#minors dni pls
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Unfortunate turn of events
AFAB reader x Pantalone - NSFW (Minors DNI) Synopsys: You're in a tough spot and have terrible luck with finding jobs. Whatever might happen once you apply for a job at the Northland bank?
Warnings: Smut, Porn /w plot, public sex, hair pulling, overall just a quick smut scene w some plot
Words: 3.5K

Author's note:
This is also posted on AO3 HERE!!
this is a quick fic I wrote while bored, the *smut* scene is short and awkward so I apologize, but still enjoy!!
Minors dni!!
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒��┈• 。゚
»I— I'll fix it.. I swear!«
I beg and plead as the shop owner shoves me out the door. I was a good employee, I really was, I always tried my best and always put my everything into every shift. I slump down against the door and begin to sob. This job was barely enough to cover for monthly food rations.. and aside from food I needed to fix up my house and save up for new clothes. I was going to even look for a second job to cover all of my expenses but now I don't have anything! I do not even know what triggered that immediate reaction, I mean, firing me on the spot? After breaking a simple vase that the shop manager bought just a week ago? From what I overheard it wasn't even expensive!
I stand up slowly and make my way back home, head hung low in defeat. I wasn't sure what to do now, I mean.. I've got to find a job, sure, but that was harder done than said nowadays, especially at this time of the year. Snezhnaya was a cold country all year round but winters were especially harsh. I wonder how I'd survive this year, I mean my roof is busted, my water supply is running low due to my pipes freezing up thanks to my broken heating system and not to mention that one of my windows cracked. With no heating, cracked windows and a part missing roof my house was as cold as the outside and I was barely surviving. I wasn't sure what to do till I saw freshly hung posters in the town square as I passed.
'Looking for hire.'
They said, and I stepped closer, considering the idea without even checking for the publisher. I'm glad I did because my eyes almost jumped out of my skull. It would've been a death sentence to join the Fatui and there's no way I'd even consider taking up this job offer, even if my life depends on it. The Northland bank is looking for hire? Yeah no thanks..
I stumble along and head home, hugging myself tightly, already missing my warm.. well.. as warm as it can get, blanket.
I stare at the dry piece of bread and the already lukewarm coffee set before me on the table. Everyday is getting harder and I don't know if I'll have enough money to buy food for next week. I lean forward and rest my head into my palms, sighing loudly. I don't know what else to do, I cannot find a job and donations from doing community service aren't enough. It's getting colder each day and I have a feeling I'll freeze if I don't get my house fixed up. That's when I decide that enough is enough and stand up, grabbing my coat.
I step out into the cold and begin to venture downtown, ready to start my search. I couldn't continue on like this knowing I'll eventually starve without a stable income. I knew I'd have to get up and start looking this morning when I found another window cracked.
I shuffle through the thick snow, snow slowly falling from the sky. It's a beautiful sight, the sun rising behind the parting clouds coloring the sky a bright gray-orange-blue-ish color. It was barely 6:30 in the morning and I was already threading through the city, heading towards the commission's guild, knowing I could make a quick buck or two there. Then I'd head towards the community board in the city center at around 9 to check for any new posters. The idea was great and It worked out perfectly.. to a degree.
I stopped by The adventurers guild like I said I would, greeting Katheryne and wishing her a wonderful morning. I accepted two out of three commissions offered to me, seeing as the third involved fighting some Hilichurls and I wasn't very skilled with weapons. I barely used my Pryo vision and even that was when I needed a source of heat, having no other use for the darn thing. The other two commissions were the delivery type. Ivanka, a widow living on the outskirts of the city required a fresh batch of groceries delivered and Jasmine, a local florist required some fresh soil that needed to be picked up from the dock and delivered to her straight. The commissions didn't take long and I was done very quickly, before the clock even struck 9.
I made my way back towards the Adventurer's guild, waving towards Katheryne from a far.
»I'm back!«
I exclaim excitedly. Katheryne offers me a bright smile, opening her mouth to speak.
»Thank you for completing Today's commissions. Here is your reward.«
I grab the pouch she holds out to me and flinch due to it's weight.
»A-Ah! Thank you!«
I grin and straighten a little then look around. People were beginning to wake up, go about their day and open up shops. I turn back to Katheryne and stare at her for a second then ask.
