#minimoni fic
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bangtanagan · 23 days ago
to end up at the sea
minimoni + sentinel/guide au. 2.1k. for @/trueto7 on bluesky // bsky
He feels it like the last gasp before drowning, a black wave of water and a gut-clench panic. The nausea comes a heartbeat after, the thick claustrophobic misery of touch and too much, and he straightens up on instinct, elbow cracking into the side of his chair and sending sparks all the way up his arm to his littlest finger. He bites back a curse, cradling his elbow, and the panic gets heavier. Smothering.
“Jimin?” Next to him, Taehyung startles, pen drawing a thick line through his notes. The lecturer down in front keeps droning on, oblivious to the distraction in the back row of the lecture hall. Whatever he’s saying is lost on Jimin, in one ear and out the other. His attention is caught instead on the blackwater terror echoing around his head and between his ribs. It’s hard to breathe. “Jimin-ah?”
“I’m okay,” he says, remembering to whisper. It’s hard when all his attention is turned away from class to whoever it is in the building caught in this horrible feedback loop of overwhelming panic and sensation and pain. It’s hard to remember it’s not his hurt, not his fear. “I’m fine, I just—"
“What is it?”
Jimin takes a breath. Not his fear, he reminds himself, though it’s hard to believe that when his heart is rabbiting and the sensation of drowning is so close. Someone in the building, he thinks, and that—the reminder of space, of distance, of closeness and the world—helps a little. He takes another breath and lets the crash of overwhelmed wash over him and pass on. He knows how to do this.
“I gotta go.”
“Go where? What—"
“Just— Can you watch my stuff?”
Taehyung, bless him, doesn't hesitate to nod. “Yeah, of course. But why?“
“I just…” He’s never had to explain it before, not to someone who doesn't know already. He shakes his head. “I gotta check on someone.”
“Who? Jimin-ah—"
He stands, fingers still stinging, and squeezes Taehyung’s shoulder as he slips down the row of students, too distracted to offer more than a mumbled apology for knocked-over bags and unplugged chargers. Then he’s out of the hall and into the bright, hot lobby of the sciences building, and someone is—
Stop it, breathe, stop it, get it together—
Jimin takes another breath. He can do this. He can follow it, find them. Can’t help if he’s not there. He just needs whoever it is to hold on a little longer.
He takes another breath and closes his eyes, blocking out the sunlight streaming through the wide windows and the chatter of students cutting through the lobby and the buzz of the air conditioning, and focuses on the echo of feeling sluicing through him. Find the line, his mother always says, and Jimin has never entirely understood what she means by that. Right now, he understand perfectly.
He opens his eyes and follows his feet.
There’s a crowd waiting for the elevator so he forgoes it, shoving into the stairwell hard enough that the door clangs against the wall and thuds shut behind him. He doesn’t care; he’s already pushing himself upwards, feet slapping against concrete, breath coming short in a way that’s half exertion and half whoever is on the other end of the tether, reeling him in. It’s nothing like guiding his brother on the playground, or finding his dad across a crowded mall. There’s something urgent about this, a hook under his belly, and it drags him all the way up to the sixth floor labs.
He crashes out of the stairwell and pauses to gulp down air, pushing his hair out of his face. They’re nearby; he knows they're nearby. But this close, the fuzzy jumble of a spike is overwhelming—he feels it in his teeth and behind his eyes, and it makes the effort of pinpointing the source twice as difficult.
“Hey,” says a student coming out of a classroom, and Jimin has to blink twice to bring their face into focus. “You looking for somewhere?”
“No, um,” says Jimin. “No. Thanks though.”
“You alright?” asks the kid, but Jimin’s already moving, letting instinct guide him. Down one hall, past brimming classrooms, then down another full of offices, and around a corner—he’s always known the science building was a maze but this is ridiculous—and then he’s down a quieter, dimmer hall, where all the doors are marked with warnings and the lights are mostly off, and somewhere nearby is the sound of—
It’s not sobbing exactly, but it’s close. The too-harsh cut of heavy breathing, air scraping in and out. Jimin picks up the pace, shoes loud against the linoleum.
