#minding my own business. y'know. being sociable n all that stuff. i ended up on the little 'recommended for you' section. scrolled through
duskholland · 7 years
here is my good vibe: it has taken me probably as much time as it took you to answer THAT ask because i am so overwhelmed by your sweetness AND I JUST WANT TO BE FRIENDS. *runs away crying*
oh. my god. right. that ask. oh my god. I'm so embarrassed rn lmao 😂 I was in such a dither about whether or not I should reply and eventually I did and 😁😁 I wasn’t really sure if you’d seen it but !! guess you did !! brb whilst I bury myself in a hole and fall asleep for all of eternity !! 
okay I’m chill I swear I’m chill. I just had a moment.
anyway. your good vibe was v much appreciated (and has continued to be appreciated) because you are the sweet one here tbfh, Cat. I’M TRYING TO BE YOUR FRIEND OKAY I’M OOZING SO MANY AMICABLE VIBES I AM BASICALLY JUST A WALKING BALL OF LOVE. that’s all. I’m going now lmao.
#'oozing' can you believe#okay now i have a story to slot in here#well. it's less of a story and more of just A Thing That Happened To Me but by claiming it's a story i feel like it makes it seem lighter t#SO I WAS ON SNAPCHAT THE OTHER DAY#minding my own business. y'know. being sociable n all that stuff. i ended up on the little 'recommended for you' section. scrolled through#and i saw a new name so i clicked on it and it was you. like Cat. you.#your name. on my snapchat. right. so i clicked on it just to make sure and i was like 'okay chill she's on my recommended list that's prett#i didn't add you because y'know we've not talked much and i didn't want to come off too strongly//expose you to the 'wonder' that is Hannah#so i went to click off and continue with my life when i PRESSED THE WRONG FUCKING BUTTON#so yeah. this is the story of how i accidentally added you on snapchat. i dunno if you got the notification because i cancelled it immediat#yes#this is the end of my story and i just realised i've rambled like an absolute idiot. again.#Cat i am so sorry i only seem to answer your asks when I'm tired and all over the place#i promise tho#when i finally succeed in befriending you and my inability at effectively acting like a functioning human being stops messing things up for#i am the best friend ever. well. okay slight hyperbole. i'm a great friend#YOU KNOW WHAT#I RETRACT MY PREVIOUS STATEMENT THAT MADE IT SEEM LIKE HAVING ME ON SC WAS A BAD THING#having me on snapchat is the best thing ever because listen to this quality content i supply: photos of my dog. videos of me crying over an#oh. my god. okay. just realised i sound like i'm trying to sell a product and that that was just a massive fucking tangent.#im going now. but yes. don't run away crying. it's me who's gonna be the one crying when i wake up in the morning and realise i've been a m#going going going gone#(but honestly tho if you actually do want to be friends w this mess just message me. i would be over the moon haha.)#ciao adios#<33#cathobs
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theinkquiry · 7 years
Just The Two
Pairing: Neville X Reader
Prompt: You and Neville have been best friends for as long as you could remember, but he's been acting distant lately. You're determined to get to the bottom of this, especially since you've been falling for him ever since the year started.
Warnings: None
A/N: Haven't written anything in a while, sorry! Finals have taken over and destroyed my life. Nevertheless, enjoy!
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It was hard to think of a time when you and Neville weren't together. Your grandparents knew each other well, and Neville's granny made sure that he always found a friend in you. You never minded, not being one to be sociable all the time either. You found great satisfaction in knowing that you would always have one another's backs. During your very first moments at Hogwarts, you were elated to witness Neville being sorted into the same house as you. When his grandmother found out, she couldn't believe it either. Timid Neville was a Gryffindor!
Unfortunately, a lot of teasing came with that title. "Don't listen to them, Neville. I think you're really brave." You often had these chats, especially if he was feeling particularly unconfident.
"I messed everything up, again. It was my fault I lost the bloody list of passwords. I let a criminal in!" Neville buried his head in his hands.
You frowned and leaned down closer to him. "You're brave for facing your fears every day, Neville."
Over the years, you shared lots of things with Neville. Secrets, fears, hopes, and hugs. It wasn't until recently that conveying these emotions became troubling. Case in point, the incident last week.
