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Aftermath Of Destruction Of The Autobot Base
#transformers prime au#transformers prime oc#transformers prime the revenge of the mimicon#lucinda miller#marcus heathcliff
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How big are babies if kids are the size of mimicons till their trend ?
They are t i n y.
It's about the size of a digit on a normal bot. A somewhat acceptable size for a two-wheeler like Arcee, but absolutely spark-breakingly precious for other Cybes. They look so fragile, so smol, more than a few individuals have spark attacks; they can hold it in a single servo!
It adds to the cute factor.
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Mini boi
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#Birdtober2022 Day 8 - Mimic
One of the best examples of vocal mimicry I’ve ever heard comes from the aptly named Superb Lyrebird of Australia.
If you have not seen this video, you’re missing out:
#birdtober2022#birdtober#bird#lyrebird#animal#nature#wildlife#my art#digital art#digital painting#Digital Illustration
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Oh! And 🧹
🧹 - Have you ever made your own costume?
No, but I did make Fem!Maxie cosplay from Pokémon to Mimicon years ago.
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Some more of them Best Touhou Girls ™ We found ourselves from the convention's photo folder, so why not to post that set here as well. These were some good-quality photos after all We were actually invited to the convention's Hall Cosplay competition. We didn't win though, but hey, getting invited to begin with is good enough for me considering that I didn't make these costumes with competing in mind, these were purely shitposts from my behalf xD Costumes and Clownpiece: me Hecatia: @pupusukka Picture source: conikuvat.fi/mimicon-2018
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Thanks for everyone who visited my and @gomisart‘s booth at Tracon and at Mimicon! Please accept this sweet frog as a sign of my gratitude.
I’ve been having blast last couple of weeks and I can’t wait for the next convention!
(Shout out to Gomis for being an amazing partner in crime during these cons! U R the Best!)
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Me as Handsome Jack from Mimicon 2018🕶️
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... オフィス面積を削減し、バーチャルオフィス勤務が9割を占めるウイングアーク1st株式会社や、「声」から相手の事を知る婚活イベント「mimicon.
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Okay so it starts like this:
Crew is inside Ultra Magnus mouth canon vore btw right after the whole "smile to save everyone" ordeal, but when the crew is getting un-tinyzed, something goes wrong with the mass shifting gyzmo and there's a rebound (or anything sciency sounding enough) and BAM
Ultra Magnus gets shrinked.
Luckily, not to nanobot scale, BUT TO MIMICON SCALE.
Now ultra magnus is just slightly shorter than Tailgate.
Everyone but Magnus agrees is adorable hilarious.
Brainstorm assures him he can get it fixed in a few minutes, Perceptor puts him in a headlock and tells Magnus they'll have the ray fixed and TESTED in a week at most.
So a week of tiny Magnus, who is properly infuriated by the whole ordeal and how much of a laughing stock the crew treats him as.
The other minicons aboard try to show him how being shorter than the average cybertronian can be pretty nice.
And is with Magnus hanging around the minicons that makes Rewind realize something.
Magnus is comfortable.
Oh he's still mad, for sure, but he barely shows any indication to having a hard time adjusting to his new estature.
Whenever someone adress him, Magnus automatically looks up, instead of the usual down.
Whenever he needs something out of reach, he finds the easiest climbing route with barely a glance.
And, the most giving detail, Rewind once saw him walking besides Rodimus, reprimanding him for one or other reason, and not only Magnus walked at a faster pace than usual to stay at Rodimus's side (when he should be used to take slower steps to let other bots catch up to him) while effortlessly stepping aside and around other bots as to not be stepped on/pushed aside.
Without removing his optics from Rodimus.
Thats NOT how a huge bot turned tiny moves.
Thats how a TINY bot moves.
I think i got a potential fic idea where Rewind finds out magnus is actually mininus way earlier
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Brändäys - kuka mitä häh
Edellinen kirjoitelmani herätti paljon keskustelua. Ajattelin koota tähän ajatuksia, joita nousi esille liittyen coneihin sekä brändäykseen, joten kaikki tämän tekstin pointit eivät ole puhtaasti omia huomioita.
