@mindrcadcr​ | Is it Smut? Is it Fluff? Hopefully it won’t turn to angst but you never know with Jason’s bitch ass
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The sunlight seeped through the windows of their penthouse apartment. Large windows were the one thing Kaylee really had a preference on, knowing that Jason preferred something more homey. But it wasn’t the enticing freedom of the sky that beckoned her awake this morning. No, rather the tune she had set their alarm to the night before echoed around the room. She rolled over into his arms, nuzzling close to him, red locks obscuring her face slightly as she pressed her lips gently against his. 
Kaylee had an entire day planned for them. Granted it was also Uncle Steve’s birthday but the thought of dragging him to a superhero function made her innerwardly roll her eyes. It was the first birthday for either of them that they were dating, and she was going to make it worth his while. Enough that she asked him to keep his mind from reading hers just to make sure she could surprise him.
Softly she hummed the song, completely out of tune, having lacked her father and her sister’s gift of music. Still, Kaylee didn’t care, the smile the spread across her lips as she playfully rolled her hips against his more joking than not.
“-don’t need candles and cake, just need your body to make birthday sex.” 
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aaaaaaannnnd raylee 🤣
@pepperpxtts / @mindrcadcr | 5 Times Kissed Meme
i. The first kiss was heated, a crash landing of lips meeting. There was fire in it. Almost anger as just moments before their voices had been in a dangerous dance of spite and sarcasm. It was just easier to direct her anger at him than face the real demons that had her head spinning and for once, in all the time she’d known him, he challenged her in return. The charge between their lips was electrifying, that sickly sweet taste of whiskey on his tongue sent her reeling. It threatened her sanity, and she couldn’t tell if it was the desire to drink herself or the intimacy that came with his lips against hers but she broke away, hands hurriedly undressing him instead. 
ii. The time between the first kiss and the second was longer than one would expect for two people living up to the friends with benefits standard. Their time together was for one purpose, and yet, Kaylee found herself staying longer after each time. There was something safe and comfortable with him. Every time she was with him, the world slipped away. The irony when he woke up as if the entire world had invaded his mind, screaming so loudly it pulled her out of the peace he brought her in the first place. She shot up, taking his face in her hands, tilting his chin to look at her. The haunting look in those beautiful brown eyes told her that he needed a stronger pull to bring him back. Cautiously, she pressed her lips to his. Her light grip on his chin soften as her hand moved to cup his cheek. Ray, I’m right here, she cast out thoughts, hoping it would be enough to pull him as her lips lingered softly against his. come back to me 
iii. The third kiss was his smile against hers, followed by a pained whimper. She was still injured from the battle that almost claimed her life, but it was hard to feel anything but joy in this moment. Jason’s presence was more than just to check on her, he had news. Kaylee had to fold her lips together to keep from beaming when he told her he’d broken off his relationship with another woman. She had to make certain but the moment he admitted it was because he wanted to be with her, Kaylee flung her arms around his neck kissing him between giggles before the wound in her side cut her breath off. He promised to keep those light kisses coming though provided she behaved herself.
iv. The fourth kiss was a desperate plea to make him understand. Her hands gripped his shirt, begging him to listen despite no words being said. She loved him, but he was so concerned the emotion was not her own. She could feel him pull away, trying to stop himself from what he wanted, trying to keep her from doing something he wasn’t completely sure she wanted to do. She reached her hands around his neck, pressing her forehead against hers. There was fear in her grasp that he would block her out, that he’d sacrifice what they had on the off chance history had repeated itself. “Jason, I love you.” she told him, eyes shut tight desperately hoping he’d let her explain. “I know it’s me. You might be able to project the emotion in me but you can’t fake the reasons. I love you, I love the things you hate about yourself. Even now you’re trying to pull away from me to protect me. And I love you for it.”
