#mingi x christian yu
potatomountain · 1 month
Two Just For You
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Pairing: Song Mingi x afab reader x Christian Yu (DPR Ian)
WC: 5975
AU: non-idol
Genre: fuck buddies to partners. friends to partners.
Warning(s): "cheating", everyone swings all ways. threesome, Dvp. mxm, pet names, some degradation, sub Mingi, switch Christian, switch reader. sex with no barrier (reader is on the pill), Mingi is kind of a jealous toxic dick. big dick Mingi
Summary: Mingi hasn't tried to make things official with you, even after weeks of sleeping together and spending time together. He uses your new friendship with the hottie from the bar, Christian, as the excuse why he hasn't, going so far as fighting with you about it often, until you had enough. You didn't expect Christian to jump to the plate, even offering a relationship you wouldn't dare to think about before. But will it actually work?
Nets: @pirateeznet | @mirohs-aurora-society
Special tags: This is a belated birthday present for @mingsolo !! This is part two of Just For Tonight which was also written for Isa <3
dividers by: @cafekitsune
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Taglist (Form): @candypop1611 | @vannabanana1995  | @piratequeen-queenofgames | @starstruckforyou
“So another fight?” Christian asked with a crooked brow, bringing his cup to his lips as you spilled the tea on your latest fight with Mingi- in which you weren't sure you were dating or just fuck buddies, at least not any more.
You had given him that one chance, and then he occupied your bed any chance you two got. But outside of sex, it was hard to determine your chemistry. Was it just sex? Or did you genuinely like him?
Through the last few weeks you had been updating the man responsible for this on a near daily basis. You even talked about other things, becoming friends and meeting up for the other adult drinks on occasion, like now: coffee.
“Mhmm. Like we aren’t even together and yet we’re fighting?” You sighed, setting the cup down and staring at the liquid inside. “Everything really was fine, until he realized I was talking to you. But I’m not going to budge on that…” Even if it royally sucked.
It had been your first fight, Mingi catching you in a face call with Christian while you were hanging around your apartment. You hadn’t been doing anything wrong, Christian was just asking if you two were dating yet since Mingi had slept over for probably the seventh or eighth time. You woke up before him and had been enjoying your coffee, in nothing but Mingi’s shirt, when he had walked in with nothing on himself.
He had started in on you the moment you hung up.
“I thought you said you weren’t going to date him?!”
“I’m not- we’re just friends. I did promise to keep him in the loop. Besides, if not for him you never would have gotten in my bed.”
“So what he’s just waiting around until I fuck up to swoop in? Am I the rebound? The second choice still?”
It was the first time he had raised his voice, but wasn’t the last. Whatever you two had been drastically changed since then, but funnily enough he fucked you every weekend, stayed over and watched movies. Everything was fine normally until your relationship with each other was brought up, or your relationship with Christian. Only one of those you wanted to change.
“I didn’t want to go out dancing last weekend, he did. I didn’t hear from him at all but I ended up going over because I felt bad about the fight you know? And some fucking chick was leaving his apartment when I did. He was right there, standing shirtless in the doorway with hickies on his neck.” Your blood began to boil just remembering the scene so vividly.
Christian’s eyes went wide, hissing as if he was the one in pain. “He didn’t-”
With a solemn nod, you looked up at him. “He did.”
He leaned back in his seat, whistling. “I was wrong about him then, damn. Thought he would be man enough for you.”
“Well we were both wrong. I honestly think this was it. I told him I was done with him. He had the audacity to say I was fucking you so why couldn’t he fuck around? Plus, ‘not like we’re official or anything’.” You felt the burn behind your eyes, knowing tears were going to build up. You had cried then, hit his chest with the bag of breakfast you had brought for him, and told him just what you thought of his words.
Christian waited patiently to hear it, leaning in again, arms folding on the table now.
Letting out a shaky breath, you continued. “I told him I’ve been waiting for him to get his head out of his ass because while I didn’t want to date a guy who wants to dictate my friends, I wanted him. Wanted him to make it official. Wanted to do stupid couple things, and celebrate anniversaries and maybe get a dog together down the line- you know, that stupid stuff. And I've wanted to do it since that first weekend.” You rapidly blinked the tears away.
His hand covered yours on the coffee cup for some silent comfort. “Oh love, he really fucked up.”
“He did. I told him no more. He doesn’t get any more chances. I gave him enough. And I haven’t heard anything from him all week.” It had been an unspoken ritual for him to come over Friday night after you got off work. If he showed up now, you hoped it was to give your spare key back and nothing more.
Silence followed; you wallowed in your own self-pity and Christian thought to himself.
He broke it first. “Do you want me to come over tomorrow night? Or I can swing by Saturday morning?”
“And do what? I’ll probably deep clean my apartment and throw his shit out. Months, Christian. I wasted months on him for an almost relationship and for what? Just to have my heart broken. Fuck, outside of the fights he was-” You pulled your hand away from his. “I loved him. Still fucking do. If he came back crawling and begging right now I’d actually consider it. Just… I was so tired of his jealousy. That was his problem, and it was so shitty of him to expect me to cut you out just because he couldn’t handle it.”
“It wasn’t without reason though.” He mumbled so low you barely heard him.
But you did, shocking you enough your head snapped up to stare at him, mouth agape. “What do you mean?”
His own eyes widened as he shifted uncomfortably. “You weren’t supposed to hear that… shit.”
“Christian, what do you mean?” You leaned forward, brows pushed together in a frown.
You two stared off for a moment before he relented with a sigh. “I pushed you to go after him that night, and I was still an option. Love… I never stopped being an option, at least not from where I was sitting. And he probably knew that. From his perspective, why else would I be sticking around after I told you, literally, if he didn’t work out then I would take you out? On a date no less? Not just a fuck.”
You bit down on your lip, mulling over his words. He was right… but you had been so focused on Mingi and trying to have a relationship with him, you ignored the way Christian made you feel. He was still as attractive as the day you first met him, and now knowing his personality he was very likable.
“But Mingi…”
He smiled at your pout, standing up and leaning over the table. “Love, have I ever told you I swing both ways? You’ve told me enough about him, that if he did get his head out of his ass, I think you could have us both. I am definitely not against it but he’s the issue.”
He was so casual about it, as if pointing out the shade of lipstick you were wearing, or talking about his week, not confessing something that had your stomach in knots.
Yet you still hesitated. “And if he doesn’t get his shit together? If he and I are really done?”
“Then you have a really cool boyfriend who will give you the Princess treatment and still encourage you to ride another man’s dick: especially if they’ll ride mine too.” He kissed your forehead before grabbing your coffee cup and taking it over to the trash. “Think about it. I’ll be over Saturday night and no matter what you choose, I won’t get angry or upset with you. I respect any decision you make, Love.”
This was definitely a turn of events you never expected. Ever.
After parting ways your next work day went by in a daze, opting to invite some friends over Friday night: strictly girl friends.
Course, Wooyoung apparently counted. He even put his hair in pigtails and wore the girliest outfit he had. You protested, but he insisted he was only going to be there to be the driver home for the ladies, and cook.
Apparently he had heard about what happened from Yunho who, unbeknownst to you at the time, had heard your whole argument with Mingi. So in his own way, Wooyoung was trying to be there for you. The bottle of soju and chocolates had been his idea too.
It also didn’t help that aside from your best friend, his girlfriend, you only had two other friends, only one showing up. So bestie being bestie invited the girlfriends of Wooyoung’s friends.
The shit talking that was done after the second bottle of soju was emptied was glorious. Wooyoung looked rather pained, or at least feigned shame, every time he was talked about, but he was immediately reminded of how much he was loved with kisses after. They were good together, you thought, but it also left you a bit jealous.
Of course your own predicament was brought up, but by Yunho’s girlfriend, not Wooyoung like you suspected. So you spilled the details, alcohol contributing to your whole conversation with Christian also being aired. Then, bets placed on if you were going to end up with one boyfriend or two, no one even considering you saying no to Christian which, to be fair, was a safe bet.
