#mint thread lift melbourne
skinclub-post-blog · 3 years
SKIN CLUB – Cosmetic Doctor are clinical studios that are overseen by a team of qualified Cosmetic Doctors with over 10 years of experience treating clients. Our qualified Cosmetic Doctors have expert knowledge in cosmetic surgery, medical treatments and skincare. Our personalised diagnosis approach ensures that clients receive expert medical advice and continuous care throughout their treatment journey.
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edwinmills01 · 2 years
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Choose The Excellent Hydrating Skin Booster Treatment
Are you looking for the most popular non-surgical treatments to improve the overall skin quality and enhance the skin glow? We offer the latest skin booster treatment to restore moisture and radiance to dry and dull skin, resulting in a more youthful, bright appearance. Get in touch with us today to know more about our skin glowing treatment services.
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medigracecosmetic · 2 years
Deep-Skin Hydration With Skin Booster Treatment
Does your skin look dull, dead, and dehydrated? We offer the latest injectable Skin Booster Treatment to restore moisture and radiance to dry and dull-looking skin, resulting in a more youthful, shining appearance. Skin boosters are a perfect treatment to stimulate the skin and give a beautiful, rejuvenated look. Our skilled cosmetic medics will evaluate your requirements to determine the most appropriate variety of techniques and technologies to improve the appearance of your skin. Our skincare specialists and professionals apply their valuable knowledge and insights to give the best service to our customers. Do not be shy if you want to know more about our skin treatment services.
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blkpnkwriting · 6 years
chaelisa ✉️ angst/fluff please
✉️: based around the last text I sent/received
i didn’t necessarily have a direct text that i wanted to use for this drabble, but the premise was that i forgot to respond to an ‘i love you’ text and they thought i was mad but i responded with a lot of love!
     Rationally, Rosé knew that it was still early. All the girls had still been asleep in the house when she left. They were exhausted from all the recent rehearsals and so the last thing she wanted was to wake them up when they needed the rest.
     What bothered her was that she didn’t have a proper goodbye with Lisa. Sure, it was just a week long trip to visit her family back in Melbourne and she would be back in no time. But it wasn’t like Rosé to just leave without saying anything. Especially to Lisa.
     It was still new and very much lowkey — to the point that Jennie and Jisoo weren’t even aware — and she wasn’t even sure what to call what they were… but she had been seeing Lisa. Secretly. Nights spent sneaking into each other’s rooms and beds. Tickle fights spiralling into clothes taken off. Whispers of sweet nothings that Rosé had felt come dangerously close to “I love you.”
     And now she was leaving Lisa for a whole week. The longest they had been apart in a long time, and not since they had begun their new side of their relationship. Rosé didn’t even have a chance to say anything to her the night before, the blonde falling asleep on the couch while they were all winding down together. A part of Rosé hoped that Lisa would have still been on the couch in the morning so that they could have a private parting but at some point in the night, Lisa had gotten up and moved herself into her bed.
     A thumb clicked the side of her cellphone, hoping to see a text message appear there from the girl that hadn’t left her mind all night. It was going to be lonesome, Rosé just knew it. She would have her family but she would miss the way Lisa’s arms made her feel when they wrapped her up in a breathtaking hug. Who was going to poke her cheeks when she would eat dinner later? Rosé got up from where she was sitting in the airport, deciding a walk would clear her head lest she wallow, when really, she should be excited to see her family. She missed them dearly and ought to be grateful she could take this opportunity during their busy schedule.
     Over the intercom came the voice of the attendant commencing the line up onto the plane. A deep sigh found its way out of Rosé’s chest, sounding much more glum than she felt, and she moved to return to the gate. This was going to be one tough flight feeling this way.
     A jolt raced up Rosé’s spine, her body seeming to recognize before her mind could comprehend the possibility. But as she whirled around in the direction of the call, the possibility became real when she caught the sight of one disheveled Lalisa Manoban sprinting through the airport, dodging disgruntled fliers, headed for Rosé.
     “Oh my god!” she found herself crying out as she ran the last few feet needed to finally close the gap between them. There was a question on the tip of her tongue, begging to be asked, but there was no time.
     Their bodies met at once. In one fluid motion, Lisa threaded her hands through Rosé’s fading pink hair, lips clashing. It was far too brief but brimming with passion, bodies fitting together like they were meant to before drifting regrettably apart. Rosé didn’t realize how much she wanted Lisa close again until she found her hands in fists on the back of the girl’s flannel — thrown on in a rush as one sleeve hadn’t found its mark on Lisa’s shoulder. Her fingers ached when they released the cloth.
