#mini tag dump
solarmorrigan · 8 months
Actually infertile omega!Steve for the WIP ask thing
Y'know what, you're the only person who's asked about this and this has been sitting in my drafts for months and I don't think I'm ever going to develop it past this point, so! I'm just gonna give you the whole thing
Fair warning, I did write this in the midst of an anxiety attack sometime after one in the morning. It's been edited! But that's pretty much the vibe
[CW: ableism, internalized ableism, uh... sexism? is that a thing I need to warn for in omegaverse? I dunno, it pretty closely mirrors real-world misogynistic views, so heads up]
Give me omega Steve who genuinely will never be able to have children. Who is tentatively excited after the Upside Down and Vecna and everything to get out from under his parents' influence and stop taking the harsh, heavy-duty suppressants that he was too young to have ever really been on in the first place and to get to actually be who he is. To get to freely express his designation
And instead he finds out that his body is fucked up and he'll never have a normal fertility cycle and he'll never be able to have kids
Give me Steve being told by a shitty, prejudiced doctor that it's basically all his fault for all the damage he's done to his own body over the years - the head injuries, the broken bones, the mysterious flesh wounds. Clearly these things upset the balance of his Delicate Omega Body and that's why his reproductive system is all fucked up (couldn't possibly have been the extended use of those suppressant drugs during his developmental years, oh no)
And Steve isn't exactly devastated at first, but he does feel ashamed. He only admits what's happened to Robin and no one else, and no matter how indignant she gets on his behalf, no matter how hard she tries to push him to get a second opinion, he refuses. He doesn't want to hear how bad he's fucked up from anyone else, thank you very much
The devastation dawns on him later, in stages. It occurs to him slowly what he'll never be able to do, the ways in which he'll always be othered by a society that often still values omegas for their fertility, the way his dream of a big family has been completely shattered
And it occurs to him that he'll never be considered a good mate, damaged in so many ways, unable to even offer children in exchange for whatever other shortcomings he has - which means that as soon as Eddie starts showing interest in him, he has to shut it down as quickly as possible
Because of course Eddie's going to want a family one day, and Steve thinks he'll be a great alpha and a great dad, and he deserves that - he deserves someone who can give him that, who can give him all the things A Good Omega should. So no matter how much Steve wants to be with Eddie, no matter how safe and at ease he feels around him, he can't let Eddie think he's a viable option, and pulls away
And Eddie - well, look, if Steve really doesn't want him, then he'll respect that. He can take no for an answer. But Steve has never really given him a clear no so much as he just started distancing himself. Making himself unavailable, no longer sitting next to Eddie when the whole group hangs out, no longer unconsciously curling into his side on movie nights, just - ghosting, essentially. And that, Eddie will not take
So he confronts Steve; he's not aggressive about it, of course, but he makes it clear that he's not leaving until he gets a straight answer. Tells Steve he's been getting some real mixed signals, and does he want Eddie or not?
Steve says Eddie doesn't want him. Eddie calls bullshit. Of course he wants Steve, he's never wanted anything, anyone, in his life like he wants Steve
But if Steve can look Eddie in the eye and tell him that he doesn't want to be with Eddie, then Eddie will go
And Steve - he's never been a good liar. Not when it comes to feelings. He's never been able to lie about that, so he breaks down and admits the truth, instead: he's a fucked up excuse for an omega, he can't have kids, he doesn't really even know how to do the social shit omegas are supposed to know how to do, so. There. So Eddie shouldn't want him
And Eddie is horrified. Not because Steve is "broken," but because of all the hurt he's taken on over the years, because of the way he seems to think it's all his fault, because he thinks his only worth as a mate is in bearing kids or caring for others. As if anything like that would put Eddie off - as if Steve has nothing else to offer
It's a slow process, after that, getting Steve to accept that he's desirable for who he is and not what he can do
It starts with Robin and Eddie teaming up on Steve and eventually getting him to go to another doctor, a better doctor, who promises Steve that what happened to his system is in no way his fault. It goes on with constant reassurance, which Eddie never minds providing (dramatic little shit honestly loves the opportunity to wax rhapsodic about whatever he loves, which very much includes Steve), with an unconditional acceptance from the rest of the group, with the realization that Steve already has a big family (and multiple children; like, seriously. how did he miss that. Eddie loves to tease him about it)
And eventually, when they're ready, it goes on still with the promise that they can adopt, or consider surrogacy, or just kidnap their friends' pups (Steve laughs at the last one, but Eddie notices that he doesn't say no). There is no right way to do it, no perfect way; as long as Steve just keeps being himself, Eddie will never be disappointed
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yyshcul · 1 year
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haiiiiii (redraw of a piece from 2 years ago + some ooc doodles)
original piece from 2021 under the cut
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ghostingink · 11 days
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I would digitise this however my tablet is currently packed up for uni so YOU GET A SHITTY SKETCH
Based off of…
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transmasccofee · 1 year
mini fic about Kusuo and Kuusuke bc I am a little crazy about them — tw for suicide attempt and suicidal ideation, as well as kind of gruesome injury and probably incorrect medical practices lol
also it’s 1st person bc I wrote a lot of this while half asleep and I guess wrote it in 1st person, and then when I woke up it was too woven into the narration to change it to 3rd. Sorry lol.