»Do you know if anybody's offering jobs of any kind for a little income?«
She thinks for a second then nods, giving me a reassuring smile.
»Well I believe the Northland bank is still searching! Best of luck if you do choose to give it a try!«
I freeze and look around. The Northland bank? Still? It's been a week and the spot hasn't been filled yet? There's no way I'd even get the job if no other has been able to in the past week! Still I believe there's no other choice I have.. Katheryne would've mentioned it if there were any other job offers available but I doubt there is since she hasn't mentioned anything. I slowly make my way towards the plaza hoping and praying to the Tsaritsa and any Celestial force that might hear my prayers to bless me with a job that is NOT working at the Northland bank.
I round the corner, passing by the local bakery and spot a younger girl standing by the notice board, either taking something off or nailing a poster to the board, I wasn't sure. I approach her slowly before making my presence known as to not startle her.
»Hey! Morning..«
I say and she turns around to look at me then offers me a friendly smile.
I now stand next to her and look over at the board confirming my suspicions. She indeed was taking a poster off, the one for the local flower shop. I tried applying for a simple cashier job there but I was too late and the place was taken before I could even ask about the offer. I sigh, spotting the last job poster on the board and my heartbeat speeds up a bit. I groan and the lady looks over at me, worriedly.
»You alright, ma'am?«
She asks and I nod, apologizing.
»Indeed, I apologize, I'm just having terrible luck looking for a job.«
She hums, nodding.
»Good luck, hey the Northland bank seems to still have an open spot? Considered checking it out?«
»I have but I doubt it's smart to get involved with the Fatui..«
»That is true.. well best of luck!«
She wishes me a good day and I return the kind words, watching her disappear around the block. I stare at the board. Town info, news reports, missing person posters, the board was filled with crap like that yet no job offers. I snatch the Northland bank poster, ripping it off and turn towards home, deciding that perhaps this was my last chance. I'll put on my best clothes and warmest smile and hope for the best.
I stand before the large doors, shuddering at the thought that if luck's on my side today there might just be a chance I'd have to pass them every day. I take a moment to collect myself then slowly push the pine doors open, taking my first step inside. The warmth hits me in the face immediately and I stop for a moment, taking in the warm air and sweet smell. The Bank smells like a bakery would and it isn't as loud as one would think. People are speaking in hushed tones and keeping to themselves, not one dares to speak up. The place is clean, and I mean clean. Even the plants look perfect!
I step up to the front desk and the secretary looks up from the papers, giving me a warm smile.
»Good afternoon! How may I help you?«
She asks in a tone so cheery I didn't think was possible. I look around for a brief moment then back to her, forcing myself to return the gesture.
»I heard you were offering a job?«
Her cheery facade drops and she stares at me, dumbfounded. I wasn't sure whether she was about to laugh seeing as somebody like me was definitely not fit to work in a bank, or because I was ballsy enough to actually show up to the bank without hesitation and ask about the job? I mean the poster was up for a long while therefore I'm guessing nobody realllllyyy wanted to even think about taking up the offer.
I stutter and freeze up when she suddenly snaps out of whatever trance she was in and her warm smile returns.
»A-Apologies..! Come with me!«
She doesn't ask for my information, for even my name nor what the job would be other than working behind a desk! She just asks me to follow after her and seeing as I hold no authority over her I do not really have the right to stop her and ask her pointless questions that have a chance of getting answered even after I follow her.
We make our way up a looped staircase onto the first floor which is connected to a balcony that overlooks the bank. Every millimeter of the bank walls is covered in golden and wooden details, gems and crystals of different kinds. Even the floor looks expensive and neatly polished. I heard that the maids get paid quite a lot and they don't have to deal with customers or any of the Fatui officials therefore I wonder how much I will get paid for doing both! I could salivate at the thought of how well I'll fix up my little house with the hard earned money but I decided to push those thoughts away seeing as there's a chance I'll jinx myself and not get the job if I think about it too hard. I focus my attention back onto the bank worker and offer her a soft smile as she opens the glass double doors for me, the ones we stopped in front of after leading me down a maze of hallways.
