#mintchocoes 01
ylissethief-blog · 7 years
Gaius stands in sector 4, chomping on a gingerbread man cookie. Today was a particularly lazy day for the thief, he didn’t have work, nor was he in the mood for any baking (he already whipped up everything his imagination came up with.)
He almost considers going back to his apartment, when suddenly the faint sound of music fills the air. Now, Gaius isn’t a music connoisseur or anything, but even he could tell that it was more beautiful than any piece he’s heard before. He begins to subconsciously follow it, hoping to find the source so he can hear it more clearly, and maybe even compliment the musician playing it. Not like he had anything else to do... Unless it was coming from one of those “radio” things he’s been seeing, he supposes.
When he finally finds the violin the music was coming from, he takes note of the extremely handsome man holding it. He had seen a lot of guys throughout his life, but this guy was almost unrealistically attractive. Just describing him wouldn’t do him any justice.
Gaius closes his eyes to tune out the rest of the world around him, listening to the flow of notes until they slowly fade away.
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Once he is sure the violinist was done, he claps his hands enthusiastically--if he were sitting, he would’ve given him a standing ovation--and whistles. “That was some fancy playing, sir. Almost moved me to tears.”
He takes a bite of the gingerbread man he almost forgot about. Emphasis on the “almost”.
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mildterrorofthedeep · 7 years
@mintchocoes liked for a starter!
Today was a lovely day to go to the beach! Warm sun, cloudless sky...Niko was already on the way there. His route to the beach crossed the park, and from it he heard a peculiar sound. Music...? It sounded rather lovely, and the sound of whatever instrument it was seemed familiar. He decided to go investigate, not like the beach was going anywhere!
He was met with the sight of a well dressed individual, playing the violin. Niko found himself enjoying the music, he wanted to compliment them but he didn’t want to interrupt. So, he simply sat at a nearby bench and listened to their performance.
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