"What's wrong?" You asked. Neville was poking at his food, not looking up to talk to anyone. Not even you.
"Hm?" He finally looked up into your eyes, only to blink twice and put his head back down. "Just tired I suppose."
"Was it because of class?" You guessed.
"No. I'm fine, Y/N." He lied. You hid a pained expression but tried to coax the truth out one last time.
"Did..did I do anything?" This certainly caught his attention. He looked up in shock and stumbled over his words.
"Wha- of course you didn't. I-I didn't mean to make you think- I just-"
You placed your hand on his shoulder, shutting him up in a snap. You felt him tense up. What happened? He wasn't ever like this with you before. You hesitantly withdrew your hand, deciding to instead play with your fingers.
"I'm not offended, Neville. I just want to make sure you're okay. You know you can tell me if anyone else is bothering you, I'm not afraid to hex them again." You flash a mischievous smile.
All he did was gulp and nod his head. "I guess the homework has been getting to me lately."
"I can help you if you want-"
"No!" It came out louder than either of you expected. He immediately slapped a hand over his mouth, in shock of his own forwardness. "I-I didn't mean to yell at you, I'm sorry!"
It hurt to see him act so unreachable, but pushing further only seemed to make things worse. "Well...alright then. I won't ask any more questions. I'm here if you need me." You turned to continue eating, trying not to show your disappointment inside. Why was he acting this way? Your mind tumbled and shook with theories. Was it someone else? A bully? Snape? You? Just thinking of the last option made the color drain from your face. You dared to sneak a glance at Neville.
He turned away at the last second. Were you hallucinating, or was he just staring at you before? You bit the inside of your cheek and went back to eating. Just thinking about Neville in a romantic way made your face heat up faster than ice in a boiling cup of tea. You've noticed him growing more since his last birthday. Not just taller, but better built as well. You gulped and tried to erase any strange thoughts from your head.
Glancing over one more time, your heart sunk at his depressed temperament. "Give him time, and he'll go to you when he's ready," a voice reasoned in your mind. A week. You'll wait a week and see if he needs any more help then.
As the days crawled by, you were getting uneasier. It was like you shared Neville's nerves and discomfort like everything else. He started talking to Harry and Ron more than you. "Do you want to meet up after class by the library to study?" You would ask. All you got in response was a shake of the head. "Sorry, I-I think Dean wanted my help with something. Y-y'know. Guy stuff."
You didn't, in fact, know about the guy stuff. Since when did Neville ever start doing 'guy stuff'? You sat in front of the fireplace that evening, just staring at the flickering embers. You had no plans since Neville rain-checked for the third time this week.
"If you're trying to count how many sparks fly out at a time, don't bother." Ginny sat next to you. "Fred and George dared Ron to try one time and his hair almost caught on fire."
You laughed at the ridiculousness. "Don't worry, I wouldn't take a gander like that anyway."
"Well, you seemed really...bored. Isn't Neville usually with you at this hour?"
"Usually," you sigh. "He's been...I don't know..."
Ginny sat up straighter on the couch. "Did something happen?"
You pondered that question. "Yes? No? I have no clue. I-it feels like he doesn't even want to be around me anymore. I'm thinking 'is he upset with me?' 'is he in trouble?' I don't even know how to approach him anymore."You didn't notice the few tears slipping out until Ginny was patting your back and offering you a tissue.
"That is very strange. You guys stick together like Dean and Seamus." Ginny rubbed her chin and thought hard. "Say, this might sound strange but.."
"What is it?" If it lead to answers, you had to know.
"Does he avoid you in any particular way?" Ginny finished.
You tilted your head in confusion. "What ways are there to ignore a person?"
"Well, is he cold towards you? Or more nervous? Stuttering? Red face? Any of that sound familiar?" Ginny asked. You weren't sure what game she was playing, but you couldn't stop. Like a box of Bertie Bott's, you knew you were going to finish the box whether you ended up with sweet or gross flavors.
"I suppose he does stutter a lot. But when doesn't he?"
"When he's with you, normally," Ginny muttered under her breath. You didn't hear her, too lost in your own train of thought.