“I think you’re going to end up with two.” Wooyoung added last, smirking over his water bottle. “You don’t hang out with us enough to know but most in our group either swing all ways or both ways. You know Seonghwa and Hongjoong are dating and they’ve shared a few girls before. In fact they’ve been seeing the same girl for a few weeks now I think they might invite her in. I didn’t invite her though.”
“Plus I know Mingi likes dick. Yunho’s told me about it.” As soon as Yunho’s girlfriend slipped the words out, she looked apologetic. “Sorry again, I really can’t seem to hold my tongue with alcohol.” Her words were even slurring a bit.
This was even more information you had not expected, just more to think about it seemed.
They left you without a decision but started a group chat because they were now invested in how things went. Over all, it put a lot into perspective, and left you hopeful.
Wooyoung didn’t seem bad, and the girls his friends dated were definitely chill. Sure you preferred to be alone, but if you were going to socialize you liked the idea of doing so with them. And Mingi? Christian?
Maybe it was the alcohol but your dreams were plagued by a scenario with them that had you aching for them both. It wasn’t uncommon for you to dream about Mingi like this, but with Christian in the mix… you were very hopeful.
A girl could dream right? (In this case, literally dream.)
Saturday evening rolled around and your hopes of last night had dwindled to anxious cleaning and worries once more that you had fucked things up beyond repair. You sent a text to Mingi to bring you the apartment key, preferably before seven, as you had company coming over.
You had been left on read, so you had no idea if he was going to stop by or not. The later it got, the more anxious you had become, until six rolled around, then… seven was dangerously close.
“This is it, it’s over.” You mumbled to yourself as you leaned against the back of your couch looking over the somewhat romantic table setting you had worked hard on. While Mingi hadn’t messaged you once, Christian had, talking about this evening and making plans with you.
The two of you decided to cook dinner together, eat, watch a movie and then if you had been comfortable he could stay over or he could head home. Either way, you had told him that you wanted a date before agreeing to anything, so this was it.
And still no Mingi.
Dejectedly you made your way to your bedroom, having done your hair and makeup already but finally slipping into the comfortable but flattering outfit you had picked out. Everything about your appearance was still very homey, comfortable, but with that hint of dressed-to-impress including the lingerie set underneath. One you had bought for Mingi but never got to show him. You had been saving it for when, if, he finally asked to make things official.
A little after seven there was a knock on your door. You knew it was Christian, he had texted you a minute ago that he had arrived and would see you shortly. You tried not to let the disappointment show as you opened the door, still wanting to give the man the attention he deserved.
“Hope you don’t mind, I found a stray outside and thought I’d bring him in.” Christian smiled at you as he drawled in his aussie accent, his presence already easing your nerves a bit. It really was so hard not to like him.
“Stray?” You opened the door further, eyes practically bulging out of your skull as you spotted Mingi standing with a bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hands and a sheepish expression. “Mingi?”
When you looked to Christian for an explanation, he happily supplied one. “He was pacing out front, nearly running when he saw me. I made him talk, we had a heart to heart, and now he’s here to beg your forgiveness. Aren’t you, bub?”
Mingi nodded, appearing much smaller than he actually was next to the man that was physically smaller, but older than him. “I’m sorry Princess I-”
You stopped him by holding a hand up. “Come inside and apologize properly.” You held the door open for them both, more flabbergasted by the whole situation than nervous now. The way Christian handled Mingi was just comedic, especially as the taller man stumbled forward and nearly tripped over his own feet.
“For you.” Mingi squeaked out as he handed you the flowers, then began to take his shoes off at Christian’s instruction. Just what sort of heart to heart did they have?
Both were dressed up, dark button ups and slacks, their hair styled a bit differently than their usual every day. It wasn’t overboard, but definitely gave the vibes of a date. You couldn’t help but think of this as a date with them both, smelling the flowers before making your way over to the kitchen to find a vase. You put these ones on the table as a centerpiece, smiling at the flowers.
“I like them but…” You turned, hands placed on your hips as you narrowed your eyes on Mingi. “This doesn’t mean you’re forgiven. I’m giving you one last chance.”
“I know. I heard from everyone all week how I fucked up. My own feelings don’t justify how I invalidated yours, over and over again Princess… and I’m sorry. I did something stupid and I really wish I could take it back.” He reluctantly stepped closer, Christian having to nudge him a bit before he went and made himself home in the kitchen.
The ease the tattooed Aussie expressed in your apartment was comforting. He relaxed you, often did or said what you needed to hear. No stress, no contempt, just a solid rock almost. And then there was Mingi, a fiery passion that made you feel alive, and often loved and giddy. Fire and water, and you liked them both. One snuck up on you, the other hit you with a force you had been fighting with since that first night you gave him a chance.
The night you gave them both a chance it seemed.
“But you did it Mingi. You were hypocritical for one, and just an insufferable asshole! I’m not waiting around anymore you understand? I’m not compromising further anymore. I know what I want and if you aren’t willing to do that, to be a part of my life in that way, then you can leave right now. Sorry or not, I-”
“I know.” He suddenly got on his knees before you, head down and arms at his side. “I’m willing to try. Fuck I should’ve been willing from the start. I was so sure you would compare me to him, that you would find him better, and wouldn't want me anymore. I didn’t think to communicate, to really hear what you wanted and not what would make me feel secure. You should never have to sacrifice for me security. I knew that and yet I kept asking. And then I couldn’t ask you to be my girlfriend if I was asking such a shitty thing right?”
You listened to his confession, listened to him ramble, but you could see Christian leaning against the doorway to your kitchen with some snack, popping it in his mouth like popcorn. He could be so unserious sometimes, and it was an effort not to smile at his antics.
“I thought you would pick him if you were given the actual option because hell, I’d pick him over me.” It was Mingi’s red ears that gave away what he truly meant by that.
Oh, he found him attractive. He was probably crushing too.
It was starting to look like Wooyoung was going to win that bet with the others.
“Mingi… I picked you over him. I did. I really fucking did. And you treated me like shit. Now I’m picking him-” You leaned down to grip his chin, pulling his face up when his shoulders had dropped dejectedly, “-and you. If you’ll try.”
His eyes flickered to Christian immediately. “Is he… okay with that?”
“Bub, it was my idea.” He smiled over at the two of you, setting aside the snacks before making his way over. “Why not give it a trial run? See how we work together? The chemistry is there and this might be me being a little impatient but, one night to see how we do? In the bedroom that is.”
You liked that idea far too much to pass it up, and by the glazed look in Mingi’s boba eyes… so did he.
Though you didn't jump right into it, insisting that you do the date part first. So the three of you cooked, the small kitchen feeling much too hot with the three of you. The number of times you felt a hand on you - hip, ass, back, shoulder- had you in need of a cold shower. You didn't even care about how the food tasted at this point, just wanting it done.
The icing on the cake was that Christian was just as touchy with Mingi but more subtle: his hip, back, arms to guide him around. He was finding any excuse to touch you both and Mingi seemed just as affected by it as you were.
While cooking dinner was practically a constant buildup of tension, eating was a bit more relaxing. The conversation was actually on the food, and the surprise that it came out pretty well. Which you suspected was mostly because of Christian as you hadn’t been able to focus. You teased him for it, and that was the first moment you saw him get flustered.
It was almost adorable how much they both got flustered and a little giggly when you would compliment them. You knew of Mingi’s habit before, but the fact Christian wasn’t much different… it put you in quite the teasing mood.
Where Christian would tease, you would tease right back, Mingi becoming a victim of you both especially during the movie. You couldn’t remember what movie it was, Christian on your left and Mingi on your right, dwarfing you on the sofa but it had been their hands that made it hard to focus. Christian had his right arm over the back of the seat, his fingers running up Mingi’s shoulder and neck casually or playing with his hair subtly. His other kept intentionally moving to draw your attention to his lap until you had thrown one leg over his thigh and he was now firmly holding it.
