#mini gee adventures
the-spider-haven · 6 months
What’s Mini Gee been up to lately?! :D
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not much. He’s js been chilling w me, watching Sam and Colby videos w me and stuff🙏
haven’t had a lot of chances to take him out to places recently, but once I sew him together a bit better, then I’ll prolly take him for more trips to the park ^^
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fan-fantasies · 1 year
Jealousy and Dreams
A/N: this is definitely a bit out of my comfort zone and not what I usually write, but I’m in love with this woman! This will be the first part in probably a two part mini-series. Also on a side note, tomorrow is the last day at my job before I start a new one next week! Breezy and I both are starting new adventures and I couldn’t be more excited for us.
Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Reader
Warnings: we’re gonna pretend Buddy doesn’t exist, swearing, mentions of a wet dream
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Rhea tossed and turned in the uncomfortable hotel bed. No matter how hard she tried, sleep couldn’t find her. You were lucky, however, passing out as soon as your head hit the pillow in the bed next to hers. She sighed, staring at your sleeping form.
This wasn’t the first time you had shared a room, far from it. You had grown close with Rhea and the rest of judgement day over the last couple months. You were a new ring announcer and backstage interviewer, and while you were intimidated by them at first, you came to learn just how kind they all were.
Rhea always offered to room with you and you thought it was sweet; and Rhea thought you were sweet- and funny and smart and probably the most gorgeous girl she’s ever seen. But she’d never tell you that- you saw her as a friend and nothing more.
So with that, Rhea began to drift off to sleep with thoughts of you filling her head- until she heard what sounded like a moan falling from your lips. At first, she thought you were hurt, but with each passing moment it sounded more like pleasure than pain.
Her body went rigid, fighting the urge to climb into your bed and calm you. She didn’t want to wake you and risk the embarrassment you might feel so she laid there and listened to the sweet sounds fill the air. You began to rustle around slightly, your whimpers increasing. Rhea was in near physical pain; on one side she had been dreaming of hearing those noises, just in a very different context, and on the other side she felt like a perv for listening. How hadn’t you woken yourself up?!
A few more moments of torture passed before she heard you let out a huff before stilling. She figured your dream hadn’t been enough for you so maybe your brain went in a different direction.
Rhea laid there and stared at the ceiling, now feeling frustrated herself. Sleep would now be impossible.
Morning rolled around and Rhea slept horribly. You seemed to wake up rather cranky but Rhea didn’t mention it.
The guys from JD came by soon after you had woken up with coffee and breakfast.
“You guys are lookin rough,” Finn commented.
“Gee thanks,” you chuckled dryly.
“Slept like shit,” Rhea added.
“Well drink some coffee and perk up, we gotta talk strategy,” Dom said.
You listened to them as they discussed tonight’s show, glancing at Rhea every so often only to find her already looking at you. You could feel the heat rush to your face, and core, every time you made eye contact. You’d never tell her, but your wet dream was about her. You were well aware she only thought of you as a friend so why open that can of worms.
Dom’s phone ringing broke your train of thought.
“It’s my girl, I’ll be right back,” he said with a boyish smile on his face.
“Aww how cute,” Finn teased him. You let out a sigh subconsciously making everyone turn to look at you. Your eyes widened.
“Jealous?” Rhea asked sarcastically.
“It would just be nice to have something like that,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“I mean…you could. How bout you come back to my room after the show later and we can talk about it,” Damian smirked. Rhea shot daggers at him but he just shrugged at her. She knew he had a little crush on you, she just never expected he’d act on it. Selfishly, she hoped you didn’t return his feelings.
“Or! She could come back here with me; we could cuddle and watch a movie,” Rhea offered.
“That does sound nice,” you agreed. Damian scoffed and shot Rhea a disapproving glare.
“It’s a plan then, babe,” Rhea winked. The two of you were no stranger to flirting, but after your dream, her words held more weight.
Dom came back in and they finished discussing the upcoming show. Hair and makeup was shortly after the meeting so you departed with your friends and tried to focus on work.
You loved your job, and you were good at it. You enjoyed everyone in the company and they made it feel like home for you. Being on camera took some getting used to but the WWE universe quickly warmed up to you.
Judgement Day was out first, Finn and Dom having a tag match against Sami and Kevin. Rhea and Damian stayed ringside, heckling the champions and cheering on their boys. Damian ended up on your side of the ring and blew you a kiss. You put on an animated surprised act, deep down knowing he was just joking around. He shot you a wink and Rhea noticed.
She sauntered over to you with her cocky ringside persona and kneeled down next to you. The cameras were on you instead of the guys.
“Enjoying the match, gorgeous?” She asked. You simply nodded, your nerves eating away at you from the attention of the gorgeous woman.
“Good,” she said before pressing a quick kiss to your cheek. Your stunned look wasn’t for show, you truly were surprised she did that. Your mind was too busy reeling to notice Rhea smirk at Damian.
Sami was eventually thrown from the ring, landing near your feet. Rhea ran over and picked him up, tossing him back toward the ring.
“Get away from her!” She yelled. “I’ve got you, babe.”
“My savior,” you chuckled.
The match eventually ended with some others coming out to help keep Judgement Day at bay while Sami and Kevin secured the win. JD hobbled back up the ramp, looking as angry as ever, but you couldn’t help the smile on your face that was there ever since Rhea had kissed you.
The show continued as normal and you ended up backstage to do an interview. It was with Sonya Deville, who you were friendly with. Rhea was actually supposed to interrupt and challenge Sonya to a match.
Before the cameras came on, you were chatting and laughing with Sonya- not about anything in particular but it caught Rhea’s attention.
The camera’s start rolling as you put on your professional persona but still kept it friendly.
“Sonya, how are you feeling tonight?” You asked.
“Better now that you’re here,” she joked. “I’m feeling good, I feel ready.”
“Ready for what?”
“Ready for me? I don’t think so,” Rhea said, coming into frame. “I don’t think you could handle me.”
“Handle you? I could destroy you. Isn’t that right?” She said, looking to you. You did your best “deer caught in headlights” look as you stood between them.
“Yeah, okay. Prove it- you and me- match, tonight.” Rhea snapped.
“You’re on! Just make sure you’re ringside,” Sonya said, playing with a piece of your hair.
“Hands off!” Rhea said, off-script. She threw her arm around your shoulder and pulled you off camera, leaving Sonya looking frustrated.
The camera’s cut and you let out a deep breath.
“Nice improv,” you complimented.
“Thanks,” she said, flashing you an award winning smile that made your heart stop.
“So I guess I’ll see you out there?”
“Sure will, gorgeous. Don’t forget our movie night later.”
“We room together; I don’t think I could forget if I tried,” you laughed.
You went back to the ring so you could announce the women’s match. It wasn’t a title match, but a contender’s one. Sonya was a great wrestler, but she was chopped liver compared to Rhea.
Rhea saw her take one look in your direction and promptly kicked her ass. One riptide later and any hope Sonya had of a title match was squashed.
You went into the ring and grabbed Rhea’s hand, throwing it in the air as you declared her winner.
“See ya later, sweetheart,” she said as she exited the ring.
The show finished and you made your way to the locker rooms so you could change and take off your makeup. You worked quickly, hoping to get back to the hotel as quick as possible.
“I’m sorry if I fall asleep during the movie, I’m beat,” you said as you and Rhea went back to your room.
“No worries, maybe cuddling will help me sleep better tonight,” she chuckled. You hid your face, knowing you’d give away your nervousness at the thought of being pressed against her.
“I’m gonna change into my pjs and brush my teeth,” you said, heading into the bathroom. You changed and before you could get your toothbrush ready, you heard a knock at the door.
“Yeah?” Rhea opened it and came in.
“I have an idea,” she said, holding up her phone. “Just go about your business.”
You started to brush your teeth, watching her curiously in the mirror. She placed her hand on your hip and took a picture, quickly posting it to her Instagram story captioned “the match isn’t the only thing I won tonight.” tagging both you and Sonya. You couldn’t help but feel electricity where her hand was sitting on your side.
“You couldn’t even have taken one where I look cute?” You said, wiping your mouth.
Rhea looked down at you with an amused look as you pouted.
“Fine, stay like that, it’s cute.”
She stuck her tongue out at you and quickly snapped another one, posting it with “she insisted on a ‘cute’ one 🙄”
“Happy?” She asked.
“Thrilled,” you chuckled. You went to sit in bed while she got changed and did her nightly routine. You scrolled through the movies for a few minutes before laying back and closing your eyes.
“You really aren’t gonna make it through a movie,” she laughed, emerging from the bathroom. She joined you in bed and cuddled close to you.
“I’m just so tired. It feels like I barely slept last night- like I was restless or something,” you sighed. You felt her body stiffen a bit at your words.
“Yeah, I, uh, didn’t sleep well either,” she mumbled. “Better luck tonight then.”
“Hm I hope so.”
Rhea’s mind began to wander. What if you had another dream like you did last night while she was next to you? She felt wrong for even thinking about it but she couldn’t help it.
“Are you okay?” You asked, turning to look at her. She looked down at you and her breath caught in her throat.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking about sleep?”
“We can just go to sleep if you want, we don’t have to watch a movie,” you said, turning to grab the remote. She quickly stopped you, tugging you back toward her.
“No! A movie still sounds great,” she rushed out. The two of your stared at each other for a moment and just when you thought she was going to lean in, a knock came from the door.
“Expecting someone?” You asked, getting up to answer it. She just shrugged before you looked through the peephole.
“What’re you doing here?” You asked, opening the door.
“I thought it was movie night?” Damian asked, feigning innocence.
“I don’t think you were invited,” Rhea told him sternly.
“Rude. I’m totally down for a movie and cuddles,” he said. He plopped onto the bed next to Rhea and she shoved him aside.
“That’s her spot.”
“Well now it’s mine.”
“It’s literally her bed!”
“So why don’t you go get in your own?”
“I was here first.”
“Guys! I’ll just sit over here, it’s fine,” you said, plopping down onto Rhea’s bed.
“Say cheese!” Damian said, holding up his phone so he could get all three of you. You covered your face and Rhea looked pissed.
“Three’s company!” -he posted on his story. Rhea reposted it with “more like three’s a crowd 😒”
While scrolling on her phone real quick she saw the picture of the two of you in the bathroom had been reposted by a fan page. The caption read “I ship it” but that’s not what caught her attention; in the comments you wrote, “so do I!” in reply.
Rhea looked over at you and smiled, which you easily returned. Damian chose a movie to put on and Rhea got up and joined you in her bed.
He shot her a look that said “really?” to which she just shrugged. Surprisingly, Damian was the first to fall asleep, but you were quick to follow. Rhea pressed a soft kiss to your cheek before dozing off to sleep herself, hoping dreams of you would soon find her.
Part two out now 🖤
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harpygee · 19 days
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The Harpy Gee mini story "Falling For You" is now up on webtoon!
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sincerely-sofie · 3 months
Sofie's Belated Reactions to Today's Nintendo Direct:
Mario & Luigi: Brothership
Wasn't sure about the visuals for the new Mario & Luigi game but they very swiftly grew on me!
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I already love the Extension Corps mini boss squad
"Brothership" is the best title for a Mario & Luigi game oh my word.
(More below the cut!)
Nintendo World Championship: NES Edition
Neato! Nintendo-sanctioned online speedrunning competitions is not something I expected in this Direct, or at all, but I'm happy to see it!
This is reminding me of my goal to speedrun the first Luigi's Mansion game and see what my personal best is... I gotta do that sometime.
Fairy Tale 2
I don't go here but I'm happy for all you Fairy Tale enthusiasts out there!
FANTASIAN: Neo Dimension
WHOA WHOA WHOA did the announcer just say the creator of Final Fantasy created this game??????
I don't go here either but it looks fun!
Nintendo Switch Sports (free update)
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MIO: Memories in Orbit
I'm digging the visuals for this!!! Not sure what I'm looking at, but I like it!
I absolutely adore this player character design oh my word
Disney Illusion Island (free update)
Not many thoughts here other than I absolutely LOVE the pin connecting mini game idea.
