deceptivebeatbox · 2 years
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>>My minibio
>>Text under cut
Beatbox is my apprentice and successor. They are highly intelligent and very good at gathering information, with my teachings they will become strong and an expert fighter, they already have made a man for themself with the Autobots and that will only be an advantage. They have many strengths, but if their emotions override their rational thoughts things can get messy, something we will have to work on. I've noticed they have become attached to some sort of minibot named Whiteout that's happened to imprint on them... It's a sick, if she was to die it would crush Beatbox. Whiteout is not a fighter, she is weak and if she gets involved in a fight it could spell disaster. We will work on this as well. Other than the small flaws that I've noticed... Beatbox is a remarkable Decepticon with more potential than any others I have observed. Overall I am impressed with Beatbox, they are very promising. In time they will be a force to be reckoned with... —Shockwave
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imaginarianisms · 7 months
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alex(andria) benedetto. / gangsta. / cis woman. / bisexual. / superhuman, chimera-human hybrid (unaware of this) / multiracial; predominantly black & chinese american. / 24. / cancer sun. / normani kordei. / neutral good. / canon compliant & headcanon/exomemory based. / #4091f5. / primary. asoiaf verse available; more tba. alex is a former t.rafficking victim who currently works as a secretary and mercenary for the benriya alongside worick arcangelo & nicolas brown who rescued her from her abuser, barry abbott. she is also a part time singer at bastard, the club owned and operated by the christiano family. not much is known about her past due to her memories being repressed due to the tb medication barry gave her to control her, but after her mother died, stuck at home with an alcoholic father, alex took over caring for her younger brother, emilio. alex is a enigmatic, troubled, & quiet young woman, though after worick & nicolas take her in & buy her clothes, ensure she has more clothes & ask for her family's whereabouts to no avail, she begins to speak up for herself more. she's incredibly kind, caring & often acts like a big sister and/or a motherly figure to many people who she deems needing protection, knowing all too well what it's like to feel that no one protected her, so she guards over others, even if she trembles & quivers & she can be nervous, finicky & prone to bouts of anxiety, she's capable of reading, manipulating & charming others, her resilience, tenacity, humanity & will to live, thrive & seek the world is outstanding. alex is freespirited, lively, fearless, protective & courageous, & willing to put herself in harm's way just to protect those she cares about, especially other women, elders & children. asoiaf verse available; more tba. trigger warning for human trafficking, child abuse, alcoholism, addiction & (c)sa.
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nicolas brown. / gangsta. / cis man. / bisexual. / twilight; thai-chinese american & ashkenazi jewish. / 34. / scorpio sun. / dark neutral. / chella man. / canon compliant & headcanon/exomemory based. / #654321. / secondary. asoiaf verse available; more tba. nicolas is a deaf twilight & currently works as a mercenary in benriya alongside alex benedetto & worick arcangelo. he was the illegitimate son of west gate mercenary commander gaston brown & an unnamed twilight sex worker. gaston killed nicolas' mother after she gave birth & took the child to add to his mercenary group to avoid the expense of simply hiring a twilight mercenary. nicolas was born deaf, & between his deafness & gaston's control of his celebrer supply, the drug vital to his survival, gaston kept him obedient & dependent. he endures constant abuse from his father & the rest of the mercenary group without resistance until gaston assigned nicolas as worick's bodyguard & the two eventually became friends, bonding over their abusive fathers. his father later abandoned him & nicolas, despite knowing his father was abusive, was left in a state of shock due to his abandonment, remained as worick's bodyguard. after the brutal massacre of the arcangelo family, nicolas & worick ran away together to escape the carnage & started a new life on the streets of ergastulum, california. nicolas is mostly quiet & aloof even to people he likes, he occasionally speaks out of irritation or when someone isn't able to understand sign language, but mostly keeps to himself as to save himself the trouble of accommodating those who can't communicate with him. frequently irritable, he's also capable of small acts of kindness, such as playing with small children like nina or steadying alex when she's shaking too much to open her medication. he seems to find slight enjoyment in picking on people; somewhat illustrating his dark & sarcastic sense of humor. above all, however, he seem to be the most alive on the battlefield, he often is seen smiling while in combat, hinting a sadistic side which compliments his thrill for blood & he tends to toy with opponents that are weaker than himself before finishing them off remorselessly. despite his antisocial traits stemming from his undiagnosed antisocial personality disorder, nicolas isn't without heart. he's been shown to care for those close to him & furthering his somewhat complicated personality, he isn't the type to hold grudges against others. trigger warning for mentions & references of child abuse & organized abuse & parental abandonment, suicidality & mental health issues.