»One of our employers should be in right now, they'll take it over from here. Best of luck, Comrade!«
She says and turns on her heel, leaving me alone. I take a deep breath before creaking the door open slowly, dipping one foot inside the room then following with my whole body and finally the other foot. I now stand inside the room my attention immediately falling onto the circular desk in the middle of the room. Behind it sit three ladies, all facing away from each other, a slim pillar extending outward towards the ceiling stands in the very middle. Their desk looks awfully messy and they seem to be in a rush. I step over and greet the black haired one, offering her a smile although I do not get one in return.
»Make it quick please, I'm busy.«
She chews on a piece of gum rather loudly, clicking the pen impatiently. I stutter but step closer, placing my ID onto the table.
»[Last name][Name], [Age], I saw you guys were looking for a secretary and was wondering whether there was any chance it was still open. I'll be honest I have no work experience in this field and don't really know what the job of a secretary involves... b-but I learn very quickly...!«
She stares at me and sighs, shaking her head. Her demeanor went from annoyed to tired in an instant and she didn't seem so hostile anymore.
»No experience you say? Ughh... erm.. well this job requires a lot of running around and a good memory s—«
I cut her off immediately, scrambling to catch my words. She shoots me a glance but doesn't stop me.
»That's no problem, really.. ! O-Oh and I remember things quickly!«
She nods, signalling that she indeed was listening as she writes something down.
»Well you'll have to wait because we were ju—«
Just as she was about to finish speaking she gets interrupted for the second time, this time not daring to look a bit annoyed. Through one of the hallways enters..
The Regator
The doors opened by Fatui Skrimishers as they escort him into the room and he sets eyes on one of the desk workers, unfortunately exactly the one I was speaking to.
One of the Skrimishers calls out and she yelps.
The Skrimisher walks over, slapping a pile of reports onto her table.
»Go make a copy for each and every one of these separately, now!«
The Regator stares at us intently and she looks up at him, then at me and finally at the Skrimisher.
»But.. M-My Lord.. I was tending to this young lady, she's here for an interview..!«
His smile twists into a large grin upon hearing those words and he finally speaks, his voice silky smooth.
»Wonderful, I'll take over from here.«
He purrs and I freeze. Take over? I'll get interviewed by The Regator himself? This is a joke..
I step back towards the desk and stare at the man who takes a step closer, eyes narrowing.
»Chop, chop! I don't have all day.«
He says, his tone changing immediately. He moves past us towards the back of the room where stands an impressive set of double doors which leads to another hallway. The Regator looks over his shoulder and I jump, realizing I have to follow and not just stare! We enter another expensively decorated room which seemed to serve as a waiting room. At the very far right wall stood yet another set of doors. I wonder how many this place even has. The Skrimishers open the door for the 9th and he steps inside. I hesitate for a second but just for a second as the next moment I am standing inside of the office, doors closed behind me. I was shoved inside and didn't really have a choice.
»Well then? I sure don't have all day. Come on, sit.«
His demeanor changed immediately, his smile gone and his eyes cold, staring daggers through my form. I approach slowly and pull the cushioned chair out, cringing at the sound it makes as it scrapes against the floor. I cautiously sit down and The Regator leans back, pulling out a blank form from one of his drawers.
»Let's make this quick. I'll need a full name and age, address, previous work experience..«
He continues on but I don't really listen to him, more than what not staring at the blank form. Would my picture go there? Why do they need so much information? What would happen if I just refused and got out of here. He snaps me out of my thoughts as he clears his throat.
»Are you still with me?«
He's becoming irritated.
»My apologies, My Lord.«
»Ah so you can speak after all.«
He grins, sliding me the sheet.
»Make sure to be quick, we'll have to interview you properly.«
I nod and swallow nervously as I rake my eyes over the sheet of paper. He holds out a pen, his long slender fingers adorned with all kinds of rings and jewels. He smiles, although his smile unlike the other employees' wasn't warm and welcoming, more like threatening. I return the smile awkwardly as I take the pen, focusing back on the paper. There wasn't much to fill out except for personal information. Why would my work place need my address? My previous one sure as hell did not, so why now? Well perhaps it was to mail me the check, but still I can collect it at work!
He mumbles as he watches me write my name down. I look up immediately and he grins, waving me off.
»Is there a problem, M-My Lord..?«
»Oh don't you worry your pretty head off, nothing's wrong, continue on.«
I hum and skip through the attention notice, then finish the task I was given. I lay the pen down and look back up. He's focused on the sheet rather intently. He reaches forward, sliding it over the desk and I freeze. Oh right, he actually has to read this. His eyes scan the page and he frowns. Oh no..
