yuseirra · 5 years
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happy new year everyone!//
will I be able to complete this game this year? who knows! anyhow, I hope it will be a fulfilling year for all of us and also a better decade compared to our last
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dillydallyings · 5 years
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a couple of doodles based on the lovely little game mimalia by @yuseirra !!! the demo is out now and it is super cute, so i wanted to draw my feelings ;; please go support by friend my checking out her blog and downloading her game’s demo!
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ejmcmoon · 7 years
Reading Request
So I have a fantasy story up on Wattpad called Queen of the Outcasts and I know a lot of people on Tumblr look down on Wattpad. But it’s the easiest platform for me to post my work on and I do like it in spite of its flaws.
Anyway, I’ve entered the story into The Wattys and although the contest is about quality, it’s also about how much reads and votes you get (unfortunately). So it’d mean the world to me if you’d check it out.
To give you a little prior knowledge on it, here is the link to the story and the summary:
Janwald, Medein, a city situated in planet Mimalia's tallest mountain range, is one of the most oppressive communities on the planet. Over the course of history, Janwald has developed a mold that is accepted by everyone. And the unlucky minority that doesn't fit into that mold gets shunned, ridiculed, and sometimes even killed.
When one of Lanelae's biggest secrets falls into the wrong hands, she too is thrown in with Janwald's outcasts and her whole world is turned upside down. Her savior comes in the form of a fierce, selfless woman named Fadwa Abari. Without any of the twelve magics to aid her, Fadwa is constantly called an invalid by the powers-that-be, yet she stays resilient. Lanelae doesn't know how she does it all.
But there's much more to Fadwa than meets the eye. She has a very different type of magic and just like Lanelae, her world has been turned upside down in many ways. Fadwa just knows that in order to get back on your feet, you have to help someone else stand up.
This story has a LOT of girl love in it. It also focuses on the issues with having a theocracy and also how a god would feel if they experienced the problems happening in the world. I’ve had much fun writing and hope you have just as much fun reading
So yeah. Please give it a shot. Even if you don’t have time to read it or don’t think it’s your type of book, please boost this so other people can see.
Thanks in advance!
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yuseirra · 5 years
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Hey guys!
A small chunk of my original rpgmaker game, Mimalia is out!
you can download the demo from here. The gif is in KR but don’t worry, the whole thing is in English and this is just a prep for potential KR patch//
I am not making this game in chronological order. Thus, 60% of the maps that I’ve already made will not show up in the demo, and will be cut out due to spoiler reasons (including this one in the gif!) some of the scripts have been deleted in the demo and will not be accessible either.
when you download the file, please check the credits txt for credits. You cannot redistribute any of the files in the game! Thank you very much//
Please message me if you find any bugs and errors, I may not be able to respond immediately but it will be much appreciated!
+UPDATED LINK! I fixed a small bug that happens near the intro + there will be a new small segment available compared to the previous version!
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yuseirra · 5 years
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I also made my ocs with this too! the style is very cute
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yuseirra · 5 years
I wonder, do you have any OCs?
Hi anon!!// of course!! I have a whole ton (at least over a hundred or two!! I didn’t count), and I actually have a whole bunch of stories I have in mind!! 
If you look up the tag “my ocs” on my tumblr, I have some of them up here despite the fact I haven’t revealed so much about them yet. It’ll be nice if I could make real comics out of them someday!!
I also am making a small game out of a few of my ocs. I named one of it mimalia and you can get a short demo of it here! I’m planning to work on it again this December. It’s my first rpgmaker game so I may not be so skilled, and I can’t guarantee it’ll be your thing-
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-but I’m been spending a lot of time on it! it’ll be good!// It has cats and cute girl and a soft atmosphere you know?? That’s my thing at least and I have put in a lot of elements I like in there, I can indulge, right?
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This one’s based on a quick story I wrote in order experiment to make me get a hang of the program but I’ve grown attached to it.. I also have so many other stories I want to make that I’ve spent years and years to build, and I want to make those a reality as well.
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thank you for asking!! please watch over me and my works! :) I always get excited when someone asks me about how my original stories are coming along, or about my ocs, about my original works in general.