You would tease him by playing with his fingers, slowly inching his hand up your thigh on purpose. All while you had leaned into Mingi a bit, a hand resting on his thigh. You knew Christian’s touches affected him because you could feel his muscles tense up each time, your own teasing touches doing the same to his thighs.
The tension had grown so palpable it was a wonder none of you had snapped already. Just from the teasing, the way you moved your body to expose yourself to them, encouraging them to touch, you were practically begging for it. You didn’t even care about the movie anymore, constantly watching them. Your thoughts wondered how Christian would kiss you, if he would make Mingi watch, or if he would make you watch. The possibilities were endless but you were getting so impatient.
“Fuck this.” He seemed to be even more so, turning to face you more and leaning in to crash his lips to yours. You welcomed him, moving your own eager lips and lifting your hands to his shoulders to pull him closer.
Mingi whined behind you. “Princess-” He shifted behind you so your back was against his firm chest, his hands running over your sides to your stomach.
You let out a soft noise against softer lips at the touch, being sandwiched between them like this making you feel even smaller and much more wet between the thighs. You still weren’t entirely sure how this was going to work, since you’ve never had more than one partner in bed at the time, but the three of you would figure it out.
It didn’t matter if they took turns, at the same time, or with each other… as long as they did it quickly. You could feel how hard Mingi was against your back, his lips now on your neck as he watched the way Christian kissed you. When you did get a moment to breath, it was only because Christian’s lips were now on Mingi, pulling such a whiny moan from the bigger man it had your head spinning.
Wanting a better view, and to get your clothes off because it was far too hot, you pulled yourself off them and the couch. Christian immediately fell forward against Mingi, gripping his neck and pushing him down on the couch.
This was probably the hottest sight you ever had the pleasure to experience; you couldn’t tear your eyes away from it as you pulled your clothes off without a care where they fell… only leaving on the lingerie set.
Mingi caught a glimpse of you, pulling his mouth away to gape with swollen and wet lips from how hard the two had been making out. His eyes were glazed over with that familiar look, you knew he wasn’t going to be in charge of anything today. Perfect really, he looked so good whenever he let you use him to get off.
Christian had also turned when Mingi did, his breath catching in his throat. With a groan he sat back and began unbuttoning his shirt. “You look beautiful, Love. I’m not the only impatient one am I?” He pulled the shirt off and tossed it aside,, exposing tattoos up both arms and down his chest that both you and Mingi were admiring with similar drooling expressions on your face.
He patted Mingi’s thigh as he stood up. “Strip big boy, I want to gawk too.”
The way Mingi scrambled up to get his clothes off as Christian swooped in and picked you up had your giggles turning into a gasp. You could feel how hard he was, your wet panties pressed against his clothed bulge and you couldn’t help but to grind down. The friction had your head falling back, giving access to the attack of love bites he was now pressing against the curve of your neck. He carried you down the hall to your room with a little guidance from Mingi who was now in just his briefs with a noticeable wet spot.
Christian didn’t put you down like you first expected, instead holding you against him while massaging your ass and grinding into you almost like a needy pup. He pulled his lips from the curve of your breast to look at Mingi. “On the bed, naked. Can’t forget you made her cry, that’s not going to fly anymore you understand?”
With heated boba eyes, he nodded. “I won’t. No more jealousy. I’ll make it up to her for the rest of my life if I have to.”
Christian smirked against your shoulder, “that’s what I like to hear.” A moment later he was setting you down on Mingi’s thighs, his cock right in front of you. “But let’s see how you can handle it really. Watch her face as I fuck her? Make her feel good? Just like you have been dreaming about, yeah bub?”
You and Mingi both whined in response.
Without being told, and much too eager for your own good, you leaned forward and lifted your hips. “Please, I don’t want to wait any longer.” After all you had technically been thinking about this since he left you after your coffee meetup.
Glancing over your shoulder, your breath lodged in your throat momentarily at the expression Christian wore: full of impatience, lust, and a bit of disbelief. The impatience won out as he pulled the rest of his clothes off quickly and climbed on the bed, knees on either side of Mingi’s legs but nudging your own further apart until you were pressed against Mingi and could feel his cock against your mound and stomach. “Prep first love, I’m not his size but I don’t want to hurt you for our first time.”
He only pushed your panties aside before pushing in two fingers, pulling your cheek away so he could see your cunt better even knuckle deep. You couldn’t watch well, too focused on the pleasure to keep yourself controted at such an angle and Christian was determined to press all the right buttons.
Mingi wasn’t going to just lay there it seemed, his hands finding your waist as he lifted his hips to grind his cock against you, the fabric of your panties getting pushed up more by his action.
Christian had other ideas, smacking both his hands while his fingers still fucked you with intention of spreading you out. “Aht, bubs, you’re still getting punished.” He leaned down and pressed a kiss against the center of your back, his cock heavy on the curve of your ass as he did so. “Love, hold his hands down. Don’t have to be too rough, just make sure he doesn’t move. Bubs is going to be a good boy and keep still though, aren’t you?”
You eagerly did as you were told, holding Mingi’s wrists as you pushed your hips back to meet Christian’s hand. Mingi was watching you both with his brows pushed up and pretty thick lips parted, looking so cute. The whole situation was quite hot, yet it still wasn’t enough.
Before you could beg, Christian was pulling his fingers out and leaning over you, tapping Mingi’s lips with them. He didn’t even have to tell Mingi what to do before the man was latching his pretty mouth over the appendages, tongue wrapping around as he sucked them clean. You were so fascinated by the visage that the cock suddenly spreading your hole further took you by surprise.
Christian wasn’t small, you suspected he wasn’t, but it was hard to beat Mingi’s monster cock. That didn’t discourage him, burying himself to the hilt and pressing down on your back to angle you just right that you felt him in all the right spots. A nice little perk was that it pressed your mound harder down on Mingi’s cock, the first thrust Christian gave sliding you up and rubbing your clit against him.
Yes, he wasn’t small but he knew just how to use you.
He kept his hand on the small of your back as he leaned back, holding you there as his hips built up a slow but harsh pace that had you sliding up Mingi’s cock and back down with each thrust. “Feels better than I imagined Love, and your pretty sounds- mmm fucking hell you’re addicting.”
You hadn’t even realized you were moaning and whimpering until he pointed it out, all your focus that wasn’t taken up by his cock had been on keeping your position still.
Mingi’s arms twitched under your hands, soft pants leaving his lips just above your head as you rested it on his chest. You gasped out as your head was suddenly pulled back, your expression on display as Christian had a fistful of your hair, grunting out, “he needs to see you.”
You locked eyes with Mingi, licking your lips at how delicious he looked, but his eyes did flicker back to Christian behind you quite a bit. Oh you wanted to know what sort of expression he made, but the thought was dashed when you felt a second intrusion in your cunt: he was pushing a finger in, stretching you out further even as his cock kept pushing in.
Eyes rolling back, the stimulation of your clit and his cock, had you coming and tightening your walls around him. “Shit, Love, not so tight-” Christian groaned out, hips stuttering in his pace as he tightened his hold on your hair. “Gotta stretch you out.”
“W-what for?” You gasped out, body still reeling from the orgasm and walls fluttering around his cock.
He chuckled, pushing a second finger in once you relaxed once more. “To take us both of course.”
Mingi’s eyes went wide, eyebrows scrunched so far up it was almost comical, but you couldn’t laugh considering you were just as shocked.
“Excuse me?” You gasped out, bouncing on his cock once more as he picked up his pace.
“You heard me love. I want you to take both of our cocks in your sweet cunt. What better way to see if this will work? To show we can really share? Other than by sharing your sweet fucking pussy?” He pulled out slowly with each sentence just to slam in before starting the next, tits bouncing with each thrust and hardened nipples scraping against Mingi’s chest.
“Thought I was getting punished?” Mingi groaned beneath you, clearly trying his best not to move but he was lifting his chest just a bit to feel your tits on you more, his tongue constantly flicking out as he watched them.