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worick arcangelo. / gangsta. / cis man. / aromantic bisexual. / human; white french & italian american. / 35. / gemini sun. / dark neutral. / fc tba. / canon compliant & headcanon/exomemory based. / #ffe24e. / primary. asoiaf verse available; more tba. worick was the second son & the sole survivor of the wealthy arcangelo family & currently works as a mercenary & a gigolo / freelance sex worker. he was an illegitimate child, a fact his father used as an excuse for the constant abuse he heaped on him, & if not for the violence of his life, worick would have led a relatively sheltered existence surrounded by servants, a private tutor & a succession of bodyguards ending with nicolas. worick is an easygoing & cheerful person who gives away smiles like confetti at a parade, kindhearted to a fault & is extremely protective of people he cares for, though despite his friendly attitude he seems to keep most people at an arm's length when it comes to his personal issues & while he has a fairly laidback attitude, he takes things seriously when it's important & gets the job he's required to do done; he possesses an incredible memory in the form of hyperthymesia, able to remember all the people he meets & sees including their names, faces, physical characteristics & even where he last saw them, skimming through an entire book & remembering its contents which can cause him to have flashbacks of entire events. he does tend to tease people a lot, & has a naturally mischievous attitude, but despite his cheerful exterior & laidback demeanor, worick seems to have a somewhat nihilistic view on society as a whole, a view that he hides behind humor & a good-natured personality. trigger warning for human trafficking, mentions & references of child abuse, mafia & crime related activities & sexuality.
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e1igius · 2 years
update , i will be adding affiliates for specific verses tbh.
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quackicons · 2 years
﹒  ㅤㅤ ◌ ֹ 🤍       ︵      minibios .           ࣪𓇻        𝗍𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 ⠀⠀⠀𓌅 ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀!     ⠀ 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞          𓋜 ⠀     rᥱblog       。 ͘ ࣭
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⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ 🌾⠀ ㅤֺㅤ ⠀⠀𓈒⠀⠀ ‪http://paradise.xn--6ii/‬ ㅤִㅤㅤ⠀⠀⠀ ⋆ㅤ ⠀⠀⠀삶
⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀୧⠀⠀⠀ 🧚‍♀️⠀⠀⠀ 𝗳𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗁𝗒⠀⠀⠀ ㅤㅤ꒰ ◌ ◞ ◟ ꒱
⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⌒⠀ִ ⠀ ✧ ⠀🍭 ゚ ⠀⠀⠀ sucette ⠀⠀⠀ ﹚
⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ 𐚁̸ ⠀⠀ ۪⠀⠀⠀ ׁ⠀⠀ ⠀http://xn--cuarzorosa-i24gaea.xn--y20dx88c ⠀⠀◌⠀⠀⠀⭒
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whirlybotart · 2 years
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I almost forgot that I basically had this Ref for Cyberverse Radio entirely done except for the minibio right there... But now she is completely ready for the world <3 I love how her design came out! I look forward to drawing more of her and I hope u guys want that as well!
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Overdue Life Update
I know I havent drawn or posted much tbh ive been in such an art slump and havent done much in terms of doodles, Ive been spending a lot of time with kyo and crew rping in vrchat and testing and retesting stuff for 2pdtalia. Sorry I havent updated you all
recently one of my codevs dropped out of every game project I had with them and dropped off the face of the earth, and my other codev has been struggling with personal matters so the promise I made for 2pdt I dont think Ill be able to do on my own. so for now Im going to just slowly chip away on it this year, tho if you all wanna see weird screenshots of my code lmk Id be happy to share
Im still going to try to post more often and i will hopefully soon be able to draw some more. Ive just been kind of taking a break, focusing on finishing the minibios for all my 2ps and learning more with rpgmaker.
tbh when this happened I decided to take a step back and go through a lot of my aus and projects and cut fat and decided to shelf a lot of my projects and try to narrow down what Im working on. I have so many things I want to work on- I want to do so much because I often feel like I dont produce enough for as long as I have been here, and so many people have supported me I feel like I need to produce something completely so people will be proud. Not to mention I just have so much au ideas and beans for creation but I am so eternally drained and exhausted its an intense balancing act with my health conditions.