v. There was something eternal about the fifth kiss. Kaylee sat on the balcony off their bedroom that hung over a step cliff to the lake below. Her legs dangled off the side as she leaned back on her hands. She rarely got cold but the warmth Ray provided when he sat next to her was welcomed. In front of her, blue eyes watched as the stars came out against the dark purple night sky. It was beyond gorgeous, and Kaylee could swear she could see the future their future written in the very stars she was staring at. To the west, the sun was setting behind her. The fire that licked at the sky keeping the tones of red against the midnight blue that was threatening to take over set a glow around Kaylee’s form. Kay’s eyes might have been on the stars, but Ray’s were on her. There was nothing else in this world that took his breath away quite like the sight of seeing her glowing in the sunset. He leaned in, simultaneously pulling her closer to his lap as he kissed her. A distant memory of a kiss laced in the heat of whiskey was replaced with a different kind of fire, sweet blossom of adoration and passion.
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@mindrcadcr​ | Because they need to talk
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Happy could have easily called the young man, but this wasn’t the kind of conversation he wanted to be easily brushed off with the click of a phone. He knew how Jason felt about him. The telepath never hid his disapproval, even if he had given a pressured blessing. But there was more than just the Becks with Happy as an outlier. 
No, there were two little girls and another kid on the way who were getting caught in the crossfire. Happy couldn’t stand by and do nothing. Not when his daughter was crawling in his bed at night asking questions far beyond what she should be worried about.
Happy raked his knuckles against the door. This wasn’t going to be the most pleasant greeting but hopefully it would end in a way that didn’t put the little ones in the cross hairs.
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@mindrcadcr​ | Wholesome Raylee
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Sororities were not Kaylee’s scene. She was on a fast track double major and spent almost all of her free time as part of an extended internship at Stark Industries. Some might call it nepotism, but considering she was always destined to take over the company, the board and Aunt Pepper let it slide. And now her internship lead her to the opposite coast, away from her family and friends, so when she got the invite to an Alpha Delta Pi party she couldn’t pass up the chance to blow off some steam.
Dressed in bright green boy shorts and a Captain Marvel t-shirt a size too big, Kaylee was ready to rock this supposedly tame slumber party. The base of the music thumped loudly as all of the young women danced, shouting Don’t threaten me with a good time at the top of their lungs.
The loud laughter and music was starting to draw a crowd on the lawn of the sorority house and suddenly it became less of a slumber party and more like something out of Animal House. Who cared? Kaylee was throwing caution to the wind tonight. Besides, in a place like this she was just another pretty blonde. The odds of someone recognizing her were low.
Delighted laughter brightened the house as more and more people filtered in and Kaylee smacked her own behind in beat to the song before twirling around practically running into a familiar face.
He’d grown taller, but those soft puppy brown eyes were impossible to mistake and Kaylee’s eyes grew wide, shouting his voice incredulously. “RAY!?”
Caught red handed dancing like a complete idiot, by the one guy in the world who could see through any attempts at feigning confidence over the situation. Ugh, a bad paparazzi photo would have been better. 
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@mindrcadcr​ | Inbox:  "You will never replace dad and some day he will return from his mission." - mindrcadcr (from Ray to Happy because ANGST)
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The hope in Jason’s voice and eyes was evident, even if Happy could see it falter. Sophie warned him that her brother would not be near as accepting as she was, but that didn’t matter much. Happy hear the boy’s words, and caught the fact that there was not a no in his statement.
“I don’t want to replace your dad Jason.” he answered simply, a slightly pained smile to his lips. “I just want to make your mom happy.”
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Alsooooo for rayleee cause yes!!!
@pepperpxtts && @mindrcadcr (for obvious reasons) | Shippy Meme
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❤: who is more affectionate in public? in private?
Kaylee is extremely affectionate all around. She is more likely to be openly and obviously affectionate with kisses and hugs that rate from G rated middle school pecks, all the way up to X-Rated bitches get a damn room, and everything in between. Ray on the other hand, is more subtle but it doesn’t make his affections any less. A light touch here, a guiding hand at the small of her back there, a small smile with his fingertips brushing softly across her arm. And both can show these signs in public or in private.
♡: who is the bigger romantic openly? secretly?