Christian let go of your hair to instead grab your throat and you could feel the metal of his rings against your esophagus as he leaned forward. “Have you not yet realized I want you too big boy? And I want to feel that pretty fucking cock rubbing against mine as her delicious cunt squeezes us both so tightly we’re seeing heaven.”
You and Mingi both whined at that, resulting in a chuckle from Christian as he pushed in a third finger and pushed them apart to stretch you out even more. It was a bit uncomfortable, never having been so stretched out before, but you knew this was nothing compared to how they would both feel inside you.
Once the man felt satisfied, he pulled out completely, dropping your neck gently before he flipped you around so your back was against Mingi’s chest. “Hold her legs.”
Mingi complied immediately, his head slotted next to yours as his hands were gripping the back of your knees and holding your legs up and wide.
Christian grinned at the sight, tongue playing with his bottom lip while he took a moment to touch you both. “Such a pretty cock-” He was gripping Mingi’s shaft now, lifting it to line his tip with your cunt you were sure was gaping for them, “-and such a beautiful pussy. Going to look so good, all connected, yeah?”
Meeting Mingi’s eyes, Christian nodded in a silent command before watching Mingi push in, shifting you down his body a little so you could take more of his cock easier. With how stretched out you were, Mingi slipped in so easy but there was still a stretch the deeper he went and it felt amazing. You could never get used to how good he felt inside, each time just as new and exciting as the first.
“I could get used to watching this.” Christian hummed before adjusting himself to crouch on his feet, adjusting himself so that his own cock lined up with your entrance. He braced himself on the back of your thing, guiding his tip in before bringing his thumb to your clit. He rubbed soft circles as he pushed in, attempting to be gentle as the stretch was now painful. “I know love, but you can take it. You’re such a good girl, I know you can take it. Mmm look at that, halfway in.” He paused, panting.
“So… fucking… tight-” MIngi groaned against your ear, voice gruff from his own pleasure. You knew he was trying to control himself, his grip almost bruising as he watched Christian continue to push in while rubbing your bundle of nerves.
Soon enough they were both balls deep inside you, all three of you panting from the effort as you tried to adjust but they felt so big and you couldn’t stop clenching down around them. Mingi sounded as if he was one thrust away from cumming inside you, and maybe that was all the three of you had.
Christian didn’t stop rubbing your clit, easing away the pain until you were whimpering and grabbing his forearm. “P-please- just fuck me already. Wanna cum with you both. Wanna fill how big I get.” Your other hand pressed down on your lower stomach, and that was the final trigger.
They both began to thrust into you harshly, your cries quickly filling the room as your head fell back. “Oh fuck oh God yes yes please!” quickly became too jumbled up to be decipherable from the intense pleasure they fucked into you.
It was unlike anything you had ever felt, so full, so thoroughly stretched out with every single nerve ending getting rubbed just right that you were on the cusp of soaking all of you.
When Mingi reached up and grabbed the back of Christian’s neck, pulling him down to crush his lips to his own, you hit your release with a silent scream. Your walls pulsated around them both,adding pressure that had them moaning into each other’s mouths until they were filling you up just as you promised.
The three of you were a sweaty, convulsing mess as you rode out your climaxes together, panting in each other’s ears and struggling to remember how your lungs work.
You tapped Christian’s shoulder, turning your head to kiss him, the Mingi, taking turns swapping spit and tongue and watching them do the same until their softening cocks and the leaking cum was becoming uncomfortable.
“S-shower?” You rasped out, gently pushing Mingi’s hands off you so your legs could straight out a bit, pushing Christian off in the process.
“We can.” The aussie grinned as he sat next to you both. “Or we can try a few more dynamics?”
You playfully hit his shoulder, glancing back at Mingi. “We’ll have plenty of time for that, won’t we baby? You did say forever right?”
Mingi blushed a bit but nodded. “Yes… You have us both.”
You licked your lips, cupping both of their cheeks. “Mmm, two of the hottest, most adorable dorks, just for me?”
“Just for you.” They said together, grins almost matching. You could live with that.
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| @minheeskitten | @sousydive | @alextheweeb7 | @thesafecafe | @euphoricem
| @meepsters-world | @mysticfire0435 | @yejisuu | @apriecotte | @amphiroxx 
| @cloudysannie | @sugarnspice630 | @isiloiale | @plutoneu | @venn-ie
| @therealcuppicake | @lavishloving | @pearltinyy | @vampiregirl215
| @heihaneul | @gugggu6gvai | @oddinaryxfever | @smally97 | @pandagirl-016
| @hecateslittlewitchling | @arinyyy | @lovelgirl22 | @stayatinykatsy | @noone356097 |
@bunnliix | @skteezcursed
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bro-atz · 6 months
violet crazy form
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in which: dpr ian said "there was no silence, baby between you and me" and ateez added "just move however you want".
pair: dpr ian (christian yu)/park seonghwa/song mingi/afab!reader
word count: 3.2k
content: smut, nicknames (baby, darling), oral sex, dressing room sex, breeding kink, unprotected sex (remember to wrap up irl!), oral sex, anal sex, a lil voyeurism, somewhat filthy, praise kink, completely consensual!
rated: R | nsfw — minors do not interact
author's note: an unofficial part two to going insane... let's blame @skteezcursed for this one 🤠 also thank @sanspuppet for writing this bc w/o it, you wouldn't have gotten the setting for this ALSO there is no daddy/mommy kink this time okay? okay
networks: @cromernet @cultofdionysusnet @atzhouse
taglist: @k-hotchoisan @eyeryis @sinnarols @sunshineangel-reads @hwallazia @dazzlingstarrs @dutchessskarma @yourlocaljonghoe @st4rhwa @frobin4ever @sanhwajjong @certifiedmoa @therealcuppicake @yuyubeans @hyunukitty @startlinglyoongi @hyukssunflower @chewyhotteoks @alexwritesfics @dinossaurz @woomyteez @/skteezcursed @yessa-vie @sanglix @minkilicious @isiloiale @ywtfvs @nebulousbrainsoup apply for the permanent taglist here!
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Seonghwa decided to invite you and Christian to the ATEEZ concert. The two of you got a beautiful view of the gorgeous man wearing the skimpiest of outfits while doing the sluttiest of dances, and needless to say, you were getting all sorts of hot and bothered. It certainly did not help that Christian had his hand on your ass the entire concert, and whenever Seonghwa did something particularly sultry, he’d give your ass a nice, tight squeeze, making more arousal pool in your panties.
You and Christian ended up going backstage after the concert— Seonghwa told the two of you to go to his dressing room and wait for him after the concert, so you and Christian found yourselves waiting for the other man to arrive.
You were trying to wait patiently while Christian, on the other hand, seemed to be very impatient. It seemed as though Seonghwa’s performance got him all riled up.
“Darling,” the man whispered in your ear, his arm snaking around your waist as he faced you. “What do you say we relax a little before Seonghwa gets here?”
“What did you have in mind, Ian?” you whispered as you felt his fingers slip under the waistband of your pants.
“I was thinking a little bit of this…” Christian started leaving kisses along your neck. Then, his hand cupped your ass, his fingers teasing your asshole as he continued, “And some of this…”
You stifled a moan as his middle finger went into your ass, his finger moving inside you. You clung to his shoulders as he continued to finger your ass and leave sloppier kisses on your neck. Your hands moved from his shoulders to his hair as his hold on you got a lot more sensual, his other hand pulling your thigh up so you could wrap your leg around his. He brought his lips to yours, leaving you with large, wet kisses as his hips slowly rolled into yours, the man dry humping you.
Little gasps and moans left you as Christian held you tighter, his hard on pressing against your body and nearly searing a hole through your clothes. You were drawn so deep into his kisses that you didn’t even hear the dressing room door creak open.