Hello Kitty Island Adventure
There's a Sanrio game with character customization????? EXCUSE ME??????? MY SANRIO-SONA IS PENDING YOU GUYS.
WHERE is Tuxedo Sam. WHERE is My Melody. WHERE are my children.
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THERE THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nintendo this can't launch next year, I need it NOW
Looney Tunes: Wacky World of Sports
Oh they had to get people's attention for this with Lola Bunny, huh
The lineart effect being blurred and pixelated in places even in the trailer does not bode well in my eyes (they are the eyes of someone playing Pokemon Scarlet)
It's a fun cartoony idea for a party game though! I like it!
Among Us (free update)
No comment beyond I still have never played a game of Among Us. I don't know if I could survive a public lobby.
Digimon / Pokemon / Harvest Moon / Stardew Valley / Ooblets combo punch of a game I LOVE YOU
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Donkey Kong Country Returns HD
I'm sorry everyone but I hate monkeys and apes and I don't like Donkey Kong or anything to do with him ;w;
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake
In a perfect world, all HD remakes of 2D games would look like this photo-bashing beauty instead of uncute 3D adaptations (side-eyes the Diamond and Pearl remakes)
I think I might enter the series with this game, or maybe 1 or 2 when they launch. I LOVE THE VISUALS.
Funko Fusion
Exclaiming that I hate this game and then listening in shock and horror as my boyfriend tells me there's two or three other Funko Pop games on Switch
Bonding over our shared distaste for Funk Pops with my boyfriend right now. This is true romance.
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD
Seeing the tagline "Spooky, Silly, and Strategic" and PRAYING it's the Luigi's Mansion 2 HD's launch trailer
The New Denpa Men
Got jumpscared by the Denpa Men character and immediately fell in love.
Unironically adore the character design of Denpa Men. I gotta get this thing.
Metal Slug Attack Reloaded
I'd rather play Battle Cats. Sorry guys.
Darkest Dungeon II
I have no words, only polite applause as I wait for the next drop to enthrall me.
Switch Online Expansion Pack
I miss the Four Swords companion manga!!!!! I loved that thing!!!!!!
"AND" says the announcer, followed by a black screen and dead silence, causing me to burst into laughter.
Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero
*gets yeeted offscreen* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA---
I like the eye designs in this! Very fun!
Marvel VS. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
My dreams of learning a fighting game and getting really good at it... they are returning........ I gotta main Peach on Smash Bros...........
Learning about fighting games and the concept of infinites from my boyfriend and feeling myself wither at the realization it's just a matter of reaching your infinite before your opponent in order to win.
Super Mario Party Jamboree
Boyfriend exclaimed in utter glee when this little guy came on screen and I got to hear about how much he likes them!!!!! My man is adorable!!!!!!!
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I gotta get this...... I've never played Mario Party before and I need to main Goomba or Shy Guy.............
Learning about the legacy of Mario Party 4 from Boyfriend and I'm utterly enraptured
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom
I finally can play Zelda for the first time since Spirit Tracks!!!! And it'll be for realsies this time!!!!!
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I'm playing this game for Tri oh my word. The gameplay mechanics are amazing but Tri is the number one reason I'm gonna play and fall in love with this game
I love how this game is so much more strategic than straight-up combat focused!!!! We're playing Zelda mode lads!!!!
Putting September 26 on my calendar POST-HASTE
Just Dance 2025
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Lego Horizon Adventures
Lego adaptation of Playstation and Window exclusive video game supremacy!!!!!
I've already played this but I'm so happy it's getting an adaptation for Switch!
Tales of the Shire
I still need to read Tolkien's works so bad ;w;
Not going to play this most likely, but I enjoy the idea of a cozy LotR game regardless!
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection
The Hundred Line - Last Defense Academy
Squinting during the whole trailer while trying to figure out if it's made by the team who made Danganronpa
Romancing SaGa 2: Revenging of the Seven
Boyfriend and I just share a Look because we're bored
Metroid Prime 4 Beyond
Boyfriend and I are weeping and wailing at how this game looks compared to Scarlet and Violet
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b00m-b0mb · 23 days
hgi i followedyou bc you like rhythm heaven too but Im akso interested in yuor ocs now,,,,,,,, Coudl yuotalk abt them 2 me pleas they seem so niceys.,. .. .,.,
A!!!! AA!!!!
I am honor,,, wAAA. YEAH! I love RH so much! I'm definitely going to end up with more RH ocs in the future other than Maccie and WIP Lost Girl <3 but but,,,,,,,,
Oh em gee if we're talking my original!!!!!! stuff I have so many ocs!!! idk where to start gah!!!
Lemme list some of my stories,, I am excited! sorry if I don't make sense! I'm notoriously so bad at words,, if I somehow interest you I am always down to talk about my ocs‼️
Also some context, all of these are hypothetical game ideas in my mind. But also just,,, my blorbs :] also obviously they're all WIPS bc lollll orz
So the only stuff I've currently shared things of (like doodles) are:
Dancing Light - "rhythm metroidvania" I'm rewriting this + it's cousin story to include new themes (basically the world actually being loosely connected to a mind/person you dont exactly get to see) but the basic gist is that, the protagonist, Vene (V) is a "rebirth" of the Candle (you can loosely compare this to Avatar TLA/LOK if you want! To make a balance in the world..) Eir job is go re-light the Lamps across the land and hunt down Intrusive Darkness- which are like sillay monsters ey literally hunt and EAT!
The world they live in functions its gears better with music, like an encourgement to work. (Which darkness' songs have warped it to) But, V actually can't sing well and, despite being the chosen one, V is inherently disadvantaged to past incarnations of the candle. (Disabled coded) BUT!!! Vene's friends contribute a melody to help power V through the adventure! And the idea is as the party grows, so does their hunting songs. They're like punchy toony creatures I'd love as a children's game.. They're sillay and argue a lot but are good kids and YEAH!!!!
The villains / bosses are "the archetypes" (placeholder) and they're basically giant "god equivalents" haunting the land. Or sort of reclaiming it. They actually broke it apart into 2.5D space- residing in the dark oceans/canyons between the broken layers!
V - Protagonist / Player. The Candle, brings balance. An enraged child who will not let fate write eir story. Fights violently, with tooth and nail, but is a pure heart deep down. Autistic coded + struggles with eir forming relationships.
Ludd - V's BEST FRIEND/RIVAL, and unknowing son of the final boss. He's a good hearted kid who cares too much about his image. Used to bully V, but their constant fighting turned into a respect for one another (they're like 8-12 this is pure chaotic sillay) He's an embodiment of darkness.
Mash - V's self proclaimed Guide/Mentor. And also Messenger of the Floating Shrines (a small group of "god equivalents" for the world lore). He's an uptight little wizard. He's bossy + naggy, and he and V completely clash and argue constantly. (+V mocks him) but.. they grow to care a lot about one another! Big brother Mash real.
Locke - Son of the Seawitch, Reocurring Miniboss!!! He's a sillay seal of the dark sea, who is also Mash's rival in school (before he sunk it). He's actually Ludd's older cousin! A lot of what he does is pure loyalty to his mom. And. a little fruity towards the mash potato.
Louise (placeholder, haven't shown) - Ludd's older sister, who lives with their father. Fucked up teen who only knows how to be a vessel of destruction! Recurring mini boss like Locke. But with pure malice + hatred for V (girl, eyre 11)
Moonie - Traitor. An embodiment of light.. dimmed and working with darkness! Moonie is like, super in love with Louise. She also used to be a Messenger for the Shrines of Fate but upon seeing what they had in store for V, betrayed the light and intends to be there when the world ends. She slanders the Candle with acts of arson (again, girls, ey are 12!! /lh)
^^^ these last 3 all get redeemed at different points (Moonie on+off before permanently, Louise next, Locke last.)
Truth & Grit - "pseudo horror" OKAY THIS IS LIKE ONE OF MY FAVEEE STORIES. I've rewritten it a million times. Currently, the basics are- this is a peek into this world's "mythology" in real time.. AKA you are the myth that will be in the future you will never see? But, the myth of before has been reborn inside of you-Truth and Grit. ITS ITS. THEIR STORY. THE. VISION. This world is formed entirely to their perception, swapping between a Silly (Side T) and Serious (Side G) style. Two unfortunate queer guys who are drawn into, infect, and kill one another (but like tragic queer platonic love way) it's complicated. Uhm I don't know how to do these ideas justice but I love these guys. Guys who die again and again. Guys who become the sun/moon. Guys who are just a story which ends when they do (final rest) GUYS WHO ARE SILLY AND SPEND YEARS TOGETHER TRYING TO DO SOMETHING WITH THEMSELVES AUGHU!!
I can't get into all the ideas of lore without making this way too long,, and it's shifting all the time (what isnt though!!! So maybe I should give myself some slack..) so I'll spare but ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Insane.
Truth Patooterton - My favorite oc what the fuck. Sheltered by his Father his entire life (for being Her, his mother's, child), this socially unaware freak is yearning bad for escapism. A fixation on stories of outlaws he's heard while working at the saloon, and, somehow, blessed with the luck to see the enticing face of Grit "Doe"- he follows the cowpokey against his will, and slowly weasels his way into Grit's life. Few chapters later: is a professional hostage /lhj. He is like. A bastardization arc. Pathetic. Adapting to survive, curious/nosey, and lacking a spine to uphold boundaries. Self destructive. (Also did I mention "god" was reborn into/kinned them?) ITS. Complicated. I love this asshole. Who makes so many terrible decisions. Who risks it all JUST to live a life that was lived. Sobs. Also! Truth is agender/nb :] but passes as a man for his own safety. + has impromptu top surgery during the story, requiring a recovery period. Dude goes thru the horrors.. Love this sillay. I put him thru it. And hate love him thru it all!!!
Grit Lunandr - I am rewriting so much of his lore! Ugh! But basically he is divine through hereditary means (completely different force than what Truth is inflicted with) and is rejecting the nature of the existence he.. didn't ask for. Much like how Truth is dangerously self destructive, Grit is dangerously self neglecting. ??? Anyway mysterious cowboy who you find out is kind of a doofus. Strong heart, flimsy morals. He knows the world, but he doesn't get it. (Have I mentioned he and Truth are neurodivergent coded too? Agh) He's made. Countless mistakes in his life. He feels irredeemable. He tries to minimize any wrongs, but keeps making them. And hasn't forgiven himself for the things that are coming to bite him in the ass now (# the plot) Grit is a man stuck inside a beast, and he sees it the other way around, that he is the beast corrupting a man. Or something??? UGH it's hard to make this make sense without sm. Context and ideas and things to change/flesh out... But we love Grit. Yes we do. He's so. I love him. He's a good guy.
^^^ I'll spare you Fable family + Sophie + the mommy issues (which goes into the world mythology/lore shit) of the guys, so the post isn't a thousand years,, ily T&G... Call this sillay road trip world tour with the Horrors and Existentialism and Gore and Queer identity and YEAH!!!!!! I need to post more ab my ocs omg
Infested with Strings - "puzzle graphic adventure" OKAY IVE BEEN ROTATING THIS A BIT. Rewriting hell.. Basically! Post apocalyptic world where thousands of art/audiences voices collaged into a 3sided anomaly which enveloped the world/made it it's body. (They are the "Figures" or, Powers of Influence: SWING, MUSH, and the odd one out, GUTS) There's a theme of live theater/puppet shows, and it's a musical experience in my delusional dreams. /lh Uhh.. basicslly. DRAMA? Lol
You play as Montgomery Guy (recently transitioned ftm, late 40s-early 50s), the protagonist. Ex-Marionette, and awoken from a "living suicide". But, Taylor Bizmun is the Secret Main Character!!! the one the Figures want, the one being exposed to a world she's been locked off from for the first time, the one confused, lost, and unintentionally breaking apart this reality more. We are running on TAYLOR'S SUBCONCIOUS SCRIPT- and youre going to keep repeating it until its just right. Until we get the Right Ending. (Which is The Final Show/Opera/Whatever I Call It) Because while her Father, Tax Bizmun, is the Marionette/Puppet Master, the Figures don't want him, they want her. To replace him. (But, the Vessels/Voice of each Figure, 3 people chosen by SWING,MUSH, + GUTS, want to steal Tax's place as well. Tax is/like a father to each of the candidates)
The story takes place in Devil's Ditch, which is where "Society is Healing Itself" from the brutality that killed the world.. this is fundamentally wrong, and things have been escalating to a boiling point between rallies of people, average citizens, people from the outside, etc. Something BIG is coming!!!