He almost misses him. He’s curled between some machine that looks like it's from the eighties and a cart full of dusty folding chairs, curled in his makeshift bolthole with his knees drawn up and hands over his ears, head bent low. The surging waves of panic and nausea and disgust crash over Jimin, endless. If this is how it feels to him, he can barely manage how it feels to the boy.
“Hey,” he says, modulating his voice quieter as he kneels down in front of him. His hands shake a little. He's never had to do this for a stranger. “Hey, can you hear me?”
He gets no response save for the same rasping wheeze. Jimin hesitates, then reaches out and touches the narrow sliver of skin peeking out between the boy’s sock and the cuff of his pants.
Immediately, everything gets worse.
For a moment, Jimin sinks in it, swallowed by the maelstrom of touch—shirt sharp-rough-tight, jacket claustrophobic, shoes leaden and crushing his feet. The wall is searing cold and the accidental brush of an elbow against the chair cart is the worst sort of shock, and all of it is endless, a sweeping wash of misery that crashes again, and again, and again. Jimin’s breath sticks in his throat, and his stomach turns over, and his head throbs.
But it’s not his. It’s not his skin, not his panic, not his hurt. He can turn it down. He knows how to turn it down.
His mother always talks about it like dials on the radio, tuning things to the perfect station between the static, but for Jimin it’s never been like that. Jimin’s always felt guiding like dancing—knowing the right distance to extend an arm, or the right amount of weight to put down. His mom says he must be very visual, but he thinks he must explain it badly because it’s not about what it looks like. It’s about how it feels. About making his body the right shape.
Only now it’s not his body, or his brother’s, or even his father. Right now, it’s this boy, coiled up in the hallway like the world itself is out to harm him.
He flinches when Jimin touches him, a new and miserable sensation, but Jimin eases it like a limb, takes the weight away. And then, slowly: the prickling shirt. The stifling jacket. The weight of shoes. He takes the slump of his back against the wall and makes it gentle, slow. Draws out the space between the boy’s elbow and the cart, marking the distance and its absence to make both simpler. Gentler. He choreographs kindness in each shifting sensation, until touch doesn't break or brand. Until the waves settle, and the boy’s breathing evens.
“Hey,” says Jimin again, and this time there’s a stirring of movement, of unwinding, in response. “Are you okay?”
The boy’s head lifts. He has a plain face, except for his sharp eyes, which are glossy with tears. The boy reaches as though to brush them away, then hesitates, then wipes them anyway. He seems almost startled by the ease of it. Jimin is still touching his ankle.
“You,” says the boy, voice rough, and then he clears his throat. When he speaks again, his voice is even and deep. “What did you do?”
“I turned it down.” Jimin’s never had to explain this to someone who doesn’t know before. “I— I felt you. I wanted to help.”
“Oh. Thank you.”
“Have you… Has that happened before?”
“It’s never been bad like that,” says the boy, rubbing at the back of his neck, a faint flush high on his cheeks. “Usually I can deal with it.”
Jimin watches his face shift as he speaks, then shift more as he falls silent, thinking. After a moment Jimin pulls his hand back, slow, and the boy flinches but doesn’t spike again.
“Do you know what it was?”
“I’ve read about it,” the boy says. “Spikes, I mean. I didn’t realize it would be like that.” He blinks and looks at Jimin with newfound attention, his gaze sharp and deep. “You stopped it.”
“I— Yeah.” There’s no point in lying. “It’s sort of what I do.” He doesn’t say that guiding for the boy, for this stranger, felt clearer and more important than it's ever felt with anyone else. “Park Jimin. Third year.”
He holds his hand out, and the boy eyes it warily for a moment before he takes it gingerly. Jimin adjusts his touch minutely, softening his grip, and watches the boy’s shoulders drop in relief.
“Kim Namjoon,” he returns. “Fourth year.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Namjoon-ssi.”
“You too, Jimin-ssi. Do you do this a lot?”
