#minji's bnha adoption posts
evilminji · 4 months
You know WHAT? I'm gonna start makin Q.A.B.
Free! Too a good home! Q.A.B. [1]
Quirk Accident Baby's or Q.A.B. (Because it's a fun and convenient way to combine quirks without subjecting anyone to the lose of bodily autonomy, cause i REFUSE to Suprise Pregnant anybody. Male, Female, or Otherwise.) (And to FURTHER clarify, Q.A.B. are the always the result of some combination of quirks that? SOMEHOW bend reality to create a fully formed baby or toddler, "born" or created FROM the DNA of two or more individuals. Thus making those individuals the "parents".) that combined Precent Mic n Eraserhead? Could potentially make a SOUND Nullifying quirk?
Like, the genetic code for Erasure just full on turns Mic's Voice Quirk from a plus to a negative? Remove instead of amplify?
It would be pretty dangerous. People go insane in perfect silence. Experience hallucinations.
Good for disorienting opponents tho?
But? Might render them? "Mute"? They WOULDN'T be. But if no one can hear or understand you, is there a difference? Because if you talk in Negative Sound? The shaped ABSENCE of noise? it would ALMOST sound like talking? Whispery. Almost there.
But... silent. The audio equivalent of light refracting around an invisible object. Prob DEEPLY unnerving. Because the brain would INSIST you SHOULD be hearing something. You can hear the EDGES of the words. Where the shape of her words, her "sound", STOPS. But you can't hear the "sound" itself.
It's like auditory antimatter.
Unlike anechoic chambers? At close range? You might not even be able to hear the internal function of your OWN BODY. A perfect 0 decimals. Absolute silence.
Imagine it.
You can still feel. Still smell. Still SEE. The earth is shaking with explosion and there is smoke on the wind. You are either running FROM a villian attack or ARE ONE. And... the world? Goes Absolutely SILENT.
Not the whine of hearing loss. Not muffled. Just... gone.
Your feet make no noise. Your ragged breath. The fall of telephone poles. The crash of collapsing buildings. You... you can't even hear the beating of your heart, the rush of blood in your veins. Where has the roar of flames gone?
Your mouth is open.
Are you shouting?
The world is silent. A terrible, terrible silent. Until?
And the sound comes rushing back in like a tsunami. Crashing down to carry everything away. Oh god. Oh god it's SO LOUD. SO LOUD MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STO-!!!
I'ma? Call this one Silence. She, like all Aizawa Q.A.B.? Has got that "adorable nightmare demon" vibe going on. Got Daddy's smile~ toothy and unhinged. But Mic's eyes. Like all combos between them, looks like she just crawled out of a TV hissing "7 daaaaaysssssss".
It's the hair and unhinged demeanor.
The fact they let Nedzu babysit.
Not HER fault she got the Aizawa "lol brushes? Brushes do NOTHING" hair. That entire side of the family look like Nightmare Demons as children. Then they grow up Competent AF and HOT. (You should see her dads baby pictures, he looks like a horror movie gremlin)
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