“I like this look on you,” Kuusuke says, a tinge of excitement in his voice. 
I don’t know what he means by that, he must notice my confusion, because he laughs. “You’re at the end of your rope, you’re gonna snap soon and do whatever you can think of that’ll make this all go away.”
I shudder. I don’t want to kill him, but I’m worried at this rate he won’t stop until I do. I don’t like being part of this new dynamic, wherein my own brother views me as a weapon he can do whatever he pleases with. 
He blasts his gun at me again, and it grazes my arm, singeing it. As this fight’s gone on, it’s almost like his machine has gotten more powerful. Or maybe I’ve just grown weaker to it…in any case, it hurts. It hurts so badly. I clench my teeth and try not to show it. 
“Hey. Do you think if I shot him he’d survive?” He grins, gesturing to a certain fallen esper who up until now has gone relatively unmentioned. My blood runs cold and the second I start running towards Toritsuka, another blast can be heard. Panicking, I teleport in front of him, blocking him with my body. The bullet hits my chest and stomach, and the only word I can use to describe the feeling that follows is agony. I want to scream, but I bite my tongue. 
Kuusuke looks at me, his expression different now. “You’re really not gonna kill me, are you?”
I don’t know what to say. It’s hard to think of words right now, I kind of just want to throw up and fall asleep forever. My ears are ringing. Of course I wasn’t gonna kill you, just how do you view your little brother? How have you viewed me my whole life?
Suddenly he seems frustrated, he starts shooting faster and more randomly, he looks  like a madman and in the moment it’s terrifying. About 30% of his shots are hitting me, and at some point the pain gets too great to be interpreted as pain anymore, and instead mellows into a dull aching numbness. I’m depleting my energy to get my limiter back, but in this moment it doesn’t feel worth it. If I had my full powers it might be easier to dodge these bullets consistently. 
I slump over slightly, and he makes some taunting comment. I don’t bother listening. It all hurts so much. I wish I’d been born normal so then maybe we could be playing video games together instead of doing whatever this is.
I wish we could be doing that. A bullet scorches my hair, and this imaginary world where me and him are friends starts to consume my thoughts. 
Despite myself, my shoulders shake. I can barely stand up anymore, in this imaginary world where I’m not ruining everything, Kuusuke notices and runs over to help. 
I know I’m not there, though, when I look up through watering eyes and see a bright light pointed directly at my face. 
If this hits me, I’ll die. I don’t know how exactly I know that, but I know I know.
Without thinking, I half duck half collapse to the ground. It misses and crumbles the wall behind me. Now I just have to get back up, I still need my limiter back, and Toritsuka is still in acute danger. 
…I find then that I can’t get up. I try but everything my body refuses and I slump back down to the cold stone floor. Great. 
It’s my fault, I overdid it. Now Toritsuka is probably gonna die, and I’m probably gonna die, and it’s my fault. Helplessly, a choked sound escapes me. I don’t want to die here, I don’t want Toritsuka to die here. Shit, I completely failed him. 
After a moment, I notice that I’m the only one making any noise. The bullets have stopped coming, and Kuusuke is silent. 
Tentative, he leaves the machine, then he must see my sorry physical state because he breaks into a run towards me.
