#minoru yajima
xinu1941-1966 · 2 years
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松本零士 Leiji Matsumoto /矢島稔 Minoru Yajima 共著
#reiji matsumoto
#minoru yajima
#Leiji Matsumoto
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thebrikbox · 1 year
Godzilla Raids Again, 1955
Godzilla returns with a vengeance, and this time he’s not alone.
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With the success of Gorjira, Toho wanted to give new fans more, but how would they after Godzilla was killed? Executive producer Iwao Miri told Tomoyuki Tomaka to start production on another Godzilla movie. Miri wanted a reasonable explanation for a revival of the great monster, and Tomaka went to work immediately.
Ishiro Honda was pegged to direct the movie, but he was working on another film. Tomaka collected the creative team from the first movie to help and a new director, Motoyoshi Oda. After weeks, the creative team finished the screenplay and production started. Here is the magic they created:
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Marine Fisheries KK in Osaka is a successful fish manufacturing company makes fish products. It’s success relies on two pilots searching for pockets of fish in the Pacific Ocean. Shoichi Tsukioka (Hiroshi Koizumi), and Koji Kobayashi (Minoru Chiaki), report their findings to the control operator who is the owner’s daughter, Hidemi Yajima (Setsuko Wakayama). Hidemi and Tsukioka are a couple madly in love.
On a routine flight one day, Kobayashi’s plane has engine problems and he makes an emergency landing on a nearby remote island, Iwato Island. He calls headquarters to report his situation; Hidemi informs Tsukioka who then flies to the island to rescue his friend. Kobayashi is spotted, and Tsukioka lands nearby. Just as they were leaving, strange noises from beyond a cliff caught their attention, so they go and check it out. They’re shocked to find two monsters fighting, one is recognized as Godzilla, but the other one isn’t familiar. The men watch in horror as the battle rages on. The mobsters fight so fiercely that they fall off the cliff and into the ocean. Tsukioka and Kobayashi escape unscathed and quickly return to Osaka and report this to authorities.
The JSDF, Japanese Self Defense Forces, and a team of scientists led by Dr. Yamane to discuss the mobsters on Iwato Island. Dr. Yamane confirmed the one monster is in fact Godzilla and the new one as Anguirus based on a report written by a Polish scientist. Great monsters do in fact exist. Godzilla and Anguirus had been dormant underground for centuries until they were disturbed by atomic blasts from nuclear testing performed by the American Navy in the Pacific. (Brilliant!)
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This time, Osaka was the unfortunate location for Godzilla’s raid because it was closest to Iwato Island. The defense team reviewed footage from the last Godzilla attack in Tokyo a year ago. The monster was killed by the Oxygen Destroyer, and a powerful weapon like that doesn’t exist. How would Osaka defend itself? Dr. Yamane suggested that Godzilla was light sensitive, observed from the Tokyo footage, and a citywide blackout would be the best defense. They could use flares to lure it to Osaka and use their military weapons to defeat Godzilla.
The JASDF, Japanese Air Self Defense Force, sends planes to search for Godzilla and he’s spotted moving towards the Kii Channel between Wakayama Prefecture and Shikoku. Mr. Yamaji, Hidemi’s father, is concerned because Godzilla could destruct his valued fishing production that he couldn’t afford to lose. Godzilla then changes his course and is now heading towards Osaka Bay. Authorities order an evacuation and Tsukiaka and Koboyashi go to the cannery with Mr. Yamaji. Meanwhile, convicts are being escape from an evacuation transport. They lead the police in a chase and crash into an oil refinery. The explosion attracts Godzilla and he goes towards it.
Mr. Yamaji and everyone evacuate the cannery and unbeknownst to them, the escaped convicts enter the business to hide. But no sooner than later, the convicts are killed when the monsters destroy the business. Destroying everything in their path the battle ends for Anguirus when Godzilla kills him with his atomic breath. Godzilla returns the sea.
