#mine's the nanokumas!
funishment-time · 19 days
i'm curious: who's your favorite Danganronpa background character?
(you can define Background Character however you'd like. keep in mind, though, i'm generally not thinking any of the students from the games, or even the DR3-only mains like Chisa. DR Kirigiri's Yui Samidare is borderline, but considering she's technically a Protagonist of the biggest DR spinoff, maybe not. i also don't mean "underrated," i mean obscure or otherwise rather minor, even if they are important on a wider scale. anyway, you do you on this one.)
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Shower Sh*tshow.
[Half an hour later...]
*The sound of the steady shower stream fills the air, warm water washing over Kaede’s body.
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You know, it’s a shame that you don’t have any clean clothes to change into once you get out. Not much point having a shower if you’re just gonna put sweaty dirty clothes back on.
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My clothes are fine. They’ll last me for a long while yet...But yeah, maybe I should get some new clothes after I get out.
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Maybe you could do with a wardrobe change?
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What’s wrong with my current outfit?
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Nothing in particular...It’s just that...if you’re going to be fighting, you might want to wear something more combat oriented.
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I’m not about to make it a habit to go looking for fights Sora.
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I know, I know...But we both know that so long as Shirogane resents you so much, they’re gonna keep coming to you.
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*Kaede clothes are folded up comfortably on the sink counter, with her phone, and by extension Sora, sitting quietly on top of them. Kaede finishes up her shower and steps out of the booth, procuring a towel and starts to dry herself.
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Those are some nice abs you have girl~ I could do my laundry on them.
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You’re more ripped than I thought! Hey, you should show a little tummy skin more. Everyone would go crazy.
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Wh-What are you saying!? A-Are you trying to flirt with me!?
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We’re both taken, plus you couldn’t handle me as a girlfriend for more than an hour.
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Words kinda just popped in my mouth, that’s all.
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“That’s all?” *sigh* Well, looking is free I guess, so knock yourself out.
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You’re not very modest are you?
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Now you’re complaining about it? You literally just used a dude’s pickup line on me.
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Just saying...You’re the type of girl who if someone catches a glimpse of your panties, you’d be like “Ah well, they can’t UN-see it.”
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Uh...yeah, actually, that’s actually happened to me.
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Oh! Guess I’m pretty good at reading character then?
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Just...let me get dressed.
*Kaede moves Sora off her clothes and starts to put them back on.
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Actually...while we’re talking about it...
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Kaede, can I ask you something? Why is it that Tsumugi Shirogane resents you in particular.
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We figured out pretty quickly that this lockdown specifically happened to trap you. What...exactly did you do to her?
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...I wish I could tell you...
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The only thing I can think of is something that happened back during the Killing Game. 
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I do think I know bits and pieces of this story, but I’ve never heard it in full before...
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Ok...Basically, the first motive for the V3 Killing Game was called the “First Blood Perk.” It had two conditions to it.
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Firstly, if someone committed a murder, they’d be able to leave the school without a class trial if they came forward about it.
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And two, if no one committed a murder, Monokuma would use these large robots called Exisals to tear us to pieces.
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That seems...unfair.
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Tell me about it...I’ve told you before about how I planned to expose and trap the Mastermind with the shotput ball? Well, Rantaro was also concocting his own plan.
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The green haired guy who helped me get in here?
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Yeah, that one. Once we were starting to run out of time for the First Blood Perk almost up, Tsumugi went to a hidden room in the library by making use of the hidden passageway in that bathroom. In the back of the cleaning supplies closet in the girls bathroom on the first floor was a hidden passageway that connected to the secret room in the library, the same secret room that Rantaro was attempting to gain access to, believing the Mastermind to be in there due to his Survivor Perk Monopad.
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Thanks to the Nanokumas swarming all over the campus...
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Uh, those are basically just tiny security cameras...
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Tsumugi already knew of both mine and Rantaro's separate plans to end the Killing Game and watched from the hidden room to ensure everything went as planned.
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She hoped that my plan to kill her would result in Rantaro's death instead, killing two birds with one stone. But my plan failed, and my shotput missed Rantaro. 
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After witnessing this, Tsumugi immediately left the hidden room and bludgeoned Rantaro in the back of the head with her own shot put while he was distracted by mine that just barely missed him She then proceeded to alter the evidence to make it look like the crime was caused by the shot put I rolled.
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I was framed for a crime I didn’t commit...and then I was executed.
