#minthara is very protective of him o3o
wellthebardsdead · 4 months
Clow Good end 1 pt2 (Infernal Stalemate/Paved with Good intentions)
Part 1 here
*6 months later*
Clow: *arrived to withers party in a burst of hellfire, tail swishing slowly and icy horns glinting in firelight as he walks between circles of his friends reminiscing and enjoying company he’d been without for a while* godfather- I- all I did was get rid of your engine and give you your heart back and you’re giving me that honour?! I-
Karlach: *now several months pregnant after Clow used his new found powers for the first time to help her* only?! You’ve really no clue how much everything you’ve done means to us do you you dingbat! Yes we want you to be our tater tot’s god father! We’ve already decided their middle name will be Do’Urden!
Wyll: and our next ones middle name will be Clopin!
Clow: *visibly tears up and sets his drink down* c-can I have a hug please?
Wyll & Karlach: *both smile seeing how far he’s come since they first met*
Karlach: oh sweetums you didn’t need to ask- *pulls him into a hug with Wyll, before immediately pulling away and grabbing the collar of his shirt, pulling it down as she sees a bruise* has he been hurting you?!
Wyll: gods- *looks to the other side of his neck* did he choke you?! What is-
Clow: *visibly blushing knowing what they’re actually looking at* no he didn’t choke me- th-those are- *coughs* l-love bites. He and Haarlep got carried away again.
Karlach: Again- I, so he’s not hurting you then?
Wyll: you can tell us if he is Clow we-
Clow: he’s not hurting me, I promise, not without… my consent at least. *looks down with a shy playful grin* they take good care of me… I promise. *smiles and hugs them both again before walking off to continue mingling* I’ll see you both later.
???: Clow?…
Clow: … *turns around to see Gale standing behind him* …
Gale: I know I’ve no right to tal-
Clow: *pulls him into a gentle hug and smiles as he lets go and steps back* you don’t have to be sorry… my plan still worked out in the end… we get the hammer, Mystra gets the crown. My soul gets sacrificed. I expected to be enslaved for eternity or violently tortured and compressed into a soul coin but… Raphael had other plans.
Gale: I… sacrificed?… you were going to give me the crown?…
Clow: Mhm. I knew I couldn’t give it to Raphael in the end and he certainly lets me know how upset he is about it. And you needed the orb gone. So, give up my life to fix yours and save millions more. I never really had a life or concept of freedom to begin with and… it’s been good. Raphael treats me very good. It’s been an adjustment being a devil at his side and all and no longer needing food or having a great concept or grasp of passing time. But… I’m getting there.
Gale: you… You only just got your freedom, a chance to live life on your terms and I took that away from you. Now you’re stuck with that fiend how- how are you not angry? At me? At him?!
Clow: *sighs* Look. you did what you thought was right. And so did I… besides… *smiles and swishes his tail* I love him… *gives him another hug* goodnight, Gale. *walks off*
Gale: *standing there mortified that he could just be okay with all this* goodnight… *looks over at Wyll and Karlach before nervously approaching* Karlach… do you know anything about the sword of Zariel?
Karlach: just that it’s surrounded by an ever growing scab, why?
Wyll: what’s wrong Gale?… *looks past him to see minthara creeping up on him*
Gale: I think… I might need the blade if Raphael and Clows relationship isn’t all he’s telling u-
Minthara: *grabs Gale by the nape of his neck and yanks him back* You three listen to me and you listen very well. I did not cast aside my distaste for water and spend hours swimming until I collapsed to search for his body after you attempted to kill him just for you to try and ruin his life again. He has a good thing now, an existence he is happy with, and so help me I will end you if you attempt to take that from him. *lets go and storms off after Clow with a huff*
*a few hours later*
Clow: *returns to the house of hope and immediately runs and jumps into Raphael’s arms as he sees the devil waiting for him* I’m back!
Raphael: I’m glad~ how was your little party?
Clow: good, everyone is doing very well!
Raphael: that’s good- *gives him a kiss and whisks him away back to their room* welcome home, my love…
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