On the other side of the door was a very shocked spectator. Mingi, who had left his phone in Seonghwa’s dressing room, had returned to claim it, but when he approached the room, he could hear that someone was inside there. So, he opened the door a crack and saw way more than he was expecting. Sure, he knew about yours and Christian’s relationship with the eldest of the group, but he never thought about the intimate aspects of your relationship. What was worse was that he couldn’t bring himself to look away. He swallowed nervously as he peered through the crack, his pants getting tighter as he watched Christian pull his hand out of your pants to lower them. He ran his tongue over his dry lips as your ass slowly got revealed to the frigid air of the room, his cock yearning for freedom when he saw Christian pat your ass and make it jiggle.
“Mingi?” Seonghwa asked, startling the poor boy who was turned on to the max at that point. “What’re you doing?”
“I— Well— My phone— I didn’t—” Mingi stuttered, his entire body flushing with red hot embarrassment.
Seonghwa didn’t even bother waiting for Mingi to finish his sentiment. He peered through the opening to see you and Christian standing intimately close, your pants and panties dropped to your ankles as Christian’s fingers slipped between your legs from behind.
“Oh, you’re peeping on them, are you?” Seonghwa teased Mingi.
“W-What?! No!”
Mingi tried to brush past Seonghwa, but he failed when Seonghwa grabbed him by the shoulders. He turned the man around and steered him into the dressing room, the sound of the door opening and closing startling both you and Christian.
“M-Mingi?!” you exclaimed while desperately trying to cover your exposed skin.
Christian, however, was having none of that. He grabbed your arms and held them behind your back, giving Mingi a nice view of your bare legs and ass.
“What’s he doing here?” Christian asked, amusement laced in his voice.
“Looks like someone wants a piece of our darling,” Seonghwa responded with the same tone of voice. He walked Mingi closer to you and Christian before asking, “Should we share?”
“I don’t see why not.”
Before either you or Mingi could protest— you both were equally embarrassed by the situation— Christian pulled you up so that you were clinging to him, your legs wrapped around his waist, while Seonghwa covered Mingi’s mouth and used his sheer strength to move the man around the room. Christian ended up pinning you on the couch in the room, your clothes rapidly flying off you as he undressed you until you were stark naked. Seonghwa, meanwhile, sat Mingi down on the couch next to you, his hands holding the shy man’s wrists to keep him from covering his face or his crotch.
“Here, Mingi,” Seonghwa said with a low, sultry voice as he directed his attention to you. “Take a better look at our darling.”
Christian held your chin in place, forcing you to make eye contact with Mingi as his eyes slowly make their way from your legs up to your face. His face was flushed and his lips were slightly parted as he looked you down and up, his pants so tight that you could see the outline of his thick cock.
“Look at him looking at you as if he could eat you up,” Christian commented. “What do you say, darling? Do you want to give him a taste?”
Licking your lips, you nodded slowly, nearly making Mingi swoon. He looked at Seonghwa, who responded with an affirming nod, his hands finally letting go of Mingi’s. Gulping, Mingi fully turned his body towards you, his head lowering to your thighs. You watched as he pressed his lips together nervously before slowly running his tongue from your knee up to your hip bone. Your entire body trembled when you felt his large hands hold your thighs and spread them open, revealing the glistening slick covering your pulsating pussy.
The second Mingi licked a stripe from the bottom from your cunt to the top, your entire body trembled. You arched your back and let out a soft, long moan, your hands automatically reaching for his hair. But, before you could lace his soft locks through your fingers, Christian grabbed your hands. He kept a tight grasp on one of them and held it to his chest while he brought the other to his face, taking your fingers into his mouth.
Mingi slurped up your arousal, his tongue working on sliding through your folds the more he fixated on eating you out. He kept his focus on you, leaving Seonghwa to start stripping the man down before ridding himself of his outfit. He started palming himself as the lewd noises of Mingi licking and slurping you out got louder, filling the dressing room with more sexual tension. It was when he flicked his tongue against your clit wildly did you let out a moan that overpowered the previous sounds, your body convulsing as you came with Mingi’s tongue alone.
“Did that make you feel good, darling?” Seonghwa chuckled.
You whimpered and nodded while blinking stars and tears away from your vision. Through bleary eyes, you watched as Mingi sat up, his no longer hunched body revealed his defined torso and his stiff, throbbing, fat cock. He was breathing heavily and somewhat erratically, your cum dripping from his chin onto his heaving chest, making your body flush with warmth.
You were totally out of it when the men shuffled around. Within seconds, you were pinning Seonghwa down on the couch, Mingi was standing in front of you, and Christian was standing behind you. While Christian got busy with undressing himself, Seonghwa ran his fingers through your hair and brought your head down, meeting his lips with yours. He kissed you passionately, his tongue slipping into your mouth and dancing with yours, making your toes curl and your arms tremble. 
Christian gave you no warning when he spread your asscheeks before promptly shoving his thick cock into your quivering cunt. You nearly bit Seonghwa’s lip in surprise when you felt the man behind you fill you up with his cock, your entire body lurching upon feeling him.
He was inside you, but he didn’t move. Instead, he leaned over you and placed his hand around your neck, bringing your head up so that you were no longer kissing Seonghwa. Christian left a feather of a kiss against your jaw before murmuring into your ear, “Why don’t you take Mingi into your mouth, darling? You should return the favor, after all.”
You looked up at Mingi, his hand holding the base of his hard cock. You ran your tongue over your lower lip before parting your lips, beckoning the man towards you. With a shuddering inhale, Mingi placed the tip of his cock at your lips, his entire body tensing the second he felt the warmth from your lips seep into his cockhead.
Christian stood upright, allowing Mingi to place his hand on the back of your head and bring your mouth down his cock, the length immediately making you gag. You heard Mingi utter a profanity under his breath as he gently guided you. Christian, meanwhile, started rutting into you slowly, the friction from both men’s cocks warming you up immediately.
Seonghwa took the opportunity to sit up slightly and begin sucking on your tits, one mouth on one while his hand pinched the other. While he toyed with your nipples, he brought his free hand to your waist and gripped it lightly, your entire body overstimulated with all three men pleasuring you one way or another. You couldn’t help but moan as Seonghwa’s hand strayed from your waist and to your clit, his finger rolling your clit daintily, the slight touch driving you crazy. And it certainly did not help when Seonghwa slipped his own cock into your cunt, sharing the cozy space with Christian, who bit back a moan the second you tensed up feeling both cocks inside you.
Both the man behind you and the man under you started slamming their waists into you, their cocks making you tighter with every thrust. You couldn’t help but cry and whine when you felt their pace quicken, both cocks practically hitting your cervix together.
Mingi couldn’t take it when he felt the vibration from your throat. He held the back of your head tightly and shoved his cock so far down your mouth that it hit the back of your throat, making you gag yet again. You heard him sharply inhale through his teeth as his fingers laced through your hair and held on tightly, his cum spurting into your mouth and covering your tongue and throat.
“Fuck,” Mingi groaned as he emptied himself. “That was— Oh! Fuck!”
The poor guy couldn’t even vocalize his thoughts— you had decided to wrap your fingers around his cock and pump him even more, his cock firming up in your mouth once again.
“Did you swallow, darling?” Seonghwa, detaching himself from your breast, asked you softly.
You hadn’t yet. Taking Mingi out of your mouth, you looked right up at him while stifling a moan when you felt Christian’s hips snap sharply against yours, and swallowed, your eyes wide as you looked up at him.
The innocent look on your face was too much for Mingi to handle. He desperately wanted to fuck you, but he didn’t know how to ask you or the two older men for permission. Luckily, he didn’t need to.
“Mingi, you want to fuck our darling, too, don’t you?” Christian asked upon seeing the look on the man’s face.
Before long, you were on Christian’s lap facing away from him, your back pressing against his firm chest, his cock standing up and in between your legs. Mingi was facing you once more, his knee pressing into the couch as his cock neared your gaping pussy.
“Sit up for me, darling,” Christian drawled into your ear. “You’re going to take me in your ass.”
Listening well, you sat properly as Christian’s hands went under your ass and spread your asshole enough for his cock to go inside you, a loud groan leaving your lungs as you felt him fill up your asshole. You flung your head back and reached behind you, your fingers running through his locks and grabbing onto his roots tightly as he sat you all the way down on his length fully.
