Still working on the sketch with her right hand, day-dreamer set the coffee back down and felt around on her table for the muffin.
Yes, Em was definitely going to find out more about the artist. She seemed like someone who might make Em's stay in Rocky Falls a little more exciting.
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unfocused-ink · 4 years
Happy (late) Storyteller Saturday!! If you OC(s) were to win the lottery, what would they do with the money?
Ooo fun! Sorry I didn’t get to this sooner!
Mira would probably be responsible enough to put most of the money into investments/etc. for the long run, but would save enough to buy some fancy new art supplies and lots of scones from the local coffeeshop.
Em would blow most of the money right away on a new office, new tools, and art supplies for Mira because she loves seeing her get excited- and loves watching her create art. The way her tongue pokes out when she’s concentrating, and she brushes her hair out of her face, forgetting her hands are covered in wet paint- *gay sigh*.
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