#mine is Sam Cortland from a Throne of Glasses
witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐀𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐲𝐧𝐢𝐮𝐬
Chaotic Good
Aries Sun, Taurus Moon, Gemini Rising
*spoilers for the throne of glass series*
Formerly known as Adarlan's greatest assassin, Celaena Sardothien, Aelin is the last surviving member of the Galathynius bloodline. Her parents, Rhoe Galathynius and Evalin Ashryver, died in their kingdom of Orynth, with Aelin in between them in bed.
As a young girl, she ran away from her home to escape the King of Adarlan as he brought her kingdom to its knees. She was found by Arobynn Hamel the king of the assassins (who had been entranced by the ghost of Elena). He gave her two choices: to train with him and become an assassin or to live on the streets.
Throughout her life, Aelin hid her true identity, from everyone.
At the age of sixteen, she was sent to Skull's Bay with Sam Cortland (another assassin and boy she grew up with) to enact a deal with the pirate lord. However, when finding out it was a slave deal, she and Sam set them free.
In retaliation, Arobynn beat her badly and sent her to train with the Silent Assassins in the Red Desert where she learnt more about herself than anything else. On her journey there, she met Yrene Towers in a run-down pub and taught her how to defend herself, as well as leaving her with a sack of coins. During her time in the Red Desert, she met Ansel of Briarcliff.
When Celaena/Aelin came back to Rifthold, she realised her feelings for Sam, and after a while, they decided to leave Arobynn's assassin's guild.
Arobynn did not like this. And within a few months, Sam was dead and Celaena was sent to Endovier's salt mines for avenging her lover's death.
That's how she came to be the king's champion. The king's son, Dorian, chose her as his champion. After surviving the trials and tribulations sent her way, she signed a contract and agreed to be in the king's survive for four years. To do his bidding.
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Celaena and Aelin are the same woman but have slightly different personalities. Celaena is more sly, cunning, and willing to use whatever means necessary to achieve her goals. She's independent and seeks out trouble.
Aelin has a lot of responsibility to carry, she's a fae princess and the last of her line in succession. Although when she claims her original name, she has matured, Aelin starts to think before she acts.
This woman is one of the most powerful beings. Going head to head with gods and goddesses themselves, she's fallen through worlds and won wars.
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acourtofquestions · 2 months
Favorite character from Throne of Glass so far? And try to guess mine 😜
Ooh, a good question! One that I actually have an answer to; despite the fact my answer really is all of them😂 (well all minus the obvious ones your NOT supposed to like; Arobynn, Maeve, Rourke Farran, the Blackbeak Matron, etc.) and while I am going to try & self-edit (something I’m terrible at, as any glance at my blog will show😂) the easiest explanation I have is probably this:
I will always utterly adore Fleetfoot like no other. Same with Abraxos. And Elide (who I seem to be in agreement with the characters; we would die for that cinnamon roll😂)
Fenrys snuck up on me & I’m still figuring it out, but I think he’s funny, and very charismatic/compassionate.
Asterin Blackbeak has really grown to have such a joy-filled place in my heart. & I really enjoy the 13’s dynamic & badassery. So, of course Manon is on there too (from the first introduction when I was like… she’s killing people… but somehow I like her? To now being the child of peace, the hope & heart of the “heartless”).
Aedion (despite our occasional moments of a tiff) I love the way he loves. Dorian (I don’t think we share an opinion on this one, which is totally okay) I just really appreciate his mind! Chaol was for a while then the opposite, right now I think I’m positive neutral-ish? … I can pretty much always find things to love in main/side/random characters.
And don’t get me started on Sam Cortland… that man… always beloved😭
Lysandra Ennar (despite that EoS plotted ending lol😅😅) I love her, I love the way she loves her found family, I love her sisterhood with Evangeline (esp. dear to me in my own life), & I appreciate the way her trauma is NOT her entire story.
Rowan Whitethorn (who funny enough was NOT a favorite for a while; twas a rough start but once I loved him, (& will never) not love him).
And now dwindled down to the answer of all answers, beyond even this series or Maasverse (of all fandoms this & she have become an all-time fav) Aelin Galathynius; I almost can’t explain it & would just say READ 8 BOOKS & you’ll get it😂 she’s such an arc & fleshed out character, a kind I don’t see often (especially in powerful female character personalities when a main character or any role for that matter) she makes sense to me, there’s a lot beyond the surface, she & that have meant a lot to me in my own life/trauma/grief & (much like the MANY characters that fall for her for this same reason) she's just something else; wild, fiery, witty & hilarious, impossibly smart, sharp but king, empathetic/understanding & compassionate, fiery yet controlled, deep-feeling & loving, bold & somehow joyful, brave (even if afraid), & very much the force of life & humanity & falling in love with living. She’s the (fire) heart of the story for a good reason.