Okay okay hear me out. Ray being the bigger helpless romantic. It seems odd because Kay is the kind to just on a whim take off on a vacation to a beach villa, but there’s a difference between her just getting fed up with work and needing a break and thinking “Ray likes the ocean we’ll do that it’ll be fun.” and Ray who actually thinks about things to do and surprise her with to show how much he adores her.
❥: who is more likely to plan something big for valentine's day?
Hmmm neither??? Like I kinda see both of them being like “It’s just a Hallmark day we don’t need a day on the calendar to treat each other to a good time”
ღ: who is more likely to initiate hand-holding in public?
Kaylee, most likely because she’s dragging him along because something caught her attention and she’s just excited and takes his hand so she doesn’t run off without him
💕: who is more likely to make huge declarations of love in front of other people?
Kaylee. She not only has very little shame or things that embarrass her but given that Jason often questions why she’s with him I think she’d be more likely to make huge declarations than him. Unless some shit went down.
💘: who developed a crush on the other first?
HAHAHAA Jason been in love with this girl since they were teenagers. Awkward boner attacks and all. And she was goddamned oblivious -facepalms-
💝: who spends more time (possibly overthinking) what presents to get the other?
Kaylee. Ray can read her goddamn mind and know exactly what to get her that she’ll love and even if he doesn’t do it SHE would be like “THAT MOTHER FUCKER CAN READ MY MIND WHAT CAN I DO??? Other than remember his favorite romcom and set up a 50s drive up car theatre for us to watch and then get lost making out...hmm I wonder if he still has his letterman’s jacket I can definitely get a cheerleaders outfit. Yeah that could work. I think he’ll like that.”
💓: who initiates most physical contact?
K A Y L E E. Do I really need to go on? LMFAO
💌: who is more likely to send cutesy texts to the other?
Okay but Ray probably sends her cute ass texts all day long just because he knows she’s always busy and stresses way more than she lets on so he probably sends her cute ass texts just to kinda cheer her on, especially if he knew it was going to be a particularly stressful day for her.
💟: who spends time reading their zodiac compatibilities?
I don’t think it’s Kaylee. (lmfao even though I as the mun do it on her behalf) but I’m not sure Ray would??? It might be neither?? OR WOULD IT BE RAY???
💙: who is more protective?
Kaylee. She’s the hero. She’s the super powered one. It’s not only in her moral code to protect but it’s also in her DNA. It’s what she does, and what she’s done since she was 3 years old with a little brother. The issue that arises is that often both Ray and Kay forget that she is not indestructible and Kay will push herself beyond her limits. When that happens, and Kaylee is down for the count, hurt, and in danger, best watch out fuckers because that telepathy power ain’t no joke and you’ll see a side of Ray rarely seen.  
💚: who tends to get sick more often? who is better at taking care of the other?
Ray. Again, Kaylee’s super powers make it where it’s very hard for her to get sick and she doesn’t hang out with the Kree enough to get space flu. That being said, Ray is not hard to take care of, not only can Kaylee easily manhandle him, he’s probably totally fine with her taking care of him because he adores the gentle kind side of her who just likes to dote and help people. Kaylee on the other hand is the W O R S T when it comes to being taken care of and Ray is one of the few people who can do it. He calms her down, not just because of his powers but just him in general. His gentle disposition and ultimately kind nature matched with his people pleaser syndrome makes Kay weak and putty in his hands. XD
💜: who said "i love you" first? or, if neither has said it yet, who is more likely to say it first?
Kaylee said it first. Jason doesn’t believe it’s love. With his powers, even though he can sense her emotions he believes it’s his own projection. Kaylee not only is the first to say it but she follows up with how she knows. 
💛: who believes in soulmates?
Kaylee use to, before she got burned bad. I think with Ray she might come around to the idea of it again. I think Ray didn’t??? But when Kaylee comes back into his life and their relationship grows into something more he might also come around???
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Teen Kay: The fuck is up with that Ray guy
Adult Kay looking at Adult Ray:
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*internal squidward voice* Oh no he’s hot
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💀 except i want this for raylee -evil laughter-
@pepperpxtts / @mindrcadcr | Death Meme | Accepting
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For a moment, Kaylee forgot the battle that took place. Her mind was flooded with darkness. How this very second felt like an eternity and passed as quickly as a tornado was a mystery but she almost wished for that numbing darkness to return.