Ugh I'll keep characters brief. Not all of the main faces but whatever.
Montgomery Guy: Protagonist/Centerpiece. Amnesia. World's first absent transgender father /lhj. Redemption arc.
Patrick Rick: Partner character. Recently demoted. (only reason he's working with Monty) Hanging in there. Disabled. Unenthusiastic about the future.
Tori: Sketchy late teen running an unlicensed gas station. Self destructive downspiral.
Taylor Bizmun: Leashed/bubbled teen. Sneaking out. Confused and impressionable girl, exposed to the horrors, wants to write her own fate.
Tax Bizmun: Marionette/Puppet Master. Savior Complex. Estranged man who has become completely void of his original intentions+self. Dictator of The Ditch.
Varrik: Vessel of SWING. Tax's bastard son, and celebrity of the theatre. Taylor's secret? (Is it?) Halfbrother.
Heather: Vessel of MUSH. Tax's pity case. And one of the only people he let near his daughter (Tay)
"Strike": Vessel of GUTS. A child soldier from the outside who was "rescued" by Tax. Plans to stab him in the back someday. Taylor's.. brother.
Bloodyfame - "rhythm game / platformer" THIS ONE IS SILLAY. Basically a trilogy game idea (in the format of a 3seasons reality show Dracula runs) This is mainly a CONCEPT bc I need to flesh out the story/events/especially the cast. But some of the key factors r so fun to me!
Basically, Dracula (the original vampire) is a siren of not just bloodlust, but attention. He was banished long ago (doing gladiator esc battles + rings for the people) but now, close to being free again, pulled a bunch of unfortunate souls down into hell, inside his mansion, to play his little Reality Show :]. With help from Boogey(man) and Death, they run Bloodyfame, promising the winner vampirism.
S1 - hosted by Dracula + Death.
S2 - First half hosted by Boogey, second half hosted by Nina Dracula
S3 - Hosted by Dracula + Nina
The game aspect is running/platforming through challenges in the castle. And ofc, the actual games of the challenge! Where you slaughter demons, or attempt to injure your competitors but like.. In Rhythm Heaven Styled Rhythm Games. ITS HARD TO EXPLAIN ONE DAY I WANT TO TRY AND MAKE MOCKUP ANIMATIONS THOUGH CRIES
Jackie - Protagonist / Winner of S1. Part of an unfortunate incident that got her tied into this mess. A teenage trans girl who's going to prove she can crawl up from anything.
Rio - Jackie's kind of codependent buddy. He's been an anxious spaz since this started. Curator of the incident.
Chris - Jackie's soon to be ex boyfriend. Completely snaps with the desire to win and garner fame. Victim of the incident.
Delilah - A strange child Boogey brought along. Becomes a secondary mascot.
Luci - Dracula's spawned son. Too scared to actually draw blood, hides behind Delilah's schemes. Secondary mascot.
Apricot - Jackie's friendly? Rival. And protagonist of S2. Her precision and rhythm are Perfect. But she melts like ice. Cold competitor, who in S1, wants to win over anything.
Jamie: A werewolf! Sweet boy. Good boy. Just wants everyone to get along / be friends. Loyal, and has a hard time keeping secrets. Madly head over heels for Apricot. He doesn't know why he's here!
Oh wow! We've made it this far!!!! I'll speed-up through these honorary mention stories now.
"Tell Don't Show" (placeholder) - "RPG Horror Visual Novel" A super computer time machine has been in an unstable loop for years, only affecting an unfortunate mountain town a few miles from the facility. During a fieldtrip, the students and chaperones are enveloped into a secret side of the building and are toyed with upon loop. Protagonist, Eli, is a new addition to this looping. And Ami, secret main character, has been suffering through it since the beginning. This is a reclaim of Corpse Party w/ scifi shhhhhhhhhh.
Junk Em Up! - "platforming graphic adventure" Robot/Alien imposters + a sillay toony world! Protagonist is Dookie, a junkem working at Junk-Or, who's a newbie taking on cases, and an endless list of cartoony shenanigans + sidequests from the vibrant citizens of Violobe.
Merry Go Reset - "exploration horror" A mall becomes one with a dead author's soul, his bastardized art corrupting his being, and absorbing unfortunate mallgoers into tragic stories. Small child "Mary" and her big sister "Niffy" are the two main characters. Mary is guided by a mysterious inky cat she calls Chesher :)
OKAY and I won't explain these for now but. Flatlines (yume nikki inspired, art/artist relationship), Sophie & Karma (sequel/add on to Truth & Grit), "Goo Pals" (cousin story to Dancing Light), Diving Purge (just a concept with cool creature), Fraudulent Fears (rewriting wip, comedy) + "Colorsuckers" (mainly a concept)
LOL SORRY IF YOU REGRET ASKING ME NOW I AAA!!!!!! My life's work are these guys!!!!!!!!! Going insane about them all the time.. one day I hope to make them all real,,,,,,
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schmem14 · 9 months
My 2023 Year in Fic
Words published this year: 256,358 Number of hits: 78,891 Number of works published: 40 (3 of which are multi-fic collections so… upwards of 100?)
Favorite Fic: Peculiar Prompts (Multiple)
Least Favorite Fic: Atonement (Percy x George)
Most Popular Fic by hits: HP Kinkuary 2023 Collection  22k hits
Least Popular Fic by hits: Tender and Breakable 3 hits 😂
Longest Work of the year: Ron and Draco Go on an Island Adventure [Gee Thanks, Hermione] (15,207 words)
Shortest Work of the year: Schmem's Sapphic Microfic Collection (50 words each)
Works Inspired by my fics: 
I Bloom Pink For You by crazybutgood was inspired by Adorned with Petals and Praise
Strange Cocks and Stranger’s Come by lumosdrabbles (lumosatnight) was inspired by HP Kinkuary 2023 Collection
Podfics recorded:
For Sale by Owner: Rose Weasley-Granger's Virginity by Vukovich inspired [PODFIC] For Sale by Owner: Rose Weasley-Granger's Virginity by Vukovich
Like A Brother Would by wolfpants inspired [PODFIC] Like A Brother Would by wolfpants
Yes, But It'll Cost You by mintaminta inspired [PODFIC] Yes, But It'll Cost You by mintaminta
Fests I participated in: 
HP Kinkuary  HP Kinktober  HP Cest Fest 31 Days of Weasley  CMD Fest Dronarry Fest Dron Fest HP Podfic Mini Fest HP Rare Pair Fest IV HP Pumpkin Spice Fic Fest HP Spooky Saffics Flash Comp HP Saffics Secret Santa HP Saffics Summer Exchange
Pairings written this year: 98 different pairings, most of them rare! (not including HP Saffic Microfics. There are way too many to count)
Pairings with more than one fic: 
Harry x Draco 9 Pansy x Ginny 4 Harry x Ron 4 Harry x Ron x Draco 3 George x Harry 3 Sirius x Remus 3 Draco x Albus Severus 2 Arthur x Molly 2 Ron x Andromeda 2 Colin x Harry 2 Hagrid x Tom Riddle/Voldemort 2 Draco x Ron 2 Bellatrix x Narcissa 2 Hermione x Pansy 2 Lavender x Parvati 2 Arthur x Lucius 2 Luna x Ginny 2 Percy x Marcus 2
Favorite Pairings this year:  Percy Weasley x Marcus Flint Harry x Ron x Draco
Favorite Characters this year:  Ron Percy
Who is my Fandom Bicycle? 🥇Harry - 29 fics 🥈Draco- 25 fics 🥉Ron- 16 fics 🥉Hermione- 16 fics Pansy- 11 fics Ginny- 10 fics Percy- 8 fics
What were my Goals last year? Release my first ever attempt at Podfic Finish at least 3 of my 8 wips Write more femslash works Organize my TBR list Take it easy, and have fun writing! 
Did I complete my goals? All except organizing my TBR list, and I did not take it easy near the end of the year. I am now paying for it with a touch of burn out. 
2024 Writing Goals: Finish my Dronarry fest piece, Finish editing a Hermione x Remus podfic, do Peculiar Prompts, take a break from writing and fests, read more (still organize that TBR if I can!!) and rec fellow authors. 
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triangularitydubs · 6 months
Digital Hearts
Episode 2: Hollow Chesstion 
(Open right where the previous Episode left off)
What the f[×%÷]
That thing looks INSANE…(he paused) Let's go kick its butt!
Jax, are you insane we can't just go and attack things. We don't even know how to use our magic and weapons yet.
Surprisingly enough Rags, I don't think I need help using a sword and shield. 
That..may be the case. But um.. you can't defeat that thing on its own…so.. maybe that Bubble thing can help?
It's worth a shot.
(Despite her best attempts, Pomni struggled to get Bubble summoned.)
(After a few moments she..got it. Bubble popped into existence)
HELLO! Who are you people?
Um… well I'm Pomni and these are my friends Ragatha and Jax…
Wow! Well I'm Bubble! What am I doing outside?
Well, Caine said you can help us on an adventure.
I can help with that! Just reach inside my mouth!
(Pomni and Ragatha look at each other in confusion while Bubble is floating with her mouth wide open)
Relax girls, it can't be that bad. (Jax stuck his hand into bubbles mouth.)
(After a bit Jax pulled out a potion)
Alright this doesn't help us right now but that's handy.
Bubble, it's awful nice of you to help us, but…isn't there some other way we can…get items and request from you?
OH YEAH!! You can tell me what you want and um, I'll listen!
Alright, let's start with that thing.(She points to the massive glitch mess down the way.)
That thing is scary! It's a creation of The Dark One! It's called an Abstraction. You guys have to defeat it! 
Well we're dead.
Nonsense. With your combined power you'll definitely defeat it!
Can… you help us defeat it?
I suppose I can, but just this once cuz it's your first time! Otherwise, I'll only be available out of battle or IN battle for items!
Fair enough. Let's go!
(Throughout the town Bubble gives them a tutorial on fighting gloinks and small abstracted creatures such as a small sock puppet, a dog, a jester/clown and a giant bulky one with a big eye. During that time, The Squad leveled up a bit and Bubble explained that to them.)
(They finally came to a boss that was a giant worm[Gloink Queen] and Bubble helped them there too)
Oooh, Bosses are tougher luckily this is a mini boss. I bet if you defeat The Gloink Queen, you'll get a bunch of EXP!!
Heck yeah! Let's kick this Worms a[$%]
Yes, but please do not curse you're not on that level yet.
(They had all approached the Gloink Queen and she started some speech)
I mean yeah, you're kinda in the way. 
Don't be mean, Jax. Miss, if you'd kindly not give us any trouble, we'll be on our way.
NONSENSE, you measly peasants! Defeat me then you shall pass!
Bow before me!
Uhh Bubble? Is this any different than a normal fight?
Nope! Just more health and deals more damage! Don't die, call me when you need it okay?
Gee thanks. (Pomni ran up and hit Gloink Queen with The Keyblade) 
(After an immense battle and Pomni near death, they defeated the Gloink Queen)
Wow! That's a lotta XP! You can also upgrade yourself or another party member!
Ooh ohh! Pom, pick me.
Oh hush Jax. Pomni, you should see if you can upgrade your health or damage. 
Y-yeah.. I'll do that.
Works out you have two skill points!(Bubble pops a few bubbles that she summoned around her.)
And done! Pomni now has 500 HP AND 210 DAMAGE POINTS!
Good on ya I guess…(Jax glanced over to where The Gloink Queen was. There was a chest with a keyhole) Hey look! Treasure!(He rushed over to it trying to open it)
It's got a lock, genius. Why don't you let Pomni try?