Oh, this reminds me but I also have a complete oc story I drew up in the past, as well! it’s called snow girl and you can read it here. You might be able to get an idea of how my original stories feel like..!
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yuseirra · 5 years
small trivia of my game mimalia!
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This cat you meet in my game (he later gets a name) was inspired from my friend’s cat, Kaya. He was briefly mentioned in this post when I described my visit to my friend’s house, and there are more pictures of him here too!
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kaya used to be a small puff ball (these are photos of him when he first arrived to my friend’s household)
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and he’s grown healthy and strong into a bigger puff ball (I believe I got this photo of him two weeks ago)
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and I occasionally get photos like this ^^; he was just stretching, apparently.
Kaya is a russian blue crossbred so that might make Mr. Cat a russian blue too?
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but russian blues are said to have green eyes by the time they are fully grown.
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Mr. Cat does not care about such trivial matter. Yellow eyes are cool too!
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yuseirra · 5 years
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This also seems like a GREAT time to share some fanarts I got for my game from earlier this year! ;v;//
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The first piece is a gift I got from the amazing @lilycal (senpai..;v;//) as a valentine’s day gift, and the second pieces are from sweet @sahamie in January! These all look so soft and pretty.. please draw them in my stead!!;v;  I’ve been saving them to post when I actually got my game up here.. since I have at least a small demo now, I feel I shouldn’t leave them in my cold draft section any longer. I’ve been keeping them hidden for long but they sure deserve to see the light of day.
Again, thank you so, so much for these..!! I am very blessed to have received these cute and beautiful fanarts. Getting these REALLY did encourage me to work! I got some lovely comments and feedbacks and I was able to make a few improvements already, so I believe the final product will end up to be a lot better than how it is in the demo! ‘m’)9
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yuseirra · 5 years
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game fanarts + original
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yuseirra · 5 years
Hey Yuu! I hope you are having a wonderful and sunny day wherever you are. I wanted to ask you, do you have any projects atm you would like to share?? I love popping in every once in a while to see all the new things you've created!
Hey Cobbs!!// it’s really nice to hear from you again, and I’m sorry it took me a few days to get to this message, I’m currently really busy right now.. I have big things coming through, and I think it’ll keep me pretty occupied till mid-June! I really want to come by and post things more often, but for now I really have to stick to my plans and keep going through the stuff life throws at me ;v;)/ but but, that doesn’t mean that I find this message or any message I’ve been getting a bother at all! I’m really happy from your message// it made me feel refreshed and recharged, I just wish I had more time to spare atm to talk.. I missed being here.
Also thank you so much for asking!!//// Ahh you’re a blessing and honestly you’re one of the few to ask what kinds of projects I’ve been doing, or plan on doing.. it encourages me a ton and I wish you the best on all your projects too cobbs, you deserve the best!
Well, I’ve been really thinking about continuing that game I’ve been making, recently I bought a few bg files (sketchup stuff) I could use for that purpose, so there’s that!
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I tried drawing over some of the images this morning because I wanted to attach something to this message.. and I think it’s not bad, although I’d still have to try harder on making it look more natural and fitting as a whole.
I’ve also been working on my original stories the past two months while I was studying, and I got some things sorted out, more plot, more ocs.. I look forward to the day I can post more about them and make my own comics!! Hopefully all colored and typesetted too! I acquired free fonts, pretty fonts, lots of csp brushes that I’d probably never use but still got for the aesthetics..! I’m very grateful you care!
I couldn’t draw so much for the past (almost) two months or so, so I’m afraid I don’t have too much to share right now, but I’ve been trying out new things every now and then.. so one day, I will make you proud ‘v’)9 (hopefully) I want to come back soon, and practice drawing more and draw lots more!!
I hope you have a sunny and wonderful say where you are too! Wish lots of luck and love come your way to you, and everyone that’s been kind to me!! :)
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yuseirra · 5 years
good evening yusei! First, I’d like to say the singing in your recent audio post with you and your brother is beautiful! Second, I wanted to ask you, and I hope this doesn’t pressure you to say, will there be a demo for your game once you have reached a point where you’re happy with it? Also are you making the music for it? Have a beautiful day 🤗
Hey Anon! It’s good to see you! First, oh my god thanks for listening? ;v;// it feels a bit embarrassing to hear someone gave that a chance and you’re welcome!
