#mini Finnick stole my heart
googleincognitomode · 5 months
Hg headcanons
Tw: some sad and depressioning content
- I don’t think mrs Everdeen ever re-marries again. I also don’t think she will ever date again. I think Katniss might even try to encourage her to seek somebody out, to make her less lonely and more whole family again. But she always declines and goes on “its only once in your life you have a x love // no, im happy how I m right now with you!// I can’t never find another like him”. I think she also does hold habits that she did just for mr Everdeen- like she has one side of the bed with double the amount of pillows because he always slept with it for his sore shoulder, or makes specific meals that HE particularly likes, or looks at the clock specifically at 5:34 pm because that was the time he always come home and she would toy with her wedding ring in dinner because he did that. She reads their book ever night before bed n specifically traces his handwriting, especially with the letter in his name. I don’t think she even buys her favourite flowers anymore because they both remind her of her daughter/husband, and that hurts her too much. Yes I think she is happy n her and Katniss have a better relationship, but some things are just too happy/painful to change up.
- However, I think hazelle, gale’s mum, does remarry/de-facto at some point in the future. I think it was a resistant thing to begin with, and I think even gale try to be rude to his step-father, but he warms up to cuz his mother is happy again. I think her and mr Hawthorne got together very young and that she is still wanting to live her life to the fullest.: like married at 19/21 and had gale by 20/23. Plus, she wants a father-figure for Vick and posy. Likely, I think she would even up w a single father in a similar situation or a widower who wants a big family. I think they still celebrate the deceases special days, and are a happy blended family. I also think gale also would warm up to his step-father because I think he respect him and also wants a father again, whilst seeing his mum happy again with a partner who loves her.
- Annie does not remarry. She is so content and happy w her son and still holds a long-lasting love for Finnick that won’t go away. I think once she tried, but it never worked out to ever date again. All her romantic started with Finnick and vowed that everyday that passes is only a day closer to be joined again with her love. She keeps him alive, reading his poetry and letters and wears his jumpers she made for him. And then mini Finn inherits it and she feels more present with him.
- mini finn looks just like Finnick, with just Annie darker hair. But everything else is just a copy of Finnick: his smile, eyes, height and mannerism. Even sounds like him. If in another life, I imagine her and Finnick having three boys. Named smth like Morgan, Adrian w mini Finn called Flynn (associated with the name Finnick, wanting to give him his own identity but still close w his father). Even would be considered.
- I think eventually, haymitch will get a mini farm. Its canon ( I think) he has geese, and eventually he get more animals too. Starting off with dog and then goats and ducks afterwards. But its not a lot of animals. Maybe 2 goats, 1 dog (a rescue he picked up), 4 ducks and 5 geese.
- I also think haymitch never fully becomes sober. yes, I think he will slow down his alcohol consumption and drink a little less heavily, but his body depended on it for too long that I think it would leave him unfinctional if he doesn’t have some. He’s been on it too long, though you can fix bad habits, they never fully go away.
- Annie and finicky like to collect seashells together in district 4 and make things from it. I think Annie knows how to make jewellery, cuz I imagine her dad a a pearl farmer and jewellery maker, and then finnick asked her to teach him nd he makes them for her. Annie knits and makes jumper/sweaters for finnick/mags.
- In connection to above, I think finnick is always cold or desperate wants to remain warm. Since d4 is in California, Annie makes him fisherman jumpers to wear at home. I think she makes mags fuzzy socks and they knit together. Mags makes her socks and crochet cover ups for the beach. Even jumpers too. Finnick can’t knit to save his life, but he likes being around the girls n reading to them
- Johanna’s dad was a carpenter and very talented in wood-working. I think she is similar like that too, cuz if she wasn’t to be a victor, I think she would be in the family trade. She makes everything-EVERYTHING by scratch for the home. Can make tables n chairs n cupboard, even a kitchen she could make by hand. She likes it because it distracts her from everything that haunts her. She made mini Finn a cubby house for play, where she and Annie join and have parties together (they live together as friends-sisterhood)
“Aunty Jo, would you like some more tea?” // “yes. Thank you mini Finn. Annie, sea biscuits for your drink?” // “That’s very nice of you Jo! Shall we afterwards watch a movie together? How about finding nemo?”
- I can’t explain it, idk why, but gale is born in between January n is a Capricorn. ((In deductive reasoning- it could happen! In July (reaping) his 18. when he dad died, he was already 14, while Katniss was still 11 turning 12. there is only a 2yr age different, rolling out the possibility of his birthday being more jan/December. Then, by the time it was snowing, coming around late dec/early in d12 (in Kentucky) he was already working in the mines. He also mentioned that he had 6 entries in his name for his first hg = where you can only enter your name once for every member of your family. In maths 7(July) - 6 (month entries) = 1 (jan). Also, by the time mj begins, gale has just turned was still 19- meaning his birthday has not occurred after July-december/jan, and then turns 20 later one, meaning during winter & jan, a new year. Plus, in horoscopes, he defiantly seems like a Capricorn: practical, overachieving, persistent n ambitions (very gale-esque). I place him between jan 7-18th).
- Psa, this is not perfect and I am most likely very very wrong
- Mags never had children, or at least couldn’t. I think early trackers messed up with her reproductive system and/or was afraid for her children, so she mostly adopted victors as her kids. Implying that finnick was her child and Annie too. But I do think she marries, simply because she had a wedding band in cf.
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