Unwittingly I flinch back. He notices this too, and slows. Then, he pauses and throws off his mask. His facial expression is one I haven’t seen him make before. 
“I went too far, didn’t I?” Is all he says. I don’t understand, but I can’t do much as he grabs me and flips me onto my back. He makes a hissing noise, which I curl inwards at. “Sorry,” he says. “I’m gonna need to take your shirt off.”
What…? I shake my head vigorously. Of course it’s just another game. Honestly, how was I so stupid as to think he was actually concerned for a second? 
“Kusuo,” he pleads. “This is kind of serious, I need to be able to see the full extent of the damage.”What damage? Does he mean my stomach? I’m fine. I mean, it hurts, but it’s fine.
He takes off my jacket anyways, then curses and peels off my undershirt too. I’m waiting for something to happen, someone to pop out and upload a photo of me at my weakest to the internet as some awful prank, my friends (sans Toritsuka) to come walking out and see me like this, anything. For some reason none of that is happening, Kuusuke is silently surveying me, his whole face is pinched in some unreadable expression. 
“Here, stay here,” he orders. I want to laugh, as it is I can’t even stand, what does he expect me to do?
In my peripheral, I see Toritsuka. He seems to be stirring. Internally, I beg him not to. I can’t do anything right now, he could kill me if he wanted, and then Kuusuke would probably kill him.
When he comes back he’s carrying an array of things. Bandages, water, a cloth, some kind of disinfectant, and a black blanket. It’s odd, despite everything, despite all our fighting, I never feared my brother until now. It’s a potent feeling, and I have to look away. I don’t know what he’s planning. Without a word he hoists me onto his knee, and begins doing something. I can’t stop him without killing him, so I don’t. 
I can feel water, then the cloth dabbing at my chest and arms shoulders, then something cold and sharp touching me. It hurts more than I except. Part of me just wants to surrender, let unconsciousness spare me from any more of this, but then I’d really be powerless against him, so I fight it off. 
I feel something wrap tightly around my torso, and then he murmurs something and puts my undershirt back on, before wrapping me in what is definitely that shitty blanket he brought out. 
For a brief moment, I let myself feel relieved. Then he climbs back onto the machine, and I feel my stomach sink. Tears spring to my eyes. I knew he didn’t like me, but isn’t this…too cruel? Letting me feel safe before destroying me? I brace for the killing blow, knowing that even if I try to teleport away, i won’t have enough control of my muscles to protect myself. 
But it never comes. 
Instead, I hear a turning of keys, and it powers off. He walks back over to me and sighs. I feel small, curled up in this thin blanket on the floor, shaking uncontrollably under him. I’m not meant to be this useless, nor this out of my element. 
“Shit…” he mutters, mostly to himself. “I really did go too far. Look at you. What am I even doing?”
I don’t know what he means. 
“Are you in any pain?” He asks. I want to scoff at him, but I’m still a little on edge and my mind is still numb from the earlier agony it faced. I nod slowly. He inhales.
“I’m sorry.” 
It catches me off guard. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard him apologize like that. I’m dumbfounded. 
“You’re my baby brother, I don’t- I don’t know how I could stoop to something like this. What if I’d killed you…?”
I blink at him. I…I don’t understand. I want to go home. Looking around me I notice the not insignificant amount of blood that had pooled where I was laying. Kuusuke is also covered in blood. Wait, how bad were my injuries?
I look at my shirt, and with sudden horror, I throw up. I wipe my mouth with my sleeve and in the corner of my eye I see my brother’s eyes are as wide as saucers. 
“Shit,” he apologizes again. “Yeah. I guess I really really hurt you. You’re even throwing up…On the bright-side, your friend over there is awake.”
That’s not a good thing, I glare at him hoping that’s conveyed. He looks at me and shrugs, nonchalant. “Don’t worry, he’s not gonna hurt you.”
This time I do scoff out loud. What the hell is he talking about? He just tried to kill me, he’s always hated me, you were the exact person who caused him to realize that. 
Toritsuka looks around blearily, then he makes eye contact with me. I steel myself, waiting for him to laugh, take advantage of my current state, mock me at least. 