(After Jax moved Pomni unlocked it with the Keyblade)
What's inside??
OOH gross!! You got Gloink Guts! You can sell that to my shop or any marketplace in any world!
(There was also some gold in the chest and a charm for the keyblade of a Gloink)
(The Squad begins to fight their way to The Town Square finding hidden treasures, till they finally make it, Pomni unlocked a big padlock blocking the Town Square.)
(Before them stood a massive towering abstracted blob)
Isn't…Isn't this like THE FIRST BOSS?! 
Don't worry you guys got this!
(They didn't. In fact the squad died multiple times. They went back to grind levels and exp to gain more HP, MP And DP)
(When they finally did they got even more XP and a surprise visit from Caine.)
Great job! You've actually saved Hollow Chesstion-
Wait, if it's called Hollow Chesstion, shouldn't you be like.. a chess piece or-
That's not relevant to the plot yet! Anywho, The Dark One isn't here so that can only mean one thing. 
The Dark One must've planted that abstracted mess and left! I've given Bubble a plethora of worlds he may have gone to! Post haste though, the fate of the Digitalverse is in your very capable hands, Pomni, Jax and Ragatha! (He disappeared)
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loudlyunladylike · 1 year
First off happy lesbians week, hope you kiss lots of women!!
My sibling and I went to get ice cream after school (which in it of itself was fun) and I offhandedly mentioned how it was beach weather and they were like "...let's go to the beach" so WE DID
They beat me at mini golf and then bought a pool noodle just because and I drove there and back without crashing so this evening's been fun :DDD
Also also me and a friend are heading your way in June so attempt 2? 👀 (only if you're not busy!! And I can drive myself so no train faff!!)
-Red Anon
Well first of all thank you thank you, no women kissing this week I'm afraid (lesbophobia frfr😔) but I did flirt with some women!!! Woooo!! Lesbianism real!!!! I also met some new queer people this week so they were lovely:))
Now YOOOO, oh that sounds so lovely and cool, gotta love a spontaneous little adventure that sounds so fun!! I feel random little spontaneous trips in the sun is so very summer to me, I love love love it <333
And OHHHH👀👀 BIG IF TRUE???? Well I should be in the area, keep me posted on that AA! oh that's so exciting yes yes yes yes!!!!! :DD
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eastofthemoon · 5 years
So, this is something that I’ve been thinking of doing for awhile. There have been a few new shows that I have been watching mostly because I enjoy the found family feels to them. Since today is Valentine’s Day, I figured I would post this list for the people who don’t want to see romantic love and rather focus on the platonic kind. 
So, here we go:
 The Owl House
Luz is a self-assured teenage human girl who accidentally stumbles upon a portal to another world instead of going to Reality Check Camp. When on the Boiling Isles, which is made from the remains of a dead Titan, she befriends the rebellious witch Eda the Owl Lady and an adorably tiny warrior named King. Despite not having magical abilities and having to pose as a witch due to the prejudice towards humans, Luz pursues her dream of becoming a witch by serving as Eda’s apprentice at the Owl House and ultimately finds a new family in an unlikely setting. (copied from wiki)
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Why I like it: 
This is a new show and only about 5 episodes of it have aired so far, but I’m really enjoying it. The characters are fun, the world is both creepy and fun and we’re slowly getting into an actual plot but every episode so far has been useful in setting up more of this world. Also Eda is a badass character and is now becoming one of my favorite witch characters.
If you enjoyed Gravity Falls then I would definitely recommend this show since it has a similar humor and style, which isn’t surprising since Dana Terrace (the creator) worked on Gravity Falls and Alex Hirsch even does voices for two of the characters.
With that said, one of the minor things I like about this set up is that Luz the human girl isn’t stuck there. She does have the option of going home whenever she wants and her mother isn’t worried about her since she believes she’s away at summer camp. It’s nice not having that detail weighing over the character.  Anyway, the found family vibes are just jiving in this show, and the characters are just fun.
Highly recommend.
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Kipo Oak, a thirteen-year-old girl, is searching for her father after being forced to flee from her underground city. To do so, she travels through an overgrown post-apocalyptic urban wasteland ruled by sentient mutant animals ("mutes"), together with her new friends Wolf, Mandu, Benson and Dave.(copied from wiki)
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Why I like it: 
I’m not usually one to go with post-apocalyptic stories, but this one has a very whimsical vibe which is more my jam. Kipo is a great character, but so is the rest of the cast. I love Kipo’s relationship with the jaded Wolf, but Bensen and Dave also add to the fun. (I will say for Voltron fans that Shiro and Wolf could relate in dealing with traumatic experiences).The world itself is very bright and colourful, but also has a very fun villain in Scarlemagne. He gives me mega Ratigan vibes if that’s any indication.
And one thing I appreciate is that the show does not bait people into thinking a particular ship is going to happen. Nope, this group is all family/friendship and I love it for it.
Add to the fact that this show has a terrific soundtrack and it’s a great watch. 
Infinity Train
Hard to describe the plot for this one without spoilers, but basically a girl named Tulip struggles to deal with her parents divorce and ends up on a mysterious train where each cart is it’s own mini world. Also, she gets accompanied by One-One a both happy and depressing robot, and the King of Corgis.
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Why I like it: 
Out of my recommendations this one is strangely probably the darkest of the four. It’s not a show I would recommend for little kids to watch. The show so far has two seasons which flow into each other despite having a different main cast for each one. Some could read a ship into the second season, but I think the cast for both seasons leans towards a more family/friendship feeling. 
The characters for each season are enjoyable to watch, especially Atticus the Corgi King, to the point you feel your heart strings tug due to events that happen near the end of each season. Also One-One is just hilarious to watch.
It’s hard to go deeper without spoilers but the best way to sum them up is the first season has a strong Wizard of Oz/Alice in Wonderland tone, while the second season has a more Pinocchio style to it. It’s a kooky little cartoon that I hope gets a book three because it’s such an interesting set up and since each season is only 10 episodes, that are each only ten minutes, it also doesn’t take long to watch it.
The series chronicles the adventures of a self-centered 13-year-old Thai-American girl named Anne Boonchuy. After stealing a mysterious music box on her birthday at the advice of Sasha, she is magically transported to Amphibia, a wild marshland-themed lilypad-shaped island full of anthropomorphic frogs and giant versions of smaller animals. She soon meets and befriends an adventurous 10-year-old frog named Sprig Plantar who will guide her to be a true hero while discovering the first true friendship of her life as she lives with the Plantar family. (copied from wiki)
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Why I like it:
Another show where, if you enjoyed Gravity Falls, then you would enjoy due to similar tone in the humor and mystery - likely because the creator Matt Braly also worked on Gravity Falls. Gee, it’s like that show started a trend or something?
What I like about this show is that you not only get to see character development for Anne, but you get to see her bond with both the Plantar family, but also with the frog community as a whole. The plot might be a bit slower paced compared to the other shows on this list, but it has cool monsters and Sprig is very enjoyable to watch. Not to mention that there is an intriguing mystery going on that makes you curious to stick around. It also explores what exactly makes a good or bad/toxic friend, especially for a teen like Anne.
I will say there are a couple of characters that get crushes on some side characters, but the show mostly focuses on the family and those crushes are just mostly a background detail. Overall, a cute show that’s nice to put on for background noise if nothing else.
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the-spider-haven · 8 months
mini gee adventures
day 7
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I’ve been bringing him to school lol
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im2tired4usernames · 3 years
21 23 31 32 36!!!!!!!!!!!!
already answered 21! I dont have any minis!
23. Do you have any art of your characters?
oh my god SO MUCH ART uh i have kinda been doin lil doodles for my dnd parties since the beginnin! uh https://www.tumblr.com/blog/im2tiredsart is the link to my art blog but here's some dnd doodles to sample!
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golly anon friend i would straight up draw comics of every games adventures theres SOOOOOO MUCH ART LIKE 99% OF MY ART IS DND ARTS
31. Tell me about your current party!
Well i guess tech in 4 currently but only one or two really care to communicate so meh
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this is "Bestpur and Friends" consisting of 5-0, a Warforged monk and menace to the world constantly vomiting up rope and caused a economic depression. Seraphina half orc sorcerer an actual single mom and party's mom she dose not have a shadow for some reason?single mom to a gorgon and a tieflin and now moth Bestpur a wingless pixie druid he is the party's common sense and is very smart and kind and so traumatized all his friends are dead and he had his wings ripped off. and Moth (Timothy! my Boi!) Human Warlock very slapstick comedy he fucks up a lot he's the winter court's knight and very anxious the party's healer which is BIG OH NO.
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The "Brazen Coalition" Ashe's tiefling sorcerer, she likes to buy cursed items and is a lesbian was a soilder and lost her wife Lavender she has no sense of self worth. Abednego,(also my boi) tefling Paladin party's local asshole his name is a pun and a bible ref eldest sibling and religious trauma wrapped into one lil bitch he has a vow of vengeance against his own church also Neil's older brother. Neil woodelf druid aka furry boy scout and baby of the party at age 15 he likes insects and has a southern hospitality charm goin for him. Umoris human? cleric she was a sailor her whole life and is now the party's mom in death very tired and really sweet and kind she really tries her best. Arkashtrew, bard very naive and innocent veeeeery sheltered also tries his best at everything honestly just a good person plays the bagpipes and has a great sense of humor also one of the only people in the party with any brains.
32. Most memorable NPC you've encountered in a game you played in.
ok first off Sola they were a warforged monk and a important family member to the vagaband. They were very gentle and kind and very self sacrificing also the only person in the vagaband that probably had any common sense
then we had Racassan who was just a very good friend and member to the vagaband also he was a weirdo who couldnt die and also was very kind but not the smartest he pissed off the gods and also blew up a airship also helped lead the resistance.
Aulo and Colt half dwarves they were cute shop keeper brothers who owned a magic shop and weapon shop hybrid that was super duper cool they also helped a lot with the resistance and had conspiracy theory string all over they're living room wall had a lot of fun banter Aulo was very Mysterious and Colt was loud n silly they both were very kind and also Kozu's uncles so she loved them so much.
and last but not least
Galavant he's very mysterious n sometimes spooky very silly and sometimes sarcastic but always helpful firbolg he has a lil shop n rest place for adventurers and just kinda pops up out of thin air hes's fun I WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT HOW DID THIS MAN BECOME WHO HE IS NOW he knows like ALOT of people and has inside jokes with everyone hes super smart and lhas ot of helpful info i love him though Abed thinks he's kinda a freak.
36. already answered and oh golly gee i've talked your ear off so much already!
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thetigarchives · 4 years
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“With the Toronto International Film Festival in full effect, it seemed only right to share some of my favorite finds from this new home of mine. We have been filming Suits in Toronto for 4 seasons now, which means four years of getting to know this city. Domaine was kind enough to ask for my favorite finds, and now I am sharing them with you along with a couple of new additions. Here is my Insider’s Guide to Toronto, where the people are friendly, the streets are clean, the food is damn good, and where I found my happiness. Sounds like a pretty good place, eh?”
The Harbord Room - "Hands-down my absolute favorite restaurant in Toronto and beyond. The food is just perfect, whether you’re craving a crudo plate, a seasonal pasta dish laced with ramps, pesto and a whole lotta love, or the absolute best burger you’ve ever had. My friend, Natalie, brought me here years ago for the burger (with fries and a bottle of pinot noir), and it remains my most-craved meal. Just go. This one’s a no-brainer.”
Bestellen - "This is a comfortable space with a concise and absolutely delicious menu. I go for the côte de boeuf (all sourced by my favorite meat purveyor in the region, Cumbrae‘s), relaxed vibe, and great service. Also, they have an open kitchen, which I’m a sucker for, and a great table in the back that would be perfect for a small celebration."
Bar Isabel - "I used to live in Madrid, so my love for Spanish cuisine runs deep. Bar Isabel has a beautiful space with Andalucian tiles that reminds me of long weekends in Seville. Order the ceviche, and if you’re a fan of octopus, definitely go for that; it is served whole, with garlicky potatoes that will make you want to fall into a blissful carb coma."