But for now Im just going to keep learning systems and fiddling with mini ideas. I need to stop being afraid of not living up to an invisible standard, but also need to remember to take time to improve and actually see things through to the end. Just wanted to update you where Ive been, I hope yall are well <3
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gazeta24br · 10 months
De 1º a 17 de dezembro, Letícia Rodrigues leva o público a uma jornada íntima em busca do emagrecimento, desafiando os padrões de beleza e se questionando quanto alguém precisa perder para ser aceito na sociedade Após uma temporada de sucesso no Sesc Avenida Paulista, o espetáculo “116 gramas - peça para emagrecer”, solo autoral da atriz Letícia Rodrigues, faz apresentações no Teatro de Contêiner Mungunzá. As sessões acontecem entre os dias 1º e 17 de dezembro, às sextas, às 20h, e, aos sábados e domingos, às 19h. Os ingressos são vendidos online pela plataforma Sympla ou presencialmente na bilheteria do espaço. "116 Gramas - Peça para Emagrecer" é um solo autoral que mergulha na experiência de um corpo gordo em busca do emagrecimento. A dramaturgia se propõe a refletir sobre o desejo de pertencimento e as pressões exercidas pela sociedade em relação à imagem corporal por meio de uma narrativa autoficcional, em que a história da personagem se mistura com a da autora, que tenta viver a sua trajetória de heroína. “A Gorda”, protagonista desta saga, a cada dia que se apresenta para uma nova plateia, tenta alcançar o mesmo objetivo: emagrecer 116 gramas. A fim de queimar as calorias necessárias para tanto, ela cria um espetáculo teatral, um experimento performativo, uma espécie de aula de academia, só que mais bonita. Ela pratica exercícios, formula cálculos, se perde em teorias, compartilha memórias e encontra poesia em cada gota de suor que escorre pelo seu corpo. Talvez assim ela consiga ser uma atriz de verdade. “A tentativa de me livrar de 116 gramas por apresentação pode parecer violenta, mas é, na realidade, o único meio que encontrei de seguir. E eu quero seguir. Esse espetáculo é a minha cura, o meu meio de conseguir falar o que tenho tentado há tanto tempo dizer. É o meio de me afirmar como uma artista paulistana que segue aqui, nem tão firme, nem tão forte, mas segue. São as pazes que faço comigo, com o teatro, com a dança, com a performance e, o mais importante, com o público” relata Letícia Rodrigues. O mundo insiste que seu corpo deve ser menor, mas enquanto tenta corresponder a todas as expectativas, se questiona: o quanto é preciso perder para poder pertencer? Ficha técnica Concepção, dramaturgia e atuação: Letícia Rodrigues Direção: João Pedro Ribeiro e Letícia Rodrigues Minibio Letícia Rodrigues é atriz, bailarina, performer, dramaturga e roteirista. Natural de São Paulo, é formada em bacharelado em teatro e especialista em dramaturgia e roteiro pela Escola Superior de Artes Célia Helena. No teatro foi diretora assistente em "4 da espécie", participou dos espetáculos "Terror e Miséria no Terceiro Milênio", "A festa - estratégias musicais para sobreviver", "Folias Galileu", "Chiquita Bacana no Reino das Bananas" e "Favor beber o leite, senão estraga". Atuou em diversas obras publicitárias e no audiovisual esteve em: “Manhãs de Setembro”, “Enterre Seus Mortos”, “Tarã, “Notícias Populares”, “Autoposto amigos do Nelson” e "Raul". SERVIÇO Espetáculo | 116 Gramas - peça para emagrecer Com Letícia Rodrigues Quando: 1º a 17 de dezembro, às sextas, às 20h, e, aos sábados e domingos, às 19h Classificação etária: 14 anos Onde: Teatro de Contêiner Mungunzá Endereço: Rua dos Gusmões, 43 - Sta. Ifigênia(próximo à Estação Luz do Metrô e da CPTM) Duração: 60 minutos Capacidade: 99 lugares Ingressos: R$ 40 (inteira), R$ 20 (meia-entrada) e R$10 (moradores do bairro) Link da venda de ingressos: https://www.sympla.com.br/produtor/teatrodeconteiner
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orfeonico · 1 year
Minibio: viveu tentando dar o q não tinha a quem nunca pediu
Nivaldo Brito
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yther · 1 year