He doesn’t, in fact, I’m surprised to see his eyes grow wide with horror. Suddenly he’s crying out my name and barreling towards me, he looks devastated. I don’t know how I’m meant to react. Yet again I don’t understand, I haven’t understood anything that’s happened in the past few minutes. Why are people suddenly treating me like I’m fragile?
He’s at my side, prodding around at my injuries and then the stained floor around me, and then my face. His eyes soften and fill with tears. 
“This is all my fault,” he hiccups. “I- the scientist… he- I’m such an idiot for ever listening to him. Now you’re all hurt, and it’s- I caused it…” 
I don’t say anything, none of this is anything I’m used to. He looks at the intact wall where he was a moment ago, then at me. His whole face sinks into something genuinely pained.
“You protected me, didn’t you.” He sounds really unlike himself, and it creeps me out. Apprehensively, I nod.  I did, but it’s not a huge deal. He doesn’t have to make it a huge deal. 
Why? I pause. I don’t know. Looking up at him, I shrug. You’re my friend. I guess I care about you. That’s why. 
He shakes his head, then his gaze focuses in on my chest. “Shit…P-Please don’t tell me that’s not where that came from.” He points to the blood soaked bandages hugging my torso. I resist the urge to gag looking at them again. This kind of devastation on my own body is admittedly fascinating, but to someone like me it’s also disturbing. I’m kind of miffed that he’s decided to remind me of that area so blatantly, what happened to manners? Don’t point out the gaping hole in your friends chest so crudely, Toritsuka. 
My lack of response clearly functions as a response for him, because he eventually chokes back a knowing sob. “Shit, fuck, goddammit,” he cries. “I’m the worst, I’m seriously the worst. I’m so sorry. If- if you don’t want to see me again after this…I-“ he trails off. 
I’m a little stunned. It’s really not a big deal. It’s not like he was the one shooting at me, that guy’s lingering a few feet away like a creep. I try to explain this to him, but it just makes it worse. He’s actually crying now, which is making me all sorts of uncomfortable. “Don’t forgive me so easily!” He sobs into my arm. I sigh. This is a pain, all of this is. I’m tired, at this point I just want to go home and sleep. 
Kuusuke must notice, as he takes a step towards me. Suddenly, I notice that I can hear his thoughts. 
Toritsuka catches him moving, and jumps in front of me protectively. “St-stay away!” He snarls. Kuusuke looks amused for a second, but quickly his expression shifts into one of irritation. 
“You’re bothering him. Let me take him home.”
“As if i’d trust you! He almost died because of you! I mean, just look at what you did to him!” Toritsuka gestures widely at me and the area surrounding me. Kuusuke doesn’t answer, and now that I can read his thoughts, I can tell…he’s feeling guilty.
Well, of course, He had apologized earlier, but it takes me aback just how potent it truly is. For most of my life I assumed he hated me, assumed he didn’t care about me at all, but now…I don’t know if knowing he does makes me feel better or worse. 
“I’m sorry,” he says at last, not really directly to either of us. He’s looking past me, straight at the destroyed walls behind us. “I know I went too far, but he can’t stay here.”
“So I’ll take him home!” Toritsuka argues, unwilling to trust him. It’s understandable, I wouldn’t. I don’t. 
“It’s better if I do. You’ll jostle him. Plus, he’s my brother, so if It’s me our parents will be more understanding.”
That last part’s a blatant lie, I know it and I know he knows it. The first part is reasonable, though. Toritsuka is only a little heavier than me, and he’s not very physically fit. Carrying me all the way back to my house on his own would be difficult and potentially dangerous for both of us. 
“You’re his brother…??” He gapes, then rage takes over his shock. “How could you do something like this, then?!”
He yet again doesn’t answer, and his thoughts grow even heavier. Honestly I find that I kind of miss his limiter. 
Annoyed, I attempt to sit up, the sharp stabbing pain that jolts through me makes me regret that choice, as I slam back down against the floor. Both of them whirl around to look at me with considerable distress. 
“Don’t move,” Kuusuke is the first to speak. I glare, wanting nothing more than to punch him right now. My injuries should’ve healed by now, right? Why haven’t they?
He looks sheepish. “Yeah,” he says slowly. “Er, about that…the way my invention works, those are gonna stay for a while. Sorry.”