Vuonna 2016 järjestettiin 49 erilaista tapahtumaa pääasiassa japanilaisen popkulttuurin ympärille. Tälle vuodelle on tiedossa ainakin 15 viikonlopun tai päivän kestävää ajanvietteen juhlaa ja määrä varmasti kasvaa. Tapahtumia siis riittää Suomen joka kolkkaan. Mutta mikä erottaa tapahtumat toisistaan? Coneista tulee helposti yhtä massaa tällaisen määrän takia, joten brändäys on tärkeä apu. Brändäyksellä tarkoitan lyhyesti ilmaistuna mainetta, mielikuvaa ja tarinaa. Mitä harrastajat conista Beta ajattelevat? Onko Betalla jotain, mikä erottuu muista ja saa kävijät valitsemaan Betan Omegan sijasta?
En ole itse ammattilainen tässä suhteessa, mutta mediaopintojen sivussa on tullut jotain hoksattua ja conin tekeminen opettaa jatkuvasti lisää. Ideointi on tärkeää, uuden keksiminen vieläkin tärkeämpää.
Isoimmat tapahtumat, kuten Desucon, Tracon ja Popcult ovat onnistuneet selkeästi brändäämään itsensä, kohderyhmä on rajattu ja kävijöillä on selkeä mielikuva.
Mielikuvien rakentaminen
Kitacon oli pitkään Suomen pohjoisin con. Mielikuva on itselleni vahva, vaikka tapahtuman järjestäminen ja laatu onkin heilahdellut vuosien myötä. Jos Kitacon palaa uudestaan (vuonna 2017 sitä ei järjestetty) on pyörän keksiminen uudelleen tarpeellista. Pohjoisimman conin kruunua pitää Mushucon, mutta selkeää identiteettiä tapahtumalla ei vielä muutoin ole.Kokkoconin nimi juontaa myös kaupungin nimeen eli Kokkolaan. Näissä tapauksissa on hyödynnetty sijainnin korostamista.
Edellämainittu Tracon taas korostaa enemmän peliharrastusta (lautapeli, korttipelit, miniatyyri jne..), Desucon painottaa vahvasti animeen liittyvään ohjelmaan, Popcult taas nimensä mukaisesti popkulttuuriin esimerkiksi juuri fantasian ja scifin saralla. Brändäyksessä on siis korostettu aihepiiriä toimivasti ja harrastajat löytävät itseään kiinnostavat jutut sekä tapahtumat helposti näiden pohjalta.
Sitten löytyy tapahtumia jotka brändäävät itsensä muutoin hauskasti, kuten Mimicon olemalla ”Suomen pehmoisin con.” On myös tapahtumia, joista ei ainakaan itsellä ole vahvaa mielikuvaa, mainittakoon tässä vaikka Kokkocon ja Chibicon. (Joku toinen varmasti identifioi tapahtumat eri tavalla kuin minä.)
Ideoi, ideoi ja ideoi
Sijainnin ja aihepiirin korostaminen conin brändissä on toki luonnollista ja helppoa, mutta se ei saa jäädä siihen. Löytyykö tapahtumasta jotain uutta ja erikoista, kuten uudenlaisia kisoja, erilaista osallistavaa ohjelmaa tai uusia myyjiä? Jos löytyy, se on hyvä alku.
Toki lähtökohtaisesti pienemmillä tai keskikokoisilla coneilla vaikuttaminen ohjelmaan on vaikeaa eikä se ole helppoa isoillakaan. Hyväksi ohjelmanpitäjäksi tulee vain pitämällä ohjelmaa, mutta joskus oma idea ei välttämättä kohtaa tapahtuman tarpeiden kanssa. Tässäkin suhteessa selkeä mielikuva conista auttaa hyvän ohjelman saamisessa, peliluennot pelikeskeiselle conille ja niin edelleen, vaikka kaikkea voi iloisesti sekoittaa keskenään jos niin halutaan. Se ei kuitenkaan aina palvele brändin tarkoitusta. Toki conin vakiintuneisuus ajan mittaan auttaa ohjelman ja myyjien löytämisen suhteen, jolloin kävijätkin tietävät tarkemmin miten Beta eroaa Omegan tarjonnasta.
Alku aina vaikeaa
Vaikka tapahtuma olisikin pieni tai ei niin tunnettu kuin joku toinen, ei conitean kannata ajatella että oma tapahtuma olisi huono tai vähäpätöinen. Conihommissa oppii paljon uutta ja tutustuu uusiin ihmisiin, jolloin se on jo itsessään hyvä asia. Lisäksi tällainen tekeminen hyödyttää myös isoja että pienempiä tapahtumia molempiin suuntiin. Verkostoituminen lisää tietotaitoa ja parhaimmillaan puskaradion toiminta tehostuu.
Kannattaa kuitenkin miettiä, tarvitsemmeko me oikeasti niin paljon coneja joka kolkkaan?
