#mine are red bean but yours can be any i’m not a traditionalist
sunriseverse · 1 year
oh shit uhhhh 中秋节快乐 everyone. take some yuebing -> 🥮 🥮 🥮
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thecleverdame · 4 years
The Oath - 10
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Parings: Dark!Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader
Story Master List
Summary: After an unsuccessful escape attempt, the reader finds herself taken as a spoil of war. She ends up in the bed of a ruthless Alpha, the son of John Winchester, leader of the kingdom of Gilead. She struggles to conceal her true identity and navigate a society where being an Omega means nothing more than serving at the pleasure of powerful men.
Warnings: non-con, sexual assault, rape, attempted suicide, sexual slavery, branding, torture, ownership, voyeurism, anal play, smut, violence, and murder.
Sam is dark in this story. If any of the warnings are triggers for you, I would suggest skipping this one. Please read and heed all the warnings.
Beta: ilikaicalie
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The fog of your heat finally lifts, leaving you sore and utterly exhausted. Coherent for the first time in days, you find yourself an utter and complete mess, still in bed with Sam sleeping soundly beside you. Even if you couldn’t feel the ache between your legs, you’d know full well what happened by the mess left on your skin and proof left all over the bed. 
The shame is immediate and lasting. Over the next several days forgotten moments of your heat comes back to you. The way his cock felt in your cunt, the taste of his cum on your tongue or the desperate sound of your own voice begging for more. 
The bite on your arm heals quickly, but if you push on it hard enough it evokes the sensation of when he first bit you. Not that you would admit that to anyone, especially yourself. You’d never admit that you press on it, eyes fluttering closed, imagining what his teeth would feel like sunk into your neck. At this point in life even your own fantasies betray you. Dark, shameful thoughts creeping in when you least expect them. 
While your logical mind wants nothing more than to run away and never see any of the Winchesters again, your body is making connections that cause you to pine for him by the end of each day. 
Several Days Later
You only had a bite of the carrots. They’ve never been a favorite and they were undercooked, crunchy and hard to chew. But Sam loves them and ate almost the entire bowl before moving on to a giant turkey leg. It would be several hours before you knew for sure it was poison, but you put two and two together fairly quickly. Not long after dinner later there was an unsettled feeling in your stomach. Enough that you retched over the side of the chamber pot and threw up your dinner. 
Sam’s reaction was markedly more intense. It started as stomach cramps and a fever. By the time he began to vomit up blood, you knew it was more serious than even he realized. 
“Alpha,” you look down at him. He’s a puddle of sweat, skin pallid and clammy. There’s still bright red on his lips and a thin line of blood trailing from the corner of his mouth. He gazes up with glazed eyes, half looking at you, half floating somewhere darker. You swipe with soft fingers, wiping sweat from his forehead. “I don’t know what to do for you. You have to let me call someone. You need help.”
“I’ll be fine in the morning.” His eyes flutter closed, jaw clenching as his stomach tightens. 
You could run, but you wouldn’t get very far. The second you absconded into the night, they would all think you’re the one who tried to kill him. Retribution would be swift and painful. No, there’s so running away. You find yourself in an impossible circumstance where the only option is to stay and try to help. 
“I don’t think you will. There’s more blood than you realize.” You watch as he writhes in pain, rolling onto his side and curling into a ball. You do what you can, wetting a cool rag and laying it over his back, then his neck and chest. 
“If someone has tried to kill me I can’t trust any of the men.” He shivers, his body transitions quickly from hot to cold. 
“You can trust me,” you promise. “Let me try to help you. If I don’t do something you’re going to die.” 
“Don’t act as if you care.”
“But I do.” 
Without Sam, you’d surely be passed from man to man. Lord only knows what heinous acts would be perpetrated on your body. There is a smaller part of you, the part you suppress at all costs, the part of you that’s begun to think of him as your Alpha. Somewhere along the way, your inner Omega has grabbed onto his Alpha and it doesn’t want to let go, despite everything you know to be true. 
Sam and his family have killed half of your country. He’s responsible for murder, torture, rape, and slavery, many of which he’s inflicted on you himself. 
You should kill him. It would be easy. He’s weak like this. You could hold a pillow over his head and smother him in his sleep. It would be a victory for your family and your countrymen. It would be redemption. There is almost nothing you could do to come back from lying with a Winchester, but ending Sam’s life would suffice to get back into your family’s good graces. 
You should kill him. 
You can’t. You don’t want to. Watching him choke to death on his own blood would take a part of you with him. No one would understand, but you’re bound to him in this inexplicable way. 
“I’m going to break a rule,” you explain looking around the room. 
His eyes pop up, looking up at you as he begins to shiver. 
“Which one?”
“I lied to you,” you whisper softly, directly into his ear. “I can read. I’m going to find a way to help you. With all these books there must be something that can help us.” 
You sit up to get off the bed and he catches your hand. 
“Don’t let anyone see you, Omega.” 