»Antique shop manager? That's unfortunate.«
»I— Is there a problem...?«
»I don't think your past work experience matches what we are looking for. Quite unfortunate I must say.«
He sighs and stands up and my heart drops. Wait.. so I didn't get it? But..!
»W—Wa— My Lord! I seriously need this job I..«
I cannot believe I'm begging for a job I was at first hesitant to even apply for but at this point it is my last chance, the only means of survival.
»Oh really? Do tell me why this position should be granted to exactly you over every other person twice as experienced as you.«
As experienced as me? For fucks sake it's just some numbers! I grit my teeth and look at him, knowing I'd regret my words immediately.
»What every other person? As far as I've noticed I'm the only one applying for this job, no other was in line behind me!«
His smile falls and I freeze yet again.
»I— W—«
He slams his hands onto the table and stands up, I gulp.
»You've got guts to bark out against a harbinger, I'll give you that.«
I melt into my chair as I watch him round the table, staring down at my form.
»Not only you decide to go against my word and my beliefs you as well try to demand things from me?«
»So tell me, Gem. Why should a job as highly paying as this go to somebody lowly like you?«
»M-My Lord..«
He scoffs and stops before me, leaning against the desk just two or so feet away from me. I look up and he grins widely for what feels like the 100th time, knowing I'm afraid and won't even think about acting out again.
»W-Well.. a tree fell and some windows cracked.. I— I have been barely s-surviving...I—«
I stare at my feet, fumbling with my hands. I know there's no chance of redemption now but all I can do is pray. He hums, grabbing my face and I flinch, staring up at him in disbelief. The cold metal of his rings digs into my face and I grimace at the feeling.
»I have an idea how we could fix this mishap..«
I try to pull away but he grabs at his belt and I think I've got just the Idea.
He pulls at my hair, bringing my head back as I gasp for air. Tears run freely down my cheeks as I choke on his precum and my own saliva, barely catching a breath before he brings my head back down, stuffing my mouth.
»Yo-You know— haah..«
He bites at his lips before pulling my head off again.
»I usually don't do this but.. celestia.. I couldn't help myself..«
I sob as he brings me up by my collar, chasing my mouth with his own. He groans as our lips connect, moving together furiously, melting into each other. A string of saliva connects us as he pulls away, the scene is absolutely filthy.
»The way you looked up at me.. dear Tsaritsa.. haa—«
He groans as I trace my hand up his length and attempt sink back to my knees to finish what I've started but he stops me, gripping my arm before I could. I look up at him again and he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Suddenly I'm flipped around and over his desk as he grips my hair, forcing me forward. I gasp as he grips my hips, leaning over my body.
»You know... I'm tempted to sign you up as my personal assistant right about now. You'd like that, wouldn't you?«
He says as he slowly slides pulls my pants down, slapping my ass.
»I asked you a question.«
He grips my throat and shoves me further into the table and I cry out. His cold rings making me shiver.
»Y-Yes! I would love to—«
He slaps me again, this time harder before pulling my undergarments off with such force I swear to everything I own I could have heard a rip. I can hear the grin on his face as he speaks again, fingers tracing my opening.
»I'm sure of it..«
He slides his fingers inside my heat, curling them upwards and I jolt, sobbing into my hand.
»We'll have to train you then, you said you were a fast learner? Did I hear that right?«
I simply nod but he frowns, not that I could see it, of course. He removes his fingers with a whine from my side and smacks my ass again, hard enough to leave a mark.
»I expect a proper answer whenever I ask you a question.«
»Y-Yes! Ye—ees My Lord!«
He grins again, rubbing the spot he just struck.
»Wonderful, don't you worry I'll call off my next meeting then we'll have plenty of time!« 。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
Written by DottoreEnjoyer69 on AO3
#pantalone x reader smut#genshin pantalone#pantalone x reader#pantalone#fatui#fatui harbingers#fatui x reader#genshin impact fatui#genshin fatui#fatui harbingers x reader#harbinger x reader#genshin harbingers#smut#genshin impact x reader#genshin impact#genshin impact imagines#genshin x reader#genshin impact fanart#genshin smut#genshin impact smut#minors dni pls
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Candy Bunny from Bunny Maloney
Unfortunately I have to digitize her to add her other leg and I’m also planning to animate this.