Ennen kuin lähdet järjestämään uutta tapahtumaa Ivaloon tai Ahvenanmaalle, keskity ensiksi antamaan laadukasta palautetta coneille. Mitä vierailemastasi tapahtumasta puuttuu, jota se ei sinulle vielä tarjoa? Näin olemassa olevista häppeningeistä kehittyy paremmin sinua palvelevia ja brändikin kehittyy. Tai kuten Niidel sanoi, tee (sittenkin) itte. :D
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Redesigning Daisy Torres
#transformers prime the revenge of the mimicon#transformers prime au#transformers prime oc#daisy torres#daisy au
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how large are humans and envoys since i remember that kids were about the same size as a mimicons(and Rid showed that thats about Russel size) ?
It's all dependent on where the individual is developmentally and the genetics steering it. Infants would actually match a sparkling in size, while kids (5-10 biological age range) can be mini-con size, with a major growth spurt once they reach their teens. Growing pains hurt when you've got metal bones.
Adult height would be dependent on genetics, both DNA and CNA. Jonah and Mara are good examples of this. Jonah is a Neo-human, and from what I've hinted to in his memories, he was a strapping tall farm boy before the Omega Lock hit. Because of this, those organic genes have transferred over and put him on the taller end of Neo-humans, Mara, however, is a younger teen and would have been around 5'2" but the influx of CNA gave her a boost that made their heights pretty equal.
I'm going to use Ratchet as my yardstick because he is as close as I can come to a relatively "average" height for the bots.
Both Mara and Jonah would be able to look at Ratchet (and Stunbolt) directly in the optic and be roughly the same size. Now, a previously five-foot human who's not an Envoy would probably end up being slightly taller than Arcee, by a helm at most. While June, in all her Unicron Juice glory, would be a teeny bit shorter than Bulkhead. And a previously 6-foot-something or other human turned Envoy? Easily competing with Megatron.
There is some variation in potential sizes, not nearly as much as a traditional Cybertron would have, but still a decent amount of diversity thanks to carrying on previous height ratios that have been slightly/decently tweaked by the CNA.
Humans aren't tiny anymore, but the average individual isn't a towering monster (with a few possible exceptions).
We're smol scary little guys, but that just makes it easier to snap a few knees.
Thank you for Reading!
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golden flowers
More cosplay pictures! I originally made this costume for Mimicon 2016, but didn’t have a proper photoshoot until day two of Kawacon 2017. Frisk is such a nice and simple costume to wear.
costume made and worn by me (Hypotermia)
#Frisk#Undertale#Undertale cosplay#Kawacon#Kawacon 2017#Hypo's cosplays#*pulls out bucket list*#''have a pretentious photoshoot in a flower field''...... check........#the raw pictures had some delicious lens flare so i got a little carried away with the editing lmao#also it was a Bad Idea to go to that location to shoot because it was so far away#and it was freaking hot outside#and i was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and a wig and thermo tights designed for winterwear#and those shoes are not designed for walking at all#anyway the pictures turned out nice so im happy in the end
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May (Pokemon ORAS) at Mimicon 2016
Photos © Biffcos
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Mimicon 2018 is Coming!!!
I’m so excited, I can’t wait. Usually Mimicon has been held during Spring, but now it’s being held during Autumn, but hey, it’s better than nothing since it wasn’t held last year. I miss Mimi, I got some friends there last time, but we haven’t met or talked ever since that event.... I miss them and I wish to meet them again during Mimicon 2018!!!!
This was my very first costume from the First Year Mimicon was held. It was also my first cosplay aka gijinka costume! I was a Pokémon Lugia’s gijinka version to match my sister’s Ho-oh!
Such a bad picture, he eh... But I like it and my sister even edited it for me.
On second day of the Con I went as Lolita and all make up is thanks to my sister! I swear, she was about to punch me in middle of make up because I was moving and one year she accidentally burned me with hair straightener and she got mad at me for moving because of that! But her temperamental nature has calmed down ever since she had her first child. Now instead of taking everything to me she takes it on her boyfriend. XD
On my year 2015 I dressed as Maxie from Pokémon Omega Ruby and I loved every second in there, even if my glasses hurt my face and only one guy recognised me...! TTvTT
The last year Mimicon was held was 2016 and I dressed as Victorian Demon lady. I loved every second of it and I loved the fact that I got a picture with Deadpool. Honestly, my sister looked AMAZING that year, but this year I’m going to propose that she dresses up as Totoro with her baby! Man, I can’t wait what this year has in store.
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