Second, I’m glad you still remember about my game! I’ve been making really slow progress with it; but I aim to finish it someday!
Thanks for being interested in playing the demo. I’ve been debating on whether if I should make one or not because the game has a very simple story in my opinion. If I gave away too much in the demo version, I felt like it’d deter a lot of the fun when you play the actual thing when it’s completed.
Till now that is. I’ll make a separate post but:
Here you go anon! I cut out the first few bits of the story that you could play. I really really did want to share the thing with everyone so bad, but I was a bit hesitant if it was ready enough.. at the same time, I have no idea when I’ll be able to complete the full thing!!;; so might as well put a portion of it out there!
I’m assuming the demo would take around 5-20 minutes to play.
You can wait to play the full thing later, or try out the demo and see how you like it!///
I wish I can make my own music for it, but I have little idea how! Instead, I spent hours collecting like 120 free-to-use tracks online. I do care a lot about game music, and I’m pretty happy with the ones I’ve collected. There’s never enough of those stuff! ‘v’)9 You too, have a beautiful day!
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yuseirra · 6 years
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Hope you all had a lovely valentine’s day!
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yuseirra · 6 years
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yuseirra · 6 years
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playtesting is fun... ;v; it’s all I’ve been doing tbh
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yuseirra · 6 years
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Merry Christmas everyone!// I finally updated my ko-fi and made new posts! Hopefully I could do that more ;v;..
I was able to receive lovely support this year and I’m eternally grateful for that!! I hope I’ll be able to make progress with my original projects/fanworks year ‘v’)/
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yuseirra · 6 years
How is your game going Yuseirra? Is the game going to be horror(like Lobotomy Corporation)?
Hello!!// thanks for asking about my game ;v;!!/// It’s exciting to have someone remember and ask me about how it’s going. I’m a bit ashamed to say there hasn’t been significant progress the past few months or so;; I worked on it a bit during the holidays but after school’s started, things have been pretty hectic; I’m sort of jumping between several projects at once There are so many things to do and so little time I SWEAR I really want to work on it, but at the same time I want to make this movie, and there’s this new fandom I got into, and I bought a new book to read, and there’s another set of exams and tests coming up, papers to write..
but I haven’t forgotten about it!! I’m sure a corner of my brain is dedicated for it by now. Just today, I tried test-playing the first half-chunk of what I’ve made so far and I found a lot of things I could improve on in terms of how things are presented and played out.. I’m not very sure how I should change it though, it’s tough.. maybe I should just focus on finishing the piece;; it’d take forever this way
and OH NONONO none of my games belong in the horror genre!! Like I said, I am very weak to horror and it’d kill me too if I had to make something scary;; but I’d like to make stories about monsters in the future :D! That sounds like a great idea!
I’m working on two games at the moment, one is this one! I drew this title image ages ago but I’m posting it now ;v;// The name of this game is “Mimalia”.
This one will have a very soft and peaceful story, involving a girl and a talking cat. It’s about.. 30-40% done and I have all the story in mind.
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I just went back and tagged my previous posts related to this project by “mimalia”, so you’ll be able to find more information about it more easily.
This game was originally intended to be a small project that’d help me get used to the program’s system ;v; but I’m getting a little greedy with it and I made a full story for it.. I wish I can finish it soon. This one is being made using rpg maker vx ace!
Another game that I’m working on is called dr alternate:
like what the name suggests, it’s HUGELY inspired by the dr franchise and involves 16 students that’s found themselves trapped in a school.
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kids like these will appear! Maybe this will be closer to being horror but I don’t know 0_0; It will not have any jumpscares or something of that sort. I also have a separate tag for this, and it’s “dr alternate”
I really haven’t made much progress with this one, and I still need to draw out all the character sprites, find music I could use..;v; etc etc 
but I’d love to make something out of this project before I die o
I will try my best..!
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and I also want to make a game with these guys in it.. I saw these characters from a dream and it was pretty cool o
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