Terroni - "A go-to and a standby. There are three locations in Toronto (go to the flagship on Queen Street where the service is relaxed but super accommodating) and the vibe is always chill. Their pastas have the perfect bite and the mains are great — order both with a bottle (or carafe) of wine. It’s a solid bet for an easy weeknight (or weekend) dinner."
Fresh – "All LA transplants who moved to Toronto for filming told me that Fresh would be my saving grace – the clean eats and yummy vegan fare would remind me of home. They were certainly correct.  Whether it’s a fresh juice, the green goddess bowl with extra broccoli, the quinoa onion rings or the all star salad, I could easily eat here every single day and my tastebuds would never get bored. Oh! And if you’re a fan of hot sauce, make sure you get some of their scotch bonnet based heat they put on the table. I am certifiably obsessed with it."
Almond Butterfly – “A new gluten free bakery that has the most delicious bites and amazing espresso.  My favs are the banana bread (how is it so moist?!), the chocolate chip cookies, and the date squares. Cupcakes are plentiful, flavors change often, and it’s a solid spot to pop in for some yummy treats in a jewel box space.”
Cocktail Bar - “I’ve loved this teeny tiny space for a few years. They don’t serve any drinks with vodka, which I both love and hate all at the same time, but the fact of the matter is they don’t need it. The drinks are solid, and the mixologists are as friendly as they come. Ask for Travis."
Rasa - "This place just opened, and I am head over heels for the space. It feels like New York City to me, with a warm feeling that hugs you when you walk in the door, inviting you to stay. Great vibe, adventurous menu, and a top-notch cocktail and wine list. Highly recommended for a nightcap."
The Shangri La - "Oh, how I adore this hotel. The staff is top notch and the amenities are sublime – from the gym with infrared sauna to the awesome spa with private hammam. This will also be a hot spot for star sighting as it is next door to Soho House, the place to be for parties during TIFF."
Cabaret Vintage - "Head here for perfect vintage finds and a staff that makes you feel as precious as a Georgia peach. I go in weekly for inspiration and little additions to my closet."
6 by Gee Beauty - "This is my favorite store for a curated selection of clothes, gifts, jewelry and fragrance. Think Assouline coffee table books, Aviator Nation frocks, and Le Labo, all within the shop that is likely smaller than your bedroom. I love that you don’t have to pilfer through racks, and I always find something I love either for myself or my girlfriends."
The Room at Hudson’s Bay - "This shop features a bespoke mix of the best niche designers. Think Wes Gordon, Giambattista Valli, and Prabal Gurung. It’s cutting-edge and classic all at the same time."
Holt Renfrew - "The ultimate luxury Canadian department store. Go for the shoe department and ready-to-wear collections, and take a mini hiatus to have a glass of bubbles and salad at the store’s lovely restaurant. You can find incredible Canadian designers within these walls; get a gift for everyone back home."
Kensington Market - "A local mecca for all things food and fun is several blocks of fishmongers, meat purveyors, mom-and-pop veggie stands, juice bars, and fantastic hole-in-the-wall restaurants. Throughout the summer the market has pedestrian Sundays where no cars can pass through it, and it feels like one big block party: bands performing, the smells of every exotic cuisine wafting in the air, and a relaxed vibe that makes you feel that Sunday kinda love. You can see my favorite gems within Kensington on the feature I did with Holts Muse."
Trinity Bellwoods Park - "I call this hipsters’ paradise. It’s a massive park with a huge dog run in the middle, which is ideal for my super active dog, Bogart. But beyond the normal park humdrum (tennis courts and softball field), you’ll see people set up stands for the likes of free hugs, yoga in the park, dance classes, and performance art. It’s really the mecca for meeting up with friends, throwing a frisbee until day turns to night, and listening to the ambient beat of bongo drums from another end of the park."
- Meghan Markle, September 2014
The Harbord Room and Bestellen are now permanently closed. 
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catsandstrawberries · 4 years
Professor Kim? 2
Pairing: College Professor!Taehyung x Student!Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Underage Drinking! (I am not encouraging this in any way) Age gap (like 5 years), almost smut, grinding, swear words, peer-pressure, 
Summary: You should not be doing this. You should not be at a bar, you should not be kissing this stranger, and this stranger should definitely not be your teacher.
You have a habit of doing things you shouldn't, like your professor.
A/N: This isn’t as graphic as the last chapter but I promise the next chapter will have more action. 
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It took me less than 30 seconds to rip my gaze from him and trip over myself in a race to my seat. I hoped and prayed that this was all just some organized prank, maybe I was being videotaped for a prank tv show. 
But instead of hidden cameras tracking my every move, it was his eyes, always trailing back to me whenever I gained the courage to look at him. 
Even when I kept my head down I could still feel his gaze, the simmering anger and accusations ready to steam over with a roll of his tongue. 
This is what happens when I try to be adventurous.
"Freshman community service day is next week so keep an ear out for new information on that. Mrs. (l/n), do you mind staying after for a moment?"
Yes. Yes, I mind. 
Instead of answering I just stayed silent while the rest of the class filed out of the room, barely blinking an eye at Tae's not so subtle request. 
How could I have messed this up already? 
Tae follows behind the last student and gives a polite wave before slowly closing the door with a soft thud. 
"I just graduated, I attended a university, any more lies you want to reveal?" 
"That technically wasn't a lie, I did graduate from high school," I mumble, my shoulders scrunching up in defense. 
"Well you could have cleared that up at the bar-" Tae's eyes suddenly go wide and his breath catches in the back of his throat. 
"Oh my god. I bought you alcohol illegally, and almost had sex with a minor." 
Ok. I messed up. 
"The age of consent is seventeen, and it's not like I knew you would be my freshman English teacher!"  
Tae groans and drops his face into his cupped hands, shaking his head slowly from side to side. 
"(y/n) this can't-" 
"I know." 
I say firmly. A pause spreads between the two of us before I speak up, 
"So what? We pretend as if nothing happened." 
Tae scoffs and lets out a humorless laugh as he replies, 
"You want me to grade your papers on Friday and take you out to drink on Saturdays?" 
"Excuse me for not expecting to pretend my teacher is a stranger." 
"I hope you're a good actor then." 
A harsh knock comes from the door and me and Tae practically jump apart as if we each had the plague. 
A man peeks his head through the window, his sandy blonde hair swept to one side and his face breaks into a smile once he sees the two of us. His blue button-up shirt is tucked into his dress pants and his square black glasses sit perched on his sun-kissed nose. He looks only a few years older than Tae, and I'm thankful for the surprise visit to break the heavy tension. 
"Oh, I'm sorry was I interrupting something?" 
"NO!" The two of us say in unison, refusing to glance in each other's direction. 
"Mrs. (l/n) was just discussing her love of fiction writing, and was asking if she could fit your class into her schedule." Tae seemingly lies, or half-lies, and it would be false to say my stomach didn't flutter at the fact Tae remembered that fact from our last encounter.
"Really?" The stranger asks with a gleam in his eyes before he outstretches his hand. 
"I'm Professor Kim Namjoon, head of the English department. Most kids call me Proof Joon." I flinch at the term, kids. That's what I was to them, to Tae, just a kid. 
"I teach most of the fiction writing courses." 
I brighten up at his last words. Entrapped with the idea of joining a writing class to cultivate my love for writing.  
"Really! I'd love to sign up." 
I suddenly remember where I am and add politely, 
"though I should get going. It was nice meeting you, Professor Joon. Thank you for the help, Professor Kim." 
The name sounds like metal, weighing down my mouth as I leave, and it doesn't go away the entire walk to my dorm. Disgusting. 
Fuck my life. 
The mantra repeated in my head the entire way to his office. The man who I had been so anxiously trying to avoid, not going to his office hours, refusing to ask him questions, not singing up for any of his classes, all seemed to be for nothing. 
I, a lover of the art of writing, signed up for Prof Joon's fiction writing class, thinking that it would be a useful class, and get me away from Taehyung. 
Who I only had to see twice a week. 
But because the universe is a big ball of fiery, stinky shit, the class filled up, and naturally, the next English teacher would take on the new class. 
Stupid Kim Taehyung. 
Even worse, I applied to transfer out of his class. 
I slammed the off white cardstock paper on his desk, the bold red letters reading clear as day, DENIED. 
"You denied me? Why!?" 
I crossed my arms, shouting in the empty classroom while Tae gave me an unimpressed look. 
"Don't you think it will look odd if you suddenly transfer out of all my classes?" 
"This is the only open fiction writing class. If you love writing you should take it or did you lie about that too?" 
An annoyed growl slips past my lips and I glare at the way his eyebrow perk up, his brown eyes shimmering with curiosity and a need to unpack me and all my vulnerabilities. 
"This might be easy for you, professor," I sneered, "but it's hard to pretend like we don't know each other." 
"We don't know each other." 
I scoffed and pulled the collar of my shirt to the side, purple and blue bruises fading, the colors painted on my skin by his very tongue. 
"We do."
Freshman community service day was an excuse for the college to feel better about itself and its relationship with the community. It was obvious. From the lack of information, planning, and the huge amount of advertisement around campus. 
All freshman participated for a pass or fail grade, and though I had never failed a class before I debated skipping. 
Guess why? 
We were split up by English classes. 
With a rake in hand and the booming sound of Drake blasting from a fellow freshman's speaker (Jungkook, I think?), I swished my hips from side to side and bopped my head to the steady beat. 
Our current English class was volunteering at a local garden. Fresh produce sprung up from the ground with brightly colored fruits and vegetables. I was assigned to raking, a tedious task that barely kept my attention but the music helped with the boredom. 
A tap on my shoulder was what cut me off from my mini dance routine, and I sheepishly turned around, shoulders scrunched up in embarrassment. 
Tae held his hand towards his chest as if the meer action of touching me would harm him. Ouch. 
"Sunscreen?" He held out the bottle of goo to me, and as quickly as I could I squeezed the sunscreen into my hands and rubbed it on my arms, neck, and face. 
I held out the bottle to him, but instead of taking it, he pointed to my left cheek. 
"You have something-no to the left, almost." 
He gently grabbed at my palm furiously rubbing at my skin, and gently rubbed his thumb under my left eye. 
His brown orbs flickered between the spot on my skin and my eyes, neither confirming nor denying the spark we felt for each other. 
"Professor Kim! Can I borrow some sunscreen?!"
It was as if the world came crashing down on us, Tae's hand immediately retracting as he turned to the freshman waving his speaker around to get his attention. 
The teacher. 
The person who I should not be having an intimate moment with. 
"You should go help Jungkook, Professor Kim." 
My words came out like venom, but I didn't regret it. We couldn't keep playing this back and forth with each other, 
could we? 
Taglist: @aretha170 @kookie-vuitton​ @gee-nee​ @ladyartemesia​ @nekee-lilac02​ @kpoptrashforlifeuu​
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 4 years
A Helping Hand
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a/n: It’s been a while since I’ve posted a fic. Ive been working on my health considering how much stress I was under at my old job, but I’m doing much better now. Anyway, I hope you guys will enjoy this.
This fic is set before Zeta 7 and the reader were dating, and when they were still friends. Set during and before the beginning of The Fluffy Adventures With Your Boyfriend Doofus Rick series.
In this fic the reader only wants to help.
It was almost time for you to eat again. At times it almost seemed to be more of a chore than a necessity to have a meal or to follow the routine of it, but hunger had led you here. And although there were many other things you might've preferred to do, this was what had to be done at the moment. Anticipatory feelings were lacking as you opened up the fridge; had it been conveniently full of delicious food which didn't need to be put together, and could simply be warmed up, that would have been great, but that was wishful thinking. Of course, you hadn't gone food shopping yet, so your old fridge was bare; eating out was an option, but you already did that for lunch and it didn't feel worth getting properly dressed for.
It had been while you were thinking of a creative way to use elbow pasta and ketchup when a song played through the tiny speakers of your phone; it was a phone call and you didn't have to hesitate to answer; it was from your favorite person; from Rick. You tried not to get too excited whenever he would call, but you couldn't help yourself; hearing his voice alone could make you happy. Pressing the green answer button on your touch screen, you smiled despite his inability to see it. “Hello Rick. How are you?”