A fire ran under her skin, she felt like she was being boiled alive but she couldn’t see the effect on her physical form. Instead, her body was covered in debris. Tons of bricks and twisted metal that melted together in a vat of lava was starting to solidify as it encased and crushed her entire body. Hot tears streamed down her cheeks, evaporating into light clouds of steam from the heat that continued to radiate off of her. 
If she could have moved, she would have nodded. It was the right move. She told herself, replaying the battle with Nitro in her mind. She didn’t have scanners to tell her what power he emitted but Kaylee remembered the horror stories from her parents. It might have been decades since Stamford and the subsequent superhero civil war but the memorial still stood. Kaylee was often brought to the anniversary events that her parents orchestrated. The sight of shadow children burned into the concrete only spoke to the kind of power that Nitro expelled. So when Kaylee saw his body begin to glow as bright as the sun, she was not about to watch another nuclear blast rip apart the city. 
She opened the palms of her hands as she slammed into his form, the heat from his ability ran down her arms and she could feel the immense power ripple through her muscles as she absorbed every energy particle her body would allow. She flexed her legs tight, using this sudden power surge to increase her acceleration of flight beyond anything she had ever tried before.
A blast shattered windows as the two superhumans broke the sound barrier easily, leaving streaks of air and golden light in their wake. Their velocity was beyond Kaylee’s comprehension, her very bones threatening to shatter under the sheer force as she tried to stay in control of her trajectory. Her fists tightened on Nitro’s form, grunting with determination, as she slammed their bodies into an abandoned warehouse.
She could hear him laughing maniacally, the sound echoing in her mind. He was taunting her. She couldn’t keep up the pace, absorbing the energy was already taking a toll on her physical form. Her heart practically pounding out of her chest. There was something hot and wet dripping down the front of her face and it wasn’t until she pursed her lips that she tasted blood.
What was once a rush of power, turned into fire as Kaylee could feel her insides trying to cook with the heat Nitro was giving off. But this fight wasn’t over. The gauntlets that wrapped around her arms glowed a dangerous white hot light as Kaylee circulated the expanding energy from her body into the repulsor rays. She gained altitude, reaching the ceiling of the warehouse before twisting, keeping Nitro’s back to the floor and kicked off the ceiling, pile driving both of them into the ground. The heat radiating off their bodies melted through the foundation and several yards below in seconds. Kaylee twisted around, expelling all of the energy she could through her gauntlets straight up, blasting the support beams that kept the warehouse standing. Come on damnit! Collapse!
Kaylee saw pieces of metal begin to crumble before the remaining blast from Nitro hit her in the back. She couldn’t even scream before she blacked out, finding the smallest relief in that single moment of darkness. The radiation melted all of the rubble around her, constricting her body into a tomb of debris as the energy she absorbed began to dissipate.
The numbness from shock also evaporated and Kaylee was suddenly aware of every crushing pain along her body. “O-okay Kay. I-It’s o-okay.” she told herself, her eyes fluttered open. The last attempt to find a way out of her predicament, but she only found more darkness.
It wasn’t fair. Things were finally starting to heal in the aftermath of Zeke Stane. Tony had finally woken up. Wes and Stevie were smiling again, cracking jokes and giving Kaylee the hugs and support she desperately needed but couldn’t bring herself to ask for. Kay even reached out to Sophie and planned a girls night. And Carol, her mother. The worry and pain on Carol’s face as she tried to hold their family together entered Kaylee’s mind. The eldest Danvers-Stark was once again going to be the cause of her mother’s tears. 
Kaylee shuddered at the thought. 
But one more face flashed across her mind. He was usually surly, drunk even, unshaven and sarcastic, but when he smiled? Kaylee’s heart skipped a beat at the mere thought. She knew there was more beneath that rough exterior. She remembered the sweet, kind, gentle boy he use to be. She’d seen those same qualities in the man he became, despite the alcohol. 
