drwtanaka · 7 years
—closed starter for @minrhee
          pressing a warm cup of tea into min’s hands, drew sighed. she knew what some of her fellow hunters had thought when they had seen min arrive, and most of them took one look at him and scattered the moment they laid eyes on him. but drew had always had a soft spot for min, and she was willing to go at least this far to preserve the few camp half-blood friendships that she had.
          she tucked a strand of dark hair behind one ear, though it was short enough that it threatened to fall back on her face whenever she turned her head. drew had cut her hair to this length a few weeks after she had became a hunter---she had wanted the hunters to take her seriously, that she wasn’t just an aphrodite kid.
           “min,” she said, ditching her usual pet-names of honey or dear or sweetheart, and her next words were more of an order than an actual question. “what’s wrong?”
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scenthq · 6 years
please follow !!
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Finding out Alabaster was alive had left Annabeth most certainly shaken, and though she wanted to do what she usually did with feelings she didn’t like (shove them down and never address them) it was only fair to Min that she tell him what had happened. So here she was knocking on his door around noon. “Min, are you in there?” Not hearing anything at first she banged a little harder. “Min, it’s important. There’s something I gotta tell you.”
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amongushq · 7 years
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A warning is given to these characters for being inactive for the past week:
At the request of the mun, please unfollow:
These people are currently on hiatus:
@xmcxine  ( + Collin Marcellus, Toni Clyde, Colleen Walker, Reyna Ramirez-Arellano )
@cvtestinpink​  ( + Spyro Athanasiadis, Eden Reed, Ira West, Basil Cervantes Salazar )
@realcherub​  ( + Cypress Bae, Dimi Tien, Kennedy Stone ; semi hiatus )
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@ecaterrina​ ( semi-hiatus )
The following faceclaims have been reopened:
Ezra Miller
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drwtanaka · 7 years
chartreuse & acacia
chartreuse ➳ if you had to describe your muse with a color, what color would it be and why?
somewhere between a dusty rose and a pale berry shade. millennial pink? (see drew’s mobile header image) drew is definitely some variety of pink, just not anything too tacky. drew believes that pink is a good color, and in that aspect she is her mother’s child. she is, first and foremost, and aphrodite girl. it’s just that she is now more than that.
acacia ➳ how much does it take for your muse to hate someone?
a lot more than most people tend to think.
what people tend not to realize is that drew does recognize the fact that she might not be the most likable person, and she therefore doesn’t expect people to be nice to her. drew has grown to expect the worst from people, which she thinks is the perspective of a realist. because of this, she generally doesn’t put her trust in a lot of people either.
if someone snaps at her or is rude, she generally won’t take it to heart. however, she hates betrayal, and she dislikes plenty of people, just not that many.
send me a color! (see list here)
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