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The sad thing about needing to share every single thing you draw is that sometimes its porn. and then yiu cant share it with that many people
#minors dni pls#theres like 17 whole people in one discord server who will see any Adult Art i make because theres no way to like. broach that subject with#other random friends . and i dont draw it frequently enough nor am i brave enough to post it anywhere#so it goes!#chess post
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does anybody on here have spacehey??? I finally made an acc :3

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when you realize that you've been following a minor because they don't have their age or the fact that they are a minor mentioned clearly on their blog. 😱
well, i think i've never hit unfollow faster.
also a reminder: if you are a minor following this blog and i haven't realized it, pls unfollow me immediately
#silverofthunder speaks#minors dni pls#i need to start checking out blogs better if they haven't mentioned their age
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i could make a nsfw art blog but i have the sex drive of a peanut so it’d mostly just be nonsexual nudity and anatomy studies.
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Man, that E-sex was crazy

#suggestive#objectum#computers#shitpost#Clay Posts#no computers were harmed in the making of this post i promise. it was one of those wireless keyboards#needed the keys for an art project if anyone was wondering#minors dni w/ this one pls#what do i even tag this with#adding this tag to commemorate funnier-when-objectum reblogging this. it was objectum from the start#!!! godbless but rip my notifs </3
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suppressed feelings
nsfw lolz i had another idea for this, but i ended up scrapping it to finish another day... i wanted something more.... idk how to word it but like pathetic??? and angsty from bruce's side anyway lol i know this is treading the line into incest.... just... let me fantasize... also pls send me more noncon!fauxcest thoughts cuz im highkey gooning over some of these dynamics
bruce wayne x adoptive!daughter
tw// noncon to dubcon, fauxcest, sorta yandere?, angst, reader has a vagina, (plss lmk if im missing any tags)
minors dni!!!!! 18+!!!!!!!!!!!
"bruce?" you nervously peek your head into bruce's office. your adoptive father sits at his desk, head in his hands. he lifts his head, eyes red from fatigue. "you okay?"
he sighs, leaning back in his chair, "yeah, sweetheart, i'm okay. just..." bruce stops, shaking his head. "did you need something?" you shake your head and walk in.
"yeah, i wanted to ask if you needed anything? you seemed... off when you came back from patrol with damian." you tilt your head and bruce smiles, chest tightening as you come closer.
"yeah, (y/n), i'm okay..." he gestures for you to come closer, "my girl is so kind." you stand in between his spread legs, letting him hug you. his head rests on your chest and you hug his neck, letting him breathe you in. you feel his hands pull you closer, "i love you so much, sweetheart." his voice is muffled, the vibrations of his voice sending chills down your spine.
you laugh, "i love you too, dad." you feel him frown against your skin.
he pulls away to look up at you, "have you ever thought of me as anything else, (y/n)? other than as your father?" his eyes search yours and you pause, trying to pull away.
"what do you mean? w-what're you trying to say, bruce?" you let out an awkward laugh. his hand drifts up to your shirt, pulling it up slightly. you freeze and bruce presses a kiss to your stomach. you feel warm and you rip yourself away from him. "this-this is weird, bruce." you start to panic and bruce stands up to pull you into a hug.
"no, no, sweetheart. don't worry, i'll take care of you." before you could respond, bruce picks you up and over his shoulder. you yelp, you try to call out for alfred, but a hard smack on your butt silences you. "good girl."
bruce doesn't take you far, only moving to his bedroom. he delicately lays you on his bed and you sit up, watching him carefully unbutton his shirt. "let daddy take care you, angel..." soon, bruce was only in his boxers, undressing you against your will. his hands were calloused and gentle. you couldn't help, but be soothed by your adoptive father's touch.
"bruce..." he gently presses your shoulder, forcing you down, "why... why are you-" he brings your legs over his shoulders and you choke on your words when you feel bruce press his mouth to your core, tenderly licking at your heat. "w-wait-"
"i'm sorry, angel, i promise i'll take good care of you..." his hands grip your thighs and you arch your back, feeling his burning tongue against your cunt. you bite down on his sheets to muffle your moans. you feel your stomach twisting and your holes twitching, aching for more. he drinks you, pressing himself against you like a man starved for water. your head swims as his experienced tongue brought you closer.