Why she didn’t tell him before that she wanted more than their use and lose policy was a mystery now. A regret that made her heart ache, and the sharp breath she took let the weight of debris crush her chest further. Jason deserved to be happy and for the first time in what Kaylee suspected was a long time, this other woman brought a genuine smile to his lips.
“R-ray,” Kaylee shuddered as his name escaped her lips softly.
Her mind must have been playing tricks on her because a moment later his voice spoke clearly in her mind.
“...Kaylee?” his voice was timid, a bit of disbelief, but it was there.
This can’t be a good sign She responded, doing her best to jest but the realization dawned on her. She was dying. There was no escape.
“Kaylee what’s wrong, where are you?” his voice came again, a slight panic rising in it.
Is that really you? Kaylee asked, the exhaustion evident.
“Telepathy remember?” he retorted.
She tried to nod but groaned in pain at the slightest movement. Ray I-I’m sorry. 
“What for?”
That was the question of the century. There were so many things she could say. The fact she never noticed him much when they were younger. The fact she wasn’t there for him the way she was for Sophie when their parents went missing. The fact that she used him when she was at rock bottom and she hated him for making her face her own demons. The jealousy that reared its ugly head when he had found someone who actually made him happy. And now, now she needed him again, and he was the one who was going to have to carry on.
“Kaylee, don’t think like that.” he responded before Kaylee could even form the words in her mind to answer.
She sniffed, tears streaming down like a flood. Listen, Jason, I know I shouldn’t ask you this but please please look after my family. They are not going to take this well. A-and Sophie! You have to reach out to her more. She loves you so much. She needs you. And you need her.
Kaylee didn’t know how much time she had left and the words just fell out of her head.
And, I know now why I was such a bitch when you started dating-
Her string of thoughts stopped. It wasn’t fair. She shouldn’t say it. Even if he could tell, even if his telepathy could make the inference, it would have been wrong to say these words to him.
A guttural scream left her lungs. There was so much pressure on her chest that Kaylee couldn’t breath. The thoughts swirling in her head didn’t make it any easier. 
G-god it hurts s-so much she stammered in her mind.
Like a wave cresting over the sands on the beach, the agony that rippled through her body began to dissipate. Kaylee opened her eyes to a soft blue sky, perfect cotton ball clouds hung overhead, casting a pleasant shadow and cooling her down.
Fingers lightly brushed through her hair, pulling blonde locks away from her forehead and tucking them behind her ear. Her natural hair color wasn’t the only thing to cause her forehead to crease as she tilted her chin up to look at who those soft touches belonged to.
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Jason looked down at her, the softest concerned smile touched his lips. “I’m here Kaylee.” he cooed softly.
“The pain ...is gone.” she said, still trying to piece together what was going on.
“I know. I’m trying to get to you. Your parents are on their way. Just hold on okay?” Despite the calmness in his voice, Kaylee could hear the desperation.
Kaylee didn’t dare to move. She feared this illusion would fade the moment she tried and that she’d be thrust back into the darkness, alone and frightened. She settled against him, her head resting comfortably in his lap as he continued to dance light touches across her skin.
“You should leave.” she told him, biting back the lump in her throat, that urge to beg him otherwise. “If...if your telepathy is connecting us, you should break it.”
“I’m coming to get you.” he responded determinedly.
“Ray, I...I don’t want to die alone but-” she sniffed, tears welling up in her eyes.
“Don’t talk like that!” he shouted, hands gripping her shoulders tightly and pulling her up to face him. Tormented brown eyes peered into her shimmering blue ones. “You’re going to be fine!”
Kaylee shook her head, but her hands found his arms, gripping on to them for dear life. Tears came harder as she sobbed, pressing her cheek to his hand. 
“Kaylee, look at me!” he demanded, his hands cupping her face and tilting her head up as he inched closer to her. The beautiful scenery he tried to press into her mind faded and once again, she was surrounded by darkness. The only light was him. His kind soul that begged her to stay with him.
“I sh-should have told you before…” Kaylee stammered, choking back a cry. “I should have told you that what we had was more than just-” her words faltered again. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t goddamn fair!