just gonna dump a minibio of last few years with obnoxious face videos but #spoonie life needs shown how fast it goes from pretty to die u hag bcuz mobility
life to deaf, ft my face thru bulimia, hEDS and pandemic etc
((call me fat yeh?? disability awareness that's not uwu. no collagen, loose skin even if skinny and no fluctuations. lose weight and much less elasticity = uggo ))
tell people they're ugly!! even tho the ugly person is you actually. it's not vanity, or preference, if you think ppl with a genetic disease need to conform to standards or rot/cry
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botslascl · 2 years
Backyard soccer mls edition online
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This sports game is now abandonware and is set in a soccer / football (european) theme. publishes Backyard Soccer MLS Edition on Windows. Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your FeetĪndroid, DVD Player, iPad, iPhone, Linux, Macintosh, PlayStation, Windowsįreddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny GulchĪndroid, iPad, iPhone, Linux, Macintosh, Windows, Windows 3.xįreddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch ShellĪndroid, iPad, iPhone, Linux, Macintosh, Windows, Windows 3. Description of Backyard Soccer MLS Edition. Later games were featured on Game Boy Advance, PlayStation 2, GameCube, Wii, and iOS. It was first released in October 1997 for Macintosh and Microsoft Windows. The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Editionīrowser, iPad, iPhone, Macintosh, PlayStation 3, Windows, Xbox 360įreddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral CoveĪndroid, iPad, iPhone, Linux, Macintosh, Windows Backyard Baseball is a series of baseballvideo games for children which was developed by Humongous Entertainment and published by Atari.
Click the setup file if prompted and the online launcher will automatically download Backyard Soccer 2001 MLS Edition - PC/Mac (Hall of Game) pc game download on your computer. IPad, iPhone, PlayStation 3, Windows, Xbox 360 Download the Backyard Soccer 2001 MLS Edition - PC/Mac (Hall of Game) pc game download file. Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge - Special Edition Backyard Football For Iphone 2 Game Title Nimi Julkaistu Kehittäjä Julkaisija C-Dogs SDL: 2016: Ronny Wester: Ronny Wester C-evo: 1999: Steffen Gerlach: Cabal Online: 2005: ESTsoft Corp. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no achievements or trophies for Backyard Football yet. Street football, also known as backyard football or sandlot football, is a simplified variant of American football primarily played informally by youth.Backyard football iphone.It features far less equipment and fewer rules than its counterparts, but unlike the similar touch football, features full tackling. Backyard Soccer Drills Paid For Iphone found at Soccer 101 Tips, Soccer Practice Pal etc. Look at most relevant Backyard Soccer Drills Paid For Iphone apps. Arizona Suns (Full Game) Buckeye, AZ 2018 - Duration: 23:15. Unlike the series' previous game, Backyard Soccer, this edition was the first to feature Major League Soccer (MLS) teams, including several women from the United States women's national soccer team that won the 1999 FIFA Women's World Cup. Click the setup file if prompted and the online launcher will automatically download Backyard Football 2002 - PC/Mac pc game download on your computer. Backyard Soccer MLS Edition is a children's soccer video game developed by Humongous Entertainment and released in 2000 as part of the Backyard Sports series.
Backyard Football 2002 - PC/Mac pc game download and Install Instructions: Download the Backyard Football 2002 - PC/Mac pc game download file. You can also pick your team name and colors and what type of field to play on. Each player comes with a minibio and special skills. For starters, as the coach you can choose from 30 cute multicultural characters for your team. If you're a 10-year-old who's totally into soccer, Backyard Soccer is for you.
