#minami ami
colors-colors · 2 days
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doppelgenkan · 3 hours
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youjide444 · 3 months
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kthingz · 4 months
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waifu5000 · 3 months
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Minami Ami 南あみ
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wouldntyoulichentoknow · 11 months
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accurate representation of the vast majority of the SM portions of my sketchbook (sudden intense Michiru in the middle of fluff)
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fishingrosd · 1 month
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They are a bit alike i think
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mahoutoons · 9 months
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drawing my sonic rarepairs - minamy
amy gives mina a little reward for her awesome performance ~
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celticcatgirl2 · 11 months
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“I can believe I’m saying this but…I think I WILL turn down John Hopkins medical so I can stay with my weed smoking girlfriends!!! Wow Usagi really DID show me there’s more to life than studying!!!”
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mushi-shield · 2 months
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billerak · 3 months
Ok so I saw the take that the reason Ami does everything she does during the second half of Toradora is explicitly for Ryuji and his happiness and like
I am honor-bound, as the owner of Minami/Aminori, to refute this understandable take with my own delusions. I won't say where I saw this take cuz I don't wanna have beef with no-one but I can't not answer either.
So I'll just pick the scene the scene that seemed to prompt this take and say nuh-uh. The fight after the room discussion. "Ami knew the guys were in the closet and she was just trying to get Minori to confess that she likes Ryuji, or that she doesn't like him, to give him a straight answer."
This one's easy to disprove. For starters, Ami has no way to know the guys were in the closet. At best, she can guess Taiga is there, thanks to the towel. Could she extrapolate Ryuji being there? I mean, sure, maybe. It's a bit of a leap in logic but let's say she figured it out.
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She literally disproves it herself. She wants Minori to be honest with her, and that's what's pissing her off. I already made a whole ass analysis of this entire episode here and here (and of pretty much every important moment for Minori and Ami just check the Toradora tag in my archive) so I won't be going on a whole rant about it here but yeah.
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I mean, she's not angry that she couldn't give Ryuji the answer. She's explicitly angry she can't get Minori to be honest.
Could Ryuji also be influencing her? Oh, totally. She still likes him... kinda. At this point she's so fucking done with it all.
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It's true she was pushing Minori and Ryuji to be together, presumably for his sake too. But... We're in chapter 21 already bro. You think Ami doesn't know full well what's going on?
This stopped being about Ryuji at least 4 chapters ago. 5 if you push me. It's also why she's feeling so guilty! She's been pushing Minori to be honest and only ended up hurting her and Ryuji!
But why is she going through all this trouble?! Think, random internet user, think! If she already knows Ryuji and Taiga will end up together (And she fucking does), then the only person who actually stands to benefit from being wholly honest is Minori! Ryuji doesn't need the closure of a straight answer, it's Minori who needs to be relieved of the burden of a not-pursued love!
This shit ain't for Ryuji, not fully. It's for Minori.
Why go that far? Well you can check my other posts or draw your own conclusions. I have my own lmao.
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colors-colors · 1 day
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doppelgenkan · 10 days
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youjide444 · 3 months
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alevolpe · 2 years
☆☮️ Minako and Ami!!!
Ami ☆ - happy headcanon
I think everyone knows Ami has always struggled with understanding people. She loves to learn. She cherishes and strives in environments where applied learning is the one true key to happiness and success. Ami studies, Ami gets a perfect score, Ami sees the perfect score, Ami gets praised. Ami receives praise and knowledge. So, why couldn't it stay that simple?
She had secretly always found excuses. She was meant to be THE top tier student, she has to study, there's no time and she's only human. So when faced with the impossible decision of trying to find a balance for her life, she dove head on. Sleep, Study, Social Life. She convinced herself, that was her happiness.
The harsher truth was, trying to understand others, making friends, and learning how to become more approachable was just not worth it. She tried that once, she gained was a group of 'friends', but Ami wasn't stupid. A few study sessions in, Ami was nose down on a large stack of books, the only one at the table, homework abandoned. Everyone else walking around, chanting, TV blasting, various drinks spilling. That was the last time Ami spoke to those people and the last time they spoke to her, but not the last they spoke about her.
So yeah, those very few experiences had made it even harder for Ami to understand, even harder to care.
But sometimes, the hardest of problems have the most simple of solutions. And her answer came in the form of a simple and sincere smile. For the first time she saw a person smile and truly felt the happiness take a hold of her, before she even knew it, a tender smile growing from her own lips.
The sincerity of Usagi and Mako's friendship, I think, is what finally convinced her that maybe, maybe some people are truly worth it. It's worth to put in the work, because they'll happily and openly show you the results. No trickery, no roundabouts, just straight to the point. I want to make you happy. I can try to make you happy. You look, act and feel happy. It makes me happy.
it was a start, at the very least.
