izvmimi · 28 days
guys clap for me this time my self insert is a scientist not a doctor i’m growing
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yukii0nna · 1 year
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Ronin Mimikawa
Twisted for Yuuta from Mermaid Saga
Voiced by: Kazuya Nakai(Japanese) Kent Williams(English)
School: Shiyou to Shimasu academy
Dorm: Noroshi
Height: 181
Age : 17
Birthday: 7/6
Homeland: The rising Inlands
Dominate hand: Left
Flaws:I can be too serious
Pet Peeves: Do not try to live forever!! It never ends well. Trust me on that
Favorite subject: Magical History. I believe we should learn our history lest we repeat it.
Least favorite subject: Admittedly Potion is quite a frustrating subject for me
Favorite food: I love a good rice bowl
Least favorite food: Sea food! I have my reasons.
As long as he could remember his uncle was obsessed with immorality. He was always looking for ways to become immortal. As such, he heard an old legend about mermaid flesh. Hearing his brother was married to a mermaid.... Ronin lost Brother to his uncle at age 5. After that failed he turned his sights to Ronin. Fortunately,he was arrested but not without leaving a scar on the family . To this day,Ronin still has nightmares about the day
Ronin is a noble young man. He is one of the kinder of the students . He is the one who tries to keep order. Key word: Tries . That said he is very ridged and serious to the point where he's not very liked. Though he does have his fans.That said he can be reasonable.
Deuce Spade(pen pals)
Isamu Hinoka
Ayamachi Sei
Unique Magic: Who wants to live forever
Gives him the ability to survive anything,! He can still feel pain and a chop to the head can kill him
Is half mermaid
Can cook pretty well
Has a fan club in the school . They call themselves "Romin's Angels"
Likes calming magic music
@marrondrawsalot @adrianasunderworld @writing-heiress @danika-redgrave124 @kousaka-ayumu @achy-boo @the-weirdos-mind @abyssthing198 @bakawitch
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princess-sengoku · 4 years
Time attack times for Sengoku Basara 1/devil kings
There is an item that is an hourglass on 4-4 that turns the stage into a time attack and you have to beat the stage in that amount of time. If you do, you get 3 big boxes or chests. If you don't, it's game over. Without the item you have no timer at all and you're free to explore and kill them all. I'll post the times for each stage that it gives you in the beginning of the level that you have to complete it in.
Arctica Rebellion/Northern Rebellion (Itsuki's stage): 5:03
Assault on Bloomdale/Battle at Kasugayama Castle: 6:30
Chase at the Tablelands/Battle at Suriagehara: 3:30
Siege at Dark Spire/Siege at Odawara: 7:30
Ruse at Riverglen/Battle of Kawanakajima (vs shingen): 4:00
Deadwood counteroffensive/Battle at Nagashino: 2:50
Storm on the great plains/Battle of Mikatagahara: 5:00
Divide and conquer Faylinn/Battle of Anegawa: 3:30
Ambush at Shadow gorge/ Battle of Okehazama: 3:00
Fall of the high temple/ Honnoji incident (vs. Nobunaga): 6:30
Crossing the River Styx/ Battle of Yamazaki: 2:45
Flooding Gulthas Nam/Conquering Takamatsu castle: 4:30
Landing at Nanvia/Shikoku suppression: 5:00
Pilgrimage to cathedral city/ Zabii(Xavi or Zabi, however you want to call it) castle: 7:30
Leveling Kush/Battle at Mimikawa: 6:00
Battle of Riverglen/Battle at Kawanakajima (vs. Kenshin): 4:00
Twisted High temple/ Honnoji incident (vs.Mitsuhide): 3:15
Now the question is: Do you guys think you can beat all of these stages in the time given? I believe in all of you but some stages will be a struggle even if you rush through. Be glad that this time attack is just an item that you can take on and off and not an actual mechanic for the game. You can explore the area as long as you want to get treasure. Go for these if you want a speedrun. Difficulty doesn't affect the time limit in anyway.