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deceptivebeatbox · 2 years
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>>Whiteout minibio
>>Not included are her without the visor and an alternate form
>>Text under cut
I don't really know what to call Whiteout. She's not cybertronian, her origins are from Earth. I suppose she is an Autobot, like me, since she stays alongside them. Though, I don't know if that would be the case if I hadn't found her when I came to Earth. She's quite the small thing, the same size as those humans… Similar to Sari, but she definitely seems a lot more fragile. While she does feel like a primitive counterpart to Sari's technorganic self, I'm actually quite impressed with how advanced she is when you put her next to any other Earth robot. She's… Like a real person. She stays by my side very often, she's a bit of a clingy one… It feel like a hassle most of the time, since I do need to watch over her and make sure she's not going to get herself scrapped at any moment. She listens, though. To orders and even to Bumblebee's ramblings about things I don't care to understand. …Oh? What do I think of her? … She's okay. —Beatbox
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imaginarianisms · 10 months
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#IMAGINARIANISMS. an independent, private & selective multiera, multigenre, multifandom, multimuse, multiship & multiverse aesthetic, worldbuilding ask/rp blog featuring both canon & original characters of naruto, gangsta., a song of ice & fire/game of thrones/house of the dragon, the walking dead, & more. predominantly headcanon & exomemory based with both canon divergency & canon compliancy. sporadic activity; predominantly discord based & mutuals only. non-spoiler free. 15+ years rp experience. alternate universe, crossover, group rp, canon compliant, canon divergent, original character & fandomless character friendly. previously dominusornatum; originally established in 2019, archived in 2020 & restarted in 2023. haunted by angel / arcana & the imaginarians galaxy system.
a 𝖘𝖙𝖚𝖉𝖞 on abandonment, trauma, madness, the nurturing of others when one never received it for oneself, gender, queerness, indigeneity, disability, neurodivergency, alterhumanity, plurality, what makes a monster & what makes a human, indigenous spirituality, coming of age, young adulthood, indigenous pessimism, indigenous existentialism, indigenous psychology, holy eldritch abominations, enlightenment, apotheosis, witchcraft, occultism, prophecy, quests, dreams of the future, legacy, kings & lionhearts, messiahs & machiavels, whatever our souls are made of yours & mine are the same, family horror, platonic lovers, psychosexual tangles, unholy soulmateism, doomed by the narrative, cannibalism as tenderness & love, love is hunger, the divine within the profane, knighthood, queer chivalry, flower language, gods & monsters, coming back wrong, collective rage & grief, raw passion & power, the art of dominance, submission, trust & eroticism, sexual exploration, found family, troubled youth, children forced to kill, the corruption of youth, the face of love's rage, women in power, sex workers, cults, human exploitation, god loves you but not enough to save you, all the eyes on you, colonialism, intergenerational trauma, indigenous historical trauma, having faith in humanity despite everything, all my relations, the lengths you're willing to go for the ones you love, wars in the mind, hedonism, glamour, pleasure, desire, wrath, survival, vengeance & justice, undying devotion & unconditional love.
angel / arcana / ansale'wit / ᐋᓐᔐᓃ • 24 • poc; indigenous "canadian"; mixed native & jewish • predominantly transmascfem genderfluid two spirit & intersex bodied • bi; omni; bi/omni vincian/lesbian/enbian; aspec; ambiamorous • any but indigenous & plural pronouns preferred • disabled & neurodivergent; autism, adhd, cfs, pots, stpd, bpd, cptsd, did, etc. • future ambulatory wheelchair user & multipurpose psychiatric service dog handler • multigenic hc-did system host
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• Please be 20+ to access any of the content here, ty!!✨
• Absolutely no discourse, bigotry nor fakeclaiming of any kind is tolerated here, nor are any debates or drama or callout posts. This is our& personal space. Do not waste our& time.