Mingi loved the sight of your eyes rolling to the back of your head and seeing your lower lip tucked between your teeth sexily— he always thought you were so fucking sexy, and seeing you actually getting fucked out by the two men including himself made the blood rush faster through his body. He impatiently lifted your legs and moved them back so that your thighs were pressed against your breasts before shoving his own cock deep inside you.
You were pretty much bent in half, making it easier for Mingi’s immense size to go all the way through you until his cock hit your cervix, your entire body trembling and immediately making you cum. But, he refused to pull out, making you squirt messily onto him and the man below you. You cried loudly as you came, both Mingi and Christian starting to properly pleasure you as they both began moving your body for you, one of Christian’s arms wrapped around your torso and the other clutching your thigh while Mingi had one hand on your other leg and the other around your neck.
Seonghwa, who was standing on the side and watching with a slight smile of amusement on his face, knelt next to Christian, his cock twitching and waiting for some action. He ran his fingers through your hair and brought his cock to your face, the tip prodding at your lips, prompting you to open your mouth and let him in.
“What a good girl,” he whispered to you as he stroked your hair and shoved his cock deep in your mouth. “You’re taking all three of us so well, darling.”
You couldn’t help but muffle out a pleased moan‚ you loved it when Seonghwa called you a good girl, after all. You looked up at Seonghwa through hazy eyes to see him bite his lower lip sultrily, his own half-lidded, lust filled eyes making contact with yours. He bunched up your hair and began moving your head at his pace while the other two men moved your body at a much faster pace.
Mingi was already close. Just feeling the flutter of your walls against his stiff cock drove him crazy, and it was getting harder and harder for him to keep himself together. He desperately wanted to cum, and he wanted to cum inside you, but he held back. He was determined to ask for permission before doing so.
Christian, meanwhile, was thrusting into you relentlessly. His hand had found your breast, so while one hand was moving you at his will, the other was kneading your breast hard, making electricity zap through your nerves every time he squeezed your breast just right. It wasn’t until Mingi brought his hand from your calf to your clit and started toying with it did you absolutely lose it. You released Seonghwa’s cock and forced both the men fucking your cunt and ass to let you be so you could finally, finally, cum comfortably. You lifted yourself off Christian’s lap and rubbed your cunt several times before pulling your clit upwards and cumming, your loud whining moan echoing in the room as you covered everyone in your arousal.
“Oh, darling,” Christian chuckled lowly in your ear. “You better take our cocks back in you. We’re not fucking done with you yet.”
You let out a whimper when you felt Mingi’s cock slide right back in you with ease, you let out a loud moan when Christian’s cock stretched out your asshole again, and you let out a cry when Mingi rammed his cock all the way inside you that he hit your cervix repeatedly. Your cries, however, were muffled the second Seonghwa shoved his cock into your mouth and fucked your face roughly, his hold on your hair tighter.
“Look at me, baby,” Seonghwa uttered as he pulled your head so that you would look at him. “Hollow out your cheeks.”
You did as he asked, earning a groan of pleasure from the man.
“Yes,” he hissed. “Just like that… You’re such a good girl.”
The praise from the man was enough to make you clench, nearly making Mingi lose his goddamn mind. He pulled out of you and began stroking himself, readying himself to cum on your body. However, you wanted all three men to fill you up, so you took Seonghwa out of your mouth again to whine, “Cum inside me, Mingi!”
You didn’t need to tell him twice. Within seconds, Mingi was inside of you again, his cock deep inside you as he came, his cum spurting inside you. He let out a long, lows groan of his own as he filled you up with his cum, his hands clenching your thighs and ass. You let out a tiny giggle as you felt his cum warm you up, only for that giggle to get cut short when Seonghwa pulled your head back towards his cock, the tip pressing against your lips.
While Seonghwa wordlessly fucked your mouth, Christian’s cock was still deep in your asshole. He pushed his face into the nook of your neck and left little kisses on your skin as he fucked you, his waist slamming upwards every so often in between his regular thrusts. He kept whispering, “yes, darling,” and “just like that, baby,” when he felt your ass tighten up to the point that he nearly feared you would take his dick off.
“Darling,” Christian said, his breath hitching. “I’m cumming!”
You could barely respond. You hummed, making Seonghwa shiver when he felt the vibration from your mouth, and before long, both men were cumming— Christian in your ass, and Seonghwa in your mouth. Christian stayed deep inside you while Seonghwa held your head in place, forcing you to cum while looking up at him with big, doe eyes.
“You enjoyed that, didn’t you, darling?” Seonghwa chuckled as he let go of his grasp on your hair, Christian smoothing your hair out for you.
“Mmhmm,” you managed out, the words evading you as your body surged with pleasure.
“You seemed to enjoy that, too, Mingi,” Christian couldn’t help but note.
Mingi could only nod— there were absolutely no words he could summon to describe how he felt in that moment.
“Of course he did,” Seonghwa held your cheeks with one hand and moved your head so you looked right at Mingi, his nose nuzzling into your hair slightly as he continued, “She’s our good girl.”
“Yes. She’s our darling, alright.”
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kiestrokes · 1 year
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Sexual Styles Headcanons NSFW MTL Breed Kinks NSFW Caring for You: Chronic Illness Edition SFW As Cringy Pick-Up Lines NSFW Stoned Sex NSFW MTL Virgin Kink NSFW Fave Lingerie Colors NSFW
「 BTS 」
Drunk & Horny Headcanons NSFW BTS and their Secret Socials Headcanons SFW MTL Praise Kink NSFW
12 Lays of Kinkmas Masterlist SFW & NSFW
Will Scream for Soju SFW Featuring: Friend!Reader x OT7
Keeping the Cadence NSFW Featuring: Fellow Military!Reader x Jung Hoseok
Anti-Hero NSFW Featuring: Reader x Boyfriend!Kim Namjoon
Geonbae Pt.1 ✧ Geonbae Pt.2 NSFW Featuring: Reader x Fuckboy!Park Jimin ft. Kwon Soonyoung and OC!besties 🎧 the playlist 🖼️ the moodboard
Full Service NSFW Featuring: Noona!Reader x Idol!Jeon Jungguk
「 Seventeen 」
Autumnal This or That SFW Troop Seventeen: Badge Ceremony SFW
As Sex Workers NSFW
「 SHINee 」
Soft Kinks That Lead to Hard Hours NSFW
「 Stray Kids 」
MTL Aftercare Sandwich NSFW MTL House Husbands SFW SKZ in The Hunger Games NSFW SKZ Noona Kink NSFW Fave Lingerie Color NSFW
Eyes on Fire SFW Featuring: Werewolf!Han Jisung x Vampire!Lee Minho
astringe NSFW Featuring: Best Friend!Reader x Hwang Hyunjin
「 Multi 」
K-Pop Stan Q's (first edition) Idols as The Goonies SFW BTS, ATEEZ & SKZ in a John Hughes Film SFW Bias List as Millennial Cult Book Series SFW EXO-L x atiny SFW
「 Soft Hours 」 SFW
Recovering from a minor surgery… Featuring: Kim Seokjin of BTS. Song Mingi of ATEEZ. Lee Taeyong of NCT. Lim Jaebeom of GOT7.
the autumnal special Featuring: Christian Yu aka DPR Ian. Jeong Yunho of ATEEZ. Byun Baekhyun of EXO.
「 Hard Hours 」 NSFW
Touch Starved Featuring: Jung Wooyoung of ATEEZ. Kim Mingyu of SVT. Lee Minhyuck of BTOB.
Partner Won't Let You Sleep SFW & NSFW Featuring: Vampire!Park Sunghoon of ENHYPEN. Kim Seungmin of SKZ. Liu Yangyang of NCT. Lee Taemin of SHINee.
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© COPYRIGHT 2021 - 2024 by kiestrokes All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be reproduced without written permission from the author. This includes translations.