"please, bruce-" you gasp, "th-this isn't ri-" you gasp as bruce's mouth sucks on your clit, sending pleasure up your spine, and you let yourself drool into the blankets, his ministrations numbing your mind. you could feel warmth building in your stomach and you let your hips grind against his face, your desire for release overshadowing logic. your body starts to twitch as you feel yourself coming close to the edge and bruce moves away. you mewl, hands coming undone from the twisted sheets to grab at your adoptive father. you watch as he licks his lips, eyes closing to savor the taste of you.
he sits back onto his knees, hands busy with his boxers when you whimper, "daddy... please..." bruce stops, eyes darting to the tears trickling from yours.
your legs spread, your skin sweaty, your arms outreached… you looked like an angel, but bruce’s mind clears in realization. his heart stops as he takes in your trembling body. "oh my god... oh my god." bruce tumbles off the bed to the floor. "fuck... what the fuck did i do... oh god, my sweet girl, im so sorry..." you had never seen bruce cry before and you reach to him, but he recoils. "no, no, no, no..." he mumbles to himself as he searches the room.
"wait- i want-" bruce paces around the room, eyes frantic, before he pulls on a bathrobe and rushes toward the door. "dad- bruce!" you prop yourself on the edge of the bed, reaching out to him in desperation.
"i'm so sorry, (y/n)." bruce looks at you, his eyes raking your body, horrified at what he's done. he hurries out, leaving you soaking the sheets and forced to take care of yourself with the memories of his touch.
#minors dni#like and reblog <3#x reader#yandere#yandere x reader#tw noncon#tw dubcon#fauxcest#inc3$t#last of my posts!! hopefully u guys had fun with me!!#guyss pls dont judge me but also send me ur thoughts cuz im highkey gooning over this stuff#bruce wayne x reader#yandere bruce wayne#yandere batman#yandere batman x reader#yandere bruce wayne x reader#older man younger woman#dadcest#1cky family#1cky d@d#daddy k!nk#reader has vagina#using all tags needed to make sure this gets on the right side of tumblr
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Submissive femme who wears pretty pastel lingerie x Ghostface mask butch with a corruption kink
#pls i need this so bad#femme4butch#butch bait#femme lesbian#sapphic#lesbian#lesbian ns/fw#les4les#futch lesbian#minors dni#men dni
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Kinktober Day 1 - Semi-public ft Blade (Honkai Star Rail)
Guess who is attempting this challenge wheeeeeeeeze let's see how it goes~ This one is lowkey dedicated to @zhongrin ehe <3
You squeak when he presses you against the stony outer wall of the house. The streets of the divination commission are empty and most people would be at home, asleep. The darkness shrouds you, it shrouds him until only his red eyes glow like molten lava, mysterious and intimidating.
His body flush against yours, the man lets out a soft grunt in acknowledgement as he nuzzles at your hair. Time stops.
“We’re in p-public , what are you…!”
His large rough hands roam over your body and dip down your navel, venturing past the waist of your pants. Calloused fingers brazenly touch your folds. You yelp, face heating up with a strong blush.
“Keep. Silent.” He murmurs, voice husky and deep.
You feel his warm ragged breath by your ear, he deposits kisses along your neck and shoulder, and then rests his forehead there. All the while his fingers sink inside your sweet hole, deliberately slow, working you open…
You whimper, squirming a bit, asking for more or wanting to stop you’re not even sure yourself, the line is already blurry with pleasure. Your heart thrums wildly in your chest.
“Sshhhh… you wouldn’t want anyone to hear, do you?”
Shamefully, your pussy clenches at that.
He hums, the sound vibrating against your skin where his lips press. “You like the idea of that.” You can hear the hint of a smirk in his voice.
It’s not a question but a statement.
“I-I don’t-!” You hiss.
“All the better… I can barely contain myself” He growls.
His fingers dig deeper, their movement grows faster and more insistent, his palm pressing against your clit making you see stars. His other hand slides up from your waist to massage your chest, toying with a nipple over your clothes. He presses close, so close. and suddenly you feel his bulge against your ass. His cock hard in his trousers, no doubt a leaking mess. Blade buries his nose into the soft slope of your neck again and inhales deeply.