I stare at him, Toritsuka does too. 
“I created it to weaken you, so…it sort of overrides everything about you, including the mind control you’ve done.”
I blink. I’ll ask him how he even did that later, right now I’m just furious. Seriously, what was he thinking? My mind is more clear than it was earlier, and I at least feel enough in my element to be angry, even if physically the bets are still off.
Internally I beg Toritsuka not to ask about the mind control thing, I’m too tired to even attempt explaining that.
Fortunately he doesn’t, though I’m all too aware of how he shelves it for later questioning. 
“By weaken, don’t you just mean destroy?” Is what he asks instead. I now wish he’d just asked about the mind control. What kind of loaded question is that? He realizes I’m right here, doesn’t he?
“I created it to destroy myself,” he says honestly. I already knew, but hearing it out loud, so blatantly is still hurtful. Toritsuka looks confused, so unfortunately he elaborates. “I was hoping if I drove him low enough, he’d snap and destroy me.” Too honest. Dial it back a bit for the readers at home. 
“Oh,” is all Toritsuka can think to respond with. I really can’t blame him. I want to go home, I don’t want to be here anymore. 
“It was a mistake, though, and now look. My baby brother is badly hurt, all because of me.”
“…yeah. He really is.” Not helpful. Both of you should leave, just let me die here, it’s better than having to listen to this exchange any longer. 
They stop talking, though their thoughts are both still so loud. It’s all too heavy, I can’t deal with this, especially not presently. 
“…fine,” Toritsuka says. “Only If Saiki-san is fine with it, we’ll accept your help.”
I kind of want to ask where he got the idea that he had stakes in this decision at all, but honestly I’m a little relieved he’s here acting as a middle-man. 
“Okay. And? Is he?” Kuusuke questions, peering over at me. I shrug. “You don’t know?” I shrug again. I don’t want to interact with him. 
“You’re upset, you don’t want to talk to me,” he says matter of factly.  I forgot that he’d gotten kind of skilled at reading me. “I get it, but I really do need to know where you stand on this, otherwise there’s not much I can do for you.”
I sigh. As much as I keep telling myself I want to go home, the idea of my parents seeing me like this is mortifying, especially if he’s there too. 
“You don’t want to go home? You’re scared of our parents seeing you like this, especially when I’m there too?” He parrots. I flinch. know I said he was skilled at reading me, but that’s basically just telepathy. Toritsuka makes a face like he’s just had an idea. 
“He can go to my house! I have a lot of first aid stuff.”
You do? Why? Actually, I don’t want to know. Admittedly, it’s not an awful idea if I ignore the fact that I’d be inside Toritsuka’s house. The one good thing about being in a situation like this with these two is that they both know not to suggest the hospital. Hesitantly, I nod. 
“Great, that’s settled then?” Kuusuke sounds tired too. 
“I guess so.”
“Where do you live?”
“Oh, right. Erm…I’ll just lead you guys there.”
“Ok then.”
Kuusuke, without much warning, scoops me up off the ground. “Lead the way!” He chirps, presumably trying not to sound too annoyed.
Surprisingly, Toritsuka actually manages to lead us to where he lives without much issue. Maybe he’s more reliable than I thought. That, or my bar is just way too low for him. Probably the second one. 
“He can go on the bed,” he says over his shoulder. Kuusuke nods and sets me down. “So…now what are we doing?” He comes back with way more first aid supplies than any one person should ever need. Now I really feel the need to know why he had this stuff in the first place…
“Stitches.” Kuusuke replies, completely distracting me from Toritsuka’s stash. Did I hear that right? How does he intend to do that, an ice pick can’t break my skin, so really, how does he expect a needle to be able to??
He laughs. “Are you curious about how I’d be able to break your skin?”
Yes, but stop reading my mind, please. 
“Don’t worry, I’ve studied you enough to know this isn’t an issue. See, it’s not actually that your body is impenetrable…it’s a protective shield, a very thin protective shield.”
I’m confused by what he’s trying to say. 
“Basically,” he explains. “Your body naturally stops anything from harming you, of course it’s not impossible to bypass this shield, but most things that would kill a regular person won’t really affect you...”
I’m about to ask where he’s going with this, but Toritsuka beats me to it. “Sorry, but what does this have to do with giving him stitches…?”