“He-hello? I'm um - I'm fine. I hope this - is this a-a good time?”
His usual soft, cheerful voice seemed reluctant, almost shy tonight. You always thought he sounded sweeter over the phone, and it just made you want to tease him a little. Leaning against your kitchen counter, you could not help but laugh. “A good time? It is now. So, what’s up? Other than the ceiling. ”
He chuckled at that and you were relieved he couldn't see you at this moment, for the warmth in your cheeks would take a couple of minutes to recover from. “Gosh," he started, "I-I-I-I-I was just wondering if y-you would like to come over. It’s almost time for dinner and I um - I finished cooking, but…”
“You cooked too much again?”
"You're going to go through all your groceries that way."
"I-I couldn't help it." he confessed. "This recipe called f-for a certain amount of ingredients, but then a-again I guess it's f-for multiple servings."
You heard him sigh, and the thought of his frowning face came to mind. So, this was simply to invite you to dinner: it didn't matter what he might've called you for; the answer was almost always yes. As of late, Rick had been cooking more than one person could eat at a time; you always did think it was odd that he'd cook in abundance, especially since he lived alone, but he'd blame it on old habits. However, it made you wonder if he was looking for reasons not to eat alone; not that you minded. Interrupting the silence, you commented. “Well, I guess I'll have to help you make it disappear then."
"Huh?" he brightened, "Is that a-a yes?"
"What do you think it means? Yes, that's a yes. Goodness," you giggled. "I'll see you soon.”
You hung up and rushed back upstairs to change. What a silly man you thought. Such a silly…but adorable man, who had so much room for kindness and doubt.
It was lovely to see him, and to listen to what he'd call gossip but was only the latest development of the pigeons which had made a nest in one of his fruit trees. "Y-you gotta see how they've made their nest. Boy, it's - it's fascinating how they used s-some old magazine clippings and hair ties."
Touching his hand lightly, you wondered. "Do you have any pics of them that you can show me?"
With raised brow, he started. “Sh-sh-show you?"
"Yeah," You leaned forward a little, and smiled. "I want to see what you've been telling me about."
Without hesitation, he searched his labcoat pockets and retrieved his phone; scrolling through his gallery until he came across said pictures. "I-I-I-I took these a couple of - of days ago."
Your fingers lightly brushed his palm as you grabbed his phone to glance through the pictures; he had a good eye for angles and lighting, and from the looks of it, the pigeons seemed to be relaxed so he might've fed them first; how nice. "They're so cute. I can’t get over how fluffy they look."
Replacing the phone into his palm, he visibly tensed; your fingers had brushed his palm again. Now, the urge to allow your hand to linger there was strong and the thought of lacing your fingers with his had been tempting, but you did neither. You quickly withdrew, with a new sense of embarrassment over such thoughts. He wouldn't understand how you felt, because he didn't see you that way.
“How do y-y-you like them?”
Hiding behind your water glass, you answered. “Way more than I thought I would.”
Rick was still eating, but not with the same vigor from earlier. You wondered if you had insulted him or something; he had been avoiding direct eye contact for a while. You were no reader of minds, so there was no telling of the feelings inside; of those senses which couldn't be touched. "Rick, is something wrong? Have I….. have I overstayed my welcome and you don't know how to tell me? Is...is that why you won't look at me?"
"N-no, that's not it."
"Then, did I hurt your feelings? I hope not."
He sagged a little in his seat, and he didn't answer, but he shook his head no. You thought back to earlier, and how you had looked at the pictures he took and called them cute, but other than that, you didn't say anything problematic. Was it because you asked? Maybe it wasn't.
It was easy to hurt his feelings being as sensitive as he was, and although it might've been against your better judgment, you reached out and touched the back of his hand. "Please talk to me. I don't know what I did, but I'm so sorry. I don't want you to be upset at me."
With widened eyes, he's gazed at your hand, then back towards you. "No, that’s not th-the problem."
"Then why are you so quiet all of a sudden? It isn't like you."
"It's because I…I'm s-s-sorry I talk so much."
"What do you mean? Where is this coming from?"
"It appeared as though y-you were getting tired of all my talking.” He started in an almost accusatory manner but must've realized how it sounded and continued with more calmness. “Gee, I-I didn't want to sour the evening, s-s-so I thought I should just sh-shut up."
"But I don't want you to do that. I love all your talking."
His surprise at this pained you. How could he think that you'd tire of it and him? Maybe when you were thinking, he mistook it as disinterest. How could you show him you cared? You did what only seemed natural and squeezed his hand but he stiffened.
You realized that when he didn't answer right away, that the napkin he had been using had been dropped and was now on the floor; a faint blush dusting his cheeks and the tops of his ears. You didn't think that it'd be such a big deal to randomly touch him, but you thought it was sweet that he'd get flustered like that; if he wasn't so shy at times, you'd think there was more to it; if only there was. "It's fun hearing you talk.” You confessed. “I feel as though I have so much I can learn from you. So feel free to talk to me."
The relief that washed over him was palpable and he smiled warmly at this. It made your heart swell, and you withdrew your hand although it appeared that he wouldn't have minded. Still, you didn't want to upset him again with misunderstandings. "Y-you're a really nice person. It's - I'm glad t-to know someone like you."
You were glad too.
"Anyway, it's interesting how they can take one man's trash and turn it into a home, but what could they do if given better materials?"
Taking a drink of water, he managed to recover a little. "I-I bet they could make a-a work of art if given the right materials. Wh-why do you ask?"
"I just wanted to know what you were thinking in that brain of yours. Must be interesting, especially with all the things you can come up with."
Yes, you did find the topic of pigeons fascinating but not as much as you found that toothy grin of his inviting. Having finished eating, you listened happily to his delightful little tales and knowings; watching as he'd start eating but then forget his food when he was at the peak of his explanation. He always did seem more cheerful when you were over and had so much to tell you when you were here, but you attributed that to the fact that he didn't have many friends. Though, you didn't mind his need for conversation; rather you enjoyed how random and easy it was to talk with him; his sweetness enriched your soul whenever he was especially happy and attentive in conversation. Handing him a new napkin, you teased. "I'm surprised you haven't made a mini-mansion type birdhouse for them out of whatever spare wood you have in the garage. Unless you already have. I bet it'd be all tricked out with a little warm birdbath and a small mirror so they can check themselves out, fluff their feathers and such."
"Gosh," he sighed, waving his fork a little as he ruminated on his thoughts before the beginnings of a boyish smile appeared on his lips. "did I already tell y-you about that?"
"No," you giggled; happy that your assumptions weren't farfetched. "but I took a wild guess."
He was that kind of guy after all; soft-hearted and fond of the living things around him; it was one of the many qualities that endeared him to you. You wished you could've taken part in its construction. "If you had told me sooner," you mentioned. "I would have helped. I could've helped painting it or something."
"Gosh, I thought y-you had other things to do so I…it wasn't a-a big deal. It was simply an um - an old man's hobby."
"It's just….it sounded like fun. I know it might not mean much saying this, but I would've enjoyed spending that time with you. Working side by side and discussing little details about it. I would…. You see, I love spending time with you."
It was only after you had said all that, in which you realized how easy it would've been to misconstrued. Sitting there, you resisted the urge to bury your face in your hands; wondering what was with you these days. Since when was it okay to get bold and be frank like that? Every so often, when you did say such things, you saw, for fractions of moments, confusion and more….as though he ought to say something; there were no tears and there never was, but you thought he seemed hurt; glassy-eyed and lost. Studying you, he opened his mouth to speak but closed it again; preferring to examine his napkin and tableware then to continue that thought.
He did this often, especially when you surprised him; for better or worse. Perhaps he didn't want to appear foolish, but whatever he could've said was interrupted by your sudden movement. You reached over for his empty dish and went over to the sink to begin on the dishes. However, he jumped up and insisted that you needn't help to clean, snapping out of whatever mood which might've overcome him a moment ago. You thought it was the least you could do; if you had been a decent cook you would've offered a meal in return, but it wasn't likely that it was going to happen. "Rick, you cooked so I might as well help you clean."
"Gosh, y-you don't have to do that. I was the one that invited you over. As th-the host, it's my responsibility."
"That may be true," you reasoned, feeling responsible for him in some way. "but you're always doing stuff for me, so I thought I'd stay and help for a bit."
"Huh? Wh-what?"
"Yeah. I mean what good are friends if you can't put them to work every so often? Besides," you quieted a bit as you scrubbed away at the baking pan. "I want to help you."
It's not like you were using this as an excuse to stay a little longer now. Right? Well, just a little. It was still early and you didn't want to go home yet. Grabbing a kitchen towel, he chuckled lightly. "Well, I-I guess I'll help y-you dry."
Standing beside you, his warmth radiated off him, and from this close, you could smell spices, a hint of vanilla, and motor oil? Perhaps it was the scent of his house, but it was comforting. Good thing you had the excuse of concentrating on scrubbing because otherwise, it would've been obvious on how affected you were by him.
After you finished wiping down the counters, you checked the time and thought you'd be better off heading on home. Grabbing your keys you were ready to say goodbye, but he followed you to the door. "Are y-y-you going?"
Without facing him, you nodded. "I am."
"Then I'll walk y-you home."
In the past, you had told him that it wasn't necessary since you lived so close, but you came to enjoy those small moments of kindness; of his sincere care for your well-being that made the world a slightly easier place to live. The walk didn't take long since you only lived a few doors down, but it was lovely nonetheless. "Thank you for the food. It was really good."
Scratching the back of his neck, he answered. "I-I hoped you would. I um - I enjoyed y-your company."
"Me too."
You played with your keys a little, wondering why you should be so nervous. It's not like you two were dating; it's not like he'd even consider the possibility, but it was moments like this that made you hope and contemplate if you should just tell him. It was always on tip of your tongue; the words which begged to be said, but you weren't feeling brave yet. You needed more time; just enough to be ready for a change. There was no rush, but logic and feelings didn't coincide. "Rick," you started, unsure of what you were doing. "can I um….can I ask you something?"
"Y-yes! Of c-course. What's on y-your mind?"
Think of something you thought. "You'd tell me if you needed help, wouldn't you? I'm not talking about what we did this evening, but stuff that….like if you need help with your chores or something. I know you get busy sometimes and I'd hate it if you weren't all caught up on the latest news about your pigeons or if there were dishes that needed washing."
"Gosh, I-I thought I was doing f-fine with all that," he confessed. "but it - I'll be sure t-to let you know."
"Good, that's...that's good because I'm always happy to help you."
Gathering whatever foolishness which laid at the pit of your stomach and daydreams, you rested a hand on his arm and smiled up at him. "Rick, I'd do almost about anything for you….that is…if that's….. that is what friends are for, right? At least that's what I think."
Though, was that what you thought? Wasn't this just a roundabout way of saying you wanted to be around him more? Oh, if only he could understand. You knew it wasn't right to mislead him, but he never reacted the way you thought he should.
Glancing down at where your hand still laid, a wistful, almost sad quality passed across his stormy eyes before continuing. "Boy, th-that's thoughtful," he began, though as easily as a summer sky could change so did his words. "but I-I wouldn't want t-to bother you or take up your time with anything like that."
"That's the thing, it wouldn't be a bother at all."
This is where you thought you'd messed up, but you couldn't seem to keep quiet when he was involved. It felt as though you were trying to monopolize your way into spending more time with him; as though you were desperate to get him to be around you. "I mean, as a writer, I can just do my job whenever. So, you don't have to hesitate."
That familiar flit of sadness passed over his eyes again and you thought that maybe he pitied you because all you had in the world was yourself and a house you simply inherited. You didn't want to tell him you were lonely, because if you did, you didn't want him to think that it was the only reason you spent time with him; it'd break your heart if you hurt this sensitive creature, but you couldn't help yourself; it was your selfishness talking. True, you were making this more complicated than it had to be, but you didn't know how to fix that yet. "I just…I don't mind being around you more and hanging out. That's all."