“Not really,” says Jimin, laughing a little at the improbability of it all. He’s still holding Namjoon’s hand, he realizes, but it’s sort of nice. He has a big hand, a sturdy grip now that he’s not afraid it’ll hurt. Jimin’s distantly proud of that, of being able to not-hurt. “Just my brother, usually. You were really loud.”
Namjoon winces and tugs his hand back. “Sorry.”
“No! No, I didn’t mean it like that.“ He frowns, not sure exactly what he meant it like. “I’m glad I could help,” he settles on. “I mean, I’m sorry about whatever triggered it, but I’m really glad I could help.”
“It was just a bad day,” Namjoon shrugs. “Lab was bad. Makes things loud.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It's alright. I'm lucky you were here.”
“Yeah,” agrees Jimin, though he’s not sure luck was the only thing to do with it. His mom says, sometimes, that these skills have a sense of their own. Like they know when the right person is around. He swallows the thought down. “I’ve actually never met anyone else like me. Or, us I guess. I mean, here on campus.”
“My roommate does it a bit,” says Namjoon, which is a surprise. It must read on Jimin’s face, because he shrugs, looking embarrassed. “We figured it out when we both kind of set each other off.”
“Oh. Yeah, that makes sense. You can get a kind of feedback loop sometimes, without a guide for balance.”
“You seem to know a lot about it.”
“Well.” Jimin shrugs, embarrassed. “My whole family is— I mean, we all do it a bit.”
“Oh. So then you know a lot. Maybe you could— only if you want of course—but maybe you could tell me more about it?”
“Yeah,” says Jimin. “Yeah it would be, y’know. Nice to talk about it with someone. If you want.”
“Yeah,” says Namjoon. “I think that would be nice. Maybe somewhere less cramped.”
“Oh,” says Jimin, realizing suddenly that they’re both still crouched on the dusty floor in some back hallway of the science building, and also he’s going to miss the end of his lecture. “Oh, right, yeah. I actually— I have to get back to class, but if you’re around later, we could maybe do coffee? Or, uh, some other beverage of your choosing?”
“Coffee is good,” says Namjoon with the start of a smile. “When are you done with class?”
“In, uh.” He checks his phone and winces. “Ten minutes.”
“I’ll meet you out front after?”
Jimin hesitates. “It won’t be too much? After, y’know.”
“I think I’m okay,” says Namjoon. He flexes his hands and rolls out his neck and gives Jimin a look that Jimin can't begin to read. “If not, I’ve got you, right?”
“Yeah,” Jimin agrees, face warm. He pushes himself to his feet and offers Namjoon a hand, helping him up. He’s tall, as it turns out. Has easily half a head on Jimin, and a dimpling smile, and a warm, firm grip, and in the touch of his skin he feels like the steady, even wash of the sea. Jimin holds on a little too long, and hopes Namjoon doesn’t notice. Namjoon squeezes his hand a little before he lets go, and Jimin thinks maybe he does notice, and that maybe also he doesn’t mind. “Yeah, you’ve got me.”
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concealedrecs · 1 year ago
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fic: by any other name (halloween '02)
author: ladypajara
fandom: BTS
pairing: Kim Namjoon/Park Jimin
Rating: Explicit
Length: 13253
Recommendation: A perfectly seasonal fic about Halloween! Demons Kim Namjoon and Park Jimin have been paired together for centuries and Namjoon starts to feel different - I really love the alien emotional state that this writer perfects in this fic. It feels interesting and creative; it also managed to perfectly capture the seasonal mood I was in tonight.
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uhgoodblueside · 2 years ago
Of Fairy Wings (And Other Things That Glimmer)
Dragon Namjoon, Fairy Jimin
Fluff, light angst, courtship, humor
Where fairy JM is /accidentally/ captured by a dragon and should probably be upset about that… but he does the logical thing and decides to court him instead.
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rainbowsuitcase · 1 year ago
Jimin x Namjoon - Stop Talking
18+ smut
Jimin is trying to suck Namjoon off but Namjoon just. Keeps. Talking. He's so distracted, he can’t shut up about his job and Jimin realizes that his usual methods of distraction aren’t working, so he gets up, pushes on Namjoon's chest to make him lie down and grabs him by the hair. He pulls Namjoon's face towards his own cock and that finally makes Namjoon stutter and shut up, makes him whine as he opens his mouth to lick Jimin's dick over his underwear.