These are works of fiction; I do not own any of the idols depicted above.
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lvndr-thghts · 2 years
discord kpop fc 1x1's
hi, i'm andie! i'm currently looking for some long-term discord rp partners, 21+ only please. i'm in the est timezone and i'm free all week after five usually! i primarily write mxf and i happily do doubles, though i'm also down for some fxf! i write in third person, present tense. also-- i only write oc's. i do not play real people. (sorry bandom fans.)
in terms of plots i'm interested in, i generally lean toward rl angst (totally down for smut, too!) but i'm happy to do cute fluff every now and then as well. gimme toxic co-dependent relationships, gimme roommates with sexual tension, gimme long-term one sided pining- and that's just off the top of my head, i love adding depth and discussing plots/headcanons/random ideas with my partners so if you do too, we'd probably be a great match!
i primarily use k-pop face claims (only 18+) for oc's/muses as well as korean actors/actresses, thai actors/actresses, etc. and i'd like it if we had similar taste as well! i'm also not opposed to making twins for faces we both happen to love, i think it'd be really fun! as a side note- i'll literally play any face you're feeling. i'm not picky about my muses at all.
here's a list of some groups/faces i'm feeling rn:
(this is by no means a comprehensive list and if the group is listed i'm prob willing to play anyone in it, these are just my faves, bold indicates favorites to play as, italics indicate favorites to play against)
BG's: astro (eunwoo, rocky, moonbin), ateez (san, mingi, yunho, wooyoung, seonghwa, yeosang, hongjoong), the boyz (juyeon), exo (kai, baekhyun), got7 (jackson, mark, bambam, jayb), monsta x (changkyun, hyungwon, wonho, kihyun), nct 127 (jaehyun!!!, johnny, yuta, mark, taeyong), seventeen (mingyu, the8, joshua) skz (bang chan, hyunjin, lee know), wayv (ten, xiaojun, winwin, hendery)
GG's: aespa (karina, winter, ningning), billlie, blackpink (jennie, jisoo, lisa), dreamcatcher, everglow, g(idle) (miyeon, soyeon, yuqi, minnie), itzy (yeji, ryujin, yuna), kep1er, loona (jinsoul, yves, heejin), red velvet (joy, seulgi, irene, wendy), twice (sana!!!, jihyo, mina, tzuyu, momo), wjsn, xg
SOLOISTS: christian yu/dpr ian!!!, woodz, b.i, dpr live, chungha, sunmi, iu, jeon somi
if you're interested at all in building a beautiful world and fangirling over our faves together, you can either send me an ask/im with your discord, interact with this post, or message me on here and i'll get back to you if i think we're a good fit! thanks for taking the time to read!
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home-krp · 2 years
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the following muses are free to be roleplayed! ahn hyejin / hwasa ( mamamoo ) choi mingi / ren ( nu'est ) dejun xiao / xiaojun ( wayv ) im changkyun ( monsta x ) jeon jeongguk ( bts ) kang hyunggu ( pentagon ) kim mingyu ( seventeen ) kim minjeong / winter ( aespa ) kunhang wong / hendery ( wayv ) lee chaeryeong ( itzy ) lee chaeyoung ( fromis_9 ) lee chan ( seventeen ) lee seoyeon ( fromis_9 ) momo hirai ( twice ) min yoongi ( bts ) park jiwon ( fromis_9 ) sana minatozaki ( twice ) wi hajoon ( actor ) yu christian ( soloist )
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sunnyhyu · 2 years
fic rec masterlist
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Welcome, all, to my fic recomendations! this masterlist is always a work in progress (because i have so many damn fics i need to put in here!). 18+ fics will be marked with an X, and my favorite fics are marked with 🧸
Content Warnings Disclaimer (please read!)
Happy reading
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[sugar rush] florist reader, baker seonghwa, mutual pining, slightly suggestive, friends(?) to lovers
[overworking] drabble, fluff, reader overworks themselves and honjoong takes care of them
[chicken noodle soup] fluff, established relationship, taking care of sick san, san is super in love 🧸  
[soybean stew] smut, lots of fluff, san is so in love 
[bubble boy] fluff, neighbors, friends to lovers, nurse reader, accident-prone mingi
[in each others arms] roomates to lovers, fluff, bed sharing, soft 
[my way] personal knight mingi, princess reader, fluff, angst, violence, suggestive
[don’t read that, the lyrics aren’t ready yet] fluff, friends to lovers 
[veloxrotophobia] smut, fluff, strangers to lovers, reader is afraid of rollercoasters, mingi is hot X
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Stray Kids
[things best friends don’t do: hyung line] suggestive, flirty, teasing, drabbles
[things best friends don’t do: maknae line] suggestive, flirty, teasing, drabbles
[no nut november] smut, series, all members, completed X
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Joohoney / Jooheon
[i love you] fluff, drabble, soft kisses
[summer storm] fluff, established relationship, reader scared of storms, pillow fort
[doctor] fluff, pediatrician!jooheon, reader has a niece, needles/shots
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[sprung] suggestive, best friend's older brother moonbin, kinda friend's to lovers, moonbin is WHIPPED, heavy make out
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Soloists / Rappers
DPR Ian / Christian Yu
[mr insanity] angst, mentions of suic*de, fluff, mental unwellness warnings, strangers to kinda lovers 
[roommates] mentions of blood, roommates to lovers, oneshot, fluff, cuddles, christian has a gf (no infidelity warnings) 
[maps] short series, smut, christian is whipped for reader, friends to lovers, lots of cuddles, lots of kisses, fluff X
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hobeemin · 4 years
beezy’s catalogue
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🔫 Action/Crime/Mafia |🥀 Angst | 📚 College/Slice of Life | 👅 Comedy/Crack | 🏆 Completed Works | 🎭 Drama | 👑 Fantasy | 🍦 Fluff | 😴 Hiatus | 🎄 Holiday | 🧟‍♀️ Horror | 🎤 Idol | 👄 Mature/Smut | 💗 Romance | 👾 Sci-fi | 📱 SmAu | 👻 Supernatural | 🚨 Under reconstruction
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🗝 Ateez
Sticky Sweet 👄 (Song Mingi)
The Visit 👄👻 (Kim Hongjong & Park Seonghwa)
Kim Seokjin
Min Yoongi
Jung Hoseok
Kim Namjoon
Park Jimin
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook
Inked 🍦💗👄 (Christian Yu)
🗝 GOT7
Eros et Psyche: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 💗👑🎭 (Im Jaebeom)
Drunk on You 🎭🍦👄💗 (Im Jaebeom)
Irreplaceable 🥀🎭 (Park Jinyoung)
Cruel 🥀👄👻 (Jackson Wang)
🗝 Monsta X
The Spider's Web 🔫🥀👄 (Im Changkyun)
After Dark 👄 (Johnny Suh & Jeong Yoonoh)
🗝 Seventeen
Stop, Kiss 🍦📚👅💗 (Joshua Hong)
🗝 Shinee
Take the Lead 💗👄 (Lee Taemin)
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114 notes · View notes
huihuiheart · 4 years
who are all your biases? maybe we can thing of a name based on one of them
Y’all better buckle up, cause this is gonna get intense and a lot are disbanded, but since most are underrated it’ll probably help you find them. It’s also pretty much just guys, because that already took long enough to do and I feel like I’m still forgetting people:
BTS: Jimin
SKZ: Hyunjin
Ateez: Seonghwa Mingi and Woo be tryin tho
Pentagon: Kino
EXO: Xiumin
Victon: Hanse
Seventeen: Jun
Teen Top: L.Joe and CAP
BAP: Zelo
IMFACT: Taeho and Ungjae
14u: BS, Eunjae, Dohyuk, Sejin
Varsity: Damon, DaWon, Jaebin, Seungbo
MVP: PK, Sion
BLK: Taebin
BlockB: B-Bomb, U-Kwon
NCT: Yuta, Taeil, Johnny, Lucas
Got7: Yugyeom
iKon: BI and DK
Halo: Heechun and Jaeyong
High4: Youngjun
IZ: Hyunjun
JBJ: Hyunbin and Taehyun
Monsta X: Changkyun Wonho
NewKidd: Hansol, Jiann, and Hwi
Nu’est: Ren
Nine Percent: Xukun, Ziyi, Xiao Gui
Royal Pirates: Moon
Seven O’Clock: Taeyoung and Hangyeom
SF9:Hwiyoung, Zuho, Rowoon, Inseong, and Taeyang
Xeno-T: B-Joo, Xero, and Hansol
TST: Ain
Up10tion: Xiao and Kuhn
VAV: Ayno
Solo: Dean, ph-1, Bloo, Christian Yu, Crush, DPR Live, Jay Park, Gray, Ash Island, Nafla.