Minako ☆ - happy headcanon
I truly feel like Mina is on a constant high of Ultra Dopamine. Not to say she doesn't have her low moments, but you'll find her dead and buried into her 869th incarnation before she's willingly to openly acknowledge the misery of her own existence. That just ain't Venus, that just ain't Minako Aino.
She has duties, both as the leader and as a friend, but fuck if she isn't gonna find a way to make it fun for herself.
A friend is sick?! Minako 'the sexy nurse' Aino is coming over full throttle and full costume making sure that spotlight doesn't dare to stop tracking her for even one second.
Senshi training tonight?! She's the shot caller, arranging all the set pieces, challenging herself with mixing important senshi duties and important 'I must be entertained, me, Minako Aino duties'. Yes, Mars, 3 more sets of single leg squats, cause of course that is very important. For both duties.
My friends are dating, but they are soo awkward?! Nothing that a Firefly 5 Inch Glow In The Dark Dildo can't solve, all nicely wrapped in a surprise box so graciously gifted during dinner (spoiler: it didn't end well...).
Long story short, if Mina has to do something and that something isn't fun, she'll make it fun. Most times at the cost of whatever victims friends she has brought along.
Although there is one thing that has consistently granted Mina with an almost inexplicable sense of sole contentment: Exercise. Mina loves, loves, loves working out. While I see her as having more a gymnast body type, so preferring more cardio and mobility workout, she's not one to turn down any type of workout; Being for Sailor Business Training or just for herself to experiment.
Where these 2 aspects of her meet the best I think is her love of volleyball. Training her body, mind, hand-eye-coordination and team coordination in a beautiful package that still allows her to snatch that spotlight for herself and make sure the people's eye are glued on her for the rest of the game, if she so wishes.
Minako and Ami ☮ - friendship headcanon
Welp, I've actually written about this before, right here. But, basically out of all the inners I think the MinaAmi friendship is def the weakest.
For the longest time, they just straight out didn't like each other, they just never admitted it out loud, I even have them beating the shit out of each other one time. I hc Ami as autistic and that makes it quite difficult for her to understand Minako's intentions from her lack of a clear response in both expression and tone. Her actions really speak to Ami as bullying behavior and that's not totally off. Mina thrives on getting a reaction, so she's willing to go to places where a lot of people wouldn't, just to get a reaction out of people and the times she does it on Ami, it just ends up making her feel very uncomfortable and quite angry. The others do try to stop this from happening if they catch what Mina is onto fairly early.
TLDR: Ami doesn't like Mina because Mina acts like a bully, has unclear motives on why she acts the way she acts and is very much willing to make people uncomfortable to get a reaction out of them (this last one is quite skewed from Ami's perception, since she sees Mina teasing the others the way she does with her, but never puts together that the others 'most of the time' consent to the teasing and are even willing to bite back playfully). Mina doesn't like Ami 'cause she's boring. Ami is very simple on the outside, and while that can be quite the entertaining show, the well runs dry as soon as Ami stops giving Mina what she's looking for, attention.
All that said, I can see them becoming closer as the years run by and mostly as Ami opens up to new expressions of affection and care. Most of the merit going to Michiru, whom I can see making a genuine effort, in her unique Michiru way, to befriend Ami. And sort of succeeding?! Michiru is in now way direct, every word that departs her lips is carefully refined before being handpicked to form the most enigmatic phrasing any human being could ever hope to comprehend. Her expressions, a total enigma. Never has one seen a smile hiding so much mystery since the Mona Lisa herself. And yet, something grew, they are quite content in calling it a friendship.
Beginning to understand emotion without a direct and clear response was definitely a step forward in understanding the blonde leader, since I never see Minako giving up her teasing I think Ami would grow toward more of a competitive side in their late teens and early adulthood. Minako wants a reaction? My turn. I'll practice this new Sailor V game at the arcade until all the top scores look like this:
Mizuno A
Mizuno A
Mizuno A
Mizuno A
Mizuno A
"Wow, Ami I didn't even know you played this game. You filled up the leaderboard" Usagi gawked with staring at the old arcade screen.
"Oh, I had some spare time yesterday, so I spent a couple of hours playing. The game is quite easy once you understand the enemy AI and get a sense for the tempo of the platforming"
Mina was quiet. The expression of horror plastered on her face. One to rival her encounter with the Galaxy destroyer Warrior Sailor Galaxia. A couple of hours, I REFUSE! ICAN'T BE! Endless afternoons spent sweating money, tears and MORE MONEY, MY MONEY!! on achieving that leaderboard, just for a couple of hours to
… she dared to peek. Out of the corner of her eye she could see a sight of true defiance and treachery.
Sitting on the worn out leather stool. The genius, her teammate, her friend, sparing her a look. A barely perceivable grin.
Truly the start of a miracle friendship.
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waifu5000 · 3 months
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Minami Ami 南あみ
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