#mind you I very well knew that cat is gato/a and not gota and still... sometimes I am as much of an eejit as Dougal McGuire
dummerjan · 2 years
Song asks: 2, 6, 18
2. A song to sleep to
6. A song that’s on at least 3 of your playlists I don't create playlists. I have two on youtube for songs in Russian because I can't search for them by title as easily, but that's it.
18. A song that you like that the lyrics are just so beautiful they’re practically poetry This is cheating a bit considering the lyrics are actually a poem (by my favourite poet Mascha Kaléko, she played with language in such a beautiful manner):
For something that isn't based on a poem, it has to be anything written by Yuri Shevchuk from DDT. Anytime I bother to translate the lyrics, I am blown away by the lyricism. One of my favourite lines is И спою о том, как сплетается ваша коса (I will sing about how your braid is woven) is from this song:
Thank you for asking (and giving me an excuse to ramble). :) <333
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