“The stitches wouldn’t be harming him, they’d be helping him.”
“Ohhh. Right. Okay, I get it.” He lies. 
I’m skeptical. Kuusuke knows more about my body than I do, but it’s hard to trust him. I guess there’s not any other options, and I don’t really know how he could use this to beat me anyways. Reluctantly, I give him permission to attempt this. 
Against all my expectations, it kind of works. I mean, the first needle shatters, as do the second and third, but once I manage to relax it becomes almost too easy. Of course, it hurts, though strangely not as much as him cleaning the wound in preparation had. Toritsuka is talking to me about something stupid, I couldn’t make out what he was saying even if I wanted to, my mind is swimming too much. The sound of his voice is a decent distraction, though. 
Eventually, after what must’ve been a few hours, as well as the tragic loss of many needles that shattered the second I tensed even a little, Kuusuke finishes up. 
“Good as new!” He says, which is objectively untrue, but whatever. “…How do you feel?”
Bad, but less urgently. I don’t know if I can sit up yet, the thought of trying makes me shiver. Right now I’m tired, all I want is to sleep. 
“I’ll check in tomorrow. You’ll look after him, I assume,” he asks Toritsuka, who nods. “Alright.”
And with that he’s off. 
Toritsuka looks at me, all I can hope is that he won’t try to engage in serious conversation with me. He doesn’t.
He doesn’t say anything, actually. He thinks a lot, a lot of apologies, but he says nothing aloud. Silently, he lays on the floor and closes his eyes. 
I roll my eyes, he’s punishing himself. That’s annoying. Do what you like, but in front of me? over something that wasn’t your fault…? When he falls asleep I’ll be sure to give him at least a pillow and blanket, it won’t help anyone if we have two people in pain tomorrow. 
Once he’s asleep, I finally let myself drift off too. 
I’m woken up by Toritsuka’s miserable thoughts. It seems Kuusuke isn’t here yet, in the meantime I wonder if there’s anything I can do to make Toritsuka realize he doesn’t have to be so hard on himself. It’s fine. 
“Can you sit up yet?” He asks, I blink at him. It’s too early for this, seriously. I just woke up. 
I push myself up with my elbows, there’s a significant throbbing pain throughout my body, but I can ignore that. 
“Hey, that’s good! Maybe your weird brother was wrong…?”
He probably wasn’t, but one can hope. I give a thumbs up, for whatever reason my hands are shaking. 
Kuusuke arrives, he checks in, “supervises” for awhile, then he leaves. At night Toritsuka tries to punish himself by sleeping completely uncovered on the hard floors, I thwart his plans and then fall asleep myself. This repeats for weeks, honestly it’s becoming monotonous. Kuusuke keeps reassuring us that he has all the technical stuff “handled”, and I guess I have to believe him. 
Not only that, it’s all frustrating. There’s something nagging at me, it feels like a pit in my stomach, the same feeling you get when you haven’t eaten for a long time, and I don’t know what it is or why it’s happening. There’s something we didn’t address, but I can’t put my finger on what it is. 
It comes to me one day, at a point where I’m far enough long in this awful recovery period that I can walk around with only some agonizing pain. The stitches have been removed, I’m probably gonna go to my regular home soon. Toritsuka’s gradually stopped punishing himself, everything is going…fine. 
I’m even kind of getting along with Kuusuke, if I ignore everything that lead up to this, I might be able to pretend we’ve always been like this. 
Then one day, it’s like he snaps.
“Kill me,” Kuusuke says, grabbing my shoulders. It’s raining, we’re both outside and he’s knocked over the umbrella I was holding. I’m too shocked to respond. “I’m asking you to kill me, however you like, but please kill me.”
I can’t think of what to say to him. Weren’t we over this…? I guess not. That must’ve been what was bothering me so much. He looks desperate, desperate in a way I haven’t seen him before. 
“I deserve it, you deserve to be the one who does it. It would be humiliating to die to anything besides you, so please…”
I really thought we were over this. 
There’s some kind of cruelty present here, and the worst part is I don’t even know if he recognizes it. I feel the resolve I’ve been clutching crumble just a little. 