“Fuck, the things I want to do to you.”
You simply bite your lip to stifle a moan, trying your best not to call out, trying your best to keep hidden in this dark corner.
Blade is a man of actions rather than words, and you’re absolutely certain he has dragged you into this alley with the express purpose of publicly laying his claim, albeit hidden in shadows and behind some large tarp-covered crates, you’re still in the Xianzhou Luofu, a place that once meant so much to him.
Perhaps that’s why he decided to throw common fucking decendy out of the window.
And maybe you too, considering you didn’t do a damn thing to stop him.
“Blade.” You murmur, a plea that borders on a little too loud, shuddering and needy at the edge of that mounting pleasure. “Please.”
Your hips buck and you’re close, so close, eyes closed shut, lower lip caught between your teeth making a soft keening noise.
At once the delicious friction stops, his left hand starts pulling at your clothes and you gasp at the slightly cold night air on your naked skin.
“W-wait what are you-?! Oh-” You start scandalized, when the hand that was previously busy instead cradles your soft thigh up. Your foot off the ground, your weight on the other one and caught between him and the wall. Spread, exposed.
“Blade…!” Your head tosses back. There’s the rustle of clothes again and the engorged head of his cock presses against your entrance.
“Quiet down.” His free hand rests on your bare neck, not applying any pressure, just so, large and warm. Your own hand grips at his arm, his clothes, his hair, desperately trying to hold onto something, anything. “We are just getting started.”
#Oh god OH GOD I AM SO NERVOUS LMAO#ITS BEEN SO LONG I FEEL#IDK IF I CAN KEEP IT UP PLS CHEER FOR ME#but i am excited ngl always wanted to partake in kinktober#crys writes#fem!reader#blade x reader#blade x you#honkai star rail x reader#honkai star rail x you#hsr x reader#hsr x you#hsr smut#honkai star rail smut#blade smut#minors dni#kinktober#crys' kinktober#if I made/make y'all feral I win
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not sure if this will get any traction but here goes. <3
for every reblog on this post I will fuck myself with my 7 inch dildo
for every like I will deny myself orgasm for another day
for every comment I'll edge myself
I wanna see where this goes :3
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some freaky mirandy stuff on my twt :p minors dni stuff if yee be interested
mb for not posting here tumblr wouldnt load any images for like a week lol
#mediocre art for a mediocre time#fanart#andrea sachs#mirandy#devil wears prada#dwp#miranda x andrea#minors dni#kids look away pls#anyone i know irl also look away pls
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wan dada to kiss between my thighs and then eat out my kiddo cunnie. bet his tongue would feel so good on my babie tdick. m so sticky just thinkin about it ●~●
#mdni#minors dni#1cky d4ddy#pls fxck me d4ddy#1kky kiddo#1kky daddy#1cky d@d#send 1cky asks#d4ddy k!nk#daddy k!nk#fauxcest#fauxc3st#wet cunny#trans dd/lb#ftm dd/lb#dd/lb little#dd/lb kink#r@pe kink#r4p3 kink#r4p3 m3#send me r@pe threats#send me r4p3 threats#send me 1cky asks#n33dy#daddy d0m#free use slvt#cnc fr33use#bd/sm cnc#cnc k!nk
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I want to be held to someone's thigh. Where I'm only wearing panties or maybe nothing at all except a collar. I'm being called a good puppy.
I light up at the praise as your nails run through my hair. You're so gentle at first. Letting me fall into a false sense of calm because you know that's the fastest way to get me into puppy space is by giving me head scratches. I just become so pliable for you.
You're asking me, “Who's a good puppy, huh?” And “Such a sweet puppy.”
It's all pulling me deeper into a fuzzy puppy space until your hand fists my hair. A long, drawn-out moan comes up my throat as your lips attach to my neck. A growl against my skin,
I don't hesitate for a second as I let my hips roll. I start moving as whimpers and whines are pulled from me. You're marking me up. You're claiming me as yours. Your hand that isn't in my hair is on my hips. Moving me faster and rougher. Helping send me to the edge faster.
I can't form words, and so I give you my big puppy eyes as I whimper. You have such a sadistic smile on your face, knowing how in control I usually am, but not right now.