     “I remembered you were leaving this morning,” Lisa started breathlessly, leaning to rest her forehead against the other’s. “I didn’t want to just send a text. I had to see you.”
     “I thought you were asleep,” Rosé murmured. Eyes fluttered shut, soaking up that feeling of Lisa’s arms around her waist again. This was the most affectionate they had been in public, even to each other, but she was going to enjoy it anyway.
     “I remembered in my sleep.” There was a laugh, a soft breath of mint reaching Rosé’s nose.
     “You brushed your teeth for me?” she teased, hand lifting to brush a thumb over Lisa’s cute, blushing cheek. God, the way she smiled was enough to make Rosé swoon. She never wanted to have to go a day without seeing it.
     “That’s what took me so long. I thought I was going to miss you,” Lisa said, pulling back. Her eyes moved past Rosé, checking on the progress of the boarding. By the way her face fell a little, it was nearing the end.
     “You’re not coming with me?” the native Australian said. Of course not. It couldn’t work that way. The words still found their way out somehow.
     Lisa’s eyes said everything Rosé needed to know, and even though Lisa couldn’t logically tag along, it didn’t stop the way tears sprang to her eyes. Lisa gasped, the softest and most heartbreaking noise, and tightened her embrace.
     “Oh, this is silly!” Rosé said, taking a step back and fanning a hand over her eyes to keep the tears from falling. “I’m only gone a week! I’ll be back soon!”
     “Not soon enough,” Lisa muttered, still feeling the effect of seeing the girl she loved cry. Then she was brushing a hand through Rosé’s hair, collecting her composure to press a kiss to Rosé’s cheek and add, “You’re going to have a great time. And I promise to call you every night before bed, okay? But you need to catch your flight, baby.”
     Maybe it was because she was crying or maybe it was because she suddenly never wanted Lisa to call her anything else.
     “I love you, Lisa.”
     The intercom interrupted, asking for the last of the passengers.
     It was hard to tell by Lisa’s expression what exactly she was feeling, but Rosé didn’t have long to think about it. In a split second she was wrapped up in her arms again, tightly, her mouth beside her ear as little excited gasps of laughter fell. And finally —
     “I love you.” A happy laugh of her own escaped Rosé and then Lisa was pulling away. “But you have to go now, Rosé. I will be here when you get back next week, okay?”
     “Okay, okay,” Rosé sighed, laughing at herself for being so emotional. It wasn’t that long, she could make it for a week without her newfound love. (She seriously doubted it). “Wish me a safe flight, babe.”
     Lisa pressed one last earnest kiss on the Australian’s lips and finally let go. Rosé hurried for the gate before it could close, looking over her shoulder with a watery smile before passing through the doors. Lisa stood there the whole time, waving adorably until she couldn’t be seen anymore.
     It was only a week.
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beatsfortheillperth · 4 years
Words with ENTRO//
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ENTRO// hailing from Melbourne, Australia is a beat-maker that is making moves within Australia and beyond, showcasing quality sounds that express the eccentric joys of hip hop, not to mention the bounce it induces in the day to day lives of its appreciators.
Which was something that drew me in about ENTRO//, first listen. His ability to change up the atmosphere around well-known rap tracks and their vocals in a way that doesn't take away the integrity from the original is truly blessed.
ENTRO// adds components that trigger the soul with his collection of vocal laced escapades in his various releases. Those ENTRO// escapades are evident in albums like "Tōge" and "Hands Free" released June of this year and "Tōge" October of last year.
Teleport back to 2018 and chill on ENTRO//'s flawless ode to Jazz and Soul "after hours" his nine-track wonder available like all ENTRO// releases via Bandcamp. "After hours" as an album, highlights, and samples moods and sounds that are timeless, it simply can't be missed if you're a lover of soul-infused musical displays.  
Not to mention one of his earlier beat-tapes, "Etcetera" released in May 2016 that shows the development and dedication to beats ENTRO// has embodied since the beginning.
You'll notice ENTRO//'s creative response and fluency has shown his dedication to staying true to the roots of a song, and this is evident from the early days for this truly inventive beat-smith.
Innovation at it's best is what you can expect when you hit play on an ENTRO// track. So chill and take in the words of this Australian talent, making music for the soul, body, and mind, much love.
