#milo mutuals - especially milofic mutuals - please reblog to spread awareness
mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
Any fics which feature Milo as a character and look at his connection to Dan go in here. Basically, if you feel like Dan being Milo's parent makes more sense than Georgie being Milo's parent, or if you're just angsty about it. All fics don't need Dan to be a character, but all fics SHOULD have Milo in them (the collection is named Milofic for a reason, haha.)
Types of fic that can feature Milo without Dan, to meet criteria: Milo and his Aunt Jenny, Milo & Rufus, Milo & his godmother Vanessa, Milo Sparks trying to find his dad and researching Dan Humphrey, etc.
ABOUT & FAQ under the cut (or you can click on the link to go to the ao3 page with the Intro & FAQ.) 
If you're wondering WHAT this is, everything's already in the brief description. If you're wondering WHY I made this:
reboot!Milo is not my friend, you guys. I had some super specific headcanons about Milo, and from what I've heard about Reboot!Milo, he is very much not what I wanted to see. And apparently I'm not alone, based off the conversations I've been having with some of my friends & some anons on tumblr! So I figured why not have a collection for people who are still not over GG(2007)'s 4x01, 4x02, 4x03 Milo plotlines. That way, even if the Milo tag gets filled up with reboot!Milo or 'Georgie's son Milo' we have a space where we can be emotional over Dan & Milo.
Think of this as some sort of anthology, a collection of Milofic written by people who love dad!Dan. Or well, nothing so formal. But think of this collection as the common thread that links all our fics, and keeps them together. Like a designated shelf in the library for a specific genre.
Can I add my Milofic to the collection? YES. As long as it's got some kind of connection to Dan, or Humphrey family feels/ etc, you can put it in here. Any length is fine, any language is also fine. The collection is unmoderated, which means your request will be automatically approved. I will read everything, though, and if your fic does not fit what this collection is for, I will remove it. So don't put anything & everything under the sun in here, I'm checking :'))
I don't know who you are, Ivy; I don't follow you on tumblr or anything. Can I still participate? PLEASE. I'm just the person with the post-it sticky notes. You don't need to know me or be my friend to participate. Just add your work to the Milofic collection.)
Can you edit my work if I add it to the collection? No. I cannot. I can only edit your work if you add me as a co-author; and if you do send me a co-author request, unless we've discussed this before, I will reject your request because I'm not comfortable doing that without some kind of discussion, first. So rest assured, even if you add your work to a collection, it's still yours! You don't lose ownership over it at all.
I've heard that collection owners can make works Anonymous or Unrevealed. Will you do that to my work? No. Absolutely not, at any point. I wanna showcase your work so it's easy to find, I want people to find you as a writer. You have my word, I promise. That said, if you're still uncertain, or if you add your work and want to remove it later, it's very easy to remove your work from a collection. Here is how; it's the second subtopic here. If you want to remove your work from a collection, the collection owner can't stop you, to the best of my knowledge.
Why don't you just bookmark the work to the collection? When something is added to a collection, it shows under the Additional Tags when you open a work, so our Milofics will be linked that way. If someone wants to go on a Milofic binge read of Milo Humphrey fics and not Milo Sparks fics, your work will link back to the collection, right under your additional tags (so it won't take space in your work / clog up your own authors notes, etc.) Basically, remember how I said it's like a way of grouping our fics together, like an anthology or common library shelf or something? Adding it to the collection makes that common thread exist.  THAT SAID. If you're really and truly uncomfortable with having your work IN the collection & would rather it be bookmarked, that's totally valid. Feel free to let me know!
Ivy, I wanna add Milofic as you've defined it to the collection, but I liked reboot!Milo and would like to characterise him that way. That's fine! Just tag your work appropriately (put it in the Gossip Girl 2021 fandom tag, or if not applicable, add an additional tag that says "reboot!Milo characterisation" or something along those lines), since this fic collection exists for those of us who wanted to separate reboot!Milo and gg2007!Milo.
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