Now, as far as your favorite goes THAT'S is a very good question (one that I will also leave in your ask box in case it’s easier; whichever works best for you whether here or there :-) is it cheating to have glanced at your blog previously?😂 … okay, so, I’m going to guess based on that & conversations plus general vibes Manon, Rowan, or Aelin. Less so the latter, esp. as I think it just vibes a little more (idk why… total guess here😂😝)? I definitely think your questions/thoughts are very well-put & intelligently written, plus fun & kind… so I’m leaning towards Rowan more so because of the amount of heart & “a dreamer's heart” he does have? We’ll see, regardless I have no doubt it’s a great one & can’t wait to hear it😆 so, thanks SO much for the double fun ask!!😊🫶
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aelin-and-feyre · 7 years
A Moment of Silence
For Lady Marion Lochan - who sacrificed herself to save a little girl, to save her country, to save her daughter’s future.
For Rena Goldsmith - who worked her way to the top so that she could perform for the king, and then was beheaded while she recounted her dead.
For Sam Cortland - who loved a girl so much. Who was tortured and kills for that love, but did not regret one moment of it. Who would love her just as much if he had the chance to do it again.
For Nehemia Ytger - who deserved to live and fight alongside her friends, but instead lived knowing she would never see her country or her plans play out, and died with hope for a better world that has yet to come.
For the girl from Calaculla - who believed so fiercely that Nehemia was her salvation, and who led an uprising in the mines when her princess was killed. She was the first to throw her pickax, and we never knew her name.
For the orchestra after the massacre - who performed the song of each country who had slaves in those mines, and then for their own country in mourning for what they had become. Then were never heard from again. Brave, talented souls who are now lost.
For the demi-Fae outside Doranelle - who were tested on and ruined and tortured. For the girl in the cave that was so far gone, Rowan could not even pull the air from her lungs to gift her a swift death.
For Kaltain Rompier - who suffered so greatly at the hands of vile people, but was able to beat the darkness forced inside her and remembered the kindness of two fellow girls in similar cages. She is why Aelin has a wyrdkey, why the valg-witchlings are gone, and why a third of Morath was destroyed. From her sacrifice.
For Madam Florine and her dancers - who risked everything to help Aelin, and left their entire lives behind in pursuit of a better future. For the dance teacher who gave Aelin music when she needed it most, and promised that she would bring more whenever and wherever peace was found.
For Ress and Brullo and the rest of Chaol’s men - who were tortured by their prince and king, but stayed loyal to their true captain. Who did not break, not one, and were found swaying in the wind from the palace gates.
For all the mortals who were turned into ilken and inhabited by Valg - who were innocent souls, corrupted and violated and did not deserve their fate.
For the shifter turned Bloodhound - who may have been just like Lysandra, but had the unfortunate luck of being turned into a creature of nightmares.
For the healer who looked like Yrene - who did nothing wrong, who cried over a three year old she couldn’t save, and died for the purpose of a corrupt Valg that was bored. 
A moment of silence for the people in Throne of Glass who didn’t do anything wrong, and who deserved so much better.
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acourtofwingsofruin · 7 years
*SPOILERS FOR TOG/COM* Celaena telling Sam a secret.
This is a fanfiction of Celaena Sardothien and Sam Cortland. If you haven’t read Throne of glass or Crown of Midnight there are spoilers below so beware :) I hope you enjoy this is my first fanfiction so it’s not perfect but I hope you enjoy it regardless.  
Aelin Ashryver Galathynius was going to tell him. She couldn’t hide it any longer, he told her everything. He told her his darkest fears and secrets, how could she keep this away from her lover.
Celaena was anxiously waiting for Sam to arrive home; her head filling with doubt as time passed. That damned clock. Tick tock, tick tock. Sam should know, she kept reassuring herself. To take Celaena’s mind off the cruel endless evening, she decided to read her favourite book, again ‘A court of mist and fury’. She couldn’t believe Tamlin and how his love was so possessive if only she could enter through the book to Prythian and teach him a long lesson, she grimaced at the thought. 
The abrupt soft turning of the handle came as a surprise and Celaena’s heart stopped for a beat. Sam walked through the door after a long day of collecting information on his new client. The fire roared in the pleasant delight of his return.
“Hey Celaena, have you heard of Ar-“ he paused as he saw celaena’s solemn expression. “Celaena, what happened are you okay?” he quietened his voice.
“Sam, I have lied you, lied to Arobynn, and lied to the whole world. The secret I have held for far too long... I’m ready”. My blood was roaring, on fire, it reminded me who I am, my purpose.