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Huh...I’m not seeing much of a connection.
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Sure, she would have eventually been exposed for this false execution, but I don’t see why she’s so resentful. If anything, having framed you for the crime, YOU’RE the one who has the right to be angry.
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I’m definitely angry about it...But I’m more focused on everything else she’s done; how many innocent people she’s hurt.
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And I’m not going to just lay down and die here. She’ll never get her way if I have anything to say about it.
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Good girl!
???: Yeah, good girl!
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???: Oops...
*Kaede and Sora’s blood suddenly runs cold, as they hear a third voice join them in the shower.
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Who’s there!?
???: GEHEHEHE! Why don’t you come find me...?
*All of a sudden, all the previously open doors to the shower all slam shut simultaneously.
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*Kaede puts down her clothes for a second, then approaches the set of doors.
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*She furiously kicks the first one open. She doesn’t see anyone or anything inside.
???: Gehehe...I’ve been waitin’ for this! 
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*She kicks open the second one.
???: You’re getting waaarmer~
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Enough of this! Just come out! You’re creeping me out!
*A third door is kicked open.
???: That’s the plan! You’re hot as a pancake right now, Gehaha!
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*Kaede gulps as she approaches the fourth and final stall. 
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*She kicks it open, only to see that like all the others...no one is inside.
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*She narrows her eyes and looks around the stall for any sign of the voice...But then...
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*Monokid lunges downwards after clinging on the ceiling at Kaede! She moves in time with Sora’s shout, but his claw still nicks her shoulder.
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*She sticks out her arm to call her weapon when she suddenly realizes she isn’t wearing the glove it’s paired with, preventing her from using it. Monokid rolls on the floor and starts dancing around.
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GEHAHAHA! EXTREME! I KNEW the plan would work!
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Wait until the lil’ floozy’s disarmed and then STRIKE! This bear’s hungry and I’m gonna eat you up for-!
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*Monokid doesn’t finish his sentence, as Kaede rushes forward and kicks Monokid. The impact is so strong he flies to the other end of the shower room and smashes into the wall.
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Ow OW OW! Oooh that hurt! OHOOHOGH!
*Kaede jumps on one leg, clutching her badly stubbed toe.
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Well, what did you expect? You just kicked a hunk of metal and you’re not wearing shoes.
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Not helpful Sora...
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*Monokid recovers then jumps onto Kaede, who holds up her arms and grabs him by the face before he can bite into her flesh.
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*The two tangle for a while, with Monokid attempting to bite down on Kaede with his sharp gnashers, and Kaede using all her strength to keep him away.
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What are you doing!?
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I’m trying to amp you up!
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Well, you’re distracting!
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*Monokid suddenly pushes himself off Kaede into the air, then smacks her backwards with his guitar. Kaede falls backwards and lands on her back.
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*Monokid wastes no time and pounces on top of Kaede once again, putting his guitar behind his back and instead lunging at her with a pair of sharp claws. Kaede catches his claws, and pushes his attacks to the side, using the brief opportunity to elbow and punch him in the face.
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*Kaede coils into a ball position, then thrusts Monokid off him using her feet. As she pulls herself up into a sitting position however, Monokid bounces off the walls of the bathroom and tackles into her, knocking her through the shower doors and into one of the stalls! The impact sends the door swinging shut.
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COME ON! I know you ain’t done yet! Let’s go, round 2 babygirl!
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Uh...Akamatsu...? I didn’t kill ya’ already, did I?
*When no sound comes from the stall Kaede got knocked into, Monokid cautiously approaches the door and opens it.
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*Against his expectations, Kaede bursts out of nowhere, armed with a plunger! She suctions Monokid’s face and lifts him up defenselessly into the air with it.
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Maybe THIS will shut you up! HIYAGH!
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*SLAM!*  *SLAM!* *SLAM!* *SLAM!* 
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*With Monokid at the plunger’s mercy, Kaede plunges him into the wall, smashing his body multiple times into it. She then wheels around and smashes him into one of the bathroom mirrors! The force dislodges Monokid from the plunger, but Kaede suctions him again, and smashes him into the sinks!
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*As Monokid rises, he clutches onto the counter. Not giving him a second to recover, Kaede reels back and curbstomps him into the sink. The angle and impact is perfect, and the room explodes with pieces of metal and fake blood, as the edge of the sink severs Monokid’s jaw almost completely from his body!
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//Monokid...has died...
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