“I won’t.” You nod and then make your way to the stacks of books and papers. 
It’s nearing dawn when you come across a compendium of common ways to poison a man. There are entries for everything from Castor Bean to White Snakeroot. It’s when you come across the entry for Black Leaf that his symptoms match. 
“I think I found it!” You look up to find him on his back, eyes closed and still as a corpse. Holding your breath you approach the bed, reaching out to shake him. “Sam?”
“Hmmm,” he hums in response. 
“Thank God,” you gasp. Opening a trunk you sort through the vials of herbs and tonics. If it’s not too late, all he’ll need is a large dose of Bay Root to counteract the toxin. You find what you’re looking for, crushing the herbs into a tea and kneeing your way onto the bed to wake him. 
“You need to sit up and drink for me.” You struggle to get him upright, using every ounce of strength to manhandle him into a position where he can swallow without choking. He floats in and out of consciousness, moaning in pain. 
Once he has most of it down, you lie next to him watching him sleep and pray he doesn’t stop breathing. If you found the antidote in time, you’ll have saved his life. And if not, it’s likely a death sentence for both of you. 
He’s still sleeping when you prepare another round of the Bay Root to give him. You’re just pouring the hot water into the mug when there’s a rustling behind you. You turn to find Dean hurrying toward you. 
“What have you done to my brother?” Dean twists your wrists upward and away from your body with such force you think he’ll break both arms. 
“Nothing,” you cry out. “I am trying to keep him alive!” 
“Don’t lie to me you little bitch!” he hisses, so close you can feel his breath on your cheek. “I’ll have you skinned alive.”
“I’m not lying! Someone poisoned him. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know who the assailant was, so I told the men to stay away. I was afraid the culprit would come to finish the job. I swear to you, I didn’t hurt him.”
“Let her go.” Sam’s voice shines like a beacon from the other side of the tent. He’s standing up bare chested and hunched over as if it’s taken every last vestige of energy to get to his feet. “I would have died without her.”
Dean waits a moment and releases your arms. You go directly to Sam, wedging yourself under his arm to help him keep his balance. If nothing else it gives you a reason to stay close. 
“Someone tried to kill him and nearly did. I think the poison was in the carrots. They smelled faintly of bitter almonds.” You look up to find Sam staring down at you with an unreadable expression. “You should not be out of bed. I know you’re strong but you’re still experiencing the effects. You were feverish up until a few hours ago. Please, lay back down.” 
Sam’s hand curls over your shoulder, resting his weight as he and Dean exchange a look that might well be an entire conversation. 
“Don’t tell me what to do,” Sam barks, moving to lay back on the bed as he protests. “Get me water.”
“Of course.” You keep your head down, finding a mug and filling it as Dean looks around the tent. He spies the open book on the table. Sam sees it too, eyes darting to you before laying back on the pillow. 
“I’m lucky I was coherent enough to find a remedy.” 
Dean stares at you with unwavering intensity. While he doesn’t know for sure, he suspects there’s more to this story than he will ever be privy to. 
It’s when Sam leaves the tent for a bit of fresh air that Dean confronts you a second time. 
“Playing nursemaid won’t save you, Omega,” he hisses, eyes narrowing. 
“What are you talking about?”
“I see what you’re up to, the way you’re caring for him. It’s smart. But Sam and I have an agreement.” Dean snorts and you try to swallow the fear. 
“What do you mean?” you ask, belly churning with dread. 
“Once my brother has had his fill, you’ll be mine.” He grins, enjoying your reaction. His eyes scan your body, lingering at your breasts. “And when we get home, my father will decide who you’ll go to. Someone important no doubt. You’re a beauty, and you’ll make a handsome prize.” 
“Why are you telling me this?” you whisper. 
“Because you need to know your place. We’re traditionalists in Gilead. The new order went out when my father cut off the king’s head and we are upholding the old ways. Omegas are good for two things. Satisfying your Alpha and bearing children. You are nothing more than what’s between your legs. You are not special to Sam. The sooner you come to terms with your value, the better off you’ll be.’ 
You think of your family and the shame you would bring on them if they ever knew what has become of you. Taken by an Alpha, a Winchester. Your father might kill you himself. 
Sam is tolerable. You can endure the rape because his demands are simple and your body reacts to his whether you want it to or not. But he’s not a sentimental man, he’ll keep you around until he grows bored and then you’ll be passed around like Tilda. A commodity, an item to be owned instead of a living, breathing woman. You can’t stand the thought of being tortured like the men who first tried to assault you. 
No, that’s no life. It’s simply breathing instead of living. It’s not worth the agony. 
Holding the knife up to your throat you go through the process in your mind. Sinking the knife in and cutting fast before you lose your nerve. The wine helps, you’re still scared but not as terrified as you were earlier. You believe in a God, an afterlife. There is something better after this. 
Summoning all your courage you press the the blade into the skin over your throat as Sam’s voice booms from behind. 
“What are you doing?” 
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