“What do you mean? Celaena, you don’t have to, you know I’ll give you more time...” His voice was soft and patient but I had to tell him.
“No, I'm ready, I’m strong enough to take whatever happens but just remember I love you and I always will no matter what happens to us.” My stomach stirred, the thought of anything happening to us, to Sam. I would take my vengeance, my slow painful vengeance… but for now I wouldn’t think of that, I couldn’t.
“I love you too, Celaena Sardothien. I love you, my assassin.” His brown eyes melted into mine… my Ashryver eyes.
“I’m not who you think I am ”
“I know who you are Celaena. You are not a monster, you’re a human who was simply forced into bad circumstances.”
 “I am not Celaena Sardothien and you know that’s not what I mean.” I choked the words out, the fire in my veins beckoning me.
“I don’t care who you are, I'll love you regardless celaena and-”
“I am Aelin Ashryver Galathynius” I stopped as Sam’s jaw dropped but no sound escaped so I continued. “I am heir to Terrasen and I survived.”
He smiled so bright and encased me in his arms. He whispered, “Thank you.” I took in his big hug and grin although I was confused.
“Thank you for what?” I said with equal quietness. 
“Thank you, for sharing with me, I know it must be hard on you and I’d be glad to shoulder any burden” his face was buried in my blouse which soon became warm and clung to my skin.
”Sam, why are you crying?”
“We can flee to Terrasen, you can reclaim your throne, and we can escape from Arobynn” his eyes shimmered with hope.
“We can’t Sam…We can’t…” my voice broke and tears smashed into the ground.
His expression turned hard but his voice was soft like petals drifting in the wind. “Why?”
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“My name is Celaena Sardothien," she whispered, "and I will not be afraid.” - Assassin's Blade was everything you would expect from SJM and the Throne of Glass world: Sass, grit, and heartbreak. If you have read any of the books in the ToG series then you have heart bits and pieces about Celaena's past and of Sam (that sweet little potato). And this collection of novella’s explores Celena’s life before the salt mines of Endovier. We dive deeper into her relationship with Arobynn Hamel, King of the Assassin’s, and Sam Cortland. - I am a sucker for novella’s, especially novella’s that add to the world building or characters I already love or hate. So, as expected, I enjoyed reading about many of the stories that are heavily alluded to, but never fully told, within the ToG series. I wouldn’t say I looooved all of the stories, some were a bit slow and lost my interest multiple times, but the majority were interesting. I was happy have met Sam because he was the sweetest little potato in all the land. - 🌟🌟🌟🌟/5 . . . . .
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getawayklaire · 7 years
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Hi Puddings 💜 A new week of #acourtofstarlitharley begins and with no shortage of heartache. I can't think of a cliffhanger that as left me as broken as Empire of Storms. This book brought me up into feels heaven only to plummet me into fangirl hell in the last 100 pages. A line in Rowan's POV at the very end BREAKS ME! EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. As excited as I am about Chaol's novel, I felt desperate knowing the final installment had been pushed to 2018. [Art by @phantomrin] • QOTD: Name one book that made you feel every feeling known to man. • #aprilacotarbookchallenge a book with a happy ending - definitely not this one! 🙈 City of Heavenly Fire by Cassie Clare. • Tags! 📌#girloncover by @thesassenachreader and @aalish_reads 📌#strongfemalecharacter by @thesassenachreader and there is no one stronger than my Fireheart! 📌#photogenicbook by @fandomverse10 📌#bookishillustrations by @booksandthebear 📌#20factsaboutme by @voyage_reads and @theperksofbeingnoura 1. My favorite series is Throne of Glass 2. Game of Thrones is the fandom I own most merch for 3. I have very poor equilibrium 4. I have a small scar under my right eyebrow that I got when I was little cutting my bangs 5. The first book I vividly remember reading is Twilight but I became an avid bookworm with A Game of Thrones 6. I love red hair! I would like to dye mine but I don't know that it would look good on me 7. I have an older sister (@_mauy ) and a younger brother 8. Even though I have always wanted a dog, I only convinced my parents to get one 6 years ago and thus Kiche arrived 😍 9. I love writing 10. I am obsessed with brooding fae warriors 11. I love fairy lights. 12. Going to New York is high on my bucket list, but after watching Outlander I NEED to go to Scotland. 13. I am 100% Disney trash, especially for Disney songs! 14. I have never had need for glasses. 15. I am a Leo ♌ 16. I love balls 17. The first ship I sold my soul to were Damon and Elena in TVD 18. I adore Emilia Clarke 19. I will never move on from Sam Cortland. 20. People often ask me if I am Bulgarian 😅
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