“P-please Jason, break the connection.” she begged, falling forward, burying her face into his chest. She felt his arms wrap tightly around her as he pulled her into his lap. She didn’t want him to witness this. She didn’t want to torment him more than he’d already been. And she knew. She knew that the longer he stayed, the more likely she was going to beg him to stay with her to the end, and the more likely she was going to admit it.
Her chest tightened, each breath more shallow than the last. Her hand pressed against his chest and she used all of her strength to push back, but she was unable to break away from his embrace.
She drew the back of her hand across her nose, stifling another sob. “I...I d-don’t want to put you th-through th-this.” Kaylee admitted, her gaze dropping away from his. 
“Put me through what?” he asked, bringing out an unamused exasperated brow raise from her.
“Don’t. Don’t pretend. I’m so tired of pretending.” she retorted, her body falling limp against him. What strength she had left grasped onto him tightly. Her eyes fell closed, her head much too heavy to stay upright. Each breath became harder as Kaylee had to force her lungs to work. 
This time when the darkness surrounded her there was the comfortable warmth of his presence, even if it was only a projection. She held on as tight as she could. It was selfish. She knew it was selfish but it was too late. What strength of will she had to think of others before herself left and all she wanted, all she needed, was him.
“Kaylee! Don’t leave me!” she heard him shout. It was odd, how far away he sounded, yet she nuzzled closer to his physical presence.
“I…” Kaylee began. It was so hard to form words. She had to be deliberate. She had to fight to say each word, and she was so close to slipping into the void of nothingness. “-toooooold. you. to. go.” she finished, her mouth curved into a tired smile. As tired as she was, her voice was in a sing-song, an attempt at levity.
“Just. keep. holding me.” she cut him off. Kaylee didn’t want the last thing from him to be a desperate plea for her to keep fighting. She’d been fighting for so long already. She felt his embrace tighten and she nuzzled against his chest. “Before...before I fall asleep…” she chose her words carefully. “You’ve been...the best thing to happen to me in a long time Ray.”
With each word her voice got weaker and weaker. The sound of his heartbeat, quick and raging, pounded through her ears. She didn’t have the strength to hold onto him much more but her palm rested against his chest, her thumb brushing back and forth over his shirt, above his heart.
If her own heart had the ability to, it would have matched the beat his set. Instead, the motion of her thumb ticked along to the slower rhythm, urging his to syncopate. She needed him, that desperate, hopeless kind of need that people wrote songs and poems about. It was just too late. Like everything else in her life, Kaylee realized too late.
The void was coming. She could feel it. She could feel the last breath dare to rattle in her lungs but there was no pain, there was no fear. How could there be when Jason was holding her, when the feeling that he projected onto her was one of calming serenity? God, how stupid she was to only realize now.
“Jason,” she had to say it. She had to say his name, she had to tell him, if it was the last thing she could ever do, she had to say it. The loss of oxygen going to her brain formed little colored spots like rain droplets against black asphalt. It was beautiful. “I love you.”
The word left her lips and her body went limp against him. The false weight that her mind projected slipped away. It wasn’t beautiful, it wasn’t peaceful. He could feel her limbs tearing apart from the inside out. He could feel her lungs burn with the blood that choked her out. He could feel her heartbeat pause, but there was no return. The peaceful place he wrapped her mind around was only to keep her from feeling the agony.
Kaylee’s mind faded into nothing, her projected body slipping out of his grasp no matter how desperately he tried to hang on. 
On the surface his fingernails bled in a hopeless attempt to shovel debris out of the way, but the moment he felt her slip away, he fell to his knees. It didn’t matter when one Captain Marvel flew out of the crater holding Kaylee’s limp body. Jason knew there was no hope. 
Kaylee loved him. She said it. Those three little words he’d never thought were possible, and the moment he had everything he thought he wanted, he felt her slip through his fingers.
Tears already streaked his dirty cheeks but there was nothing to hold back the choking sobs. She loved him, but she was gone.
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Kaylee’s two moods at Jason @mindrcadcr​
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@mindrcadcr​ / @apotheosistm​
Kaylee wants me to just spam Ray and I hope you’re happy.
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