There’s a lot more I know too, but I wouldn’t necessarily say I have “biases” or anything. Mostly just I like their music and performances.
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firephens · 4 years
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kweebtrash · 5 years
About Me
Sagittarius sun, scorpio moon, taurus rising (i know, im sorry)
I speak english and spanish (kinda poorly but i understand everything)
insert stereotypical im a “weeb, nerd, gamer, metalhead” shit here
i’m no longer writing kpop fanfics but i am writing other stories on my main tumblr @sad--succubus
if we used to talk on here and you’d like to reconnect, please still message me on either blog. i will answer either way. i’ve been away for a long time but i’d like to find the friends i used to talk to.
2nd Gen Kpop stan
Girl Groups (some i know the members, some i just like the music): 2ne1, f(x), Girls Generation, CLC, Red Velvet, G-idle, EXID, Mamamoo, 4Minute, Wondergirls, Sistar, Blackpink 
Boy Groups (some i know the members, some i just like the music) Pentagon, NCT 127, Monsta X, Stray Kids, Ateez, WayV, Seventeen, ACE, Victon, BAP, Got7, Big Bang, EXO, SuJu, Shinee, Block B, iKon, Winner, VIXX, 
Co-Ed KARD, Triple H, Troublemaker
Solos Jessi, DPRLive, DPRIan, Jooyoung, G-Dragon, Taeyang, Hyuna, Dawn, Gray, Dean, Bloo, Woodz, Jay Park, Zico, Mino, Bobby, Holland, Sik-k, Huta, Flowsik, Ravi, Crush, Giriboy, Sunmi, Hyolyn, Hwasa
Ults (Girl): #1-Hwasa, #2-Hyuna, #3-Jessi, #4-Irene
Ults (Boys): (Past #1) Taeyang, (Past #2) Yoongi, Current #1- Johnny Suh, Current #2- Yang Hongseok
Some Other Biases: Mark Tuan (Got7), Mingi (Ateez), Mingyu (SVT), Irene (Red Velvet), LE (EXID), Youngguk (BAP), Seungwoo (Victon), Kun (WayV), Eunhyuk (SuJu), Hyungwon (MX), Felix (SKZ), Sehun (Exo), B.M & Jiwoo (KARD), BK (ACE), Taeil (Block B), Leo (VIXX)
Who I Write For:
Other Possible Groups (that i've thought about but havent really started anything)
Wonwoo *
Red Velvet:
Hwasa * 
Monster Woo
Christian Yu
*Have written or featured in stories already
What I Write:
Smut, Angst, sporadic fluff, Full length series, one-shots, drabbles
Exploring & explaining kinks/BDSM, queer/POC issues, POC characters, reader inserts/ambiguous reader (but please assume that my stories are made specifically for people of color), mental health issues, suicide/death, (light) substance abuse (not addiction really), partying, some sexual assault
Warnings and features (what the goods for the sex scene are) are written above the story
I have OCs in 2 of my series and i occasionally add characterization to (ambiguous) reader fics.
For ambiguous reader fics i still try and stay away from descriptive words (for hair, skin, body shape, etc) as much as possible
i do write mostly for afab people (in sexual situations, of which all of my stories have). Sometimes i write sex scenes from the male perspective
I use mostly she pronouns in stories and sometimes they/them (still for afab person)
i have written a single chapter of idolxidol (explicit sex and kissing) and write mentions of it (like exes and relationships a/o experiences) but its not my forte or specific thing i go for. I dont normally ship the members of a group. (Exceptions are JohnJae and Johnta, but again not my forte or first thing i go for)
I dont take requests anymore (because it takes me forever to complete one and i need to be in the right mood & headspace.)
i don’t rp/erp
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gamerwoo · 5 years
This was gonna be an ask, but I was running out of spanxe quick, so
Alright, we doing this. Ships, who do I ship Rocket with.
Seventeen- so, I’m not saying this Bc he is one of her ults, but honestly, Mingyu. I think they would work really well and balance each other out well.
Pentagon- so, I’m still new to them and know a good portion of each of their personalities, but I’m still not 100%, so bare with me. I see Wooseok? Like, he is really tall, he is a baby, but Also seems pretty mature for being the youngest. I think they would work well together. I also do see Yuto, but I didn’t want to put him bc I just did another one of her Ults. OH OH- OKAY, WAIT. Hongseok. Yes. Okay. Good.
Lala la, another groups she and I both stan, think Star, I know you are sleep deprived but you do have a brain (not sure how many cells though)
I wanna say Ateez but I’m not the greatest on their personalities, but I’m thinking maybe Mingi, but he also acts like the youngest (even though he is one of the youngests) but I think it needs to be balanced, ya know? I keep saying that, and I don’t meaning it in any way but that they compliment each other. If they were both wild then they could get into a lot of trouble, and stomach aches bc Rocket would consume a lot of ice cream. But then again, he is also p-chill. So yeah. We will go with Mingi.
SF9- Hwiyoung. Thought it from the beginning. He would literally a d o r e Rocket. Think any and everything she did was amazing. Would look at her like that one kid looked at ketchup. So much love. And he seems like he would love to cuddle. And Rocket, although shy, is all for that. (Plus they are both shy babies and uwu)
I keep leaning towards rappers. Maybe bc people think they are hard core and stuff, but most of the time they are the fluffiest babies.
Exo- I wanna say like, Chanyeol or Sehun. Like, just, yeah, no specific reasonings, just who I thought would fit best. Maybe Lay too though
UNINE- they are all kinda like, begeals, but I keep thinking Wenhan bc although he is loud and crazy, he can also be really serious when needed. Also tried to find compromises.
I wanted to do Monsta X, and I know them, but I don’t know them know them. But probably IM
NCT, Johnny. He is just a whole ass boyfriend, and I just see it?
They are all I thought of atm, but uh, yee
Bonus- Christian Yu. He would love to take pictures of Rocket and include her in lives and such. Plus he wants someone who is passionate about what they do, it doesn’t matter what they do, as long as they love it, and Rocket is a really passionate person, so
SDKJHFKDS S T A R WHY DID YOU DO ALL OF TH I S (but I appreciate it I smiled a lot)
which idol do u ship me w and why :]
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potatomountain · 10 days
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🔥 -smut. 💥- suggestive 💢-angst. 🧸-fluff. 💫-collab. 💬-Smau 💀 -dark themes: triggering subjects such as death, drugs, violence, etc. 🌀- GN/amab reader. 🌈- member x member or mxm content WIP/Coming soon Main Masterlist Series~ nothing yet
One-shots~ 🔥Bet Gone Right? - ft JWY, CJH 🧸 🔥Mingi Birthday One-shot 💫💢🔥 Just For Tonight 💢🔥🌈 Two Just for You -pt2 of Just for Tonight- ft DPR Ian/Christian Yu Shaboom - ft WY
FFF and Kinktober pieces: 💢🔥🌈 *739 Mingi - ft Yeosang 🔥Pet Play - ft JYH🔥Gets caught watching- ft JYH 🔥Day 11- Somnophilia🔥Day 18- Size Kink -ft JYH🔥Day 21- Aphrodisiacs/overstimulation 🔥Day 26- Tentacle sex
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firephens · 4 years
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