The reality is I never, never in my life, truthfully wanted to kill him, I’ve never wanted to hurt anyone. I wish I’d made that clearer, maybe we could’ve avoided all of this. I feel, for a moment, profoundly angry, then it’s washed away and all I can feel is hurt. Hurt that even after all this, he still thinks of me this way, hurt that he thinks of himself this way, hurt that our relationship is like this. I want to cry, I want to curl up as tight as possible and cry until all of this melts away. How did we even get here? How did it get this bad? 
He looks about two seconds from breaking down himself. I don’t know how to fix this, I don’t think I can. Once again I picture that imaginary reality where I’m normal, and I imagine a Kuusuke who’s offering words of comfort.
Against my will, tears come rushing. I can’t stop them, I’m helpless. I’ve caused all of this, the fault of my existence is why any of us are in this situation. My face is wet, and I don’t care to tell what’s from rain and what’s from me. It’s humiliating regardless. 
“Kusuo…? Are you…-” He sounds so far away. Quickly, I cover my face with my arm, stepping back in shame. I wish I’d just gone home when I was first injured, I want my mom, she’d know what to say right now. Then again, I’m sure that would’ve caused her a lot of trouble, so it’s probably good I didn’t. Probably. I don’t know. 
“Are you crying?” He asks, I laugh. Obviously I’m not. Or, wait, actually I am. Huh. I’m crying right now.
I’m so tired of all this. I know our relationship will never be like the one I keep picturing, but I just wish it was better than this. I don’t want to be crying alone right now.
He pauses. “I’m sorry,” he repeats. No matter how much he says that, I can’t seem to believe him. “I see now, I’m wrong.”
I don’t know what he means, I don’t want to know. It’s a different kind of pain, this feeling. 
“You want a normal brother, don’t you?”
I guess so, Its more that I want to be a normal brother. I don’t want to be someone he feels the need to compete with all the time, I want to be someone he can laugh with and play video games with and not feel like he’s going up against a machine. 
The pit in my stomach deepens, and it hurts terribly. Like a child would, I reach out and grab his sleeve. He freezes as I do so. I don’t know what to say to him, I’m just desperate and hurt and alone, and he was there.
“…What are you doing? Why are you grabbing me?” I can’t think of a coherent reply. He was there, is all I can think of. Logically I know it’s probably deeper than that. I don’t respond, I can’t let go. If I let go…I don’t want to think about it. 
After a moment, I feel arms wrap around me. He’s hugging me. For whatever reason, he’s hugging me. 
I don’t move, I’m scared if I do, that I’ll hurt him. I don’t want to do that. He exhales. “I don’t know why you keep me around, if I was you I would’ve killed me ages ago.”
Huh. I shrug. I don’t know, I say to him. You’re my brother, and I guess I care about you. That’s why. 
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thepurpleclownz · 21 days
Been dead for the past couple weeks so here’s a Discosona art dump 👍
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yuumebow · 6 months
happy birthday, rei ♡
(30.3.24) - happy birthday to our cutest girlboy rei! ^_^ i made a few artworks and a comic for reis birthday + a bit of ranting and how he came to be ☆
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i apologise for how bad the comic is,,, its the first comic ive made... ever... in my life
ill also make the gifting comics later hehe
but today is reis birthday! ☆ since its his birthday i wanted to rant a little about him and how he was born into the yuumeverse... and some older versions of him (click read more)
i think i should also note rei goes by any pronouns (of course you have black hair and pronouns) so you guys dont get confused on why im calling him.. him
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so, this is reis most oldest design. he was originally thought to be bullied because he always dressed fem but claimed he was a boy, also that he has anger issues (jst like me fr...)
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he loved "being a girl", dressing fem and felt more like himself but still didnt really like getting called a girl. he felt more comfortable with being more gender neutral
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overtime, she felt more comfortable with being called a girl tho, she eventually didnt mind any kinda label, she just wanted to be someone.
yes, hes a girly boy but that does not stop him from being a person
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and this is his least oldest design.
theres not much history of him but she was always supposed to represent that u should show your gender in any way you want, but also gender dysphoria and its struggles
thats mostly all to his history, if u wanna know more about him u can drop an ask in my inbox ^_^
happy birthday to rei!!! 🎂🎂🎉🎉🎁
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enderina · 2 years
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I colored this 🅱️ lol
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Average siblings reactio
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It's him!! {Ft. My uglyass signature, i'm still working on wether i should add it or not}
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Dorami!!! ilh sm
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Oh eem gee they're humans- :0
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He has zero idea of where or when he is
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Aw hell no who made door rat emo mad??