Right now I'm just your dumb mutt and I wouldn't have it any other way as you order me to cum.
#puppy speaks#wlw nsft#wlw#nonbinary#men and minors dni#sapphic#lesbian nsft#lesbian#nb puppy#subby puppy#puppy#puppy sub#dumb puppy#bd/sm puppy#nsft puppy#puppy pl4y#puppy pl@y#puppy space#puppy slvt#puppy switch#thigh riding#wlw smut#wlw sub#submisive and breedable#pathetic sub#subby thoughts
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drinking with papa!
this one i wrote in like 30 minutes lmao inspiration flowed through me i felt like a prophet i am wiritng the words given to me by god... pause idk if god's into fauxcest... i mean he has to be since he made me like this and we're all made in god's image so maybe he is into it.... i think im losing my mind (also trying out scheduled posts to see if it works isnt technology insane, im so glad i was born in this era like i cant imagine being anywhere else in time)
stepdad!logan howlett x reader
minors dni!!! 18+!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tw // yandere, drinking, pervert logan, pervert stepdad, abuse of power, forced intoxication
you stumble in through the window, trying to land on the soft carpet to muffle the sound. "where have you been?" you freeze, eyes snapping to your step-father lounging on his recliner. he sips on his beer as he takes in your attire. you don't respond, pretending to freeze. "you think that i won't see you if you don't move?" he quirks an eyebrow at your stance. you sigh, carefully taking your shoes off.
"is my mom asleep?" you whisper.
"don't you think there's something else you should be saying, sweetheart?" logan takes a sip, his eyes raking your body. you roll your eyes, ignoring his words. you try to walk past him, but his words give you pause, "i don't like being ignored, (y/n). get over here. now." you grit your teeth and walk over to him, standing in front of the gruff man. his hand comes up to grip your thigh, you try to back up, but he glares. you clench your fists and stay in place. "if you didn't want something like this to happen, baby, you shouldn't have dressed like a whore." your eyes widen.
"i'm not a whore. everyone wears stuff like this." you cross your arms, you try to leave, but his hand moves up to squeeze your butt. you yelp and try to back up, but he pulls. you stumble, landing face first in his chest. logan manuevers you into his lap. you struggle, but his firm grip around your waist keeps you trapped.
"you ain't everyone, sweetheart. you're mine." he growls. you feel him sniff your hair, "you drank too? wow... i'm so disappointed, baby." you try to defend yourself, but his beer presses against your lips. you move your face, but logan grips your jaw to face him. "you'll drink with strangers, but you won't drink with me?" you shake your head. logan's grip tightens, "this is your punishment, (y/n). either you drink what i give you or i force it down your throat." he growls, pressing the bottle to your lips. you feel your breath get stuck in your throat as you open your mouth. the liquor flows quickly, you try to drink fast, but the alcohol overflows out of your mouth. it drips down the sides of your mouth onto your top and logan tips the beer further, making more spill down your front. you choke, spitting out the beer, and heave as air fills your lungs. he laughs, deep and cruel. before you could react, something wet presses against you. you freeze as logan drags his tongue up your neck to your mouth. you shove yourself off him.
"you're sick." your words come out hoarse and you feel your skin crawl, remembering the feel of his tongue against your skin.
"don't sneak out again, sweetheart." he smirks as you tremble. you stumble away, trying to put distance between yourself and your mother's husband. he chuckles as you "next time, it won't be a beer you're forced to drink."
#minors dni#like and reblog <3#yandere#yandere x reader#x reader#gender neutral reader#intox kink#logan howlett#yandere logan howlett#yandere wolverine#wolverine x reader#dark wolverine#abuse of power#yandere dad#pervy step dad#forced intox#next up as brucie wayne... pls dont hate me for my sins... i need to get my thoughts out or ill explode#dark logan howlett#logan howlet x reader
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Cause Doe, you're perfect. ❤
You're always worth it. 🥰
And you deserve it. ❤
Doe, you earned it. 😌❤
❤ Earned It [Cover] - StrawberrySana [Cover belongs to StrawberrySana]
[John Doe and all art belongs to Scopophobia Studios]
#I might be late for posting about John Doe but I do love him. 🥰#john doe#john doe game#yandere#male yandere#yandere selfship#self ship#self ship meme#music#ageless blogs pls dni#minors please dni
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