woongxrk · 5 years
young grasshopper.
“what are you doing?”
it’s not every day that he sees a kid standing on a bench inside a store and looking like he’s about to ream nuclear warfare upon whatever it was that startled him into such a position in the first place. normally, jungmo would ignore the crazies. he’s just here to get his mom’s moisturizer for her from the beauty aisle and get out, not to stop and gawk at the local nutjobs who really have no respect for the schedule he and other people are trying to keep themsevles on.
maybe it’s because this boy seems a little too young to have fully lost his marbles, or because he vaguely recognizes him as one of his cousin’s friends. in any case, such a severe reaction has caught jungmo’s attention. he’s already starting to become pissed off that his plans have been disrupted, but he still wants to know just what the heck is going on here.
that’s when he sees the creepy crawly on the laminate floor, right where the crazed kid was watching. it’s just a grasshopper, utterly harmless unless it comes with a million other friends and they’re all here to eat your wheat crop and leave you starved all winter long. he’s pretty sure the kid (whose name still escapes him, if he even knew it in the first place), isn’t a farmer and is just a big wuss, so jungmo has no idea what the big deal is.
he reaches down and grabs the green bug by its abdomen.
“is this what you’re afraid of?” he holds it out to the boy, a devious streak running through him. he’ll let the grasshopper free outside (even though the brisk fall air will kill it if a bird doesn’t get to it first), but first he’ll torment the kid a little bit. “it’s just a bug. you’re like a million times bigger than it.”
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yujinrk · 5 years
— sweet red;
her costume this year? much less creative, but it’s not like she’s had the time to prepare anything with her schedule. going with something as basic as a vampire hurts her pride a little, but hey, at least she makes for a badass-looking vampire!
the fangs sit awkwardly in her mouth, but sometimes you just have to sacrifice comfort for the aesthetic. halloween’s the one time of year where you can go around dressed up like a weirdo and no one would bat an eye. now that’s her kind of holiday. 
“boo!” yujin slaps minhee’s back just hard enough to spook, preparing her ‘scary’ face for when he turns around. he probably deserves better for convincing her to skip training for the first time since she’s joined, but maybe that’s all the more reason to punish him. “gimme your blood,” she demands in a very un-vampire-like voice, but grins anyway. “what even are you!?” tall and handsome is what he is, but in that costume? “you look adorable,” she laughs.
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