#minah is like 17 bad coping mechanisms in a trench coat which makes it hard to admire much of anything but hey!
cityandking · 1 year
8, 17, 36 + B, H for minah and dai!
thanks tabby! // uncommon questions
8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
MINAH — probably to stop distracting people in lessons. or to stop running inside. she was pretty well behaved as a kid, generally speaking, but she had a lot of energy to burn and got into typical childish mischief DAI — was often asked to help with things—he had an extra set of hands and was a quick study, and the adults around him needed all the help they could get. after a while, he stopped having to be asked and would just pitch in wherever he saw a need to be filled. like I said, he was a quick study.
17. Are they easily embarrassed?
MINAH — no. I, however, am, which makes things tricky. she's lived through A Lot and that means it takes A Lot to truly shock or embarrass her. DAI — yes, but that won't stop him. he's shy and awkward and gets embarrassed easily, but he also has a tendency to dig his heels in and push through despite the embarrassment. I aspire to be more like him.
36. Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap? 
MINAH — neither. she might enjoy a fling, but she's not seeking or waiting for anything or anyone. she had her go with romance and she isn't interested in opening up like that again DAI — also neither. he's ace/aro spec, so tbh romance wasn't something that was even on his radar. he's having a good time, though (death aside). it's nice being in love.
B) What inspired you to create them?
MINAH — the thing is I love a wily little rogue with Issues and I've never played a proper thief before (their action economy is insane). her troupe/performer background was inspired a little by Station 11 and a little by my thoughts about apostate!au vesper who joined a circus and a little by my own theater experience, and I've really enjoyed playing up that angle. she's got some other stuff (eldest daughter complex, as so often tends to happen with my PCs) but that hasn't come into play quite as much (yet) DAI — answered!
H) What trait do you admire most?
MINAH — I think it's super cool that she can touch her toes and do the splits and stuff. wish that were me (honestly I admire that she's still fucking around and finding out. good on her) DAI — I admire his inner strength. his conviction and commitment and dedication to pushing through and doing the right thing even when it's hard or uncomfortable is something I'd like to bring more into my own life
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