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Hey ENTRO// thanks a lot for the opportunity to share words. First off, I thought I'd ask a few random quick questions to get things started.
Favourite Food: Sushi
Favourite Beverage: Red bull
A track to cry to: Jesus is the one ( I have depression)
A song to break it down to: ethereal - Playboi Carti
Last piece of art you brought, and what drew you in about it: Commissioned a piece from Melbourne artists @cactvs - portrait of me and my partner
Views on Reincarnation: donno
Views on Tea: Green
A childhood memory in regards to music: My mum used to listen to Macey Gray and I hated it lol
Go to Album of All-Times: Saba - Care for Me
Favourite Place to Eat in Melbourne: Korean BBQ
What you enjoy doing in your downtime: Video games, making clothes
Favourite Location: Osaka
Thanks for that ENTRO//. So, I thought I'd ask, what inspired you to give producing a go in the first place? Did you play any instruments before you picked up beat-making? How many years have you been at it and what brings you the most joy when you're making music?
I've played instruments since I was young. Guitar and drums mostly. I also learnt viola at school but that sucked ass. I've picked up piano recently too.
I just enjoy creating things I like, all the music I release is stuff I enjoy listening to myself.
When making music, do you have a routine you follow or a way you set your creative environment up before getting onto a track? If so, how do you find this benefits your mood and your creative output?
Not really, I just sit at my studio and listen to music, roll up some broccoli, look for samples, make drum tracks. I'll find something that sounds cool and go from there.
What does ENTRO// mean and represent to you? What is something you're trying to share through your music?
ENTRO// is just a form of expression for me - I just share what I enjoy making and am blessed to have people enjoy it the same way I do.
Melbourne has such a well, developing community for beat-makers and musicians in general, much love to those based in Melbourne bringing up other artists. Artists like Amin Payne whom we interviewed a while back and SADIVA whom we are in the works of words with too.
Humble individuals devoting themselves to sound, really feel that.
What do you enjoy about living and creating in Melbourne? And what do you feel Melbourne has to offer musicians that may be unique, compared to other areas in Australia you have visited or lived in?
Melbourne is hella diverse when it comes to music, and we're lucky to have a lot of opportunities to play live and network with each other. Everyone is super supportive too, it's nice to have a community like that.
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Can you share more about HIGH BIAS a monthly event based in Melbourne that you are a part of?
High Bias is originally an event brand me and my partner put together with Fiftyfive. Through everyone's support and our amazing community, we've grown into a multi venue event group, as well as a clothing brand and micro cassette label.
HIGH BIAS I believe is a label as well, focusing on Mirco cassette releases for artists creating in the realms of Hip-Hip and Jazz and also supplies quality merch and vintage apparel through their website too, love the concept.
HIGH BIAS Website - https://highbias.supply/
Can you share what HIGH BIAS means, believes, and represents collectively?
High Bias was originally a homage to the "good old days" of lofi, before Spotify playlists and anime beats. We focus on the culture we fell in love with - and try to share that with everyone else.
These days, we've expanded our scope to become a platform for all things "sample culture." Essentially that means anything that reinvents conventions or turns them into something new. We try not to limit ourselves on what we want to do - we take each thing as it comes and decide as a group whether it's something we believe in and want to represent or not.
What is the feel of the live, monthly shows known as "Lofi Lounge"?
Lofi Lounge is pretty much what it sounds like. Lofi beats in a basement lounge bar. We also host jazz bands and hip hop crews, artists and video DJs too. We focus on creating a vibe rather than a show, we want it to be somewhere to chill with homies and catch up with the community.
And with the restrictions in place with Covid19 here in Australia, has HIGH BIAS had ideas for online shows?.
We think live streaming shows is quite over saturated right now - and it's not something we're excited about so its not on the cards right now.
What else can we expect from HIGH BIAS in the coming months?
Once venues start to re open we'll be back with our usual programming. We've got some more clothing drops on the way too - and finally a little secret project in the works with Good Mood Melbourne, but we can't speak too much on that right now.
Are you hoping to have HIGH BIAS in full swing again after restrictions have been lifted?
What do you think you enjoy most about being a part of HIGH BIAS? And finally, what do you feel encouraged the move to start selling quality threads? The collection is mint by the way.
Thanks! High Bias allows us to support the community and share things we love.