Although, it might've not been as complicated after all for it didn't take much for him to lift up your moods. All he had to do was smile, and to pull you into his arms for a big hug. Did he know?
Squeezing you a fraction tighter, he confessed. "Gee, it's - I-I appreciate your worrying a-about me," he started, his soft, warm voice brushing past your ear and giving you goosebumps. "but I can't - can't help but wonder why y-you look as though you could use a friend right now. Are you al-alright? Did y-you want t-t-to talk about it?"
Your fingers dug into the worn fabric of his sweater and you wanted to cry because he was so devastatingly kind, and you knew in that one moment it didn't matter how long you held on to him; he'd let you hold him for as long as you needed because he was great at empathizing. Little did he know it unraveled your heart every time. "You're right Rick, I do need a friend. I…I need...."
You; the word which refused to leave your mouth. His assumption filled in the blank. "You probably miss your dad on nights like this huh? It's hard t-to go home to an empty house."
That was partly true. "Mhm."
Rubbing your back, he sighed. "Th-there there. Everything is going t-t-to be alright."
Is it? Would it be alright? No, he didn't know or if he did, he ignored it. Though, like this, you could almost believe there was more to this relationship than… then being good friends.
With your face hidden in the softness of his sweater, held so sure and firm, with such strength that seemed unnatural for one his age, he was as you thought of him; as a man you held in the highest regard, beyond reason or doubt that you could love if…if it was appropriate. Why couldn't he stay that friend that you needed and why did you wish for more than this? Was this to be your punishment? To adore someone who made you happy but couldn't be more than society should allow?
"Will I be alright?" you confessed more to yourself than to him.
Squeezing you a fraction tighter, you felt him nod. "Y-you're young, so y-you will be."
That's right, you were young; too young for him. While you had been ready to beat yourself up for it, he continued in a voice that was above a whisper. "I'd like t-t-to help you if I can but only if y-you want me to. Is that o-okay? Do you want me t-to?"
You wanted so much, but more than anything you wanted what he was willing to give. Rubbing his back in a similar, soothing motion, you softened. "Please do."
Another sigh escaped him, but he continued to rub your back; the warmth of his hands and sounds of his breathing making you a little sleepy. You hadn't been checking the time, but you were sure that it had been a while. What you hadn't been sure of was what the neighbors were going to think if they saw you two in such a warm embrace at this time of the evening or anytime for that matter; you didn't care because this felt right. It was as though you could melt into him with how comforting it was. Who knows how long you must've held onto him, but eventually you heard him say softly, albeit oddly disappointed. "It's getting late and I-I should let you go. It's…and you…but y-you can always call me if you - if you can't sleep."
Glancing up at him, you wondered why it ever had to end. However, with reluctance, you pulled away, but only enough so that you could hold him a little longer. "You're right. I…I should go to bed. Thank you for the lovely evening, my wonderful… my friend."
And with that, you released your hold on him. However, if you hadn't known any better, the look he gave you was softer than his usual ones. Was…no…it must've been nothing. A trick of the dim porch light. Half hidden by the dark, he confessed. "Thank you f-for being my - for being my friend. It makes me happy t-to have you around. I'll um - I'll be sure t-to make myself more available to you if you need me."
Your heart ached with half affection, half guilt. You really were asking for so much you didn't deserve. "Oh Rick, I'd appreciate that."
For a quick second, you saw him stretch out his hand but just as quickly let it fall back to his side. Then, he stepped back and reminded you. "Don't forget t-to lock the door."
"I won't."
You opened your front door, and smiled up at him from your doorway, trying to channel all that you felt in a single word; knowing that was all you could do for now. "Goodnight."
Softening, he turned away quickly, mostly hidden in the darkness, and waved. "D-don't let th-the bed bugs bite."
Closing the door behind you, you barely made it to the couch before you began to cry. What were you thinking? Playing around with a lonely man's feelings and possibly confusing him. Could you ever get over him? Would your heart let you?
Wrapping your arms around yourself, you thought back to only minutes ago when you were secure in his arms, and you felt as though you belonged to him. And how your blouse smelled like him now or that his care for you was almost enough. Though, were his actions like that of a parent? You could only wonder. Though, if you couldn't get over him, couldn't you help change his mind?
When you had calmed a little and had time to change and get a drink of water, you found that you still weren't sleepy. It was late but before you could give it much forethought, you dialed his number and he picked up right away. "C-can't sleep?"
"Me either. I um - I was thinking a-about what you said about th-the birdhouse. While it is built, and I'd painted it, I would be happy t-t-to have you over when you're available and help me make it pretty. Gosh, it's - it's only if you want to."
"That would be lovely. Too bad it's late because I would've come over now if you'd asked."
"Y-you see, that wouldn't um - tomorrow would be better."
"What's the matter? A little sleepover never hurt anybody." You teased.
Right away you heard a clatter and then a crack. Did he drop his phone?
"Rick? Are you okay?"
"Yes, I-I-I-I just - my phone had fallen."
"I see. Sorry for the bad joke."
“It's o-okay. Just surprised me is -is all.”
A chair scraped the floor, and you heard the click of either a pen or a small appliance. "I-I don't think I'll be able to sleep t-tonight but I won't keep you up with m-my thoughts. It'd get kind of boring for you."
"I mean, I am tired, but I don't mind listening to you for a while. Could you just talk? It can be about anything."
He sighed into the phone, and you heard paper. Perhaps he was flipping through a book. “I-I was thinking of reading, but my eyes are a-a bit tired.”
“When you do read, do you only read nonfiction?”
“I-I like to read a little bit of everything.”
“You do? Well, how convenient. I happen to have a bunch of books and if you'd ever like to borrow any of them, you're free to do so.”
“Boy, I'll have to take a-a look the next time I’m over. Hey, um - I do have a-a story you might enjoy. It has t-t-to do with how I came to have jasmine in my backyard. Would you like t-to hear it?”
Grabbing a pillow, you nodded. “Yes, I really would. Though, tell it slowly so that I don't miss a thing.”
With a chuckle, he began to explain, and you placed the phone beside you; careful as to not drop it as his sing-song voice twisted and curled about you in your lonely room.
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404fmdminjung · 4 years
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famed idol life / career meme
notes: i started doing responses one by one, but then i thought it’d be better to do one big mass-post instead of flooding dash all at once. thank you to all that sent in! appreciate u all :~) (if anyone has any numbers they need, please feel free to like this or just let me know, even if i already sent in an ask!)
2. what are your favorite b-sides/non-title tracks you’ve released?
“i like diana. there’s something moody, sultry about it with a touch of elegance. it’s almost like cheap wine on a long friday — contrasting, but it somehow fits. plus, sooah helped out on that track which becomes the cherry icing on top. perhaps, there’s something better coming out on my next album, where there’s too many b-sides that i’d cherry pick myself to be my favorite. for that, look out at the sea, captain.”
3. what is your least favorite song (title track or b-side) you’ve released?
“i don’t think there’s a least favorite. if there were, then i wouldn’t have partook in any of it — my personality’s in it or out of it. there’s no in between, especially where my voice plays a part. i don’t want to touch things where my heart doesn’t lie, that’d just be cruel. wouldn’t it? if it doesn’t relieve my soul a bit, then i don’t think i’d dip my toes in those waters.”
6. what is one thing (a concept, a genre, an outfit, etc.) you would least like your company make you do?
“i’d like to do house funk, maybe house-pop. you’ve seen elements in it in knight’s old releases, and even the oldies like decipher’s done it. unity’s dabbled in it somewhat in their b-sides, and considering fuse has amassed a long bridge of different concepts — the spectrum’s large. i’d like to wear hawaiian t-shirts and prance around to some summer house-funk, and that’s something i think the general public can all dance around in their rooms to.”
8. if you could be in any idol group, which one would you choose?
“i’ve grown accustomed to fuse — i like being in fuse. i don’t think i’d fit anywhere else, though i would say bee would be a nice change for the summer fun. i’d even enjoy myself to be in unity had i been a boy. can you imagine? the fun that would come out of belting welcome to my playground, and singing the tunes to touch. that’d be a girl’s dream come true.”
9. if you could say one thing to your ceo, what would it be?
“you’re the prettiest person i’ve ever seen. in the whole country, out of all the women in the world — you’re the standard of beauty. but i’m sure the whole world knows that by now, don’t they? i thank you for giving fuse some of the best songs, and though i’ve never met you face by face, i’d like to believe you’re better than what’s shown from face value. but, still — my wannabe face is you but no amount of plastic surgery would turn me into you, would it?”
10. if you were auditioning for your company today, what would you perform for your audition, or what would you change from your original audition?
“i don’t think i’d repeat the dance, nor attempt to dance to something like seo taeji and boys. if i recall, i did h.o.t’s we are the future, and snsd’s kissing you with a ruler i had in my back pocket. in retrospect, that was my standard of dancing — if only i’d known it’d become a bad memory to highlight the work i have left. maybe, i’d only stick to kissing you, ruler version while singing something more melodically acceptable than finkl’s now.”
11. if you could do any special stage, what would it be and who would it be with?
“i don’t know — i don’t know many things when it comes to these mix and match scenarios. i know i’d like to make a stage where i can dance freely as if i’m in the comfort of my own home. perhaps to a song like gee, or even oh — even willing to dabble in lipstick’s genie if it means dressing up like a sailor and going ahoy. i’d want to do the stage with jeonghwa, sooah, and well — i don’t have that many friends to give you a special stage, oops.”
13. if you could become a model or ambassador for any brand, what would you choose?
”again, i’ve been blessed and satiated with each and every opportunity given. working with dior has been a smooth sailing ride as well as cartier — perhaps, given the option i wouldn’t opt for pathere de cartier but a different line. still, nothing really takes away from the heart and soul of their jewelry, which i appreciate with my cup of tea. i’d continue to work with dior, and if hermes would ever take the punch — i’d even have an affair with them.”
14. if you could be on any variety show, which one (or which type of one) would you want to be on?
“knowing brothers — i really watch that show. or even, 전지적 참견 시점 — those are the shows i keep tabs of on a weekly basis. i'd love my manager to have her time to shine and steal the hearts of the world with her variety work. she’s a very funny person you know. as for knowing brothers? that’s a given knowing how quick the crowd is on their feet and the little mini-games that come from each episode. i hurt my stomach each time from laughing along so many times.”
16. what changes would you implement if you were the ceo of your company?
“a free-for-all. i’ve never wanted to become a ceo, but had i been granted the opportunity to rule on all floors, i’d implement a few things. mandatory art classes, and creative freedom to the album jackets for all my artists. no dating-bans, let it all air out — most of all, i’d let them do as they wished as long has it harmed nobody else and they could handle the aftermath. no restrictions, roam free, bunnies.”
17. what do you do to relieve the stress of idol life?
“call me pretentious or call me a sell-out, i do what any other normal person does. i like sitting in the cafes with my notebook out, sketching. i sketch people that come in and out, or the people that decide to sit next to me. if i’m home, i’m painting on canvas with my record player crooning in the background or knitting a sweater to wear next winter. on a really adventurous day, you’ll see me playing the pole or stretching my limbs at pilates. but that’s on a non-lazy day.”
18. what tips would you give to a trainee about to debut?
“wear your skin like armor, and let it thicken as time goes on. no need to get hurt by words, and instead roll with the punches — learn to accept the hate that comes, and be scrutinized underneath a microscope. sometimes, you don’t know if it’s really reality, but the faster you assimilate yourself, the quicker you learn to glide past your career. think of everything as a catch-22, only there’s no real safety net.”
19. what was the hardest part of being a trainee?
“getting along with the other people and have them stay away from getting to know me. it’s obvious, the trainee life is temporary — there’s going to be those that debut and those that don’t, so why pry further than you have to? everyone should’ve been given the basic privacy instead of trying to play formalities and get along. other than that, i hated dance practice and i still do. dance isn’t a strong suit, and having someone force me to follow a tempo i can’t march to was no fun at all.”
20. did you enjoy the lifestyle of a trainee or of a debuted idol more?
