#mimicking the anime art style is always so fun ngl
fumiko-matsubara · 2 months
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AssClass OC: Matsuoka Isami Anime Design Reference Sheet
I've done a couple sketches of Isami's design when I first introduced him in this blog over a year ago, but I haven't really done a proper reference sheet.
So I thought it would be a good idea to do this one, especially since I have made a couple of tiny tweaks in his look according to his lore that I have developed in private for the past year.
Which I'm lowkey kinda regretting now cuz MY GOD Chiba's canon high school uniform is so ugly especially in the lerche anime style, not even my pretty princess can save it 😭
Anime Design Reference Sheets:
Puey Santiago
Tsuchiya Kaho
Yamazaki "Miki" Jenny (OC)
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subnaut1ca · 2 years
Posting a hot take on tumblr cause I’m scared of twitter
Genuinely, MAPPA animation is clean but Im so fucking genuinely sad csm got blasted with the basic af corporate clean pretty anime normie style beam. like bruh old animation shit and all but can we PLEASE normalize going back to like different animation styles. LIKE LIKE bruh trigger they always be doin the interesting cool art style shit, they have smth thats theirs (yes Im sucking dick to my favorite anim studio)OR LIKE SCIENCE SARU their style wouldnt fit at ALL but at least itd be flavorful, OR MADHOUSE they're good at style mimick and can do the sketchy line shit really well like in OPM
like bruh I sound like a boomer but idk man maybe its cause I pictured csm in my head for so long as really gritty seeing it all clean and shiny is really weird to me... Like dont get me wrong I think MAPPA does usually put out bangin shit, but I wanna go back to old bones, madhouse, fuckin wahtever the hell where they really just went like wild and fun to fit the manga style rather than cater to the general public or whatever sigh. even dororo had like pretty different palettes and shit or even fuckin dorohedoro, sure the anim was like ok usually and the 3d was decent but mannnn I just wanna go back to crispy funky style anime grrr anyways hate anime that shit is cringe and bad ^^ kensuke Ushio on the ost so thatll be a win and proll the carrying part of the show, idk maybe its cause I loved this manga so much for so long Ive like built my own vision of what  itd be like but man sigh sigh sigh idk these days maybe im getting older or smth but a lot of anime seems so milk toast and genuinely manga and shit just always happens to interest me more than its animated counterparts weird how times are a changin, Ill still be hype for the sound effects (they better fuckin HIT like fire force) and ost and fights moving but boy do I WISH it was grittier than that glossy fuckin normie bullshit
Although considering how much of like a cult following csm has and how dedicated most fans are I think there will always be ppl disappointed lol (im normal shut up)
its 4am Im sorry LOL
PS at least it wasnt clover works or smth like ig promised neverland was nice but like idk I feel like their thing is pretty anime, they got that gritty pencil right at right times Ill admit tho
PPS clover field would be bangin on WHA just sayin, seems up their ally
PPPS I also salty with what MAPPA did to AOT, liek WIT studio HAD THAT SHIT BY THE BALLS MAN, and the MAPPA beam made it glossy and shiny like... I mean along with other shit I visually was grrr ed about
idk I feel like a purest nerd saying that but whatever
PPPPS ngl I feel like WIT studio mighta fuckin RIPPED IT with csm all Im saying like ig they do have like a studio style but like idk they adapt well to styles for the most part
am a firm believer in like hate culture bad but in this instance, I will be a hater >:) respectfully
I’m shutting up now hopefully I dont scare away my like 5 followers or whatever
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