"There you go," Jimin mumbles, pleased as he pulls his underwear down and helps Namjoon get to his dick, helps guide it into his mouth and Namjoon's eyes flutter shut, mind finally turning off.
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thehoyden · 9 months ago
Did you ALSO have a lot of feelings after the #minimoni album exchange? First fic from my summer prompt meme is up! Thank you to @halotolerant for the prompts!
If you'd like to submit your own Jimin-centric prompts, you can do so here!
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miloca-ao3 · 1 year ago
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Namjoon arrives home from a difficult day and is happy his husband is already home to greet him.
*Main tags: established relationship; domestic; fluff; A/B/O; non-explicit sex; scenting; mature*
Here -> https://archiveofourown.org/works/53360758
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sparklehoney7 · 1 year ago
by: Balla, Reddwarfer
pairing: namjoon/jimin
info: one shot (37,366)
tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics / Oral Sex / Emotional Hurt/Comfort / Hurt/Comfort / Healing / Background Jin/Jungkook / Pregnancy / Depression / Kidnapping / Discussion of forced mating / Mating / Falling In Love / Culture Shock / Accidental Voyeurism / not super graphic violence / Cultural Differences / Knotting / Drinking / Hunting / hunting animals for food / Jimin's muscular thighs / Mpreg
summary: Namjoon often felt that his life had been made for him like an ill-fitting suit, always rubbing the wrong way and making him slightly miserable. Alpha or not, his fate was never truly his own - until one day, in the worst of circumstances, he meets an omega on territory infamously held by Ferals, and finds that his journey to happiness can begin only with the choices that he can make for himself.
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hopepoint · 2 years ago
minjoon/minimoni fantasy au but everyone has a plant trait (flowers, vegetation, etc.) ???
JM is a part of a traveling dance troop and NJ is the local carpenter. When they arrive JM is the one to request a few props to be made by NJ (cue JM finding every excuse to visit & flirt)
JM: sweet pea. Petals grow around his head/neck. Front two petals rest around his jaw/shoulders & the large back petal grows around base of neck (all of it goes back to front) he blooms year round.
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NJ: pine tree traits ??? His hairs are like very fine pine needles that change colors like a normal pine would so green in spring/summer and brown in fall/winter (but he never loses them). Does not produce cones lol
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SJ: hibiscus syriacus. Petals surround his neck & are light pink/the center a rich crimson. The petals start below his jaw and extend just past his shoulders.
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YG: white fawn lily. Petals droop down past his shoulders to about mid bicep. The petals surround the base of his neck.
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HS: forsythia. He has branches starting below his ear, wrap behind, and have little branches extending into his hair. Flowers bloom in his hair in the spring.
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TH: jeffersonia dubia. In spring, petals bloom around base of his neck. Out of bloom he has one leaf circling around his neck (gap is at front of neck)
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JK: red mukdenia rossii. Flowers bloom in the spring throughout his hair. Always has leaves around the backs of his ears
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flsongbird722 · 2 years ago
got sent this one today. of course you can ignore this, but i'm sending it anyway <33 - Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Oh hey Marron!! Ooo good question. Hummmmm
Namjoon (RM) x Jimin
This was my first long fic I ever wrote and it was damn near a spiritual experience. I had a friend cheering me on the whole time I was working on it and made it a really special and fulfilling experience.
No Shortcuts to Anyplace Worth Going
Namjoon (RM) x Jimin
This was the first fic I ever wrote and it opened my dammed up creativity after months of being cut off from music because of Covid. It was like taking a huge gasp of air.
Terracotta & Iron
Namjoon (RM) x Yoongi (Suga)
Mmmm I loved all the world building I did for this one. I have a few chapters of a sequel collecting dust after my muse ran off with Guardian…
Chromatic Aberration
Zhao Yunlan x Shen Wei
This one was such a blast to write and I think it turned out so well. Model!Zhao Yunlan and Photographer!Shen Wei just made perfect sense to me.