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humuu-zakki · 2 years
バスの中でキーボードもないので手打ちでこれを打っています 非常に面倒です
sonarのMV見ていただけたでしょうか 観てない方は今すぐ 
このMVはお二人に声をか���ていただいたところから始まりました いちいさんもmimikawaさんも昔から自分がファンだったので嬉しくなってしまいました
活動を休止していた期間に再開したらやりたいことをいくつか考えていて、その一つが実写を混ぜたアニメMVだったのでタイミングがとてもよかったです 以前写真の上に絵を描いた本を出したのですが写真に絵を描けるなら動画にアニメ描けるなという気持ちがありそれが実現した形です
実写アニメMVをやりたいと考えていた理由としてはもう一つあって、それは3Dと実写を合わせた作品が好きだと言うのがあります 特に花譜のquizのMVが好きです それから名取さなが動物と戯れる動画とか あいにく3Dはやったことないので絵を描くことにしました(アニメもやったことなかったわけですが)
MVの方向性として、尊敬する巡宙艦ボンタ先生のようにMV自体になんらかのストーリーを持たせるようなものを作っても勝てない(勝負してるわけではないですが)と思ったので淡々と景色が流れていくようにしました その方がいちいさんとmimikawaさんの雰囲気にも合うかなぁとも思ったので また、MV自体が主張をしすぎると曲を圧迫してしまうのではないかと考えていたこともありますがこれはあまり的を得ていないと最近は考えています(人は曲から得た感動とMVから得た感動を区別できないと思ったので
アニメと実写を交えたアニメの大きな違いの一つは意図があるかどうかというのがあります 映像研に似たような話がありましたが、アニメは描かれてるもの全て人が描こうと思って描かれています 一方実写を用いると意図しないものが写ります おもしろいですね 背景が動いてくれることで絵の方が止まっていても動きのある動画になるのもいいところです
背景の動画は3人みんなに撮ってもらいました それぞれの動画の中でこの子はどんなことをしているだろうと考えるのがとても楽しかったです これは撮る方写す末の時とアプローチが逆になっています それから、今回動画に出てくるキャラは1人です この子の性格とかがアニメを描く中でだんだん出来上がっていくのがよかったです
アニメを作っていたらコミティアに出す本を作る時間がなくなっていたので、MVのまとめの本を作りました 今回は1人しか出てこないので、その子のアルバムにしようとなりました この本の中身についてはどんなストーリーがあったのか考えてもらえると嬉しいです
コミティアでMV観たと言ってくださった方が何人かいて非常にありがたかったです コミティアはフォローしてる人が出過ぎていて、全て回りきれないしブースにもいられないといった感じで反省ばかりです
夏に入ってから頭がぼーっとして創作もうまくいかずと言う感じでしたがコミティアに行き沢山の本に殴られたらやる気が出てきたのでこれからはもっと頑張っていきたいです 今まではイラストメインだったのですが次からは漫画描きマンになろうと思います これからもよければみてください
文章がかけなすぎて読みにくかったと思いますが読んでくださりありがとうございました sonarや本の感想があればdmでもお題箱でもいただけると嬉しいです
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izvmimi · 25 days
gen parties up with me in league of legends on solo/duo queue only to cuss me out on discord for missing skill-shots and you can hear kendall in the back telling him to be nice to me or he won't get head and reno whose head's been laying in my lap asking gen if he locks his doors at night over the crunch of hot doritos
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izvmimi · 28 days
my military industrial complex bf that i'm comfortable supporting <333333 reno ichikawa ily <333333 my widdle ice princess <3333
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izvmimi · 27 days
pls tell me more about scientist mimi in the kn8 universe!
mmm okay, i haven't had that much time thinking about it but!!!
things are set about 3-4 years after the current timing of the manga
about two years older than reno
i'm a transfer from the us that speaks slightly imperfect japanese, and after graduate studies at the california neutralization university (where kikoru also went) i was hired to run the bioweapons division, which causes a lot of administrative drama in the upper echelon cuz i'm a foreigner and i'm young so i have to prove myself and they're also like if she's so good why did she get sent to japan instead of staying in america (but it's kaiju capital so ofc i would go overseas)
anyway because of that imposter syndrome and also the hiring drama, i'm a bit difficult to approach since i'm so anxious and want to do a good job but also want to be respected
mainly most of the stuff i do is human ability augmentation research which deals with suits, prosthetics and weapons, particularly numbers weapons maintenance but also adjusting if there are compatibility issues
i initially was supposed to go to the first division but instead got sent to the fourth division to sort of 'prove myself'
reno and i meet because he has a numbers weapon that i help maintain and manage as well as augment if needed
at first it's definitely a strictly professional relationship even if i can tell he's sort of developed a crush which only upsets me more initially because these people already don't take me seriously, mr. googoo eyes over there is not helping my credibility (i am also ms. googoo eyes so i really have no space to be talking)
in fact, at some point i get upset that he's so kind to me when he's really just being a nice person cuz i'm so stressed out but we have a heart to heart once he sees me having a Moment after there's an incident with weapons malfunctioning (not really my fault but somehow i get roped into it)
anyway the vibes are girlboss x malewife ish but he's very sweet and protective of me
sorry for rambling but thank you for asking!
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izvmimi · 28 days
tbh i hate the fact that the kaiju corpses don’t poof away so much (<- this is an insane assumption to have made in the first place) but the sick part of me is very intrigued by the idea of making out on top of the mound of kaiju bodies he just destroyed 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
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izvmimi · 28 days
you see reno and you think winter dates, right? no! i want him sweating like a melted popsicle!!!!