“i liked being a debuted idol far better, only because there was a layer of privacy given to me. ironically, i was suddenly in the public eye. yet, it still allowed some layer of anonymity within the inner circle and the day to day people i interacted with. starting from a sea of trainees, and having it dwindle to a group of my members — it all made it easier to handle in the end. besides, i was getting no sleep regardless trainee or not.”
22. describe your dream sub-unit (members and concept).
“take the fuse darker concepts — peekaboo, bad boy, psycho. and merge it into one, all while getting rid of the dresses too short to dress in. wrap it all together, and you get my favorite concept. i like mystery, and latent meanings behind pretty tunes, and being able to do that each comeback would be a dream. surely, the audience might get bored of it, but i wouldn’t and i’m allowed to be selfish, aren’t i? my dream sub-unit, i’d take sooah. without sooah, i don’t know what i’d do, really. she’s like a mini-mom, three years younger. then, i’d take kiana for the dance that sooah and i can’t handle. i suppose i’d add suji in there because i don’t think anyone can belt like she does, no offense to kiana. but there’s a heartier belt when suji does it. sorry to our leader, i guess.”
23. out of the following six options, would you rather be allowed to play a major hand in the lyrics, production, choreography, styling, music videos, or concepts you release?
“i started off in lyrics, so i’ll stay loyal till the end. i’ll keep to the lyrics, so i can continue to write the stories my heart wants to say. sometimes, i’ll fall into cliches, but that’s okay. if it’s not in music production or the general content of the song, i suppose i’d take a dabble in styling — and stop dressing myself in the short skirts making it impossible to dance. really, those are the only two things i’ll be selfish for.”
25. what is your least favorite part of being an idol?
“waking up early, not having enough time to draw — those would just be the superficial things, right? but really, there’s pros and cons to any jobs, just ask any office worker with a nine to five. however, if i’m given a sliver of honesty to wave my grievances, i’d like to mention that i don’t like working in short skirts that get shorter each comeback. i don’t like getting mauled by the public of who i make eye contact with or who i work with — i don’t like getting over criticized and the list goes on.”
26. what is your favorite part of being an idol?
“i’ve always been a story teller. i like crafting stories and telling my world for how i see it, and given this opportunity in music, i’m able to do so. i like playing with instruments, sketching out things for an album idea — the creative process while meeting new people along the way. it’s a journey, an adventure and most of all, it avoids stagnation. i’m on the move, go go go.”
27. would you rather be incredibly famous with a terrible reputation and hated by most or be fairly unknown with a good reputation and adored by those who know of you? why?
“i’m already disliked by most — they don’t like the way i dress, who i’m friends with or the manner in which i present myself. but i’m given the opportunity to ignore these things along the way, and learn to handle things bit by bit. given the choice, i’d rather hide in anonymity with the few around me enjoying my presence. i’ve learned by now, public opinion doesn’t correlate to much as it’s nothing more than a crow perched far away as poe would say.”
29. what have you learned about yourself and/or society since becoming a celebrity?
“i’ve only been taught life skills, such as time management and patience. in hindsight, i’ve learned how cruel people are to judge things from what they see at surface level. the world’s superficial — that’s a bitter pill to swallow. i don’t know much about myself as i haven’t gotten that part figured out. instead, i’ve just learned that the world is cruel and the people in it amount to little to no positivity — go figure.”
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Alright, so, Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 12: Castle in the Sky Laputa!
I mean, I, Guardromon...
... Bicentennialmon?
well, any of the three works :P
Right off the bat, I’ll say this ep gets a ‘meh’ from me, BUT I did love its aesthetic. I’m a big fan of robot stories, especially the Asimov variety. Scrap heap robots are my absolute favs. And I did like the Ghibli vibe going on too. The episode was pretty, and the robot characters were cool... it just wasn’t very fun. At the very least, I was expecting team Taichi/Koushirou/Mimi to be a bit more fun than Yamato/Sora/Jou, but I guess this ain’t 1999 anymore ;)
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^The most amusing bit was finding out Koushirou’s laptop can fold like this... which, okay, shouldn’t surprise me, it just looks frigging weird...
koushirou: hush old lady, your first laptop was grayscale only and had Windows 3.1 installed.
Actual content relevant to the episode below...!
We had a promising start when last week’s episode ended on a cliffhanger... or a cliffdropper, I guess, because Mimi’s not hanging onto anything. She’s fallen down and landed on Palmon. Digimon can sure take a beating.
Palmon reaches to see if she can hoist them back up, but...
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... it’s too high! Oh well, no choice but to travel on foot. Good thing Mimi landed on Palmon!
Meanwhile, above, Taichi and Koushirou turn to his computer for help. Unfortunately they have some technical difficulties.
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Koushirou: Noooo, not the swirling of doom!! My immortal nemesis...
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Even Taichi understands that buffering spells death. He’s a 21st century kid, so he’s a little more savvy about computers than 99 Taichi, whose trusty recourse in these situations was "treat the machine like a Bop-It.”
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Mimi discovers they are in a Digimon scrap heap. ;_; Good heavens. Apparently robot Digimon are unlike organic (??) Digimon same as robots are different from humans, so the way they die is not quite the same either.
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Mimi feels sorry for these trashed creatures. She’s no cold-hearted corporate goon who looks at these guys and just sees dollars. She notices the heart!
She also just wiped that rusty Guardromon’s helmet with her bare hand...
Mimi: Where’s Sora-san when I need a towel!!
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Andromon makes his 2020 debut! And he’s just as much the pawn of evil as ever!
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Boxing Cactus Go-go-go!!
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Togemon gets her prickly hiney owned, but the Guardromon suddenly reanimates and protects her instead. His big strategy is “drop something heavy on Andromon and run away.” It’s super effective.
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Who wants to translate the digicode, because I’m not gonna. Ten bucks says it’s something like “target human child exterminate” yadda yadda
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When Koushirou’s computer fails, we must rely on our physical skills. Their big plan is “climb down the bottomless pit after Mimi.” There are a few things wrong with this picture:
1) Even if they know how deep the hole is, IT’S STILL QUITE A FALL. Make one wrong move and you’ll be useless to Mimi T_T And these idiots make plenty of wrong moves.
2) If there were handholds like these, why couldn’t Palmon have just grabbed them with her vines and carried Mimi up? Instead she was like, “Nah, can’t reach the top, let’s walk in a random direction and hope things work out!”
3) The Guardromon is taking Mimi to an elevator. Meaning there is a working elevator, meaning there is a way down that would significantly decrease their chances of DYING on the way. Koushirou’s computer can’t figure that out? Also I was expecting some hijinks there... like, they finally make it down only for Mimi to say “Why didn’t you just take the elevator like I did? Boys are weird.”
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In his defense, Koushirou’s method of descent is worlds better than Taichi’s.
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Hate to say I told you so...
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Guardromon takes Mimi to some suspicious water which she uses to nurse Palmon... with a towel
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Guardromon presents Sheeta Mimi with a flower to convey that he likes killing pretty delicate things :) run Mimi
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The Laputa vibe... it is vibing.
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We cut away to Yamato/Sora/Jou for thirty seconds just to point how much Better they’re doing than Taichi’s group. They’ve even realized how that basket was, who needs to put in all that work when we can all fit comfortably on a log! Sora and Yamato flirt. Jou’s going to be sick.
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Taichi and Koushirou encounter some broken Solarmon who are being controlled by Soundbirdmon, so I guess it’s official now that we can’t believe any Digimon is truly evil if Soundbirdmon is around. Koushirou goes to help Mimi while Taichi stays behind to fend off these gears. Uh, is it just me or does this team seem very quick to split up.
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I like the way Guardrmon cradles Mimi so all we can see is her shocked expression.
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Guardromon tries his tried and true method of shooting down something heavy to crush Andromon...
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... but Andromon’s like “hah! Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!” and knocks it away. Not very effective...
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Guardromon’s guarded his last mon... he starts to go... offline I guess...
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In sweeps Kabuterimon to the rescue. In 99 Adventure, he’d have something witty to say, or at least a pun. 2020 Kabuterimon mostly likes to make weird noises. I understand why Agumon and Gabumon’s VA’s were calling him a “weirder uncle than ever” at Digifes...
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Obligatory Best Boy cap
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Hell Approacheth
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Wow!!! Taichi finally got knocked off Greymon! He must have forgot to put on his suction cup shoes today!
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So this entire episode, I was wondering what was to stop MetalGreymon from happening and stealing the show from Lillymon. I expected “Agumon just evolved recently and doesn’t have the juice to do it again so soon!” or some such. Nothing more than that. But, nah, we don’t even get that... MetalGreymon happens and he just... can’t... beat Andromon? For some reason? I’m going with “Because he’s Andromon.” Afterward, this very heavy structure falls down and MetalGreymon has lift it a la Atlas to keep Taichi from getting squished, so he can’t continue to beat on Andromon.
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... Of course, Togemon gets stuck holding this thing up too... so there’s that...
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The reason, of course, is so Guardromon can make one last action surge, grabbing Andromon’s leg, which works, randomly. At least for a moment.
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Mimi spends most of this episode being Shocked.
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Guardromon takes one final, grainy look at Mimi as he prepares for sweet death. The digicode says “Sheeta.” (kidding like I’d bother to translate it lol)
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Andromon RUDELY stomps on his head. Like HELLO Andromon can you not see the dude is having a moment here? Show some respect!
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Mimi sheds a Single Emo Tear
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Which causes “Your sorrow made me evolve!” Lillymon. She immediately flies out to attack Andromon, leaving MetalGreymon alone holding the heavy metal structure, which promptly crushes him and our heroes. Game Over!
just kidding, the structure just vanishes I guess :/ It’s not very clear...
High kick attack!
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It’s not very effective...
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Lillymon does seem to have an ability that MetalGreymon doesn’t which cinches her victory over Andromon... her rain of petals interfere with his ability to lock on to a target. Too much organic matter everywhere I guess.
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Lillymon covers Andromon in plants rendering him immobile...
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... *cough*
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Poor Mimi’s had a hard day of watching robots die.
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Her affinity for marking graves returns as she leaves the flower Guardromon gave her on his corpse(?).
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Taichi looks only sadly as Koushirou explains that Andromon and Guardromon were totes besties, until Soundbirdmon started mindcontrolling everyone. Gee that seems like something that could have been an interesting plot point had it been mentioned y’know earlier.
In sum... yeah, this ep just isn’t fun. There’s no friend moments, no getting to know each other, everything takes a backseat to this robot-protect-girl storyline. I really did like Guardromon, but the episode takes itself way too seriously in my opinion.
That aside... I was happy that Mimi’s episode didn’t involve stinky ugly Digimon falling in love and stalking her so she can passionately reject them. I can live without both of those things.
Mimi having the ability to project feelings onto supposedly nonfeeling things is a very Mimi-like character trait for her and one that I really truly love. It’ll definitely come in handy in the digital world where all is never how it seems. On the other hand, though, it’s not like it’s a trait we didn’t have already... it just belonged mainly to Hikari :P So... yeah.
Next week we’re going to get Garudamon, in a way that looks like it will pale compared to our first meeting with Garudamon in 99 Adventure, BUT that’s okay... because we’ve got plenty of time for the Big Important things to happen, both on a plot level and on a character development level. I am a little wtf??? about everyone getting not one but two evolutions within the same adventure - assuming the kids are going to go home at some point and finally put Tokyo out of its misery. I’d expected this show would be more like 02 with the kids jumping in and out, but tbh I’m not gonna be sad if they just stay in the digital world indefinitely. Also, it’s not like Taichi didn’t get both an evolution and a jogress the first time he came to the digital plane, so obviously things are just working differently in this show!
But as it’ll be a Sora episode, I just hope it’s an improvement on the last Sora episode. There’s plenty of potential following the mini tiff between her and Yamato last week, so i hope we see some follow up to that. Maybe a couple Sorato moments. We didn’t get anything for Taishiro this week :( But since it looks like probably next week the groups are still separated, perhaps the week after we’ll get MegaKabuterimon and see more interaction between Taichi and Koushirou then. *shrug* A girl can dream!
Anyway this ep gets 5.5/10 from me!
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