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Another dora-rhino doodle bc he is the character ever and he is so me fr fr
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aizhits · 11 months
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Another silly little comic, plus! Gerry!!! :D!!!
Micheal (sticks out its tongue) belp
Charlie( twirling her hair) Wow~ You sure know how to please a lady~
Jon/Michael (neither of which are women) uh-
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vampyre-kin · 1 year
I low key kind of wish I'd been raised more religiously? Like I have such a weird fucking relationship with Christianity but at the same time I only have comparatively mild religious trauma, I only consistently went to church for about two years and the most my mom ever asked me to do was pray during hard time. I guess I just wish I had something more significant to connect all these feelings to. This weird guilt, the even weirder yearning to be more involved. Idk. It's all just weird and I don't like it.
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larentslovechaos · 1 year
things r goin places maybe
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misquigleya · 1 year
below the cut are possible verses for interactions. i'm sure more crossover will be added a later date for the time being, this is it!
canon one ( i'm just a girl );
This verse will be taking place in 1996 to 2000. It will serve as a holder for pre-series, time in the wilderness, and post-rescue threads. Main focus will be Misty's time in the wilderness but also interested and open to exploring pre-series timeline ( age will very between 15 to 18 ) as well as post-rescue ( age will very between 18 to 20. ) The latter will probably happen more once the show actually shows them being rescued and whether or not we have to wait for season three to get more information about post-rescue life. Regardless, am still up for plotting things out and head-cannoning. Spoilers will be present and will not be tagged.
canon two ( the past does not define us );
This verse will be taking place during the current timeline which is 2021. It's twenty-five years later after the Yellowjackets team went missing in the Canadian wilderness for nineteen months. Main focus will be following and exploring canon events that take place throughout season one and two. Will also dig a bit deeper into Misty's life and what she's been getting up to for the last twenty-five years aside from stalking checking up on her old teammates. Spoilers will be present and will not be tagged.
crossover one ( grey's anatomy/station 19 );
This verse will be taking place during several seasons of Grey's Anatomy and it's spin-off Station 19. In this verse, Misty has moved out west to Seattle, Washington in an attempt to have a life and start-over. Her canon will remain with the fact that she survived the Yellowjackets team crashing in the wilderness and being stranded for almost two years. The only changes will be the primary location and things that need to be changed in order to fit the canon of both GA and ST19. Misty is a nurse at Grey-Sloan and primarily works in the clinic and will often times volunteer at the fire station with Ben Warren's walk-in clinic. Plotting will be encouraged.
crossover two ( stranger things );
This verse will be taking place during seasons one to four with a primary focus with the later seasons. In this verse, Misty is a freshman at Hawkins High School when Will Byers goes missing. Her family lives in the same neighborhood as the Wheelers, her father having worked with Nancy Wheelers father, Ted. Obviously her canon will not be included in this verse and as such, will be completely head-canon reliant as well as heavily plotted. But it will follow the events of ST, however, depending on the severity of Misty's involvement in everything will be based solely on plots.
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espritdediamant · 2 years
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[ ...𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚕… 𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚕… 𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚕… ]
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Wah—there's nothing in here that says all lab classes are cancelled from now on. I totally manifested for that and everything...
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nascentwaves · 2 years
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UMP9 has been added to the muse list!
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I started making a post about J4CK because I got LORE but then I just kept typing in the TAGS
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div-divington · 2 months
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Shipwreck Shallows - 'Fortnite'
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saline-coelacanth · 3 months
Just like Arin, did Leo lose his parents in the merge or was he an orphan from the start?
Nope, Leo's parents are alive and well. They live close to the Crossroads. Leo used to live with them, but he made a habit of leaving home often, usually to work on/sell his art. It's normal for him to be away from home for a while, so his parents weren't too worried that he hasn't come home after joining the ninja. He does also stay in contact with them, so there's even less reason for them to be worried. His parents don't know that he's a ninja or an elemental master though, Leo hasn't brought that up yet.
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