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izvmimi · 19 days
If all of your favs had ice cream flavored cum, what flavors would they each be
what kind of question is this
izuku - cake batter
asta - sinful cream (badum tss)
tanjiro - cheesecake
reno - soda flavor
sugimoto - brownie
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izvmimi · 27 days
the problem with ichikawa is that he's so pretty that once we started not so secret dating i'd be doing stupid shit like passing him in the hallways of the fourth division like 'vogue!' and he'd just strike the stupidest high fashion pose and i'd take a dramatic ass cellphone pic and that would be our five seconds of fun for the day before we go back to being as uptight and serious as possible
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izvmimi · 28 days
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yukii0nna · 1 year
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Shiyou to shimasu Academy twisted from the characters of Rumiko Takahashi's works. Its location is the Rising Islands
Ask such ,the academy has 4 Dorms each based on the Protagonist of her manga and stories. The school is Co Ed so there are many students. However it is not as old as NRC or RSA but it is as prestigious. The students all can be just as egotistical as regular mages and made of pretty tough stuff
Yasema: Dorm of the Great Martial Artist
Ranma Satome
Dorm masters: Arata and Yukari Keta
Suruoni: Dorm of the Shocking Oni
Dorm Master: Rai Van
Noroshi: Dorm of the Cursed Fisherman
Mermaid Saga
Dorm Masters:Ronin Mimikawa
Desubā: Dorm of the Clever shinigami
Dorm Master: Shiko Monril
Ketakuma:Dorm of the Determined Yokai
Dorm Master: Baku Hakusho
@danika-redgrave124 @kousaka-ayumu @marrondrawsalot @writing-heiress @adrianasunderworld @childofwitches @the-weirdos-mind @abyssthing198 @nproduction626 @zexal-club
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yukii0nna · 1 year
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yukii0nna · 11 months
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Ayamachi "Aya" Sei
Twisted from:Ataru Moroboshi
Voiced by: Eri Kitamura(japanese) "Brina Palencia"(English)
Height: 155
School:Shiyou to shimasu Academy
Home land: The rising inlands
Family members: Yoko Sei(mother), Taro Sei(father)
Flaws: Take your pick, Flirt, greedy, I've been called them all!! It's fine I know what I am...
Pet Peeves: I can't stand unlucky symbols!! I don't need more bad luck!!
Favorite subject: Astronomy class is amazing. To look at the stars and imagine what else is out there.
Least favorite subject: PE!!!! I can run pretty well but other than that, I'm doomed!!
Favorite food: Hot pots are awesome!! That is all
Least favorite food: Seaweed bars! It's just not for me
Hobbies: Stargazing and reading was and still is my comforts. I enjoy watching the hotties on TV
Ever since she was born,the universe was out to get her. Her parents never wanted kids and so at best she was neglected. She learned how to fend for her self because of them. At one point ,she was thrown out into the river to drown. When she was 11,she found an old telescope. Interested in it,she started to pick up stargazing. It then became her comfort. It was then she decided to go to Shiyou because of the astrology program. No one thought she would get it,even Aya,but she did.
Aya is what you call a flirt. Plain and simple. She had asked out most of the guys and had been rejected every time, sometimes violently. She is known for determination, greed, flirtiness and cunning. However,beneath that cruel exterior there is a love hungry and lonely girl who craves happiness. She didn't have friends as a girl so anyone who shows her kindness,she latches on to.
Super speed: Is pretty fast,due to the fast she always had to run away
Intelligence: Despite what people say about her, she's actually pretty smart.
Dark magic: Has the potential to be a powerful wizard .
Ronin Mimikawa
Is scared of thunder
Tran: MTF,gets her estrogen from the school store. It's pretty faulty but she's pretty desperate
Has a lot of scars over years
Love Indie bands
Has a lot of good luck charms on her
@shiningharmony @anxious-twisted-vampire @marrondrawsalot @danika-redgrave124@liviavanrouge @kousaka-ayumu @writing-heiress @achy-boo
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yukii0nna · 1 year
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Arata and Yukari Keta
Age: 17(Arata)16(Yukari)
Twisted form: Ranma Satome
Voiced by: Newton Pittman/Ryōta Ōsaka(Arata)Faye Mata/Mai Nakahara
School: Shiyou to Shimasu Academy
Dorm: Yasema
Homeland: The Chaos Hallows
Family members :Saro Keta (father) Hana Keta(mother)
Favorite subject:P.E, It is after all my family's specialty. / Economics my best subject
Least favorite subject: Writing is really hard....but who needs it?!?/Math is quite frustrating, but I can manage
Favorite food: Steak, though I would like to try mochi/ Tea of course,but pizza smell heavenly
Hobbies: Practicing Fighting of course!! I would like to sew and sing and not be a fighter for once/Cooking, cleaning, sewing are proper for young ladies. I wish I could read comics and play video games
The Keta's always produce the best. As such,their children should be no different . Raised separately to be the perfect son and daughter,they were proud of the dolls children . For a long time they were jealous of each other for having the freedom they long for,never realizing that they were both caged. That jealous grew to resentment.
Unique Magic:
Wild like you: Can cause any kind of chaos for a half hour. Can't choose how it affects target .
It's love: Is able to make any one fall in love ,last for how long she chooses
Ronin Mimikawa (both)
Arata likes pop and is a closet fan of Vil
@the-weirdos-mind @marrondrawsalot @abyssthing198
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