"He's been avoiding eye contact too. Oh, I hope I didn't scare him in any way-"
Ginny stood up abruptly. Caught off guard, your back hit the couch. "Where are you go-"
"Don't fret about it, Y/N. I have a feeling you and Neville are going to be just fine." Ginny stated it like she could tell your entire futures.
"Are you sure? I appreciate you helping-"
"No problem, Y/N. How about...you meet me tomorrow in the courtyard? I need your help with something."
"I suppose I'm available. What does this have to do with-"
"Thanks, Y/N. Four'o'clock!" Ginny didn't let you finish your sentence. As quickly as she approached, she vanished up the stairs.
You felt very confused and very exhausted. Maybe if you just sleep it off for one more night, you could get your mind less muddled. It was hard, with you tossing and turning every few minutes. It was impossible to get comfortable, and even less so to achieve peace of mind. You couldn't help having the fear that perhaps Neville was outgrowing you.
At precisely four the following evening, you sat on a stone bench in the courtyard. Students were slowly filtering out, and the sun was low in the sky. There was a warm orange-yellow glow all around you. Despite the inviting ambiance, you were still conflicted about your feelings. And you certainly did not stop worrying about Neville. You took a deep breath, and slowly let it out. You are here because Ginny asked you to be, and you were going to wait for her and be a supportive friend. You wondered what the girl had up the sleeves of her robes. It was a few minutes past, and she was nowhere to be found.
The crunching of leaves caught your attention. Assuming the sounds to be from Ginny, you were shocked to see Neville instead. A smile immediately found its way up to your face, but it disappeared as soon as his eyes cast away from yours. Your shoulders slumped. He was avoiding eye contact again.
"H-hey, Neville." You scoot over. "What brings you here?"
"I could ask you the same thing," he shrugs. Taking a seat beside you, a familiar uncomfortable silence quickly settles around you.
"Did I do something?" You ask, voice barely above a murmur. You looked down at the ground, biting your lip.
"Did you- what?" Neville looked at you now, concern glazing over his eyes.
"I just felt like..we haven't talked in days. So, did I do something?" You repeat yourself.
"No, no! Of course you didn't, you're my best friend," Neville reassured you. "I've just been...busy."
You didn't even feel the tears starting to gather up in your eyes. It took all the strength you had not to let it out. "You're lying." You try to remain calm, but your voice cracked at the end. You cast your eyes down, staring intently at your hands. You wouldn't cry. You would not cry.
For such a brave Gryffindor, you crumbled so easily when it came to him. All it took was his arms to wrap around you and your emotions were released like birds from a cage. You didn't know how long you spent sobbing into his sweater-vest. It was itchy, pathetic, and even a bit gross, but at least he was there this time.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I'm so so sorry." Neville rubbed soothing patterns on your back. It was how you used to calm him whenever he had nightmares as a kid. Him repaying the favor only made you cry harder. "I did this. I pulled away from you because I was so afraid of what I might do that I ended up hurting you even more."
You sniffled. Pulling away and wiping at the tears furiously. "Meaning?" You beckoned for him to continue. You already felt better now that he was actually talking to you.
"You know you've always been my best friend. You're always there for me. You're kind, y-you're sweet. You never let anyone get away with making me feel less than valuable," Neville began.
"That's because you are valuable. To me and everyone else."
"A-and that's what I mean!" He laughed dryly. "You always know what to do and say. I would have been lost without you, or worse. I could never thank you enough for everything you've done for me. You made me less afraid, but I've been more afraid than ever these past few days. I'm a coward."
He lowered his head.
You felt your heart leap at a million kilometers an hour. "No, Neville. You're not. Why are you afraid? I promise I can make it go away." You cup your hands around his face. He looked you in the eye with so much raw emotion and fear and gratitude all mixed into a galaxy all on its own.
Then you felt something else. Looking at him only drew you in further. Closer and deeper until space was eliminated. In short, you finally had the guts to kiss Neville Longbottom with all your heart. It was soft, and Neville was still very shy, but it was just what you always wanted.
Neville pulled away abruptly, in shock at what he's done. He was about to start apologizing, face red as his Gryffindor scarf, but you shut him up with another kiss.
"Is this what you were so afraid of?" You take a guess.
He nods and wraps you up in his arms. You felt like you could stay there forever. "Not anymore."
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