We started making threads because outside of music, I've always been big on clothing and streetwear. It's another avenue of expression. We aim to make clothes that are sustainable and affordable, while still focusing on design and cuts.
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What do you love most about expressing a part of yourself through music? Do you feel your music makes you feel vulnerable sometimes? If so, how do you overcome and embrace those feelings?
It's always enjoyable creating something, I do it for myself first and foremost. I'm just lucky to have people that like it as much as I do. Making music isn't a vulnerable thing for me. 
When I first started sharing my music it was a little frightening putting it out to the world - but you kinda just have to do things like that sometimes and cop the feedback. Makes you a stronger person.
With everything going on worldwide at the moment with protests, illness, and lack of employment, what do you think creatives should be doing to show their support for those affected?
I don't think it matters who you are, people should look out for their friends and family - think global act local.
What do you feel creatives within the realms of Hip-Hop should be doing to show their appreciation for the roots and fore-creators?
As a white dude I don't like to speak on what we should be doing as it's not my place. But what's most important is to listen, be respectful and know that we are guests in this culture.
Would you say you like to explore various genres? What do you enjoy most about adapting and creating your own sound?
I donno, as a music fan I listen to many different genres, but when it comes to creating music I do what feels right. I'm really into that heavy 808 type stuff right now, so I try to blend jazzy, soulful stuff with that.
Let's go back and talk about your earliest beat-tape released in 2016 known as "Etcetera".
For me, this release as a whole is dosed in those smooth tones and jazzy feels that had me thinking to myself,
"Surely, you'd been producing a while before you released music?",
"Etcetera" is a blessed release to play track 1 to 10.
Favourite track for me is "INFAMOUS", much love for the skills displayed in this timeless release.
Link to Etcetera here - https://entrobeats.bandcamp.com/album/etcetera
Can you share how "Etcetera" came about and also, why the name Etcetera? Can you remember what your thoughts were like on the release date? What atmosphere were you trying to create with this release?
Etcetera is actually just a collection of beats I made in the early days. It's not something I revisit often but it was a good benchmark of what I had made at the time.
Do you have a favourite track from "Etcetera"? If so, what beat and why? Finally, what inspired the names of the tracks on "Etcetera"?
I don't really have a favourite from that album, I actually barely remember it lol. When I name tracks there's nothing special too it, it's normally a play on the original samples name, or a line from an acapella I used.
Thanks for that. Can you share a little about Lab Co and what they represent? You've released with this collective quite a bit.
What do you feel Lab Co represents and, what do you enjoy about releasing and creating with Lab Co? Where is Lab Co based?
Lab Co is literally just a crew of homies from mostly Melbourne. We're not as active as we once were but we all still play the same shows and catch up all the time.
It came together through us all being heavily involved with BeatLab, a show put together my Walla C and Clay Adams. 
They gave a lot of us our first shows - and it grew from there. It's amazing having a tight knit crew around you, I love all those guys and girls and am forever grateful for it.
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Going back to 2016, you also released another beat-tape in that year, "Wave '92" which is a full release consisting of 26 tracks that you put together for Melbourne based label Groove Penguin Records and HIGH BIAS.
For me, there are too many added goodies for me to choose a favourite.
You supply variety and innovation when it comes to working with beats and, your style feels very natural.
Link to Wave '92 here -
How did this release come about and what inspired you to create it?
Also, what do you appreciate about having the opportunities to work on your music with other local curators and labels?  
Funny enough, I was working a cafe at the time and got talking to the dude who runs the label as he was a regular customer. One thing lead to another and we put together the tape. It was awesome meeting everyone in that community and learning the ropes. I appreciate them for putting out my first physical release, meant a lot.
2018 was a good year for experimental Hip-Hop in Melbourne with the release of the HIGH BIAS compilation "local cuts [comp #01]" which showcased the works of producers and beat-makers that have played at the monthly Melbourne shows "Lofi Lounge".
Insane tracks by artists such as SADIVA, ohwell, and yourself are featured in local cuts and it's such a release.
Bounce, emotion, and soul are all present in this comp, cheers to all involved.
Link to "local cuts [comp #01]" Here- https://highbiassupply.bandcamp.com/album/local-cuts-comp-01
Your track "i'm lazy these days" for the compilation was a smooth jazzy number. The piano simply carries you away, much love.
What's it like to perform at a "Lofi Lounge"? Also, what was it like to make "i'm lazy these days"? Clever track name btw.