The last slot is a tie between Garden of Eden for the delicious, sexy world building that I always love to do and All Tied Up for the amount of things I learned about shibari and asexuality. I know ATU is real person (Zhubai) fic and isn’t for everyone, but oh boy was that a great experience.
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lilprincegoo · 2 years ago
 Falling Star Fell From My Heart by deepslowpanic
Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Magical Elements, Sort Of, Writer Kim Namjoon, Astronomy, Park Jimin is a Ray of Sunshine, Lonely Kim Namjoon, Getting Together, Strangers to Lovers, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, lonely star lover and star man to lovers, Falling In Love, Cuddling & Snuggling, Blow Jobs, Introspective, Park Jimin is a Literal Star
23.2k words
rating: E
Nose in a book or head in the stars, Namjoon drifts through life a little lonely, a little lost. Happening upon a discovery - a brand new star with never before seen properties - sees his life changing in unexpected ways. Talking to a star shouldn't be so soothing, falling in love with it shouldn't make sense. And when it disappears from the sky during a meteor shower, Namjoon thinks he's finally lost everything. But when he wakes up to a naked man on his porch professing his love, Namjoon has to make a choice to let himself fall. -OR- Namjoon discovers a celestial body (and also falls in love).
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biaswreckmepls · 1 year ago
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yeoubimoments · 2 years ago
daily fic rec
you are so gorgeous it makes me so mad by @/ameliabedelias
minjoon ✦ 10k ✦ teen modern, college/uni, fluff, humor
short and funny meet-cute! i honestly don't read a lot of fluff, but this is one of my favourites.
Park Jimin is Instagram famous. Or he was, until Kim Namjoon walked into one of his pictures and stole the spotlight.
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rainbowsuitcase · 1 year ago
Fic Rec - Similar Creatures
"You and I are such similar creatures. We both screw people for money."
The Pretty Woman inspired AU starring Kim Namjoon as Julia Roberts. Kinda.
By pastel_daydream; Namjoon/Jimin; 147K; E
Tags: Sex Worker Kim Namjoon | RM; CEO Park Jimin (BTS); Strangers to Lovers; Slow Burn; Light Angst
Note: Knowledge of Pretty Woman not needed. It made me cry. It was amazing.
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concealedrecs · 2 years ago
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Fic: I Dare You
Author: 2019_0201
Fandom: BTS
Pairing: Kim Namjoon/Park Jimin
Rating: Explicit
Length: 34332
Recommendation: I think this is a really interesting take on the whole “I dare you to take that person on a date” trope. I love specifically how they write Namjoon and his not quite sexuality crisis.
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blackcatmyg · 2 years ago
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sparklehoney7 · 1 year ago
Snob and a Half
by:  snooki
pairing: namjoon/jimin
info: chaptered 5/5 complete (33,418)
tags: Alternate Universe - Clueless (1995) Fusion / Park Jimin (BTS) Is a Brat / Minor Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga / Kim Namjoon: Well-Meaning but Insufferable / Jimin Is a Virgin Who Can't Drive / Praise Kink / Masturbation / Classic AO3 Stoner Hobi / Coming Out / Anal Sex / Loss of Virginity / Kim Namjoon Has A Big Dick / Park Jimin Has a Nice Ass (BTS) / Closeted Kim Namjoon | RM / Platonic Soulmates Kim Taehyung | V & Park Jimin / Park Jimin Has a Praise Kink (BTS) / American Park Jimin (BTS) / Mean Park Jimin (BTS)
summary: Jimin poked Namjoon's chest through his The Future Is Female sweatshirt. “So, does this sweatshirt actually help you get laid, or do you wear it for the sense of superiority alone?”
OR: A self-indulgent modern-day Clueless AU in which Jimin is a spoiled LA teen, Namjoon is his aggressively woke "straight" ex-stepbrother, Tae is a menace on four wheels, and Hobi's been looking kind of spicy lately.
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