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Later, Mr. Yamaji relocates his business to Hokkaido. Tsukioka is reunited with Tajima, a friend from college and the war; Tajima works for the JASDF. The friends join Yamaji and friends for dinner. It was there that Kobayashi tells Hidemi he’s fallen for a woman, but doesn’t say whom. She tries to persuade him to tell her, but he won’t. The dinner party falls silent when a news flash reports a ship was sunk by Godzilla.
Tsukioka volunteers and helps the JASDF search for Godzilla the morning after the sinking. He flies out to the location of the downed ship and spots Godzilla at Kamiko Island. Kobayashi joins Tsukioka who is trying to prevent Godzilla from leaving the island. Meanwhile, Hidemi finds Kobayashi’s diary and finds her picture is in it. She becomes emotional learning she’s the one he loves, but she is in love with Tsukioka. Kobayashi joins his friend circling Godzilla but is struck by an atomic blast and crashes into the mountain peak. The crash causes an avalanche that buries Godzilla and this is how the JASDF decides to use this method to stop Godzilla.
Everyone who knew Kobayashi is distraught, especially Hidemi. Tsukioka wants to aid the JASDF, but Tajima won’t allow him to because of Kobayashi. The JASDF flies to Kamiko Island and bombs the ground creating a wall of fire to prevent Godzilla from leaving while another group of planes shoots missiles into the mountaintop causing avalanches to subdue the great monster. Tsukioka flies out to the island to witness the attack and watches Godzilla fire one last blast before being completely buried by the downfall of snowy rubble. Knowing Godzilla is defeated, Tsukioka tells his best friend, Kobayashi, that they’ve won and he can rest in peace.
Wrap up
Godzilla Raids Again was released in Japan April 24, 1955 and an English-dubbed version was released by Warner Bros. in America May 21, 1959 under a different name: Gigantis, the Fire Monster.
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The Japanese version was released in Japanese-American theaters prior to the new adaptation and the audiences reception wasn’t received with the same excitement as was the first movie, but it did draw a moderate amount of money compared to what the first one profited. Tanaka claimed that the creating team had very little time to make this movie and he didn’t much care for it personally.
Despite the moderate profit and less enthusiastic reception, the movie is credited for paving the road for other great Godzilla movies.
I did enjoy the movie. Despite the mad rush deadline to meet, I think Tanaka created a good enough story that allows a scientific reason for Godzilla’s existence.
I enjoyed how the original movie and this one had similar romance dilemmas. The first movie, Emiko and Ogata are in love, and Dr. Serizawa is a friend who likes Emiko. Serizawa dies to save Japan. This movie, Hidemi and Tsukiyaka are in love and their friend Kobiasha likes Hidemi. Kobiasha’s death inspired a defense tactic to defeat Godzilla. Actors in both movies were outstanding. They made us believe Godzilla was real, none more so than the extras recruited for evacuation scenes.
Cast and crew
Director: Motoyoshi Oda
Special effects: Eiji Tsuburaya
Screenplay: Takeo Murata and Shigeaki Hidaka
Story: Shigeru Kayama
Produced by: Tomoyuki Tanaka
Score: Masary Sato
Starring: Hiroshi Koizumi, Setsuko Wakayama, Minoru Chiaki, Takashi Shimura
Movie Grade: 0.0 to 4.0
Score: 3.7
Photo references: Getty Images
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xinu1941-1966 · 2 years
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松本零士 Leiji Matsumoto /矢島稔 Minoru Yajima 共著
#reiji matsumoto
#minoru yajima
#Leiji Matsumoto
45 notes · View notes
xinu1941-1966 · 2 years
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松本零士 Leiji Matsumoto /矢島稔 Minoru Yajima 共著
#reiji matsumoto
#minoru yajima
#Leiji Matsumoto
25 notes · View notes
xinu1941-1966 · 2 years
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松本零士 Leiji Matsumoto /矢島稔 Minoru Yajima 共著
#reiji matsumoto
#minoru yajima
#Leiji Matsumoto
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xinu1941-1966 · 2 years
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昆虫おもしろブック(21世紀ブックス)昭和49年4月発行 松本零士 Leiji Matsumoto /矢島稔 Minoru Yajima 共著
#reiji matsumoto
#minoru yajima
#Leiji Matsumoto
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