Performing at Lofi Lounge is pretty chill. 
We let people do their thing and just facilitate them.
I'm lazy these days was literally thrown together in 20 min cus I forgot to make a beat for the tape lmao, hence the name.
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Does your family know you make music? If so, what does your family think about your sound and how do they show support for what you do?
Yeah! They're real supportive as well, they think cus I got a couple million plays on Spotify that I'm like a big deal, so it's kind of cute lmao
Away from music, what does your day to day activities usually consist of? Does your day to day inspire or influence the music you make?
Not much right now cus of isolation, but it's normally a lot of going to shows, seeing homies, playing video games. Inspiration comes from experience for me. Whether it's listening to new music or getting hyped from someone else's success.
Can we look with a wee bit more detail into your August 2018 release "after hours"? Which has to be one of my favourite albums by yourself.
Jazzy vibes that suit day or night layered in drums that make the heart skip a beat, vibrant and balanced, I've found myself playing "after hours" on repeat. Thank you for the effort you put into this one.
Link to after hours here -
You produced this album in 6 months too, what was that like?
Just like any other project for me, I catch a certain vibe and run with it till I have something
Did you create any deadlines for yourself with this release? Also, what was "after hours" like to create?
I never do deadlines, I try to release at least one full length a year but it's more important for me to make sure the music is ready before pushing it out.
What atmosphere were you trying to create with this 9-track blessing?
Just some lounge type hip hop beats - I didn't think too much about this one but I do think I really refined my style at the time when it came to that release.
Do you have a favourite track from this release, if so, which one and why?
Nokia 3310 by far - it's just such a tasty sample.
Last year you released "Tōge" a 14 track album that showcases lofi hip-hop laced in all things phonk and jazz, with drums that add bounce and has the head-bopping till you hit the last track "Class Is Over", to the way you worked the vocal samples in "Tōge" which also needs to be commended. 
Nice work yet again on this release, I feel it's a must cope for anyone who enjoys experimental hip-hop. "Tōge" seems to show how you subtly change your sound and still hold that integrity within your work, it's blessed to hear through-out this entire release.
When one purchases this release, you're also gifted with 11 bonus musical blessings that are just worth the purchase, much gratitude for the additions.
Link to Tōge here - https://entrobeats.bandcamp.com/album/t-ge
Can you share what "Tōge" was like to create? What encouraged the vocal samples you worked with in this release? And finally, what did you enjoy working on most with this album?
Toge for me was my departure from lofi. I was experimenting with 808s and slower tempos, triplets etc. I started using Acapellas from modern rappers I liked, putting it into a different context over my type of beats. It was refreshing to do something different.
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If you still have it in you, I would love to discuss "Hands Free" which you released at the start of June this year.
This album has your track "double cheese" in it and this track was my introduction to your sound.
Your take on "Double" by Smokepurpp and NLE Choppa just blew me away, subtle alterations to the vocals that enhanced drums as I had never heard them before. You added another layer of soul with your take.
I knew at first play you'd be someone I'd love the opportunity to share words with so before we end, I'd just like to thank you for what you're doing within music here in Australia.
Back on "Hands Free" what inspired you to put this release together?
Link to Hands Free here - https://entrobeats.bandcamp.com/album/hands-free
Nothing in particular, I had been working on some new music and with all the time off I've had recently it was a good time to put something together.
What were your nerves like with this release? What inspires you to release bonus tracks with your releases?
No nerves or anything like that. The bonus tracks on that release are for the people that prefer the instrumentals. I like to include them for anyone that buys the album.
Also, what drew in in about the particular songs you chose to sample for this album as a whole and how does this release resonate with you as its creator?
I was actually listening to a lot of Jetson, baccyard and Soudiere at the time so that was kind of the vibe.
Any upcoming releases or collaborations in the works that you would like to share more details about?
I'm always working on music so I'll have some stuff out again soon. Some singles and maybe another EP before the end of the year.
Can you recommend any artists from music and beyond that you feel our readers would benefit from checking out?
Aside from who I mentioned above, as well as everyone in Lab Co - I'd have to say some of my influences when I first started out.
bsd.u, p00k, aNTOJE, mdbnd, AKTR, bugseed,
Any Last Words?
Thanks for having me!
ENTRO// - Dime Bag
Support ENTRO// Here:
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Special thanks to Bonny Scott, Corey Leonard, Dani Caffs and @thelisteningpartyco for the brilliant photography
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