• Affiliated with @creolejesus & @familiarblood / @stillgcod & @loyalpromise & @doedsdans & @velcryons / @brokcncrowns & @scndor / @prodigum / @cregcn / @krakened & @lcerys / @jofreys / @burninghils & @lary5trong !!
main focus : daenerys targaryen, jon snow, misa amane, helaena targaryen, aemond targaryen & alys rivers.
current writing level : medium.
𝐁𝐘𝐅 . . .
• Predominantly beta editor & dashboard user; i'm& still working on the finer details of everything as in actually setting up things but please feel free to inquire about our& muses, we& have plenty! <333 • Read rules before interaction please & thank you! • This blog deals with heavy, triggering themes & has many problematic characters from problematic families from "problematic" fiction & we& have 0 intention of softening them! • This blog is run by a system of color, please be respectful of all of us& & understand that because of this the overwhelming vast majority of our& roster are muses of color, specifically indigenous muses of color & that I& mostly rp with other muns of color but I'm& not opposed to writing with white muns as long as you're respectful, this blog is mostly run by me& but there will be times when my& system members post or possibly even rp as themselves, so if you believe we are faking having did or our plurality as a whole & our& experiences around it, if you do not enjoy any of our& presences while you may do with another or mine&, if you ignore my& system members just to only speak to me& or you are not comfortable with us& often making posts / mentions relating to did, plurality & each other, block us& & move on. our& traumas & copings for them are just as real as we& are, & everyone in the system deserves to & should have the equal amount of respect, love, dignity, honor, care & undivided attention. we& will not tolerate any bullshit from anyone, so if that's something that intimidates you i& suggest you either check your internalized ableism & pluralphobia & learn to do better or leave!!
𝐃𝐍𝐈 𝐈𝐅 . . .
General DNI criteria, just... basic things like minors, bigots, racists, -phobes, ableists, sanists, antisemites, if you're going to drag us& into any kind of discourse, y'all get it. hopefully.
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Gudrun Bjerring Parker b. March 16, 1920
Parker started out as a journalist before being hired to the nascent National Film Board in 1942 as an assistant editor. When she expressed a desire to move into directing she was told to go find her own funding which she did, contacting Health Canada and successfully petitioning them to fund a short film on the importance of vitamins which Parker directed. 
Parker went on to direct, produce and edit over 30 short documentaries for the NFB between 1943 and 1956. Her films mostly specialized on educating children. In 1956 she quit the NFB to focus on raising her children. 
Her 1952 documentary Royal Journey which she co-directed with David Bairstow and Roger Blais, won a BAFTA for Best Documentary. 
In 2005 Parker was named an Officer of the Order of Canada.
Several of her short films are available to stream for free on the NFB website.
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chickenmuse · 6 years
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Your wish is my command!
Chicken Bio: Marijuana
Hatch Date:  Week of August 20th, 2017 (not sure exact day)
Hatch-mates: Fre Sh a Voca Do, NaldsMcDo, Cocaine
Other Siblings: Shiro, Sven, Champion, Paladin
Parents: MacBeth and either Violet or Winston (probably Violet)
Name Origin: The marijuana plant.
Breed: Sumatra/Blue Game (maybe) mix.
Best Quality: Anxious all of the time.
Mini Bio: During his first week of life, I was not really able to tend to him much. It was my first week of college, and I was super busy. The first batch of 4 chicks of the same breeding trio did just fine, so this one was expected to as well. The thing is, though, Marijuana had some issues. At first, everything was normal. He and his siblings hatched normally, and were happy babies. After about a day or two, he lost the ability to walk properly. He would just flutter around the box to get around instead of getting up and walking. It was decided that either he had some neurological issues or he possibly ate a poisoned bug since. At the time, the garage the chicks were in had been sprayed for spiders days before they hatched. With this, I just assumed he would die and let him live his little life with his siblings since he was in no visible distress. So, when the day came for his siblings to go outside and stay outside, so did he. He received no special treatment, and was just allowed to be a chicken. Surprisingly with being outside, he was able to get a foot hold in the wire bottom of their cage and began to wobble about. Weeks later, he was walking properly! In one of the photos you can see a group of chicks, and he was the smallest one. During his first two weeks of life, he barely grew, and this has caused him to be much smaller than he should be today. Once he was able to walk properly and no one could tell that he ever had any issues, he was involved in a small dog attack. As I was moving chicks around trying to get everyone situated, I was also dog sitting my aunt’s two dogs. The biggest dog was no issue, he just enjoyed being near me and did his own thing. The little wiener dog, though, chased everything he could. When I was moving the older set of chicks and let them loose while I was cleaning their cage and moving it to fresh grass, the dog chased them around but did not seem like he was going to grab them. This still made me uncomfortable, so I put them up and took the set of chicks Marijuana was in out but moved them to another cage to theirs could be cleaned. I carried two chicks at a time, which was a bad idea, because one squirmed free and both chicks flew out of my hand. I quickly caught one, but the dog went after the other. The dog and I both grabbed onto Marijuana at the same time, and I quickly snatched my baby chick away from him and locked the dog up. Marijuana had no visible damage other than a few feathers missing and was just bit in the back, but somehow that caused one of his legs to go completely limp. I thought ‘this is it, there is no way he can heal from this’, but I decided to try to help him out incase this is another neurological issue and was going to heal over eventually. I put him in a cage by himself and retrieved him later that day once I was done with everything I was doing, then I snuck him inside. I wrapped his foot up to using cloth, a bandage, and a cut toilet paper roll. I also made him a little shoe to keep his toes sticking out to give him some balance if he were to put weight on it. He then stayed in a baby doll crib every night and was put outside in a crate during the day and tried to make sure no one found out I was keeping a chicken in my room every night. For the next two months he was slowly gaining control of his leg again through having it bandaged up as well as forcing him to move around. He became a very lazy bird after me hand feeding him, so I would nudge him around or leave him in a random spot in the yard to make him get up and walk either to his cage or to me. Although he wasn’t happy about that, it did help him in the long run. I never let him stay laying down for long if he wasn’t tired. Once he had a good enough walk to where he did not need me any more, he became an outdoor chicken again and stayed outside near his siblings and others. I tried to re-introduce him several times, but all were unsuccessful. He stayed by himself for 2 months, but not really caring. He could still see everyone, but just could not touch anyone. Earlier this month (May, 2017) I was able to finally introduce him to one group of chickens. I had first thought ‘maybe the baby turkey group would be good’, but he just tried to hump every single turkey. So then, I tried out the mutt bantam group. I had once tried previously to put him with one hen who had injured herself, but she straight up attacked him. This time, though, I moved the hens to him, and they all took a liking to each other (at least, he took a liking to them). He is now staying with them in their rather small cage, but he does not care. Maybe one day I’ll be able to put him in the free range group like I want, but for now he is enjoying life with 6 lovely little ladies. 
Random fact, he has red feathers that flow down his sides. At first, I thought it was blood and freaked out. But nope! He just has cool red feathers. 
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bribesdeminuit · 3 years
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Voici Manon, Bribeuse a la plume légère. Elle est adepte de relations passionnelles et des reconstructions qui s’en suive, de prose poétique, de transmission generationnelle, et d’écriture créative. Manon aime ses proches, sa famille, et leur attache une grande place dans ses écrits. Ce soir je vous livrerai son entretien poétique. On vous parlera cette fois de la place que peut avoir la santé mentale dans la société d’aujourd’hui et comment elle s’invite dans nos relations et rencontres. On vous réserve un récit personnel et touchant. Alors gardez votre soirée pour cette lecture audio, et laissez vous porter par la profondeur d’un texte en prose. En attendant, les 1ers episodes sont toujours dispo sur soundcloud, spotify, youtube etc. Cf Link in bio. Et vous êtes toujours les bienvenu(e)s pour livrer vos poésies! #Poésie #Poetry #lecturepoetique #textepoetique #poetessefrançaise #fragmentspoetiques #reconfinement #confinement #Ecriturecreative #Minibio #Bribesdeminuit #positiveattitude #poesiefrançaise #leshistoiresdamourfinissentmalengénéral #Dependanceaffective #Dependance @lafemmeplume (à Port d'attaches - des cordes à Paris) https://www.instagram.com/p/COXzDGpBM74/?igshid=x60c25m0lanw
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